> _ are still some Democrats in Pennsylvania. BY P. GRAY MEEK. EE EE SR Ts. Ink Slings. —BRYAN’s letter. of acceptance will be apt to give the goldites another spasm. —The state convention, at Harrisburg, yesterday, made one thing certain. There —Now the story goes that QUAY and MARTIN had to combine to keep Wana- maker out of wi: United States Senate. “What an unholy union todown holy John! —It was more than significant that CHABLEY GREEN should have gone home and died after hearing SAM MILLER’S har- angue in the Republican club rooms, last Friday night. —Mr. SINGERLY, the lone some man from Philadelphia, was in Harrisburg try- ing to run the Democratic state convention yesterday. Of course he did it. Yes, but like he ran for Governor in "94. —The wise men of Bellefonte, the bolto- crats, are looking wiser every day, but the pity isthat they can’t impart their wisdom to any one, because it is about the only thing any of them would give for nothing. —TIt is too bad about the poor bolto-crats. Republicans cheer them in a way that lets “them know that they only want their assis- tance in a time of need, but would rather be without such fickle political friends. — GEORGE GOULD is going to hunt the north pole now, so it is reported. Well as he has money to burn no one will object to doing it in the Arctic regions, though it will be harder work there than anywhere else. —The recalled Democratic state conven- tion, at Harrisburg, yesterday, had the effect of placing the Democracy of Pennsylvania in ite true light before the people. There is no place for deception in true Democracy. —If HARRY CURTIN should be elected to the Legislature Governor HASTINGS would place his vote for U. S. Senator whereever he pleased. It would be pre- sumption on HARRY’S part to think that he would dare do anything himself. —It is said that there are only two men at the Scotia ore mines who have not join- ed the MCKINLEY club. They are Demo- crats and neither one of them have employ- ment. If this be true it is a pretty com- mentary on the extremes to which parti- sanship is carried by some people. —In the words employed by chairman JONES in giving his opinion of the recent Republican victory in Vermont we can say that the Democratic triumph, in Arkansas, was another case of the Dutch taking Holland. In this latter case, however, they took her as though they owned every durned square inch within her boundaries. —When we see beautiful American girls straining themselves with corsets, so that their organs must surely be compressed far too much to allow of their performing their proper functions, we are set to wondering as to whether the Chinese woman, who so hampers the growth of her feet as to cause her toes to drop off, is any more of a fool than they. —Senator HILL, - having accepted the election as a delegate to the New York State convention after instructions to vote for the endorsement of “Bryan and the Chi- cago platform were imposed on him, tacit- ly, but silently, announces to the world that he is for the ticket. In our opinion this makes the Hon. DAVID more of a Democrat than ever. —In the great labor day parade, at Cleveland, Ohio, there were fifteen thou- sand men in line. This fact bears no sig- nificance in itself, but when it is known that the principal feature was a magnificent float bearing BRYAN’S picture, festooned with American flags, a straw is discovered through which HANNA will get more vine- gar than anything else. —WHAT will WOMELSDORFF do? His Philipsburg friends will desert him if he says he will vote for HASTINGS for the United States Senate, in the event of his election to the Legislature ; and the Has- TINGS people will hardly feel like doing much for a man who won’t say right out that he is with them. Poor ‘LITTLE PHIL’ is certainly having a big fill of trouble this fall. —The goodness, the greatness, the honesty of WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN is forcibly impressed on the public mind when he can face such a gathering: as con- fronted him, at Chicago, on Monday, and deliver an impartial, non-partisam talk. Wrapped up in the success of the silver idea, as he is, it takes courage for a man to forego the advantage that gathering gave him to make converts to a cause so many are espousing. —When Mr. CYRUS ELDER, solicitor for the Cambria iron works, tries to write ar- ticles for newspapers he must remember that the reading public is not in the same awe of him as are the poor fellows whom his company have just thrown out off em- ployment by a shut down. They, no doubt, make a show of believing what he says and writes for fear of their jobs, but when he speaks to the world, as he did in his arti- cle in Tuesday’s issue of the Philadelphia Press, he deals with those who have no con- cern lest they be in had favor with employ- ers. It is real grand to read such sentiment as Mr. ELDER expresses, especially so, when the source from which it emanates is known. He says Democratic tariff and BrRYANISM have caused the Johnstown shut down and a shrinkage out there of $6, 980,200. The tariff has had nothing to do with it as, Mr. ELDER knows, we are ex- porting iron to-day. Be cee” stmt ALTE