Bellefonte, Pa., Sep. 25, 1896. ' THE OLD FLAG. Off with your hat as the flag goes by And let the heart have its say, You're man enough for a tear in your eye That you will not wipe away. You're man enough for a thrill that goes wr? To your very finger tips. Aye, the lump just then in your throat that rose ! Spoke more than your parted lips. Lift up the boy on your shoulder, high, And show him the faded shred. Those stripes would be red as the sunset sky If death could have dyed them red. The man that bore it with death has lain This thirty years and more. He died that the work should not be vain Of the men who bore it before. The man that bears it is bent and old, And ragged his beard and gray, But look at his eye fire, young and bold, At the tune that he hears them play. The old tune thunders through all the air And strikes right into the heart, If ever it calls for you, boy, be there— Be there and ready to start. Off with your hat as the flag goes by ! Uncover the youngster’s head ! Teach him to hold it holy and high, For the sake of its sacred dead. —-H. C. Bynncr. L NED MOXON’S GRIEVANCE. BY REBECCA HARDING DAVIS. Alice Weeden after a short visit to Plymp- ton, became engaged to Edward Moxon, of that place, and a few months later mar- ried him. All of her friends rejoiced in her good fortune. Mr. Moxon was one of the influential men in Plympton. He was a man of high integrity and scholarly tastes ; he was young, singularly handsome, gentle and honorable ; in a word, a Christian gen- tleman. He had inherited the family homestead, a large mansion in the midst of a great estate, and he spared no pains nor cost now in fitting and decorating it, be- ing resolved that everything in her new home should tell his wife of his love and care. People in Plympton said to each other, significantly : ‘‘Now, surely, Ned Moxon will at last be a happy man !’ But on the morning of the wedding day, while the sun was shining, and Alice, in her white robes, her blue eyes beaming with love, came to meet him, his brow suddenly grew black. He pointed to the wedding presents. ‘The Scotts in Plympton, I see, have sent you a miserable pair of sugar tongs. Now, what can that mean? The Scotts are among my nearest friends; they know how much I have done to serve them. Did you observe these sugar tongs, Alice? Cheap and light weight ! Picked up at some auction, no doubt ?*’ “Dear Edward, what does it matter ? What do we care for sugar tongs to-day 2?’ ‘I hope, Alice,” he said, gravely, ‘‘that you do not suppose I care for the sugar tongs? It is the affection which they rep- resent, or rather, do not represent. The Scotts have been very dear to me. There is something underneath this which I do not understand.” ‘Do not let us think of it now,’”’ said Alice. The guests were gathering in the parlor below ; the minister had come. She trem- bled and grew pale, while her sisters, sob- bing and laughing, arranged her veil. Edward soothed her tenderly. He was quite alive to the imminence of the mo- ment. But just before they went down he drew her aside and said : “You wronged me, Alice, in supposing that I cared for the sugar tongs as sugar tongs. They express to me a lack of friendship where I have a right to expect it. And your mistake shows a lack of confidence in me which—?’ ‘Oh, Edward, you are not angry with me now ?’’ she cried. *‘Not angry,” he said, in a tone of pa- tient suffering. ‘but hurt. Come, dear, they are waiting." Alice remembered with shame ever after- ward that the words of the holy rite were mingled in her mind with the Scotts and sugar tongs. On their wedding journey they visited New York and Boston, where they were welcomed by hosts of friends, who told each other that Ned’s cup of happiness was full. He, himself, was sure of it. Alice grew more lovely and near to his soul each day. But the affair of the sugar tongs rankled in his mind. ‘‘You wronged me, Alice,” he told her. ‘“‘How could you suppose that I cared for the money value of the wretched things ?”’ *‘I never did, Edward I” she protested, with tears. ‘‘Never!’ ‘Well, well, let us dismiss the subject. Why do you ery ? It is not you who have suffered injustice.” ‘‘How can you be angry at such a paltry thing ?”” she exclaimed, indignantly. “Angry? You wrong me again. Iam only hurt. You ¢ not apparently under- stand my character at all, Alice dear. We will speak no more of it.’’ EE But the next day and the next the Scott sugar tongs were brought up afresh, and the same weary round was traveled over again. There were other grievances. In Boston the Purdys did not call upon Alice for two days. They, too, were his dear friends, and the neglect ‘‘showed a lack of affection, at which he was not angry, but hurt,” At Niagara an overcharge in the hotel bill made him blind to the grandeur of the falls the tawdry colored lights and the oddities of the little town, all of which gave Alice such keen enjoyment. ‘Don’t think of it, Edward,’ she said. ‘It was only 50 cents after all.”’ “Is it possible, Alice, that you think I care for the money ! It is the fact that I have been overreached which annoys me.’ “I know. But—" **No, you do not know,’’ he said, with an air of stern endurance. ‘You think me mercenary. I am sorry. Let us talk no more of it.”’ : Alice, at first, tried to laugh away these grim and ugly suspicions in her husband’s brain ; but that only made their growth more rank. ‘‘I am not a sensitive man,”’ he would say, ‘‘I am not apt to imagine slights. But when I am wounded to the quick by your injustice, your misconcep- tion of me, it is hard to hear you turn me into ridicule.” She tried then to argue him out of his morbid fancies, but this was impossible. Concerning the tariff, or the last discovery in science, or a new hook, nobody could be friends, and of the ingratitude with which he was repaid. Every careless word or trifling neglect was a black proof of that ingratitude. Going up the Saguenay, Alice met on the boat her old friend, Fraulein B—, and the two girls chatted together for an hour on deck, while Moxon, witha heavy brow, paced up and down. ‘You know,’’ he said, afterward, ‘‘that I do not speak German. Itis the lack of consideration for me that hurts me.”’ “But she cannot speak English, and—"’ “Pray, do not explain. Itis a trifle. These things sting, however. We will talk no more about it.” For two days of their homeward journey he held her aloof with the most chilling courtesy, sitting silent by her side, staring out of the car window with the face of a martyr. She found out at last that a but- ton was wanting on his glove. ‘No, I did not tell you,”’ he said, with a patient, injured smile. ‘‘Love has keen eyes for these little services. Ah, I ‘won- der sometimes if you ever loved me, dear? If it was not respect—esteem you gave me.’ “And all this,” thought the tortured Alice, ‘‘to grow out of a button.” But she now neither joked nor argued with him. : All Plympton, when they arrived watched them curiously. They knew Ned and his grievances. ‘‘She has sound sense and fine tact, and she loves him dearly,” the older women said. ‘‘She will cure him if anybody can.” Her first effort at cure was to make their home bright and cheerful, in hopes that the innocent gayety might drive away his moody suspicions. But he became more melancholy each day, telling her at last, with a sad patience : “I do not like company. I had thought our life would be a long, happy tete-a-tete in our home.” “I am so sorry, Edward,’ she cried. “I only brought these people here to amuse you.” When the house was empty she bade no more guests. Then Edward grew more wretched than before. “This is unkind of you, Alice. You condemn yourself to solitude to please me, as if I were a tyrant and an ogre. I exact no such sacrifice. You are placing me in a false position.” If Mr Moxon had been a wicked or ma- lignant man his wife would probably not have found this trait so difficult to deal with. It would have been in harmony with his whole character. But he was an affectionate, generous fellow, showering kindness upon his family, his friends and the poor. He was a liberal, public-spirited citizen ; he took the delight of a hoy in picnics, fishing parties or any other gayety ‘among the young people. It is true that at each one some sting was given to what he called his affections, but what really was his self-love, and these stings festered in his mind for years. ‘‘Ned’’ one of his cousins said to Alice, ‘is the most lovable fellow in the world ; yet he has a grudge against every family in Plympton.” : As time passed and children began to grow up around them the strain upon their mother became almost intolerable. Ed- ward loved his children passionately ; he heaped luxuries upon them ; secretly, he believed them superior to all human beings; but he nagged them incessantly, ahd each of their petty faults he received asa per- sonal insult and injury to himself. “Tom’’ he would exclaim, with a face of despair, “is biting his nails again ! I have spoken to him a thousand times. It is open defiance ! That boy despises me, and he shows it 1” Or, ‘Rosa writes a wretch- ed hand. She knows how ambitious I am that she should excel in penmanship. She has no affection for me, Alice—none what- ever I” It was in vain that his wife represented that all children were fallible, or begged him to let time and patience do their work. “No; I make every sacrifice for them. If they loved me they would not pain me in this way,”” he would reply, with the real agony of soul, when Rosa failed in her geography or Bob came home bedaubed with mud. Alice, beyond other women, possessed sound sense and a sweet, joyous temper ; but as she neared middle age her friends wondered why, blessed as she was with wealth, good, loving children and a hus- band whom his church, party and state honored, she should have the jaded, watch- ful face of one who has had a long strug- gle with disease or disgrace. . Bob, who was a fiery, excitable lad, un- derstood the meaning of her look. he came home from college, taking her head into his arms, ‘‘It would be easier to fight wild beasts as Ephesus than to keep guard over my father’s temper and mine. But I will make an end of it, soon.” “What do you mean, Robert ?’’ “Tom and I are going away, mother.” ‘Your father means you to study law and medicine at home,’’ she gasped. “I know ; but mother, if we stay there will be an open rupture. Father takes every difference of character or opinion as a personal insult. We are not as patient as you. Let us go to California and shift for ourselves, We are no longer children, we are men.’’ “It will be hetter in the end,”’ pleaded Tom. ‘“He will love us better out of sight.” ‘‘How will you break it to him ?’ sobbed Alice. “It will kill him to think that his temper has driven you from him.’ ‘‘He need never know it,’ said Bob. “I will only show him the business side of the matter.” He went out to find his fath- er. { But Edward guessed the truth. An hour later his wife found him sitting alone. His features were drawn and sharpened as by sudden age. ‘‘Alice,”” he said, ‘‘the hoys want to leave us. I feel that they are alienated from—me. I fear that I have been too stern with them.’”” She did not answer. ‘You think I have been too stern ?’ ‘‘No Edward,” Alice could hold her peace for a lifetime ; but if forced to speak she would not bridge the gulf with little lies. “You have not been stern, but exacting and fretful.’”’ He was silent, never having received such a blow. ‘To you?’ he said, in a low voice. ‘You have found it hard to bear ?”’ ‘‘Sometimes, my husband.’” She went up to him and put her arms about him ; but he gently pushed her aside. “I would rather be alone. and fretful !”’ He had always felt that he was dealing love as largesse about him, receiving poor return ; and he had been the suspicious, unreasonable tyrant, making home intol- erable! He had neverseen this face in the mirror before, but he knew it was his own. I exacting more rational than Ned Moxon ; but no reason, no argument could touch his griev- | ances. 2 It seemed to her that he gloated over | them. He woke her in the night to tell | her of his deep affection for her or his | “Ask the boys to defer their prepara- tions,”’ he said to his wife. “I will talk it over with them when I can think clearly.” But they never talked it over. Mr. Moxon had heen tempted to invest heavily in a mining speculation. The ‘Poor mother !"’ he said, one day, after news of its failure came to him that day. He read the telegram aloud and laid it down. “Are you deeply involved in it, Ed- ward ?’’ his wife asked. ‘Yes. If this be true we shall lose everything—stocks, land and house. I am an old man to begin the world again.” ‘“Why, father!” Bob sprang from his chair and ran to him. ‘“We’ll begin it to- gether : you and Tom and I. Three boys ! We'll go to California and start afresh.” Tom had his arm about the other should- er. Edward looked up at them and at his wife who was kneeling at his feet. He laughed, but the tears came. ‘‘Please God, it may not be as bad as we think ; but if it is, boys, I’m ready.” It was even worse than they thought. ‘When the business was settled there was a the family to California. But through these dreary days it was no- ticeable that not a word of complaint came from Ned Moxon’s lips. The man in him rose to face this real disaster. He was hearty, cheerful, courageous. Every day he came to Alice to tell her of some new proof of kindness from his friends, who crowded about him in this dark hour. “But it is the boys who will carry us through !”’ he said, with triumph. ‘They stand by me shoulder to shoulder. They have heads for business such as I never had Alice.” 3 The Moxons, father and sons, have had a hard fight for success in California. For years they marched together over a bare space in life, facing poverty and even want. Edward Moxon knew that it was his own folly which had brought his wife and child- ren into these straits, and he worked with desperate energy to protect them from hard- ships. All the strength and tenderness of his character came out; the aggrieved whine was never now heard in his voice. “I wonder,” said Rob one day to his mother, ‘how I ever could have thought father ill-tempered. He bears the worst troubles with such large, calm good hu- mor.”’ That evening Rosa, putting her sugar in her tea, balanced the tongs on her fingers. “Light weight, mamma! Where did they come from ?”’ Her father frowned. “They came from a man,’’ he said, ‘‘who offered to back me with money to any amount. If you notice every disagreeable trifle, Rosa, you will make life a burden.” Then Alice felt that her hushand’s cure was complete. But there are so many Ned Moxon’s in the world ! So many wives and children are crushed under their many virtues and their single fault ! Is there no cure for them but bankruptey or death ?—The Independent. Fish That Catch Birds. Sharks and Pike Off the Maine Coast Feed on Unwary Fiyers. It is a common saying that birds go a-fishing, but it is not generally known that very often the case is reversed and the birds supposed to be the enemies of the fishes are caught in the toils, says the Los Angeles Times. Several years ago, when fishing off the Maine coast, the writer ob- served what the fishermen call the running of the dogfish. One day the fishing for cod, hake and haddock was excellent; the following morning it had stopped as sud- denly as though a command to all the fish- ing tribe had been issued by Neptune. The explanation was that an army of small sharks swimming in from the un- known depths of the sea, had driven away all the edible fish. This horde was so star- ved and ravenous that they were a menace to life. If anything was thrown into the water they rushed to the spot, bit at the oars and sails that dragged overboard and devoured everything edible that appeared. The gulls and other birds which were in the habit of alighting on the water now be- came victims. Several were seen to sud- denly disgppear, jerked down from below, to be torn in pieces by these hounds of the sea. In some instances the bird would es- cape with the loss of a leg, but doubtless numbers were canght by the voracious fish. The most voracious bird catcher is the pike, or pickerel—a sly fellow who lurks beneath overhanging limbs or rocks and watches for some duckling or birdling that strays from the brood. The pike attains a large size, and has been known to attack large sized birds, even loons, though whether it could successfully carry away so large a bird is doubtful. A naturalist was once watching a pool that was surrounded hy willows whose graceful foliage fell over the water, casting deep shadows. Dragon flies and other in- sects were darting about on the serface and coursing back and forth, and following them in turn, were a number of swallows which now and then touched the water as they darted at some insect. Suddenly, without warning, from the dark pool the hidden ob- server saw a huge pike leap at one of the birds, the latter barely escaping by a quick movement, while the fish fell heavily into the water. Again it tried to catch one of the swallows, then gave up the attempt. Another observer was fishing in a small lake when he noticed not far away three young sand martins sitting on a limb, just over the water, the mother fluttering about them, endeayoring to induce them to fly. All at once an enormous pike dashed out of the water aud seized one of the bird- lings from the limb, the poor mother dart- ing about in the greatest alarm. Soon came another leap, and in less than half an hour this voracious fish had carried off the three young birds. The Wealth of Boston. With less than 150,000 citizens of voting age, Boston has property assessed this year at nearly $1,000,000,000. This would make the average citizen of Boston worth in the neighborhood of $6,000, but, as every one knows, the average citizen in Boston isas poor as he is anywhere else. The immense wealth of the city is held in the hands of a few men who have gained it by their mortgages on the labor of the east and the farms of the west. ——The residents of Hunters Run are building a church opposite the school house at the foot of Schenck’s hill, half way be- tween Beech Creek and Howard. Rev. N. W. Forest, of Howard, will officiate in a ministerial capacity when the building is finished. CONSOLATION. If none were sick and none were sad, What service could we render ? I think if we were always glad We scarcely could be tender, Did our beloved never need Our patient ministration, Earth would grow cold and miss indeed Its sweetest consolation. If sorrow never claimed our heart, And every wish were granted, Patience would die and hope depart ; Life would be disenchanted. —dnon, bare pittance left, hardly enough to take] The Demonetization of Wheat. Editor Thrice-a-Week World: DEAR S1R—Some time previous to 1873, while General Grant was president and Folger, of New York, was secretary of the treasury, with John Sherman as chairman of committee on finance, con enacted a law ordering that nothing but gold should be received for duties on imports, thus de- monetizing for import purposes, and worse still repudiating its own silver coin. This was repudiation of its own coin, and par- tial demonetization of silver number one. And this was done for the United States government! Rank, damnable, repudia- tion of its own coin by our Government! Had