Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 11, 1896, Image 7

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Located in one of the most Beautiful ard
Healthful Spots in the Allegheny Region ;
Undeneminational ; Open to Both
Sexes; Tuition Free; Board
and other Expenses Very
Low. New Buildings
and Equipments
1. AGRICULTURE (Two Courses), and AGRI-
CULTURAL CHEMISTRY ; with constant illustra
tion on the Farm and in the Laboratory.
jcal and practical Students taught original study
with the microscope.
3. CHEMISTRY wins an unusually full and
horough course in the Laboratory. :
These courses are accompanied with very exten-
sive practical exercises in the Field, the Shop and
the Laboratory.
nal investigation.
(optional), French, German and English (requir-
ed), one or more continued through the entire
and applied. :
9. MECHANIC ARTS; combining sho work
with study, three years course ; new building and
SCIENCE ; Constitutional Law and History, Politi-
cal Economy, &c.
il. MILITARY SCIENCE; instruction theoret-
ical and practical, including each arm of the ser-
years carefully graded and thorough. .
Commencement Week, June 14-17, 1896. Fall
Term opens Sept. 9, 1896. Examination for ad-
mission, June 18th and Sept. 8th. For Catalogue
of other information, address.
State College, Centre county, Pa.
Ancient and Modern, with orgi-
Coal and Wood.
Too vamp K. RHOADS.
Shipping and Commission Merchant,
by the bunch cr cord as may suit purchasers.
Respectfully solicits the patronage of his
friends and the public, at
near the Passenger Station. Telephone 1312.
For all Billious and Nervous
Diséases. They purify the
Blood and give Healthy action
to the entire system.
Consult the Old Reliable :
Thirty years continuous practice in the cure of
all diseases of men and women. No matter from
what cause or how long standing. I will guarantee
a cure. 192-page Cloth-Bound Book (sealed) and
mailed FREE 41-12-1yr
Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed.
50 cents at Druggists or by mail; samples 10c.
by mail.
41-8 56 Warren St., New York City.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention is
probably patentable. Communications strictly
confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents
in America. We have a Washington office.
Patents taken through Munn & Co., receive
special notice in the
beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of any
scientific journal, weekly, terms, $3.00 a year;
$1.50 ix months. Specimen copies and Hand
Book on Patents sent free. Address hy
361 Broadway, New
"York City.
New Advertisements.
\ A J ANTED—AN IDEA—Who can think
of some simple thing to patent? Pro-
tect your ideas; they may bring you wealth.
Write JOHN WEDDERBURN & Co., patent attor,
prs, Washington, D. C., for their $1,800 prize of-
er. 41.31.
_ men or women to travel for responsible
established house in Pennsylvania. Salary $780
payable §15 weekly and expenses. Position per-
manent. Reference. Enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope. The National, Star Building,
Chicago. 41-39-4m,
Strep Em —_ nm A
Rcliefonte, Pa., Dec. ii, 1396.
Robert E.
IEarshall Suicides.
Shot Himseif Through the Heart at the Residence
of His Brother in Washington,
WASHINGTON, Nov. 30.—Mr. Robert E.
Marshall, the superintendent of the Altoo-
na division of the Pennsylvania railroad,
commmitted suicide at the residence of his
brother, Dr. Charles Marshall, 2507 Penn-
sylvania avenue, this city, this forenoon.
The deed was done by shooting himself
through the heart with a revolver, only one
chamber of which had been loaded, and
though Mr. Marshall has been for a long
time on a condition bordering almost upon
nervous prostration and seemed badly de-
pressed by the gloomy weather of the past
days, added to the fact that the present
is near the anniversary of the death of his
wife, over which he was brooding sadly,
it does not appear that his suicide was a
matter of much premeditation, but was
rather the result of a sudden depression of |
feeling, and an impulse that he could not |
resist. Mr. Marshall had been in this eity
for three or four days in an effort to recup-
erate the shattered condition of his health,
and was seemingly so much improved as to
give his family and friends encouragement
to think that he would recover his health.
He joined his brother and father and the
family at the breakfast table this morning
and seemed to enjoy the meal and gave no
sign whatever of any mental disorder.
After others of the family had left the table,
Mr Marshall lingered with his father, J.