SE on To ACL STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 41 The Wrong Remedy. Great distress is reported to be prevail- ing among the factory employes in Phil- adelphia on account of the stoppage of work, and this situation is charged to the want of adequate tariff protection. As it is not unusual for that class of workmen to be ina distressed condition before an- election in which the tariff ques- tion is involved, there is a strong suspicion that the millionaires have considerable todo with bringing on the distress by stopping work and throwing their men out of em- ployment. By impressing them with the belief that more protection is needed to set the mills going, and that their trouble is due to Democratic tariff reduction, the men are more easily induced to vote the Republican ticket and assist in securing the tariff legislation that is much more profit- able to the employers than to their work- men. There is every reason to believe that the present suffering of the Philadelphia mill hands has a close connection with the com- ing presidential election. Their votes are needed for the restoration of the MCKIN- LEY tariff, and the mills are stopped to impress them with the belief that a Demo- cratic tariff is responsible for their distress. These poor fellows will probably be starved into voting the Republican ticket, but if MCKINLEY should be elected they would find no improvement in their condi- tion. The present tariff is amply sufficient for all the purposes of protection. In its average rate of duties the percentage varies but little from the MCKINLEY measure, and there is scarcely a possibility of an in- crease of tariff rates. The business interests of the country are suffering from a cause which tariff tinker- ing can not reach. It is the currency that is out of order. Its volume has been diminished at least one-half by the de- monetization of silver. The gold standard has so appreciated the value of the balance as to render it too dear for general circula- tion and the purposes of trade. The natural effect of converting the dollars in our cur- rency system into two-hundred cent dol- lars by the gold appreciation is to paralyze the operations of business by giving the standard of value too high a measurement. This standard, moreover, by its constrict- ing influence, has, produced a monetary situation that has placed the currency under the control of a risig of money job- bers in Wall street. ; It is only by giving the country more money, through the free coinage of silver, that this situation can be relieved. No other remedy will fit the case, and least of all the quack medicine of the MCKINLEY tariff doctors ; but the mill hands of Phil- adelphia, who have been thrown out of employment for a purpose, will be starved into voting for more tariff, under the false representation that it will be the only means of relieving their distress. An Expensive Farce. Nowhere outside of Pennsylvania could there be such a piece of political chicanery perpetrated as that in which QUAY’S sham senatorial investigating committee has been | made to play the chief part. | The avowed object of this committee was to inquire into and expose alleged corrup- tions and irregularities in the municipal government of Philadelphia. No question could exist as to the fact that the .govern- ment of that city is rotten to the core, b J in no quarter is it believed that there was any intention to discover the municipal de- fects, or that there was any other purpose than to give one rascally faction the ad- vantage over another that would be af- forded by the threat and means of expos- ing .its rascalities. QUAY wanted to put and keep DAVE MARTIN in a hole, the latter having incurred the boss’ displeasure, and so he had his Legislature appoint a committee that could hold the threat of exposure over DAVE’S head ; but there has been no attempt at real investigation, and the whole farce winds up with QUAY’S offer to restore MARTIN to his friendship, with the probability that the two corrupt ringsters will soon be working together in political harness. But this will not be the end of this inves- tigation farce, so far as the people of the State are concerned. A bill for $100,000, to pay the expenses of this sham commit- tee, will be presented in the State Legisla- ture, and that will be the amount the tax- payers will have to pay to afford boss QUAY the temporary satisfaction of putting DAVE MARTIN in & hole. ———————————— ——In those parts of New York, Penn- sylvania and Ohio recently visited by can- didate BRYAN the enthusiasm of his re- ception indicated a popular sentiment that was entirely uncontrolled by the influence of trusts and bond syndicates. The feel- ing displayed by the thousands who greet ed him was such as would naturally char- acterize the Yribute of honest people to an honest man. All the money at MARK HANNA'S command could not purchase BELLEFONTE, PA., SEPT. 11, 1896. Who Will Be To Blame. Those citizens who were disgusted with the eonduct of the last Pennsylvania Legis- proceedings were equally disgraceful and injurious to the State, will have an oppor- tunity, at the next election, to participate in the choice of another body of law makers. It will be for them to determine whether there shall be an improvement on those who behaved so discreditably at the last session, or whether the same extravagant practices, the same disregard for the public interest, and the same obedience to boss control, shall characterize the conduct of the next State Legislature. A number of those who imparted so dis- reputable a character to the last session are candidates for re-election. After having betrayed the interest of the people for the benefit of monopolistic corporatiops, and to promote the designs of party bosses who required new offices and larger salaries for their henchmen, these men ask to be again entrusted with the representative power which they so shamefully abused. - If their conduct shall receive the endorsement of a re-election it will be virtually an approval of their unfaithful and corrupt conduct, and they would be justified in believing that they had been given a license to re- peat their official misbehavior. But whether the Republican legislative candidates are old members or new aspir- ants, corrupt practices have become so habitual with Legislators belonging to that party that whether old or new they can’t be trusted. The bad character of the last Legislature was not an exceptional case. It exceeded those that preceded it only in the degree of thorough worthlessness. If, after the record it made, another that will be sure to be like it is sent to Harrisburg, the people will have themselves to blame if their money is squandered and their in- terests sacrificed for the advantage of machine bosses and corporations that are able to pay for legislation. ‘Cheap Coats and Dirty Dollars. It was entirely natural that BENJAMIN HARRISON, who once gave it as his opinion that the quality of the man depended upon the value of his coat, should call the money of the people “dirty dollars,” He appears-to have : great. contempt for anything that is common, looking with disdain upon the coat of the workingman that didn’t cost as ‘much as the million- aire’s broad-cloth, and upon the dollar which used to be so serviceable to the com- it too dear for its former usefulness by measuring its value by the gold standard. BENJAMIN has greater respect for the gold-bug dollar. He can see no. dirt on the dollar which, by being converted intoa 200-cent dollar by gold measurement, has been made more difficult for the workman to get, and has reduced the market price of the farmer’s products. It is, however, a profitable dollar for the gold dealers and millionaire syndicates, and hence HARRI- soN’s love for it. The Bardsley Pardon. JoHN BARDSLEY was convicted of and imprisoned for the most flagrant case of embezzlement that ever occurred in this State. His offence was aggravated by the fact that it was public money that he stole, and there were circumstances that pointed to the implication of others in the crime. The punishment which the court provided for him was fully merited by the character and magnitude of his offence, but it was believed at the time that there were higher parties who should have shared it with him. His embezzlement was of a character that fitted in with the practices of the party to which he belonged, and there was rea- sonable ground for suspicion that he was not alone in its perpetration. He was, however, singled out for punishment, he being the only victim, but an impression prevailed in the public mind that his im- prisonment would be abridged in con- sideration of his not implicating equally guflty parties. Had he peached, it might have hit some who stood high in the party. It now turns out that after five years of incarceration, amounting to but a third of the punishment allotted to him, a. remark- able spirit of clemency takes possession of the pardoning authorities. It is discovered that the prisoner’s-bealth is giving way under the rigor of his imprisonment, and after a great show of deliberation in the case by the pardoning board, and examina- tion by medical experts, and a parade of reluctance on the part of the Executive, the prediction at the time of his conviction that JOHN BARDSLEY would escape the larger part of his punishment by means of a pardon, is about being verified. Appearances seem to justify the belief that when JOHN BARDSLEY went into the penitentiary he had the assurance that if he would keep his mouth shut he would remain in prison for but a fraction of the time of his sentence. such heartfelt sympathy for a cause ora candidate. bccn ne | —Subseribe for the WATCHMAN. lature and felt that the general tenor of its mon people before the gold operators made | A Misleading Answer. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Record, writing for information on the money question, asks: ‘If free coinage should be adopted would the silver dollars then coined for private individuals be guaranteed, as the present silver dollar is, by the government ?’’ To this the Record answers : ‘‘No !’’ Stat- ing further that ‘‘the government, under the operation of free coinage, would merely attest the weight and fineness of silver coin or gold coin. Its responsibility would go no further.” This answer is given in a way that would imply that the silver dollars now in cir- culation, with gold as the basis of our monetary system, are kept at a parity with gold, or to their full value of a hundred cents, hy the responsibility of the govern- ment. The only responsibility that would have that effect would be the responsibility to redeem them in gold, but the govern- ment does not do this, does not pretend to do it, and would not have the means of doing it if it made such pretension. It is with the greatest difficulty that the gov- ernment can keep a stock of gold on hand sufficient to pay a fraction of her legal tender notes, and hence the absurdity, as well as untruthfulness, of representing the government a° having assumed the addi- tional responsibility of keeping our hun- dreds of millions of silver coin and certifi- cates on a parity with gold. The govern- ment is not responsible for anything it can’t do. There was never a greater humbug than the claim that the gold standard is main- taining the full value of the silver dollar, and that if that standard, as a basis of value, were removed, the purchasing power of the dollar would drop to 53-cents. That dollar circulates. at its full value, and will continue to do so, simply for the reason that its worth has the testimony of the gov- ernment stamp and because itis a legal tender to the amount of one hundred cents. Is It a Crime to Be a Democrat? It would seem so from an article in the Daily News, on Monday, in which it said: “There are only two Demoerats employed about the place.””” The place referred to is the ore operations of the CARNEGIE steel compeary, at Scotia, in this county. The only tonclusion that ean be drawn from the narrow view taken by the News is that the management of the Scotia mines takes pride in the fact that only two Democrats are given employment there. If this be true then those two Democrats are at once to be congratulated and pitied. Congratulated, that they have dared to be Democrats, while working at a place that is boasted off as the News boasts of the Scotia mines and pitied, because their polit- ical heroism and physical labor is recom- pensed by the paltry sum of 80 cents a day, the labor wage that is being paid in the Scotia mines. The True Supporters of Honest Money. BRYAN is fighting the battle of the farm- ers and the laborer against the money com- bines of New York and Europe. The gold standard is increasing the wealth of the money kings, while the man on the farm and the man who handles the pick and the shovel, have found their con- dition becoming worse ever since silver has been degraded from its position as the money of the people. . Farm and workshop both began to suffer as soon as astandard was fixed that enabled the syndicates to cemtract and control the currency. : The syndicates are fighting for further profits when they contend for asystem that compels the American government to come to them for gold loans. By this policy they make millions as private profit, regardless of the vast increase of the public debt that results from it. - : That there is no profit to the generality of the people in this policy is evidenced by the increasing impoverishment of the masses since the demonetization of silver, while a limited olass is growing wealthy almost be- yond calculation. : It is contended by those who reap its enormous benefits that this policy should be maintained in order that the wage-earn- ers may have the advantage of ‘honest money’ and may not be cheated with de- preciated silver dollars, a reason similar to that which is given for tariffing the nec- essaries of life as a means of benefiting the working people. 3 Is it probable that the syndicates of Wall street money dealers, who derive immense gains by the present monetary arrange- ment, are moved by a real desire for honest money in sustaining the gold standard, or is it more likely that an honest currency finds its true supporters in BRYAN and the party back of him that is striving to re- store the money of the constitution ? rere ——The silver sentiment is not dying by any means. Don’t let that worry you. It is the death rattle of the MCKINLEY sentiment that has deceived you. NO. 36. Judge Furst, Untrue or Misinformed. From the Philipsburg Bituminous Record. We regret that we were not present when Judge Furst began his speech before the Republican club of Philipsburg last Fri- day night. The little we did hear con- tained so much that was absurdly incor- rect that it leads us to the conclusion that the entire speech was full of misinforma- tion. We will briefly consider four or five of the statements by him and which we jotted down at the time. First. Speaking of the per capita amount of money in circulation to-day the judge declared it to be $24, sufficient for all the needs of the people. We deny that there is in circulation that much per capita and defy the judge to prove his statement correct, but letting that go we desire to ask him this question: If a per capita circulation of $24 is sufficient for the needs of the United States, why did the Republican party in this State, in its platform, adopted at Harrisburg, May 23rd, 1894, make the following declaration. _ ‘“We favor the expansion of the circulat- ing medium of the country until the same shall amount to $40 per capita of our pop- ulation.”’ See Smull’s Hand Book, page 663, an authority Judge Furst will hardly dispute. His position in opposition to his party’s declaration in 1894 shows the inconsistency of his party’s position on the money ques- tion, and should lead intelligent men to more carefully read the principles enunci- ated by the Democratic party since the Singerlys and Belmonts i Whitneys have left it. ; NOT TRUE. Second. Judge Furst declared that the Democratic platform favored the supplying of people with money though they did no work for the money; that silver was to be free to all who want it. Such a statement is hardly worthy of an answer. If it proves anything at all, it proves the utter igno- rance or untruthfulness of the man who made it. SHOULD READ AN ALMANAC. Third. He declared that the people who were demanding the free coinage of silver numbered less than two-thirds of the popu- lation of Philadelphia, and that the con- vention that declared for free silver was not representative of the Democratic party. Of course it is possible the judge does not know what the population of Philadelphia is, but this much he ought to know and that is that the States that sent delegations to the Chi convention in- structed to stand up for the free coinage of silver represented 45 out of the 70 million people in the United States. MORE ROT. Fifth. He declared that silver mine mine owners were the richest people. in the United States; that they net gif their Iand for practically nothing-—paying at the rate of $1.25 an acre for it—but now they wanted their silver coined at the ex- pense of the public. Most any school boy could inform the judge that many of the silver mine owners paid fabulous sums for their mines, much more than they have thus far realized out of them. As faras their wealth is concerned, they are weal- thy in the same sense a coal operator is wealthy who owns lots of coal lands, but cannot mine his coal because of the low price consumers are willing to pay for it. The judge knows, if he knows anything at all about the subject, (and we doubt very much if he does,) that there is little or nothing in mining silver and selling the bullion at the price Republican legislation has reduced it to. WHERE IS THE GAIN. Sixth. Judge Furst, with a face as serious as it was the night he received the returns from the primaries when he was a candidate for renomination, declared that the silver mine owners only wanted their bullion coined so that they might hoard it. What nonsense. If their purpose is to hoard the coined silver, are they not better off by hoarding the silver hefore be- ing mined? And following that state- ment he went on to prove that the remon- etization of silver meant 53-cent dollars forgetting that a moment before he declar- ed that the silver mine owners would take their bullion to the government and make 47 cents on every dollar minted. That statement has been made many times in some of the goldite papers, and no doubt Mr. Furst obtained it from that source. We are surprised, however, that the speaker did not see the absurdity of the ar- gument. ae He Didn't Like to Part with His Stlver. From the Huntingdon Monitor. A well known citizen of West township was in town last Saturday, and after filling up with the ardent started out to make speeches to a patient public in favor of the single gold standard. As he warmed up internally he grew decidedly more forcible than elegant, then abusive and finally dis- orderly, which resulted in his being es- corted to the lockup. Mayor Schock kind- ly consented to release the orator upon the payment of three ‘‘53-cent’’ dollars, as the equivalent of a three dollar fine, but the West township single gold standard advo- cate, notwithstanding he had only a few moments before told of the depreciating value of the white metal, kicked vigorously with departing with his silver. He forked it over at all events, and took ‘occasion to remind the mayor that if it cost that much to talk in the future he wouldn’t say a word against England, and that the people of the United States could go to——so far as he was concerned. —1I am going to encourage them in every possible way. I intend to point them to thé gold and silver that waits for them in the West. Tell the miners for me that I shall promote their interests to the utmost of my ability, because their prosperity is the prosperity of the nations we shall prove in a very few years that we are the treasury of the world.