ow _ a new set of lawmakers. w >w Terms, 82.00 a Year, in Advance. Bellefonte, Pa., Seqt. 1, 1896. P. GRAY MEEK, - EDITOR. Ct A EERE. Democratic National Ticket. FOR PRESIDENT WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN, of Nebraska. FOR VICE PRESIDENT ARTHUR SEWELL, of Maine. Democratic State Ticket. FOR CONGRESSMEN AT-LARGE, JOHN M. BRADIN, Washington Co. BENJ. C. POTTS, Delaware Co. FOR ELECTORS AT-LARGE, WILLIAM M. SINGERLY, Philadelphia. JAS. DENTON HANCOCK, Venago. A. H. COFFROTH, Somerset. GEO. W. GUTHRIE, Pittsburg. FOR DISTRICT ELECTORS, John M. Carroll, Samuel Dickson, x Chas. J. Reilly, Albert M. Hicks, John M. Campbell, J. P. Hoffar, James J. Ryan, Lucien Banks, John Hagen, A. J. Brady, John H. Hickson, John B. Storm, Thos. A. Haak, Chas. F. Reninger, Chas. H. Schadt, Thomas R. Philips, Charles F. King, John K. Royal, William Stahler. Democratic County Ticket. George W. Rhine, John C. Patton, William Weihe, Judson J. Brooks, John J. McFarland, C. H. Aikens, Seymour S. Hackett, Harry Alvin Hall. FOR CONGRESS. J. L. SPANGLER. For dssenbly— | {GEERT NI. FOSTER. For Sheriff—W. M. CRONISTER. For Treasurer—C. A. WEAVER. For Recorder—J. C. HARPER. For Register—GEO. W. RUMBERGER. For: on PH. MEYER, Brfowisissioners= DANIEL HECKMAN. For Auditors— { YRARE HES For County Surveyor—J. H. WETZEL. For Coroner—W. U. IRVIN. The Next State Legislature. The people of Pennsylvania will be called upon this year to renew the Legisla- tive branch of the stite government. The hody of Legislators, whose acts at the last session left such an unsavory memory, and whose general conduct was as much of a discredit to the State as it was a drain on the treasury, will have to be succeeded by It is, therefore, a matter of great importance to the people whether the State capitol is to be filled by the same old gang or one equally as bad, or whether the next legislative body of this State shall be composed of men who will have some regard for their own repu- tations and some consideration for the pub- lic interest. It is scarcely necessary for us to recount the misdeeds and short comings of the last State Legislature. Every intelligent citi- zen knows what it did and what it left un- done, and has good reason to be ashamed of it. He has also reason to have a pecu- niary feeling in the matter on account of the increase of State expenses caused by the profligate extravagance of that body. Taught by the expensive and humiliat- ing object lesson of last session the prudent citizen should be warned against electing Legislators this year who will be likely to imitate the bad example of the last Re- publican State Legislature. He certainly does not want a repetition of the reckless extravagance displayed in making a lot of new offices for which there was no use, and increasing salaries that were high enough without a further rise. It is not to be supposed that Republican official greed has been satisfied, and that there will not be a clamor for more offices and higher salaries at the next session. The prudent citizen wants no more DELANEY profligacy in the official equipment and ornamentation of the capitol grounds and buildings, and in the palatial furnishing and adornment of the Governor’s mansion. Can it be doubted that DELANEY will he given another fling at the state treasury if the next Legislature shall be like the last one? The honest, as well as the prudent citi- zen, can not desire another installment of the rascally legislation of last session which put the lawmaking function at the service of the corporations and money in- terest that could bring the kind of influ- ence required to effect their purpose. Among such infamous legislation was the betrayal of street railway passengers to the greed of traction companies, the surrender of the coal oil interests of the State to the complete control of the Standard oil com- pany, and other base legislative bargains with corporations and monopolies, while legislation that would have heen of benefit % to the working class and the agricultural interest was neglected, or absolutely ig- nored. The people are fully aware of the char- acter of the last Legislature, and they can be just as fully assured that if it is re- turned to Harrisburg, or one like it, and of the same party, the proceedings of the next session will surpass those of the last in the general profligacy of their character. In the event of another selection of such lawmakers, no other conclusion could he drawn than that the people of Pennsylva- _ nia‘have a preference for that kind of a Legislature, and as such a conclusion would entirely withdraw the restraint of the pub- lic disapprobation, unchecked license would reign supreme in the capitol at Har- rishurg. The best evidence that the Indianapolis so-called Democratic convention was com- posed of the aristocracy of the Democracy, a pluto-cratic branch