- New Advertisments. | TEE SUN. The firat of American Newspapers, CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. < The American Constitution, the American Idea, the American Spirit. These first, last, ond all the time, forever. $6 a year. Daily, by mail - 98 a year, Daily and Sunday, by mail THE SUNDAY SUN. IS THE GREATEST BUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD. Price 5c. 2 copy. By mail, $2 a year. 41-30-4t. Address THE SUN, New York. China Hall. China Hall. Achenbach’s WILKINSON'S CHINA HALL. FINE BON-BON BOXES pe Ar LARGER | FINER ' ACHENBACH'S DAINTIER than evet is our Stock of China Ware. IR COMPLETER | ? 1—2—3—4 and 5 lbs. CHEAPER » —C— > ; : HUYLER’S We have some elegant selections for the Holiday Season. Just What You Want for a Christmas Present. Come and EXQUISITE see the finest display in Centre county. 41-49 High Street = — Robert Grady, aged 26 years, was| ——Mike Byary, a Hungarian miner who killed by the Scotia branch train, near the [ had been in the Cottage hospital, at Phil- Tyrone station, on Wednesday afternoon. The young man was a track hand and did not notice the approach of the train until it was too late to get out of the way. ipsburg, for seventeen weeks, with a broken back, died on Friday evening. The acci- dent occurred near Munson’s. Jewelry. mp 4 ewelry. ET TY Te YF FFT FTF FST EFT IY TFSI IAIN E No need to perplex your head about that. store contains a hundred suggestions in SILVER TRINKETS, UMBRELLAS, ———THEY ARE AT YOUR SERVICE. 41-46 What to Cet for Holiday Gifts? : Our JEWELRY, WATCHES WALKING STICKS, CLOCKS, POCKET BOOKS, Ete. Ete. F. C. RICHARD’S SONS, High St. BELLEFONTE, PA ES ALLLLAAAL LASAARRCACARRAAARERDAARRRAACRACARACAARRARARAAARERRACARRRARRAAARRAACKERAUAARRRRIAARRACEARUARRARADSAHAARAAAAAAKARRAAAAARRAAIACARRS AAMC AMRAAMAAAUAARMAMLAAAALALL 3 New Advertisements. Sarrrons LATEST PRODUCTION THE MANTELLO CARBON. Beoerncssocerssnsersersassussnsssonssassasssraany * Something entirely new and exceedingly Artistic. Call and see them. You will be delighted with the beautiful results obtained by this new Pro- CeRs. -_ i | In order to introduce this work we intend to give with each dozen of our regular | $3,00 cabinets one of the above abso- lutely free. This offer is good until January 1st, 1897. Regular price of Mantello Car- bons $2.00. If you have not selected your Christ- THI XTILATOSEV NOFIVD OTTILNVI INIA V. mas presents’yet you can not do bet- ter than give us your order at once. Remember you get $5.00 worth of Photos for $3.00. SHAEFFER'S ART STUDIO, Allegheny, St. BELLEFONTE, PA. 41-47-4t EOLIDAY Fumiture Suggestions. «. FROM... NAGINEYX’S. Anything in our line would make and acceptable Christmas present to any one of yours friends and Remem- ber that if you intend making pur- chases after the Holidays we will still be in business at the old stand. Some seasonable suggestions are : Morris Chairs, Side Boards, Dining Chairs, Carpet Sweepers, Onyx Tables, Blacking Cases, Toilet Trees, Medicine Cabinets. Rockers, Tables, Ladies’ Desks, A CARPET SWEEPER IS JUST THE "THING FOR YOUR MOTHER OR YOUR WIFE. F. E. NAGINEY, BELLEFONTE, PA. Reynold’s Bank Building. 41-50 ——Roy Hamlin, a Lock Haven boy, at- | tempted to jump onto a Bald Eagle valley | clared pastor of the Presbyterian church at freight train, near the paper mill, at Lock | Tyrone on Tuesday evening. Dr. Laurie Haven, on Tuesday afternoon, and fell off. | | preached the installation sermon, taking He had his left thigh fractured. | for his text First Cor. 3rd, 13 to 15. -—Rev. A. J. Weisley was officially de- lllS $0 Many and So Good. ut to aid you in deciding just what to give, we quote a few articles which make most useful and acceptable presents, LT LT TOOT OOOO CRO TRO TRO CR CROC CHINA HALL, BELLEFONTE, PA. L There is always charm about a Jewelr store that attracts the people, particularly around the Holiday Sea~ K COCO COC CC ® o J DIAMONDS, ~~ RUBIES, SAPPHIRES and OPALS: are Beautiful to Look Upon, Dainty Silver Novelties and Gold Jewelry are attractive. Umbrellas, among the more Use- fal Gifts. The Store is Already Decked in Holiday Attire. W. T. ACHENBACH, JEWELER. Bellefonte, Pa. RISIRILB SIRE SIRT SIRI SIRI SIRI ATT SIRT SIRE SIL SILT AI LI CYT Sd SIRT SY 2T <1 Spanish Vessels Off Florida. KEY WEST, Dec. 15th.