Demacalic, Wada Bellefonte, Pa., Sept. 18, 1896. sama To ConrrespoNDENTS.—NoO communications pub- ished unless accompanied by the real name of the writer. sm, THINGS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY ——Dr. John F. Harter, of Millheim, is moving his dental office to State College. ——The gospel tabernacle of evangelists Weaver and Weeden is being set up in Lock Haven this week. ——Millheim’s new school building is said to be the best one in the county, out- side of Philipsburg and Bellefonte. ——The Morrison & Cass paper company, at Tyrone, gave their employees a picnic at Hundred Springs on Saturday. ——Prof. Reeves, the new organist of the Episcopal church, with his wife and baby are staying with Mrs. Alexander on Howard street. ——Clinton county’s teacher’s institute will meet, in Renovo, this year instead of at Lock Haven. Most of the teachers pe- tioned for the change. -—S. M. Widney and M. B. Dunlap, two young Tyroners, Have been held under $500 bail to answer the charge of keeping a gambling house in Tyrone. ——You can always find the very best, sweetest and most wholesome meats and dressed poultry and get it at the most reas- onable prices at Beezer and Hazel’s. ——Friday was the hottest day of the season in Centre Hall. The government records at the Reporter office show the highest temperature to have been 93° in the shade. ——Ex-Judge George Wolf died, at Free- port, Ill., on Tuesday, the 8th inst. He was a brother of John Wolf, of Potters Mills, and was born in Centre county, Dec. 3rd, 1826. ——One of the prettiest churches in Cen- tre county is the new Lutheran church at Centre Hall. It is of brown mountain sandstone, with white trimmings and will soon he dedicated. : ——There remains only about $500 worth of the stock for the proposed bicycle factory at Flemington. It has all been sold but; that amount. The people of that place feel that the enterprise is a sure go now. ——The county commissioners will build a new bridge in Potter township across the stream near Daniel Fleisher’s farm. Tt will likely be of iron. The commissioners and the builder were over last week looking over the ground. —The Junior Bryan & Sewall club, of Bellefonte, looking very natty in new uni- forms, headed by the Undine band and their wake literally strewn with Republican kids who had died of envy, were on the streets, Wednesday night, acd made quitea fine appearance. Will G. Hoffer, of Lincoln, Kansas, «tame very near being nominated for Con- gress the other day. He was ahead on the first ballot when he withdrew. Will was a former Centre county boy and learned his trade in the Republican office. He is a AbrotheT--Taw of Capt. A. C. Mingle. . ——The leap year assembly given in the armory, last Thursday night, was a delight- ful social success. The committee, Misses Adeline Harris, Helen Hastings and Re- becca Blanchard, were the recipients of many hearty congratulations for the per- fect manner in which they arranged the entertainment. ——Miss Lemea, the pleasant and satis- factory head of Katz’ millinery depart- ment, who has been in New York for the last two weeks, received a telegram, Monday, from her home, in Stillwater, Oklahoma, containing the sad news of her sister’s sud- den death. It was impossible for her to get home for the funeral and she decided, very sensibly, to remain here where she has many friends. T. H. and Mrs. Harter will soon be comfortably settled in their own home, on Allegheny street, which he purchased re- cently from the late Dr. Dartt’s estate. The house they vacate on High street has heen rented by Lew. Irvin, of Irvin’s hard-ware store. Henry and Mrs. Quigley have taken the Abram Valentine house, on Curtin street, now occupied hy Irvin and Gov. Hast- ings house will be closed for the winter. Dr. Locke,. who now lives in the Dartt house, will move into Charley McCafferty’s house, corner of Spring and Curtin streets. JACOB VALENTINE DEAD.