Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 04, 1896, Image 6

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    Bellefonte, Pa., Sep. 4, 1896.
Bryan’s Speech at Rochester.
Throughout New York State Bryan, our
next President, on his way home to Ne-
braska, has had one long series of ovations. At
Buffalo, Dunkirk and Syracuse thousands
of people crowded the station platforms in
hopes of catching a glimpse of the candi-
date and packed the halls to hear him
At Erie he received a reception such as
few living men have witnessed for the rain
poured in torrents but still the enthusiasm
of the waiting multitudes was not damp-
ened. At Rochester fully 2,000 greeted
him and listened to the following speech,
which was delivered from a platform near
the station.
Mr. Bryan spoke as follows :
‘It will not be possible for me to occupy
any great portion of your time. The train
which carries me from you will be due in
about three-quarters of an hour. But it is
not necessary that a nominee should do al¥
the talking. There are others whoare able
to discuss in your presence the issues of the
campaign ; and when I am through you will
be permitted to listen to a speaker from
this stand, and I beg that you will give to
him the same consideration that you would
have given to me. Mr. Carmody will ad-
dress you, and I bespeak for him your at-
“I am a nominee fot the highest office in
the gift of the people of the greatest nation
of the earth to-day (cheers), and as a nom-
inee for that position I appear before you,
not, however, to solicit your suffrage, be-
cause they are yours, and no one has a right
to tell you how you will use them, or heg
you to present them to him as a gift. You
are freemen. The ballot is yours to use
for the defence of your rights, for the pro-
tection of your interests and for the wel-
fare of society. How each of you shall use
his ballot is for you to. determine, and no
one has the right to complain, provided
those who vote shall first endeaver to de-
cide intelligently how their vote should be
“Our government rests on the intelli-
gence and patriotism of the American peo-
‘ple. We believe that they are capable of
self-government. We believe that no ques-
~ tion is before them now, and that no ques-
tion ever will arise, which is too great to
be submitted to the common people of
America. (Great applause. )
“Whenever I find a man who says that
the money question is a complicated ques-
tion, I generally find a man who thinks
that he has made a specialty of complicated
questions. (Laughter) Whenever I find
a man who thinks that the money question
is too deep for him, I generally find a man
who thinks it is just about deep enough for
him. (Continued laughter.) Whenever I
find a man who tells you not to bother
about financial legislation, I find a man
who wants to take upon himself all the
suffering and to do your thinking and your
acting for you. But when I find such a
man I am afraid that I find a man who,
when he acts for you, will be sure that he
does not neglect himself. (Great laughter.)
“There is one thing that I like about
the advocates of bimetallism. Whenever
you find a man who believes in the
immediate restoration of the free and
unlimited coinage of gold and silver
at the present legal ratioof 16 tol, with-
out waiting for the aid or. consent of
any other ‘nation on earth, you find a man
who tells you that he believes that it will
be good for others also. I like that sort of
‘Ask a farmer why he wants bimetallism
and he says, ‘because it is good for me.’
Ask a laboring men why he wants bimetal-
lism, ‘and he say that he thinks it will be
good for him. Ask a business man why
" he likes bimetallism and he says ‘I make
my living out of those to whom I sell, not
out of those from whom I borrow. There-
fore bimetallism is good for me, because
it enables people to buy what I have to:
sell. ;
“You ask a professional man why he fav-
. ors bimetallism and he tells you itis be-
cause his business rests on the producers of
wealth and that he cannot prosper unless
the producers prosper. But you ask a fi-
nancier why he is in favor of the gold
standard and what will he tell you? Does
he'say because it is good for him? You
never hear - one of them say that.
(Laughter.) If you ask these financiers
why they want a gold standard some of
them will tell you that the free coinage of
silver would be good for them, but that
they do not want anything which would |
not he good for others. They say that
they want a gold standard because it is
good for the farmer, because it is good for
the laboring man and good for the business
man. You tell them that these people are
willing to risk bimetallism and then these
financiers rise to the full height of their
moral stature, and say that the people
must have the gold standard and that they
will ram the gold standard down the
throats of the people whether they want it
or not, because they love the people.
