Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 04, 1896, Image 4

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Terms, 82.00 a Year, in Advance.
Bellefonte, Pa., Seqt. 4, 1896.
Democratic National Ticket.
of Nebraska.
of Maine.
Democratic State Ticket.
JOHN M. BRADIN, Washington Co.
BENJ. C. POTTS, Delaware Co.
WILLIAM M. SINGERLY, Philadelphia.
A. H. COFFROTH, Somerset.
GEO. W. GUTHRIE, Pittsburg.
John M:®arroll,
Samuel Dickson, 1
Chas. J. Reilly,
Albert M. Hicks,
John M. Campbell, J.P. Hoffar,
James J. Ryan, Lucien Banks,
John Hagen, A. J. Brady,
George W. Rhine,
John C. Patton,
William Weihe,
Judson J. Brooks,
John J. McFarland,
C. H. Aikens,
Seymour S. Hackett,
Harry Alvin Hall.
John H. Hickson,
John B. Storm,
Thos. A. Haak,
Chas. F. Reninger,
Chas. H. Schadt,
Thomas R. Philips,
Charles F. King,
John K. Royal,
William Stahler.
Democratic County Ticket.
For Assembly— { ROBERT M. FOSTER.
For Sheriff —W. M. CRONISTER.
For Treasurer—C. A. WEAVER.
For Recorder—J. C. HARPER.
i. {P. H. MEYER,
ForCommissioners— { yANIEL HECKMAN.
For Auditors— ! a
For County Swreeyor—J. H. WETZEL.
For Coroner—W. U. IRVIN.
Both Affected by the Same Cause.
As a class the farmers are generally and
thoroughly convinced that the gold stand-
ard is injurious to them. They find that
since it has been adopted as the basis of the
currency their business has become more
unprofitable, and their financial difficulties
have increased. They have discerned
enough to see that a system which has in-
creased the value of money has decreased
the prices of their products : that they are
conducting their business at a loss when
their commodities are exposed in foreign
markets to the competition of silver stand-
ard countries.
The disadvantage of the American farm-
ers under the gold standard is so evident
that even the goldites recognize it and ad-
mit the difficulty of influencing the farmers
with their arguments ; but they turn to
the wage-earners and endeavor to make
them believe that their interest is different
from the interest of those who derive their
living from the farms. They try to scare
the workingmen with the bugaboo 53-
cent dollar. They represent that free
coinage of silver would so depreciate the
currency that the value of wages would be
reduced one half, and deceptive object les-
sons are presented to show how the wage-
earners would lose by the depreciation of
the silver dollar.
But all this deception cannot remove the
fact that the same cause which injures the
farmer produces a similar injurious effect
upon the wage earner and all other classes
of working people. As between them
there is no conflict of interest. A system
of currency that gradually impairs the con-
dition of the agricultural population will
"be found to be gradually impoverishing the
laboring people. Any cause that reduces
the price of the wheat that is raised on the
farm will inevitably subject the wages of
labor to a similar shrinkage.
It is an economic fact that has come
within the experience of all observers, that
business is never so brisk, that times are
never so good. that wages are never more
remunerative, than when the average prices
of farm products are high. But ever since
the demonetization of silver, in 1873, there
has been an influence at work which has
affected the farmer as well asthe wage-
earner, reducing the price of farm produce
along with the price of day labor, and al-
though we have had all kinds of tariff
tinkering as a remedy, and other economic
nostrums, the decline of both the farming
and the labor interests has continued,
showing that both have been affected by
the same cause, and that cause is the con-
traction of the currency for the benefit of
the gold-bugs. he
Hoke Smith’s Retirement.
In all the excitement attendant upon the
greatest campaign known to the political
history of the United States the action of
Hon. HOKE SMITH, of Georgia, will not be
lost sight of. The circumstances under
which he has retired from the cabinet of a
Democratic President are without parallel.
Holding different views on the currency
question from those supposed to be enter-
tained by the President it is but natural
that he should feel himself no longer in a
position to act as one of his advisers.
The action of ex-Sec. SMITH will be
viewed in as many lights as there are con-
flicting opinions on the questiomr in the
the Democratic party to-day.
