Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 04, 1896, Image 5

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    ‘born of long years service on rail-roads, he
CoUNTY CATTLE.—For some time the un-
accountable deaths of a number of cattle
that ‘have been pasturing on the mountain
land adjacent to Tyrone has excited the
health authorities of that place. As the
pasture reservations drain into Sinking
creek, from which Tyrone draws its water
supply, the residentsjof that town natural-
ly became alarmed.
Some weeks ago Dr. Leonard Pearson,
state veterinarian, was cailed into that vi-
cinity and found considerable tuberculosis
among the cattle. Of course this was sup-
posed to have been the cause of the death
of these cattle, so recently, but Dr. Pear-
son went to Tyrone, on Sunday, again and
held an autopsy. This revealed the cause
of death to be pleuro-pneumonia.
MARRIAGE Licexses.—Following is the
list of marriage licenses granted - by
orphans’ court clerk, G. W. Rumberger,
during the past week.
James Good, of Williamsport, and Tacey
Maine, of Centre Hall. .
Harry S. Miller, of Bellefonte, and An-
nie M. Strunk, of Spring township.
Benj. Fulton, of Bellefonte, and Sarah
Shilling, of Centre Hall.
Wn. E: Stover and Mary E. Adams, both
of Livonia.
S. Elmer Ishler, of ‘Boalsburg, and Mol-
lie H. Stover, of Potter township.
Prof. J. H. Tudor, of State College, and
Caroline H. Hunter, of Stormstown.
Alfred Hoover and: Olie Weaver, hoth of
Spring township.
Harry G. Starrett, of Philipsburg, and
Annie M. Hartranft, of Lycoming county.
John A. Reiser and Sallie V. Homan,
hoth of Ferguson township.
T. J. Mincer, of Lock Haven, and Rose
Bowes, of Liberty township.
grows in Italy like an Italian cucumber we
saw on Friday itis a great wondet that
there are any Italians in the United States
at all. A number of the Italians employed
at Morris’ Armor’s gap quarries have a
garden in which some vegetables, the seed
of which was brought from sunny Italy,
are growing. The cucumbers are the most
conspicuous because of their extreme
length. One of them was brought to this
office, on Friday, and it was twenty-five
inches long. Think what a great pickle it
would make. Why such a gigantic one
would do for a whole picnic or sober up a
score of common drunks.
All Through Brush Valley.
Qur public schools will open on Monday.
Orris Walker, of Rebersburg, is visiting in Oil
Henry Smull transacted business in Lamar this
Mr. Wolf, of 3ugar valley, the nursery agent, is
with us again.
W. C. Heinle, of Bellefonte, was in our valley
last Wednesday.
J. A. Zeigler, of Wolf's store, will teach in Miles-
burg this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman, of Clintondale, were the
guests of J. C. Bierly last Sunday.
“Newton Crider, of Wolfs’ &tore, spent last week
at Atlantic City taking in the sights.
Miss Mollie Emerick, of Wolf's store, is visiting
Mrs. Mackey, in Williamsport.
Mr. and Mrs. Mackey, of Williamsport, Sun-
dayed at the old home near Wolf's store.
Miss Sadie Ehrhart, has returned to Lock
Haven, after a week's visit in Rebersburg.
Reuben Stover and Miss Adams, both of Livonia,
were married last Wednesday by Rev. George, at
Miss Pierson, an accomplished young lady of
Williamsport, is visiting our ex-merchant Musser,
of Rebersburg.
The Misses Birdie and Bessie Stover, are home
from their visit to Bedford Springs, they report a
‘good time.”
Charles F. Schad, of Spring, and Rachael
Neiman, of Boggs township.