(Laughter and cheers. )
‘Now, my friends, do you believe that
this is their reason. (Shouts of ‘no.’) I
am afraid it is not. When I find a man
who says that he wants a thing because it
is good for him I think that he is a pretty
natural sort of a fellow. But when I see a
man who wants to do something for me
against my will and tells me he is only
feeling for me I am careful to see that he
does not reach me. (Laughter and cries
of ‘hit ’em again.’) >. OD
“Now, my friends, why . is it that these
financiers, so many of them, insist that the
free coinage of silver would help them, but
that they do not wish it because the gold
standard is better for other people? Why
is it? Iam afraid that it is because they
are not willing to give the real reasons that
lie behind the gold standard, and to sub-
mit those reasons to a candid people.
When they ‘ell me the free coinage of sil-
ver will be good for them I say, ‘Now,
your chance has come.’
“For 20 years, according to their story,
they have been legislating for us at their
own expense and I feel that now the time
has come to give them something good in
return for all that we have received from
“them. (Cheers and laughter.) I say our
time has come. They tell us that the free
coinage of silver would be good for them.
Well, tell them now that they have got to
accept that blessing, and if it hurts us we
will have to bearit with fortitude. (A
voice—We cannot be any worse.)
‘The argushent my friend suggests, that
we cannot be any worse, is an argument
that is being considered hy the American
“Our opponents have prophesied and
have legislated, and asa result of that
legislation nothing of the good that they
promised has come and evil has followed in
the wake of every act that they have in-
augurated—evil to the people for whom
they purposed to act and good for the peo-
ple whosecured the legislation.
‘The platform on which I stand declares
against the issuanceof bonds in time of
peace and it denounces trafficking with
syndicates to purchase their support of the
federal treasury. That plank was not put
in there to catch the votes of the men who
belong to the syndicates. We expected
that they would oppose our platform, but
we believe that for every Democrat who
profited by the financial policy of the gov-
ernment and who will desert the party be-
cause of our denunciation of that policy,
we shall receive the votes of 10 honest Re-
publicans who love their country better
than they party. We have not lost faith in
the desire of the people of this couutry for
government and we believe that the Repub-
licans who do not want a continuation of
our present financial policy will be as will-
ing to leave their party as the gold Demo-
crats will be to desert their party in this
campaign. If those few men who pride
themselves on heing more truly business
men than the people who produce the
wealth of the country say that they must
protect their business by defeating the
ticket nominated at Chicago, we shall ap-
peal to millions of business men who will
make a business of politics this year and
who will declare that a government of the
people, by the people and for the people
shall not perish from the earth. (Loud
cheers. )
‘Now I want to suggest two or three
questions for you to think about. I can
only suggest them. I have no time to
enter into an elaborate argument. I sug-
gest these two questions : First, is the
gold standard a good thing ? (Shouts of
No, No, No.) If the gold standard is a
good thing, why has no political party in
the history of the United States ever de-
clared for a gold standard in its platform ?
Now, that isa question worth thinking
about. My friends, the fact that no party
in this great nation has ever in a national
platform declared a preference for a gold
standard is complete proof that the people
of the United States, irrespective of party,
are opposed to a gold standard. (Loud
cheers.) If the gold standard is a bad
thing, then I want to ask another question
and that is, why must we submit to it
until some foreign nation comes and rescues
us from its evils. (Cheers.) If a nation
is not great enough to legislate for its own
people on every question, what claim can
it make to independent government !
(Shouts of ‘None.’)
‘‘The nation that controls our financial
policy is more of an oppressor than the na-
tion which stands over us with army or
navy to defeat our political rights. It has
been said by others (and I repeat it as my
own opinion) I would rather have a foreign
general in command of our army—I would
rather have a foreign admiral in command
of our navy than to have the treasury of
the United States run upon the European
plan. (Applause.)
‘If there is a foreign general at the head
of our army, we could in 24 hours in any
time of trouble, enlist enough American
citizens to overpower our own army with
its foreign general. (Cheers.) If we had
a foreign admiral at the head of our navy
and the time should ever come when it in-
jured us, we could equip a navy that could
conquer our own navy with any foreign as-
sistance that it might secure. (Cheers.)
But if you put a man at the head of the
treasury department who believes the na-
tion must bow to the dictation of some for-
eign nation and submits its financial policy
to the decision of aliens, you have a man
who exercises a disastrous influence, not
only on the workingmen, but on all the
people of this land and makes of them vas-
sals instead of free men and citizens.
