Bellefonte, Pa., Dec. 25, 1896. Sm Retribution Already. The Democrats elected their candidate for Mayor of Lynn, Mass.,, on Tuesday a week ago by a majority of 1,700, although Lynn gave a majority for McKinley six weeks ago. ‘“The Bryan candidate,’’ for such he is described, ‘ran on the platform of unfulfilled Republican promises.” ‘Wages had not gone up in Lynn since Mec- Kinley’s election. On the contrary, as in other parts of the country, they had gone down, the shoe manufacturers having re- duced the wage rate since they coaxed their employes into voting for the advance agent of prosperity. The Republicans in the late campaign drew heavily on the future in the way of pledges of better wages, more work and general prosperity. ‘‘Have the Demo- crats made you rich ?’’ asked McKinley, in one way or another, in his front porch speeches. ‘‘Put us in power and we will do it. We will make a tariff that will set everything booming.’’ The people voted for better wages and greater prosperity. In- stead of that McKinley's election is follow- ed by lower wages and less prosperity. Over in Blair county, in this state, which voted well nigh unanimously for the advance agent, recent bank failures have so embar- rassed the school affairs in the county that in a number of townships the schools have been suspended. That is not exactly what McKinley promised, but what the people are getting. Times in Pittsburg, meaning general business, are much worse to-day than they were the Christmas season a year ago. And so it appears to be all over the country. : The betterment held out is to lie in an extra session of Congress and next summer devoted to tariff tinkering in the interest of trusts and monopolies. We are to have McKinley prosperity by taking an impov- erished people at an increased rate on the necessities of their living. The Democrats will fight every inch of this tariff program, and will show the people the absurdity and folly of alleged relief measures devised for no other purpose than to continue the cam- paign of humbug and sham. The chances are that before a year McKinley will be forced to a bond issue to maintain the gold standard, just as Cleveland was within a year of his inauguration. McKinley accepts the Cleveland policy as to bonds.— Post. Refuse Oyster Shells. The waters of Maryland produce one- third of the total oyster supply in the world. It yields twice as many of these luscious bivalves as are grown in all for- eign countries combined. During the present century it has put on the market 400,000,000 bushels of the toothsome mol- lusks. These have sold for the enormous sum of $250,000,000. Almost all of this country is dependent for the abundance and cheapness of this edible on the supply of the Chesapeake. From here also come nearly all of the oysters used for canning. In fact the output of this industry of Mary- land is equal to one-sixth of all the fisher- ies of the United States put together. The quantity of oyster shells landed upon the shores of Maryland during the last cen- tury has been reckoned at 12,000,000 tons. Until very lately the canning firms have much trouble in getting rid of the shells, having to pay, in fact, for the removal of all they could not give away. Recently, however they have been able to sell them. They are now shipped to all parts of the country, and are utilized variously for roads, for lime and employed in making coal gas. They have also been fouhd to serve almost as well as stone in the manu- facture of special grades of iron for railway beds. Cultivators of oysters employ them, having found that they afford suitable sur- faces for young oysters to attach themselves to. They are likewise used tosome extent as chicken food. They are very good for hens, the shells of eggs being largely made by them. The trade received $25,000 in a single year for the empty shells. Old Tippecanoe. Burial Place of William Henry Harrison to be Properly Marked. The William Henry Harrison tomb at North Bend, Ind., is to be remodeled, and plans have been submitted to ex-President Harrison which call for an expenditure of $5,000. The new structure will be of roughly dressed gray bedford stone. The old tomb is on the crown of a beautifully sloping knoll, facing the Kentucky hills where they are separated by the Ohio river, run- ning a few hundred feet below. The re- “mains of more than 20 members of the il- lustrious family surround the tomb of Wil- liam Henry Harrison, close to the old log cabin, which was built in 1797. The origi- nal tomb is a mere square of brick and stone raised two feet above the ground, forming a mound. An iron door leads down into the niche where the body re- poses, but there is no marble telling the story of his achievements or tablet record- ing his glorious deeds. The body was en- tombed 56 years ago. In the proposed remodelling the interior proper will not be touched, but the outer part will present a complete change, as the front will be a concave excavation into the knoll some 50 feet wide and about the same