Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 20, 1896, Image 1

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Ink Slings.
—VPeople are beginning to get real exor-
cised over the commissioners’ clerkship
and the bosses around town say Mr. J.
THOMAS MITCHELL is to be the man.
—From the appearance of some of the
large dailies one would imagine Cuba ahout
consumed with war. It is strange that
this condition has just been found out
since the election.
—When the loss of limbs becomes the
price of disobedience it is time for children
to stop and think of the awful risk they
run in not heeding their parents’ warning
never to jump on trains.
—The German girl who boasts of having
eight thousand warts is destined to out-
shine old ALEXANDER MCGLUE, whose
claim to notoriety was based on the beauti-
ful pink wart he had on his nose.
—Every Republican in Centre county
has just as much right to have an office as
any other one. But just wait and see if
alot of the most deserving ones are not
turned down and youngsters given the
—If the United States get into a real live
war with Spain, Gen. MILES, the blatant
head of our forces, might find it necessary
to call on some of the seven million men
whom he is now reviling for having sup-
ported BRYAN.
—They say that MCKINLEY’S prosperity
is to extend to everything. What if it does.
Crops have been poor enough this year,
yet look how low prices are. Now if his
prosperity affects the cereals why, when
more are grown, won’t the prices fall still
lower ?
—In giving up his one hobby of the
American girl and going to DICKENS C. D.
GIBSON, the favorite young artist, is not
showing any signs of degeneration, but
merely making a change to allow the pet
theme of his sketches to catch up with his
—The Indianapolis board of health has
issued an edict against kissing in order to
stop the spread of diphtheria. Such oscu-
latory delights are dear at the price of such
a disease, but there are some girls in the
world whom a poor editor could kiss at the
risk of the seven years itch.
—Since we come to think of it wouldn’t it
have been more natural for us, as ‘‘anarch-
complacently as we did. The McKINLEY-
1TES threatened to win ‘‘by foul means, if
not by fair’’ and they are not ‘‘anarchists’’
like we are.
—HENRY WATTERSON, the distinguished
editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal,
says that the silver issue is not dead and
that the seeds sown in the recent campaign
will germinate and germinate until they
finally bear fruit. Of course he claims that
it will be bad fruit, but there will be fruit
all the same.
—DPolitical office fixers in these parts
seem to be going ahead without consider-
ing what kind of a factor the Hon. CHRIs-
TOPHER MCKINLEY is going to be in hand-
ing out patronage hereabouts. You know
CHRIS and the Major were both born in-
the same country, at least, and their names
are spelled alike, since CHRIS changed his
G toa K.
—After all these four days of fright-
ful (?) fighting that are reported to have
been going on on the island of Cuba ; fights
that have been so terrible as to illumine (?)
the heavens so that it can be seen in Flori-
da, we can look for a report, about Mon-
day, in which the details will be given and
the mortalities will foot up a few mules
and a cannon.
—Spain isn’t so hard up after all. She
raised $100,000,000 by a popular loan for
war purposes, within-a few days, and when
the struggles of the United States to keep
up her $100,000,000 gold reserve are so fresh
in the minds of the people and the fuss
that was made over her popular loan to
maintain the public credit are taken into
consideration this outpouring of wealth to
save a few colonies toa dying monarchy
is a pretty comméntary on the niggardly
policy of American bankers. :
—Mr. McKINLEY, in a recent interview
bearing on the possible relation of his ad-
ministration to Canada, spoke hopefully of
reciprocity. What is reprocity ? Why it is
the purest kind of free trade which the Re-
* publicans were forced to adopt when they
discovered that the people of the United
States would not stand being tariffed to
death always. The sagacious BLAINE in-
corporated it into Republican institutions.