No one will censure him, but many will
commend the course he has taken in retir-
ing so that he can unreservedly espouse
the cause of the regular Democratic nomi-
nees in the fight that is now on. Among
the latter is a friend in Washington whose
enthusiastic words we publish below :
WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept., 1, 96.
Dear Editor :—Today, when I shook the The Price of Farm
hand of Hon. HOKE SMITH, I could but re-
flect that in surrendering his cabinet port-
folio to join in the canvass for BRYAN and SE- |
WALL that gentleman closely demonstrated !
his conception of party obligations.
mentally contrasted his conduct with that of
some politicians in Bellefonte who owe what-
ever advancement they have attained to the
Democratic party, and who now, when
Demoeratic principles and policies are more
directly engaged than at any time within
this generation, propose to desert the party
which has honored and trusted them in the
Thank God, I am now convinced that poli-
ticians are less considered in this campaign
than ever before. The people consider it
their fight, and from every part of the coun-
try comes the assurance that the people will
overwhelmingly endorse Democratic princi-
ples and policies. The country will be saved
despite sulking politicians.
—The gold Democrats of Bellefonte
might all be likened unto the fabled goose,
but none of them are capable of laying
golden eggs.
Ex-Governer Pattison is With us From
Ex-Governor Pattison, having declared
his intention to support Bryan and Sewall,
has been requested to give his views on the
question of bimetallism, or in other words
to give some reason for the faith that has
come to him since the Chicago convention.
The request came from William H. Mur-
phy, chairman of the Fourteenth ward
Democratic executive committee, and in
reply Mr. Murphy received the following
letter, which was read at a mass meeting,
on Tuesday night, August 25th, at Eleventh
and Spring Garden streets, Philadelphia.
“I received your very kind invitation to
take part in the entertainment which you
have provided for to-morrow evening. Busi-
ness engagements will, however, prevent my
acceptance. Such an occasion should always
be made use of as an opportunity to intel-
ligently discuss questions having an im-
portant bearing upon the progress of our
country. Indeed, public meetings in a popu-
lar government should always be encouraged.
For this reason our constitution took from
congress the power to make any law ‘abridg-
ing freedom of speech’ or of the ‘right of the
people peaceably to assemble.” I trust, there-
fore, that your meeting will not only be an
entertainment, but also the means of instruc-
tion. I assume that all’of our citizens have
the welfare of their country at heart. I be-
lieve they are patriotically devoted to pro-
moting its welfare. All they desire to know
is the truth. Having the truth the result
cannot but be for the good of all. ‘Ye shall
know the truth, and truth shall make you
“You request of me some views on the
question of international bimetallism. I can
only refer you to the expressions of the Hon.
William D. Kelley, who for so many years
with great distinction represented Pennsyl-
vania in congress. In 1877, in an address, he
said :
“1 have told you that money is a national
institution. There is no ‘money of the
world.” There never wasa ‘money of the
world.” There never can be a ‘money of the
world’ until all people and all nations shall
be under one government, which shall de-
clare what islegal tender. ‘No money of the
world ? you exclaim. Isnot gold the money
of the world with which international bal-
ances are settled ? No, no; try it. Ship
$100,000. in freshly coined double eagles to
England. They are money here, because
the United States government ordained them
and made them legal tender in payment for
all debts, even for duties and interest on 5 20
bonds. But suppose those double eagles
reach England. The English people do not
know how to calculate dollars and cents.
Their money of account is not decimal. Will
any of you tell me how much £10 10s 7d is in
dollars and cents ? An Englishman will just
about as easily translate our dollars into
pounds, shillings and pence into dollars.
Our leading commercial and banking houses
have special clerks to compute how foreign
moneys of accounts are reduced to dollars
and cents. In this audience, intelligent as it
is, I do not believe there is one man in 100,
uflless he be a teacher, or connected with a
banking or commercial house, who can in-
stantly translate dollars into pounds, shil-
lings and pence into dollars. How, then, do
you use your American mongy in England ?