depth, with a stone wall leading to the entrance. The door will be of bronze lattice, permitting a view of the interior. Herrmann Dead. Expired Suddenly in his Private Car From Heart Dis- ease.” The Great Magician Had Filled an Engage- ment the Night Before and was in Excellent Health. Herrman, the great magician, died very suddenly last Thursday evening in his pri- vate car on his way from Rochester, N.Y. to Bradford. Death was caused by heart disease. ‘He was a Frenchman and made his debut as a magician when only 8 years old. The little fellow perfomed such astonishing feats of legerdemain that his brother regu- larly engaged him, and young Herrmann traveled as a magician all over Europe un- til he was 14 years old. In Portugal the King decorated him, and the King of Spain made him a knight of the Order of Mach- ella. Herrmann left his brother after traval- ing 6 years with him; and then traveled by himself all over Europe and America. He amassed a great fortune, but lived high and spent a great deal of money. Herrmann had a theatre in New York for several seasons, and of late years he made New York his home. He had a hand- some summer home at White Stone, Long Island. He owned a fine steam yacht, the Fra Diavolo, in which he made many cruises in American waters. He spoke seven languages fluently and had traveled around the world thice times. He was naturalized in Boston in 1876, and leaves a widow but no children. Many Millions Starving. Death and Desolation Among Famine-Stricken Vic- | tims in India.—Efforts for their Relief.—The Em- pire Overtaken by a Calamity which Makes Beg- gars and Bandits of its People.—Feeding the Hungry. There are in round numbers about 287,- 000,000 people in India, and the recent estimates made of the number of famine- stricken sufferers has been placed as high as 40,000,000. While this vast community are not all actually suffering the pangs of hunger, it is safe to say that comparatively few of them know from day to day upon what they will subsist, and a very con- siderable proportion of the number is ac- tually suffering from the lack of food. Gangs of emaciated beggars are found on the streets in every town and village, con- stantly importuning the prosperous classes and travelers at every turn. Efforts are being made by the Govern- ment, as far as possible, to relieve the widespread distress, but so vast is the terri- tory and so numerous the victims that comparative little can be accomplished, except in the matter of temporarily miti- gating the condition of the wretched crea- tures, and thousands of them must perish for lack of food. Since the East India Company became a recognized agent in India no fewer than four great famines have racked the con- tinent from end to end, and at the present moment the Empire has been overtaken by another calamity of the same kind. In fact, as far as man can foresee, nothing can prevent an awful famine ; for, owing to the erratic course of the north and south- west monsoons, rains have failed through- out the whole continent, and, consequent- ly, the crops with them. The gravity of the situation lies in the fact that it is not one province alone that will feel the pinch; the Empire from end to end sends up the wail of famine. From Peshawur in the nothwest to Behar in the northeast comes the cry, while Bombay, Madras and the Central Provinces echo the wail. Food grains are at famine rates, and the native merchants are doing their best to keep them there. Grain rioting and the looting of hazars are reported from every side, and the professional beggars, who are now destitute, as the common working folk have no strplus with which to sup- port them, are breaking through the bounds of law and order. At every pub- lic place—railway stations, law Courts and the like—crowds of these emaciated and partially clothed beggars, starving and diseased, waylay and mob those Europeans or well-to-do natives from whom they can hope to extract a copper or two. At the railway stations the scene is heartrending, and it is only by their having been long inured to hardship that these poor beings can keep body and sou! together. rem md Tours to Florida. No district in America presents, during the Winter season, so many varied at- tractions as the State of Florida. Besides its climate, which to one escaping from the cold and unhealthful changes of the North, seems almost etheral, it is pre-eminently a land of sport and pleasure. Along its eleven hundred miles of salt water coast and in its twelve hundred fresh water lakes are fish of every conceivable variety, from the migratory tribes common to Northern waters to the tarpon, pompano and others of a more tropical character. . Nowhere in all our broad land can the angler find a greater variety of game or better sport. Here also the most enthusiatic hunter finds satiety. Deer, turkeys, panthers and wild cats roam at large through the more sparsely settled regions, while birds of all kinds may be found in abundance through- out the State. The more novel sport of