Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 11, 1896, Image 5

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CENTENARY.—One hundred years old is
not much for a towr, judging from the
way Huntingdon has been carrying on for
the past three days. . The great demonstra-
tion she has been having is more indica-
tive of youth than old age.
The town was in gala attire during the
time for the celebration and the crowds of
people who thronged the streets showed
that the surrounding country had taken an
interest in the event.. :
““__One of the features of the first day’s pa-
rade was a floral carnival, in which car-
riages and horses were bedecked in every
conceivable way, while the occupants were
attired in most striking costumes. The
line of carriages was over a half mile in
Huntingdon did herself proud.
1796—HUNTINGDON, PA.—1896.
The site of the town of Huntingdon was
probably known to white people as early as
1740. It was about that year travel began
between east and west along the old Indian
“‘war-path,” entering the present limits of
Huntingdon county by way of Tuscarora
valley and passing the shade of death, now
Shade gap, Blacklog, Aughwick, now Shir-
leysburg, Jack’s Narrows, Standing Stone,
now Huntingdon, Water Street, Frankstown,
and thence across the Allegheny mountains.
The first travelers of whom we have any
account were Indian traders, who carried on
a trafic with the native inhabitants of the
province of Pennsylvania,and with other In-
dians at Logstown, on the Ohio river, below
Pittsburg. The first of these traders whose
name had been transmitted ‘to us was
“Jack” Armstrong from whom Jack’s Nar-
rows took their name, because he was
there murdered in 1744. Other traders were
Hugh Crawford, who made an ‘‘Improve-
ment” where Huntingdon now stands, in
1753, and George Croghan, who built Fort
Shirley, at Aughwick, commanded a com-
pany of Indians from that place in Braddock’s
expedition, became the owner ef Crawford’s
claim and transferred it to Dr. William
Smith, in 1766. ~~,
These traders and others
on going to Huntingdon found a
pillar, of stone crected by the Indians
near the river bank, probably about the foot
of Second street. It is first mentioned by Con-
rad Weiser, provincial agent, who went to
the Ohio river, traveling along the ‘‘war-path
in 1748, to confer with the Indians and to se-
cure their friendship and alliance. He says
in his Journal, on the 18th of August. that
he was within two miles of the Standing
Stone. He passed it the next day as he went
on westward towards Frankstown, but made
no further mention of it. John Harris trav-
eled over the same route, in 1754, and in stat-
ing the distance between points passed, says
of the stan ding Stone, in parenthesis, ‘‘about
14 feet high, 6 inches square.” This is the
only description of it in existence.
From this pillar or monument the place
took its early name.It was known as Standing
Stone from the first visits of white men until
the close of the Revolutionary war; the
name is yet preserved in that of the creek
which empties into the river near the place
where the stone stood, of the ridge along the
foot of which the creek flows, and one of the
avenues of the town. A second stone was
erected by the whites ; it stood, in 1840, in
front of the old court house, in Third street.
A third one has been erected on nearly the
same site, as part of the ceremonies of the
borough centennial celebration this year, 1896.
Huntingdon lay upon the frontiers of the
province and State of Pennsylvania until the
close of the Revolution, and from the time of
its settlement was constantly threatened by
the red men. Fort Shirely was built as a de-
fense against the French and Indians, who
were fortified at Fort Duquesne ; Hunting-
don, or the ground upon which it stand, be-
ing between the two. Later, aline of forts
was built farther west. McAlevy’s Fort, on
Stone valley ; McCormick’s and Anderson's
Forts, on Shaver’s creek; Lytle’s Fort, in
Hartslog valley ; Hartsock’s Fort, in Wood-
cock valley ; and Lowry’s Fort, in Canoe val-
ley ; which afforded some protection to the
settlers, who were then approaching closely
to the Alleghenies, but these were not always
sufficient and it sometimes became necessary
for the people to take refuge in Fort Standing
Stone, at Huntingdon, which stood where
the intersection of Penn and Second streets
now is. In 1767, Dr. Smith laid out the town
on the ground bought by him from George
Croghan. He named it Huntingdon, in hon-
or of Selina, daughter of Washington Shirley,
Earl of Farrar, and wife of Theophilas Hast-
ings, Earl of Huntingdon.
