Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 11, 1896, Image 2
[hy . Bellefonte, Pa., Dec. Ii, 1896. AN APPEAL: EDMUND V. COOKE. Are we given eyes that we shall not sce That man is thralled and ntammon free? Are we given ears that we shall not hear The sob of humanity sounding near? Are we given hearts that we shail not heed The strength of wrong and the might of Greed 7 Are hands to zrasp and never to give, No matter how others die—or live? at we shail not speak ity crush the weak. Are we given tongues tl Though we see the migl Are we given sense that we shall not feel Except what touches a selfish weal ? Are we given brains that we shall not know The rights we own and the rights we owe ? \ Then ho! my brothers ; awake ! arise! Use ears and {tongues and brains and eyes? Be sure of the ground on which you stand, And then let nobody stay the hand. You reach to the aid of the right and true ; It is yours to learn! It is yours to do! FROM BUDAPEST TO WARSAW. Special Correspondence to the Warcnyan, I have seen many pleasant places in my journeys in many parts of the world. In the ‘‘pleasures of memory’ I can again visit some of the most famous and most beautiful spots on earth ; can in dolce far niente wander at niy own sweet will among the Italian Lakes or the Lakes of Kil- larney ; find myself perfectly at home at Athens or Sevilla; can recall with vivid distinctness the thrill of delight on my first entry into Rome, into Constanti- nople; can compare Karlsbad with our own Saratoga, Tunis with Smyrna and Madrid with Budapest. The spirit of adventure, the wander spirit is in my bones and blood and brain. This summer and autumn I traveled in Hungary and Russia. I know nothing finer in its way than the view from the steamers deck coming from Vienna to Budapest, as, after passing the beautiful flowered Marguerite Island come successively in sight the four enormous bridges which span the Danube, the monu- mental new Capitol with thirty-six towers, the mile long rows of quays and white pal- aces on the river front and opposite, on the other bank of the river the high hill of Buda on which towers the mighty fortress, the Royal Palace and in the background Blocks- burg. The swift steamer passes under the chain bridge among rafts, barks, small steamers and tugs and swings gracefully to her landing, her nose against the stream to breast the mighty current. Budapest’s claims to being one of the fine cities of Europe are well founded. She has an extensive system of boulevards (rings), rich museums and the ‘dash and go’’ of an American City. Her population has doubled in twenty years numbering now one million souls. "This is what was once a small Turkish city full of nesques, mina- rets and veiled ladies. I did the Kiailitas, the Millenial Expo- sition, but space will not permit me to write about it. The Bosnian and Herzegovinian sections impressed me the most, they represented a harmonious blending of the Orient and the Occident. These two countries which only a few years ago were in a chronic condition of revolution riot and brigandage, where murder and pillage were the order of the day, are, wrested from Moslem influences, under the beneficient protection of Austria- Hungary, brought to a condition of pros- perity and admirable public security. The dapper little gendarme had much to do with it. He chased chaos by order. In the Milleénial Exposition among the archaeo ogical treasures of the nation as- sembled from the collections of kings, convents, home and foreign museums and from the magnate families, are displayed the coats of mail, war trappings and arms of the kings, generals, princes and rulers who fought for the freedom and unification of Hungary during the last 1,000 years. Among the number and perhaps the best known to Americans is Hunyadi Janos ! Two objects especially attracted my at- tention, perhaps because guarded night and day by four armed watchmen. The one is a calvary, a master piece of ancient gold- smithing. It is of solid gold and is in- sured for one million guldens ! The other is a piece of a silken flag—now a rag, on which fair hands had embroidered the picture of the Mother of God. Long ago in the musty past in the battle of Mo- hacs, where the Hungarian Army was an- nihilated by the Turks, the Royal flag was captured. A brave knight in imminent peril of his life recaptured the flag, cut out this piece containing the picture of the Holy Virgin and saved it from pursuing Islam. This is a national trophy and no money would buy it. As the Russians at Moscow say ; “Over Moscow is the Kremlin and over it nothing but Heaven’ so say the Hungarians ‘The sword of John Sobiesky is hung right up under the stars.” At the exposition blended in a many colored pot-pourri of humanity were Magyars, Italians, Croatains, Cszechs, Slaves, Roumanians, Bohemians, Armen- ians, Slavonians, Jews, Dalmatians, Bos- nians, Herzegovinians, Servians and Gyp- sies who compose the Hungarian Nation. What an ethnological and philological study ! Francis Joseph by all odds the most respected and loved of all emperors, kings or rulers of Europe, does not speak the language of millions of his subjects. They are asking each other, in bated breath what will be the fate of this com- posite empire after his death, for it is evi- dent that it is his wonderful personality which holds this heterogenous mass of peo- ple together. Notwithstanding the mighty strides of Hungary to take her place in the procession of nations emigration increases and during every year of the last five, from fifty to seventy one thousand have emigrated to the United States. They come mostly from the North, from near the Carpathians and are principally Slovanians. They are forced to earn their bread elsewhere chiefly be- cause of the destruction of the vines by the | phyloxera in the Tokay and surrounding wine districts. The land is all taken, the struggle for life forces them to seek new fields and more hospitable skies. Emigra- tion is the only remedy. The Slovanians are not liked by the Hungarians any more than they are in the United States; in- deed they are as much despised as are the Servians. Some of the Hungarian dishes of the na- tional cuisine deserve a passing mention such as Paprikahuhn, or roast chicken pe- culiarly prepared with hungarian pepper and other ingredients : kukuruz or roasting ears boiled in paprika water ; Gulasch or roast beef a ln paprika. Their wines are excellent. Slivowitz, or cherry brandy is aL nel at the Iron Gates will develope Danube traffic to a ponderous extent. The whole work cost about forty million guldens equal to about ten millions of dollars. There must have been a great deal of carelessness in the blasting operations, for the captain tells me more than two hun- dred workmen have already lost their lives. American drilling machines and dredges, which had been brought from Panama, have done the underwater work. The ad- mirable enterprise of the Yankee is bouni- less! The work will probably take a year yet to complete. =I landed at Turnu Severinu ( Roumania) and returned by rail to Orsova in a few minutes. Bulgaria may be reached in a few hours. Poor old Servia presents to view little but uncultivated fields, deserted and half ruined houses and a general air of a looped and windowed raggedness, while Roumania shows undoubted evidences of thrift and prosperity. The Rowmanians are a very sympathetic, plausible people, with artistic costumes and charming manners. Those I became acquainted with at Herkules Bad spoke French like the Parisians. They. have the reputation, however, of being great rascals, they say one Rouman- ian can cheat four Hungarians ! The Roumanian national costume shows the transition from the European to the flowing robes and burnous of the Turks and Arabs. It consists principally of white linen exquisitely embroidered with red and blue, and red and blue wool hangs, like a long fringe from the girdles of the women to the edge of their skirt. All sorts of ar- rangements of sheepskins give a different but no less harmonious effect in winter. I was especially delighted with Herkules Bad, a watering place owned and exploited by the Hungarian Government who built the extensive bathing establishments and Kurhaus and have there one of their mih- tary hospitals. The waters principally sulphur and sodium have helped suffering humanity ever since the time of the Ro- mans. Herkules Bad, a dream of loveli- ness in respect to vegetation, is situated in a rift in the Transylvania Alps which over- hang so high that the sun appearing and disappearing very late and early the morn- ings and the evenings are deliciously cool. The siesta is de rigueur after luncheon. Here I whiled away two weeks in dolee far niente, resting before going on my long journey to Russia, enjoying the excellent military music, living at the Kwrhaus, where refreshments are served with the ac- companiment of Tsigane or Gypsy music, waltzes and quadrilles and pretty girls dancing the Cszarda. : The return journey by rail to Budapest offers nothing remarkable. After passing the foot hills of the Alps it is one almost continuous, fertile plain of black earth to Temesvar, to Szegdin, to the Capital. Every where in Hungary one hears the thrum thrum of the mandolin, the zither and the guitar, for they are as musical as the Italians, and the eye is delighted with the peasants’ gay, laughing costumes in which bright red and blue predominate. Before dismissing the subject of IIun- gary, which one must handle all too cur- sorily to keep within the limits of a letter, I must be indiseret and tell you what the captain told me about his salary. I have been, said he, thirty-three years in the ser- vice of the company ; my annual salary is 1800 guldens—720 dollars, and when I shall have completed my thirty-five years _of service I will be entitled to an annual pension of 1200 guldens. Think of the captain of a Mississippi steamer working for 60 dollars a month ! From Budapesth to the Russian frontier town