alligator and manatee hunting may also be indulged in by the more adventurous tourist. With its matchless climate, its orange groves, its rivers and lakes, its boating and bathing, its fishing and hnnting, and its extensive forests, Florida presents unri- valed attractions for the valetudinarian, the lover of nature, the sportsman and the explorer. To this attractive State the Pennsylvania railroad company has arranged four person- ally conducted tours during the season of 1897, leaving by special train, January 26th, February 9th and 23rd, and March 9th. The first three tours will admit of a so- journ of two weeks iu this delightful land ; tickets for the fourth tour will be valid to return until May 31st by regular trains. Rates for the round trip, $50.00 from New York, $48.00 from Philadelphia, and pro- portionate rates from other points. For tickets, itineraries, and other infor- mation, apply to ticket agents, special book- ing offices, or address Geo. W. Boyd, assist- ant general passenger agent, Broad street station, Philadelphia. 41-50-4t Three Lynched. Two Brothers Strung Upto a Tree, While a Third Is Shot.—The Story of a Crime.—How Doc. Crafton was Stabbed in a Fight Over a Game of Cards. Three brothers by the name of Proctor were lynched at Russellville, Ky., Friday. Two were hung and the third one shot down while cursing the mob. Swaying to and fro in the breeze from a cedar tree half a mile south of Russellville, Ky., are the bodies of Dink and Arch Proctor, and ly- ing in the county jail is the body of Will Proctor, half brother to Dink. A mob visited the county jail, and after battering down the front door and forcing the jailer to give up the keys, went to the cells for the Proctors. The oldest, Will Proctor, cursed the mob and was shot dead in his cell. The other two were taken out and hanged. The cause of the trouble was the double killing on the night of October 14th, when Aaron and Dr. Crafton were stabbed in Adairville, twelve miles from Russellville The party had been engaged in a game of cards, and a difficulty arose. It was settled, as some thought, but at the midnight hour, when the Proctors were helping the Craftons off, another quarrel arose, and Aaron Crafton was stabbed to death, and Dr. Crafton received what proved to be a fatal wound. The Proctors a week ago had their ex- amining trial, charged with the murder of Aaron Crafton, and Dink and Bill, half- brothers were acquitted, and Arch held over under bond of $2000. Their ex- amining trial for the killing of Dr. Crafton was set for to-day, and it is supposed that the releasing of Bill and Dink on the former charge, precipitated the trouble. Five times before has Bill Proctor been tried for his life and each time he has been acquitted. It is said that he has been con- nected directly or indirectly with fifteen killings in the section. Bill Proctor has been regarded as the shrewdest criminal the county has ever known. No tears were shed, as the Proctors have been the terror of the county for years. rr ns —————— ——Stammering is almost unknown among savage tribes. FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN" Don’t, if you have neglected to remem- ber a friend, wound her pride by sending a New Year’s gift in exchange for her Christ- mas present. The motive is too apparent. Teach the girls self-control. The on- slaught of a mouse is not really more dan- gerous to a girl than to her brother, says an exchange, yet even a very small boy will be covered with shame if taunted with being afraid of one, while his older sister will often run as if a dragon were after her. When the same boy hurts himself, to call him a ‘‘cry-baby’”’ will rouse him to wrath, while the girl is encouraged to weep freely over a scratch. Tears, by-the-way, are largely a matter of habit, unless they come from sore trouble, when they discredit neither man nor woman. But if they are only an expression of pain or vexation, they can usually be controlled, and al- though traditionally powerful as a weapon against the enemy, man, there is none which loses its edge so soon. A mother can do her little daughter no greater service than by checking her gently when she cries, and praising her when she shows courage, nor need there be any fear that such a girl will grow up any less womanly becanse she has learned to control her emotions. Fair reader, is your pin money limited, and your desire to be in the top notch of style unlimited? The two are not, as they seem at first glance, quite incompati- ble and irreconcilable. The solution of the enigma is to give special attention to the little accessories of your toilet. By those dainty details are ye known! Not, by the way, by the elegant trifles, such as the jeweled purse, the impertinent gem- studded lorgenette, or the costly-fan, but rather by the little things which mark the gentlewoman—Ilittle things which appear unimportant to the stupid woman, but which her clever sister regards as the alpha and omega of a well-dressed woman—trifles all, to be sure, but trifles