‘When we declare for a financial policy
of our own, when we declare against for-
eign interference in the domestic affairs of
this nation, we do not give just offense to
any foreign nation. I would despise the
Englis®man or the German or the French-
man or the citizen of any land who tried
to have his government submit to the dic-
tation of any other country, and I know
that every fair-minded foreigner in his own
land will but respect us when we rise in
the dignity of citizenship and demand the
right to govern ourselves.
‘If bimetallism is a good thing, how are
we going to secure it?’ (Voices: ‘Vote
for it’). Just in one way. You have got
to secure it through the aid of those who
want it, and not through the aid of those
who do not want it. (Cries of ‘That
is right’).
“If you want bimetallism you must act
with those who favor bimetallism, and not
with those who oppose it. We believe in
the immediate restoration of bimetallism,
that is in the immediate opening of the
mints to the free and unlimited coinage of
gold and silver at the present legal ratio of
for one year, or one month, or one day, or
one hour, or one moment, to ask what
other nations think about the proposition.
(Loud cheers.) We believe that this poli-
cy will maintain the parity between gold
may doubt the ratio ; I care not if you do.
If you are honestly in favor of bimetallism
you would rather risk that ratio than join
with those who will not give you bimetal-
lism at any ratio er at any time. (Ap-
plause.) I call your attention to the fact
that the advocates of free coinage at 16 to
1 have always been willing to join with
the nations that are willing to join us.
The line must be drawn in this country
between those who want bimetallism and
those who do not want it, and you will
have to ally yourselves on one side or the
other. .
‘‘Another thing. They have complained
that one of the nominees is young (laugh-
is going to be no child’s play in this cam-
paign. (Laughter.) This is a campaign
which is earnest.”
A voice—The younger the better and the
stronger. 2
Mr. Bryan—Before election day comes
every Democrat who opposes the Chicago
platform will have to make known why he
opposes it, and if he does not give his real
reason his neighbor will know why he op-
poses it. (Cheers.) Don’t understand
me as finding fault with anybody who does
oppose our platform. I not only recognize
the right of every man to use his ballot for
the protection of his own interests and of
the interests of society as he understands
those interests, but I regard it as his duty
to use his ballot so. But there is another
thing. I regard it as the duty of a man
who wants to leave his party to have a rea-
son for it which he is not afraid to write
upon the walls, so that he who runs may
read. I do not want him to say that he is
16 to 1, and we do not believe in waiting |
and silver at the ratio of 16to 1. You {+
ter); but I want to assure you that there |:
opposed to the Chicago ticket because he
loves his country when his” reason may he
that his salary from a trust may have more
influence with him than the welfare of his
country. (Cheers). Remember that I do
not object to his standing up for his salary,
but I want him to tell you so, and not to
accuse us of being anarchists because we in-
tend to cut his salary off. (Cheers and
Laughter. ).
‘My friends, my time is up. A voice—
Go on a little longer. I have enjoyed be-
ing with you. I have received inspiration
from the enthusiasm which you manifest.
It has given me pleasure to meet again my
old friend, ex-Congressman Greenleaf, and
I join with you in wishing him a speedy
recovery from his illness. I must leave
you now with one parting word. Listen
to those who speak to-day. Listen to
those who speak in the days that are to
come. And then when election day comes
make out your ballot in such a way that
you can say to your children ‘I am not
ashamed of what I did in 1896. ”’
The party had only an hour in Rochester
and it was a race against time to catch the
New York Central train for Buffalo, whence
the party was taken by a special
train to the meeting of the Democratic
clubs at Erie. -
Beautiful Java.
Its Scenery Said to be an Example of Tropical Per-
The scenery of Java is, I think, tropical
perfection. No sameness in the landscape
wearies the eyes. All is valley and moun-
tain, cultivated with beautiful crops—
irrigated ricefields, emerald green stretches
of tall, waving maize, small thickets of
bamboos, gracefully bending to the breeze
—or covered with a tropical verdure only
equaled in beauty by the forests of South
America. Being only midday when we
arrived at Tassikmalaya, we ordered tiffin
and two carts to be ready an hour later to
take us on a 25 mile stage to Bandjar. So
at 2 o’clock we were once more en route in
the usual conveyances of small awning
ponies—one for ourselves and the other for
the baggage. For the first few hours we
passed frequently through small villages,
where the ponies were watered, and our
drivers chatted with the fruit sellers, and
smoked small tapering cigarettes, which
they bought for a quarter penny the
The last part of the journey was through
tall jungle, and as the sun had set some
two hours before our arrival at our desti-
nation, it was no easy matter for the driv-
ers to keep the road in the inky darkness.