these men gone crazy, or were they in a condition of total depravity? Congress also ordered by law that nothing was good enough to be paid to Thad. Stephens’ “bloated bondholders but gold. This was repudiation and demonetization of silver number two. Afterwards, in 1873, Con- gress spat on the slate and rubbed out sil- ver entirely. This was demonetization number three. Also there is a clause in the John Sherman bullion purchase law that still stands unrepealed, which provides that any individual may insert a stipula- tion in a note or other evidence of indebt- edness requiring that both principal and interest may be collected in gold. Thus authorizing every private individ- ual to demonetize and repudiate United States coin. This was repudiation number four. Verily if the legislation on the two metals had been vice versa it would now be gold lying flat on its back with its heels in the air dancing to the tune of 50 cents on the $1. And to restore the parity they propose to continue the same process which first created the disparity —by dealing sledge-hammer blews on one of the metals, reducing it from 2 per cent. above par in 1873 down to 50 *per cent. below par in 1896. They restored the party like the the devil restored the dog’sleg; in attempt- ing to set it he broke it in six new places. Since these four demonetizing acts, silver has fallen from its status of an entire equal- ity in every respect with gold down to that of a commodity and is worth now in the market only one-half its former value or price. But in this respect silver pos- sesses much company; wheat, corn, oats, cotton and all other products of the farm as well as those of the shops, factories and mills are also demonetized—that is, their price is cut in two in the middle. Now it would be more correct to put it thus: The above mentioned and other products of labor are just as necessary to the world and just as essential to man’s continued exis- tence on this globe, and are consequently worth as much to mankind as ever they were. They have not decreased in import- ance and intrinsic value. Bread and meat are as nourishing to the human system and are convertible into just as much blood, and clothing is just as covering against nakedness and inclemency of the weather, and just as beneficial and essential to man- kind, and therefore as valuable or worth as. much to the race as ever they were. There- fore, the conclusion is irresistable that sil- ver and all necessaries of life have not de- preciated but that Lombard street gold has appreciated. It is therefore evident that it is not the honest dollar which they want, but it is the high-priced dollar; the dollar that will take two bushels of wheat to buy it; two day’s labor to earn it, and double the amount of any other commaod- ity to satisfy its grasping and dishonest greed. Worse than Shylock, it wants two pounds of flesh instead of one. Who can now doubt the deep iniquity of the finan- cial policy on the part of our government which thus requires the payment of all the notes of hand and all the accounts of the United States to the extent of scores of mil- lions of dollars of daily transactions in dou- ble the amount of the products of labor. The purchase of goods made in Europe by American merchants are not paid for in gold nor silver nor paper money, but by drafts and bills of exchange, which drafts or bills are created by the proceeds of the sales of cotton, wheat, corn, meat, etc., in Europe. The money thus obtained is not fetched here, but is deposited in the Euro- pean banks and bills of exchange taken therefor. No gold is used in the entire. transaction, and it is very doubtful if a single ounce of gold is ever shipped either way across the Atlantic, the reports of our Government, Wall Street & Co. to the con- trary, notwithstanding. Why should gold be shipped when bills of exchange will answer all purposes with- out the payment of any insurance or freight. In old England and France and ancient Rome, whenever their executive unsuarped authority to the injury of the people, they say that G. Cleveland deserves the same sort of surgery. Columbus, O. DR. SAMUEL CALDWELL. The Bank Failare. Gardner, Morrow & Co., Expect to Pag Dollar for Dollar. The notice posted on the door of the banking house of Gardner, Morrow & Co., Hollidaysburg, which closed its doors last Friday morning, reads as follows : Owing to the general depression in busi- ness, the impossibility of making collec- tions, and with a view to affording the am- plest of protection to our creditors, we have decided it proper to close our doors and to suspend business. We have made an assignment to Mr. John Cree for the benefit of creditors, and with time and op- portunity thus afforded to convert our as- sets, we hope and expect to pay our credit- ors every dollar of indebtedness. We ask the patience and