which make or mar a toilet, whether it be the simplest or the most elaborate. Take, for example, the collar or stock. I have seen a soiled ribbon at the throat spoil the entire effect of an otherwise per- fect toilette, and I havs seen a stock of bright plaid ribbon redeem a positively shabby gown and give its chic wearer an air of indescribable daintiness. The unforgivable offense in the ethics of the fastidious woman is the wearing of finery which has lost its first freshness— which is not, in a word, above suspicion. Better a gown of coarsest serge and a white linen collar than the most elaborate crea- tion of silk and chiffon that has the faint- est reproach of tawdiness. And then a woman’s shoes! How im- portant are they in her make-up! A neat silk stocking, and, let us say, a bronze or beaded slipper, will go further to reduce somebody—no matter whom—to a state of desirable subjugation than the biggest sleeves or the most stunning house-gown. ever fashioned by the hand of the cleverest modiste. : Full stocks are fast becoming passe, woman’s gowns ‘are now finished with a straight collar without a bow, loop or decoration. If there is any sign of moldiness about the kitchen, pantry or cellar,-or wherever food is kept, it is of special importance to watch such places, and keep them well aired and fresh and clean. Mold is a plant that must be killed when it once gainsa headway, and sulphur, is the best material to use for this ‘‘killing,” as well as fora preventive. Shut up the cellar, or kitchen (or whatever is to be fumigated) perfectly tight. Set an iron pot or kettle in a pan of water, so that there will be no danger from fire, set this kettle in the centre of the moldy apartment, with a quantity of live coals in the bottom, then quickly pour half a pound of sulphur over the coals, and leave the room as quickly as possible, be- fore breathing the fumes ; then leave the room closed until every nook and corner has heen fumigated. Don’t write your letters or notes in par- agraphs ; write continuously. Don’t leave a margin at either side of the page ; this is schoolgirlish and obsolete. Don’t put the date at the upper right hand corner ; put it at the lower left hand corner, at the end of the letter, and write it all out ; have no figures at all in very formal notes, but in the informal one the year in figures is permissible, but the day of the month, never. Don’t write a very formal note in the first person ; always in the third. Don’t have any heading or signature to a note in the third person. Don’t ever sign your name prefixed by Miss or Mrs. That is your title, not your name, and itis very unrefined to do so. When it is necessary in a business com- munication for your title to be known put it in parentheses, a little to the left of your name, so : (Miss) Alice Brown. Don’t ever let a careless letter leave your hand. Strive to be bright and chatty in your style ; but, failing this, you can at {east be neat and particular. Don’t think ‘‘My Dear’ So and So be- tokens familiarity of affection. This is the prescribed form of address in formal notes to mere acquaintances as well as to your nearest and dearest. Of course, pure- ly business epistles are commenced Dear Sir, preceded by the name and address. Don’t sign letters of friendship or social notes with truly or respectfully—sincerely or cordially is considered much better form, and can be preceded by very or most, if preferred. Don’t have a long envelope with the sheet folded twice if you wish to be cor- rect. A square envelope with the sheet doubled in half is the proper vogue. Don’t have the address or monogram put in the upper right-hand corner ; good form prescribes it shall be in the centre of the page. Don’t write on each side of the sheet one after the other ; use the front sheet first, the back next, and then, if necessary, the other side of the front sheet,, writing cross- wise from bottom to top, and so on down, filling both sheets inside. This is con- sidered to be the nicest way among the nice people. Very few persons can distinguish a good turkey from an inferior one. They usually seleut the largest one in stock, and the larger it is the better they are suited. They often judge the fowls by the redness of the head, deeming a bright-colored head the unfailing sign of a vigorous and tender bird. : The dealer who has spent a lifetime in the poultry trade will not depend on such a'sign. He places his finger on the back end of the breastbone of the turkey and tries to bend the bone sideways. If the bone is pliable he knows that'a young bird is under his hand, while a hardened bone isa sign that the turkey is of mature age. Agricultural Education in Pennsylvania. In an address before the State Grange, at its meeting in Altoona, upon ‘‘Agricultural Education in Pennsylvania,”” Dr. H. P. Armshy, Dean of the School of Agriculture of the Pennsylvania State College, after alluding to the magnitude of the agricul- tural interests of the State and the ad- vantages, both material and social, which