Being located on the only river flowing
eastward from the Alleghenies to the Sus-
quehanna, Huntingdon has always been on
the principal route of travel and trade. The
Indian ‘‘war-path’”’ followed a natural course
as have its successors, the turnpike, the canal
and the railway. It has therefore possessed
great advantages of position.
In addition to this, it is in a rich mineral
region, having coal in unlimited abundance
North, South and West, and iron, etc., in all
directions, with other minerals within con-
venient distance. It has every facility for
becoming a great manufacturing centre ; bet-
ter indeed, than other places that have sur-
passed it in this respect. It possesses a num-
ber of industries of which it may well be
proud, and which add greatly to its prospects.
Liberal provision has heen made for educa-
tion and its schools are of the best. Religion
is generously sustained, and the churches
compare favorably with those of other towns
of even greater population. Brick paved and
brilliantly lighted streets, unlimited water
supply, complete sewerage and public im-
provements generally in keeping with the
liberal public spirit of its citizens. The mag-
nificent views and diversified scenery in the
immediate neighborhood, coupled with many
excellent roads, add greatly to the attractive-
ness of the locality.
— ete
A JurLiax Max Hurr.—William Rich-
ards, of Julian. Centre county, was severe-
ly injured, Monday night, at the Paddy’s
run railroad bridge. While walking over
the bridge he fell and his right leg caught
in a girder which held him suspended. The
strain was so great that it wrenched his
knee. He called for help and persons in
the vicinity released him. After having
his injuries attended to he left for home.
—Renovo News.
place Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mingle,
in Centre Hall, when their daughter, Miss
Annie E., was united in marriage to Emory
Hoy, of Philadelphia. The prominence of
the bride’s family and her popularity
made the event of more than passing inter-
est but the wedding was a quiet family
affair, witnessed only by near relatives.
The groom, who is the youngest son of
Joseph Hoy, of State College, holds a very
desirable position in Philadelphia and isa
young man of sterling worth. The bride’s
personal qualities speak for themselves and
she has all the characteristics of a noble
woman. The happy couple carried with
them the best wishes of the entire com-
munity when they went east, at 3 p. m., to
spend the beginning-~of their honeymoon.
They will make their home in Philadel«
AN ORIENTAL L1.—The most interest-
ing incident in connection with the visit of
Li Hung Chang, the great Chinese viceroy,
to this country, that is, the most interest-
ing to those about here, has just leaked
out and was caused by the over-weening
desire of a local insurance agent to talk
shop. :
It happened, that when Li decided to
visit Philadelphia, the general agents of
the company represented byghe oily little
gentleman from this place, thought it
would be a master stroke to take Li's life
for about $100,000 in favor of his two sons
and then make one of the latter manager
of the business they proposed starting in
China ?
Well all the district agents were talked
of in the search for the proper man to do
the job. Just then rumors began to float
down Chestnut street, to the big building,
about how that smooth little Bellefonter
“hadn’t done a thing but kill everybody
he met.”” Undertakers were frantic ;
burial permit offices had to be enlarged,
the report was going the round that Phila-
delphia was a deader and the whole caused
by the occasional visit of a country insur-
ance man who was so deucedly clevah as
to “simply kill them, Understand ? Do
you see?”
Of course, you know that he was the
man chosen to take L1’s life and the shak-
ing up the old heathen got, when he poked
his cane into that dynamo at Niagara Falls,
wasn’t a circumstance to the funny feelings
that trilled up and down his spinal column
after his go with our insurance man. But
he couldn’t kill him as easily as he lays
the average Philadelphian out.
Centre Hall.
The young people remember with pleasure
Mrs. Kate Baughman, (nee Barger), of Leb-
anon, who is now the guest of her uncle, ex-
Sheriff Spangler, although absent for about
ten years, Centre Hall seems much like
home to her.
Miss Romgié .VanPelt, daughter of Mrs.