Finally a long, steep hill took us down
from the comparative coolness of a high
altitude into the fetid swamps where lies
the town of Bandjar. At first sight you
would think these swamps inhabited, in
such myriads do the fireflies flit to and fro,
or hang motionless, lamplike, in the misty
air, giving one the idea of the lights of
some distant village. All the natives here,
as elsewhere in the island, hold the white
man in great awe, and as you pass along
all doff their huge brimmed hats, and some
kneel by the wayside. In such towns in
the interior as Bandjar there are no hotels,
but the Dutch government provides free
stopping houses for trayelers—dirty, tum-
ble down places for the t part—where a
caretaker will look after them for a ‘‘con-
sideration.”’—Westminister 7
A Chinese Grand Lady.
The wife of of Li Hung Chang is said to
be very beautiful, judged by the Chinese
standard of beauty, and she is also quite
learned. In her magnificent home on the
banks of the Pel-Ho she lives in great
splendor. One thousand attendants and
servants answer her beck and call. In her
wardrobe are guarded 2,000 coats, 1,200
pairs of ‘‘trouserettes’’ and 500 fur robes,
made from the finest skins. ‘Her feet have
been compressed until they are quite inef-
ficient for the original purpose, and the
Marchioness is unable to walk more than a
few yards at a time. Twice a day she
bathes in oil of orange and acacia blooms,
and afterward takes an airing in the coolie
sedan. Finally, she dresses her hair in
fifty ways, each more miraculous and a
more perfect example of the coiffure’s art
than the one that goes before. .
A Horse’s Long Fast. ;
It Was Imprisoned in a Coal Mine for 30 Days.
CUMBERLAND, Md:, Aug. 30.—Colonel
T. B. Davis, a brother of Senator Henry
G., Davis, lost one of his valuable horses
and believed it to have been: stolen, Yes-
terday the animal was found. It had been
grazing in a field on which was an old coal
mine. In walking over the mine the roof
caved in, dropping the animal into the
in the mine and on investigation found the
horse there in a weak condition, having
been in the mine for 30 days without food
or water. In its hungry condition it.-had
Yesterday some men heard a noise |
gnawed the decayed mine - props. The
horse will likely recover. so
A White Porpoise.
The Deep Sea Story Two Citizens of Tacoma Are
Telling. ?
Commodore B. C. Kenway of the yacht
Keewatis is the discoverer of an albino por-
poise. Associated with him in the discov-
ery is Charles Stewart of the Northern Pa-
cific Steamship company. The creature is
pure white in color, with a glistening black
fin on its back. Whether or not it has
pink eyes the discover has not been able to
When Commodore Kenway reported the
discovery, there were those who were dis-
posed to doubt the truth of the story, not-
withstanding the fact the commodore has
heretofore borne an excellent reputation
for veracity. They said that a summer
spent in yatching had undermined his
principles. The testimony of Mr. Stewart,
however, corroborates the story told by
Commodore Kenway in every particular.
The commodore expressesa willingness to
make affidavit to his statement. He said :
“We were cruising in the yacht near the
entrance to Quartermaster harbor when we
beheld three porpoises disporting near us.
The one nearest the yacht seemed to be
white. At first we thought it was simply
the reflection of the sun on the wet sides
of the porpeise, but on approaching the
three we found this explanation to be un-
founded, for the porpoise was as white as
the driven snow. It was a milky white-
ness, which made the big fish singularly
beautiful. The fin on the back and the
back for a small space at the base of the
fin were glistening black. We cruised
about in the vicinity of the porpoise for
some time, but finally the three divided
and made away.
“I never before heard of a white por-
poise being seen by any one. To-day I
asked a number of seafaring men about the
matter, and none of them had ever heard
of suck a freak.
that porpoise, and if I catch it won’t I
make a mint of money exhibiting it!”’—
Tacoma Ledger.
Appendicitis has become a very com-
mon affliction, and the British Medical
Journal has entered upon a crusade to de-
stroy the popular notion that tomatoes are
productive of cancer and the disease which
has cost the lives of so many persons.