indulgence of our deposit- ors, and the work of liquidation will begin at once. GARDNER, MorrROW & Co. This bank was the depository of the offi- ces of Blair county, various churches, se- a monopoly of the deposits of a large num- ber of Blair and Bedford county hucksters who pass through Hollidaysburg to Altoo- na market, and had a fair share of the busi- ness of the farmers of the southern end of the county, merchants and others. Ex-Judge A. S. Landis is private coun- sel for the banking firm. He expresses confidence in the bank’s ability to pay dol- lar for dollar, and if any shortage should occur in the assets the balance will be made up from the private funds of the members of the firm. John Cree is the as- signee, who will at once enter upon the work of preparing a statement of the bank’s affairs for publication. It is said that this { will require about a month’s time. The First National bank has been made | the preferred creditor for H. L. Bunker and | Thomas H. Suckling, against whom claims { were held by Gardner, Morrow & Co., | which were transferred to the “National | bank. That of the former amounts to $11,- 1110, and of the latter to $6,200. CE. | Reed, grocer, is also a first National pre- ferred creditor, but the amount against | him is only $600, and he hopes to amica-. { bly arrange for his difficulty early next week. chopped his head off. Many good people | cret societies and other organizations, had | Repudiation and Anarchy. Now, that Republican newspapers find so much malicious pleasure in designating as ‘‘repudiationists’’ and ‘‘anarchists’’ all who in any way favor free silver or even bimetallism with the ultimate intention to raise silver from its real or fictitious depre- ciation it is interesting to compare the enunciations of former Republican conven- tions in the States. In 1894 Republican conventions were held in twenty-five states and this is what each said on the currency: Arkansas—The American people from in- terest and tradition favor bimetallism.} _ California—We favor the free and unlim- ited coinage of silver. Colorado—The Republican party of Colo- rado demands the free and unlimited coinage of silver. Connecticut—The Republican party # # # holds that American silver 2s well as Amer- ican gold should he used as standard money. Delaware—We favor bimetallism # # and believe that full prosperity will not be re-established” until silver is restored to its proper place as a money metal. Illinois—We favor bimetallism. Indiana—We favor the imposition of in- creased tariff duties upon the imports from all countries which opposed the coinage of silver upon a basis to be determined by in- ternational congress. Iowa—We desire the largest possible use of silver as money #* # # We do not desire mon- ometallism either of gold or silver. Kansas—The interest of the producers of the country, its farmers, its workingmen, de- mand that the mints be opened to the coin- age of silver of the mines of the United States. Maine—We advocate a policy not in favor of monometallism but international bimetallism and # currency abundant for all wants. . Massachusettes—Did not mention silver specifically. Michigan—We pledge the Republican party of Michigan to use every effort in its power to restore silver to its proper position in the United States as a money metal. Minnesota—The restoration of silver as ultimate money to the currency of the world is absolutely necessary for business prosperity proper rates of wages and the welfare of the people. Missouri—We favor the largest possible coinage of silver that is consistent with the permanent maintenance of equal purchasing and debt paying power of all dollars. We pledge ourselves to continue to work for bimetallism. Nebraska—While we favor bimetallism # # # ye insist that the parity of the value of the two metals be maintained. New Hampshire—Did not mention cur- rency. New York—We favor an international agreement which shall result in the use of both gold and silver as a circulating medium. North Dakota—We demand the mints to be opened for the coinage of silver mined in the United States. Ohio—We advocate such a policy as will, by discriminating legislation or otherwise, most speedily restore silver to its rightful place as a money metal. Pennsylvania—We favor the expansion of the circulating medium of the country until the same shall amount to $40 per capita of our population. We declare that the obligations of the government shall be discharged in money approved and current in all civilized nations, to the end that a largely increased reserve of gold shall be gradually accumul- ated and maintained. (That is that the gov- ernment shall collect gold and pay out silver,) Rhode Island—Dodges silver. Tennessee—The Republican party demands the use of both gold and silver as standard money * # * and we are in favor of a circu- lating