Annie VanPelt; will enter Wilson College,
Chambersburg, this fall where she will take a
regular college course. She will devote much
of her time to music, in which art she
shows much talent.
“Hick’ry”’ Farm, which will be produced
by the young people in Grange Park audi-
torium, will be a first class entertainment.
Nobody will have occasion to regret having
spent Saturday night next listening to the
story of the old New England farmer.
Mrs. Margaret Snodgrass, of Miflinburg, is
the guest of Miss Anna Mingle.
The seventeenth annual convention of the
Woman’s Home and Foreign Missionary so-
ciety of Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Cen-
tral Pa., will be held at New Berlin, Septem-
ber 28th 29th and 30th. The program bears
the names of a number of missionary
workers from this county.
eee A eee
Pine Grove Mention.
From the amount of shooting along the
mountain the frisky tribe must be plenty.
Mrs. Mary McCauley, after a two weeks’
visit at the hospitable home of Mrs.Elizabeth
Glenn, at State College, has returned home
delighted with her visit.
Quite a number of our people are in at-
tendance at Huntingdon centennial this
week, and we hope they will have a royal
good time.
If reports are true the attendance at Grange
Park, next woek, from this section will be
unusually large. * Some are going this week
to remain to the finish. :
The farmers are well on with their seed-
ing. For those who awaited the rain the
flood gates of heaven were opened last Sat-
urday, and now most of the afternoon far-
mers are able to plough.
The Henry Fry farm has again changed
owners. Mr. Whitmer withdrew from the
negotiation and Joseph H.Hoy purchased the
place. Mr. Hoy is to be congratulated as the
farm is one of the most desirable in the
neighborhood. -The house is a large brick
structure with modern improvements. The
barn is new and in good order, and on the
place is an artesian well with an automatic
Ex. Sheriff Walker spent several days last
week sizing up the political situation in the
western part of the county. While here he
was the guest of his aged mother, at her
home near Fairbrook. *
Ferguson township Democrats are taking
time by the forelock and are opening the
campaign in a fitting manner. Last even-
ing a bimetallist club was organized in the
academy, which has a surprisingly large
number of signers. Meetings are to be held,
speeches heard and in a short time, it is ex-
pected, the club will be one of the most in-
fluential in the county.
Last Thursday evening, the 3rd, J. A.
Reish and Miss Sallie Homan, daughter of
J. M. Homan, were quietly married at the
Lutheran parsonage, by the Rev. C. T. Aik-
ers. After the ceremony they drove to the
home of Clyde Detro, where a few invited
guests awaited them and the sumptuous wed-
ding supper which had been prepared. The
young couple come of good families and there
is no reason why they should not prosper.
Last Saturday morning the cars were run
for the first time over the Pine Grove exten-
sion of the Bellefonte Central R. R. The
frain was not crowded as it might have been,
but that was on account of the disagreeable
weather. Superintendant Thomas was on
hand to see to the comfort and safety of the
passengers, and the picnickers were all great-
ly delighted with the transportation except
two, and they—well they enjoyea the ride
down. Ask them about the ride home ? The
night was dark and the miles were many
from Bellefonte to Pennsylvania Furnace,
but still there were two trains that evening.
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Irvin had driven down
from the furnace in the morning in plenty of
time for the train and Mrs. Irvin was the
first woman to ride over the new road, but
still there was something wrong in the even
ing as they did not get on either of the trains.
The liveryman who drove them up in the
wee sma’ hours of the night can possibly
throw a ray on the subject. ¢
Spring Mills.
Commercial agents say that business along
the road drags heavily, apparently there is
no life in it. They attribute it to so much
The new road from the “hill,”’ an elevat-
ed part of our village in the north east, to the
R. R. station, will be open for travel in a day
or two.
Wm. Finkle has moved into the dwelling,
formerly occupied by W. R. From, opposite
the mill. Mr. Finkle is an employe of the
milling firm of Allison Bros., and a sound
Potatoes almost equal the crop of last year,
a drug, quoted at from 12 to 15 cents per
bushel, but no sales. Apples are in a similar
plight, no market for them. The corn crop
will be as large.
The editor of the Millheim Journal visits
our town frequently on his bicycle. On
Monday last he seemed to be in a hurry. 1
noticed him riding down the pike like an
arrow. The editor is auite an expert on the
The Indianapolis convention isa sick thing
of the past, and the Republicans are singing
hurrah, but as yet I have heard of no Demo-
crat being scared at the result of the pro-
ceedings, neither have I heard of any having
the remotest idea of supporting the ticket—
hardly discussing it. The convention was
simply a scheme gotten up by a few bogus
Democrats to defeat Bryan, if possible, but
instead, it has almost placed his election be-
yond a doubt. The gold bug bolting nomi-
nation simply makes a division of the gold
vote, part going to McKinley, part to Palmer,
and the fragments to Levering the broad
gauge Prohibitionist, If the Republicans
can gather any crumbs of comfort from the
Indianapolis farce they are certainly wel-
come to them all. As the Democrats of the
valley are perfectly satisfied with the out-
look of the silver question, they are now
working up the county ticket, although the
popularity of the gentlemen nominated for
the several offices is of such a character that
the ticket can almost take care of itself, yet
they will run no risk but will keep the ball
rolling on til election day ends the contest.
W. W. Allison, of the firm of Allison Bros.
of our village, returned home last week, after.
a pleasure trip of over three weeks in the
North West.
All Through Brush Valley.
Snyder Miller is raising his house for a
Bryan foundation.
An article on Brush valley politics has been
written for the WATCHMAN.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. K. Moyer, of Centre
Mills, were in Lewisburg this week.
A number of our people will attend the
Granger's picnic at Centre Hall next week.
Mr. Romig, of Mifflinburg and his hand-
some bride are guests of Mrs. George Smull.
Last Wednesday Henry Crider, of Wolf
Store, left for Franklin and Marshall college
at Lancaster.
Miss Regina Bierly, of Lock Haven, and
her sister, of Nittany valley, are visiting
their Brush valley friends.
C. C. Loose, one of our progressive lumber-
men, is erecting his steam saw mill near
Daniel Harter’s, three miles east of Rebers-
The Wolf Store Democrats with Mr. Jasper
Wolf at the head are to be highly compli-
mented for their interest and energy. They
have succeeded in getting nearly every Dem-
ocrat of this community to join the Brush
valley Bryan-Sewall silver club.
Besides politics the great subject of discus-
sion at Livonia is Reuben S. Stover’s big
Beideheimer apple which weighs 1830z. and
is 15 in. in circumference. It grew on a tree
only four yearsold. Mr. Stover says this is
a typical forshadowing of Bryan's adminis-
The Brush valley Bryan Sewall silver club
has appointed Messrs. G. W. Hazel, and J.
A. Detrick to work up the silver interests at
Madisonburg and bring their people to Rebers-
burg to hear the silver orators, J. C. Meyers
and Hammon Sechler, of Bellefonte, who are
to be here next Friday night.
Hon. Willis R. Bierly, who is now in Wil-
liamsport, 811 Maple Place, is receiving con-
stant requests for political addresses. Last
Monday night he addressed the South Wil-
liamsport club and as he has so may engage.
ments it is not known when he will return
to Centre county.
The following persons, registered at the
Rebersburg hotel : D. S. Barr, Altoona ; S.
W. Karstetter and wife, Franklin, Co. ; B.
F. Arnold, Freeburg ; R. O. Bracht, Coburn ;
Henry Boozer, and A. E. Kerlin, Centre
Hall ; D. Ludwig, Reading ; H. S. Smul],
Millheim ; Isaac Smith, Farmer's Mills; J.
C. Stern, Unionville ; ete., etc.
The Bellefonte Democratic gold-bugs came
down to Rebersburg last week with their
wives to find out how many sympathizers
they could get to a public meeting. The sil-
ver sentiment is so strong here that their
reception was neither cordial nor flattering.
