Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 30, 1896, Image 1

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B As ; : \ = Ee Spawls from the Keystone.
PLOrTALL ke TR a l= | —The commissioners of Somerset county
—~reO i J 2 have contracted for the ballots to be used at
\ “A the coming election, at a cost of over $400.
Ink Slings.
——Vote early Democrats, so you can
help others.
-_This is a battle ofghe people. Get
to the polls early and see that the people
are heard from.
——Democrats be on your guard. Watch
every move the opposition makes. Check-
mate it if you can. :
——The Gazette's smart man has strip-
ped MILLER of all claim for the office of
Sheriff by admitting that he is incom-
——WOMELSDORFF’S friends have been
ordered to cut CURTIN in return for
the order that has gone out to let PHIL go
and work for HARRY.
——ToM FISHER, candidate for county
Commissioner, says ‘‘there is no honor in
politics.”> We hope he is not stooping to
anything dishonorable to secure election.
——Will the laboring man allow him-
self to be hood-winked this time. It is
the last chance we have to advise our read-
ers what to do. Vote for silver.
——Have you got any of the WANAMAK-
ER-WOMELSDORFF money yet? They say
JOHN is putting up for PHIL, in order to
secure his vote in the United State’s Sena-
torship fight.
——To vote the ticket straight put one
X mark in the circle at the top of the sec-
ond column of your ticket. The one mark
will do the whole business, but be sure and
get it in the circle.
——The two Ws do stand for the two
WILLIES, but in this county they don’t at
this particular time. They mean WANA-
MAKER and WOMELSDORFF for that is the
combination that is working together in
this county to down CURTIN.
——“Der schmart boo’ might make
very gratifying reading for the posterity of
the smart editor of the Gazette, but the
Rebersburg correspondent of the WATCH-
MAN hasn’t time to waste reading the
autobiographies of bombastic editors.
——CURTIN is going to suffer by the
tion. Of coursethey don’tintend to fight
HARRY directly, but they don’t intend to
let PHIL suffer and that means that he
will be boosted wherever it can be done,
uo matter who suffers.
——WOMELSDORFF was told when the
QUAY-HASTINGS fight was going on in this
county that unless he turned in for the
latter he would regret it. True to their
words the HASTINGS people have sent out
the word that WOMELSDORFF must be de-
feated. CURTIN is their man, body and
soul, and all are to center on him.
——ToM FISHER, a very nice Quaker
gentleman from Unionville, must be get-
ting down to things dishonorable, in order
to help along his campaign. He told a
gentleman at the business men’s picnic, at
Hecla, that ‘‘there is no honor in politics.”
If Mr. FISHER really believes what he
said we would advise his running-mate,
Mr. RIDDLE, tolook out for RIDDELL.
——RALPH BINGHAM the boy orator of
America was in town, Monday night, and
entertained a fair audience. While
RALPH'S paper makes a ‘display’ of the
fact that he is not the boy orator of
the Platte we have dollars to doughnuts to
stake that he would even discard the title
he guards so jealously if such crowds as
have been greeting BRYAN all over the
country would turn out to hear him tell
funny stories.
——To secure the election of a Sheriff
who will faithfully and satisfactorily fill
the trying duties of that office—a gentle-
man who is neither arrogant nor dyspeptic—
and who knows how to meet and treat peo-
ple respectfully and decently, you should
vote for W. M. CHRONISTER. He is one of
the best known and most popular, as well
as one of the most worthy young men in
the county, and we predict, that when
elected, which he will be on Tuesday next,
that he will prove one of the most efficient
officers that ever filled the position of high
Sheriff of Centre County.
——As tax-payers of Centre county you
were grossly deceived and betrayed by your
representatives at Harrisburg two years
ago. They voted to increase your taxes,
in order that new offices could be creat-
ed and higher salaries paid to the do-noth-
ings who were appointed to fill them. They
voted to increase the price of the coal-oil
you use as light, they voted against your
interests in every way. To re-elect these
men is a crime against yourselves. They
are both asking re-election. The last men
that any honest citizen of Centre county
can vote for as Representatives are CUR-
TIN or WOMELSDORFF. They have heen
tried. They proved worse than failures.