—ABRA- HAM LINCOLN, Spawls from the Keystone. —Simon Naugle died in church at Lough- linstown near Ligonier. —In a fight at Reading Mr. Hassler was so badly bitten he will be disfigured for life. —The corner-stone of the Christ Reformed church, at Allentown, was laid on Sunday. —Tt is predicted at Pittsburg that soft coal will be cheaper next winter than ever before. —The criminal court of Schuylkill county opened its September session with 422 new cases. —The Hebrew temple of Shaorai Shoma- gim at Lancaster was dedicated Monday night. —A Pittsburg man makes a business of shipping human bodies to Philadelphia medic- al colleges. —About 200 members of the Young Man- nerchor, of Philadelphia, had an outing at Reading, Monday. —DuBois, Clearfield county, has organized a free silver club, with four hundred and forty-seven members. —Safe crackers blew open the safe in the Pennsylvania railroad station at St. Clair, but got very little booty. . —Brewers and bottlers who send their wag- ons into Berks county are fined for violation of the state liquor law. —Disappointment in love induced young Maberry Reinhart to hang himself at Len- hartsville, Berks county. —Judge Cyrus L. Pershing. who was ill for several years, now attends regularly to the duties of the bench at Pottsville. —Franklin county commissioners, as those elsewhere have done, have refused to pay constables their usual mileage fees. —Suspected as the man who tried to mur- der policemen Houch, at Altoona, John Horner was jailed there on Monday. —By a unanimous vote the 131 pupils of Chambersburg High school decided to sub- stitute Latin for rhetoric and English gram- mar. —The barns on the Danville asylum farm were burned to the ground Wednesday morning. Thirty-two cows were burned to death. —James Houlihan, of Norristown, was sent to the State insane asylum Wednesday. He was 20 years old and his reason was dethron- ed by cigaret smoking. —For having saved five fellow-country- men from drowning a year ago, Victor Adam, residing at Pittsburg, received a gold medal from the King of Belgium on Monday. —Mzs. John E. Hess, wife of a well-known Clearfield groceryman, committed suicide, Tuesday by hanging her-self in theattic over the store. She has been ill for about a year. —David Davis, of Beulah, one day last week, while hunting with dogs,treed a wildcat, but on account of the late hour in the evening, it having commenced to get dark, the critter got off. : —William B. Wigton, of Philadelphia, suc- ceeds the late Peter G. Wikel as superintend- ent of the brick works at Wigton. W. H. Lingenfelter is filling Mr. Wigton’s former position as bookkeeper. . —Mr. H. J. Crouse, of Ebensburg, has two pumpkins which will measure ten feet in cir- cumference, three pumpkins which will weigh 200 pounds and twenty-five pumpkins which will weigh 800 pounds. —William Nicholas, in trying to save George Burk’s 11-year old daughter, near Allentown, Wednesday evening, was struck by a passenger train on the Central railroad of New Jersey. Both were killed, their bod- ies being horribly mangled. —Hunter and Baughman, lumber manufac- tures, whose operationsare about two and one- half miles east of Patton, have shipped by rail from that place in twenty-four days dur- ing the month of August thirty three car loads of lumber, besides delivering to Patton about 100,000 feet of lumber as local orders. —Landlord A. B. Cushing, of the Commer- cial hotel, at Barnesboro, Cambria county, is making a reputation as the boss eel fisher. The other day he went out for a little while, remarking that he felt very much like having eel for dinner, and returned shortly with one measuring thirty-seven inchesin length and eight inches in circumference. —While Jacob and Charles Kilpatrick, of Bethlehem, were playing ball Tuesday even- ing, 10-year old James Queir ran between them just as Jacobs pitched a ball to Kirk- patrick. The ball struck the little fellow on the right temple, killing him instantly. A jury exonerated Jacobs, but censured the borough for permitting ball playing on the public thoroughfares. —Gov. Hastings has commissioned Capt, Sylvester H. Martin, John D. Vautier and John M. Wallace, of Philadelphia, and Sam- uel G. Boone, of Berks county, as delegates to assist the United States Antietam battle fleld board in locating the position of organi- zation from this State in that battle, Alex- ander G. Morris, of Blair county, and T. B. Patton, of Huntingdon, were appointed as delegates from Pennsylvania to the National prison congress at Milwaukee, on September 26-30, —Harry Bringhurst, a conductor on the Pennsylvania traction line, was accidentally shot and instantly killed at his home in Lan- caster, Tuesday evening. He and John Reid- er, a young student of Franklin and Marsh- all college, were preparing to go on a gun- ning and fishing trip this morning and were examining several guns and pistols. Reider picked up a revolver supposed to be empty land pulled the trigger. A bullet passed through Bringhurst’s heart and “he dropped dead upon the floor without speaking a word. —Rev. J. C. Reeser, pastor of the Lutheran church of Hollidaysburg and John D. Love a well-known merchant of that place were drowned in the Juniata river last Thursday while out fishing. Itisthought that Rev. Rees- er in wading through the river slipped into a deep hole, where the bodies were found, and that his gum boots and heavy clothing drag- ged him down. Love evidently ran to his assistance as his fishing tackle and basket were found some distance from the bank where he had been digging bait. Both were good swimmers and the real account of their death? will never be known. Love was a rel- ative of Judge Dean’s and Reeser was one of the best known-Tiutherans in the State.