medium of volume sufficient to meet the demands of business and commerce. Texas—We are in favor of sound money, gold, silver and curresicy, its volume as large as practicable. Wisconsin—The Republican party is in favor of honest money. We are unalterably opposed to any scheme that will give this country a debased or depreciated currency. Wyoming—We favor the free and unlim- ited coinage of both gold and silver at a ratio of 16 to 1. ‘Of the whole list some favor the free and unlimited coinage of the silver mines, some advocate inflation of the SUpOLeY. Some oppose monometallism (to which th Republican party is now devoted), many favor bimetallism, three dodge, and only one treats silver disdainfully. Are the Republican organizations of these States committed to repudiation and anarchy? They compose nearly all the strength of the Republican party in the nation. Then, if Democrats who favor silver are repudia- tionists and anarchists why 1s not the whole Republican party eligible’ to such listing. ”’— Patriot. __Not Enough Money. The treasurer’s report of July 1st, 1896, shows the money of all kinds in circula- tion for the following years: Eerie erred 81,660,700,000. 1895 .. 1,601,000,000. 1,506,000,000. Showing a shrinkage in our circulating medium in two years of $154;700,000. Nearly 10 per cent. of the whole amount | in circulation a reduction of over $3.00 for every man, woman and child in the United States of America. In a speech delivered on the 6th of June, 1890, Senator Sherman said: “If our present currency is estimated at $14,000,000,000 and our population is increas- ing at. therate of 3 per cent. per annum, it would require $42,000,000 increased eircula- tion each year to keep pace with the increase of population but as the increase of pop- ulation is accompanied by still greater rate of increase Of wealth and business, it was thought an immediate increase in circu- lation might be obtained by larger purchases of silver bullion to an amount sufficient to make good the retirement of bank notes and keep pace with the growth of population. Assuming that $54,000,000 a year of addition- al circulation is needed upon this basis that amount is pro®ided for in the bill by the is- sue of treasury notes in exchange for bullion at the market price.” Thus you see that Sherman, the great financier, says we need about $50,000,000 each year alone to keep pace with our in- crease of population and increase of busi- ness, yet instead of this increase our circu- lation has been decreased in the past two years nearly $155.000,000. Add to this the increase we should have had and you have the grand total of about $225,000,000 shortage in our circulating medium, yet your goldbug friends say money is as plenty as it ever was; can the public be blind to the facts much longer >— Freeport (1ll.) Bul- letin. " Manunfactare of Condensed Milk, Condensed milk, which is so much used for the food of infants, is prepared by slow- ly evaporating the water from milk by mod- erate heat. There are two varieties, the plain, which is condensed to about one- fourth of its bulk and superheated, and to which no sugar is added, and the, stronger variety, which is more condensed and to which sugar cane is added in excess, hold- ing about 45 per cent. of Sugar among its solid ingredients. This excess of sugar prevents the decomposition of the milk, which will keep fresh for many hours after the can has heen opened. FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN. Amgug many women there is a super- stition that opals are signs of ill omen, but Mrs. McKinley, in utter disregard of this feeling, wears them constantly and declares that nothing but good fortune has attended her since she acquired them. A short bolero jacket, a full vest of chif- fon and a ceinture of black satin is one of the latest and most popular styles for trim- ming this fall’s waists. Jackets will out- number the round waists two to one this autumn. Plain material has gone out for the coat and skirt costume, and mixtures have first favors, with small checks a good second. This will be a season of velvet, not only for gowns and trimmings, but for out-door wraps as well. A model just imported is of black velvet, somewhat longer than the Louis Quinze jacket of last season, but re- taining the fullness and wide revers, as well as the elaborately embroidered waist- coat and a big satin cravat. A handsome gown just finished for a col- lege girl is of dark red woolen goods for fall wear. It is braided with black braid in military effect, and ornamented with a quantity of small black buttons. Crepons are out. None are seen in fashionable places. But there are fabrics in which crepe effects are combined with satin or figures, that yet are dignified with high prices. A Paris frock of black and white striped satin has a narrowish skirt, a bodice of white