NEARLY Lost His LIFE.—The escape |
of Michael M. Conuoly, section boss on the
Bellefonte Central railroad, from death,
last Friday morning, was simply miracu-
lous. The accident occurred on the Pine
Grove extension of the road and as a re-
sult of it the unfortunate man is now lying
at his home, in this place, with one rib
broken and suffering from painful internal
The construction train was running up to
the new work, early Friday morring, carry-
ing the menand supplies. Mr. Connoly
was standing on the front of a flat car that
was being pushed up the track, when the
train approached a temporary fence that
had been laid across the rails, the night be-
fore, to keep the cows in a field through
which the road was being built. Thinking
that he could run ahead and throw the
rails away, without requiring the train to
stop, Mr. Connoly , jumped off and started
running along the ties, just ahead of the
car. The heavy dew made them so slippy
that he fell down in front of the approach-
ing train. With rare presence of mind,
rolled between the rails and tried to lie as
flat as possible so that the car would pass
over him without hurting him much.
He is a very large man, however, and be-
fore the train could be stopped the trucks of
the car had passed over his body, squeezing
it horribly. He was lying with his
feet to the approaching car which ran onto
him and doubled his feet right up over his
head. As it was only the axle of the car
passed over him, but had thesrain moved
two feet further the low brake beam would
have caught him and squeezed him to
Two RuNxawavs.—West High street
had a thrilling experience, on Monday,
shortly after one o'clock, when two run-
aways dashed wildly out of Race street.
One was a new horse recently secured by
undertaker Henry Harris ; the other was a
team owned by J. H. Keperly, of Renovo.
The latter gentleman is a rail-road engineer
on the P. and E. rail-road and having a few
days vacation he thought to spend a pleas-
ant time in a trip, overland, to this place.
Accompanied by Carl Linholm, a young
friend, he arrived at the Brant house, at
noon, on Sunday, but stabled his horses at
Coxe’s Bush house stable.
They were just starting home when the
Harris horse tore loose from the hitching
ring at the stable and upset the buggy,
tearing the harness off at the same time.
It rushed past the Renovo men, scaring
their horses, so that they became unman-
ageble. Mr. Keperly had the lines and
would have been able to control them had
the narrow road on Race street not been
blocked by a Bellefonte fuel and supply
company wagon. The runaways dashed
right into it upsetting the buggy and throw-
ing both men out. Then they ran into
High street, where they struck John Ander-
son’s sign post, knocking the sign down and
disabling one of the horses. It neighed
loudly when it was hurt.
Mr. Keperly received a bad wrench of
the leg, while young Linholm was seriously
bruised and laid in Coxe’s stable some time
before he was able to move.
One of the Renovo horses was cut at the
Charles Emerick and Henry Gilbert left our
| valley last Saturday, the former for New York and
the latter for the West.
Ed. and Herbert Brumgart, of Wolf Store, left
for Selinsgrove, last weel, where they will enter
Susquehanna college.
If you want to he: silver arguments listen to
the discussions at Stover’s hotel, Livonia. No
wonder the big apple fell.
Prof. A. E. Hough and wife, of Mifflinburg, are
spending a two weeks vacation with the Prof’s.
father the well known lumberman, Nathan Hough.
Mr. Lucas, of Bald Eagle valley, one of our
Rebersburg academy students of the past, and a
staunch admirer of Bryan is a guest of J. A.
Zeigler. :
Clark M. Gramley, our thresher man, says
Bryan and Sewall crops turn out far beyond ex-
pectation, just as the Democratic votes will this
The Rebershurg grange will meet Monday even-
ing and discuss “whether the farmer should
study the gold and silver question.” They might
just as well question the necessity of eating ?
Messrs. Geo. B.,, Thomas N., and William E.
Stover have purchased or leased the steam saw
and shingle mill of George S. Housel and will
operate for themselves in the future.
John DeDong the efficient postmaster of Livonia
has been elected to teach and probably will ac-
cept the grammar school in South Williamsport at
a salary of 875 per month. What a pity thgt Miles
township permits Jher ablest teachers to’ accept
employment elsewhere. ‘Verily a prophet is not
without honor except in his own country.”
A Brush valley Bryan and Sewall club will be
organized, in Rebersburg, this evening. More
than 150 men have signified their intention of
joining and the silver men are not only plenty
but strong. The bolters are few but those on the
fence are more numerous. Plenty of literature
will be secured and you can have it for the asking.
In our next letter we will give the members and
officers of the club.
