THE BEAUTIFUL STAR. The wise men came out of the east, Following the beautiful star, And the camels they rode Were weighed down with their load Of spices and gold from afar. They came to Jerusalem'’s gate, And a message to Herod dispatched Saying, ‘‘Tell us the news Of the King of the Jews, : Whose wonderful birth star we've watched.” King Herod sprang up in alarm, And the seventy summoned at morn, And demanded of tiem. «(0 King, Bethlehem," They replied, ‘is where Christ shall be born.” BILL'S CHRISTMAS. Half way up the slope of the moun- tain, at the edge of the timber line, was a forlorn group of cabins, perhaps a dozen in all, grouped around a some- what larger shanty, called by courtesy a ‘‘hotel.” In truth, it was the ever present whisky dive, carrying as a mat- ter of accommodation a side lino of such absolutely necessary articles as the primitive character cf living in those solitude called for, and rejoicing in a spare room for the uso of a chance pros- pector. Business in any of its branches was not brisk in the winter time. All but three or four of the cabins were empty then, and the population was shifting ard uncertain at any time of year. But Black Pete and his half breed wife tranquilly held on their way, while prospectors came and went, find- ing their ‘‘hotel’”’ a surer source of in- come than running frantic races after fortune. and around them was supposed to be rich in ore of various kinds, but of all the desperate, feverish men who climb- ed those lonely heights in search of the secrets locked in nature’s calm bosom few had any luck. Once in awhile a shallow vein of silver had been struck, but not excugh to justify sinking a shaft. They had kept coming, however, refusing to believe that the abundant signs of mineral wealth which Dame Naturo cunningly spread on every side could mean nothing. And luck had tarned at last. Two men, partners, had in the late fall lo- cated a rich vein and staked out a con- siderable claim. They had begun work on it, but finally decided to wait till spring before going farther. The camp all agreed that the find was a sure thing this time, and tho stream of men hop- ing to find similar luck had given Black Peto a great run of custom till winter set in. In one of tho cutmesi cabins a man stcod in his open dcor gazing forth in- to the thick yellow gloom of the Decem- ber twilight. He was rather slight in build, thin and discontented looking. His light brown beard was cropped rath- er short, and his blue eyes held a world of sadness. He gazed moodily down the white, still side of the mountain and shuddered as the soughing of the pines wailed in his ears. Then he banged the «door and stormed angrily to himself, kicking over the few articles of furni- ture in the room. The quiet was exas- perating. ¢“I shall go stark mad in this hateful hole. Christmas! Heavens! And a man can’t escape from it. If I could make myself believe it was any other day! If I could dio just now, which I can’t— I'd as soon bo in purgatory as here. I won’t stay here. Better that drunken, gambling mob dowr at the station. It don’t matter much; I ain’t got anything left to be decent for.”’ He bowed his head, with asharp groan, as he said this, but a moment later he was pulling on his fur coat and leggings, and his face carried its usual half sad, half defiant expression. Silent Bill his limited circle of ac- quaintances called him. He was not really popular among the rough set that assembled at Black Pete’s. But, on the other hand, he was not disliked. He ‘didn’t put on airs,’”’ and it was his own business what he was or where he came from, according to the unwritten etiquette of the west, where a man has a right to tell his name or not, as suits him. It was even possible that he might be an escaped convict, but that, too, was his own business. But little as Si- lent Bill liked his companions in soli- tude in return, it was deadly dull when most of them left in tho winter for more lively places. Even his ‘‘pard’’ was gone. To ke sure, he had urged Silent Bill to accompany him when ho set out for Denver, but the effort was of no avail. ‘“Ye'll be a stark luny by spring, Bill,” he protested. ““I hope 80,’’ was the grim reply. But a fortnight of loneliness had made him desperate. It gave him too much time to think, and he felt that any company was preferable to this maddening si- lence. : ‘“Whar yc p’inting fur?’ called Black Pete as he halted a moment at the hotel. ‘‘Goodby, Pete,’ smile. ‘‘You're too still here. for the station.’”’ Pete’s face fell. more customer gone. ‘I'll be back in a few days. Hello, Mrs. Pete!” as the woman stuck her head out of the door, disappointment in her little, beady, black eyes. ‘‘Take a Christmas present, won’t you? I shan’t be back in time to bring you one.’’ He tossed a goldpiece toward her, and as she caught it her sullen expression changed to a hideous grin of delight. Silent Bill struck a foot trail straight down through the underbrush and rocks. It was nearcr to the station than by the half broken road over which Black Pete hauled his supplies. And while he went swiftly on his way in the fast falling night, filled with unutterable thoughts of rebellion and bitterness, a nonde- script vehicle, tugged by two sullen bronchos, was toiling up that snow choked road, bearing Christmas and paradise to him, and he knew it not. The heavy wheels creaked and groaned through the snow, and the driver used he said with a I’m off One The ground under their feet, explotives as freely as he dared, consid- ering his freight, for beside a great trunk which served him for a seat there gat on a packing box, well wrapped in furs, a young, beautiful and well dress- ed woman, holding close in her arms a 2-year-old ‘boy. The like cf them had never astonished the vicinity before. Therefore Bob Mahaffy drew sparingly on his vocabulary and cracked his whip with unusual force to explain his mean- ing to the bronchos. Once in a while a sleepy, cross little wail broke on his ears, and, to save him, he could not help turning sideways to catch a glimpse of a little yellow head cuddled to its mother’s breast. The lady did not speak during the entire ride. Her face was very pale and rigid when at last they stopped at the “hotel.” Through the open door, as Pete hurried out, came a blur of light and a wrangle of voices. It was aston- ishing how much noise the fow worthies who frequented Black Pete’s could make, perhaps to defy the eternal still- ness of the mountain. The lady shrank back with an added pallor, yet in her eyes shone dauntless courage. ‘‘Whar’s Silent Bill?’ shouted the driver. ¢‘Roosts down in the last shanty, but he’s p’inted fer the station to hev his Christmas with ther boys. Jes’ gone.”’ ¢‘Oh, when will he come back?'’ ask- ed the lady, with a breathless gasp. Pete started. He had not made out the pas- sengers before, though he had been vain- ly peering into the darkness. His husky voice took on, or tried to, a softer tone, and he came eagerly to the edge of the sleigh. ‘‘He’ll be in town in a few days, ma’am. No—blame it—he’ll be hyar at onct. Bob kin go right back and tell ’im. Air ye lookin fer ’im, ma’am?’’ ‘‘I am his wife,”’ she said faintly. ‘‘No! He know ye was comin?’ “No. ” > ‘Waal, that’s too darn bad. But you jes’ come right in, an we’ll have ’im hyar ‘fore ye wake up in the mornin.’’ She half rose in the wagen and then sank back, overcome by a fainting sen- sation. How long—how much longer, could she be brave? She fought down her weakness in the moment of silence and girded up her weary nerves to enter that noisome room. But before she reached the door the noise was hushed, and she passed, with her baby, through the startled group like an apparition of tho Madonna and the Child. Every head was stretched out to catch a glimpse of the sleeping baby. Even Mrs. Pete’s hard face softened as she took him in her arms, and she bustled about in her heavy fashion to make thcm comfort- able. The lady revived somewhat after a cup of coffec and the kindly mcant if somewhat rough hospitality and as soon as possible went to bed. Meanwhile the group in the barroom were quenching their thirst and their curiosity at the same time, for Bob Mahaffy staid for refreshments, and indced staid so long that he was in no condition to drive back that night, and so staid till morning. And he gave minute details of the landing of the lady and child at the station, all of which was welcome as ehade in the des- ert to the news starved loungers. Above in the little attic room Mrs. John Allison dropped to sleep after a long struggle with disappointment and nervousness. The sun was already