satin, with fine jet passementerie, (and curious puffs of the striped material upon the sleeves. The collar band is of cherry silk, the frill of white silk muslin. Basques distinguish some new tailor- made gowns. Single breasted they are, in many instances cut off exactly round, with the belt. Thus there is no hope that plackets surely will be concealed by winter dress waist frillings! © A waist with seams in the material in the back looks now-a- days as if it came out of the ark, but un- less cut nicely and well stretched what a dismal failure the new style makes of both gown and your figure. Fashion is not despotic in September styles. There is a refreshing variety and unlimited scope given to personal tastes, leaving us free to wear anything comfort- able or which suits our taste. Skirts are still but little trimmed, but plain bodices are things of the past. The most important change in the skirt is that is is not made quite so full as it has been. The fullness is all drifted to the back, falling in closely- set folds, which present a pleasing aspect when carefully mounted. But it requires a skilled hand to make the fashionable skirt, the plainness of which makes a strik- ing contract with the elaborate bodices fancifully trimmed with lace and chiffon, jeweled embroidery, and spangled galon, strass buttons, ribbon choux, tulle rufiles, ete. Taking it all in all, the slceve is the landmark of the season. It is still in pro- cess of reduction. The newest sleeves are long and close-fitting, with puffs or some times simply frills at the top. But balloon sleeves and draped sleeves are still occa- sionally worn, so that women can, with safety, choose a sleeve that suits their fig- ures. In conjunction with the sleeve the high collar in some form or other gives an up-to-date cachet to the dress. The neck gear indeed is a most important item of fashionable attire to-day. The modistes seem to be making a specialty of this part of the costume to appeas any hard feelings due to the loss of the gorgeous sleeves that have prevailed. A pretty method of displaying one’s after-dinner coffee service or chocolate set is to range the pieces on a light bamboo book rack, which, hung on the wall against pi nek pronpil of plain cartridge paper, makes a really attractive china cabinet. No well-appointed dining room is with- out its pretty and convenient serving table. They are not only ornamental as a piece of furniture, but serve asa sort of supple- ment to the sideboard for the display of odd bits of china, and save the maid count- less steps while waiting on the table. Curling is a process which should be un- dertaken most carefully. Heating with irons should be avoided as much as possi- ble. When using them give yourself plenty of time. The hasty use of overheated irons is the cause of many short, fuzzy-looking fringes one sees. The best plan for curling th- hair is to put it into curling pins over night, as the constant use of irons causes the hair to wither and snap. ~ It is not desirable to use curling fluids, but as it is sometimes very difficult to keep the hair in curl, especially in summer, when the forehead is apt to get damp with perspiration, it may be useful to know of the following simple preparation : Mi-~ ten or twelve grains of carbonate of potash with a pint ‘or more of warm soap and water. Froth the water by brisk agita- tion. Then dip the brush into this solu- tion and moisten the hair with it before curling at night. Tight-fitting military jackets fastened across with frogs, are considered newer than the blazer or reefer, and, therefore, are affected by swelldom. Mrs. S. E. Bagley owns a fine plantation about three miles from Americus, Ga., on which she operates thirteen plows. Already she has marketed over 100 bales of cotton, despite the short crop, and will gather at least another hundred. Last year, with the same number of plows she made 300 bales of cotton, an everage of23 bales to the plow. There are few farmers in Georgia whocan show a better record at cotton raising. With many French and German ladies the cucumber is a sovereign cosmetic. They buy cold cream, beat it in a plate until soft and drop in the juice of a boiled zucum- ber. Milk is a very valuable cosmetic and may be used freely to bathe the face in. Lanoline cream, which is considered ex- cellent as an emollient for the skin, may be made as follows : Obtain half a pint of lanoline and half a pint of pure oil of sweet almonds. Then, putting a tablespoonful on a china plate, add an equal quantity of almond oil ; mix thoroughly and add from half a teaspoonful to a teaspoonful of tinc- ture of benzoin, until the paste drips from the knife—a steel caseknife is best for the mixing process—in about the consistency of very thick cream. All three of these in- gredients are absolutely harmless. It should he rubbed in at night.