Very simply. You send it to the bank,
where it is weighed ; its fineness—9 10 fine,
alloyed with 110 silver and copper, is ascer-
tained, and it is sent to the mint to be con-
verted into money, and you wait till it is con-
verted or pay 1} pence per ounce to the bank
for advancing the money ! and then it comes
out, not with the American eagle flapping its
wings, but with Victoria's beautiful head
upon it, with Dei gratia anda whole lot of
such things upon it. Then it is money ! But
while it bore our beautiful national stamp it
was only bullion throughout the realm of
Great Britain. You become incensed at this
and go over to France, taking your English
sovereigns with you ; you attempt to make a
small purchase. The shopkeeper shrugs his
shoulders and says, ‘Will monsieur please
give me money ? You reply, ‘That is
money.”” ‘Oh, yes, thisis money in Eng-
I also;
An Object Lesson Fo
Products and Labor Before Silver was Demonetized, and the
r Farmers and Workingmen'!
Price Now, Under the Single Gold Standard.
Before Silver was Demonetized.
(From the Democratic Watchman Feb.
7th, 1873.)
White Wheat, per bushel .
Red a : .
« Rye per bushel .
Corn, ears per_bushel
Corn, shelled @er bushel
Oats, per bushel, new
Barley per bushel
Buckwheat per bushel
Potatoes per bushel
Eggs per doz.
Lard per pound
Tallow per pound
Butter, per pound
. 81
uh. op hadnhvkae
Under the Single Gold Standard.
(From the Democratic Watchman, Aug.
28th, 1896.)
Red Wheat, per bushel
Rye per bushel . ; 35
Corn, shelled per bushel .30
Corn, ears per bushel 15
Oats per bushel, old .20
Oats per bushel, new a8
Barley per bushel 2B =
Buckwheat per bushel 40
Potatoes per bushel 25
Eggs per doz. . : .10
Lard per pound ; : : yi
Country Shoulders . ; 7 iy
Sides . . : a
Hams ° - 10
Tallow per pound 3
Butter * tt 15
And as it was in 1873, and is in 1896 with the farmer, so was it and is it with the
workingman. His wages were double then what they now are, and there was not
one man out of employment then where there are twenty seeking work now.
The following, compiled from labor statistics and from pay rolls, now in our pos-
session, show the difference in wages, before silver was de-monetized, and at pres-
ent under the single gold standard.
Workmen, building railroads, per day
in ore mines £8
* woods, (with board) per day
Mining coal per ton 5
Farm hands per month, (with board)
(arpenters per day
Stone masons per day
Brick layers A
Ordinary day laborers
oo .
60 to T5ets.
318 to $30.
23.00 to $4.00
£3.50 to $4.75
83.50 to $5.00
£1.75 to $2.00
Workmen, building railroads, per day
tt in ore mines ate
tt woods with board th it
Mining coal, per ton - -
Farm hands; with board per month -
Carpenters per day - - -
Stone masons per day - -
Brick layers - - -
Ordinary day laborers - - -
- . = - - 90cts -
- - 85cts
40 to 50cts
58 to $15.00
$1.25 to $2.50
- - - $1.50 to $2.50
- : - $1.50 to $2.75
.50 to S0cts:
We ask farmers and workingmen to compare the above carefully and then make
up their minds under which system they enjoyed the greatest prosperity. Some
will say, that everything else has cheapened in the same proportion that farm prod-
ucts and labor has, and that a bushel of wheat or the price of a day’s labor will
purchase just as much of everything as it would in 1873. THIS IS NOT SO.
Nothing is cheaper for the farmer or laborer to-day, except what he eats or wears—
the products of the farm or of labor.
With his less than half price for his farm products, or labor :
He is compelled to pay just as much, if not more taxes than in 1873.
He is compelled to pay the same high railroad fares that were charged him in
He is compelled to pay the same price for a doctor’s visit he did in 1873.
He is compelled to pay the same high rate for interest he did in 1873.
His share of public salaries is greater than it was in 1873.
He is compelled to pay just as much for life or fire insurance as he did in 1873.
He pays. just as much for lawyer's fees if. unfortunate enough to require one, as in
And if he tries to educate his children it costs him just a8 much as it did in 1873.
These are the facts.
It is unnecessary to comment on them.