—For several years Jacoh Valentine, of the well known firm of iron ‘manufacturers, has heen in failing health from softening of the brain. For several days he has heen so seriously ill that the announcement of his death, which occurred at his home on High street, Wednesday evening, was not unexpected. He was the eldest of the six children of Georgeand Mary D. Valentine, and was born seventy-three years ago in the house, on the corner of High and Spring streets, which has always been his home. He with- drew some years ago from Valentine iron enterprises of which he had been a life long member and spent the last years of his life in quiet retirement. Possessed of comfort- “able means he was most generous to the poor and possibly never did an unkind deed to his fellow man. He wasa mem- ber of the society of Friends and always tried to make the Quaker motto his own. Of his sisters and brothers George Valen- tine, of Baltimore, who is now in town with his family, is the only one living. His wife Deborah Downing and their five child- ren, George, Jacoh, Louisa, Ellen and Rob- ert, all at home, survive him. He will be buried, on Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, in the Friends’ burying ground. ‘THE GRANGERS AND THEIR ANNUAL PrcN1c.—The twenty-third annual picnic and exhibition of Centre county Pomona grange is now on at Grange park, Centre Hall. While the attendance has not been as large as in former years the weather has been very much better and those who are there are having the best kind of a time. The changing of the time for holding the picnic, to a period about a week earlier than has been the custom, has had effect of removing it from the blast of equinoctial storms and securing, ina degree, better weather than has been had for along time. Saturday, Monday and Wednesday were ideal days for campers. The rain of Tues- day was nothing like as disagreeable as in former years and tended to putting the grounds in good condition for the crowd on Wednesday and Thursday. Yesterday the clouds were lowering all day, but occasional floods of sunshine warmed and encouraged the people into forgetfulness of the awful storm thatswept the park on the Thursday ef the 22nd an- nual picnic. The park grounds are too well known by all of our readers to need de- scription here. There have been improve- ments since the last meeting, however, that add to the comfort of the campers. Every year some change is made. However slight it is designed for the perfection of what the Grangers hope to make a very perfect park ere many years. THE OPENING DAY. On Saturday many of the tenters arrived. Those who expected to live on the grounds bustled about with those who were erect- ing and fitting up various booths and ex- hibits until the park was a scene of the liveliest interest. Those who engaged tents for the week are : J. J. Arney, Dr. Alexander, Isaac Beck, Isaiah Beck, G. M. Boal, W. A. Boal, Mrs. Boob, B. F. Brown, H. M. Cain, D. M. Campbell, G. B. Camp- bell, John Conley W. M. Cronister, Christian En- deavor, Centre Democrat, Geo. Dale, John Daub- erman, Samuel Durst, Alfred Durst, I. S. Frain, J. W. Fry, J. H. From, Gertie or R. M. Fos- ter, H. C. Gein: G. M. Goodhart, Harvey Hoover, Adam Hoover, J. G. Heberling, J. W. Henney, W. A. Huber, H. P. Hockman, J. P. Ishler, C. H. Kephart, D. C. Keller, Harrison Kline, J. D. Lesher, John Lytle, L. H. Musser, H. C. Me- Cracken, W. J. Nepers Isaac Miller, Amos Mul- len, Chas. Neff, D. F. Poorman, Sarah Pursley, John Roan, F. P. Resides, L. Rhone, Mary Ross, S. E. Stine, Mrs. Strong, John Seibert, Henry Sankey, Chas. Swartz, Levi Stump, N. B. Spang- ler, Miss Spangler, Hiram Thompson, Annie Van Pals, Cal. Weaver, Miss Ward, P. E. Womels- dorf. A DAY OF SPIRITUAL GOOD THINGS, Sunday, as has always been the case, was given up to a series of services in the audi- torium. The attendance was large at all of them. In the morning Rev. Faus, of the Methodist church, preached. Sunday evening the Christian Endeavor held aspe- cial service after which Rev. Goodling de- livered a sermon. The C. E. service was very interesting and was entered into with a spirit of earn- estness by young people, in all parts of the hall. : THE FORMAL OPENING. On Monday the entire day was devoted to fixing up the grounds and the formal opening of the camp, that had been adver- tised for 7:30 p. m., was done away with to allow the Centre Hall dramatic company to have the auditorium for a reproduction of the comedy-drama, ‘Hickory Farm,’’ an