——Both Mr. RUMBERGER, who is a can-
didate for Register, and CAL HARPER, who
is a candidate for Recorder, have filled offi-
cial positions in the court house. If there
isany man who had public husiness to
transact with either of them, and did not
find them prompt, obliging and correct, we
would like to have him speak out that the
public m#f know. The campaign is about
closed and no one has dared to say that
either of these gentlemen, while in office,
was not a most faithful and accommodating
official. They are the same good fellows
personally that they are officially. They
have been tried. They have proved them-
selves as good officials as ever served the pub-
lic. “They are the men you should take a
great pride ir voting for next Tuesday.
VOL. 41
OCT. 30. 1896.
NO. 43.
A Hounded Platform.
In no way do the opponents of the Dem-
ocratic party .more plainly display their
purpose to mislead the public understand-
ing than by their reckless misrepresenta-
tion of the platfrom put forth by the Chi-
cago convention.
Although that document is open to the
examination of all intelligent citizens, and
its declarations are set forth in the clearest
terms, the Republican organs, as well as
the subsidized mouthpieces of the Bolto-
cratic faction, persist in putting a false in-
terpretation upon its expressions with such
cool impudence in their misrepresentation
as to indicate utter contempt for the intel-
ligence of the masses.
They represent it to be revolutionary in
its purpose, incendiary in its doctrines, an-
archistic in its spirit, subversive of law and
‘| order, thoroughly undemocratic and de-
structive in its general tendency.
Does it occur to the journalistic minions
of MARK HANNA, who have coolly deter-
mined to keep hammering away with these
false charges, that the people can read, that
they are able to understand what they read,
that with this Democratic platform plainfy
before them their intelligence enables them
to detect the falsehood and comprehend
the base design of those who so recklessly
and foolishly misrepresent it ?
The people can see for themselves that
the platform upon which WILLIAM JEN-
NINGS BRYAN has been nominated for
President is the most conservative and pa-
triotic document that was ever issued by
any political party ; that it is a deliverance
-| which expresses not only the Democracy of
JEFFERSON and JACKSON, but also the Re-
publicanism of ABRAHAM LINCOLN.
The first plank declares against the cen-
tralization of governmental powers for self-
ish interests and insists upon the dual
scheme of government intended by the
founders of the republic.
Is there anything undemocratic in that ?
Isit a declaration which either THOMAS JEF-
condemned ? Is it anarchistic? Does it
tend to subvert law and order? On the
other hand, is it not a most conservative
declaration ; as it would conserve the in-
stitutions given by the fathers of the re-
public to the nation which they founded ?
The four succeeding planks relate to the
currency that should be common to all the
people of the land. - Was it revolutionary
or anarchistical for a majority of the repre-
sentative convention of the Democratic
party to declare for a kind of money which
it believed would conduce to the best in-
verests of the country? Was there any-
thing of an incendiary character in its de-
mand for the restoration of a currency
which was authorized by the constitution,
but had been removed from the coinage of
the country, with no request of the people
for such removal, and no party, section or
popular interest asking for it, but effected
underhandedly and in a manner that had
every appearance of a crime? Does it be-
come the parties guilty of that sneaking
act of demonetization to charge the Demo-
cratic platform with advocating ‘‘dishonest
money’’ when it demands the restoration of
the double standard of gold and silver,
which the people had the advantage of
from the beginning of the government un-
til silver was stricken down without a sin-
gle voice from the ranks of the people ask-
ing for such an act. Where is the anarch-
ism, the incendiarism, the revolutionary
and seditious intent of the demand that
the people shall have the money of the con-
stitution restored to them ?
The sixth plank denounces the McKIN-
LEY system of tariff robbery, and demands
a tariff exclusively for revenue. Is not
this the long established doctfine of the
Democratic party? Is it anarchy to de-
nounce a system that creates the trusts ?
The seventh plank supports the princi-
ple of taxing wealth, in due proportion, for
the maintenance of the government, and
deprecates the action of the United States
supreme court for reversing ‘‘the uniform
decisions of that court for a hundred
vears”’ in its deciding against the income
tax law. IS this position in regard to the
supreme court more revolutionary and an-
archistic than the opinions openly given by
two members of that court that its deci-
sion in that case was fraught with evil that
at some future time would return to
i plague the nations? Were the dissenting
| judges anarchists and incendiaries ?
The eighth plank declares against the im-
portation of foreign labor to compete with
American labor in our home market. Does
that express the spirit of anarchy ?
