Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 06, 1896, Image 1

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    mw, Se mPes
Bement Hit
Ink Slings.
—Get down to business now.
—Yellow dog political methods did the
business in Centre county.
—-QuAY wants to own a Governor.
HANNA is ahead, he will own a President.
—We are still the people but it is evi-
dent that there are not quite enough of us.
elected to Congress. Thank God, not asa
—BRYANISM is not effaced. It merely
received a set-back that will give it a bet-
ter start for 1900.
— Wealth and coercion have suppressed
men and morals and there is nothing of
liberty in the republic.
— Who will be commissioner’s attorney ?
CHAMBERS? They all want it.
-—There is one green spot in the great
political desert for Mr. BRYAN, even if it
is the lawn surrounding his home. His
grass is left.
—Well, the recollection of the good time
we had at the demonstration, on Saturday
night, is some balm for our politically
wounded souls.
—This means that if a Jahorer shall open
his mouth in protestation the federal gov-
ernment is authorized to ram a bayonet
down his throat, without more ado about it.
— Listen to hear the nail works whistle
blow, watch and see when the machines all
20 ; look for the furnace fire's ruddy glow,
then hear the gold men say : ‘I told you
—The Democratic party has stood since
the foundation of the government. It
knows what defeat is and has the courage
to brave it for a time when men will no
longer tolerate the slavery set up by
—SAM MILLER ought to be made minis-
ter to Spain. SAM declares that he knows
lots about killing Democrats. So if we
get into war with that country he would
be a good fellow to lead the forces against
the Spaniards.
—HANNA claims that the Democrats
have received a ‘‘crushing’’ defeat. The
use of the word crushing is so suggestive
that we can’t resist referring to it and won-
dering whether labor has not received a
‘“‘crushing’’ defeat, also.
—The bummer’s still a bummin’, SAM
MILLER is a hummin’ ; “I’m the man
that done the business—that’s no joke ;*’
When the summer gets to summin,’”” and
and the dunner takes to dunnin’, they
will find there is no fire for SAM’S smoke.
—A defeat like Tuesday’s is a blessing
in so far as it reveals the true characters of
some men. Men whom the Democratic
party has defended and cheered, turned and
smote the very hands that have fed them,
on Tuesday. Did we call them men?
They are not such.
—AL DALE is the bigdrake in this polit-
ical puddle now. He will more than like-.
ly make himself post master and have
'Squire OLIGER, of Spring township, as as-
sistant. It is said that he has already
phoned to MATT that Jim MCCLURE, the
animal man, must be made custodian of
the national parks and menageries.
An Offensive French Expression.
American opinion will not for a moment
admit that, outside of the two conflicting
parties engaged in the Cuban struggle, any
other nation is as materially interested in
its final result, and in the destiny of Cuba,
as are the United States, and hence there
is an offensiveness in the declaration of
some of the Paris papers that the United
States must keep their hands off Cuba.
Instead of assuming such a position,
would it not be more becoming to journals
published in a republican country as France
is supposed to be, if the expression of their
sentiments in regard to the Cuban difficul-
ty should be in denunciation of the kind of
warfare which Spain is waging against a
people fighting for their liberty, and in
favor of action on the part of
the United States that would bring that
conflict to a termination advantageous to
the cause of freedom.
This would be the kind of expression
that should be expected of journals pub-
lished in republican France, instead of a
jealous utterance of their objection to the
United States interfering in behalf of Cu-
ban liberty.
But suppose the American republic
should conclude to interfere in the interest
of the patriot cause in Cuba, what would
or could the French do about it? It might
as well be understood first as last by the
European powers that while it is not the
policy of the American government to in-
terfere in matters on the other side of the
ocean, American interest and power de-
mand that on this side of the Atlantic no
other arrangements can be allowed than
such as will be most advantageous to the
American republics, with the United States
as their leader and champion.
——FEvery Democratic candidate in
Clearfield county has been defeated except
D. H. WARING, minority commissioner,
and J. A. HECKENDORN, minority auditor.
——J. W. BRIDGENS, for associate judge,
was the only Democrat who pulled through
in Clinton county.
Where is the National Democrat this
week ?
VOisr 41
BELLEFONTE, PA., NOV. 6, 1896.
Defeated, but Will Fight Again.