Medical journals so frequently jump into a
series of explanations and hints about diet
and care of health that the readers become
disgusted in course of time with it. If
they were to take up the subject of eating
fruit and the general benefits to be de-
prived therefrom, it would be of vastly
greater service and very much more appre-
ciated. The appendicitis scare has caused
about every other person to be afraid to en-
joy raspberries, blackberries and grapes,
or for that matter any small fruits with
seeds, owing to their dread of the disas-
trous lodgment of one of numerous small
seeds, causing the disease which has prov-
en fatal in so many cases. Indeed, exper-
ience has proven that such danger is so
rare as to be nihil. Every person should
be aware of this fact, so that they may en-
joy the fruit which is so abundant at this
season of the year. Our forefathers ate
fruits and enjoyed them, appendicitis be-
ing unknown at that time.
Knows Good Shears.
Man in Barber’s Chair—Barber, those
shears are not good ones. They pull my
_ Barber—They are the best in the place,
Man in Barber's -Chair—I wish you’d
send the boy down to Fleet street and get
mine. I can’t stand these.
Barber—Are you a barber ?
Man in Barber’s Chair—No, sir; an ed-
itor.—London 7it-Bits.
——At a meeting of the stockholders of
the Juniata valley campmeeting it was
decided that hereafter the associatation
would itself attend to the erecting of
kitchens and see that all kitchens were
uniform. Another departure concerns the
renting of tents. Heretofore upper and
lower tents have been rented separately, the
rent of a lower tent being $7 and an up-
per tent $2.. It was supposed that here-
after these would be rented as one tent,
and the price for both, an upper and a
lower tent would be $9.
WEAK AND NERvVOUS.—Describes the
condition of thousands of people at this
season. They have no appetite, cannot
sleep, and complain of the prostrating ef-
fect of warmer weather. This condition
may be remedied by Hood’s Sarsaparilla,
which creates an appetite and tones up all
the organs. It gives good health by mak-
ing the blood pure.
Hood’s Pills are the best after dinner
pills, assist digestion, cure headache.
-—There is a law prohibiting cursing
and swearing in public. If this law were
enforced the revenue from fines would pay
the taxes.
Montgomery & Co.
A lot of about 100 suits we cut prices right in half.
Do not miss this extraordinary bargain.
and during this intensely warm weather they are going rapidly.
$1.50 Kind .....
a3 9
The black and blue Summer Serges are cool and
dressy, and we now sell them at a 25 per
cent. reduction.
continues a couple weeks yet, so come while it lasts.
$15.00 Suits 25 per cent. off ............ $11.25
12.50 do £e Hl avira 9.38
10.00 do 5 EL 7.50
7.00 do ht tiie 5.63
I am going to cruise for | to the aged and infirm, also in low and ty-
The Way to Succeed.
The old gentleman looked grave. ‘I
am very sorry, Mr. Talbot, to be obliged
to withhold my consent, but it is fairer to
my daughter.”
The youth whose future was in the hal- |
ance apparently did not so regard it.
‘As you say,’’ continued the old man,
you have no money at all, and though I
believe that you and Grace love one another
I must say no to any engagement. But go
in, my boy, and save money. Work,
work, and when you have amassed a nomi-
nal sum—well, say £1,000—you may then
consider matrimony.’’
The old gentleman was very kindly in
his manner, but the youth looked as
though £1,00 belonged to ages hence.
“I like you very much, Talbot,” her fa-
ther went on, “and if there is any way I
can advance your prospects do not hesitate
for a moment to call on me. Can I be of
any service to you at all ?”’
The youth started ; a gleam of hope lit
his eye. ‘‘Y-yes,”” he stammered huskily.
‘You can help me. Will—will you lend
me £1,000 ?’—London 7%t-Bits.
Caused a Sensation.
The editor of a western paper recently
attended church and caused quite a sensa-
tion during the singing of a hymn by howl-
ing out—
“Let every kindred, every tribe,
On this terrestrial ball,
Put down $2 and subscribe,
And we'll receipt for all.”
Physicians have used Speer’s wine, and
having applied to it the strictest test
known to chemistry, they do not hesitate
to pronounce it pure of medinm strength
and recommend it to be of great advantage
phoid fevers, Speer’s wine will be found
very superior.
Boggles—‘‘Goodby, old man, I'm off for
Woggles—What a pity you can’t go to
Boggles—*‘Why can’t I?”
Woggles—‘‘The importation of live hogs
is prohibited.’’—New York Press.
New Advertisements.
Who told you so?