Graniza is about cleven hours with irksome delays at Oderburg (Silesia) and Graniza at which latter takes place passport and baggage revision. On the way one sees peasants thrashing hy the old process, horses turning in a circle, tramping out the golden grain. Women appear to do the work of men,— one sces them unloading carts of lumber, coal, ballasting the track, repairing tunnels laying sidewalk ete., ete. To earn your bread in sudore vultus is here as true for the women as for the men. The women are paid for such work about 40 to 50 kreuzers —16 to 20 cents a day and I cannot help contrasting the condition of American women with these poor unsexed creatures. As we near the Carpathians a guard of gen- darmes with Lebel rifles and fixed bayonets mount the train and escort us across the mountains to the beautiful mountain town of Teschen. The trip across the Carpathians rivals the Horse Shoe Bend in picturesqueness aud reminds me of the approach from the Swiss side to the Saint Gothard Tunnel, the train winding by a series of circles, zig zags and tunnels to a great height. Suddenly the Hohe Tatra comes in sight, like a giant perpendicular wall crowned with spire like peaks, which look like the teeth of a colossal comb. The Carpathians are rich in various min- erals and extensive iron furnaces, silver, coal, iron and copper mines, furnaces and reduction works are seen in the vicinity of Neusohl, Herrengrund and Heiligenkreuz. At the last Austrian station it appeared to me that the employes were suddenly more stiff almost insolent in their demean- “ory as if in the presence of a rival, a critic, an enemy and that in their commands there was an exaggeration of the rough, guttural intonations of the german. The conductor sympathizingly said to me ‘its a pity your’e going to travel in such a disgusting country as Russia.”’ In my next I will record my impressions of travel in the land of the White Czar. > WILLIAM H. HASTINGS. their Nircana producer and is to them what vodka is to the Russians Professor Max Muller Merwe language { comes from Ural-Asiaas do the Fihnish and the Turkish. : Some of their words are very peguliar as for instance ; fo == head ; bor = wine ; ara = price ; noe = wife; o=old; ur = mister ; ut = street ; viz = water. Immortal Ciwcsar they write Cszasar. Other words are as long as your arm and appear to be composed of riotous assem- blages of consonants. ; The Hungarians are horn orators and their word of applause is Eljen for hurrah, encore, bis. : Travelling in Hungary is cheap and ex- Rh comfortable. On the steam pack- et Fiume I made the voyage from Buyda- pest to the historically famed Iron Gates. The captain of the steamer, for a modicum, ceded to me his cabin and became my “guide, philosopher and friend” ; invited me on the bridge and explained as we sped by the remarkable things to be seen. The voyage lasts almost two days, a first class ticket costs ten guldens or ahout four dollars. The current of the Danube is swift, the boats leng and narrow side wheelers, which draw only about a yard of water and down stream arc capable of great speed. The menu was excellent.. The Danube for a long distance from Budapest flows directly south, the heat was excessive, when the boat stopped af the landings, we appeared to be running into the sun. The land on both sides is, with few ex- ceptions flat, well cultivated or dense for- ests of maple and fir. There are many islands covered with luxuriant, almost tropical vegetation. The monotony of the landscape is relieved by several colonies of flour mills built on flat boats at anchor in the stream of the blue Danube which turns ihe wheels. ~Power is cheap, the situation romantic. They grind wheat by the old process of attrition,—not crushing by roll- ers,—and Hungarian flour commands the highest price in Europe. At Mohaecs the captain pointed out the battle-field where Aug. 29, 1526, thé Turks conquered the Hungarian Army and oc- cupied the whole country as far as Vienna. Near Peterwardein abrupt change in the landscape the banks becoming high, moun- tainous and we came to anchor under the enormous, menacing forts, picturesquely situated high up on the summit. We arrive late in- the evening at Bel- grade, come to anchor inthe Save and re- main till daylight the next morning. We went ashore to walk around and see the town. It produced a very uncanny im- pression upon me I must confess, dirty, dark streets and a look of menacing un- friendliness on every face. The sanitary - committee was evidently on a vaca- tion. The policemen who wear cocked hats like the knights of Pythias made a lot of noise about our passports and insisted on our getting them vised, an impossibility at that hour of the night. I was glad to get back to my cabin without getting a pistol shot in the back,—one of their favorite ways, the captain says, of saluting strangers. Larose at 5 o'clock to see Belgrade by sunrise. Located on the hill probably five hundred feet above the river the situation of Belgrade is one of the most beautiful of all the capitals of Europe. In the morn- ing sunlight the effect was ethereal. Tow- crs, minarets, palaces, convents, churches, barracks shone in the refulgent sun as we. sped by, the intertwining lines and mov- ing shadows making an exhilerating pan- orama. “The ascending morn’ had not yet touched the lower streets and squares, which were still wrapped in shadow. But the néar approach of the cvening before minimized the charm. iike Constantinople from the Bosphorus the view is enchanting, but it is distance which lends the enchantment. So it is with Belgrade. Heinrich Heine I think it was, said that at Cologne,—hcadquarters by the way of scent,—he counted seventy-nine distinct smells. Ie could have counted many more at Belgrade where sanitary regula- tions are more honored in the breach than in the observance. Now, said the genial captain here com- mence the rapids, we had just passed { Plavisevica here begins the Defile of Kasan. The river narrows to less than one hun dred metres and is sixty metres deep, the mountain walls are at places perpendicular, the scenery wierdly grand. The ship ploughs along at express speed. The pass- age is tortuous, necessitating a special pilot and strenuous efforts of the four men at the wheel ; the water rushes with great velocity and volume. It reminded me of the Lachine Rapids in the St. Lawrence. Then we came to where the river widens into a broad expanse of water, more like a lake, from which no outlet is visible through the high surround- ing mountains. We seemed to have come abruptly to the end of our journey. I was disappointed for I had the idea that the Iron Gates were a narrow passage through a great gateway of enormously high pre- cipitous mountains. Instead, one sees a wilderness of dry rocks on which fishermen lazily watch fora ‘‘nibble.”’ Here is where the channel has been deepened, this is the Demir Kapu of the Turks, words which signify a grille of rocks, an obstruction to navigation, the iron gates. Buoys lighted at night, mark the channel. The passage of steamers has always been slow, hazardous and bothersome and fre- quently at low water both passengers and baggage had to be transshipped by lighters or by road. The Roman Emperor Trajan AD. 103 coped with and conquered the same diffi- chlties but he did it in another way. He built a road about six feetabove high wa- ter mark for the transportation of his army and supplies and for towing his boats up stream. The holes cut in the solid rock for the sleepers on which rested the road are distinctly visible for a long distance. Trajan commemorated his victory over these great, natural obstacles by an inscrip- tion called the Tavola Traiana which,cut in- to the solid face of the granite mountain is still distinctly legible from the steamer’s deck. —~ As the boat passes through the Iron Gates there is but little to be seen ex- | cept the buoys which mark the channel j and the numberless miniature ‘whirlpools | effervescing in every direction and small | breakers, white caps, struggling against the | current. The Worm Turned. One reads and hears constantly of! the devious ways of the city shopper, feminine gender, of course, but it appears from a story that has floated down from a little Massachusetts town that her country sister has her caprices as well. The amazing part of the tale is its absolute and verified truth. ’ A woman went not long ago to the gen- eral store of the village in question and ask for lead pencils. Several sorts were shown to her, her choice final] narrowing down to one or two. These 8. . ‘‘sweetly requested”’ the clerk should sharpen for her to test practically their relative merits. still her decision was reserved, and finally she asked that both be sent to her home for a more careful selection. This was ac- ceded to, she further stipulating that the unneeded one should be called for the following day. The two trips were ac- cordingly made to secure the sale of one 5 cent lead pencil, which was brought back the next week somewhat used, with a re- quest that it be exchanged for the other sharpened one. The worm will turn, and this last request was refused.—New York Advertiser. i By some freak of government a Turkish { colony has been allowed to remain on the { Island of Adah Kelah which is Hungarian i soil. It is picturesque and delightful to i see here in the middle of the Danube a real mosque, real bazars and their grace- | ful, vari-colored costumes. Approaching Roumania the river broad- I'ens, the banks are lower, the woods gradu- ally recede from the mighty stream which { flows untroubled by rapids to the Black sea. The various nations interested Hungar- ians, Servians. Roumanians are justly | proud of this great work which has” been made laboriously, and at a great cost and Evangelists Weaver and Weeden are now holding meetings in Bethany church, Twenty-second and Bainbridge streets, i white and scarlet carnations. ! moves toward friendship, and that was We A Little Baby Which was the Idol of Caldwell Place. | In Storey’s Windo Storey was the florist on Caldwell place. The number was 29. It seemed to be rather a poor location for a florist, for, although Caldwell place was in a very aristocratic neighborhood, being sandwiched in at right angles between the drive and the boulevard, that short street itself had never amounted to much. In- deed, it was sometimes spoken of as an alley, but the people who lived there al- ways resented that with a good deal of bit- terness. But Storey owned the house and lot at No. 29 and, having been descended from a long line of florists and naturalists, he was possessed of an inherent love for his work and could never bring himself to the that might pay better than catering to the wsthetic tastes of the residents of Caldwell place, who couldn’t afford to buy flowers, and the rich folk on the boulevards and avenues, who generally patronized a more pretentious place when they had occasion to give a large order. falling beam when making repairs on one of his green houses. He recovered, but his limbs remained hopelessly bent and maimed and after that his wife really took charge of the establishment. : Perhaps it was due to her fine woman’s taste that the window always looked so beautiful. It was worth while living on Caldwell place just to get a chance to look at Storey’s window. And everybody around there seemed to appreciate their advantage in living in close contiguity to a spot of such varied and harmonic beauty and a good many people went two or three blocks out of their way every day to see it. What a window it was! Storey made a specialty of ferns and roses and carnations point of embarking in another business | and there were rarest specimens always on exhibition ; a green background of many- shaded, feathery fern-leaves ; jardinieres of full-hearted American beautiesand J acque- minots, masses of delicate white bride’s roses and mounds upon mounds of pink, And there, in the midst of them, was the fairest flower of all. That was Storey’s baby. He was such a pretty boy ; brown-eyed, long-lashed, clear-kinned and dimpled. They always left a place for his high chair in among the ferns and roses, and there he would sit and amuse himself with watching the passers- by in the narrow street outside or gently caressing with his fat little hands the fra- grant blooms that nodded and nestled all around him. He was a very little boy, but in all the ignorance of babyhood he was never known to injure a flower hy rough or careless usage. It seemed that there was some indeflnable, heaven-welded tie of common brotherhood uniting them and each rejoiced in the companionship of the other. Storey’s baby was the idol of Caldwell place and many of the adjoining streets as well. There were a good many babies in that neighborhood, but they were not like the brown eyed boy. Everybody, irre- spective of family pride and affection, acknowledge that. Boys ‘whose play- ground was the narrow pavement, con- gregated in front of Storey’s window and whirled tops and turned somersaults and played leap frog for the edification of Storey’s baby. Dainty Miss Elizabeths and Little Lord Fauntleroys from the ave- nues stopped and smiled and threw kisses at him, and young men and old men who were in business down town tapped on the window when going by and called out ! “Hello, little man!’ And Storey’s baby always answered with the smiles and nods and gurgles of delight which he kept in | store for his horde of acquaintances. responsive to Storey’s baby’s initiatory Abner Wilson. Wilson lives just around the corner on the drive, and he generally went to the car line by way of Caldwell place because it was the shortest route. He had been passing that way for a good -many months before he deigned to notice Storey’s window at all, but one day the door was open and there came surging out into the street such billows of exquisite perfume that he was impelled to stop and admire the source from whence they came. The baby was there and he beckoned with his pretty hand, nodded and laughed, but Wilson muttered something under his breath and, frowning, turned away. | He avoided Caldwell place for a week after that, but one evening he found him- self drawn irresistibly back again and for the second time he paused before Storey’s window. A couple of gay young dandies from the drive were inside buying carna- tions and talking to the baby and when they came out Wilson stalked stolidly along behind them and audibly denounced them as ‘sentimental young idiots.” So the weeks passed and Wilson went by Storey’s window twice each day and every time he stopped and looked in, buf he never replied to the baby’s greetings nor bought a flower, as did the other men. That, Wilson said, was ‘‘rot.”” One day he was sick and couldn’t go down town, but he got up in the afternoon and dressed and walked out as far as Storey’s window. And some people, seeing him do it, might have termed that ‘‘rot,”” too, but Wilson would have indignantly denied