W. Marshall, who was assistant postmaster
general under President Grant, and dis-
cussed the topics of the day pleasantly for
some time. Soon after he had retired to
his chamber, on the third floor of the house,
a shot was heard, and his father and another
son rushing to the room found Mr. Mar-
shall lying across the bed completely
dressed, his coat and vest both buttoned
tightly around him, while the hole which
the powder had burned in his clothing
showed that the weapon had been held
close. Death was instantaneous, the bul-
let having passed through the heart and
lodged in the spine.
Mr. Marshall had evidently feared just
what happened to him, and for some time
past had been under the treatment of a
specialist on brain and nervous diseases in
Philadelphia. He is said to have some-
times expressed the fear that he might be-
come insane. Dr. Marshall says that he
has no doubt that the cause of his brother’s
suicide was melancholia, brought on by
Status of the Silver Question.
Discussed by William J. Bryan in an Articic in the
North American Review.
NEW YORK, Nov. 30.—In the December
number of the North American Review, pub- |
lished Dec. 1st, Mr. Bryan presents an
article in which he discusses the result of
the election as affecting the status of the
silver question. The issue on which the
election turns he describes as “the greatest |
issue ever submitted to the American peo-
ple in time of peace.” The result of Mr.
Bryan declares to be temporary defeat but |
permanent gain for the cause of bimetal- |
lism. Mr. Bryan regards it as a significant
fact that the silver sentiment was strongest |
where the question had been longest con- |
sidered—that is to say, in the West and |
South. The gold sentiment prevailed in |
the eastern States, but even there, in Mr. |
Bryan’s opinion, the cause of bimetallism |
made more rapid progress than any cause |
ever made in such a short time.
Mr. Bryan expresses his assurance that
the election can be by no means regarded
as a conclusive settlement of the questions
at issue. Mr. Bryan counsels the Repub-
lican party to remember that thousands of
Republicans have been held to their party
this year by the pledge that they will try
to secure international bimetallism.
In regard to the gold standard Demo-
crats Mr. Bryan is assured that they can-
not do as much harm in 1900 as they bave
done this year. ‘‘They cannot,”’ he says,
“disguise themselves again. The contest
for financial independence will go on. We |
undertook the contest ith a disorganized
army ; we emerged from it a united and
disciplined force, without the loss of a
soldier. We are ready for another contest. |
We believe that we are right, and, believ-
ing that right will finally triumph, we face
the future firm in the belief that bimetal-
lism will be restored.”
Flowers that Endure Frost .
In his report on the flora of Wyoming,
Prof. Aven Nelson remarks that the power
to withstand frost which has been se re-
markably developed in mountain floras is
an unceasing cause of wonder, and the
great beds of phlox, mertensia, gilla, ac-
tinella and other plants which he saw
blooming freely when the night temper-
ature fell from 5 to 20 degrees be’ w the
freezing point suggested questions which
are difficult to answer. Prof. Nelson thinks
that reduced atmospheric pressure plays an
important, part in preventing injury to
plants, for the same species at lower alti-
tudes would certainly perish in such cold.
As an illustration of this he states that late
in August, 1890, he noted a plot of potatoes
in full blossom at an elevation of some
9,000 feet. For three successive days he
watched these plants, which then showed
no trace of injury, although every night
there were heavy frosts and ice formed in
exposed water pails. Such a degree of cold
would, of course, have killed potato plants
growing at the sea level. >
Czar’s Blue Eyed Horses.
Russia's Emperor Has a Stable of 200 Fine Steeds.
The Emperor of Russia has four sep-
arate ‘‘services’”’ of horses and carriages—
the gala set, and the French, English and
Russian sets. Each set comprises at least
50 horses. The Russian set accompanies
the Emperor wherever he goes, and at
Gatchina it is used, together with the Eng-
lish set. The gala and French horses and
carriages are housed at St. Petersburg, in
the Winter Palace stables. ;
~ The Emperor's gala turnout consists of
50 Hanoverian horses. These horses are
perfeclly white, with blue eyes, and any-
thing more magnificent in the way of trap-
pings than their harness could hardly be
The state carriages are of the Louis XV.
style, and the one which carries the
sovereign has a large circle of diamonds see
inside among the cushions and on the roof.
The imperial crown surmounts this state
carriage, which is drawn by eight white
horses, each led hy a postilion dressed in
white and gold.
eer or ————
——Willie—*] should think you would
be ashamed to have your mother put you
to bed.”
Bobbie—*‘I don’t know why I should.
7 h
She dots fie same thing to father.”
How Trusts Rob Us All
Big Concerns That Plunder Our Own People.—London
Faper on Legalized Rapine in America.
The London Telegraph has had a special
correspondent looking into the social and
political couditions of the United States
for some time, and hic has been sending to
his paper his impressions of the observa
tions he has made. Like most keen-eyed
foreigners, he hasbeen amazed at the nunm-
ber of colossal fortunes that have been
made here in the last decade, and he has
been at some pains to investigate the condi- |
tion of a country where it is possible for a
man or set of men to roll up wealth so rap- |
idly. He has discovered—what most true
Democrats long have known—that it is the
Republican high tariff which is responsible
for the trusts which have sprung up in al-
most all lines of trade and enabled their
managers to bleed the people to the point
of robbery. He calls attention to the fact
that there are at least 139—the number i3
probably too small—combines which con-
trol nearly everything the people eat and
drink, and which charge whatever they
like for their products, and contrasts this
condition of affairs with that in Great
Britian, where the laws are framed to pre-
vent extortion of the people by commercial
pirates. Regarding trusts he says :
Nothing, of course, in the afiairs of men
is better known than the art of getting rich.
It is so extremely simple. All that one
needs is brains and opportunity. Some
cynical persons would add, as a further
requisite, capital ; but really, in this won-
derful country, one ‘meets with so many
men rolling in wealth beyond the dreams
of avarice who began with no capital at all
that in speaking of America, at any rate,
we may let that item out of the account. The
true specialty of trans-Atlantic sociology,
however, is that here the art of amassing
not ordinary, but enormous, fortunes have
been carried to a degree of perfection un-
equalled elsewhere. In slow-going Furope
‘we wait upon opportunity ;’ in this
original land the man who has brains makes |
his opportunity. He does not tarry until
limping fortune overtakes him, but bids
her “‘hurry up,’’ and it is wonderful how
often she obeys.
But then he has an advantage which
denied the Britisher--the state assists him.
Prices are kept down with us, and the poor
man’s money is made to go as far as possible
hy economic freedom in every direction.
Forcizn imports kill domestic extortion,
and that never slumbering power, which
our all-wise labor leaders commonly ignore,
the struggle of capi ith capital, pre-
vents monopoly. Here, on the contrary,
the law shuts out foreign competition and
monopoly holds the field. The short
road to the huge fortunes of trade in this
republic has had for its direction. “Par
tal ww
{the foreigner and crush the small com-
During the last six weeks I have traveled
| some thousands of miles in New York state, |
Conneetieut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts,
Gihio, Peansylvania, Maryland and New
Jerson. and have seen something of the
working of the sweet simplicity of this sys-
ten. i
an illustration.
000 inhabitants, with manufactures of iron
and steel worth some nine millions sterling
per annum ; it is also the home of John D.
Rockefeller, and the headquarters of the
Standard Oil company. The steel and iron
industry may be better treated in reference
to Pittsburg, bub the Standard Oil compa-
ny deserves a few lines all to itself. The |
commercial history of the whole world else-
where has nothing to equal the daring
and suceess of this marvelous combination.
It is the parent and model of all the trusts
in the United States, and its principals are
| the richest men in the republic, perhaps in
the world.
Contrary to every presumption one would
naturally make in advance, the men who
| founded this gigantic corporation did not
own the oil lands, ror discover new pro-
cosses of refining, nor bring capital into the
business. The chief of them bad béen “a
clerk in a country store,”’ and about 1562,
in the midst of the civil war, and when the
great oil era was just beginning, he con-
trived with difficulty to start a little re-
finery at Cleveland. IIis counsel some
years later, describes him as ‘‘a man of
brains and energy, but without money.”
With him were associated his brother and -an
English mechanic, and by and by others
| joined them, until the coterie included
some 13 all told, none of them having
much capital. But they had Danton's au-
dacity. They combined and combined.
| After a struggle of a few years they got
{hold of the railways that command the
"outlets from the oil region ; they obtained
i special ‘‘rebates,” that enabled them to
outbid and undersell small competitors.
This power they gradually extended, until
every oil producer and refiner in Ohio and
Pennsylvania was at their mercy. -Some
they bought out, many they starved.
The prosperity of the oil region, which
had been astounding, was suddenly ar-
rested. Intense public discontent was en-
gendered, which brought the injured coun-
try to the verge of civil war. A contract
with the Erie, the Pennsylvania, New
York Central, Atlantic and Great Western
and the Lake Shore Rallway companies
roused the people, in 1872, to actual
violence. There was an incipient revolu-
tion in Pennsylvania,and the startling con-
tracts—the existence of which was denied by
the ‘oil company—were declared by the
railway chiefs to be *‘canceled.”
But the popular outbreak had no lasting
effects, and the monopolists continued their
victorious march. They reduced the sup-
plies, raised prices and controlled markets.
Thus, the capital of about zero in 1862 was
eight years later worth £200,000 ; in two
years more, £500,000 ; in 1875, £700,000 ;
in 1882, £14,000,000; and in 1888, ‘‘ac-
cording to the testimony of the trust presi-
dent,”’ £29,600,000.
Then the New York and Ohio legislatures
arrived at the opinion that the proceedings
of the trust were unlawful and in 1892 the
patriotic gentleman composing it ‘‘dis-
solved’’—when their estate had grown to a
market valuation of £33,300,000. Dis-
solved—Dut never a soul is known to have
taken out his quota of the assets.
Why ? Because the Standard Oil company
still persists, and still controls all the mar-
kets. During this time dividends had risen
to upward of £2,000,000 per annum.
What they had been of late years nobody
knows. A report of the New York eenate
says :
“All this vast wealth is the growth of
about 2fi years; the property has more
than doubled in value in six years, and
with the increase the trust has made ag-
gregate dividends of over $50,000,000. It
is one of the most active and possibly the
most formidable power in this continent.”
Two years ago the attorney general of
New York declared :
“The members of this combination ave
now presidents and directors of 33,000
miles of railroads, one-fifth of the total
mileage of the United States. Its surplus
e city of Cleveland may serve as |
Cleveland is a town 300, |
is investing in banking, in natural and
| manufacturing gas companies, in beds of
iron ore and coal and in crude oil produc-
| tion, in lead and zige, in turpentine and
| cotton seed oil, in stl, in jute manufact-
| ure, in ocean steamships, in palatials hotels
land in street railroads.’
Six years ago a friendly New York jour-
nal made out that Mr. Rockefeller’s income
was $20,000,000 a year, which, it was ob-
served, proudly, ‘‘makes him the richest
man in the United States--perhaps in the
| world.”” Another paper raised it to $36,-
060,600. 1 believe these to be huge exag-
| gerations. The Secretary of the company
modestly puts his own income at £750,000
| per annum, and that of the principal mem-
ber of the concern—he did not say the
| chief—at £1,800,000. The total of Mr.
Rockefeller’s estate is reckoned here var-
iously at somewhere between £25,000,000
and twice as much. There may well be
discrepancy ; it is difficult to keep pace
with the growth of such colossal fortunes.
A few days ago a little piece of his real es-
tate—a beutiful summer house at North
| Tarrytown—which had been rated at £20,-
000 was put up by the commissioners to
£200,000. The whilom ‘bookkeeper of a
| country store’” protests. Methinks he doth
| protest too much.
Meanwhile there ave other worlds to con-
quer. Mr. Rockefeller is the owner of a
| Targe steel plant near Cleveland and he is
| said to be forming an enormous pool in
| steel. The little scheme credited to this
Napoleon of combinations is to control the
west as Carnegie is said to do the east. I
am inclined to believe the report because it
is so vehemently denied.
Riding on the Baltimore & Ohio line the
other day, while the train was winding
through the sinuous, rugged and pictur-
esque valley of the Pogomac, the thought
occurred how would the British house-
keeper stand the tyranny of these trusts?