It was free trade then, is free trade now,
but for fear of scaring the humbugged peo-
ple into fits the Republicans call it reci-
—Next Thursday will be Thanksgiving
day. How many of us will remember that
with all our troubles and vexations we
still have reason to be thankful to a gra-
cious Creator. Some for wealth, some for
health, some for the lightness of spirit that
brightens up many a clouded day,
and some for the comfort of life, for while
there is still life left there is hope for a
preparation for a future. No matter how
impoverished the condition, look about
you, there is something, yes just some
bright spot that is given
as a reminder that there is one, at least,
who has not forgotten your existence. Be
thankful unto that one, if for no other rea-
son than because He liveth, and for you
and is yours.
you |
VOL. 41
A Repetition of Disgrace.
Philadelphia is usually represented by as
scaly a set of roosters in the state Legisla-
ture as could be expected of the Jow order
of politics that prevails in that city, and
that she is satisfied with them and wants
no improvement in the character of her
Representatives is sufficiently shown by her
sending pretty nearly the same set back to
Harrisburg. If there have been any
changes from what she sent to the last
Legislature, there has been no improve-
ment in quality. In that respect it is sub-
stantially the same gang.
With but a single exception the entire
Philadelphia delegation elected this year is
Republican, there being but one Democrat
who will appear in the House as a Repre-
sentative from the city, a circumstance
which shows in the strongest light the hide
bound character of Philadelphia Republi-
canism. Among the profligate law makers,
whose conduct at the last session was as
disgraceful as it was expensive to the State,
none exceeded in the profligacy of their
action the Representatives from Philadel-
phia. There was no extravagant measure
put through the Legislature that did not
receive their hearty support. Every scheme
that took money from the state treasury
had their friendly assistance. Every
measure that increased the official expenses
was recognized by them as a duty to the
party bosses who required places for their
henchmen. Their general conduct was
consistently disgraceful.
The people of Philadelphia are aware of
the worthlessness of their legislative Rep-
resentatives, and yet they re-elect them, or
substitute them with others no better, and
the same may be said of other sections of
the State, with some honorable exceptions.
It can not be said to the discredit of Centre
county that after she had the experience of
such Republican representation as helped
to make the last session a public dishonor,
she was willing to have it repeated. It is
true that it required a bitter fight to over-
come the influence of the Republican
boodle which a presidential electionand a
rivalry for the United States Senatorship
threw into the county, but in spite of such
corrupt agencies Centre has escaped the
disgrace of being represented in the next
Legislature by the servile instruments of
party bosses and monopolistic corporations.
In this ponneckion we cannot but com-
ment upon the reckless party spirit that
will entrust the interests of the State to a
Legislature that will be no better than the
one that preceded it. There is every rea-
son to expect that it will be worse than the
last one, as it will naturally be inspired by
the conviction that the misconduct of its
predecessor was just what an overwhelming
majority of the people wanted and voted
for when they elected another one like it.
The case admits of no other logic.
Astonishing Assumption by Deserters.
There is something extraordinarily cool
in the claim of the so-called JEFFERSONIAN
Democrats that they are the true Democ-
racy and that it has devolved upon them
to reorganize the Democratic party.
There has been no disorganization of the
party except what has been caused by their
deserting, which has not materially injured
it. The party is all right, so far as its or-
ganization is concerned, as has been abund-
antly proven by its splendid fight against
the combined power of the trusts, the
bank syndicates, the moneyed corporations
and other natural enemies of Democratic
principles, aided by the political Hessians
who have insulted the memory of the
father of Democracy by calling themselves
The Democratic organizatien has not
been intrinsically impaired, but if there
were really occasion for reorganizing it,
those who deserted and went over to the
enemy in the midst of the battle would
not be the proper ones to perform that duty.
It can be imagined what would bave been
the indignant astonishment of WASHING-
TON and his compatriots if BENEDICT AR-
NOLD, after his act of treason, had set up
the claim that he and the Tories were the
proper parties to reorganize the continental
| army.
These self-styled JEFFERSONIANS should
be made to understand that they put them-
selves outside of the Democratic party
when they opposed the candidates regu-
larly nominated by the party convention
on the most thoroughly Democratic plat-
form that was ever issued as the deliver-
ance of the party. They may in time re-
pent of their desertion, and should they
want to come back no body will object to
their voting the Democratic ticket again,
but their return must’be characterized by
proper humility. The assumption of lead-
ership would be entirely unbecoming.