account of which will be found elsewhere in this issue. TUESDAY. A disagreeable rain was falling when the campers awoke, but it did not last all day. At 10:30 the camp was formally opened hy appropriate services. Manager Leonard Rhone declared the camp opened and turned it over to the of- ficers of the county Grange. Master George Dale accepted it and introduced Col. James F. Weaver, who spokeon “The Prosperity and Success of the Granges.”” He was fol- lowed by I. 8. Frain, on “The Progress of the Grange Since its Organization.” In the afternoon Rev. J. Zeigler, the Prohibition county chairman, spoke on ‘‘What Temperance is to the Farmer.” state veterinarian Leonard Pearson deliver- ed a thorough and practical address on “How to Keep Farm Animals Healthy.” Another interesting topic discussed was “Roads,” by Dr. Harrison, road engineer of the national agricultural department. In the evening the auditorium was crowded to hear Dr. Rothrock, commission- er of forestry, speak on ‘“The Preservation of our Woodlands.” He was followed by Frank M. Moore, special agent of the state agricultural department, who spoke on ‘Pure Foods.” - THE GOLD DAY AT THE PICNIC. The glorious rays of a golden sun made Wednesday an ideal day for the gathering of the gold standard forces at the park. Poor old Sol could’nt raise much of a crowd for them though and there were not more than three thousand people there at any time during the day. The auditorium was filled with men and women, really more women than men, in the afternoon when Col. Weaver turned the -meeting over to the Republican county or- ganization. Hon. Charles Stuart Patter- son, of Philadelphia, was introduced to discuss sound money. He started off by patting all the farmers on the back and and then got side tracked on the tariff question, forgetting almost entirely the theme he was advertised to handle. Al- though Mr. Patterson came to Bellefonte in a private palace car, with no other occu- pants than members of his own family, and several servants to wait on them, he laid claim to being a farmer because he has wealth enough to own a magnificent coun- try place, out-side of Philadelphia, of 5 acres. It is not this kid gloved kind of a farmer, however, this class who are putting up the mopéy to furnish cartoons ridicul- ing the other farmer who cant afford palace cars, though he tills many times 5 acres of ground, who ought to tell the com- mon, plain farmer what is best for him. ——~ Mr. Patterson is a very nice géntleman, but he showed very bad judgmentiin trying to palm himself off as a farmer, especially when the common interpretation of the word, now-a-days, does not include the man who owns 5. acres of magnificent lawn, dotted with rare shrubbery, costly foun- tains and traversed by marble walled drives. : Mr. Carty, of Harrisburg, was the next speaker. We wouldn't like to express an opinion of what he said in the language of a prominent Republican state official, who heard him, yet as his words are the only ones that express our sentiments to a nice- ty we refrain from using them for fear of shocking the reader’s modesty. Deputy secretary of agriculture John Hamilton was called on and talked tariff in a way that convinced everyone that he knew more about it than any one else, for when he announced that the present low price of horses was brought about by the Wilson tariff bill he startled every one. Prof. Hamilton is all right in his line. His line, however, is hide bound Republi- canism and that, by the way, is possibly the reason he got tangled about the time when hides were put on the free list. During the evening the public exer- cises were carried out as advertised. A GREAT OUT POURING FOR SILVER. Going on the principle that every cloud has a silver lining men of every party look- ed at the threatening sky, on Thursday morning, then thought what might be back of it, and headed for Grange park to hear the speeches for the dollars of our daddies. By the time they all got there there were fully six thousand people on the ground. Bryan and Sewall buttons were seen every where. The bands played from silver horns and one fakir went down along the rail-road track, where he pelted stones at every McKinley button