The ninth plank demands that the au-
thority of government shall be exerted to
prevent the formation of the trusts and
pools that are securing control of the lead-
ing railroad systems to the detriment of
public interest.
| TONS, and the other rascals who are steal-
| ing the profits of our railroads say that this
lisa revolutionary proposition ?
| extravagance of Republican billion dollar
g P
Will anybody but the |
ciates in Congress who have squandered
the people’s money ?
The eleventh plank is based on the doc-
trine of State sovereignty and the right of
local self government. What principles of
Democracy does that plank violate, when it
renounces ‘‘arbitrary interference of feder-
al authority in local affairs?’ What
principle of freedom does it impugn when
it declares that the citizen cannot, without
violation of the constitution, be brought
before a court for trial by a mere legal form
known as an injunction, contrary to the
law that entitles him to a trial by jury?
This is the plank which MARK HANNA'S
subsidized organs denounce as being par-
ticularly anarchistical and revolutionary,
but it is inspired by the spirit of the con-
stitution, and is based on the most vital
principles of civil liberty. Itis the very
quint-essence of Democracy.
The twelfth plank demands that the gov-
ernment shall not discriminate in favor of
any of its debtors ; the thirteenth sustains
the pensioning of worthy soldiers ; the
fourteenth recommends the admission of
those territories that are still out of the
Union ; the fifteenth expresses sympathy
for the struggling patriots of Cuba ; the
sixteenth declares against third Presiden-
tial terms, and the seventeenth and last
recommends the improvement of the Missis-
sippi river and other great water ways by
the general government for the commercial
interest of the country.
In these last planks is anybody able to
detect the slightest trace of anarchy, or the
faintest indication of an incendiary pur-
pose ?
At the close of the campaign we have
gone over the Democratic platform, plank
by plank, a task that has been imposed
upon us by the systematically villainous
misrepresentations of the doctrines of that
document. No party platform was ever
before falsified with such persistent and
reckless mendacity. The hired agents of
the trusts and bank syndicates, and the
paid pimps of MARK HANNA’s literary
bureau, made up their minds at the start
to overwhelm it with lying denunciations,
to hound it with falsehood, to howl it
down as the production of anarchists, rev-
olutionists, and conspirators against law
and order, when the testimony of its own
contents, as the most Democratic, the most
patriotic and the most conservative deliver-
ance ever issued by a political party, re-
futes the methodical lying of these menda-
cious hirelings.
GET OUT THE VoTE !—This is the
important thing to see to now, Demo-
crats. Let other districts and sec-
tions attend to themselves, You at-
tend to matters at home. Remember
that a full vote means a glorious Dem-
ocratic victory.
What Bryan’s Election Means.
What Bryan’s election means is not hard
to figure out.
In short it means more money for the
More money to pay the wages of labor ;
more money to purchase the necessaries of
life ; more money to pay taxes, and doc-
tor bills, and grocer’s accounts ; more mon-
ey to make improvements ; in fact it means
money enough to make business and to do
business with.
Did you ever know a time when money
was too plenty ? The plentier it is the
easier you can get it, and the more your-
selves and families will have with which to
get that which you need.
r~ More money is what the country wants
and needs.
There can’t be too much. The more you
have the more comforts you can give your
family—the more enjoyment you can have
It is the scarcity of money that makes
times hard ; that makes prices low ; that
makes work scarce and wages scanty. If
money was plenty, business would be brisk,
and we would all be better off.
Gold-bugs will tell you that money, if
plentier, would be worthless. Did you
ever hear of it being so plentiful that it
would not buy anything that was for sale ?
If it will buy what you want and need,
that is all you want it for; and it could
never be so plentiful that .t would not do
In addition, this government never issued,
or never will issue, a valueless dollar. The
man who says it will, discredits his own
country and doubts the honesty of the gov-
ernment under which he lives,
Are you afraid you will have too much
money in case more is coined? If so you
should vote to continue times as they are,
by voting for MCKINLEY.
i The tenth plank denounces the profligate |
| Congresses. Was such censure prompted by |
an incendiary motive ? Who will think so
He and his backers are against more
money ; against higher wages ; against
better times for the masses of the people.
They want and they declare for the
‘‘continuation of the existing standard’’—
the continuation of the kind of times you
now have.
Is this what you want. If not vote for
more money by voting for W. J. BRYAN.
except ToM REED and his rascally asso- |
Organized Disturbance.
The{gold-bug papers have been trying to
make all the capital possible out of the ruf-
fian treatment to which Secretary CARLISLE
was subjected at Covington, Kentucky, by
a set of hoodlums who represented nothing
but their own disorderly disposition.