Neighbor So-and-so.
Oh, well, that’s all pight.-
Testimony differs doesn't it ?
The more some people say
The less faith we have.
But the right man’s word
Is taken at once.
That's the difference.
People want Bellefonte reference.
Particularly in matters of health.
We tell you Doan’s Kidney Pills cure,
But we are the makers of them,
“Who says s0'’ counts here doesn't it?
Bellefonte people say so.
And we give you their addresses.
Perhaps you may know them.
Active lives bring on kidney troubles.
An example of this is
Mrs. P. F. (Keichline) the wife of the well-
known insurance agent of Water street. She say :
‘‘My husband obtained a box of Doan's Kidney
Pills for me at F. Potts Green's drug store. We
ious if they were up to representation they
would just suit my case. I have suffered with my
kidneys for a long time, They are responsible
for all my backache and other annoying and dis-
irossing complications. I had a very severe at-
tack of LaGrippe and it left me in rather poor
health. My back commenced to ache after that
and I am inclined to think that my kidneys were
weakened. I found Doan’s Kidney Pills very
honefion I can endorse all the claims made for
Doan’s Kidney Pills are for sale by all dealers,
Price 50 cents per box, six boxes for $2.50.
Mailed to any address on receipt of price by Fos-
jer irom Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the
LS 41-7.
EM T——
Travelers Guide.
N. Y. C. & H. R. R..R. Co., Lessee. *
Condensed Time Table.
EXP. |MAIL. May 17th, 1896. EXP. [MAIL
No. 37/No. 33 No. 30[No. 36
155 v . 13 30
15 | Be
925 110]: 15 00 415
9 00 12 35 525 442
“850 122 . 535 452
8 43| 12 18|Ar ......Kerrmoor.... 5 41 4 58
8 38! 1: New Millport. 546) 503
8 32 ....0lan 552 509
8 25 558) 515
8 05 6 15 _8 34
- 545
Sa RE tH
7 45| 11 21 635 619
T3711 12 645! 629
7 31 11 05}... 6 52 6 34
7 23] 10 58 6 67) 6 40
7 15! 10 50....... Morrisdale Mines....| 7 068] 6 48
7 07] 10 41|Lv...... .Manson......... Ar| 715] 657
6 35 740] 7271
7 27 6 55] 635
705 717) 700
7 00 722 703
6 40 740] 725
6 20 ill T5857 TH
613] 943 SNOW SHOE. 804] 752
5 18] 8 48;...... BEECH CREE 848 8 42
505 8 901] 853
4 58) 8 907 858
447 8 916; 907
435 8 920 918
4 30| 7 55|....JERSEY SHORE...... 930] 92
+4 00| $7 05]....WILLIAMSPORT..... 10 05 9 55
P. M. | A. mr. |Lv. Ar. A. Mm. lpm.
p. Mm. | A. Mm. |“Phila. & Reading R. R.| A. M. | P. m.
12 40| *6 55/Ar..... W'MSPORT 110°20{*11 30
18 35 *11 30(L ..PHILA Ar] 508) 710
+4 30 Lv...N. Y. via Tam...Ar| 6 00
¢7 30|Lv...N. Y. via Phila...Ar/b 7 25 19 30
AM | AM P.M. |A NM
Daj tWeek-days. 326.00 ». Mm. Sunday. 110-55
A. a, Sunday. “b' New York passengers travel-
ing via Piiiladeiphia on 10.20 A. M. train from
Williamsport, will change cars at Columbus Ave.,
CoNNECTIONS.—At Williamsport with Philadel-
hia and Reading R. R. At Jersey Shore with
all Brook Railway. At Mill Hall with Central
Railroad of Pennsylvania. At Philipsburg with
Pennsylvania Railroad and Altoona & Piptipe ue
Connecting Railroad. At Clearfield with Buffalo
Rochester & Pittsburg Railway. At Mahaffey and
Patton with Cambria & Clearfield Division of
Pennsylvania Railroad. At _ Mahaffey with
Pennsylvania & North-Western Railroad
Travelers Guide.
May 18th, 1896.
. . vd > |
% § o g | I 3
CH Z| May, 18,1806. | £ | 4 | 2
SE ® I 51°. =
# A | | = ® |
A I i u f ——
P.M. | P. M. A.M. {Lv. Ar. A. Mi A.M |P.M.