split off from the old Jeffersonian tree, was furnished by the fact that it had not a word to say in favor of making superfluous wealth bear its share of government taxation. A tax on incomes would affect the millionaires, and as the convention was run in the millionaires’ in- terest no room was found in its platform for a plank demanding an income tax. Democratic plutocrats are as selfish as those of the Republican stamp, and just as wil- ling to shove taxation onto the poorer classes. Of course the millionaires at Indianapo- | lis, who assumed to he the real Jefferson- ians, indulged in glittering generalities about taxation ‘‘imposed only for public purposes,’’ and expressed solicitude for the people ‘‘whose food and shelter, comfort and prosperity are attacked by higher taxes and depreciated money,”” but their entire ignoring of the income tax showed that the people in whom they were the most interested on the tax question were the millionaires. If they really had at heart the interest of the common people who are ‘‘attacked by higher taxes’ they would have favored the tax on incomes that was designed to reduce tariff taxation on the necessaries of | life. | | Wiping Ont The Gold Reserve. | Among other dreadful things which a goldbug paper says Mr. BRYAN would do, | if he should be elected President, would | be the wiping out of the gold reserve which | is kept on hand to ‘‘maintain the credit of | the government.” ® | If Mr. BRYAN should become President | it is not likely that he would lay profane | hands upon that reserve, so sacred in the | eyes of the gold-bugs, but it is entirely | probable that he would adopt a policy that | would render a gold reserve unnecessary. { In all likelihood he would direct his Secre- | tary of the Treasury to use his option in | redeeming government notes with gold or silver, an option which the law gives him, | and which was exercised by the Secretaries | of the Treasury until HARRISON'S secre- tary, FOSTER, concluded that the ‘‘public credit’’ couldn’t be maintained without giving the gold-bugs a chance to raid the reserve and, by depleting it, compel the ne- cessity for more gold loans, and more profit for the Wall street money lenders. If it should become known that the Treasury would exercise its option of using silver in paying government notes, as is clearly allowed by law, and as Secretary MANNING, on a memorable occasion, declar- ed it to be his intention to do, raids on the reserve would cease, and, in fact, the necessi- ty for a gold reserve would no longer exist. Let the Poor Man Make Some Money. A very significant conversation took place the other day, in Bellefonte, between a bolto-crat, who recently came into the possession of a sum of money, and an old rich men of the town. They were discus- sing the money question, when their con- versation took the following turn: Boltocrat.—I am for gold because I be- lieve it is to my individual interest to sup- port such a policy. I have to look out for myself first. Democrat.—‘‘ Well, if that is the way you look at it I suppose it would be to my interest to he for gold too, but I made my money in the times when we had both gold and silver and I am an honest man and I want such a monetary condition now that will enable other poor people to make some money, as I did, long ago.” What a contrast. The extreme of self- ishness on the one hand, the liberality of Democracy on the other. Well Rid of Them. The plutocrats of the Democratic party are arrayed against BRYAN. Millionaire Democrats engineered the Indianapolis con- vention. Their great wealth has put them out of sympathy with the plain people who compose the rank and file of the party of JEFFERSON and JACKsON. To them the profits of trusts and syndicates are more desirable than JEFFERSONIAN principles, and gold loans are of more account to them than the homely interests of labor. Their greed for gold is disguised under the claim of devotion to ‘‘honest money,’’ and the charge of anarchy is brought against peo- ple less anarchical than themselves, to cover their purpose of establishing a monied aristocracy. These plutocrats have long been out of place in the Democratic party, which is well rid of such an element. Erratum. In last week’s issue of the WATCHMAN, in publishing a comparative statement of prices for farm products and for -labor, in 1873, as compared with those paid to-day, a typographical error made us state that tal- low was thirty cents a pound in 1873. This quotation was an error. The price was eight cents instead of thirty. Other- wise the quotations were right. | ee | ——Every man who is opposed to the use of silver coin as a part ofthe legal cur- | rency of the country I disagree with. Every man who is opposed to the actual | legal use of both metals I disagree with. I would endow the two dollars with | equality, and make the coinage free.