The silver club has a membership of 160 and
while it is perfectly willing that a man shall
speak his mind it is unwilling that the gold-
office !
that he
.¢he)-ever saw.” There he chanced to meet
by the aid of providence two of our keenest
and most subtile silver orators, Henry Det-
wiler and Thomas Ziegler.
istering but one silver pill this brainy (?)
animal whizzed, flew up, and faintly ex-
ploded like a sky rocket.
a most earnest appeal that our Bryan vet-
erinary surgeon, J. A. Gramley, was induced
through mere
a dozen house tops, and to shake them
together more warmly than ever before so
that he could return a ‘‘dirtier but wiser” |
Z X |
The silver club has started out with the
most promising prospects. 160 members are
enrolled and every day brings new ac-
are cordially invited to attend the meetings
and to take part in the discussions.
every two weeks in Rebersburg and there
are no expenses, no obligations and a great
many attractions.
Bierly, president ; Henry A. Detwiler, vice
president ; C. O. Malory, recording secre- y
tary : J. Nevin Moyer, corresponding sec- -
retery ; Calvin Crouse, treasurer. ? -
——Read the WATCHMAN.
New Advertisments.
After admin- -
R SALE.—Good seven room house on
Allegheny street, Belletonia. Apply to
40-13 BROWN, Jr.
It was only after,
of some simple thing to patent? Pro-
tect your ideas; they may bring you wealth.
Write JOHN WEDDERBURN & Co., patent attor-
neys, Washington, D. C., for their £1,800 prize of-
than fer. : 41.31.
pity to gather up the
scattered over aot less
Persons of every political creed
It meets
The officers are H. Elmer SECHLER & CO.
New Advertisments.
to an order of the Orphans’ Court of Cen-
tre county, there will be exposed to Public Sale
on the premises in Patton township, on
comp ete Ball Shingle Mills with Jointer,
Bolter, Slitters,
Shafting and Belting. One 10 h. p. and one 20 h.
b boiler and engine on wheels.
oilers complete.
at Ee all those io dois 9z Blac of
5 > round formerly the property o abian Matts,
Boilers, Engines, Poa and described 0 Fons : 2
First :—Beginning at post in centre of Buffalo
Run road ; thence by land of Fabian Matts south
49 degrees east 31.2 perches to post ; thence south
Drag Saws,
Four two-flue
One Saw Mill with Edger and
TuisTLE EXTERMINATOR manufactured by Mr.
SanveL Wait, of Bellefonte, with satisfactory re-
sults, and I cheerfully recommend its use to any-
one who wishes to get rid of this pest.
Persons desirous o
rights can obtain them by applying to Clement
fixtures. Address, H. LOEB, DuBois, Pa. 41-26 | 7] degrees west 13.4 perches to hickory : thence
oe os Se natin to post ; thence
J p and of Hartsock south 8334 degrees west 6 per-
i ESTIMONIAL. ches to post, near spring ; thence y land of i
Office of liam Leitzel north 12 degrees west 17.2 perches to
centre of Buffalo Run road ; thence along said
road north 90 degrees east 16.4 perches to the
place of beginning. Containing two acres be the
same more or less. Excepting and reserving,
however, from this piece, a lot or piece of ground
sold by Fabian Matts to Elmer Way.
Second :—All that piece of land between tract
No. l and No. 3 bounded on the North b ublic
road ; on the East by lot No. 3 and land of P. B.
Waddle Esq. on the South by Jno. A. Hartsock,
and in the west by tract No.1 containing 214 acres
more or less.
Third :—Beginning at Buffalo Run road near
August 31st, 1896.
This will certify that I have used the
Monae for W. Fred Reynolds.
securing farm or township
And t
Court of Centre county, in the matter of
the estate of Adda C. Showalter, late of Philips-
burg, Centre county, Pa.
that the undersigned has been appointed an
auditor, in the above estate, to distribute the funds
now in the hands of J. C. Stoner, executor, to and
amont those legally entitled to receive the same.
at he will meetin his office, in Bellefonte,
on September, 25th, 1896, at ten o'clock a.m. for
the duties of his appointment.
will please attend.