The Democrats had so good a cause in
the presidential contest just closed that
they were justified in hoping that it would
be successful. That cause was so closely
associated with the best interests of the
country and the highest principles of popu-
lar government that they would have been
untrue to themselves, their party and their
country, if they should not have made the
manly fight which characterized their sup-
port of the heroic young leader who led
them’ in their assault upon the breast
works of the trusts and syndicates, and
against the combined hosts of Republicans
and boltocrats, marshalled under the ban-
ner of the money power.
But though their cause was the best
that ever actuated the efforts of a politi-
cal party, they had to contend from the
start with an opposition of the most for-
midable character. They had to fight a
political party which had all the resources
of wealth at its command. Their conflict
was with an enemy that was backed by
every corporation, banking institution,
money syndicate, trust, monopoly and
millionaire in the country, that poured
their money lavishly into the corruption
fund which was brought to bear with de-
basing influence upon the integrity of the
ballot. They had to face the most stupen-
| dous campaign fund that was ever contrib-
uted by plutocracy to perpetuate its con-
trol of the government, amounting to mil-
lions, which was used as cooly and deliber-
ately in the purchase of the Presidency as
money is used in buying stocks and bonds
in Wall street.
It was with this tremendous power that
the Democracy, armed with nothing but a
good cause, had to contend and it had also
to meet the assaults. of former leaders who
had yielded to the plutocratic influence,
and former party organs that had been sub-
sidized by the money of the Republican
In addition to this money influence ex-
erting its power in the contest, a large class
of voters were scared into voting for Mc-
KINLEY by the false impression made upon
them that ruin and destitution would fol-
low the election of BRYAN, and also by the
base charge that repudiation and anarchy
were the motives of those who were en-
deavoring to restore the money of the con-
stitution. The people who have con-
tributed to this Republican victory by their
votes may be said to have been frightened,
bought and buncoed into electing to the
Presidency the man upon whom MARK
HANNA has his mortgage, and who in his
official conduct as the chief officer of the
government will have todo what the trusts,
bank syndicates and general monopolies
shall require of him.
The combination of corrupt interests
which is rejoicing in the belief ‘that the
cause of truly honest money, as repre-
sented by the Democratic movement for
free silver, has received a crushing defeat,
will find that the fight has just begun. It
will go on until the money of the constitu-
tion shall be restored to its old and right-
ful place in the currency, and the plutocra-
cy shall be forced to relax the grip it has
on the throat of the government. The con-
flict will go on, and the fight of this year
will be fought over again four year’s hence,
probably under the leadership of America’s
grand young man, who so gloriously led
the Democracy in the past campaign, but
whoever may be the leader in the next
grapple between the cause of the people
and that of the money power, four years’
experience of MCKINLEYISM will turn the
present disaster into future victory.
The Fight for Congress.
Col. JACKSON L. SPANGLER has been de-
feated. He is a stronger man to-day than
he possibly could have been elected. His
defeat, however, is not humiliating, for it
is conceded that no Democrat could have
carried the 28th congressional district of
Pennsylvania at this time. He made a
game contest, a manly, frank solicitation
for the votes of his party and outside
friends and while he has probably received
all that could have been expected of the
former the latter have proven their un-
worthiness to be called such.
In a district in which every county but
one is supposed to be Democratic, with
other conditions that should have added
largely to his vote, and pitted against an
opponent whose morals have not been
above suspicion Col. SPANGLER has lost
what has been one of the most remarkable
contests ever waged in the political history
of the district. :
Whatever the past has been no man can
express aught but admiration for the course
he has taken. He was the regular Demo-
cratic nominee and as such merited the sup-
port he received, that it was not greater is
not to his discredit, but to the disgrace of
the people who failed to discern between
the narrowness of political bigotry and the
sincerety of a worthy man.
——Congressman HICKS won out in the
three cornered fight in_the Bedford-Blair
The Recovery of Lost Power.
‘When the American republic was found-
ed the leading/interest of the country was
agricultural. The farm has always been
the ideal basis of republican institutions,
and it furnished the chief foundation of the
government which our forefathers estab-
lished after they had: forced the dominion
of the British monarchy to give way to the
free institutions of a liberated country.
The fathers of the republic were princi-
pally farmers, or landholders who derived
their personal subsistence, as well as their
public importance, from their landed prop-
erty. WASHINGTON was the leading far-
mer of those early days, and at least three-
fourths of those transcendent worthies who
formed the Continental Congress and fram-
ed the constitution that gave form and force
to our republican government, came from
the farms of the country to perform that
high duty. The early development of the
republic was due to the agricultural influ-
ence. It was the sturdy pioneers pushing
onward toward the setting sun in search of
farms that gave the nation its magnificent
extention across the continent.