There are back seats, w.ich they can oc-
cupy if they wish to rejoin the Democratic
——1It is very likely that the grand con-
solidated MCKINLEY and HOBART all pros-
perity shows will cancel their bookings in
the United States. Their advance agent
caught the crowds as far as was needed so
there won’t even be a parade of prosperity.
A Question for the Silver Senators.
Senator PETTIGREW, of South Dakota,
one of the bolting Republicans at the St.
Louis convention, and who at the last ses-
sion of Congress, as a supporter of free sil-
ver, opposed the DINGLEY tariff bill, is re-
ported as saying that he will vote for the
tariff measures, that will be introduced in
the next Republican Congress, excepting
duties that may be proposed to be put on
articles controlled by trusts.
The Dakota Senator seems to be affected
by a singular confusion of ideas in regard
to the chief object of Republican tariff legis-
lation. A tariff bill of the MCKINLEY
variety, that would not include duties
beneficial to the trusts would be like the
play of HAMLET with the title role omit-
ted. PETTIGREW ought to know for what
purpose the banded monopolies put their
money in the election of Republican
Presidents and Congressmen. The mil-
lions which they spent in putting MCKIN-
LEY in the Presidency and securing the
right kind of a Congress, were not intended
to be productive of a tariff that would not
give them their full share of the ad-
Although the prospect of future tariff
legislation is not promising, it may be ex-
pected that an effort will be made to restore
the MCKINLEY tariff. It is proposed to
bring the DINGLEY bill up again at the
next session, but if it should be passed it
contains features that would insure its veto
by President CLEVELAND. The proposed
tariff legislation that is implied by the
election of MCKINLEY will be the work of
his administration and the Congress elected
in conjunction with him. The monopo-
listic interests that are the expectant bene-
ficiaries and paid their money for it, will
not fail to secure the introduction of a
highly protective tariff measure. That it
will pass a House of Representatives so
thoroughly enlisted in the interest of
monopoly can not be doubted. In the
Senate it sRould at least meet with the
opposition of Senator PETTIGREW, who
says he will oppose duties laid for the
benefit of trusts. There are enough silver
Senators of the same way of thinking,
who, together with the Democrats in the
Senate, ought to be able to block the pas-
sage of a MCKINLEY bill in the same way
that the DINGLEY bill was blocked in the
last session. -
The Appeal of the Cuban Patriots.
There is something pathetic in the ap-
peal which the Cuban patriots have made
to the Latin-American republics; asking
for at least the moral assistance of their
sympathy, though they may not expect
material aid from them. Battling for de-
liverance from Spanish oppression, the Cu-
bans have a right to claim the friendship,of
the people of South and Central Americas,
who at one time suffered the intolerable
oppression of the Spaniards, and gained
their liberty by the revolutionary process
to which. the people of Cuba have been
compelled to resort. The Latin-American
nations may not be able to render military
assistance, but should they recognize Cuba
as a belligerent, which the government of
Bolivia appears about to do, such act of
recognition would have a moral effect in
determining the conflict in the interest of
Cuban freedom.
But is it not an unfortunate circum-
stance that those patriots who are struggling
against the oppressive power of Spain, can-
not appeal to the United States with en-
tire confidence that their appeal would be
responded to with the required assistance ?
If a people fighting for their liberty cannot
look to this republic for help, where can it
be expected that the aid which a just cause
is entitled to, will come from ?.
Another Boundary Dispute.
Boundary disputes are a constant source
of misunderstanding among the Spanish
American republics of South and Central
America, there being but few of them that
have not something of this kind on hand
to keep up an irritation between them. For
example the two governments of Colombia
and Costa Rica are quarreling about their
boundary line, a dispute which may lead
to a fight if it is not otherwise settled.
The United States government has no
inclination to interfere, as our- authorities
properly regard it as none of their business,
although it would, no doubt, be willing to
act as a mediator, in the same way that
President CLEVELAND acted as arbitrator
in the boundary dispute between Mexico
and Gautemala.