Last Sunday the Lutheran congregation were
pleasantly surprised by the choir singing part of
an oratorio, which is seldom heard out side of the
large cities. It met with the approbation of the
congregation who were likewise pleased with
Rev. Mumma’s sermon on “how to get the most
good out of the Bible. The entire service was up
to date and rome of our other churches will have
to get a move on or they will be left in the shade.
The picnic last Saturday given by the young
people of the valley was a perfect success. Much
of the pleasure ‘was due to William Scholl for
organizing and arranging the affair. To Miss
Rilla Morris, Grace Miller, and Alma Gramley,
we are indebted for some exquisite mandolin,
violin and vocal music. Howard Krape supplied
the picnickers with one of the best of organs, he
only deals in first class instruments and every one
returned thoroughly delighted with the festivities.
Pine Grove Mention.
The killing of sheep by dogs continues and
so do the dog courts. .
Henry Illingworth now has a little sister,
who is receiving her share of her father’s
Mrs. Ross Gilliford and Mrs, Bigler Meek,
of Altoona, are visitors at M. D. Woods’ this
The foundation for Mrs. Maggie Gates’ new
house on Quay street, is being built. Reed
Bros. have the contract.
After a two weeks illness Harriet, the three
month old daughter of William and Harriet
Eckly, died on Wednesday and was buried
this morning in the Pine Hall cemetery.
S. D. Gettig, one of Bellefonte’s legal lights,
gave his attention to Ferguson’s voters the
early part of the week. He reports every-
thing booming for free silver, prosperity,
and Centre county’s old-time Democratic
The trains are now running on the new
railroad to Bloomsdorf. Sup’t. Thomas ac-
companied by president Frazier passed over
the rout last week with a view of changing
from the present route south to the survey
known as the Boal survey. This would in-
dicate the building of the road along the
mountain via Spruck Creek to Huntingdon
stifle and has a very bad leg. It is mirac-
ulous that no more serious damage was
done, as the street was full of people and the
horses ran onto the sidewalk before they
were stopped.
Harris’ horse was caught in front of
Power’s store. It was not hurt at all and
the buggy had ouly suffered a broken sin-
gle tree. Their harness was all torn up.
The Renovo men’s buggy was broken all
and not over the mountains at this place as
many thought probable. :
On Tuesday of last week an unusual com-
motion was noticed about the quiet hontk of
G. Frank Miller, which was soon interpreted
as meaning a wedding feast. For some time
| John Stover, third son of D. M. Stover, has
assiduously sought the hand of Miss Hannah
Miller and upon getting Mr. and Mrs. Miller's
consent hied himself at once to Bellefonte for
| the necessary papers. The marriage was per-
formed at the county capital and upon their
up and their harness was also badly torn.
——Subhseribe for the WATCHMAN.
return a splendid wedding supper awaited
| them at the Miller mansion. John is one of
| our most industrious and popular boys and
| is to be congratulated.
Centre Hall.
Miss Bertha Scott, of Tyrone, is visiting
Miss Emily Alexander.
Our barber, Jerry Miller, has returned
from a business and pleasure trip to Atlantic
The streets are still being improved, a
grade is now being made in front of the Re-
formed church. When completed it will be a
great improvement. :
Rev. Thos. S. Lane and family of Manor,
Pa., spent two weeks very pleasantly with
Wm. B. Mingle. The Rev. has many warm
friends in this county.
Cupid is said to have drawn his bow and a
wedding 1s on the carpet for the near future.
The groom is a student of other parts, but he
shows good taste anyway.
The “front yard” in Centre Hall is a back
number, and pretty porches are the rage.
Judging from the many improvements made
in the town during the summer, one would
hold to the belief that hard times hadn’t
struck the metropolis of Penns valley.
“Hickory Farm” is the title of a comedy-
drama of New England life, by Edwin M.
Stern, that will be given by home talent, Sat-
urday evening, the 12th inst, in the Grange
Park auditorium. The most talented of our
young people have been enlisted, and a rare
treat is offered to the public. The proceeds
are for the Reformed church.
Ezekiel Fortune, New England farmer—Prof.
E. J. Wolf.
Uriah Skinner, a miser—W. C. Boozer.