Capitalists had very little if anything to |"
do in laying the foundation of the republic.
Bankers, money lenders, note shavers,
bond brokers, trust managers and protected
monopolists had no hand whatever in the
formation of the government. The early
fathers who created our free institutions
would have been unable to form a concep-
tion of such monstrous products of greed
and exertion as the HANNAS, the MORGANS,
HUNTINGTONS, and the other trust and
bank cormorants who now exert the chief
influence in our governmental affairs.
It has been chiefly since the war, and
the acquisition of supreme power by the
Republican party, that the agricultural in-
terests have fallen back and the industrial
monopolists and financial Shylocks have
pushed forward in directing public policies
and controlling the government. Tariff
regulations and the standard of value-that
controls the currency have been arranged
for the advantage of the moneyed interest,
making a class of plutocrats enormously
rich and intolerably insolent, while the ag-
ricultural interest, upon which was origin-
ally based the strength and hope of the re-
public, has been left to languish under
tariff restrictions which have limited the
market for its productions, and a monetary
standard under which both the price of
farm products and the value of farms have
been decreasing year by year.
But within the past few years a spirit
has developed among the farmers which
promises an assertion of their rightful share
of power in the direction of governmental
policies, and which largely contributed this
year to the uniting of the masses
against plutocratic domination. The lord-
ly bankers, trust managers, gold operators,
and flunky supporters of the moneyed in-
terest have regarded this movemnt as an
anarchistic insurrection of a servile class
against the rule of their superiors, and
well-fed bishops have referred toit as illus-
trating the dangerous consequence of edu-
cating the farming population, which could
be more easily managed if kept as igno-
rant as the peasantry of Europe, yet not-
withstanding these adverse views of our
plutocratic nobility, the time has come
when the farmers are about to recover that
power in the direction of public affairs
which contributed so largely to the forma-
tion of this great Republic.
Monopolistic Invasion of Canada.
It is announced that great anthracite
coal deposits have been discovered in the
Ontario district of Canada, rivalling those
in Pennsylvania, and no sooner is this
made known than the Lehigh valley coal-
company is moving to get control of
this newly developed source of mineral
wealth. The instinct of monopoly scents
the spoils afar and hastens to adopt mea-
sures that will add the virgin coal fields to
the others which that company has under
its monopolistic control in the Pennsylva-
nia regions.
The representatives of the Lehigh val-
ley offer to pay a million dollars for the
“‘option’’ on the whole district where
this coal deposit has been discovered, and
it is probable that so tempting a price will
secure for it the ownership of a mineral
product which no single company can own’
without injury to public interest. If this
corporation shall succeed in getting it there
is almost an absolute certainty that it will
not allow a ton of coal to come from that
region to interfere with the monopoly
which the coal trust is forcing upon the
American people. It is doubtful whether
the Canadians themselves would be permit-
ted to enjoy the advantage of such a pro-
duct of their own territory. The purchase
would be made, not to develop this new
field and give the people the advantage of
this bountiful addition to nature’s gift of
an indispensable fuel, but to prevent its
development and keep out of the market a
supply that might interfere with the mainte-
nance of the extortionate price of coal which
the anthracite combine will exact when it
has under its absolute control all of the
sources of production.
By adopting this policy the LehighValley
Co., in purchasing the Canada coal fields,
would pursue the course adopted by those
trusts which secure the a: of manu-
facturing establishments with no other ob-
ject than to stop their operations and limit
production in the lines of industry in which
they are engaged, in order to maintain
monopolistic prices. It would imitate the
policy of the Standard oil company in its
purchase of petroleum territory for the
purpose of keeping it undeveloped until it
shall suit its advantage to bring the oil to
market. :
It is by such grasping processes and en-
croachments upon the.natural rights of the
public that this new form of plutocratic
tyranny practices its oppression, and itis to
the overthrow of such an oppressive power
that the American people must direct their
efforts if they would maintain their natur-
al rights and preserve their freedom.
The Crop in India.
Intelligence from India represents that a
large portion of the British colonial empire
is on the verge of famine in consequence of
the failure of the wheat crop and the defi-
ciency in the production of other ceteals.
This failure has been caused by severe
drought which greatly injured last year’s
yield and threatens to be equally destruc-
tive to crops that are usually harvested in
Thus it transpires that a region which
within the past twenty years had become a
source from which a large portion of the
English wheat supply is drawn, and a
formidable rival to the cereal products of
the United States in the English market, is
famine stricken on account of the failure of
its crops, and will in all probability re-
quire a large importation of American
grain to prevent the starvation of its people.