The MONROE doctrine is not involved in
such a controversy, and therefore the
United States government does not feel
itself called upon to interfere ; but if it
were an European power encroaching upon
the borders of either of those American
nations, the case would be different, and
the great Republic would consider it a
duty, as in the Venezuela case, to warn off
the foreign intruder.
of Philipsburg, is getting more free adver-
tising just now than any man in Centre
county. The Philipsburg papers will have
him soaring heavenward before long, if they
don’t stop work on the pedestal they put
him on before the election.
The Senatorial and Other Questions.
The election of a successor to Senator
DoN CAMERON will engage a large share
of the attention of the boodlers who will
compose the majority of the next state
Legislature. It is a question that offers
great possibilities of cash, as some of the
aspirants are persons of plutocratic qualifi-
cations, and are willing to employ the
pecuniary means that are now the most
potential in determining the election of
United States Senators.
But in the solution of this senatorial
question the fact that Boss QUAY will own
the next Legislature, as he owned the last,
must be kept in view. The man whom
QUAY wants as his colleague will be the
man whom his legislative servants will
elect: However, this will not prevent
such plutocratic aspirants as pious JOHN
WANAMAKER from putting enough money
in circulation to make the senatorial ques-
tion highly interesting to the class of Legis-
lators who are on the make when such
issues are on the tapis.
We will not assume the role of a prog-
nosticator in this matter, yet we can not
see how such a Legislature, with the per-
mission of the Boss, can resist adding
another millionaire to the list of United
Sates Senators by the election of WAY-
AMAKER. Such an act would be in logical
accord with the result of the election which
has “handed the government over to the
money power. Besides, there does not ap-
pear to be anything in the election of the
great dry goods millionaire that would
conflict with the interest of the Boss, or
cause him to’ withhold his consent.
It seems, however, to be a settled fact
that the Boss will not allow the senatorial
ambition of HASTINGS to be gratified. The
Senator to be elected may be WANAMAKER,
is but an infinitesimal likelihood of its
QUAY is assured of his ownership of DAN
without wasting any more official honors
on him.
There are reports afloat that associate the
name of the Governor with a cabinet posi-
tion. A correspondent of a leading New
York journal, writing from Canton on the
subject of MCKINLEY’S cabinet, assigns to
Pennsylvania the possibility of furnishing
a8 one of its members, either QUAY as Post
Muster General, or HASTINGS, as Attorney
General;; Those who aré acquainted with
the surpassing legal qualifications of the
Governor will recognize the eminent fitness
of his being the successor of such giants
in the law as WILLIAM WIRT and EDWIN
M. STANTON as the attorney of the govern-
ment in the Supreme court of the United
States. That he would display remarkable
talent of a iiegative character in not prose-
cuting the trusts, can not be doubted, if
we may judge from the manner in which
he treated the Standard oil monopoly in
his gubernatorial capacity. With HAST-
INGS as Attorney General every trust
would continue business at the old stand
without the slighest fear of interference
with its predatory operations.
They Overdid It.
The Republican press that indulged in
such large promises of a business boom as
a consequence of the election of McKINLEY
overdid that part of their campaign work,
and created an embarrassing situation for
the manufacturers who were represented as
being ready to start business with a rush
as soon as BRYAN’S defeat was announced.
Such a boom is not now materializing,
nor do the conditions exist that hold out
the prospect of its starting in the near
future. There has been gross exaggera-
tion for political effect, which is causing
trouble to employers, who apprehend a de-
mand for the increase of wages which the
spell binders represented as the inevitable
consequence of MCKINLEY! election, and
embarrassment is also being occasioned by
crowds of idle workmen, who are throng-
ing to manufacturing centres where they
were assured that work would start with a
boom immediately after ‘‘the advance
agent of prosperity’’ had won his presi-
dential victory, but whose expectations of
employment are being disappointed.