he had, because the Bryan ones were all gone and the oth- ers were white elephants. At 2 o’clock the meeting was held in the auditorinm where the Hon. Mortimer Whitehead, of New Jersey, and the, Hon. DeWitt C. DeWitt, of Towanda, fairly de- lighted the audience with their brilliant witticisms and incontrovertable facts about silver. In the morning the Hon. Jerome T. Ail- man, of Juniata county, State Grange lec- turer and Democratic nominee for Con- gressman-at-large, gave a very entertaining talk. A great crowd gathered for the afternoon meeting, which €ol. Weaver handed, over to the Democratic organization. Col. J. L. Spangler was called to preside and upon taking the chair he delighted the audience with one of his characteristic talks. He was followed by Hon. Mortimer White- head, of New Jersey, past national grange lecturer. A clearer, more forcible argu- mentation of the silver issue, had never be- fore been heard in this county and when the Hon. DeWitt C. DeWitt, of Bradford county, our other nominee for Congressman- at-large concluded with a masterful pres- entation of the people’s cause, with a con- vincing expose of the palpable untruths that had been uttered the day before, the silver cause had received a mighty boost in Centre. The meeting was most enthusias- tic, and prolonged applause marked every | point on the minds of those who were there. At the evening session Miss Helen John- son, of Erie, Ceres of the state Grange, was the principal entertainer. VERY LITTLE RAIN. While this side of the mountain exper- ienced a terrific thunder and hail storm yesterday afternoon the Penns valley side got just a little dash of rain. Not enough to mar the pleasure of the day. In our next issue we will give a com- plete list of all the exhibitors. Want of space precludes it in this issue. —— es. SAUSSERMAN--SHREFFLER.—Rev. J. W. Rue, of the Methodist church, officiated at the marriage of Frank Sausserman to Miss Emma May Shrefiler, which was consum- mated at the home of the bride’s parents, on South Potter street, Monday evening at 6 o'clock. : The wedding was very simple though none the less happy and after receiving the congratulations of friends here the couple left for a week’s stay in Lock Haven, where they will be given a large reception by the groom’s relatives. Mr. Sausserman is employed at Storm’s Arcade barber shop and is an industrious young man who is well liked by all who know him. His brideisa daughter of John Shreffler, well known in Centre coun- ty, and is a particularly pretty girl. She was attended by Miss Louisa Crissman, of this place, while Albert Logue, of Lock Haven, was best man. A PLEASANT SURPRISE.—On Saturday, Sept. 12th, in Boggs township, near Miles- burg, there took place one of those pleasant meetings so enjoyable to all concerned and so often wished to be repeated by those pres- ent. This occasion being the sixty-fifth anniversary of the birth of Mr. David C. Poorman, one of the oldest and best known citizens of Boggs township. The celebration was arranged by chil- dren and other relatives from the vicinity and from a distance and was wholly a sur- prise to. the old gentleman. He was the recipient of many handsome and useful presents. Among the fifty or more who were pres- ent at the party were the following from a distance : A. B. Poorman, wife and chil- dren, from Jersey Shore ; Mrs. Joseph Vanatta and daughter, Naoma, from Renovo ; Mrs. Horace Watson and fami- ly from Snow Shoe; and others from Williamsport and other places. The party enjoyed one of those old fashioned country dinners and all wish the aged Mr. Poorman many more years of life and usefulness. ‘SUBSCRIBER.’ CENTRE HALL AMATEURS IN COMEDY. —What proved to be a very delightful en- tertainment, as well as a very clever bit of amateur work on the stage, was the presen- tation of ‘‘ Hickory Farm,” a pleasing two act drama, by Centre Hall young people last Saturday and Monday nights. The first performance was given as a henefit to the new Lutheran church fund and proved so successful that there was a general de- mand for its reproduction. Both evenings the grange park auditorium was comforta- bly filled by an audience whose many. out- bursts of applause forcibly expressed the appreciation of the home talent. The play is a very pretty little sketch of New England farm life in which the sim- ple, gentle manners of the old country folk, were nicely brought out; the plot be- ing laid for some heavy villain work, also requiring several effective sentimental scenes and with plenty of opportunity for comedy. The caste was very nicely balanced and included the following: Ezekiel Fortune, a New England farmer, E. J. Wolf. Uriah Skinner, a miser, - W. C. Boozer. Gilbert Darkwood, handsome and unserup- ulous, - - - + = WW a Mingle. Jack Nelson, - - - - - Ed. Kerlin. Lawrence McKeegan, an alderman from theecity, - = = C P Deininger Detective Rankin, - Ww D Son. -C. H. Meyer. Two Constables, 1 1. Soh Jessie Fortune, pretty and unsophisti- cated, =o", ° = = Grace Alexander. Mrs. Priscllla Dodge, a susceptibie widow, Emily Alexander. The performance was so creditable on the whole that to particularize would be, in a certain sense, an injustice. Yet W. G. Mingle, C. F. Deininger and the Misses Alexander were so absorbed in their parts as to make their playing strong indeed. They made climax after climax.with a vim that was very professional-like and evi- denced a careful study of their respective characters. As Zeke Fortune, E. J. Wolf, had the best make up on the stage. He portrayed the character very well, but lost many an opportunity by a failure to work up to the ‘tension of his lines. W.C. Boozer was a very natural Uriah Skinner, while Ed. Kerlin did well as Jack Nelson, though both of these young men, with W. D. Shoop, as the detective, could have put more force into their lines and added to the strength of the caste. C. H. Meyer and S. S. Smith did their duty as constables in a dignified manner and the chorus of Centre Hall young folks, who introduced the spec- inlties and sustained Miss Alexander in her sweet solo, lent much to the success of the last act. . As this was the first performance of the company it was particularly meritorious. They worked under the disadvantage of poor staging and properties, but succeeded so well as to prove that there is more than a little histrionic ability at Centre Hall. Es THEIR PURSES FouND.—Daniel Garman and prothonotary W. F. Smith, the two Bellefonters who became so greatly inter- ested in the business men’s picnic, at Hec- la, last Wednesday, that they did not know when some one ‘‘touched’’ them, are hap- py again. That is as happy as two fellows can be who have had their pockets picked and have just recovered their purses, mi- nus their ‘‘greenies.’’ Both Mr. Garman’s and Mr. Smith’s purses were taken from them on the picnic day. The latter did’nt know his was gone until he was coming home on the train and some one was telling him about Mr. Gar- man’s loss. Then he exclaimed, never thinking how true it was: “Maybe I have been robbed too!” He put his hand to his pocket and, sure enough, his purse was gone. His was found in one of the water tanks in the men’s toilet room in the Bush house next day. The water had stopped flowing from the tank and a porter went to investigate. He found Smith's purse clogging up the hole. The thief had gone into the closet, taken the money—about $40—out and letting the papers alone threw the puise up there so that if anything hap- pened it wouldn’t be found on his person. The Garman purse was found Sunday night in the same place. All the money had been removed, but'the papers were in- tact. No one knows exactly how much it contained, but as Mr. Garman always has been in the habit of carrying considerable money on his person it is the general opin- ion that the man who ‘‘touched”” him got a nice haul—several hundred dollars at least. Qs A BRILLIANT TALKER.—Taking advan- tage of the presence of Hon. DeWitt C. De- Witt in Bellefonte, on Wednesday evening, he was invited to the regular meeting of the Bryan and Sewall club that night. The granger’s picnic, as a counter attraction, kept many away, but a fair audience was in the court house to hear him. It is a great pity that more were not there. It wasa treat indeed. Clean and forcible he argued from the silver side in a mannéf particularly convincing. His talk was at times brilliant, then he would lapse into a conversational vein in which he would propound and invite questions with such daring as to simply appall the few goldites who were there. Mr. DeWitt certainly captured his Belle- fonte audience and reports from his speech at Grange park, yesterday, are to the effect that he did the same over there. 