Intelligent farm-
ers and workingmen, can figure out for themselves how the present gold standard
is effecting their welfare and impoverishing them, as well as understand why banks,
railroads and a few other interests are exerting all their influence and power to con-
tinue the present condition of affairs.
land, but you see we do not understand the
pound, shilling and pence: we deal with
the franc and Napoleon, which is divisible
by the franc.
or it can be sent to the mint and made iito
“ ‘go if you want ‘money’ you must send
your sovereigns to the bank. Your coins are
no longer 9 10 fine with 1 10 silver and cop-
per. They are noteven the same ingredients
in the same proportion as your eagles, for
English coins contain 12 12 pure gold and 112
alloy. You decide that you will not have the
whole of the sovereigns converted, but only
enough to meet your immediate expenses.
You send a portion to the mint, where their
weight, fineness and value are ascertained,
and by paying a proper discount you get
Napoleons or other denominations of French
money, with which you may travel in France,
Belgium, Switzerland and Italy, the govern-
ments of which have made treatiesas to the
value at which French money shall circulate. |
By and by you come home, bringing with you
your sovereigns, or whatever foreign coin you
may have. You start out to buy something
on Chestnut street. You lay down a Napoleon
and the dealers says, ‘Can’t you give us
money ? ‘Why,’ you reply, ‘that is gold.
‘Yes, sir, I suppose it is, but you know we
don’t use this foreign money here ; congress
has long since demonetized it; suppose I
send it up to Mr. Caldwell, or to Bailey’s, or
Drexel’s and ascertain its value and get you
money for it 2 Then having paid your two
discounts you send what remains of your
bullion to the mint, and it is brought back to
you 910 fine and converted into money.
ws smm———
An Extract from the Speech Delivered by the Republican
Candidate for President, at the Lincoln Day Banquet,
at Toledo,
Ohio, February 12th, 18oI.
“During all of Grover Cleveland’ years at the head of the Government he was
dishonoring one of our precious metals, one of our own great products, discredit=
ing silver and enhancing the price of gold. He endeavored even before his inang=-
uration to office to stop the coinage of silver dollars and afterwards, and to the
end of his administration, persistently used his power to that end.”
«He was determined to contract the circulating medium and demonetize one of
the coins of commerce, limit the volume of money among the people, make money
scarce, and, therefore, dear.
He would have increased the value of money and
diminished the value of evertyhing else—money the master, everything else the
servant. He was not thinking of the poor then. He left their side. He was not
standing forth in their defense. Cheap coats, chéap labor and dear money. The
sponsor and promoter of those professing to stand guard over the welfare of the
poor and lowly.”
Was there ever more inconsistency or reckless assumption
I will take this coin to the
jeweler or money-changer and sell it for you,
Where is your ‘money of the world? I
affirm before these merchants that no inter-
national balance was ever settled with money,
unless a country had accumulated an amount
of foreign money and shipped it to the credi-
tor nation which had emitted it. If any man
knows of an instance in which debts have
been paid in England, France, Spain, Italy
or Germany with American money. received
as money, I ask him to mention the instance,
for Ihave sought far and wide to learn of
“The facts set forth in these extracts make
it clear to my mind that money is the crea-
ture of law, and that each nation may deter-
mine itself the material of which its money
shall be made, as well as the denominations
in which it shall be issued. Believe me,
yours truly, ‘ROBERT E. PATTISON.”
Picnic of Patrons of Husbandry.
Reduced Rates to Centre Hall via Pennsylvania Rail-
For the accommodation of persons who
desire to attend the twenty-third annual
picnic and exhibition of the Patrons of Hue-
bandry, state grange, to be held at Centre
Hall, Pa., September 12th to 19th, the
Pennsylvania railroad company will sell
from September 14th to 19th, inclusive, ex-
cursion tickets to Centre Hall and return
from Johnstown, Catawissa, Renovo, and
intermediate ' stations (including stations
on branch roads ) at a single fare for the
round trip, good to return until September
21st, inclusive.
For information >in regard to rates and
train service apply to the nearest ticket
Mr. Bryan’s Many Speeches.
ToLEDO, O. Sept. 3.—William Jennings
Bryan yesterday demonstrated again that
it made no difference whether his voice
was hoarse or not by making more speech-
es at Springfield; Kenton and Findlay, and
last night made two more in this city. At
Springfield the nominee made a twenty
minute talk, and at Kenton he addressed
6,000 citizens. The address was made in
the park of the little city and was well re-
ceived. The crowd was made up mostly
of farmers, who cheered the utterances of
the nominee heartily. In this city acrowd
of 40,000 gathered in the school square,
and cheers that greeted Mr. Bryan at times
became a deafening roar.