There has been a moderate resumption
of work, but no more than would neces-
sarily follow a suspension that was con-
tinued during the summer, partly on ac-
count of the dull times incident to every
presidential campaign, partly for the pur-
pose of making repairs, but chiefly with
the object of producing an effect upon the
votes of the working people.
But it is idle to expect much of an in-
dustrial revival or business boom as a con-
sequence of MCKINLEY’S election. The
monetary situation isn’t in shape for such
a result. When the mass of the people,
who constitute the purchasing community,
are cramped in their pecuniary means by
a contracted currency, it is idle to expect a
revival of business prosperity. There may
be occasional spurts, but no settled or sub-
stantial activity. When money is scarce
times must necessarily be dull.
——=Subscriber for the WATCHMAN.
SE we
V. 20. 1896.
No Reorganization Needed.
From the York Gazette,
According to the Philadelphia Ledger,
the great bulk of the increase of the total
vote of New York city went to Bryan.
McKinley's vote was almost exactly the
‘same as that cast for Mayor Strong in 1894,
while Bryan pelled 26,000 more than
Grant. Tammany's candidate against
Stroil} A fair inference from this is that
organized labor in New York did just what
it said it would do, went solidly for Bryan
and the Chicago platform.
i There is a different story to tell of Phila-
delphia. In that city the Republicans
gained nearly 50,000 over their vote for
Hastings in 1894, while the Democrats
gained less than 10,000 over their vote for
Singerly. And as compared with the vote
of 1892 the Bryan vote in Philadelphia
fell 21,000 below that of Cleveland. In
the whole state of Pennsylvania the Bryan
vote is about 27,000 less than the Cleve-
land vote. The bulk of the loss it is seen
| is to be found in Philadelphia. As com-
pared with the Singerly vote in 1894 the
Bryan vote shows a Democratic increase .of
nearly 100,000.
The 300,000 McKinley majority in Penn-
sylvania was not due to the loss of Demo-
cratic votes, for where a Democrat voted
for McKinley a Republican voted for
Bryan. The only reasonable explanation
is that the unusual excitement of the cam-
paign and the unusual amount of money
brought out a large portion of the re-
reserve vote of the state, which experts
have calculated amounts altogether to near-
ly 400,000. By the reserve vote we mean
all those voters who do not vote regularly
and who come to the polls only on special
‘When all the figures of the late election
are gathered together and comparisons
made with prior elections some very inter- |
esting facts will be discovered, and one of
the most interesting and significent will be,
we think, that there was’not any material
reduction in the total Democratic vote.
And if this can be demonstrated, even the
gold bolters themselves will realize how
foolish it is for them to talk of reorganiz-
ing the party. A eparty that can put up
such a fight as the Democratic party has
against such tremendous and unprecedented
odds is not a party which needs reorganiza-
A Comparison of Votes, in Some States.
From the Pittsburg Post.
Texas on a vote 115,000 larger than ever
before cast in the State gives Bryan about
150,000 majority. This on the basis of re-
turns received from most of the counties of
the State. Mr. Hanna at one profess-
ed to consider the vote of Texas doubtful.
Texas boasts a matter of 246 counties.
The vote of Bryan in Minnesota gxeeeds
that given Grover Clevelavd in. Mr by
38,657. McKinley carries the ‘ a
plurality of 53,878, while the Repiblican
candidate for govornor has only 3,456 over
his Democratic opponent, ex-Congressman
Lind. He is a Swede, and the nationality
voted for Lind and McKinley. This indi-
cates the Swedes are somewhat clannish.
The official vote of Indiana shows that
William J. Bryan received 303,845 votes
in the State, or 42,832 more than Grover
Cleveland received in 1892. In Ohio Mec-
Kinley’s plurality does not reach 51,109, as
first reported, but by including the vote
cast for Bryan and Watson electors is cut
down to 48,494. Those who have bet on
50,000 have lost. Bryan received in Ohio
73,380 votes more than Cleveland, and in
Kentucky Bryan’s vote exceeded Cleve-
land’s 42,336. In these three great central
States, Bryan polled 999,137 votes, and the
boltocrats 8,895 for Palmer. Of course it
becomes the solemn and imperative duty
of the 8,895 boltocrats to reorganize the
999,137 on
Wait and See if the Cause is Lost.