— | JAMES A. GARFIELD. | \—The Democratic county ticket will be |-eledted from one end to the other this fall, { and/it has become merely a matter of ma- | jorities. Youcan rest assured that CAL. | HARPER'S won’t be the least, either. They Didn’t Like the Income Tax. ® ‘cents a day, all it is worth, as a rule. time Democrat, who is rated as one of the | re oy - - a ~The Truth About Mexioo Mining Engineer W. George Waring Exposes the Gold Standard Fallacies and Tells the Facts. Gold Mining the Rich Man’s Industry. Silver Mining the Poor Man’s Industry. Correlative Business. FRIEND RYNDER : You have asked for the result of my experience in the Republic of Mexico and in this country, as bearing upon the silver question. I must say, at the outset, that they have led me to a firm conviction of the righteousness and justice of thc free coinage idea. : Nearly one-third of my time, for ten years past, has been passed in the pursuit of my profession in nearly every part of Mexico, and latterly, through a good com- mand of the Spanish tongue, a closer familiarity with the people, has removed a great many of the erroneous impressions which I at first received, in common with nearly all casual visitors to Mexico. Since so many of these erroneous ideas are nowadays being given to the public as facts tending tQ discredit bimetallism, it may help to clear up some points in the silver controversy if I refer to them in some de- gree of detail. That Mexico is to-day the most prosperous nation on earth, is a statement that may surprise many, but it is an undeniable fact. Industries of every kind are he- ing constantly started up all over the Republic, without any protective tariff, and all are successful. There has not been a single failure involving over $30,000 in Mexico since the beginning of the panic and general business depression that has spread all over the gold standard countries in the past three years, beginning with the cessation of free coinage in India and the repeal of the Sherman Act in the Unit- ed States. There has been no panic in Mexico, and no fall in prices. - There was a marked rise in the prices of imported goods after the sudden drop in the London silver quotations in 1893, but no change whatever in domestic goods or labor, and now all articles formerly imported are made at home at the old prices. The pur- chasing value of the silver dollar has not changed in Mexico. The home market for all kinds of merchandise and farm truck is increasing at an enormous rate, and the rap- idly growing investments of Americans and Europeans in Mexican industries is fur- nishing constant employment for everybody, Mexicans, Negroes, Indians and Chi- nese. An export duty of 8 per cent has been levied upon gold and silver to keep them in the country. As Mexico imports but little now, and exports immense quantities of coffee, textile materials, etc., the balance of trade is now in her favor, notwithstanding newspaper reports here to the contrary, and gold pours in from everywhere ; but being at a premium of about $1.93 it is hoarded away in private and public vaults, while the silver, in accordance with the well known ‘‘Gresham’’ law, is in actual circulation. The credit of the republic is of the very highest. . Should silver rise to par in London, owing to the adoption of free coinage in the United States or by subsequent international bimetallism, it is believed that the on- ly effect in Mexico will be to bring her immense stock of gold into circulation, while on the other hand should silver go to a premium it would be retired and the gold take its place. In any event it would seem that Mexico is fortunately secured against the future, and it is not at all surprising that she enjoys a financial tranquil- ity that is in strong contrast with the unrest so prevalent here and in Europe. No wonder that her newspaper editors can poke, fun, as they do, at the ‘‘credit mon- ey’’ system of the United States, liable to tumble over at the least sign of its insig- nificant gold basis giving way. : Now itis common to read about Mexico asa land where riches and poverty are at extremes, beggary a common sight and labor great underpaid. The traveler upon the Mexican Central, naticnal and international railroads especially, will have at first sight an apparent verification of these statesments yet they are as untrue as anything can be. In Mexico the maimed, deformed, blind or otherwise helpless natives are allowed by the municipal authorities to beg upon certain days—once a week or fortnight. First, as to the extremes of wealth and poverty. As a matter of fact the rich in Mexico are not nearly so numerous in proportion nor so wealthy as here, nor are the poor,—the same class of poor, so desperately poor as in the United States. The great middle class in Mexico, the people who have received a common school or high school education, is composed of artisans, merchants, clerks and workmen in all vocations, and those of this class who labor receive approximately the same wages or salaries that are paid for similar services here. In many cases however especially in the case of skilled mechanical labor, better wages are paid in Mexico than here. There is however another class which in this country is not in evidence as a laboring class. This isthe aboriginal Indian. Here this class is set apart upon government reservations, and maintained out of sight in idleness, being fed and clothed at the people’s expense. In Mexico the Indian is very much in evidence, since there is plenty of work for him to do and he does it for 25 or 50 The Yaquis and some other of the more in- dustrious and intelligent races get much better pay. Tourists who travel in Pull- man coaches along the railways, invariably remark the number of mud huts to be seen in the Indian villages along the lines and the dirty appearance of the natives, and if it happens to be beggars day, they express surprise at the number of beggars they see at the stations. It seems that the Mexican Indian has discovered the lib- erality of the American public toward poor Lo, and that the railway stations offer the best opportunity for its exercise. This custom, however, is common all over Mexico and Mexican shopkeepers are almost equally liberal toward the helpless native. There is nothing in it that really indicates excessive poverty ; it only re- sults from the ahsence of Indian reservations, alms-houses, etc., in Mexico." The mud huts occupied by the Mexican Indian are far in advance of the miserable huts and tepees in which our Indians live, and the difference in favor of the Mexican is immeasurable when the relative climatic conditions are considered. The mistake which nearly all tourists make is in comparing the condition of an Indian race just emerging from barbarism with that of the intelligent and educated American work- man. . Another misconception prevails as to the money of Mexico. It has been reported by tourists that owing to the fluctuations in the price of silverin London and New York the Mexican merchant or shopkeeper has to wait for his telegraphic quotations every morning before he can tell what price he shall place upon his goods for the day. This statementis ridiculously absurd, when the fact is that prices do not fluct- uate at all in Mexico, except through temporary scarcity (as for example, corn and wheat in seasons of extreme drouth),” that it hardly needs refutation. There has been no general fall in values in Mexico, and business failures are extremely rare, almost unknown. The man who does inquire daily for the silver is generally the tourist who has a credit in some Mexican bank, for which he desires gold exchange against his return to the states. A Mexican silver dollar buys as much now of al- most anything in Mexico as it ever did. No one there (unless it might be a foreign- er) ever thinks of questioning its honesty or integrity or purchasing power. It buys as much of every necessary of life, or to put it broadly, it buys as much of all things combined, food, clothing, land, luxuries, labor and enjoyments, in Mexico, as a gold dollar or paper dollar does in the United States. And in addition there is far more contentment and real happiness thrown into the bargain. The silver dollar of Mex- ico is par excellence the money of the people. The metal itself is widely distributed being found in almost every state, and it is mined in small quantities by nearly everybody. I was recently consulted by one of the very largest reduction and smelting works in Mexico, near Parral, and the most interesting sight I saw in the— neighborhood was the endless procession of burro trains bearing small lots of silver ore from many small mines worked by owners or lessees, all of them persons in mod- erate circumstances. The ‘‘ Silver Baron ’’ is not known in Mexico, even as a news- paper myth. Nor is any sectional feeling, as between east and west, ever heard of. For the matter of rich silver mine owners, I know of but very few in the United States who are clamoring for free coinage, and I am well acquainted in nearly every mining region in the west. Those who were so fortunate as to make much money out of silver mining during the good times, so far as my observation goes, have found a richer mine in the national banking business, and are naturally opposed to free coinage, as a rule. Silver mining is not profitable here now, because it costs as much on the average to mine and refine an ounce of silver as the metal is worth, while the average cost of mining an ounce of gold, as has heen well shown in a re- cent pamphlet (No. 14) on the subject issued by the Pennsylvania Sound Money league of Philadelphia, is from one-third to one-half its coinage value, and the ratio of cost of production of the two metals is still about the same as the old coinage ratio, very nearly 16 to 1; that is it costsabout 11 to 16 times as much to produce an ounce of gold as it does to produce an ounce of silver. The cost of pro- ducing an ounce of gold in the great South Africa gold mines is stated to be $7.72 per ounce, while the cost of producing an ounce of silver in the United States is 60 cents per ounce, a cost ratio of only 11} to 1. At the Alaska Treadwell mines, the cost of producing gold averaged $9.12 per ounce during four years past of 13.8 times the cost of producing an ounce of silver. No outery is being raised about the profits of gold mining, probably because gold mining is now distinctly a rich man’s indus- try. Since the exhaustion of the placer depositsin the United States gold is mined chiefly from large low grade quartz veins, requiring heavy machinery and capital, and but little labor. The industry does not gige rise to collateral industries to any market extent, such as coal and ircn mining, railroad haulage, large food and other supplies, because the operation consists simply in crushing the quartz and washing it off by water in the process of catching the gold upon amalgamated plates. There are no by-products. Silver mining on the contrary is at present a poor man’s indus- try, or was during the period when it was extensively coined. The old Mexican proverb about it requiring a gold mine to work a silver mine no longer applies in its original sense, since the establishment of custom smelteries and refineries worked upon scientific principles. Under free coinage a poor man can locate for himself a silver lode or deposit, or lease a portion of one already opened, and mine the ore and ship to the smelteries, where he receives pay for not only the silver alone, but also for the lead, copper, bismuth, gold, and other metals contained in the ore, for it is a peculiarity of silver ores that they contain as a rule large proportions of other metals, while gold quartz rarely contdins anything else of value. The poor silver miner needs little or no machinery, but his work gives rise toa multitude of col- lateral industries connected with smelting and refining. Should free coinage be es- lablished there will, I think, be an exodus of unemployed to the Rocky mountains nearly or quite as great as the sudden influx of miners and laborers from the West to the East and South which occurred at the time of the great fall in silver in the spring of ’93 when its coinage was discontinued in India. I wasa witness to that disastrous emigration from the mining regions. and saw troops of 30 to 60 miners in sepraate bands leaving the mountains afoot. The statement so often made that the value of the silver in a dollar is only about 53 or 54 cents is therefore quite mis- leading, and results from an unfair comparison of the value of a coined dollar with uncoinable bullion. Let both metals have equal coinage privileges, and it appears at once that the relative values of equal weights of the coined metals must bear the ratio to each other of the cost of their production, if no coinage ratio whatever were fixed by law. This ratio of cost is if anything less than 16 to 1, certainly not more than 17 or 18 to 1. To my mind this disposes wholly of every possible objection to free coinage. Itis the false assumption of a 53-cent dollar that is at the bottom of every argument that I have seen against free coinage by the United States alone, and I think if it were more generally understood the hesitation of our people to ac- cept this great reform would melt away. The newspapers are full at the present time of statements to the effect that in the event of free coinage, wage earners will be paid in depreciated money ; bankers threaten to pay their depositors in currency worth only 53 cents on the dollar, and the president of a prominent insurance company assures his policy holders that they will cnliireceive half the amount they are insured for if free coinagggins, It is very evident that capitalists, bankers and importers are opposed to any increase in the volume of money, but their sincerity in proposing coolly to defraud their clients and depositors out of 47 cents on the dollar may well be questioned. If they believe that they could double their profits at a single stroke by free coinage, it is very probable they would say nothing about the disaster to their depositors and policy holders, but quietly work for the consummation of the very idea they oppose so vehemently. . The same papers which urge the idea of 53 cent dollars, at the same time oppose free coinage because it would enrich the owners of silver mines ! And strangely enough they urge protection to special industries at the same time! It is no wonder that the pnblic at large is beginning to mistrust the sincerity and good faith of these self styled ‘‘educators’ and their loud pretence of upholding national integrity and honor, at the same time that they charge every manner of dishonesty upon those who believe in bimetallism from a sincere conviction that through it alone the peo- ple will be delivered from their present unhappy and discontented condition. The free coinage idea cannot be exterminated by ridicule, nor by the power of money. It is bound to prevail sooner or later ; that is admitted by most of the oppenents of separate action by the United States. The only way to resume free coinage is to re- sume. Very truly yours, W. GEO. WARING. Arkansas Majority is 65,000. Gratifying Results of the Enthusiastic and Strong Fight by the Democrats in Behalf of Silver and a Fair Election. Democrats Defeat Combined Opposition. LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Sept. 7.—Chairman Armstrong, of the Democratic state central committee, at 10 o’clock to-night estimates that if the gains already reported continue throughout the state in the same ratio, Jones’ majority will reach 65,000. Chairman Cooper, of the Republican com- mittee, claims that Remmel’s vote will show an increase of 40 per cent over two years ago. He renews charges of fraud in isolated counties, but admits that the Democrats have made enormous gains and is fair enough to say that Jones has carried the state by 50,000 majority over the com- | bined opposition. The significant feature of to-day’s elec- tion is the enormous gain made in the to- tal vote over two years ago, when it was only 126,000, while to-day’s vote will ap- proximate, if not exceed, 200,000, a gain of about 75,000, most of which was cast for the Democratic nominees. The election in Arkansas to-day was for state and county officers and for members of the legislature, which chooses a United States senator to succeed James K. Jones. The ticket is a long one and the count will be necessarily slow. POPULIST LEADER RAN BEHIND. Files, the Populist nominee for governor, received 300 votes (estimated) in this city. He is running much behind’ his ticket as shown by the Populists two years ago. At Democratic headquarters the state is claimed for the Democratic ticket by about 60,000 majority. The Democrats were act- ive in getting out their full vote, and the early returns show that their activity bore fruit. Great Democratic gains’ are confidently expected by the state committee when the rural counties report. i Owing to the spread of the free silver sentiment among farmers and the unusual enthusiasm manifested ih Little Rock, the Republican leaders worked hard to get out their full vote and had carriages in use for that purpose. In spite of the increased vote here and the intense interest mani- fested not a fight occurred in any ward around the polls. HEAVY DEMOCRATIC GAINS. Reports from Fort Smith, Hot Springs, Texarkana, Camden and Batesville show heavy Democratic gains. Inasmuch as the Democratic managers expect the largest gains in the rural precinets, the gains in the towns lead to the claim that Jones’ majority over Remmel will surely exceed ,000. Never before in the history of Arkansas have the candidates for governor in their joint tour of the state been greeted by greater crowds, and Colonel Daniel W. Jones, the Democratic nominee, reports that 1n nearly every place he has been re- quested by both Republicans and Demo- crats to confine his speech to the free silver issue. In fact the people have grown im- patient when campaign orators attempted to inject any other question. H. L. Remmell, Republican nominee for governor, talked tariff from one end of the state to the other, offering no defense of the gold standard platform upon which he stands. : The election to-day has drawn out the largest vote cast in this state for years. The total vote cast two years ago, when Governor Clark was elected, was 126,986. To-day’s vote will not fall below 175,000, and may exceed 200,000. This estimate is based on the large increase in poll taxes paid throughout the state. The records in the auditor’s office show that 203,000 re- ceipts have been issued. ! SPECIAL EFFORTS IN SILVER’S BEHALF. The Democrats put forth special efforts to roll up a large majority in this election for its moral effect on the free silver cause in other states in November, and while an- te-election estimates have placed Jones’ majority as high as 50,000 over combined opposition results show that it. till be far beyond that. : : In this city interest in the election cen- tered largely on the liquor license question. Never before in the history of the city had there been such a campaign against license, the religious element, the W. C. T. U., | and the ministers especially having been engaged for more than a month in the ef- fort to vote license and were joined by the Republicans, who hoped, in defeating the license, to break up the Pulaski county Democratic organization. Two big mass meetings were held by the prohibition peo- ple yesterday, and prayer meetings were held every hour in all the city churches to- day. While late returns indicate that li- cense has carried by a small majority the regular Democratic ticket has carried by more thau the usual majority. Thirteen Days Crossing the Continent. NEW YORK, Sept. 7.—The Journal San Francisco bicycle relay race, which left San Francisco, Aug. 25th, ay 12 o’clock noon, ar- rived in this city this afternoon at 3 29;14- 1-5. Time crossing, 13 days, 3 hours, 29 minutes, 4 1-15 seconds : actual time, 13 days, 29 minutes, 4 1-5 seconds. Fred J. Titus delivered the package to postmaster Dayton. ee ——Read the WATCHMAN during the campaign. It is cheap, it is fearless, it is fair, Willi Bryan be Elected ? From the York Gazette. A glance into the political horoscope, as it stands to-day, reveals the encouraging prospect of the election of WILLIAM J. BRYAN, the people’s candidate and friend, in November next. Although the trusts, monopolies and moneyed syndicates do loud boasting and claim the campaign is virtually over and their candidate a sure winner, facts clearly indicate that they de- sire simply to mislead, and produce apathy thereby amongst the followers of Mr. BRYAN. The following estimate is based on infor- mation taken more from Republican than Democratic sources. States for Bryan. Alaban Arkans Califor Electors. Georgia.. Idaho.. Kansas... Kentucky.. Louisiana. Mississippi Missouri. Montana. Nebraska Nevada... North Carolina. Oregon......sccccnn South Carolina.. South Dakota. Tennessee. WYOMING cirri ceees 0h "Total for Bryam.............c.e00...2008 States for McKinley. Electors. Conneetient......c.ccrvvvieinnnnicsna.. 5 Maine........ Massachus New Harr New Jers New York.. Pennsylvania. Rhode Island Nermolt,........cc.coccuniiinininsisininis 4 Total for MeRinley...................... 117 Doubtful States Delaware...................c.ceo ciieneenns 3 Illinois... Indiana Maryla Michigan Minnesota. Total doubtful Total electoral vote.. Necessary to a choic In the Bryan colum In the McKinley colu . J In the doubtful column. 124 We are certain that BRYAN will carry many more states than are given him in the above list, but we desire in this esti- mate to err on the side of conservatism. We simply want to show how baseless the Republican boasting is. Even according to the above conserva- tive table, it is seen. that. MCKINLEY would need 107 votes from the doubtful column, while BRYAN would need only 18. To make the election of MCKINLEY a . certainty he would have to carry the fol- lowing states: Massachusettes. Rhode Island Connecticut New York... New Jersey Pennsylvania. Maryland.... Indiana... Illinois. Michiga Wisconsi Jowa.... Can he carry all these states? The loss of any of them would result in his defeat. The sixteen states above represented cover less than one-seventh of the area of the United States, but the moneyed interests are mainly located in them. The Eastern states, of those named, are expected to put up the cash to purchase the western middle or central states. Whether HANNA can purchase Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa, remains yet to be seen. In a fair and open battle the chances all seem to favor the election of BRYAN, and the defeat of the syndicates. The elections prior to the presidential election in the eastern and southern states have little or no bearing on the general re- sult in November. Whilst the eastern states will be largely Republican, by rea- son of their close connection with the moneyed interests, the southern states will be equally as certain to be largely Demo- cratic by reason of their agricultural inter- ests. The united western and southern states are in the lead, and the central states must decide the battle. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. MARRIAGE LICENSES.—Following is the list of marriage licenses granted by orphans’ court clerk,” G. W. Rumberger, during the past week. .~ James W. Duff, of State College,and Ma- bel A. Woomer, of Benner township. Clayton Hicks, and Mary E. Ickes, both of Patton township. . Irvin B. Loose and Aggie M. Hartman, both of Millheim. Dr. Thomas O. Glenn and Annie C. Woods, both of Boalshurg. Francis® W. Smith and Olive B. Van- : Valin, both of Unionville. IT 1s ENCOURAGING.—Occasionally we receive a letter from an old suscriber in which he writes words of praise for our work. We have received several during the past week that have made us feel that some appreciate the time and care that needs he given to a country newspaper. In this world of flattery and deceit there is very little from which - genuine satisfaction can be taken, but the WATCH- MAN has readers whose esteem it values very highly and when they speak in its praise it is but natural that we should be pleased. — ——Read the WATCHMAN.