730 315 820... Tyrone... 5 35) 11 201612
736 321 82 29] 11 14/6 06
7 38; 323 823. Tyrone S...| 1 6
741 32 831 11 096
751) 336 842... 5
7 55! 3 40] 8 47|....Gardner...... i5
804 349) 857 5
811i 3 55 9 05|.....Summit...... 5
816! 359 909 iz
“818, 404 911.....Retort..... 1:
819 402 913 iz
827 408 921 2
eet 4117 0 98) -15 06
8 31, 416] 9 31{.....Boynton.. 535 9:5 03
8351 4 19¢ 933...... Steiners....| 531] 10 15/4 58
836 423 9 42|...Philipsburg... 530) 10 14:4 57
841i 4 28] 9 47......Graham...... 5 26] 10 09/4 52
8 46! 4 33| .9 52......Blue Ball... 5 21] 10 04/4 46
8 52| 439) 9 58...Wallaceton...| 516 9 58/4 39
857 444 t 511 9 53/4 32
9 03] 450 506 9 47/4 27
906, 453 505 944/14 24
910, 457 501 9 40/4 20
915 502 w...| 456] 935/415
9 19) 5 06) 10 28,....Clearfield.....| 4 52| 9 31/4 09
9 24| 5 11) 10 34|... Riverview..... 4 58) 9 26/4 03
9300 517 443 9203 56
935 522 439 9153 51
= 3 21
P.M.| P. M. | A, P.M.
1 @ oe
Bl EB | 2 Mayisase | 5 | E |B
& = < < 8 a
jl Bo. = = w &
ws = = =
P.M.) P. M. P. M. | P31.
617) 240 12 35/7 25
611 234 12 41{7 31
607) 230 12 45/7 35
603 2 26 8 24| 12 49/7 39
557 220 12 557 45
554 217 12 58/7 48
552 215 1 00(7 50
544] 207 1 07|7 57
536] 200 1 14(8 04
528 153 1228 13
519] 144 1 30/8 22
512 1 37| 10 04/Snow Shoe Int.| 9 15| 1 37/8 30
509 133 10 01)...Milesburg.....| 918 1 40/3 33
501 124 "9 53. Bellefonte...| 9 28 1 49/3 41
449] 112) 9 41 ii Milesburg ...| 9 41] 2 02/8 53
441) 104 934....Curtin 2119 01
487 1000 9 2 15/9 05
431] 12 54| 9 24 2219 11
422) 12 45 9 15....E 2 2 309 20
4 19/ 12 42| 9 12/..Beech Creek... 10 11] 2 339 23
4 08) 12 31] 9 01)... Mill Hall......| 10 22| 2 44/9 34
406] 12 29) 8 59 ...Flemington...| 10 24| 2 46,9 36
4 02) 12 25 8 55|...Lock Haven..| 10 30] 2 50/9 40
POL} P.M. | A. M. |Lv. Arr. A.M. | Poor. [poo
EASTWARD. May 18th, 1896. WESTWARD.
Ar. a.m. | P.M.
Bellefonte. .y 8551 415
850] 410
8 47 4 07
844 403
837 358
832 353
8 28] 348
823 344
: 8160 3 37
: 809 331
: 802 323
3 7 155: 317
aos 7 745 308
332% 7 738 302
338 7 ....Ingleby..... 7 31 2 56
3 7 48.......Paddy Mountain S20 2753
3140] 7 DTiceceenes Cherry Run.... 718 245
352 sol. ..Lindale... Td 24
3 59] 8 08] Pardee. 707 234
4 ori 81 658 225
415 82 6 50| 218
417] 8 27. p 647 216
4 22| 833. ..Barber... . 642 212
427) 838. Mifflinburg. 637, 207
4 35] 8471... .Vicksburg.. 628 158
439] Baal... Biehl...... 623 153
4 471 9 00,.. .Lewisburg.. «i 6151 145
455 9 10 Te Montandon......... 540, 135
P. M. | A. M. [ArT Ivianien
~ ; = i]
o |
% | May, 18, 1896. | % | |
5 Els
A.M, | . | P. M.
9 20 | 4 50]
9 03|.. | 50
8 57 Bi 5 1:
8 51 5 19].
8 45 5 25! Seeis
8 39 331...
8 35 15 33)
8 29/.Furnace Road.| 10 58) 5 41
8 26/....Dungarvin...| 11 01] 5 44|..