0 THE AXNUAL W. C. T. U. CONVEN- TION.—The 12th annual convention of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, of Centre County, will be held, on Thursday, September 24th, in the W. C. T. U., rooms, Bellefonte. Mrs. A. M. Holvey, state Supt. of press work, will be present and address the evening meeting. All who hear her will enjoy a treat as she is a convincing, en- tertaining speaker and possessed of fine or- atorical powers. Sessions open to all. ee He ——The five reformed churches in Nit- tany valley have issued a call to Rev. J. M. Runkle, of Mechanicsburg. ee ee eee eee re TO OD POSTPONED INDEFINITELY.—On account of the wet weather the Christian rally that was advertised for Hecla park, last Tuesday, has been postponed indefinitely. The other time evangelists Weaver and Weeden went to the park the weather was disagreeable. ————— een. MARRIED TUESDAY EVENING.—At 6 o'clock Tuesday evening the home of Mr. ‘Frank B. Stover, on High street, was: the scene of a brilliant wedding ceremony. It was the occasion of the marriage of his eld- est daughter, Viletta Ereath, to Harry C. Stover, a prosperous young merchant of Hagerstown, Md. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Ed. Hoshour, of the Lutheran church, and as the wedding chorus sounded through the prettily decorated rooms the wedding party entered. First, little Helen Stover, the flower girl; then Frank Stover, Jr., and Harry Hoshour, the pages; Samuel Stover and Hall Musser, of Altoona, the ushers, were next; after them came the maid of honor, the bride’s pretty sister Lulu; then the bride-to-be looking radiant in white organdy with white ribbons. After the ceremony a splendid wedding supper was served. They left on the Cen- tral R. R. of Pa., for a tour east and will return to make their home in Hagerstown. het gp Te JOHN RISHELL HURT IN A RUNAWAY.— Mr. John Rishell, one of Centre County’s richest farmers, was seriously injured in a runaway accident, out at Axe Mann, last Monday afternoon. He was driving home from this place in a buggy when a team was driven up be- hind him. The noise scared Mr. Rishell’s horse and it started to run. The holding back straps broke, so that the horse became unmanageable and ran away. The buggy was turned over and Mr. Rishell was drag- ged quitea distance. The driver of the wag- on behind jumped out to help him, where- upon his team frightened and ran down into the old axe mill dam, which is dried off. There the wagon was upset and a lit- tle girl thrown out, dislocating her wrist. Adam Hazel caught Mr. Rishell’s horse at the cider press. Mr. Rishell is about 60 years old making the accident a very serious one to him. He was cut about the head and sustained a number of scalp wounds. Dr. Fisher is in attendance on hin. ———t AN INJUSTICE TO A YOUNG MAN.—At the last session of court Mr. J. A. Weaver, a traveling salesman who is well known in Philipsburg, where his wife’s parents live, was arraigned for embezzlement. The charge was brought by a Boston firm, Ed- ward Reardon & Co., in whose employ Mr. Weaver had been for some time. The trou- ble between the litigants grew out of a contract by which Mr. Weaver was to re- ceive so much for a stipulated period, then to get an advance in the event of his re- employment. The contract expired, but he continued selling for the firm under the impression that a new one would soon be sent him. His house accepted the orders sent and supplied him with money. Mr. Weaver claimed the advance and retained it, whereupon the suit was brought. The Boston people did not appear against him, which was evidence that they had no case. It is a pity that the costs are not large enough to give them a costly lesson on the injustice of accusing an innocent young man and placing him in a bad light before the public. We are glad that Mr. Weaver was able to free himself of the reputation of dishon- esty. News Purely