Gilbert Darkwood, handsome and unscrupu-
lous—W. G. Mingle.
Jack Nelson—Edwin Kerlin.
Lawrence McKeegan, an older man from the
city—C. F. Deininger.
Detective Rankin—W. D. Shoop.
Jessie Fortune, pretty and unsophisticated—
Miss Grace Alexander.
Mrs. Priscilla Dodge, a susceptible widow—
Miss Emily Alexander.
The following brief synopsis will give the
reader an’idea of the play.
Gilbert Darkwood, a crook from the city,
has discovered that a projected railroad in-
tends erecting a station on Ezekiel Fortune's
place, Hickory Farm. Darkwood plots with
Skinner to obtain the title deed from For-
tune, dispossess him, and reap the profits of
the sale. Skinner, who has a long-standing
grudge against Fortune, agrees to steal the
deed. Darkwood discovers that Fortune’s
only daughter Jessie, is the little country
girl whose head he had turned the preceding
winter in the city, and induces her to elope
with him. Before leaving, Darkwood ob
tained the deed, and also manages to rob the
Maryville bank (which contains all Fort-
une’s earnings), and to cast suspicion of the
robbery upon Jack Nelson, Fortune's adopt-
ed son, who is in love with Jessie. In the
second act, Darkwood, who has sold Fort-
une’s house over his head, appears and de-
mands the rent for the poor hovel that Fort-
une and Jack now occupy. Skinner, who
has repented his part in the affair that has
brought so much misfortune on his old neigh-
bors, threatens to expose Darkwood. A de-’
tective arrives and, with Skinner's help, ob- .
tains evidence that Darkwood robbed the
bank. Jessie Fortune’s and Jack Nelson's
name is cleared of suspicion, and the farm is
restored to old Fortune. The love passages
of Alderman McKeegan and Mrs. Dodge af-
ford a humorous little side issue in the
Spring Mills.
C. C. Bartges, proprietor of the Spring Mills
printing house, recently received an order
from the east to engrave and print a consider-
able amount of music. Mr. B. thoroughly un-
derstands engraving and is quite an artist.
D. H. Ruhl, our accommodating landlord,
is never without guests at his hotel. While
they discuss politics and talk largely of bet-
ting on their favorites which ends only in
talk Mr. R. quietly takesin the shekels.
W. R. From, one of our valuable citizens,
moved, with his family, to Bellefonte on
Tuesday last. He was formerly one of the
firm of Allison & Bro. of our village, but is
now engaged in the extensive milling estab-
lishment of Jackson & Co. Mr. F. isa gen-
tleman we regret to lose—a sound Democrat
and a “hale fellow well met.”
On Friday evening last we had a de-
bate on the money question. Frank
Meyer, E. Williams and William Bible ad-
vocated the single gold standard while Victor
Royer, K. Stover and Maurice Runkle took
the silver issue. But by asingular oversight,
the meeting neglected to appoint a commit-
tee to decide who had the better argument.
The young gentlemen engaged in the debate
did fairly well but they had a subject under
discussion which is puzzling the ablest states-
men of Europe and America. The honors of
the evening were about evenly divided.
The Democrats of this valley are highly
pleased with the nomination of Col. J. L.
Spangler for Congress. The Colonel is well
known throughout the 28th district, is very
popular, an able and fluent speaker and rates
high as a business man. In this section of
the country, Mr. Spangler stands second to
none in popularity and influence, knowing
the distress caused by a continuance of the
insane single gold standard, he will exert his
utmost abilities to reverse the great ‘‘crime
of 1873’ and restore silver to its legitimate
use as a monetary metal. Our valley is
thoroughly alive on this question—the peo-
ple are in earnest and mean business. The
few scattering gold bugs in this neighbor-
hood—there are no gold Democrats, for that
is simply another name for a Republican, are
put to their wits end to discover some means,
to check this wide and irresistible sweep of
silver. They have experimented with the
anarchy howl, the protection nonesense and
the 53-cent dollar farce—all to no purpose.
The farmers and laboring men are not to be
fooled with senseless clap-trap, they are now
thinking for themselves, and thinking wise-
ly too, that Colonel Spangler is just the man
they want.