8 18 Warrior's Mark| 11 10, 5 52
8 09\...Pennington...| 11 20. 6 01
i188... Stover....... 11 32| 6 12
7. 501..... Tyrone...... 12400 6 20.......
A.M. |Lve, Ara. wm | pow.
Time Table in effect on and after
May 18, 1896.
Leave Snow Shoe, except Sund
Arrive in Bellefonte..
Leave Bellefonte, ex
Arrive in Snow Shoe
Condensed Time Table.
a i Mav 18, 1896. | ea
No LiNe Li 3 No.6/No 4 No 2.
! | |
a. 7) m. b, m. Lve. AT.|p. m,[p. m. a. m.
17 20/77 30/13 45| BELLEFONTE. [10 04| 6 10/10 10
7 ot 7 4| 357 wee Nigh aeesersvece 949 5 51! 9 56
7 411 7 501 4 03/.......... 2100 ,0.sep0e- 9 431 5 51| 9 50
7 46) 7 55| 4 08|.HECLA PARK..| 9 38) 5 46 9 45
7.48 7 57] 4 10...... Dun kles...... 9 36) 5 44) 9 43
7 52| 8 01] 4 14|...Hublersburg...| 9 32| 5 40] 9 39
7 56( 8 05] 4 18 Snydestows “ | 5 a7 9 35
7 58] 9 07] 4 20|.......N 533 9 33
8 00] 8 09] 4 22/. Huston 533 9 31
8 02f 8 11} 4 24y.......Lamar......... 531 9 29
8 04) 8 13| 4 26|.....Clintondale....| 9 19| 5291 9 26
8 09| 8 19| 4 31|..Krider's Siding.| 9 14 5 24| 9 21
8 16 8 25| 4 37|...Mackeyville....| 9 08] 5 18] 9 15
8 23| 8 32| 4 43|...Cedar Sprin, { 2i 9 09
8 25| 8 34| 4 45]. | 9 07
8 30] 8 40| 4 50! 19 01
930 9 iby evens Jersey Shores nes | 430] 755
10 05 9 55(Arr. > uve; 400 +7 25
10 20[*11 30 5g WMs'PORT Phe mye
508 1710 PHILA...
6 45
7 25) 27 30
(Via Phila.) |
Lve..a. m.'p. m.
p. m./a. m.!Arr.
*Daily. tWeek Days. 26.00 P. M. Sundays.
110.10 A. M. Sunday.
bound train from Williamsport at 11.30 P. M, and
West-bound from Philadelphia at 11:30 P.M.
General Superintendent.
Schedule to take effect Monday, May 25th, 1896.
read down read up
or Le Ro
Ne liSa.liNnal Sms. hy, 2/tNo. oe
P.M.| A. M. | A.M. (Lv. Ar,| A. M. | P. M. [po
4 21| 10 30{ 6 30|....Bellefonte..... 8 45] 1 10,6 30
4 26) 10 37 Coleville.....| 840| 1 02[6 20
4.30 10 42] 6 40|...... Morris, 8 37| 12 58'6 15
4 33| 10 47 ..Whitmer..... 8 35| 12 54/6 10
4 38] 10 53 unter’s Park.| 8 31| 12 49/6 05
4 42| 10 56 .Fillmore 8 28| 12 46/6 02
4 47 11 02) 7 00|......Briarly. 8 24] 12 41/5 57
4 52| 11 05 7 05|......Waddles.....| 8 20| 12 37/5 53
4 54, 11 08] 7 08|Scotia Crossing! 8 18] 12 35/5 50
503 11 20{ 7 17|...Krumrine....., 8 07| 12 26/5 36
506| 11 24| 7 20|.....Strubles......| 8 04 12 245 33
508) 11 28/ 7°23|....Univ. Inn...| 802] 12 225 31
5 10! 11 30| 7 30\.8tate College..' 8 00/ 12 20!5 30
Morning trains from Montandon, Lewisburg,
Williamsport, Lock Haven and Tyrone connect
with train No. 7 for State College. Afternoon trains
from Montandon, Lewisburg, Tyrone and No. 53
from Lock Haven connect with with train No. 11
for Stata College. Trains from State College con-
nect with Penn'a R. R. trains at Bellefonte.
Superintendent. Gen'l Passenger Agen
P Philadelphia, Ba.
+ Daily, except Sunday. F. H. THOMAS Supt.,