high in the winter sky when she awoke. She was sad, but still her own brave self again, and quivering with the hope that her long, weary search would be ended today. After a hasty breakfast she left the baby, still sleeping, with the half breed woman and asked Black Pete to show her the way to Silent Bill’s cabin. The crisp, bright air raised her spirits and did her good, and she forgot to be shy of Pete, who was agonizing in his endeavors to be civilized and polite. Her plans were scon matured and in operation. Action was imperative now or she could not stand the suspense; so Mrs. Pete and a man from the hotel set to work under her orders. The heavy box contained some materials for the renovation, which, though meager, were riches to her now. She had known some- thing of the condition of things which she should be likely to find and had done the best she could to prepare for it. It was an astonished cabin, that hard- ly knew itself, late that afternoon. When all was done, the kindly helpers had left her, at her own request, and she gave one more comprehensive look about, well pleased with the -result. First it was clean. That was the most astonishing thing. She had brought a quantity of pretty chintz and red calico. The bed, made of pine posts, was cur- tained off from the room. She had made inroads into Pete’s stock of baled hay for ticks and pillows, and her box had furnished linen and quilts. The hard bunk had been draped with chintz and made into the softest couch for baby that the means at hand could provide. A rude but artistic mantel over the fire- place held some pictures and a little clock, ticking away as cheerily as in the | New England home from which it came. There was a broad, red lounge with cush- ions in one corner and a big armchair— a wonder of contrivance, with calico concealing its dry goods box origin. Other boxes bloomed forth as cupboards and bookcase. The old table was cover- ed with a crimson spread and had a hanging lamp above it. There were shades and white curtains at the win- dows. The floor was scoured and had rugs laid down, some of bearskins and some that she had brought with her. She had obtained a number of bright hued blankets of Pete, with which she had draped the rude walls wherever pos- sible, and pine boughs and sprigs of ev- ergreen were everywhere in honor of the Christmas she Lad come so far to keep. There were books and papers in plenty. Her cupboard had an abundance of food in it, and to the eyes of the admiring inhabitants at Black Pete’s the place wus a bower of luxury. But when at last she was alone the sickening fear which had dogged her all day overcame her, for Jack had not come. What if he did not want to see her What depths of shame and anguish had not been opened to her? ‘Then her eyes fell on a small wooden box, still unpacked, which she had brought with her. She broke into hys- terical langhter. What a fond fool she had been, for in that box was a Christ- mas turkey, ready roasted, which she had bought the day befere in Denver! What crazy ideas had filled her brain that she could descend on him with peace and plenty, just as if he were ex- pecting her! ‘Forgiveness in one hand and a turkey in the other,” she cried between her bursts of laughter. Then the anguish of the whole thing was borne in cn her again, and she turned from her laughter to sobs till the baby pulled at her dress in alarm and added his wail to hers, She caught the boy in her arms—the hry he had never seen. Surely his heart could not hold out against his son. “Never mind, baby darling,”’ she cried softly; ‘‘he’s got to come some time, and we'll have everything ready for him so.”’ She unpacked the turkey and put it in a cold place. The baby eyes followed it longingly, and ever and anon he piped out: “ Mamma, div boy some schicken.’', ‘Tomorrow, tomorrow, boy,’’ she an- swers gayly, for she can’t bear to see his face, her only sun, cloud over. She diverts him at last, though he is hun- gry and sleepy, and—1last touch of satire —hangs up his stocking. It had been part of her plan. How she lived through that long lone- ly evening she never could realize after- ward. It seemed as if the concentrated misery of almost three years rent and crushed her soul as she sat there before the fire waiting. It grew to be 9 o’clock —10—11. And «still she sat and listened —Ilistened, fearing not the strange and unaccustomed sounds about her, but lis- tening ever for a step at the door. Half past 11. She had fallen into a doze, when there was a sound, and she sprang from her chair, * * * * * * Down at the station Silent Bill had passed a day utterly revolting to his tenacious better nature. It was a small town and more brutally degraded than most of the camps of the west. People who expected any good never came there. A missionary had tried it once or twice and had been obliged to leave, sadly, with no goed accomplished that he could see. When Silent Bill had reached there, he had felt a deliberate, reckless long- ing to efface himself as the man he had known. He almost felt that in coming there he had entered into sgme compact with the devil, but he could not throw off the training and traditions of his life in a day. Misfortune, not crime, had made him a wanderer on the face of the earth, and, in the midst of the debauchery in which he had placed him- self, his conscience and tastes uttered continual protest. Before morning dawn- ed he had lost in gambling every cent of the $300 which he had brought with him. He never left the table at which he first seated himself till it was gone. He did not greatly care whether he won or not. He was playing for the fierce fever of the game and stimulated his interest by hard drinking. He was not used to this, and never knew how he got to bed, or whether he had lost his money fairly or had it stolen from him. But when he woke late next morning his whole soul was protesting against his degradation. He could not endure it, and as soon as he could he drank more whisky. He had no trouble in get- ting trusted. Was he not the man who had discovered the Poor Man’s Luck? And before night he had won back half as much money as he had lost. He did not lose his head again. He did not ‘mean to. He drank only enough to kecp his odious conscience from stinging him too deeply. : And all this time Bob Mahaffy was lying unconscious in the corner of a sa- loon, his message untold. And up the mountain, in the lonely cabin, a woman was eating her heart out with anxiety and fear. It was night again, the night before Christmas, when Mahaffy emerged from his corner and partially from his stu- por. And finally he ran against Silent Bill in the shadow of a building. As he righted himself after the collision he stood and stared at Silent Bill. “D——d poor taste,’’ he said at last thickly, ‘‘when a man’s got pretty wife waitin fer ’im to home. Why doncha go home?’’ Silent Bill looked at Bob fiercely, with his hands clinched and the veins standing ont on his face. “You brute, how dare you speak like that to me? What d’ye mean?”’ Mabhaffy slid back a couple of steps and tried to assume an air of dignity. “Be’r look out, Bill, 'n not trifle wi’ me. Mean wha' say. Why doncha go home? I jes’ gobback. Pete tol me t’ tell ye.”’ Something in his tipsy gravity sober- ed Bill a little. He seized the other by his shoulders and shook him. “If you don’t tell me what you mean,’’ he said sternly, ‘I'll choke your d——d breath out.”” Mahaffy tried to strike him, but did not succeed. “Go home to yer wife,’”’ he snarled. ‘‘She’s to Pete's. I took her. Now lem- me lone. ’’ : . * * * #* * * John Allison turned as if he were shot and plunged on his homeward way. There ig no other word for it. He only half believed Mahaffy. He asked him- self why he should hurry to meet the woman who had not trusted him, who had not cared to write the few words which would have held them together? He kept muttering that there was uo hurry about it. If she was there, she could wait. He had waited. It was late in the day to come to him now. And all the time he was fleeing as if for his life up the rough mountain side. He reached the camp at last, near his | old cabin, and dropped exhausted on the | snow for a few moments. He was afraid now that she was not there, and mixed | swith that fear was an intolerable sense | that if she were he could not forgive China Hall. China Hall. WILKINSON'S CHINA HALL. LARGER 1 FINER DAINTIER than ever is our Stock of China Ware. COMPLETER CHEAPER We have some elegant selections for the Holiday Season. Just What You Want for a Christmas Present. Come and see the finest display in Centre county. 41-49 her at sight for her fancied fault. Strange that he could cherish bitterness at such a moment, when paradise was opening to him, but in spite of his effort to smother it the grievance of years would not down. ‘¢‘At Pete’s,”’ Mahaffy had said. He would go to the cabin first and rest and consider. His haste had changed to a nervous timidity. The shaded windows still gave a hint of light within, but he did not notice it. He flung open the door and as it closed bchind him stag- gered up against it. What dream, what vision of a maddened brain was this? The hovel which he had left, dark and mean and desolate, was changed into a home. The blazing logs in the fireplace sent out a glow that brightened every corner of the room. The bits of crimson color, the books, the comfort, the Christ- mas greens, and, ah, the little figure in the red armchair by the fire that starts up in alarm and then springs toward him with arms outstretched—it is not a dream. She cannot speak at first. She waits to hear his voice, but his look chills her, and her arms drop. ‘‘Jack,’’ she murmured at last desper- ately, ‘‘aren’t you glad tosee me? Don’$ you care for me any more?’’ He takes a step toward her. “This is an unexpected pleasure,’’ he says huskily, yet with a chilling inflec- tion. you to associate with.’’ She trembles so that she cannot stand and sinks back into the chair. He comes nearer, his eyes devouring her like a flame, his face working convulsively, but she does not know that he is fighting with all his pitiful pride the mad de- sire to clasp her in his arms. Her voice is cold and controlled when slie speaks. “This is indeed a fit welcome to the wife you deserted, and yet she has been only truce to you. I never doubted your innocence, never rested till your name was cleared of all stain. I have suffered and toiled and sought for you all these years, and this is my reward. ’’ Her quiet words, her listless attitude, bore conviction to him, and self re- proach welled up in his heart. ‘‘Margaret,’’ he said more pleadingly, ‘“‘swwhy didn’t you write to me? It would have made so much difference when, I was wild with misery and begged of you to believe me, and I had never a word from you. Maybe I was a coward to run away—but I couldn't stay and be dragged through the mire of ascandal.’’ | ‘“No,’’ she said bitterly, ‘‘but you could leave me to be dragged through it. And I wrote to you, Jack, several times, and got no reply. Yet,’' more kindly, ‘I did not accuse you and hate you, as you have done by me. I have worked hard to support myself, to clear your name, to find you; for I believed in you still. Only three months ago my detective found the right clew, and I have journeyed in search of you ever since. I could not start sooner ;I had no money and—there were other reasons. ’’ Her face flushed a little here, -but her tone and attitude were still wearily in- diffcrent. She felt as if her heartstrings had broken. Even if he believed her now she could not be happy. The strain and disappointment had been too great. ‘‘I will go back again,’’ she contin- ued. But she did not know herself. The next instant there was a wildly re- pentant man at her feet. Overwhelmed —by the sin of his previous injustice to her and by his great unworthiness, he abased himself to the depths. He poured out his love, his misery, his remorse, with sobs that he could not control. The revulsion of feeling was like a flood, ! sweeping everything beforo it. Be dared ‘It has taken you a long time to make up your mind that I was fit for High Street ‘Tourists. CHINA HALL, BELLEFONTE, PA. New Advertisements. Every Day Excursions. To all parts of the world can be arranged for any day in the year, for one or more persons, up- on application to any principal ticket agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway. Itinera- ries carefully prepared for excursions to Califor- nia, Florida, Mexico, China, Japan, and to any part of Europe. Estimates furnished, including all expenses. Tickets furnished for the complete journey. It is not necessary to wait for any so- called “Personally Conducted Excursions.” In these days of progressive enlightenment, with the English language spoken in every land under the sun, one does not need to depend upon the alone or in small family parties, with great com- fort and security, and at one’s own convenience. Write to John R. Pott, district passenger agent, | Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway Williams- port, Pa., for details if you are contemplating a trip. 41-48-3t. New Advertisements. HE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock- holders of the Bellefonte and Clearfield Railroad Company will be held at the company’s general office, in Bush’s Arcade, Bellefonte, Pa., on Monday, January 11, 1897, at eleven o'clock. A M., for the election of officers for the ensuing year, and the transaction of other business. 4151 1t L. T. MUNSON, Secretary. JJ ELLEFONTE ALIVE. TO THE GOOD OF ITS PEOPLE AND GLAD TO BE SO. When you know a good thing tell it It will not lessen its goodness. But will do good to others. If you've been cured, tell it. There's more misery just like it. Waiting to find out how. There are lots of lame backs in Bellefonte. It’s a bust place and backs are used. There's urinary troubles to a large extent. Ever notice how many people over forty complain ? Seven out of ten, say colds affect their kid- neys. The kidneys are the cause ; not the colds. Keep them in shape and life is life. You can do it easily and pleasantly. No nauseating disturbances. No effect except on the kidneys. But that effect is Shik and permanent. Doan’s Kidney Pills do perfect work. Bellefonte is full of their praises. Mr. Geo. Gross of Water street states :—*‘I have i had kidney and bladder trouble for ten years. About that time I hurt the lower part of my back and while I am not certain that was the real cause of my complaint, I do know that it has been grow- ing worse and worse year after year. Talk about suffering. If you want backache and stitches and sharp shooting’ pains that I believe would cause death if protracted, just get a good dose of kidney complaint. And if that was not enough for any ordinary man to put up with frequent urination with a burning or scalding sensation accompany- ing it was added to torment the existence out of | me. It seemed as if I never would get rid of it { and I don't believe I ever would if I had not got a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills at Green's drug store. The old Quaker remedy cured me, at least I have had no return of my old complaint and I hope I never will. I can recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills and take great pleasure in doing so for I know if other men try them, afflicted like I was, they will obtain the same results.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Sent by mail on receipt of price by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N, Y., sole agents for the United States. 41-7 J)caTHERIA MEDICINE. THAT NEVER FAILS TO CURE. It will cure Croup in three (3) doses, and is a preventive for Diphtheria, Croup, Ete. Also cures all forms of Sore Mouth and Sore Gums. | CAN BE PURCHASED AT JOHNNIE ROUNDTREE'S GROCERY STORE. Water Street, BELLEFONTE. not even touch her with his unworthy hands, but he kissed her feet. heart was not broken. It was giving great throbs of joy. What did anything matter if he still loved her? She raised his bowed head and pressed it against her breast. A few moments later, as the stroke of | the little clock on the chimney shelf had | just ushered in Christmas day, into a moment of peaceful silence dropped a little sleepy, piping voice from the bed: “Mamma, div boy some schicken now.’’ a . Jack Allison started to his feet. Something choked him so that he could | not speak. His wife ran to the bed, where the baby was sitting ap, blinking sleepily, his yellow hair all in a fuzz about his head. ‘‘Come here, Jack,’’ she said shyly. “Oh, Margaret, I didn’t know!’ was | all he could say as he knelt by the bed and gazed reverently on the chubby face of his firstborn. : ‘Unto us,’”’ murmured Margaret ten- derly, ‘‘a son is given.”’ So Christmas found Silent Bill.— Mrs, Paxton Duard in Romance. Spain's National Dishesy Two epecial dishes mark the Christ- mas dinner of Spain—almond soup, ob- tained by boiling sweet almonds in milk and passing them through a sieve, and, above all, a dish called besugo, which is.nothing more than a large goldfish garnished with lemon, chopped garlic and oil and roasted before the fire.—Selected. Christmas Greens. The leaves proper to use in Christmas decorations are those of the holly, bay, 1iistletoe, laurel and rosemary. ——Subseribe for the WATCHMAN. And her , . MANUFACTURED BY THE DIPHTHERIA MEDICINE COMPANY CENTRE HALL, PA. | 41423m* , - services of guides for sight-seeing, but can go it ! INuminating Oil. EGISTER’S NOTICE.—The followin; accounts have been examined, io and filed of record in the Register’s office for the inspection of heirs and legatees, creditors and all others in anywise interested, and will be present- ed to the orphans’ Court of Centre county for con- firmation on Wednesday, the 25th day of Jan- uary, A. D. 1897. i 1 The first and final account of George P Hall, administrator of, ete., of Robert A Hall, late of Union township, deceased. 2 The second partial account-of Geo W Jack- som, surviving executor and trustee, under the last will and testament of Thos R Reynolds, late of Bellefonte Boro, decd. 3 The third partial account of Geo W Jack- son, surviving executor and trustee, under the last will and testament of Thos R Reynolds, late of Bellefonte Boro, deceased. 4 The fourth partial account of Geo W Jack- son, surviving executor and trustee, under the last will and testament of Thomas R Reynolds late of Bellefonte Boro, dec'd. ’ 5 First and final account of Edward T Tuten, administrator of ect, of Maria P Tuten, late of Bellefonte Boro, dec’d. 6 First and final accountof Edith S Vonada, administratrix of, etc, of George W. Vonada, late of Gregg township. . 7 Firstand final account of J C Snyder, admin- istrator of, etc, of Benj F Snyder, late of Boggs township, deceased, 8 First and final account of Sam’l G Rider, admr, of, ete, of John W Rider, late of Ferguson township, dec'd. 9 Account of John H Miller, administrator of, as “il Geo Eckel, late of Ferguson township ec'd.; 10 First and final account of E B Peters, trus- tee to sell real estate of Hannah Resides, late of Benner township, deceased. 11 The account of Geo 8S Gray, executor of, ete, o Oitharine Gray, late of Half Moon township, ec'd. 12 The account of Emma R Rachau, sole sur- viving executrix of, ete, of Israel Vonada, late of Gregg township, dec'd. . 13 The final account of John H Leech, admin- istrator of, etc, of W W Leech, late of Harris townshlp, dec'd. . 14 Second and final account of W J Carlin, ad- ministrator of, etc, of F P Vonada, late of Miles township, dec’d. 15 First and final account of Maggie B Gates, administratrix of, ete, of John C Gates, late of Ferguson township, dec’d. 16 The final account of W H Musser, dian of Lydia L Gregg, - minor child of Gregg, late of Boggs township, dec’d. 17 First and final account of W S Sellers ex- ecutor of, ete,’ of Davis Sellers, late of Patton township, dec’d. 18 The firstand final account of Wm T Leath- ers, Jr., and A H Leathers, executors of, etc, of J B Leathers, late of Howard township, dec'd. 19 First and finale account of Wm S Gra executor of, ete, of Maria Meek, late of Half Moon township, dec’d. 20 The firstand final account of H W Harsh- berger admr. D B N of, etc, of Warren S Lucas, late of Curtin township, deceased. G. W. RUMBERGER, uar- theo Bellefonte, Dec. 23, 1896, Register. 41-51-4t Saddlery. . 5000 $5,000 $5,000 ——WORTH OF —— HARNESS, HARNESS, HARNESS SADDLES, BRIDLES, PLAIN HARNESS, FINE HARNESS, BLANKETS, WHIPS, Ete. All combined in an immense Stock of Fine Saddlery. To-day Prices have Dropped THE LARGEST STOCK OF HORSE COLLARS IN THE COUNTY. JAMES SCHOFIELD, BELLFONTE, PA. 33-37 0 AE POR——————— " ———Z=====———THE BOOKLET ON “LIGHT "=== Orem AN Dore | {BURN CROWN ACME OIL} 39-37-1y —— — 0——GIVES THE BEST LIGHT IN THE WORLD.——0 AND IS ABSOLUTELY SAFE. For Sale by The Atlantic Refining Company. Prospectus. He°* W. J. BRYAN’S BOOK. An Account of his campaign tour 41-51-4¢ Se Ps All who are interested in furthering the sale of HON. W. J. BRYAN'S NEW BOOK should cor- respond immediately with the publishers. The work will contain His biography, written by his wife. His mest important speeches. The results of the campaign of 1896. A review of the political situation. . Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting one-half of all royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism. There are already indications of an enormous sale. Address W. B. CONKEY COMPANY, Publishers, 341-351 Dearborn St...... CHICAGO.