The recent advance in the price of Ameri-
can wheat is largely due to the failure in
India, as our grain is being called for, not
only to supply the English market with
that which it has for some years past been
getting from India possessions, but much
of our product will also have to be sent to
those famine stricken provinces. Political
capital was made out of this increase in the
price of American wheat before the election
there having been an effort to impress our
farmers with the belief that the depression
in the price of their products was not due
to an injurious monetary system, and that
a temporary advance in prices indicates a
revival of agricultural interests under the
gold standard. But it required but little
discernment to see that the cause was but
temporary and the benefit could not be
permanent. ;
On account of Republican tariffs, Eng-
land has been led to look to India for as
much of her wheat supply as possible.
This is one reason why the price of Ameri-
can cereals has fallen so much, but the
chief reason is that on account of the ap-
preciaticn vi the value of money, through
the gold standard, the price of all farm
products have been depressed.
Cuba Claims Our Attention.
During the political excitement of the
past summer the attention of the Ameri-
can people has been in a great measure di-
verted from the struggle which the patriots
of Cuba are making for the achievement of
their freedom. Although it may be too
strong a comparison, it can be said that we
have given the afflictions of the Cubans but
little attention for the past three months
because we have had troubles of our own.
While the oppressed people of the island
were fighting a hated foreign despotism,
the patriotic portion of the American peo-
ple have contended against the encroach-
ments of a grasping plutocracy.
But with the subsidence of the political
excitement in this country the public mind
will again be turned, with the full meas-
ure of its sympathy, to the cause which
the patriotic people of Cuba are so heroic
ally maintaining. The position which our
government has assumed, and the policy it
has carried out, in its treatment of the two
conflicting parties that are engaged in the
bloody struggle on Cuban soil, has no doubt
been in conformity with the international
requirement and the obligations imposed
by her amicable relations with the Spanish
government ; but the sentiment of the
American people has evidently come to the
conclusion that the point has been reached
in the conflict at which our government
may, with entire propriety, recognize the
rights of the belligerents who have for
nearly two years held their ground against
the greatest exertion that could be made by
Spain’s military power.
It is obvious that the Cuban patriots
have fulfilled the requirements that entitle
a people to a recognition of their belliger-
ent capability, and we believe that a just
and generous government like that of the
United States will not much longer delay
.in recognizing the rights which their heroic
courage and patriotic endurance have so
fully earned.
How Bryan Takes it.—Quiet and Dig-
nity Reign.
LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 4.—(Special.)—
An old Irishman accosted me in the lobby
of the Lincoln house at 8.30 this morning
and asked for news. The hue of his gar-
ments were as dingy as a November farm
and his visage brown and worn as the ruts
in a country road. His features were twist-
ed into an expression of eager anxiety.
‘Bryan has carried Nebraska,’’ I replied,
and every hour increases his vote over the
The old man pulled his cap off his tousled
head and tears ran down his cheeks.
“God bless Newbrasky, and God bless
Bryan !” he cried in a shrill voice. “I
worked for him.”’
Passing the Republican headquarters
some hours later I heard one man exclaim
to another: ‘‘That’s what I say; if we
can’t buy McKinley in we’ll steal him in,
These declarations seemed to me to rep-
resent fairly well the sentiments of the op-
posing parties.
Lincoln stayed up all last night, and the
lobby of the Lincoln house was crammed
with people listening to the reading of the
returns and cheering them, for, after the
first sweeping claims for McKinley, the
strength of the Democratic vote ouside of
the towns began to appear. and majority
after majority was cut down and swallow-
ed up.
This morning the town was filling up
with roughly dressed farmers, who had
ridden in from a circumference of 40 miles
to hear how the vote had gone. And there
was news furnished to suit all customers.
The tide of Bryanismn was gradually rising,
while the McKinley high-water mark had
been reached over night. Would Bryan
finally pass him or not? The McKinley-
ites scornfully denied it; the Bryanites
passionately asserted it. Neither side could
adduce conclusive evidence.
Thus was a situation brought about
which is not devoid of elements of danger.
If the Republicans can follow up their
buying with successful stealing, the nation-
al predicament will be similar to that of
the Tilden’ campaign. Should the votes
be very close the Democrats will never be-
lieve that they have not been cheated.
They have submitted to what they consid-
ered wrong once for the sake of peace ; it
is a question whether they will submit a
second time. Their hopes, dashed at first,
are now on the rise, and resignation is nev-
er so difficult as under those circumstances.
I called on Mr. Bryan about 10 o’clock
this morning. The warring passions of the
town street were not visible or audible
here. Bryan, in his old velveteen coat and
slippers, was lying on the little sofa, which
is two feet too short for him. His com-
plexion was clear and healthy,and he look-
ed like an athlete who has run his race and
is tired, but not overdone. 75 13
It’s more comfortable lying down than-
standing up,’’ he remarked. I asked him
if he was prepared to make a statement as
to the result.
“I cannot make one at present,”” he re-
plied. ‘‘No news has reached me yet from
many of the districts on which I place most
reliance. The returns come in slowly. It
would not be just to my supporters for me to
say anything now, which might have to be
modified later. We must wait.”’
I do not claim to give his exact words,
but it is the substance of his response to
my inquiries. The inference is obvious
that he does not admit defeat. On the
other hand, he explicitly declines to as-
sert victory. It isa trying position, but
his responsibility to his party leaves him
no alternative. y
As the day went on the excitement in
the streets, at the headquarters and the
hotels continued to rise. Pothouse orators
are borne aloft on the shoulders of the
crowd: A man walking at one end, ap-
parently serene, suddenly stopped short in
his tracks, and let out a stentorian bellow
for ‘‘Bryan-"’
One hears claims grotesquely extrava-
gant made by individuals of both parties.
‘‘Bryan has 228 electoral votes,’’ said the
elevator boy in the hotel, who isan ex-
perienced politician, and always abreast of
the latest rumors. The rugged personage
to whom the statement was addressed con-
fided a copious expectoration to a corner,
and then said : ‘‘He’s got more than that ;
he’s got 320, and I kin prove my words.”’
At 4:30 I saw Mr. Bryan again. Tele-
graphs, telephones and typewriters were
clicking and ringing about as briskly as
succession of callers, personal friends and
emissaries from headquarters in town. Mr.
Bryan's little boy wanted to go out to
engage in some enterprise requiring capital ;
his er was inclined to think he had bet-
ter but his father, with a shame-face
, and his thumband finger feeling §n
his vest pocket, pleaded onthe other side.
“You see how he disciplines him.”
Mrs. Bryan said with a laugh, and then she
consented on condition that the little
boy tied up the dangling strings of his lit-
tle shoe. This matter disposed of, Mr.
Bryan showed me a late telegram, giving
him Indiana by a majority of 5,000, and a
hopeful message from Jones, in Chicago.
“I may have a definite statement to
make by 9 this evening,’”’ he observed,
‘and’ at any rate, about the state elec-
Thus the matter stands at this hour of 6
in the evening.
Breckinridge Drew a Gan.
Disorderly Times Characterized Election in the
Blue Grass State.
LEXINGTON, Ky., Nov. 3. — About
twenty fist fights occurred near the polls
to-day. Pistols were drawn in half of
them. . About 3 o’clock P. T. Farnsworth,
managing editor of the Evening Argonaut,
(silver daily), attempted to assault colo-
nel W. C. P. Breckinridge. The colonel is
reported to have drawn his pistol when by-
standers interfered. The affair has caused
great excitement, and more trouble is
The doorbell was kept at work by a |
Spawls from the Keystone.
—XKane is to have a skating rink.
—No more free tobacco will be distributed
-| to the prisoners in Berks county jail.
—Juniata will vote on a proposition to bor-
Tow $25,000 for a water supply reservoir.
—The quail and rabbit shooting season
opened Monday and wlll continue until Jan-
uary 1st.
—The funerals of five of the victims of the
Wilkesbarre mine horror were held on Sat-
—A Bear Lake farmer has 600 bushels of
apples to give to anyone who will gather
—Frances Fraim, a little girl, set her
clotheson fire Monday at Harrisburg, and
was fatally burned.
* —Irvin Smith, the turn-key of the Clear-
field jail, fell under the wheel of a wagon a
few days ago and broke one of his legs.
—The Perry county teachers’ institute will
be held at New Bloomfield during the week
commencing Monday, November 9th.
—A Reading railroad express train killed
two horses on a Pottstown crossing yesterday,
and the driver, William Saylor, was injured.
—H. D. Rose, one of Clearfield county’s
most esteemed citizens. died a few days ago
at his home in New Washington, aged 77
—Two hundred and seventy-six tons of
armor plate were shipped by the Bethlehem
iron company Thursday to Russia. The armor
is for a new battleship.