Think of him retiring to rest Sept. 1 and
walking the next morning to find that coal
{had rised 6s a ton. Ridiculous, absurd,
limpossible. Yet, this is just what has
| happened here. The anthracite coal region
of Pennsylvania is in the hands of a ‘‘com-
bine,’” as the slang is—including the rail-
ways—and they have recently made the
announcement of a rise of $1.50. Anthra-
cite is a hard and nearly smokeless fuel,
universally burned in houses and many
factories, and its monopolists control 50,-
000,000 tons per annum. This little rise
they have just ordered means, therefore, a
net addition to their income of £15,000,-
The simple minded Briton, reared in a
land where the strongest corporations are
weak before the law, asks: ‘‘Whatis the
reason for this?’ But the coal trust does
not give reasons, it fixes prices. This is
the great American secret of commercia
success : “fix your own prices.”’ I have
before me a list of 139 combinations, pools,
syndicates, ‘combine’ and trusts, covering
| nearly everything that human beings eat,
| drink or use, each one of them trying to
| emulate the Standard Oil exemplar.
Nothing is too little or too big for these
concerns, from locomotives to lucifer
| matches, beef to buttons. 1 can find
| scarcely anything of consequence that has
| escaped, except . bicycles, and a friend as-
sures me that a cycle trust is a dead cer-
tainty very soon. While I am writing
comes the news that the leather trust has
cornered and raised the price of the com-
modity. So the game goes merrily on.
Aud yet, the constitution of the republic,
the laws of the several states, the decisions
of the state courts and of the supreme court
|are all against these monopolies. If it
| were not so woeful it would be ludicrous to
! see how the Standard Oil company has seb
at defiance for years state legislatures and
judges ; yea, even the federal executive
and the interstate commerce commission of
congress. There is an absolute monotony
of condemnation by the people, the legisla-
ture, and the law, Yet I fail to find a
single instance of effective legal restraint,
while all the times the evils are monstrous,
palpable. ‘Bankruptcy, broken hearts
and death,’ says Demarest Lloyd, ‘have
kept quick step with the march of the con-
querors of iron and oil.”
The railways are the greatest offenders.
The potent, irresponsible railway magnates
it is universally believed, have shared the
plunder ; and without any question, the
preferential treatment has created and
ruined trades. Hence the strength of the
Populist cry that the great means of con-
veyance shall be owned by the state. No
man of sense will allow himself to be daz-
zled with the aggregate splendor of these
illicit dealings, nor mollified by the stories
of this or that charitable contribution. In
the city of Cleveland there is one especially
fine suburban road, the Euclid avenue,
said to be the handsomest residential street
in America. I confess its loveliness. Noble
houses in their separate grounds, beautiful
lawns, cheerful piazzas and verandahs
seem to bespeak a general level of taste
and well being that are delightful to con-
template. The Standard Oil king has
two of his mansions in this avenue. I
was told that he had just given land worth
$1,000,000 to the municipality, and it was
impressed upon me that he was a devout
disciple of that great teacher who said,
“A man’s life consisteth not in the abund-
ance of the things he possesseth.’”
His Dog Snyder.
He was a tattered, weary-looking beggar,
and he had hardly commenced speaking
before one knew that Germany was his na-
tive land. He was in quest of a dog, and
Snyder was the canine’s name.
“You don’t know noddings mid him ?”’
he asked. ‘‘Dot vos queer; eferybodies
knowed him, cause vot mit only vone eye
dat don’t pother him, on accoundt of he
knows noddings of the odder, seein’ mit
mit one shust as he seed mit two before,
de beoples already don’t fergot him. No,
he don’t answer ven you calls him soon,
but come quick ven you shust asks him
Snyder. He say pow-wow-wow, unt his
tail dot vos lost mit vone-half by a vagon
vheel he vag, und he don’t vag the end
vat he don’t have on accoundt of he fer-
gets vat he don’t have now.
“Inshtinct, yah ; he vos have vonderful
inshtinet. You shust pat him mit your
hand on his head, und he die for you on
account of he knows soon dot you like him
but you hit him mit your stick on de head
und den he suhspect right off dot you care
mit nottings for him. His hair vos upon a
time vonce peautiful, but und gonsquence
of a tramp cat mit scraggy fur he loss some
by te handful, und now he don’t scratch
himself no more ; but de cat vat vos "cause
him trouble mit his hair, she don’t valk on
de fences neider.