——Why don’t you induce your friends
to take the WATCHMAN. It is the strong-
est paper editorially, locally and in gener-
al news in the county. Only 25 cents from
now until after the campaign.
Eire es
| government.
i selves how can we improve self government
Americanism Before Prohibition.
Dr. Isaac Guss, a Prominent Philipsburger and a re-
cognized Prohibition Leader in the State, Declines
to Serve that Party as an Elector Because He Be-
lives it is his Duty to Support the Free Silver
The following is the way in which not
only one but a number of leading Prohibi-
tionists of Philipsburg regard the present
political situation :
PHILIPSBURG, PA., August 21, 1896.
To A. P. HuTcHINSON, Chairman :
I have received from your secretary of-
ficial notice of my selection as nominee of
the National party of Pennsylvania for
elector in the 28th district.
I appreciate the honor sought to be be-
stowed but must positively decline this or
any position that will in any way detract
from the strength or divide the forces ar-
rayed for free silver as against the English
gold standard. I must be an American first.
I cannot be a true Prohibitionist apd at
the same time be a traitor to the govern-
ment which, as a Prohibitionist, I would
save from the curse of rum. Thé National
party, among other things, declares itself
for free silver, but proposes to defeat free
silver by dividing the free silver forces.
Upon the success of the silver cause depends
the perpetuity of our free institutions. The
tolerance hy us of the gold standard is a
sad admission that we are incapable of self
If we cannot govern our-
hy means of Prohibition.
It is not now a question of improvement,
but a question whether we shall have a
government to improve. If England con-
tinues to dictate our money system it is
only a matter of time when she will own
and control us as a nation. Will we meek-
ly submit ?
Chauncey M. Depew says: ‘The rail-
roads of this country owe altogether six
thousand million dollars worth of bonds,
which are about all payable in gold.”
While these railroad companies are obliged
td borrow the gold to pay even the interest
on these bonds, is it not plain that the na-
tions which furnish the gold will soon own
the railroads? How long can we be a free
people when other nations own and control |
our medium of exchange and our means of
communication, transportation and travel ?
Is it not time for patriots to become
aroused, not only for the improvement of
our free institutions but first of all for the
very life and perpetuation of them ?
For these and other reasons I cannot ac-
cept the honor so kindly offered.
Respectfully, &e.,
Philipshurg, Pa.
Issac Guss,
Vermont Republican by 35,000.
Trememdous Republican Vote and an Immense Ma-
jority for Grout.
BURLINGTON, Vt., Sept. 1—From pres-
ent indications it seems sure that Vermont
has cast the largest vote in her history.
Everybody was at the polls, and in some
cases the vote of 1894, which was the larg-
est ever given in an ‘‘off year,”’ was nearly
trebled, while in many towns the Republi-
! can majority exceeds the whole vote cast
in that year.
The returns received here from towns in
all sections of the State fail to reveal any of
the discontented farmers who wanted to vote
for free silver. In some cases the Demo-
crats and Populists have madesmall gains,
but they are as nothing compared with the
great advance by the Republicans.
The result is more than a landslide—it
is an avalanche.
“In many of the large towns the vote has
surpassed the estimate made by the Re-
publican State committee to give the party
a majority of 35,000.
CHICAGO, Ill, Sept 1.
“The result in Vermont is not surprising.
No effort was made by the Democrats ex-
cept locally, while the Republicans stren-
uous exertions. I attach no significance to
the outcome. It is simply another case of
the Dutch taking Holland.”
Chairman Democratic National Committee.
Huntingdon Centennial Celebration.
Reduced Rates via Pennsylvania Railroad.
For the centennial celebration to be held
at Huntingdon, Pa., September 7th, 8th,
9th, and 10th, the Pennsylvania railroad
company will sell, on September 7th, 8th,
9th and 10th, excursion tickets from sta-
tions on the Middle, Lewistown, and Ty-
rone divisions, to Huntingdon and return,
at reduced rates, good for return ‘passage
until September 11th, inclusive.