—Edward Hayes, of ShoemmaKer's, near
Mahanoy City, was killed by a trolley car
late Saturday night, as he slept on the tracks
in a drunken stupor.
—The public schools at Dunnstown closed
on account of the epidemic of measles in that
place. There are no new cases reported and
the epidemic is abating.
—A Lancaster county boy died from ex-
cessive smoking of cigarettes, after his death
the body turned blue, thus proving that
Rcigarettes are poisonous.
—Joseph Kresage, a veteran of the late war,
aged 68 years, while riding on top of a load of
cornstalks at Stroudsburg fell to the ground,
a distance of twenty feet. His recovery is
—The Sheridan sabre band, of Wilkins-
burg, played ‘‘Annie Laurie’ so touchingly
recently that Andrew Carnegie, who heard
the piece, will re-equip the organization at an
expense of $3,000.
—The old Methodist church of Tyrone, has
been rented and will be converted into a shoe
factory by the lately organized company.
The company will be known as the Tyrone
shoe manufacturing company.
—VWilliam Wright, of the P. R. R. draught-
ing department in Altoona, has invented a
uew check valve which is said to be a great
improvement over any now in use. It will
be adopted on the Pennsylvania lines.
—Unknown villains placed dynamite under
the Methodist Episcopal church at Lockport
early Monday morning and exploded it, tear-
ing out about thirty square feet of the west
wall and shattering other parts of the build-
—James B. McMath, a veteran newspaper-
man of Williamsport died suddenly on Mon-
day night from hemorhages. Mr. McMath
was aged about sixty years and for the past
twenty-five years had heen city editor of the
‘Gazette and Bulletin.
—Theodore Schoch, the oldest editor in
Pennsylvania, celebrated his 83rd birthday
Saturday. Editor Schoch is owner and pub-
lisher of the Jeffersonian, the only Repub-
lican. paper in Monroe county, and has been
in active service over fifty years.
—Mr. Miles Shenefelt of Juniata township,
Huntingdon county, experimented with three
kettles of apple butter with same make of
in fresh cider, for another kettle in boiled
cider, and for another kettle in water. The
apples that were boiled in water first made
the best apple butter. Try it.
—A couple of highwaymen held up Dr.
Parnell and Campbell Witherow near Anson-
ville last week. The spot chosen was the
one where Rev. Williams was assaulted a
couple weeks ago. Parnell and Witherow
had their revolvers ready and each fired.
The shot of the doctor evidently took effect
but Witherow’s man dodged and escaped
harm. :
—The bore hole at the Ashland water
works has reached a depth nearly 1400 fect
and still very little water has been struck.
The conglomerate rock has been cut through
and the drills have entered the red shale for
a second time. The hole has reached a depth
far beyond expectations, and the contractors,
it is alleged, are out of pocket on the con-
—A new rule adopted by the mayor of
Wilkesbarre, is to insist upon each tramp
who comes to lodge at the station house the
second time sawing and splitting four railroad
ties. For this he will get a breakfast of coffee
and bread. Superintendent Mitchell, of the
Lehigh Valley, has given two carloads of old
ties for this purpose. The chopped product
will be given to the deserving poor.
—Robert M. Harper foreman of the High-
land mills at Johnsonburg was caught by his
coat on a swiftly revolving shaft Monday
night and whirled around at a fearful rate,
his arm, head and legs striking against the
floor above. He was so badly injured that
his death resulted Tuesday night. The re-
mains were taken to Jersey Shore for burial.
He is survived by his wife and two small
—Two masked men broke into the house
of Misses Lucinda and Mary Graham in Pot-
ter county a few nights ago. After a struggle
they bound and gagged the two women, and
searched the house. They found $115 tied
up in an old stocking and left the dwelling
without releasing the tied women. They
were found the next morning half dead from
fright by a passing farmer. The sisters are
over 60 years of age.
—Mirs. Polly Carey, onc of the oldest resi-
dents of Ashley, died Monday near Wilkes-
barre. She was a shrewd woman, and by
speculation in land managed to amass a for-
tune estimated at $50,000. When she died
nearly $800 in gold was found on her person.
She led a secluded life. She did not get along
well with her husband, and they parted
company. Mrs. Carey decided to erect a
home of her own. She dug the cellar with
her own hands and hauled the stone for the
foundation from the mountain.
He boiled the apples for one kettle _.—