it. One morning in the early autumn Wil- son went trudging through Caldwell place and when he came to Storey’s window he noticed that there had been a change. The ferns were there, and the roses and the | carnations, but the baby was not there. When night came the little chair was vacant. The next, and another week. Then there came a morning when Wil- son, actuated by some potent, unanalyzed force, stepped into the store to see what was the matter. Mrs. Storey waited on him. He bought two dozen white roses and then, hesitatingly, he asked : ‘“Where’s the baby 2’ Mrs. Storey hastily raised her apron to her face. There was only one man who was un- | | | ‘‘In, there,” she Sobbed, pointing to a room in the rear. ‘‘Is he—is he—"" faltered Wilson. ; “Dead,” cried the mother. ‘About an | hour ago.”’ . Mr. Wilson held out the white roses. “Give him these for me.’’ he said. always him.” “Thank you,’’ she said. it’s too late, now.”’ i And Wilson went out onto the sidewalk | and looked once more at Storey’s window, | where stood the empty chair in the midst of the green and white and crimson glory. —Emma M. Wise in the Chicago News. | “I’m afrai Sensational. newsboy. ‘‘All ’bout th’ battleship Texas | not sinkin’ yesterday. —A woman will walk by a dead dog they expect that the deepening of the chan- | Philadelphia. three stuffed wrens on her hat. ° § a id nikon bia ee it. 1 pr ———idoiion at intended to do “something for | u d Colorado region, Glenwood Springs, Lead- | ville, and the Garden of the Gods. “Git a mornin’ pa-a-per !”” yelled the | Street station, Philadelphia. ‘that time. Dreamed of a Gold Mine. Mine. During the past year, on five or six suc- cessive occasions, Mrs. George Law, of Kan- sas, City has dreamed of a gold mine near Cripple Creck. She went out there in August and located the mine after she had scen the place in another dream. She immediately began proceedings to get con- trol of the property. Saturday her hus- band signed a lease for a section, 300 by | 60 feet. The Dream promises to he one of the richest mines in the world’s areat- est mining camp. The story which began in a dream is now ending in reality. Mrs. George Law in Kansas City society. Mr. Law is a prominent real estate and loan broker and one of the solid men of the city. Mrs. Law’s first dream of gold came to her last winter. In her sleep she saw with the vividness of real vision a spot between | mountains where ravines formed a | triangle inclosing a hard bed of sand. She | ! ; ! Istood upon this bank and scooped wp factory than the Louis XIV coats, which Storey himself had been injured hy a | two handfuls of it. grains of gold. The sand glittered Then Mrs. Law Went to Colorado and Located the | is one of the leaders | toqued FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN: Miss C. IH. Lippincott, Minneapolis, has | the largest exclusively flower seed business [in the United States. She is the pioneer woman in the business, which she entered { ten years ago. At last the fashion of shges is becoming { more sensible, and that the bulldog toe is ! putting the old-style toothpick entirely in , the shade. Overshoes to correspond are i also one of this scason’s novelties. | The new muffs are mostly of velvet, with | a frill on each side of the plain centre piece | headed on one side by a band of fur. Col- lored yelvet muffs to match the hats or ill be worn, with light brocade { linings, and some fur and fancy headed | gimp. Muff chains are greatly worn, with ; small pearls, the turquoise or coral heads | at distances. Fastidious dressers tack in a small piece of sachet powder into muff linings to perfume them. After all, what is prettier or more satis- with | are still worn though in modified ef- [fects? A charming coatof this sort. This vision made a decp impression up- | made up in tan mohair to go with a mohair on Mrs. Law, though she is a realist of | skirt, showing narrow stripes of black. the most pronounced type and scoffs at all | The skirt is perfectly plain, but so gored as such psychological chimeras. .\ few nights | to bring the stripes into sharp points at later she again beheld the same scene in her dreams. It was even more vivid than the other. The outlines of the country were plainly visible. Three more times, at various intervals, the same vision came to her. Tach time it was morc and more distinct. She beheld an adjacent town. She knew perfectly every point in the sur- rounding country. In ene dream she de- termined to sink a shaft, and did locate one near an old stump in that bed of sand. Mrs. Law’s intimate friend, Mrs. Har- vey Rhoades, went to Cripple Creek about Mrs. Law had urged her hus- ‘band repeatedly to accompany her to that place, but hescoffed at the idea. Mrs. Law had corresponded with Mrs. Rhoades, and was convinced that she would find her mine near Cripple Creek. It was in Au- gust, after the fifth dream, that she could wait no longer. She made a visit to Mrs. Rhoades. On the first Saturday in September Mrs. Law drove into the old part of Cripple Creek on a stage. It bore not the faintest resemblance to the town of her dreams, and Mrs. Law was in despair. That night the sixth dream came to her, and again the town’s outlines were strongly impressed upon her. Sunday she went to Mrs. Rhoades’ home up on the hill. From her front porch she gazed out upon new Crip- ple Creek. It was the city of her dreams. Wild with excitement, early Monday morning Mrs. Law, Mrs. Rhoades and two companions started ina light wagon to search for the triangle and the bed of sand. ! As if guided by a spirit, scorning roads and directions, the party went straight across the hills. They reached the summit of Grouse mountain and went on down to- ward the ravine which separated it from Beacon hill. Scrambling down the hill, far in advance of her companions, Mrs. Law found the gulch, the ravine, the each gore, «ll around the skirt. A rustling i lining of tan taffcta set off the skirt. The jaunty little coat fits like a glove, and has a short, flaring skirt, set out over the hips. { All the seams are piped with tiny cords of { black satin, and a pipine of the same is {used as a finish along the edge. Broad re- vers of tan velvet, overlaid with big jet se- quins, flare away from a snug vest of white satin, ornamented in double hreasted fash- ion with small, flat gilt buttons. The col- lar is a stock built quite high, and topped by a star-shaped collar of tan velvet piped with black. ! The sleeves have only a slight fullness at the shoulder and are tight fitting from the elbow down, with only a piping as a finish. To rest a pair of tired eyes hold your face over a bowl of salt #¥nd’ water until the lashes by winking and blinking act as a sort of sprayer. Once the salt water has reached the pupils of the eye, let it stay there. In this way you gain a refreshing bath. By wiping the eyes much of the benefit of this dip will be lost. Nothing so disfigures a woman’s looks as a chapped skin. Soon the thermometers will take a downward turn and then it is that the greatest care must be given to the selection and the application of cold weather unguents. Nothing so tenders the skin asa face steam or a face bath of hot water. IPor this reason it is important that a pure cream be used afterwards. It acts as a defense against atmospheric action. The woman who is an aspirant for a new skin has much to learn before she can compass the many subtle moves to be taken in beauty’s direc- tion. Housework, sweeping, dusting, bedmak- ing, washing, and the incessant processes necessary to keep things bright about a { house, are excellent for the complexion. | | | | triangle, the bed of sand, even the stump, | They also keep the spirits good and make as she had dreamed of them so often. Mrs, | the worker graceful, strong and agile. Law rushed to the triangle, drove her stake | and claimed the mining rights. Nearby were some placer miners. said that gold was in that vicinity. Anything that is healthful is beautifying. { A diet of rare broiled beef, beets, aspara- They | Bus. carrots, onions, juicy fruits, dried A | toast, soft boiled eggs and milk will do divining rod with which a search for water | more toward beautifying a woman than all was being pursued turned as the party | the lotions and pomades ever invented. walked over the ground. It turned again If the skin is kept clean and fresh, and at the nearby mines, where gold was known | the diet is well regulated and laxative, the to be. was true. It proved that Mrs. Law’s dreams | complexion will take care of itself. All | the skin ointments in existence will not do A short time igo friends of the Laws in ; a5 much toward beautifying the face as will { Cripple Creek went over the ground claim | & sufficient amount of fruit, such as grapes of the Dream and picked up a number of | berries, oranges and peaches. bits of porphyry ore which cropped out | 00.0 hu They were crushed and | by torpid liver, or else by a not sufficient from the surface. Mud-colored skins are either produced assayed, and the official certificate, now in | nourishing diet. Mrs. Law’s possession, shows the surface | This is said | ore to run $5.85 to the ton. to be one of the richest surface assays ever made in the Cripple Creek district. The certificate of this fact was sent to Mrs. | Law, and the next day Mr. Law went to Cripple Creek. graphed his wife that the lease had been signed. A company has heen formed to work the claim. The officers are all women. Tours to California. California has been most fittingly termed the ‘Italy of America.” All the delicious balm, the cloudless sky, and the rich ver- dure of the great European peninsula are duplicated in this sunny land of the Pacific. Here nature basks in the sunshine of her own beauty ; and here she has established her own sanitarium, where eternal spring inspires everlasting youth. With the snow-mantled peaks of the Sierras upon the one hand, the calm Pacific with its soft breeze upon the other, and a veritable paradise of flowers, fruits, and plants be- tween, man can find and needs no lovelier land. To visit such a country is a privi- lege, « blessing. ? The Pennsylvania railroad company, recognizing the need of a more comfortable and pleasant way of crossing the continent, inaugurated a series of anuual tours to California, running a through train of Pyll- man palace cars from New York to the Pacific coast, and stopping at the principal points of interest en route. The great popu- larity of these tours demonstrates the wis- dom of the movement. For the season of 1897 three tours have been arranged to leave New York, Phil- adelphia, and Pittsburg, January 97th, February 24th, and March 27th. The first tour will run direct to San Diego via St. Louis and the Santa Fe Route, and return from San I‘rancisco via Salt Lake City, Denver, and ‘Chicago, al- lowing five weeks in California. The second tour will run via the Mam- moth Cave and New Orleans to San Diego, stopping at the ‘‘Crescent City’’ during the Mardi Gras Carnival. This tour will re- turn via Salt Lake City, Denver, Omaha, {and Chicago, allowing four weeks in Cali- fornia. : : The third tour will run via Chicago, | Denver and Salt Lake City, allowing pas- | sengers to return by regular trains via dif- a | ferent routes within nine months. All of these tours, either going or re- rning, will pass through the famous es from all points on the Pennsyl- vafifa railroad system cast of Pittsburg : First tour, $310; second tour, $350 ; third tour, $210 round trip, and $150 one way. For detailed itineraries and other infor- mation, apply at ticket agencies, special booking offices or address George W. Boyd, assistant general passenger agent, Broad 41-48-1m. ——Miss Boston—*‘‘I have just been | reading Professor Huxley's admirable book ‘Man’s Place in Nature, and I think—? Miss York—‘‘Oh, I know all about that. in the street with tears in her eyes and | Man’s place in nature is at the seaside dur- ring July and August. In a few days he tele- | The edict has gone forth that the large hat shall no longer be worn in the theatre, and a woman who tries to wear one ig. made to feel so uncomfortable that she very | soon takes it off, so that it is now a well- accepted fact that large hats are only for street wear. Worn with walking costumes they are very appropriate, and if becoming, exceedingly so. A great many plumes are used in trimming them. All black hats of this description are very much in favor, sometimes made entirely of velvet ; some- times the crown of velvet with a brim either of plain or braided silk, or even with a shirred brim of heavy satin ; and while all black feathers are considered very smart other different colors, and even white, are very much used. All gray hats are favor- ites this season, and one of shaded velvet made with quite a low crown is trimmed with two long plumes, most gracefully ar- ranged, one falling over the brim almost down to the shoulder. With the hair ar- ranged Pompadour, as is now the fashion these hats are put on slightly to one side, and sometimes have the brim turned up very sharply at the left ; but many have only a small brim, which is curved at both sides. A delightful woman, a bread-winner in Paris, has the art of correct gowning down to a science, and this is the way she man- ages it on her limited income. To one swell tailor-made gown she treats herself every year. And on that gown she does not stint herself. It is made of the best material, and the style, while new, is nev- er ultra-fashionable, for the next season it must serve as second best. Then she has a well-made, dressy black satin or silk skirt to wear with her silk waists. These are never expensive, for the silk is picked up at odd times and special sales, and a modest little contouriere makes them very reasenable. For especial occa- sions she has a dainty pale silk, made up with two bodices—one festive, one sedate. In the summer she adds four up-to-date tailor-made shirt waists to her wardrobe. And for any and all occasions she is ready. And how often it is remarked that she is always delightfully gowned. She declares that the secret of her success lies in her care of the little things in her toilet—her veils, her gloves and her skirt braid. ‘Women, they say, are more moral than men. I say they are not,”’ says Mrs. Blotch, to a body of W. C. T. Uh “A woman who would wear an osprey aigrette in her hat is not moral.”’ There were many aigrettes on the bon- nets of her hearers that trembled with ex- citement. “The feathers are torn from the mother bird in nesting time, and she is left to die. There is something in woman’s heart that" is brutal and cruel when she follows fash- ion at such cost ; and so long as this con- tinues, the world will not improve much. The new woman seems to be in of- ficial favor in Chestar county. Miss Eva Chambers is to be chief clerk under Sheriff Hayes ; Register Eachus will have his daughter as a deputy, and Treasurer Phillips will be assisted in his official du- ties by his sister.