GOOD—MAINE.—On August 29th, 1896, by W. B.
Mingle, Justice of the Peace, at Centre Hall,
Mr. James Good, of Williamsport, and Mrs.
Tacey Maine, of Centre Hall.
——Read the WATCHMAN.
Books, Magazines, Etc.
The Shetland Islands will be the scene of a new
novelette, entitled “Prisoners of Conscience,” by
Mrs. Amelia E. Barr, the first part of which will
appear in the September Century. The characters
in the story are fisher-folk brought up in the most
rigid tenets of Calvinism, and they are hedged
about with the “phantoms of a gloomy creed.”
Through the tragedies that enter the hero's life,
he is brought to a milder faith, reading the prom-
ises as well as the penalties of the Scriptures.
Mr. Louis Loeb, the artist who furnishes the illu-
strations, was sent to the Shetland Islands to make
the drawings from life.
New Advertisments.
comp ete Ball Shingle Mills with Jointer,
Bolter, Slitters, Drag Saws, Boilers, Engines,
Shafting and Belting. One 10 h. p. and one 20 h.
2 boiler and engine on wheels. Four two-flue
oilers complete. One Saw Mill with Edger and
Address, H. LOEB, DuBois, Pa. 41-26
eerie IAL.
Office of
To Woy 1T May CONCERN :
This will certify that I have used the
THisTLE EXTERMINATOR manufactured by Mr.
Samuel Waite, of Bellefonte, with satisfactory re-
sults, and I cheerfully recommend its use to any-
one who wishes to get rid of this pest.
Manager for W. Fred Reynolds.
Persons desirous of securing farm or township
rights can obtain them by applying to Clement
Dale Esq., Bellefonte, Pa. 41-35-1m.
August 31st, 1896.
to an order of the Orphans’ Court of Cen-
tre county, there will be exposed to Public Sale
on the premises in Patton township, on
at ene o'clock, p. m. all those two lots or pieces of
ground formerly the property of Fabian Matts,
ounded and described as follows :
First :—Beginning at post in centre of Buffalo
Run road ; thence by land of Fabian Matts south
42 degrees east 31.2 perches to post ; thence south
71 degrees west 13.4 perches to hickory : thence
south 5114 degrees west 5 perches to post ; thence
by land of Hartsock south 8334 degrees west 6 per-
ches to post, near spring ; thence by land of Wil-
liam Leitzel north 12 degrees west 17.2 perches to
centre of Buffalo Run road ; thence along said
road north 90 degrees east 16.4 perches to the
place of beginning. Containing two acres be the
same more or less. Beossting and reserving
however, from this piece, a lot or piece of ground
sold by Fabian Matts to Elmer Way.
Second :—Beginning at Buffalo Run road near
the north corner of stable ; thence by land of P.
B. Waddle, south 3414 degrees east9 perches and
9 links to white oak ; thence by land of Fabian
Matts, north 59 degrees west 12 perches and 20
links to post on side of Buffalo Run road ; thence
along said road north 80% degrees east5 perches
and 12 links to the place of beginning, containing
25 perches, net measure. Having thereon erected a
good two-story frame dwelling house, black-
smith shop, stable and other buildings.
TERMS oF SALE.—10 per cent. on day of sale. 40
per cent. on confirmation of sale : the balance in
one year thereafter, with interest, to be secured
by bond and mortgage on the premises.
41-34-3t Attorney, Administrator.
{aon river Salmon, Finest Goods
15¢. 20c. and 25c¢. per can.
New Advertisments.
OR SALE.—Good seven room house on
Allegheny street, Bellefonte. Apis to
40-13 E. BROWN, Jr
ANTED—AN IDEA—Who can think
of some simple thing to patent? Pro-
tect yvonr ideas; they may bring you wealth.
Writs JOHN WEDDERBURN & Co., patent attor-
neye, Washington, D. C., for their $1,800 prize of
fer. 41.31.