Personal. —Mus. John Speer, of Chambersburg, is in town visiting Mrs. W. T. Speer, of West High street. —Mrs. Frank Lukenbach, of Philipsburg, is visiting at her old home in this place. —Superintendent of the water works, Mr. Sam- uel Rine, is attending court this week at St. Mary’s. —Mr. Jerry Swartz and daughter, Mrs. Barn- hart, of Stoyestown, are visiting relatives in Cen- tre county this week. —Miss Gertrude Fravel, one of Snow Shoe’s, charming young ladies is visiting her many friends in Bellefonte. —Mrs. Mitchell and her bright little son, Baird, of Baltimore, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Mary Powers, on Spring street. —Mr. and Mrs. William Grauer, of South Spring street, returned on Monday morning, after a few weeks’ delightful visit to Philadelphia, Beech Haven and Atlantic City. ' —Mr. Gearge B. Downing, of Altoona, formerly a resident of this place and a man who has as many friends in Bellefonte as any one who comes here, is just now in town visiting, —Messss. Abe Weber, the chief burgess, and Mr. J. L. DeHass, the genial landlord of the Syr- acuse house, both of Howard, were visitors in our town last Wednesday, and while here attended the picnic at Centre Hall. —Olie Campbell, who is now superintendent of the Clearfield telephone exchange vice Charlie Noll resigned, spent Sunday with his family in this place. Rush McClintic, the new lineman from Lewistown, is daily seen climbing the green poles. —Frank W. Hess, Democratic candidate for auditor and all around popular young man of Philipsburg, is in town, making trips to the Gran- ger's picnic and making friends with everybody. Frank is a genial young fellow whom everybody likes and he is right at home among the Grangers. —Charles Houck, son of Rev. Wm. A. Houck former pastor of the M. E. church here and now of Hazleton, is in town visiting his many friends. It has been three years since Charley left here and he naturally finds much enjoyment in getting back among the people of Bellefonte. He is em- ployed by the Hazleton traction company and while not in the best of health looks ¢filte the opposite. —Mrs. Frank Anastrong, of Tyrone, and her husband's grandmother, Mrs. Jane Lowery, of Crafton, were in town, Tuesday, for a few hours on their way to Oak Hall. Mrs. Lowery, who is a grand-niece of Barbara Fritchie, is a good illus- tration of the saying thata woman is only as old as she looks for while she confesses to seventy and some years, she is in appearance, manner and agreeableness not more than sixty. She was born and raised in Frederick, Md., and the tales she knows of her distinguished aunt and grand- mother are well worth hearing. THE CENTENNIAL OF THE SCHEN CKS.— The Schenck family in Centre county cele- brated the centennial anniversary of their settlement here, on Thursday of last week. The services assumed the nature of a pic- nic to which all the descendants of the fam- ily were invited and during the joyousness of the gathering together for such a reun- ion a literary program was carried out and the history of the family recounted. So far as the Schenck genealogical tree in Centre county is climbed it is found to he a very honorable and respected one. The family is large and its name is coincident with the first settlement of the Bald Eagle valley. It is little wonder then that the centennial of this branch of the family, which was celebrated on the very farm that one of the ancestors had cleared a hundred years ago, should have attracted such a crowd as was there on Thursday. The Hornet gives the following brief his- torical sketch of the location of the Schencks in this county : “In 1795 two brothers, the Rev. Michael Schenck and Daniel Schenck, of Lancaster county, Pa., loaded their goods and fami- lies into wagons and traveled up the Sus- quehanna river to the mouth of the Junia- ta, up the Juniata to where Water Street is now located ; thence across the country to Bellefonte, thence down the Bald Eagle, one mile below Howard, where they had purchased land ; Michael's being the farm on which Jonathan Schenck, Esq., now re- sides, and Daniel settled on what is now known as the ‘‘furnace property,”” which he afterwards sold to John Harris. Then he went West and very little is known of his posterity. Jonathan Schenck’s father was Daniel Schenck who was a brother to Michael Jr. and Frederick Schenck. The celebration took place on the old homestead of Rev. Michael J., Daniel and Frederick Schenck, who are all dead. Descendants of the Schenck’s, intermarried with the Holters, Pletchers, Halls, ete., residing in this part of Pennsylvania, which now number into the thousands.’ el MARRIAGE LICENSES.—Following is the list of marriage licenses granted by orphans’ court clerk, G. W. Rumberger, during the past week. John E. Hoy, of Philadelphia, and Anna E. Mingle, of Centre Hall. Wilson Fry, of Harris, and Hatty Tute, of Bellefonte. E. S. Spotts and Vileria Lucas, both of Union Twp. P. 8S. McCann and Ella Sullivan, hoth of Tyrone. Roy C. Hoover, of Harris Twp., and Maggie R. Poorman, of Patton. George E. Aikey and Cora Harter, both of Spring. T.J. Van Scoyoc, of Philipsburg, and Sarah Boluright, of Chester ill. Frank Sausserman and Emma DM. Shreftler, both of Bellefonte. Wm. McKinney, of Potters Mills, and Lizzie Moyer, of Centre Hill. E. R. Lucas, of Boggs, and Julia E. Bartley, of Walker. Harry E. Stover, of Hagerstown, and Viletti E. Stover, of Bellefonte. ——— Perens. WILSON-SMITH.—Miss. Matilda L. Wil- son, one of Bellefonte’s prettiest young women, was married to Rev. C. M. Smith, of McConnelsburg, Pa., on Wednesday morning, at 10:30. The Rev. A. A. Black, of Boalsburg, officiated at the nuptials which were celebrated at the home of the bride’s aunt, Mrs. M. L. Jackson, on south Allegheny street. Only a few guests witnesssed the cere- mony. The house was artistically decora- ted with flowers and the bride looked sweet in a dainty gown of white tulle. After the ceremony the bride and groom left for a tour, returning from which they will lo- cate in McConnelsburg, where Mr. Smith has a home all ready made for his wife. ——— A eae. WANTED.—A good home for a bright little boy, 20 months old and of good parent- age. His mother is dead and his father is willing to give full possession of the child. Apply at this office. Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co. The following are the quotations up to six o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper goes ress : Bed wheat... isc ie nnn, €5 Rye, per bushel............. . 35 Corn, shelled, per bushel.. 30 Corn, ears, per bushel.. 12% Oats, per bushel, old. 20 Oats, per bushel, new 18 Barley, per bushel..... 35 Ground Plaster, per ton . 800 Buckwheat, per bushel. 4 40 Cloverseed, per bushel...................... $6 00 to £7 00 Bellefonte Produce Markets. Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co. Potatoes par bushel. ....ciuivs i 15 gnions Sebers Ee 40 iggs, per dozen.. 12 Lard, per pound.. 6 Country Shoulder: 6 Sides... 6 Hams.. 10 Tallow, per pound... 3 Butter, per pound... 18 The Democratic Watchman. Published every Friday morning, in Bellefonte, Pa., at §2 per annum (if paid strictly in advance); 82.50, when not paid in advance, and $3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the year; and no paper will be discontinued until all’ arrearage is paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers will not be sent out of Centre county un- less paid for in advance. A liberal discount is made to persons advertis- ing by the quarter, half yeay, or year, as follows : SPACE OCCUPIED [3m | 6m ly One inch (12 lines this type $5688 |810 TWO Inches.c.,..co0siis00sinns of 7 F105 15 ‘Three inches................. Suarips falnmn (5 inches). Half Column (10 inches).... ay 2001035 50 One Column (20 inches).............ccuuee | 35 | 556 | 100 Advertisements in special column 25 per cent. additional. Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions...........20 cts, Each additional insertion, per line... . 5 cts Local notices, per line......... ns 20 cts. Business notices, periine.......... 0G 10 cts. Job Printing of every kind done with neatness and dispatch. The Warcumax office has been re- fitted with Fast Presses and New Type, and everything in the printing line can be ‘executed in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. Terms—Cash. + All letters should be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor