Democratic fatcan, ‘BY P. GRAY ME=K. Ink Slings. —MACEO has the record of dying and coming te life again, all within twenty- four hours. Lie —The man with the No. 6 hat and the 56 girth has it in him, some where, but certainly not in his head. —The grinder’s department of the na- tional axe-factory is working full time in the lobbies of the capitol at Washington. — How will this sound after January - 15th : J. THOMAS MITCHELL, commission- er’s clerk. Do you think it will sound that way ? : —The ‘cackling of the ‘geese saved Rome,’ but the cackling of the geese is not calculated to save the morals of some men who live on Bishop street. —1It is bad enough to see snakes but what a frightful condition that young man, in Bedford, must have been in when four live, wriggling reptiles escaped from his insides. —A Chicago justice fined a woman $10 because she owned a cock that crowed at an unseemly hour in the morning. It is getting pretty tough when women are held accountable for the doings of their roosters. —Senator CAMERON has wakened up and has introduced a resolution into the Senate declaring that the independence of’ Cuba shall be recognized. Is CAMERON joining the jingoes, or is this a slick bid for his own seat in the Senate ? —When the tax payers of Centre county get through with this contest for sheriff they will make it a point never to let an- other Republican get so near election as MriLLER did. After paying fifteen or twenty thousand dollars in costs there will be an end of 16 majorites. After that they will be sixteen hundred. = —Chicago is going to have a free silver church. What a happy thought. Possi- bly some of the ministers who have been helping HANNA and his gold theory for the past few months would like to have a lit- tle free silver. In fact we have yet to see the preacher whose begging propensity is not about on a par with any other accom- plishment he may have. —Congress being in session the Cuban question is, for the time being, eclipsed, but the news makers are desperate in the attempt to keep it before the people. The latest story is to the effect that the patriot general MACEO has been killed. These Cubans are like the proverbial cat. All of them seem to have nine lives, for every time they are ‘‘killed”’ they show up again. —Our Governor has a fine sense of hu- mor. His latest joke is to the effect that he does not intend being a candidate for the United States Senate because he feels that it is his duty to serve the people of Pennsylvania who made him Governor by the largest majority ever given any candi- date. It’s all right, Governor, if you want to be Senator we’ll excuse you from further duty at Harrisburg. —Butler’s council having passed a cur- few ordinance, the people of that town are mad because they say such an edict will have a tendency toward making law break- ers out of their children. The ordinance requires that a bell is to be rung every evening at eight o’clock, after which time all children under a certain age must be off the streets. Between the public school kid catchers and this law the lot of the Butler kid must be anything but a happy one. —Nebraska intends profiting by the mistake Kansas made in passing laws that affected both debtor and creditor class. Already that State is beginning to insure eastern investors that there will be nothing to fear in the form of legislation that might be injurious to Nebraska securities. What she needs is not assurance that her obligations will not be legislated out of ex- istence, but more money so that her peo- ple can get something with which to wipe them out. _—Many counties throughout the State are complaining that the State funds for public school purposes are not forthcom- ing. In view of the fact that Dec. 1st the official report of the State treasurer showed a balance of $4,250,257 in the various State depositories, this dereliction looks very much as if the money is being used for other purposes than those for which it is collected. When the State claims to have 80 much money to its credit what can be the object in withholding funds that are due the various counties. Such action is hampering the work of public schools very materially in some districts. —The Cambria iron company’s great plant at Johnstown was closed on the day it was visited by a delegation of Japanese scientists and-now. it is rumored that the company did not care to have the Japs learn too much about how steel is made there. Inasmuch as the object of the visit was thus frustrated it might have been in order for DR. ELDER, the Johnstown sound money-tariff agitator, to have told the visitors how easy it is for that big place to shut down and start up again. It will be remembered that it stopped, a few days before the election, just long enough to give the doctor a chance to write a column story for the Philadelphia Press about the way in which the free silver scare was de- pressing everything, but unfortunately for the force of his argument the plant had re- sumed almost before the article was put in print. e VOL. 41 STATE RIGHTS AN D FEDERAL UNION. BELLEFONTE, PA., DEC. 31. 