A UPIoRs NOTICE.—In the Orphans
Court of Centre county, in the matter of
the estate of Adda C. Showalter, late of Philips-
burg, Centre county, Pa. Notice is hereby given
that the undersigned has been appointed an
auditor, in the above estate, to distribute the funds
now in the hands of J. C. Stoner, executor, to and
among those logally entitled to receive the same.
And that he will meetin his office, in Bellefonte,
on September, 25th, 1896, at ten o'clock a.m. for
the duties of his appointment. Parties interested
will please attend. E. R. CHAMBERS,
41-35-3t 2 Auditor.
CADEMY.—The fall tern: of the Belle-
fonte Academy will open on Thursday,
September 10th. Improved facilities and increas-
ed faculty promise the greatest advantages yet
offered by the institution for the thorough prep-
aration‘of pupils for college,'husiness or teaching.
New and practical features will be introduced in
the instruction not enjoyed hitherto by the
Academy students.
The instructors will be as follows :
REV. J. P. HUGHES, Principal.
Teacher of Mathematics and Bookkeeping.
MR. J. R. HUGHES, Associate Principal.
Teacher of Ancient and Modern Languages,
Teacher of Physics and Chemistry.
MISS JULIA L. REED, Lady Principal
Teacher of English Branches and Literature.
Teacher in Primary Departments.
Assistant in Primary Department.
Academic Students per year..............ccunnninnnnnns 852
Primary Students...........ctseeeees
French, per year...........seevneeeeene
German | ©
11> Fish, of allk nds at Very Low Prices.
New Cheese
Lyon & Co.
Lyon & Co.
Prices talk louder
than anything. We
can save you from 15-0 35 per cent. on all
your purchases.
and will do it now.
We have done it before
We have just opened
a line of Fall and Winter goods :
Good Canton flannel 43c per yard to 15c.
fine white flannels from 15 to 65c¢ ; Shaker
flannels from 4c up to the best.
New pat-
terns fall dress gingham from 5c. upward.
A good yard wide wide unbleached muslin
4 cents ; heavy yard wide sheeting 5cts ;
yard wide ticking from 6c. up to the finest
linen twill ; all wool dress serges from 25c¢.
ap to $1.25 per yard ;
all wool suitings in
the new mixtures, suitable for dresses and
coats, 30c. to $1.
Heavy wool knee pants, ages 4to 14 @
25¢ ; better quality from 35c. to $1.
overalls with aprons 30c. Mens’ heavy
cotton pants 65, 74, 84, 98 cents. Special
. bargains—a lot of mens’ all wool cassimer
pants at $1.50.
Good dark Winter snits 98c; better
qualities $1.24 and up to the best. Mens’
good heavy Winter suits $4, $4.50, $4.75.
Mens’ fine all wool suits $6 and upwards 3
mens’ fine clay worsted dress suits from
$4.90 to $15. A handsome line of boys’
and youths suits from $2.75 up.
A fine line of mens’, ladies’ and children’s
A fine dongola ladies shoe at $1;
a better quality, razor, square or common
sense toe, $1.25 to $3.50. Children’s’good
and serviceable school shoes from 50 to the
Infant’s good shoes from 25¢. to 65c.
Boy’s good wearing shoe from 90c to $2.50.
Mens’ good working shoes $1.24. Mens’
fine dress shoes from $1.15 to $5.
A fine line of Ingrain carpets from 25c.
to the best.
Window shades in all colors ;
spring rollers 12lc. to the best.
Just opening a full line of ladies’, misses’
and childrens coats and capes ; also double
and single school satchels.
& CO.
The people know that when the Globe advertises any
article, that it can always be found on our counters, and
enough of it to supply their need.
nbs cory
1500 yards Cassimere, just the thing for every day
pants. A regular 25cts. quality now 12}4cts a yard.
200 pairs Boys knee Pants, ranging in sizes from §
years to 15 years, of age just the article for school wear
now 1gcts. per yard.
750 yards Canton Flannel, summer weight you may
not need it now but you will soon,goes flow at 5cts. per
s :
300 years shirting,you never bought the same quality
before in other -stores under 734cts a yard.
Prices’’ scts. a yard.
KATZ & CO. L'td:
Makers of Low Prices and Terrors to All Competitors.