From the Philadelphia Times.
Two new senators will represent Georgia
and Alabama in the places of Gordon and
Pugh. This has been decided by the re-
sult of a legislative caucus in each State.
Alfred S. Clay will succeed General George
B. Gordon from Georgia and General E.
W. Pettus will succeed Senator James L.
Pugh of Alabama. .
Both are men of good reputation and of
sufficient ability to represent their States
creditably. Both are free coinage men,
but as the result of the recent election has
made free coinage an imposeibility, their
predilection for Bryanism is not likely to
last long. They are both too sensible to
continue to advocate a lost cause.
rere =
An Equal Right for All.
From the Montesano, Wash., Economist.
It is an absurd idea, never indulged in
except during the heat of a political cam-
paign, to suppose that any formidable
number of citizens really desire to injure
the country. We simply differ as to the
best method of promoting its welfare. It
is equally an error for a party to arrogate
to itself a monopoly of the patriotism and
brains of the nation or, for a few individu-
als to imagine they have a copyright on the
office holding business. This is a free
country, and every citizen init has an
equal right to run for office and to win it
—if he can. .
Wyoming’s Vote.
Democratic Electors and Congressmen Had a
Slight Lead ™in all Counties.
CHEYENNE, Nov. 16.—The Democratic
state committee now has complete unofficial
returns from all counties in Wyoming ex-
cept Big Horn, showing the following votes:
Republican electors, Brittain 9,535, How-
ell 9,502, Malloy 9,547 ; Democratic elec-
tors, Van Metre 9,765, Martin 9,973, Quz-
ley 9,855 ; congress, Mondell (Rep. ) 9,475,
Osboine (Dem. ) 9,837.
The committee has returns from 12 pre-
cinets in Big Horn county. These give
the Bryan electors 29 majority and Osborne
26 majority. The committee has yet to
hear from 10 precincts in Big Horn county.
The vote from these will not materially af-
fect the majorities.
Spawls from the Keystone.
—A prominent lumberman states that there
will be but little work done in the lumber
woods this season. On most all of the log
-jobs the season’s cut is completed and within
the next few weeks all the woodsmen will
.| come out of the woods to remain until next
—A boneless child is the latest curiosity
discovered by Councilman Connaro, at War-
rey, Pa., who is authority for the statement
that a child whose name is Parks is composed
of nothing but skin and muscle. The family
is poor and the child will be taken in charge
by the county commissioners.
—Frank Greenleaf, of Huntingdon, has an
| apple tree in his yard that has blossomed
every month since last May. Tuesday, No-
vember 10th, a bunch of blossoms was taken
from the tree, and it may be this will be the
last that this remarkable tree will bear this
year. On election day Mr. Greenleaf had a
pear tree that also bloomed.
—Farwell Bros. store at Hyner was bur-
glarized Tuesday night, which makes the see-
ond time that the store has been robbed with-
in two weeks. Last night the burglars ef-
fected an entrance through the rear window.
They carried off a large number of books,
shoes, underwear, dry goods, cigars, tobacco
and groceries. No clue to the thieves.
—The Sunbury Daily says that the Ninth
ward of that city is the banner ward of
Northumberland county, and perhaps of the
state. The judge has one eye, one inspector
has only one arm and the other one has part
of his hand off, and the two clerks are left
handed. There were 105 votes registered
and they polled 110. Who can beat this ?
—S. W. Lindsay, of Frankstown, Blair
Co., has an apple tree on his premises which
produced its usual early summer crop this
year and now has an almost mature second
crop for this season. The latter production
consists of about four dozen apples the size of
a hen’s egg, and differing almost wholly from
its usual variety, both in shape and taste.