1906. The Republican Ticket. Whatever may be the result of the con- test that Mr. A. V. MILLER and his Re- publican friends are trying to force upon the county, the Democracy will be in no way responsible for it. The costs which will run up into thousands of dollars and must be paid by the taxpayers ; the local bitterness engendered ; the besmirching of character ; the suspicion of rascality ; the charges of fraud and the whole train of foul things that bespatter communities and set neighbor against neighbor, that comes with election contests, will be chargeable solely to the greed of a few Republicans for office, and the general willingness of that party to saddle taxes upon the public. There is no one, not particularly inter- ested in getting ABRAM MILLER into a public office, but is confident that the re- turns of the last election for this county, as made and testified to, are honest in every instance and express the will of the peo- ple. But this does not suit Republican leaders and unless some unexpected ruling occurs the county is to be put to thous- ands of dollars of expense to prove that its election boards are honest, or to the same expense to give a defeated candidate an office upon technicalities. But be the result as it may, as we have stated, the entire responsibility of that re- sult, with all its costs and taxes and evils, will be upon the Republicans. It will be a contest of Republicans, with Republicans, for a Republican—AND THE PEOPLE MUST FOOT THE BILL. : It is asked for by a fairly defeated Re- publican ; Republican lawyers advise that it be pushed along ; Republican voters pe- tition for it ; of the twenty-six districts in which charges of fraud are made, twen- ty-four have Republican election boards ; and upon the proceedings a Republican judge will determine whether the cost of a contest is to be fastened upon the tax-pay- ers of the county, or whether the allega- tions of fraud are of too visionary a charac- ter to warrant this expense. It is right that the tax-payers should know these facts. They are the interested ones. It is upon them that the great bur- den of expense will fall. It is from them that the taxes will be gathered to pay law- yers fees, -and witness fees, and mileage, and court’costs, and constable costs and the scores of other necessary expenses fol- lowing in the wake-of a general contest, that will drag along for months and may not be ended until the Supreme court pass- es its judgment upon questions at issue, years hence. And all this expenditure upon the peo- ple to give ABRAM V. MILLER an office, through possible technicalities, when the tax-payers of the county refused, twice within thirteen months, to elect him to one.’ And all this trouble and expense and disgrace upon the county, because one lot of Republicans charge their own elec- tion boards with being too ignorant to know how to count the ballots, and with conspiring to defeat their own candidate. Surely the Republican party of this county is getting into deep water. Electoral Ignorance. It is announced from Washington that the leading colored Republican club of that city, which was established in 1895 for the purpose of furthering MCKINLEY’s election, opposes the suggestion of a colored man as a member of MCKINLEY’S cabinet. It proposes that the new President should. give a number of colored men a share of the loaves and fishes rather than to heap all the honor on one by a cabinet appoint- ment. Do these deluded darkies think they have the slighest show for a cabinet office, or for any official positions which white Republicans may consider worth occupy- ing? Though they elect Republican Presi- dents it is foolish for them to expect any of the offices, except such as are of a menial character; and their chances for even such are slim in competition with Republicans of the low-down order who are willing to clean official cuspidors. The colored brothers gave McKINLEY more than the popular majority that elec- ted him. The last census showed that there were 1,700,000 negroes in the country qualified to vote, and it is within bounds to say that of this number at least 1,200,- 000 voted at the last election, and, as they are practically solid for Republican candi- dates, it is obvious that the votes they cast for MCKINLEY numbered almost half a million more than his popular majority, which has settled down to about 700,000. The addition of the vast mass of negro ignorance to the voting population of the country is one of the crimes which the Republican party has committed against the Republic. They are committing anoth- er by utilizing the semi-barbarous hordes of Dagos and Huns as voting material, that ignorant mass having been secured by pur- chase and intimidation at the last election, and were used conjointly with the negroes in outvoting the intelligent artisans and farmers who supported the Democratic ticket and constitutional bimetallism. 