Their conduct is universally condemned by
the Democratic party, and by no one more
so than by the young champion, who is
leading the people in the battle for their
rights. °
This fact is well known to the McKIN-
LEY journals that represent the Covington
incident as characteristic of the free silver
movement but had no words of condem-
nation for the cultured young goldite aris-
tocrats of Yale college, who insulted the
Democratic candidate for President, and
outraged the right of free speech by their
riotous conduct that prevented him from
exercising his constitutional privilege of
addressing the people.
The outrage committed upon Mr. CAR-
LISLE was the act of roughs, stirred up by
the animosity of a local Kentucky political
feud, and in no sense was it of a represent-
ative character; but the conduct of the
Yale students, coming as it did from an ed-
ucated source, represented party, as well as
class, hatred for the movement of the peo-
ple against plutocratic domination, and a
fixed purpose to insult and brow-beat the
leader of that movement. It was, more-
over, in keeping with the domineering and
brutal kind of campaigning adopted by the
minions of MARK HANNA in the treatment
of the Democratic presidential candidate.
In his marvelous progress through the
West the gold-bug managers could meet
him in no other way than by deliberately
organized disturbance. The ruffian, MARK
HANNA, could resort to no other plan to
counteract the overwhelming impression
made by the champion of the people than
the brutal device of calling opposition
meetings where Mr. BRYAN was expected
to appear, and by the confusion and noise
made by his howling crowds and brass
bands endeavor to prevent the matchless
voice of the great leader and champion from
being heard.
How this dastardly programme of precon-
certed turbulence has been carried out in
sndiana, Ohio and Illinois and other west-
ern States, is detailed by the correspendent
of the New York World, who accompanied
Mr. BRYAN’S party and who can not be
charged with exaggerating for political ef-
fect, as the World is opposing BRYAN. He
says that at many places these disturbances
were ‘‘on the verge of riot, notably at
Muncie, Indiana, where the MCKINLEY
crowd jeered and hooted at Mr. BRYAN as
he passed.”’
And writing from that scene of disorder,
created by HANNA'S turbulent plan of
opposition, the World correspondent says :
‘Never has Mr BRYAN shown his strong
qualities to better advantage than to-day.
All through the savage tumult he has been
serene and undismayed. Af times he has
been for 10 minutes continuously sur-
rounded by yellow ribbons and Republi-
cans shrieking MCKINLEY’S name in his
face. Whatever else Mr. BRYAN may be he
is a man of steel nerves. The mob seems
to inspire him, and the more brutally hos- |.
tilea’ crowd is the calmer and bolder he
This is the kind of opposition which this
brave and courageous champion of the peo-
ple has been made to encounter and not
only from the crowd of roughs, which MARK
HAXNA’S money has been able to rush
in on his meetings, but also from the well
dressed young goldite ruffians of Yale col- |
lege. And yet they, whohave resorted to
such brutal campaign methods, are trying
to make political capital out of the indig-
nity offered to Mr. CARLISLE growing out
of the customary roughness of Kentucky
Democrats Don’t Trade.
An effort is being made by those ap-
pointed to do the work for the Republican
ring of this place to aid the election of
part of the Republican ticket in the county
by trading. This is the only way in which
they hope to elect any part of it. If Demo-
crats are only wire enough to understand
that trading is not necessary to the success
of any of their candidates, that it is only by
such means that the Republicans hope to
secure a partial victory—and vote their
own ticket straight, we stand ready to
guarantee the election of every man upon
it. Theg way to win a complete and over-
whelming victory in the county is for every
Democrat to get to the polls early, and
vote the straight ticket. There is no good
in trading only to cheat yourself. There
will be no result from it only such as will
aid the enemy. Don’t trade, Democrats.
None of your ticket needs such efforts and
you can only aid in defeating yourselves.
The word has been passed all along
the Bald Eagle that WOMELSDORFF must
be sacrificed and CURTIN returned to Har-
risburg. HASTINGS must have a man
there who will he for him.
The Last Hope of the Money Kings.
Defeated for President they are now Trying to
Capture Congress.
Anticipating the defeat of their candi-
date for President the gold standard advo-
cates are turning their attention particu-
larly to the election of Congressmen whom
they know will vote against free silver.
They feel that McKINLEY is beaten and
that the only way to defeat the will of the
people is to secure a majority in Congress.
This would be as effective in maintaining
the gold standard and preventing legis-
lation favorable to silver, and the general
prosperity of the country, as to elect their
The trouble for the people’s side on this
important question is, that they must se-
cure both the President and Congress. They
have the Senate but with either the lower
house of Congress or the chief Executive
against them, there will be no hope of ac-
complishing anything that will bring
financial relief.
Those who are in favor of a continuation
of the present standard and of a continua-
tion of existing conditions—of scarce mon-
ey, low wages and low prices—are en-
trenched behind the act of 1873. The re-
peal of that act can be as effectually pre-
vented by the action of Congress as by the
veto of the President ; consequently to de-
feat such measures as will benefit the peo-
ple, it is only necessary for the gold-bugs
to secure either the President or Congress.
The former of these they have lost hope of
electing ; to carrv the latter is their last
It is admitted on all sides that the next
Congress will be exceedingly close. Both
sides now claim they will have a majority
of its members. No one knows which claim
is right. It is certain, however, that what-
ever majority ‘there may be one way
or the other it will be small. ONE vorE
PLEXION. It is for this vote thatthe phu-
tocrats and others in favor of the gold
standard are fighting, AND IT IS RIGHT
This is why the great effort: is being
made to defeat Col. SPANGLER. He is for
free silver—openly, pronounced, pledged,
and we will add honestly and sincerely for
it. His opponent—ARNOLD, is opposed to
it, is pledged to and will vote against it if
Under ordinary circumstances the inter-
ests and the individuals who are now put-
ting up their money and making such
desperate efforts to secure the election of
ARNOLD, would not turn their hands to
assist his success. His closest friends ad-
mit his unfitness for the position. Those
who are strongest for him know of his
utter incapacity, the greater part of the
time to intelligently represent anybody, in
consequence of habits that he seems unable
to throw off. And yet with his acknowl-
edged unfitness, with his moral weaknesses,
and with all his disgraceful short-comings,
there never were such efforts put forth to
elect a man to Congress as are now being
made in the interest of ARNOLD. Money
is furnished in unstinted quantities from
the general campaign fund of the ‘gold
standard people ; speakers without limit
have been poured into the district ; news-
papers have been purchased ; personal
friendships set aside, and every trick that
schemers can invent has been brought into
service to secure success for ARNOLD.
We ask you, honest silver men, would’
such efforts be made if the election of a
Congressman from this district was not of
supreme importance to the cause for which
these advocates of scarce money are con-
tending ?
It is for this alone that they are work-
ing—to secure the control of Congress, and
prevent such financial legislation as BRY-
AN’S success will promise.
It is of the utmost importance, then, to
every man who believes in free silver—
who wants better times—who expects bet-
ter prices—who asks for more work, and
would have better wages—to give his earn-
est and active support to Col. SPANGLER,
and add one more vote in Congress to the
side that is battling for these results.
ABE MILLER has but one campaign
plea ayd that the bloody shirt.
oR ab ata RE A in 5 sr a
The ballot boxes used heretofore will not
hold half the blanket ballots, and the com-
missioners have decided to use dry goods
—Near Moshannon ‘Tuesday morning
Stephen Anderson, aged 16, while filling a
can with powder from a keg, was killed by
an explosion resulting from a spark from his
lamp falling into the powder. The barn took
fire from the explosion and was destroyed.
The father in attempting to rescue the boy
was also badly burned.
—A man who is known as “Doc” was shot
and killed near Vandyke yesterday by a
brother hunter who was in the woods with
him. The man who was shot was crawling
from behind a log, when the other hunter, .
mistaking him for a live turkey, riddled him
with a charge of heavy shot. The injured
man lived but a short time.
—The bids made by various publishers
throughout the State for printing and furn-
ishing ballots for the forthcoming election
show a wide range in prices, For instance :
Cumberland county will pay at the rate of
$9.23 per thousand for some 26,000 ballots ;
Dauphin county will secure her ballots at the
rate of $8 per thousand, while Allegheny
county’s lowest bid so far received calls for
$16 pet thousand. Perry county’s ballots
will be printed for $145.
—A fatal accident occurred on the Wyom-
ing valley traction lines at 1 o'clock Thurs-
day morning, at Wilkesbarre, in which one
woman was killed and two women and a boy
seriously injured. A car for Pittston
jumped the track and fell upon its side, pin-
ioning four of the passengers under the
wreck. Julia Walsh, aged 20, both legs cut
off, died; Maggie Curley, aged 29, cut on
head and injured internally ; Julia Curley,
aged 20, arm broken; Dennis Hoban, aged
17, leg broken and internal injuries.