Dale Esq., Bellefonte, Pa. 35-1m. | the north corner of stable ; thence by land of P.
: B. Waddle, south 3414 degrees east9 perches and
UDITOR’S NOTICE.—In the Orphans | 2 links to white oak ; thence by land of Fabian
Matts, north 59 degrees west 12 perches and 20
links to post on side of Buffalo Run road ; thence
along said road north 8014 degrees east5 perches
and 12 links to the place of beginning, containing
25 perches, net measure. Having thereon erected a
good two-story frame dwelling house, black-
smith shop, stable and other buildings.
TERMS OF SALE.—10 per cent. on day of sale. 40
per cent. on confirmation of sale : the balance in
one year thereafter, with interest, to be secured
by bond and mortgage on the premises.
41-34-3t Attorney, Administrator.
Notice is hereby .given
Parties interested
{one river Salmon, Finest Goods
12 Fish, of allk nds at Very Low Prices.
‘bugs should decry the sound money rights of | 15¢. 20c. and 25¢. per can. New Cheese
- You should have seen the sight last Mon-
day in front of the Rebersburg post-
1 A Spring Mills Republican came
tp this town of ours and loudly boasted
! “could out argue any man I
Lyon & Co.
Lyon & Co.
Katz & Co. Limited.
os _
Prices talk louder
can save you from 15
your purchases.
and will do it now.
than anything. We
to 35 per cent. on all
We have done it before
We have just opened
a line of Fall and Winter goods :
Good Canton flannel 4c per yard to 15c.
fine white flannels from 15 to 65c¢ ; Shaker
flannels from 4c up to the best.
New pat-
ANTED—AN IDEA—Who ean think
terns fall dress gingham from 5c. upward.
A good yard wide wide unbleached muslin
4 cents ; heavy yard wide sheeting 5cts ;
yard wide ticking from 6c. up to the finest
linen twill ; all wool dress serges from 25c¢.
ap to $1.25 per yard ; all wool suitings in
the new mixtures, suitable for dresses and
coats, 30c. to $1.
Heavy wool knee pants, ages 4 to 14 @
25¢ ; better quality from 35c. to $1. Boys’
overalls with aprons 30c. Mens’ heavy
cotton pants 65, 74. 84, 98 cents. Special
bargains—a lot of mens’ all wool cassimer
pants at $1.50. a
Good dark Winter suits 98c; better
qualities $1.24 and up to the best. Mens’
good heavy Winter suits $4, $4.50, $4.75.
Mens’ fine all wool suits $6 and upwards ;
mens’ fine clay worsted dress suits from
$4.90 to $15. A handsome line of boys’
and youths suits from $2.75 up. :
SHOES....0. i
A fine line of mens’, ladies’ and children’s
shoes. A fine dongola ladies shoeat $1;
a better quality, razor, square or common
sense toe, $1.25 to” $3.50. Children’s'good
and serviceable school shoes from 50 to the
hest. Infant’s good shoes from 25c. to 65c.
Boy’s good wearing shoe from 90c to $2.50.
Mens’ good working shoes $1.24. Mens’
fine dress shoes from $1.15 to $5.
A fine line of Ingrain carpets from 25c.
to the best. Window shades-in all colors ;
spring rollers 12}c. to the hest.
Just opening a full line of ladies’, misses’
and childrens coats and capes ; also double
and single school satchels.
The people know that when the Globe advertises any
article, that it can always be found on our counters, and
enough of it to supply their need.
now 1gcts. per yard.
not need it now but you will
before in other stores under
Prices’’ scts. a yard.
750 yards Canton Flannel,
1500 yards Cassimere, just the thing for every day
pants. A regular 25cts. quality now 12}4cts a yard.
200 pairs Boys knee Pants, ranging in sizes from §
years to 15 years, of age just the article for school wear
summer weight you may
soon,goes now at 5cts. per
300 years shirting,you never bought the same quality
7%cts a yard. ‘Globe's
Makers of Low Prices and Terrors
KATZ & CO: L'td.
All Competitors.