2 Will Cuba Have Home Rule? It would seem from President CLEVE- LAND’S message to Congress that the only settlement of the Cuban question to which the United States can be a party must be effected through Spain’s of- fering the Island home rule. In fact, it is announced that our government has al- ready made advances to Spain with the hope of bringing about such a result. Home rule for Cuba would mean self-gov- ernment with a recognition of the sov- erneignty of Spain. But before the latter would grant such a concession Cuba would have to guarantee a satisfactory execution of government for herself and it is in this guarantee that the President suggests that the United States might help adjust the trouble without violation of neutrality laws. If Cuba were granted home rule it is in- timated that ‘‘the United States would en- deavor to find a way, not objectionable to Spain, of furnishing guaranty’’ that the government on the island would be prop- erly executed. This is the furthest to which the President goes in his message. There is but one conclusion that can be drawn, and it : that belligerent rights are not to be extended by the present adminis- tration, at least. After reciting that at least from $30,000,- 000 to $50,000,000 of American capital are invested in plantations and in railroads, mining and other business enterprises on the island and that the volume of trade between the United States and Cuba, which amounted to about $64,000,000, rose, in 1893, to about $103,000,000. the Presi- dent asserts that the Cubans have been able to maintain no civil government and that the only government that exists, if there be any, is enforced by the Spanish. It is his belief that Spain would be easily able to suppress the uprising were the rebels to come out of the hills and give fair fight, but that being secure in their ambuscades and succored from all quarters there is no telling when an end will be made of ‘the costly conflict. Looking at the situation from this point of view the President is convinced that the United States can take no other part in the trouble than in the way suggested in his message. He realizes the jeopardy in which millions of our capital is placed, yet he believes that the peculiar obligations of the laws of nations make it impossible for us to interfere except on the lines sug- gested. Future Probabilities. As there is scarcely a possibility of any revenue legislation during this winter’s session of Congress, there is every proba- bility of an extra session being called very soon after MCKINLEY’S inauguration. This will be done in order to effect the in- | crease of tariff duties which was the chief purpose of MCKINLEY’S election. Be- tween now and then there is but little likelihood of an improvement in business, but more likely that it will be a tough winter for the business interests, and that labor will find it a season of very rough sledding. The “‘advance agent of prosperi- ty’’ will not furnish that article so far in advance. But the relief that has been promised is to be furnished by means of more tariff taxation, and with that object there is every indication that Congress will be called together some time in next April or May. How business will be benefitted by the agitation of the tariff in a special ses- sion, which will probably be prolonged all summer, we will leave to the imagination of our readers, and if, after such disturb- ance shall have continued for months, the trusts and monopolies which put their money in MCKINLEY’S election shall suc- ceed in securing an increase of tariff boun- ties, it is not difficult to foresee what kind of ‘‘prosperity’’ will result from that method of obtaining it. While this kind of a remedy is being re- sorted to the business depression:will grow worse as the inevitable consequence of a contracted currency. The relief that may be expected is a further contraction by the retirement of the greeabacks, if the Wall street money sharks are allowed to perfect their scheme of cornering the currency. —Jt is beginning to be suspected that Prince Louis of Savoy has brought his ship over here for other than nautical purposes. His ship goes from one port to another, but the Prince spends most of his time on land, and the way he cuts the pigeon wing at social functions given in his honor by American swelldom, affords ground for the report that his chief object is to replenish the Savoy exchequer by marrying one of our multi-millionaire heiresses. The House of Savoy is not any too rich, and if the object of his visit is a matrimonial specula- tion, all that he has got to do is to let his purpose be known and the daughters of our Standard oil and trust plutocrats will tumble over each other in their struggle to lay their wealth, unencumbered by an in- come tax, and themselves, at his royal feet. } Republican Luck. In two very remarkable instances the luck of the Republican party has been far beyond what its merits deserved. It will be remembered that immediately after the passage of the MCKINLEY tariff law, this country was blessed with one of the most abundant wheat crops that was ever be- dence, while in the same - year, 1891, the crops of Europe were in a great measure a failure. It was the year when Russia, which usually exports such large quantities of wheat, had so short a crop that some of her districts were overtaken by famine. As a consequence of such a situation the export of American wheat and other cereals was immense, the excess in value over the exportation of ordinary years having been over $150,000,000. This unusual balance in our favor, with its consequent effect in pro- moting the business of the country, was de- clared by the protectionists to have been the result of the MCKINLEY tariff. Never- theless, by the time the HARRISON admin- istration closed, on the 4th of March, 1893, there wasn’t a vestige left of this pros- perity ; industry was paralyzed, the na- tional treasury was depleted, and a com- plete wreck was thrown on the hands of the incoming CLEVELAND administration. The party, however, whose management had brought about this condition got out of office in time enough to dodge the crash which they had been the cause of, and managed to create the impression that the bare fact of a Democratic administration coming into power had caused the ruin. It is a remarkable coincidence that just when this fraudulent old party has recov- ered control of the government there is another crop failure abroad that occasions an unusual demand for our grain, which a great yield enables us to abundantly sup- ply. The benefit which the country will derive from this lucky circumstance will surely be claimed as having resulted from McKINLEY’S election. Even before the voting came off the advance in the price of was credited to MCKINLEY’S prospective success, and there were some farmers who were fooled by such an absurd claim. But the benefits of the great grain expor- Jations that are now going on will be as vanishing'as were those of the year 1891, when the value of our exports exceeded those of ordinary years by nearly two hun- dred millions. After the unusual demand abroad has been supplied wheat will drop to the price to which the contracting effects of the gold standard has brought it, togeth- and restored MCKINLEYISM will be attend- ed with the same paralysing consequences that brought the country to the ragged edge of an impending panic at the close of the IIARRISON administration. : _ Protection to monopolies and a currency controlled by gold bug influence are not the agencies calculated to restore the country’s prosperity. The Republican party was lucky in the two instances we have cited, but its luck was a misfortune to the country. Fifty Years an Editor. The esteem in which Colonel ALEXAN- DER K. MCCLURE, editor of the Philadel- phia Times, is held by his newspaper friends found fitting expression in the magnificent banquet that was given in the honor of his fifty years’ service, at the Walton, on Wednesday night. Three hundred and fifty of the most distinguished writers of the State were present to congratulate the veteran editor on the wonderful career which he has made for himself. When alad of 19 years he issued the first number of the Juniata Sentinel, at Mifflintown, on Dec. 9th, 1846. The struggles of his early venture were very much the same as those that harry the country editor of to-day, but Col. Mc- CLURE was the onc. among thousands des- tined for a greater work. His ambition has been achieved and through the years that he has directed the policy of the great Philadelphia daily, his has been a potent factor in the business, social, political and christian spheres of the country. The 1¥mes- spreads McCLURE’S enlightening thoughts to thousands, every day, and who can calculate the public benefit. > While there was gladness and good fel- lowship expressed in this anniversary it is a sad thought that comes to us when we realize that Col. MCCLURE’S days of ser- vice in the ranks are drawing to a close. Those who have known him as friend bear that esteem ‘‘that can perish only when the gathering shadows shall have settled into the night that comes to purple the better morn.” -——It seems that Mr. MILLS would re- sort to heroic remedy in the Cuban affair. He wants the President to take possession of the island by force. While we deplore the awful strife that is fast wrecking that land we are not in sympathy with a move- ment to attach it to the United States. Our territory ‘is quite extended enough, particularly when there is such marked evidence of a growing tendency to dissatis- faction among our people, no matter what the condition of affairs. < Bann stowed upon her by a bountiful Provi- | wheat, caused by the foreign crop failure, er with that of other agricultural producs, The Prayer of the Mem Who Want to Make Abe Miller Sheriff. The Grounds on Which These Men Purpose Piling Costs on Centre County—Where They Cry Fraud in Republican Districts. To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the county of Centre : The petition of the undersigned, more than twenty-five Spmiber, and all citi- zens and qualified electors of the said coun- ty of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, re- spectfully represents : That the officers of the general election held for ‘said county of Centre on the 3rd day of November, 1896, have certified and returned that at said election W. M. Cronister received four thousand seven hundred and seventy-two votes for the office of sheriff of said county, and Abram V. Miller received four thousand, seven hundred and fifty-six votes for the said office of sheriff. That your petitioners are citizens and qualified electors of the said county of Centre, and that they each and all voted at said general election in the county of Centre, held on the 3rd day of November aforesaid. The petitioners complain that the said election was undue and illegal ; that the re- turn of the said election is false, and that the said. Abram V. Miller was duly elected sheriff of said county at said election, and not the said W. M. Cronister. That the respective election officers of the various election precincts in the county of Centre, at the said election held on the 3rd day of November last past, received, counted and returned a large number of votes as cast for the said W. M. Cronister, for the office of sheriff of said county, which said votes were illegal, improperly received, counted and returned for the said W. M. Cronister for sheriff of said county, and which were afterwards computed, counted and declared by the Court of Common Pleas, of Centre county, on the 5th day of November last past, all of which said votes, so as aforesaid received, counted and returned by the sev- eral election officers, and afterwards com- puted by the said court as aforesaid, were illegal and void. That the said votes so as aforesaid received, counted, returned and computed, were illegally so received, coun- ted, returned and computed. That the said votes so as aforesaid receiv- ed and illegally counted and returned hy the said election officers of the several elec- tion districts in the county of Centre, as cast for the said W. M. Cronister for the office of sheriff, and which were afterwards computed and declared by the Court of Common Pleas, whose duty it is, under the law, to compute the returns of the election from the several election districts or pre- cincts in the county, exceed six hundred votes. That in the various election i ‘igts at the said general election held on the day aforesaid there were a large number of votes offered to and received by the elec- tion officers, counted, returned and com- puted, avhich said votes or ballots were cast for thesaid W. M. Cronister for the office of sheriff by persons who were not qualified electors entitled to vote at said election. And your petitioners do further set forth the following facts on which their com- plaint is founded, by which it will appear that the said Abram V. Miller was duly elected sheriff of the said county of Centre as aforesid, viz: : 1st. That in the election district of the borough of Howard there were thirty and more votes cast, counted and returned for W. M. Cronister for sheriff, and subse- quently computed by the Court, than were legally cast for W. M. Cronister for sheriff, because the said thirty or more voters marked their ballots with a X in the circle at the head of the Republican ticket, which under the laws of this Commonwealth, was a vote for all the candidates in that ticket, in which list of candidates was the name of Abram V. Miller for sheriff, and at the same time, the said thirty or more voters marked a X opposite the name of W. M. Cronister in the Democratic column, and which said votes so as aforesaid cast, were illegally counted and returned by the elec- tion officers as legal votes for W. M. Cron- ister. 2nd. That in the election district of the township of Howard, there were fifteen or more votes cast, counted and returned for W. M. Cronister for sheriff, and subse- quently computed by the Court, than were legally cast for W. M. Cronister for sheriff, because the said fifteen or more voters marked their ballots with a X in the circle at the head of the Republican ticket, which under the laws of this Commonwealth, was a vote for all the candidates in that ticket, in which list of candidates was the name of Abram V. Miller for sheriff, and at the same time, the said fifteen or more voters marked a X opposite the name of W. M. Cronister in the Democratic column, and which said voters so as aforesaid cast, were illegally counted and returned by the elec- tion officers as legal votes for W. M. Cron- ister. 3rd. That in the election district of the township of Liberty there were ten or more votes cast, counted: and returned for W. M. Cronister for sheriff, and subsequently computed by the Court, than were legally cast for W. M. Cronister for sheriff, because the said ten or more voters marked their ballots with a X in the circle at the head of the Republican ticket, which under the laws of this Commonwealth, was a vote for all the candidates in that ticket, in which list of candidates was the name of Abram V. Miller for sheriff, and at the same time, the said ten or more voters marked a X opposite the name of W. M. Cronister in the Democratic column, and which said votes, so as aforesaid cast, were illegally counted and returned by the election of- ficers as legal votes for W. M. Cronister. 4th. at in the election district of the township of- Marion, there twelve or more votes cast, counted and returned for W. M. Cronister for sheriff, and subse- quently computed by the court, then were legally cast for W. M. Cronister for sheriff, because the said twelve or more voters marked their ballots with a X in the circle at the head of the Republican ticket, which under the laws of this Commonwealth, was a vote for all the candidates in that (Continued on page 4.) Spawls from the Keystone. —Pittsburg already has its new filtration plant ready for a test. —Frederick Jayne's baby pulled a boiler of water on itself and was scalded to death at Tunkhannock. —John Curry, colored, who hupg himself at Lebanon on account of domestic troubles, was cut down alive by his wife. —Citizens of Allegheny City in a big mass- meeting protested against charging tolls on roads inside the municipal boundaries. —The Cambria iron company at Johns- town shut down its vast mills to prevent visiting Japs learning just how it made steel. —Judge Biddle refused at Carlisle to mandamus the school board to admit a color- ed boy to the high school in violation of its own rules. —Harrisburg’s agitation against abuses in its fire department has resulted in three fire- men being dropped for theft and two for neglect. —Mrs. Andrew Lebens was foiled in an attempt to stab her husband in court at Scranton after he had prosecuted her for con- neetion with a scandal. —City councils of Lebanon are being urged by mayor John A. Weimer to investigate the workings of the city water department, which, he says, is mismanaged. —Governor Hastings on Monday, inspected the soldiers’ orphan industrial school at Scotland, and made a neat little speech, urging the pupils to the highest efforts. —Frank Ford, of Chewtown, Armstrong county, who was a Cuban volunteer for six months, says the insurgents will win, and yellow fever is more to be dreaded thap Spanish soldiers. —Carbon county commissioners offer $200 reward for information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of the murderer or murderers of Mrs. Caspar Laboy, at Lans- ford, on November 22. —The Clearfield county commissioners are now caring for a family of seven in the bor- ough of Brisbin. all of whom are lying with typhoid fever and in constant need of medical attendance and skillful nursing. —Mrs. Ransloe Boone, who was severely injured and whose husband was killed by a plunge with their horse down an unguarded embankment, has sued Norwegian township, Schulkill county, for heavy damages. —Burglars entered the post office at Shar- on, Pa., last week. They were carrying on drilling operations when two girls who were sleeping in a room overhead surprised them with a revolver fusilade. One of the ‘robbers was hit but both got away. The plucky girls have received many congratulations on their heroism. —David S. Africa, Huntingdon’s oldest citizen, is far-famed as the great turkey- hunter of the Juniata valley and many are the wild turkeys that have succumbed to his unerring aim. Though he is 86 years of age, Mr. Africa is still keen of eye and sure in aim ; and he has shot twenty-seven rabbits this season. —A fatal burning accident occurred near Renovo Thursday evening when the three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Garber was burned so badly that her death occurred during the night. Mr. Garber Tesides in the western part “of Renovo, and the little girl with other children was play- ing along the river bank where some boys had built a fire. In some manner the child’s clothing caught fire. —At Milton Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gruger and their 12-year-old daughter were in a state of asphyxiation from Saturday night until Monday morning. Strange to relate they. awakened after sleeping 36 hours. The in- mates were all more or less dazed and were not able to take food untiliseveral hours after a physician had prescribed the necessary remedies. A piece of the stovepipe had be- come disjointed, which opening permitted the gas to escape. —Prisoners made a desperate attempt to escape from the Bedford jail by setting fire to the jail, and but for the timely discovery of the fire by Sheriff Holmes, some of the prisoners would have escaped and others would have been cremated. George Bynum and Jesse Johnson, first degree murderers, were at the head of the plot. The fire was extinguished before the destruction of the Jail, and notwithstanding the confusion and temporary panic, not a single man got away. —Samuel H. Berkheimer, a young man of Bedford, who has been ill for a couple of years with what was supposed to be con- sumption, on Sunday, Nov. 15th, passed four reptiles resembling lizards, says the Bedford Gazette. The largest one is one and three- fourth inches'long. They were alive. This remarkable occurrence is puzzling the physi- cians, and the Medico Chirurgical college of Philadelphia will try to solve the anomaly, and give the result of its investigation to the medical world. Since the strange occurrence the young patient has been improving in health. —David Cassidy, an Altoona teamster, was struck by a Logan Valley trolley car on Saturday night and probably fatally injured. He was lying on the track when the car ap- proached. The circumstance of the case awakened the suspicion that Cassidy had been foully dealt with. His friends deem it probable that he was beaten insen- sible and thrown on the tracks with mur. derous intent. It is known that he quarreled with several parties in the La Pierre hotel bar room during Saturday evening and that one man struck him twice with a beer glass. An investigation of the case has been in- augurated. G. W. Bell, of Bell’s Landing, is probably the champion bee keeper of Clearfield county. Last spring he had 31 colonies. He put 63 in winter quarters, thus more, than doubling the number owned last spring. Besides this great increase he took off 1400 pounds of honey. Of this amount 1000 pounds was comb and the balance extracted honey. He says he has no difficulty in marketing it, at fair prices. He uses chaff hives of the Root pattern. The lower story is surrounded with chaff, affording ample protection against the coldest weather. One colony made 100 pcunds of honey during the past season. Two swarms which were united produced 112 pounds. He has the Italian variety of bees. In order to keep his stock pure he pur- chased a dozen queen bees during the season. He is a master of the business and keeps abreast with the latest methods and improve- ments of the business. i {