—It is reported by spongers coming in that there are unusual- ly large numbers of Spanish war vessels lying off the Florida coast ; that they go out to sea during the day, but at night come close to land, throwing their search- lights in all directions. They have been sighted several times by people on-shore. SUITS AND OVERCOATS, in both ready to wear and made to order. HATS, in all the leading styles. UNDERWEAR. HOSIERY. KID GLOVES. HANDKERCHIEFS, in Linen or Silk. NECKWEAR, in Four-in-Hand, Puff, Scarfs Ascots, Tecks and String Ties. HOUSE COATS. SMOKING JACKETS. on UMBRELLAS, for Ladies and Men. CANES. SWEATERS, with large sailor collar for Boy's and Men. SHIRTS, in fancy colors and white. COLLARS. CUFFS. SATCHELS. TRUNKS. biisimas Economy's Easy Here CC MONTGOMERY & CO. Bellefonte. Candies at Achenbach’s. BD S— and TENNEY’S Christmas Ornaments and Tree Decorations at Achenbach’s. Orie DAINTY NEW : DESIGNS in Ices and Creams for the Holiday Trade. TE, S— A specialty for f PLUM PUDDINGS. the Holiday SHERBETS, Season PUNCHES. will be the and CHARLOTTES. Leave your orders to have your family served by Achenbach. peg CHRISTMAS IS NOT CHRISTMAS when there is a dearth of good things to eat. the Dainties at low prices at ACHENBACH’S CONFECTIONERY, All 41-49 Allegheny Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. 0 0 HOLIDAY SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS. oO O We are not going to wait until after Christmas to cut down our stock. We are going to do it now. Never were such money saving chances offered to Holiday Shoppers. We quote figures to make record Uteaking sales. HANDKERCHIEFS A big line of white embroideried Hand- kerchiefs from 5c. a piece up to the finest imported at 65c. A big line of fancy bor- dered from 2}. up. A handsome line of silk hemstitched Handkerchiefs washable from 12jc. up. A full line of Men’s white hemstitched Handkerchief: in cotton silk and linen from 5c. up. LADIES’ AND MEN’S GLOVES. We have sold 25 dozen Ladies’ Gloves value $1.00 at 69c. An clegant assortment of Men’s Kid Gloves in Mocca and finished Kid Gloves at from 45c. up. A beautiful line of Feather Boas at manu- facturers prices. Boas that have been sell- ing at 50c., 750., $1.00, $1.25, $1.75 and $3.00 now goat 25. 50c., 75., $1.00, $1. 2% and $1.50. Silk and wool Mufflers. The largest as- sortment at the smallest prices. A full line of Silk Garters, all colors, fancy buckles, now go at 15c., 25c., 35c. and 40c. A handsome assortment of Ladies’ Muffs Kia | at half price. Neckties for Men, Ladiesand Children, all styles at give-away prices. SILK WAISTS. A handsome line of Silks for Waists which make a very fine Christmas present we sell now at 25¢., 50c., 75¢c., and $1.00. Qualities that have been selling at 50c., 75¢., $1.25 and $1 50. POCKET BOOKS. A handsome line of Ladies’ and Gents Pocket Books from 10c. up, in oxodized and sterling silver trimmings. Down go the prices of all Winter Goods, Ladies’ and Childrens Coats and Capes. Men's, Youth's, and Boy's Overcoats, Blankets Dress Goods, Underwear Etc. LADIES’ COATS AND CAPES. MEN’S AND BOY’S HEAVY A Ladies’ Coat or Cape that we sold at | WINTER SUITS. $10 goes now at $7.50. That we sold at $15.00, 12.00, 9.00, A handsome Coat or Cape that sold at | 7.00, 5.00 go now at $10.00, 9.00, 7.00, $8.00 goes now at $5.00. 5.00 and down to 3.50, which are all wool. The Coat or Cape we sold at $6.00 goes now at $4.50, The $5 00 one now $3.75. We still have them as low as $1.50 We also have the Boys Suits as low as 69c. BLANKETS. A fine heavy all wool Blanket that we sold at $6.50, 4.75, 4.00 and 3.50 now go at $5.00, 3.00, 2-50 and 2.10. CHILDREN’S COATS. That we sold at $4.00, 3.50, 2.50, 1.50, 1.25 and 98c., now go at $2.75, 1.75 down to 75¢c. OVERCOATS. Overcoats that we sold at $12.00, 10.00, 8.00, 6.00, 5.00, 4.00 and 3.50 go now at $9.00, 7.00, 6.00, 5.00 and down to 2.00. 2.00, 2.50, We can os you a good heavy cotton Blanket from 45c. to $1.00 a pair. Comfortables that we sold at 60c., 75¢., $1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 now go at 43¢., 55¢., 75¢., 90c., and $1.10. LYON & CO. BELLEFONTE, PA. 41-9 Ceader’s The Holiday Season always ( brings with it a desire for good things to cat. We are better pre- pared than ever to cater to the trade Our Candies are superb! Both Huylers and Tenmney’s and oar ® | ® own fine Chocolate mixture, which is wonderfully popular, at 25cts. per 1b. All kinds of fresh, choice fruits and nuts. Candies from the cheapest to the most expensive, Toys and all kinds of Knic-Knacs. Orders for Ices, Ice Creams and Cakes for the Holiday trade given special attention at Ices for the Holidays. CEADER’S, Bellefonte, Pa. Cakes, Candies # Allegheny St. OAD LIAPLDAPLIAPLIASPILD API APO RDI ASPLISPLDSPLIAPLI SI LDASS