would result from a better education of the farmer, urged that while these facts were always true, they are especially true now. The competition resulting from cheap transportation has resulted in a de- pressed condition of agriculture and only the farmer who, with scientific knowledge and practical skill, can adapt his methods to the changed conditions can hope to suc- ceed. A summary was given of what the State is doing to help the farmer in this direction through the Farmer’s Institutes and especially through the School of Agri- culture of the State College. The annual appropriations for the work of the latter institution for the last six years have amounted to only one and one-tenth cents for each farm in the State or the equivalent of a-tax of two one-thousandths of a mill on the agricultural valuation of the State. Of the total appropriations made by the Legislature of 1895, but thirteen hun- dredths of one per cent was for agricultural education, and but fifty-three thousandths of one per cent for the School of Agricul- ture, which is the recognized agent of the State for the systematic technical education of farmers and the only institution for agricultural education in the State. ‘While the speaker was careful to say that these facts do not necessarily show that agricultural education has been neglected by the State, it was urged that, in view of the special importance of this subject at the present time, the State should make ample provision for the education of the farmer in those subjects directly related to his call- ing. ; At the close of the address, resolutions commending the work of the School of Ag- riculture and favoring liberal appropria- tions for its support were unanimously adopted. Tours to California. California has been most fittingly termed the ‘‘Italy of America.”” All the delicious balm, the cloudless sky, and the rich ver- dure of the great European ‘peninsula are duplicated in this sunny land of the Pacific. Here nature basks in the sunshine of her own beauty ; and here she has established her own sanitarium, where eternal spring inspires everlasting youth. With the snow-mantled peaks of the Sierras upon the one hand, the calm Pacific with its soft breeze: upon the other, and a veritable paradise of flowers, fruits, and plants be- tween, man can find and needs no lovelier land. To visit such a country is a privi- lege, a blessing. The Pennsylvania railroad company, recognizing the need of a more comfortable and pleasant way of crossing the continent, inaugurated a series of annual tours to California, running a through train of Pull- man ‘palace cars from New York to the Pacific coast, and stopping at the principal points of interest en route. The great popu- larity of these tours demonstrates the wis- dom of the movement. For the season of 1897 three tours have been arranged to leave New York, Phil- adelphia, and Pittsburg, January 27th, February 24th, and March 27th. The first tour will run direct to San Diego via St. Louis and the Santa Fe Route, and return from San Francisco via Salt Lake City, Denver, and Chicago, al- lowing five weeks in California. The second tour will run via the Mam- moth Cave and New Orleans to San Diego, stopping at the ‘‘Crescent City’’ during the Mardi Gras Carnival. This tour will re- turn via Salt Lake City, Denver, Omaha, and Chicago, allowing four weeks in Cali- fornia. ” The third tour will run via Chicago, Denver and Salt Lake City, allowing pas- sengers to return by regular trains via dif- ferent routes within nine months. All of these tours, either going or re- turning, will pass through the famous Colorado region, Glenwood Springs, Lead- ville, and the Garden of the Gods. Rates from all points on the Pennsyl- vania railroad system east of Pittsburg : First tour, $310; second tour, $350 ; third tour, $210 round trip, and $150 one way. For detailed itineraries and other infor- mation, apply at ticket agencies, special booking offices or address George W. Boyd, assistant general passenger agent, Broad street station, Philadelphia. 41-48-1m. Reduced Rates to Washington on Ac- count of the Inauguration via Pennsylvania Railroad. For the benefit of those who desire to at- tend the ceremonies incident to the in- auguration of President-elect McKinley, the Pennsylvania railroad company will sell tickets to Washington March 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th, valid to return from March 4th to 8th, at the following rates : From New York, $8.00; Philadelphia, $5.40; Baltimore, $1.60 ; Harrisburg, $5.06 ; Williamsport, $8.79 ; Buffalo, $11.20 ; Rochester, $10.48 ; Altoona and Pittsburg, $10.00 ; and from all other stations on the Pennsylvania sys- tem at reduced rates. This inauguration will be a most interest- ing event, and will undoubtedly attract a large number of people from every section of the country. The magnificent faculties of the Penn- sylvania railroad make this line the favor- ite route to the national capital at all times, and its enormous equipment and splendid terminal advantages at Washington make it especially popular on such occasions. 