—Two rough looking men terrorized the
residents of Elk Run Junction, near Punxsu-
tawney Saturday. They entered the house
of a man named Brink, knocked Mrs. Brink
down with a revolver, shot her and also one
of her daughters. The roughs then left for
Big Run, where they encountered constable
Dan Bilmeyer and Harvey Dicky, the latter
two men having received notice from Punx-
sutawney to arrest them. The toughs
opened fire on the officers and shot Bilmeyer
in the arm and Dickey in the side. The
toughs made their escape. The officers had
their wounds dressed.
—Some time ago an article was published
which stated that the cost of stopping a train
had been figured up carefully, and was found
to be about $2. As there are atleast 6,000
regular stopping places for freight and pas-
senger trains on the Pennsylvania road, ac-
cording to the estimated cost of $2 for each
stop, the company loses $4,380,000 annually
by stops alone, or that in other words, it
costs more than to make the run between sta-
tions and pay the wages of the train crews.
Recently another estimate has made the cost
of stopping a train 60 cents, and even this
would run up into millions of dollars on the
Pennsylvania system in a year.
—Rev. David J. Beale, D. D., was installed
pastor of the First Presbyterian church of
Northern Liberties, Buttonwood street above
Fifth, Philadelphia, on Tuesday. Among the
ministers participating were Revs. Robert H.
Fulton, H. O. Gibbons and Loyal Y. Graham.
Dr. Beale, who is well known in this com-
munity, was born at Bealetown, Juniata
county in 1837. He graduated at Princeton
and the Union Theological seminary in N. Y.
Has been stationed at Wilmington, Del., Bal-
timore, Frederick and was at Johnstown at
the time of the flood, when his church was
used as a morgue. His wife was Miss Mary
Moore and his daughter graduated at Welles-
ley in June.
—Mr. Emanuel Wilvert, of Sunbury, has
lately discovered a new and very rare metal
known as cadmium. In investigating a vein
of zinc ore near that city, he made the dis-
covery and sent it to an expert minerologist.
who pronounced it cadmium of good percent-
age and zine, silver .and lead. Mr. Wilvert
has long contended that strange minerals ex-
isted in our mountains and has discovered
obsidian and cadmium, the first time it was
ever known to exist here. He says there is
an abundance of cadmium on lands leased by
him, connected with zine ores. Cadmium is
a tin white metal, malleable and ductile and
its salts are used in some lines of medicine,
and is very rare.
—Alvin Holes, of Curwensville, is proba-
bly the greatest fisherman in Clearfield
county. This year he presents a record that
cannot be beaten along the Susquehanna any-
where. During the trout season he secured
1,500 speckled beauties; 800 he caught in
Bear run, Greenwood township, and 700 in
Heiner rin. He has on exhibition 150 eel
skins, the result of this year’s catch, and has
caught 135 bass, all of which were secured in
a distance of one-fourth mile from Curwens-
ville dam to a point below the Susquehanna
house. Forty-four bass were caught while
standing on one stone, and six of these 44
were over 19 inches long. This isno fish
story, but can be verified by Curwensville
citizens whom nobody dare challenge for
truth and veracity.
—The man with the pencil was at it. He
had heard that the smallest ballot to be voted
this year would be eleven columns wide, or
twenty-seven inches long. There are about
a million registered voters in Pennsylvania,
and the law provides that there shall be one
and a half ballots for each vater, or 1,500,000
in all. Added to this number there are 250,-
000 specimens. The man’s pencil scooted
over the paper rapidly and after a while he
stopped figuring and said: “There will be
printed for the use of the voters of the State
under the law, oné million, seven hundred
and fifty thousand ballots, the smallest of
which will be twenty-seven inches long. I
have reduced the number of inches to miles,
and find that if the ballots were placed end
to end they would cover 773 miles.” Just
think of that distance in ballots.
Twice across the State of Pennsylvania.
Paste one end of the continuous ballots on
the city hall, Philadelphia, and it could be
carried across the State to the city hall at
Pittsirg, wound around it once and then
taken back to Philadelphia again. That con-
tinuous ballot could be fastened to the dome
of the capitol at Harrisburg and stretched to
New York and back to the capitol and then
there would be some left for good measure.