“You could told Snyder vos vas so much
like himself dot you vould dink he vos
dwins. Und you see him you knows Sny-
der ’cause he vos mitout anoder dog de
same as he vas, und now I goes to find my
palt-headed doggie 3’ and the poor old man
wandered down the street.—From Harpei’s
Round Table. ‘
We know of hut one community in
the world where dyspepsia is practically
unknown, and that is-the Shakers of Mount
Lebanon, N. Y. These geod people have
been studying the subject of digestion for
more than a hundred years, and that they
understand it pretty thoroughly, is evi-
denced in the foregoing fact. Their Di-
gestive Cordial is the safest and best
remedy in cases of indigestion that we
know of. A trial bottle can be
through your dru
of 10 cents.
The Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies
the system with foed already digested, and
at the same time aids the digestion of other
foods. It will almost instantly relieve the
ordinary symptoms of indigestion, and no
sufferer need to be told what these are.
Laxol is the best medicine for children.
Doctors recommend it in place of Castor
An Historical Discussion.
“What ere the Dark Ages?’ asked the
governess at the morning lessons.
“That must have been before spectacles
were invented,” guessed May.
“Oh, no 1”? interrupted Cedric ; “I know
why they were called the Dark Ages. Be-
cause there were more knights then.”
would resist pneumonia, bronchitis, ty-
phoid fever, and persistent coughs and
colds. These ills attack the weak and run
down system. They can find no foothold
where the blood is kept pure, rich and full
of vitality, the appetite good and digestion
vigorous, with Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the one
true blood purifier.
Hooed’s Pills cure liver ills, constipation,
biliousness, jaundice, sick headache.
Why She Took it.
“My dear,” said Mr. Darley, ‘‘did you
take any money out of my waist-coat
pocket ?”’
“I did,” replied she defiantly.
‘Why did you?”
‘Because that is one of married wom-
en’s vested rights.”’—Erchange.
thousands of cases on record where persons
suffering from consumption have been
completely cured by the use of Aunt
Rachael’s Horehound Herb, Elecampane
Root, and Speer’s Grape Juice, and per-
sons are willing to-day to testify to the
miraculous cures wrought for them by this
pleasant and most effective remedy. Used
by public speakers. I'or sale by druggists.
David Hunter of Altoona, Pa., was
killed at Tyrone, Pa., by an express train
while trying to board a freight train.
A Goon INVESTMENT.—On receipt of ten
cents, cash or stamps, a generous sample
will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh
and Hay Fever Cure (Ely’s Cream Balm)
sufficient to demonstrate its great merit.
Tull size 50c.
56 Warren St., New York City.
I suffered from Catarrh three years ; it
got so bad I could not work ; I used two
bottles of Ely’s Cream Balm and am en-
tirely well ; I would not be without it.—A.
C. Clarke, 341 Shawmut Ave., Boston.
This is what has given Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla the first place among medicines, It
is the reason for the wonderful cures by
Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is the explana-
tion of its enormous sales. Hood's Sarsa-
purilla stands not only upon its record of
cures in the past, though this
By any other medicine, but it is today
curing thousands of cases of catarrh,
rheumatism, scrofula, dyspepsia and
many other blood diseases. It is to-day
the medicine which the people take to
give them health, strength, pure blood,
good appetite and digestive power. If
you suffer from impure blood, to-day take
Hood’s Sarsaparilla:
“I recommend Ifood’s Sarsaparilla
above all other medicines of this kind, be-
cause it has proved so benefleial for
‘blood and skin diseases with which I was
troubled for three years, and could find
no remedy except Ifood’s Sarsaparilla.”
H. W. KiusrLg, Coalport, Pa
I'he best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
had |
ouists for the trifling sum |
| Attorneys-at-Law.
boos i :
& = Ez prem
| i AS. W. ALEXANDER.—Attorney at Law Belle-
a fonte, Pa. All professional business will
| receive prompt attention. Office in Haie building
i 0 | p 8
| opposite the Court House. 56 14
YW NORTNEY & WALKER.—Attorney at Law,
' _ Reliefoute, Pa. Gfiice in Woodring's
building, worth of the Court House. 14 2
legheny street.