—Five hundred Altoona people have pe-
titioned a young citizen of that city to desist
from further effort to raise a crop of whisk-
ers, he having started in to accomplish the
feat several weeks ago, and at this date no
signs of success are apparent. But the young
man, heedless of the wishes of his many in-
terested friends, persists in his desperate
effort to raise the whiskers.
—DMiss Ada Frank, of Lock Haven, is suf-
fering from a painful and badly swollen
hand. A few days ago the young lady
picked up a cat that was being chased by a
dog. The feline sank its teeth into its res-
cuer’s left hand and lacerated the flesh, The
next day the injury became very sore and
the hand began to swell until now it is much
larger than its usual size.
—Lewis Stewart and Patrick Donahue )
were instantly killed Saturday, about three
miles from Johnsonburg, by the explosion of
nitro glycerine. The two men were work-
ing for Markham & Martin, oil operators of
Kane; and were engaged in hauling nitro
glycerine to a magazine with a team of
horses. It is supposed that one of the cans
of the explosive fell to the ground and the
terrible explosion resulted. No traces of the
two men have been found, while only a few
fragments of horse flesh have been discover-
ed in the branches of adjoining hemlock
—While hunting pheasants last Saturday
morning near Bradford, Earl Frank found
the skeleton of a man at the butt of a tree in
a hole on the side of a hill. The skeleton
lay upon the right side with the right leg
extended at full length and the left leg
drawn up over the right knee. The skull
was severed from the body and lay at the
| feet and the bone of one arm was found about
four feet away. The skeleton was identified
as that of D. E. Colgrove, who disappeared
some time ago, and has been taken care of by
a brother. It is evident that Mr. Colgrove
had met with foul play.
—William McKinley will be the twenty-
fifth President of the United States. On the
2th of February, six days before the in-
auguration, he will be 52 years old, the same
age that Abraham Lincoln was when in-
augurated in 1861. Mr. Lincoln like Mr.
McKinley was born in February. Like
Lincoln, McKinley served in Congress be-
fore his election to the Presidency. He will
be the fourth President furnished by Ohio,
the others being William Henry Harrison,
Rutherford B. Hayes and James A. Garfield.
Virginia, ‘‘the mother of Presidents,” has
furnished five. As Benjamin Harrison and
U. S. Grant were born in Ohio, itis about a
stand off between the Buckeye state and the
Old Dominion.
: —Wednesday night several woodsmen
made a raid on a saloon near Costello, Potter
county, during which they fired their re-
volvers and frightened the inmates. The
proprietor forced the roughs from his place,
but in the struggle that ensued the front of
his building was torn out.. Constable Tallup
appeared on the scene, but he was compelled
to retreat owing to the woodsmen firing their
revolvers at him. Yesterday the constable
organized a posse and went to the woods to
which the roughs had fled. A battle follow-
ed, during which two of the woodsmen were
shot in the arms. The posse finally con-
quered the woodsmen and five of them were
lodged in jail. Their names are Henry
Crouse, Volue Ackley, George Struthers,
Ben Jones and John Cassidy.
—W. F. Williams who lives at Gardner
Station has a little six year old son named
Samuel Williams who has more grit to the
square inch of his anatomy than half the
men in the state. TFhyprsday morning when
alone in the kitchen of the family home he
found a paper shot shell and laid it on the
top of the hot cook stove. Pretty soon the
shell got hot and commenced to dance about
on the stove, when the lad attempted to pick
it up and throw it aside. As his hand near-
ed tho shell it exploded, blowing off the ends
of the lad’s thumb and two first fingers of
the right hand. Dr. D. J. Appleby was sum-
moned, who amputated the thumb and fingers
and dressed the wounds, and the boy is now
‘getting along nicely. The doctor, following
his usual custom, before commencing the
operation proceeded to prepare for the ad-
ministration of ether, but the lad informed... —
him, that if it didn’t hurt too bad he would
not take the stuff, and he didn’t but braced
himself for the ordeal. He never winced
during the operation, but remarked that ‘‘it
hurt a good bit'’ when a piece of the thumb
nail was lifted out by the nippers, and that it
‘jagged all right’ when the doctor sewed up
the wounds. \