41-49- 2m. Don’t express dissatisfaction with a gift, no matter how great your disappointment. Remember that the message of Christmas is peace on earth. Don’t above all things ask the giver whether you may exchange her gift. If you are guilty of such mean- ness take no one -into your confidence but the poor exchange clerk. After a long and luxurious yawn one morning a Westwood, Mich., man couldn’t close his mouth. His jaw had been dislo- cated. He was so frightened that since it was set he doesn’t dare even to smile broadly. F Rheumatism is caused by lactic acid in the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla neutral- izes this acid and cures rheumatism. ——The first five Presidents had no mid- dle name, and when McKinley is inaugu- rated he will be the seventeenth president without one. The list includes George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jeffer- son, James Madison, James Monroe, An- drew Jackson, Martin VanBuren, John Ty- ler, Zachary Taylor, Millard Filmore, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Abra- ham Lingoln, Andrew Johnson,; Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison and William McKinley. : ——1If Ananias looks up upon the affairs of the world he will wonder why it went so hard with him and so many Cuban war correspondents escape.—Atlanta Journal. — Subscribe for the WATCHMAN. Business Notice. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. New Advertisements. ANTED — SEVERAL FAITHFUL Y men or women to travel for responsible es- tablished house in Pennsylvania. alary $780- payable $15 weekly and expenses. Position per, manent. Reference. Enclose self-addresse stamped envelope. The National, Star Building, Chicago. 41-39-4m. DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. — Let- ters of administration on the estate of Samuel Brickley deceased late of Howard borough, having been granted to the undersigned he re- quests all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make payment and those having claims against the same to present them duly au- thenticated for settlement. ORVIS W. BRICKLEY, 41-49-6t. oward, Pa. ue SUN. The first of American Newspapers, CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. The American Constitution, the American Idea, the American Spirit. These first, last, and all the time, forever. Daily, by mail - 26 a year. Daily and Sunday, by mail 88 a year, THE SUNDAY SUN. IS THE GREATEST IN THE WORLD. Price 5c. a copy. By mail, $2 a year. 41-50-4t. Address THE SUN, New York. Castoria. (CHILDREN 0 CRY——o 4 85 T 0 BB © A cC A 8B T 0 BB Y A C A 8 T 0 BR I A c A 5 T 0 Bit A C A 8 T 0 B ¥ A CCc¢ CASTORIA DESTROYS WORMS, ALLAYS FEVERISHNESS, CURES DIARRHEA AND WIND COLIC, RELIEVES TEETHING TROUB- LES AND CURES CONSTIPATION AND FLAT- ULENCY. CASTORIA FOR INFANTS AND CHILDREN. Do not be imposed upon, but insist upon hav- ing Castoria, and see that the fac- simile signature of ison tho wrapper. We shall protect ourselves and the public at all hazards. THE CENTAUR CO. 77 Murray St., N. Y. reams CHAS. H. FLETCHER. 41-15-1m SUNDAY NEWSPAPER New Advertisements. ANTED.—Good homes for two boys, aged six and eight years. Also twins— boy and girl, aged eleven years. Apply to MRS. H Tr KURTZ, Pres. of Children’s Aid Society, Bellefonte, Pa. XECUTOR’S NOTICE. — Letters tes- tamentary on the estate of the late Philip W. Barnhart, of Boggs township, Centre county, Pa,, having been granted the undersigned they request all parties knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate settlement and those faving claims to present same, properly authenticated, for payment. Address Bellefonte, Pa. H. O. BARNHART, J. K. BARNHART, 41-47-6t Admins. HERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, Pa., and to me directed, will be sold at public sale at the court house, in Bellefonte, Pa. SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1897. at 10:30 o'clock a. m. the following real estate : All that certain messuage or tract of land sit- uate in Taylor township, Centre county, Pa., bounded on the north by land of Christian Buck and John Van Pool’s heirs, on the south by land of James Walk and Leonard Merryman, on thé east by land of William McCoy and on the west by land of C. Mitchell, containing 140 acres more or less. Being the same premises which John Emigh and wife by their deed dated the 18th of Dec. A. D. 1896, and recorded in deed book K, No. 2, page 372 etc., granted and conveyed tunto Wm. Merryman. Thereon erected a two story i frame dwelling house, bank barn and outbuildings. sm Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Wm. H. Thomas. TerMs—No deed will be acknowledged until pur- chase money is paid in full. Sheriff's Office, JOHN P. CONDO, Bellefonte, Pa., Dec. 15, 1896. Sheriff, 41-50-3t HERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the court house, in the borough of Bellefonte, Pa., on SATURDAY, DEC. 19th, 1896. at 10:30, o'clock a. m., the