ASTINGS & REEDER.—Attorneys at Law,
Bellefonte, Pu. Ofiice No. if, North Al-
: 28 13
SPANGLER.—Attorney at Law. ‘Practices
in all the courts. Consultation in Eng-
Office in the Eagle building,
40 22
N I.
fish and German.
Bellefonte, Pa.
H S. TAYLOR.— Attorney and Counsellor a
° Law. Office, No. 24, Temple Court
fourth floor, Bellefonte, Pa. All kinds of lega
business attended to promptly. 40 49,
OHN KLINE.— Attorney at Law, Bellefonte.
’ Pa. Office on second floor of Furst’'s new
building, north of Court Honse. Can be consulted
in English or German. 29 31
C. HEINLE.—Attorney at Law, Bellefonte,
. Pa. Office in Hale building, opposite
Court House. All professional business will re-
ceive prompt attention. 30 16
7 W. WETZEL.— Attorney and Counsellor at
je Law. Office No. 11, Crider’s Exchange,
second floor. All kinds of legal business attended
to promptly. Consultation in English or German.
39 4
Physician and Sur-
41 3
geon, Boalsburg, Pa.
| WwW S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon
« State College, Centre county, Pa., Office
at his residence. 35 41
YE. NOLL, M. D.—Physician and Surgeon
e offers his professional services to the
Diusie. Office No. 7 East High street, Bellefonte,
Pa, 42-44,
HIBLER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon,
. offers hig professional services to the
citizens of Bellefonte aud vicinity. Office No. 20,
N. Allegheny street. ns
J E. WARD, D. D. S., office in Crider’s Stone
*) eo Block N. W. Corner Allegheny and:High
Sts. Bellefonte, Pa.
Gas administered for the painless extraction of
teeth. Crown and Bridge Work also. 34-11
. to W. F Reynolds & Co.,) Bankers, Belle-
fonte, Pa. Bills of Exchange and Notes Discount-
ed; Interest paid on special deposits; Exchange
on Eastern cities, Deposits received. 17 36
J C. WEAVER.—Insurance Agent, be-
e pan business in 1878. Nota single loss
has ever been contested in the courts, by an
company while represented in this agency. Of-
fice between Jackson, Crider & Hastings bank
and Garman'’s hotel, Bellefonte, Pa. 31 12
(3 EO: L. POTTER & CO,
Represent the best companies, and write policies
in Mutual and Stock Companies zt reasonable
rates. Office in Furst's building, opp. the Court
House, 25
! Hotel.
By recent changes every room is equipped with
steam heat, hot and cold running water and
lighted by electricity. One hundred and fifty
rooms with baths.
100 rooms, $2.50 per day
125 «32.00 ££
Steam heat included.
3.50 per day
1.00 $e
L. U. MALTBY, Proprietor
A. A. KonLBECKER, Proprietor.
This new and commodious Hotel, located opp.
the depot, Milesburg, Centre county, has been en-
tirely refitted, refurnished and replenished
throughout, and is now second to none in the
county in the character of accommodations offer-
ed the public. Its table is supplied with the best
the market affords, its bar contains the purest
and choicest liquors, its stable has attentive host-
lers, and every convenience and comfort is ex-
tended its guests.
v®. Through travelers on the railroad will fine
this an excellent place to lunch or procure a meal,
as all trains stop there about 2) minutes. 24 24
men and women to travel for responsible
established house in Pennsylvania. Salary $780,
-payable $15 weekly ane expenses. Position per-
manent. Reference. Enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope. The National, Star Building,
Chicago. 41-39-4m.
HOOD'S PILLS are the best after-dinner pills.
> 41-44
New Advertisments.
men or women to travel for responsible
established house in Pennsylvania. Salary $780,
payable $15 weekly and expenses. Position per-
manent. Reference. Enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope. The National, Star Building,
Chicago. 41-39-4m.
Om Oat-meal and flakes are always fresh
and sound, you can depend on them.
\ A Te are selling a good grade of tea—green
—black or mixed at 28cts per. Ib. Try it.
Fine Job Printing.
There is no style of work, from. the ‘chieapes
Dodger" to the finest
that we can not do in the most satisfactory man:
ner, and at
Prices consistent with the class of work. Call at
or communicate with this office.