following real estate : All that certain messuage or tenement and tract of land situate, lying and being in the Boro. of Philipsburg, county of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows to wit: Beginning at a point on the north line of Pine street 101 feet south 60° west of N. W. corner of Pine and Front streets, said point being locat- ed by an iron pin being driven into the ground and being the point where the west line of a pri- vate eleven foot alley intersects or cuts the north line of Pine street, south 60° west 84.35 feet to an iron pin, said pin being the southwest corner of. this lot and the point where the east line of a pub- lic alley cuts the north line of Pine street, thence along the line of said public alley north 30° W 43.67 feet to an iron pin, thence further along the same north 21°23’ W 50.55 feet to an iron pin, thence further along the same north 20° 29’ east 42.31 feet to a point on the south side of the pub- lic alley between these premises and property of I. 0. O. F., thence along the last mentioned alley north 60° east 44.2 feet to a point on the west line of a private alley between these premises and lands owned by L. C. Brinton and others, thence along the west line of said private alley south 30° east 120.45 feet to an iron pin on the north line of Pine street and place of beginning Thereon erected a large two story frame building and a two story brick addition, stable, ice house and other outbuildings, known as the Hotel Continental. Seized, ‘taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Tattersall Ingham. Terms—No deed will be acknowledged until pur- chase money is paid in full. Sheriff’s Office, Bellefonte, Dec. 1st, 1896. {ysprrance NO. 1.— ENTITLED, AN ORDINANCE. To authorize the CENTRAL PENNA. TELE- PHONE AND SUPPLY COMPANY to erect and maintain poles for telephone lines in the borough of State College, Centre county, Pennsylvania. Wnereas, The Central Penna. Telephone and Seoply Company has aphid to the authorities of the Borough of State College, Penna., for permis- sion to erect poles and run wires on the same, over or under the streets, lanes and alleys of said borough as provided by the 4th section of an act entitled, “An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations’ as amend- ed by an act ovad 25th June, 1885. THEREFORE be it ordained and enacted; the Town Council of the Borough of State College College, Penna., and it is hereby ordained and enact- cd by the authority of the same. Section 1. That the Central Penna. Telephone and Supply Company, its successors or assigns, its or their agents, servants and employees are per- mitted to erect and maintain in the streets, lanes and alleys of the borough of State College, Penna. and over or under the same, a line or lines of poles and wires, with all such necessary and usual fixtures therefore as may be necessary for the successful prosecution of a telephone or signal business by means of electricity. Section 2. That the polls shall be reasonably straight and with the fixtures so to be erected shall be put in a safe and substantial manner and shall be as neat in appearance as may be and shall be located by the street committee or the street commissioner under their direction in such manner as notto obstruct said streets, lanes and Afles in their ordinary and customary use and shall be erected, maintained and cared for at the cost and a of said company. Section 3. That said Telephone Company shall, at such time as it may be requested, by resolution of Council, provide, place and maintain in the office of the Burgess or other designated official of the borough, a telephone connection, the use of which telephone shall be restricted, free of charge, to the official business of said borough, within its Telephone Exchange District. Ordained and enacted into an ordinance this fifteenth (15) day of October, A. D., 1896. GEO. C. i JOHN P. CONDO Sheriff. Attest : President of the Council. L. RAY MORGAN, Clerk. Approved this first day of December, A. D. 1896. THEO. S. CHRIST, Burgess. SASSI 41-49-3t Schomacker Piano. Qepoyacxy> THE RECOGNIZED t STANDARD PIANO OF THE WORLD, ESTABLISIIED 1838. SOLD TO EVERY PART OF THE GLOBL. PREFERRED BY ALL THE LEADING ARTISTS. THE GOLD STRINGS Pianos. 41-14 Emit a purer sympathetic tone, proof against atmospheric action extraordinary power and durability with great beauty and even- ness of touch. Pre-eminently the best and most highly improved instrument now manufactured in this or any other country in the world. ——HIGHEST HONOR EVER ACCORDED ANY MAKER—— UNANIMOUS VERDICT. 1851—Jury Group, International Exposition—1876, for Grand, Square, and Upright “Illustrated catalogue mailed on application SCHOMACKER PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURING CO., WARERGOMS: 1109 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. 12 East Sixteenth Street, New York. 145 and 147 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. 1015 Olive Street, St. Louis. Miss S. OHNMACHT, Agent, BELLEFONTE, PA.