——At a meeting of the stockholders of
the Juniata valley campmeeting it was
decided that hereafter the associatation
would itsel® attend to the erecting of
kitchens and see that all kitchens were
uniform. Another departure concerns the
renting of tents. Heretofore upper and
lower tents have been rented separately, the
rent of a lower tent being $7 and an up-
per tent $2. It was supposed that here-
after these would be rented as one tent,
and the price for both,” an upper and a
lower tent would be $9.
——Read the WATCHMAN during the
——Pleasant Gap had amad dog scare,
on Sunday morning, but it was only a
—————— eee
——The fine residence of Charles Lo-
raine, located on Centre park, Philipsburg,
caught fire at an early hour last Friday
morning and was almost totally destroyed.
The fire had burned so long before it was
discovered that the occupants of the house
scarcely escaped with their lives. Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Loraine, but recently married,
were there visiting and nearly all of the
bride’s trossear was burned. . An insurance
of $15,750 will hardly cover the loss.
eee pl
tenary anniversary of Huntingdon’ town is
to be celebrated next week with great
pomp. The ceremonies will extend over
the Sth, 9th and 10th and will be about as
follows :
First Day.—Veterans and military pa-
rade, dedication of standing stone, the
monument, and bicycle lantern parade.
Second Day.—Grand parade of civic so-
cieties, firemen and schools. 2
Third Day.—Industrial display and bi-
cycle races.
a business meeting of the Bellefonte Bryan
and Sewall freesilver club, held on Tues-
day night, it was decided that hereafter the
regular weekly meetings will be held on
Wednesday night. Good speakers will be
procured for every meeting from now until
the election.
This club is open to all and a cordial
invitation is extended to everyone, of what-
ever political faith, to attend and profit by
the discussions on the money question.
— ll
QUIETLY MARRIED.—It was a very un-
ostentatious, though none the less happy,
wedding, that of Charles F. Schad, of this
place, to Miss Rachael Neiman, of Boggs
township, on Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock.
Rev. J. Zeigler officiated and the cere-
mony was performed at the home of Mrs.
J. A. Woodcock, on Linn street, where the
bride made her home. The young folks are
off on a wedding tour now, but will not go
to house keeping at once, as Mr. Schad is
not sure of remaining in Bellefonte. It is
possible he might locate at Niagara Falls,
where the plumbing business of his broth-
ers, in which he is interested, is becoming
so large as to demand all of their attention.
The bride and groom will have the con-
gratulations of a host of friends in this
community, where they are so well known.
The 66th anniversary of the Centre Baptist
association was opened, in Philipsburg, on
Tuesday morning. Very interesting ses-
sions were held during the week and a
number of emiment men in the work
were in attendance.
According to the returns from the var-
ious churches in the district there has been
a net gain of 195 in the membership.
Officers of the session were as follows :
After prayer by Rev. L. B. Plumer, the
moderator extended the hand of fellowship
to the representative of the Johnstown
church, Mr. R. J. Hutchison. Mr. H. L.
Bunker, of Hollidaysburg, was elected
moderator ; Rev. S. F. Forgeus, of Hunt-
ingdon, clerk ; S. S. Miles Esq., of Port
Matilda, treasurer ; Mr. Robert McDwitt,
of Huntingdon, assistant clerk.
Friday Messrs John D. Sourbeck, Edward
L. Powers, Rush G. Larimer, G. W, Rees,
Shem Spigelmyer and Frank Warfield went
to Lock Haven as representatives of Belle-
fonte’s business men in order to induce the
business men in that city to co-operate in
the great business men’s picnic to be held
at Hecla park next Wednesday.
The committee was very cordially receiv-
ed and Mayor Mayer, of Lock Haven, as-
sured the gentlemen that that town would
enter into the project most heartily.
From present indications every store and
business place in Bellefonte will be closed
and this town will be as quiet as Sunday.
Lock Haven will be the same way. All
the employers and employees of both places
will meet at the park that day for a mu-
tual good time. :
The committee on entertainment is now
at work providing what will prove a full
day’s program of amusement. There will
beall kinds of track races.
—The Grangers of Centre county and their
friends will meet at Grange park, Centre
Hall, from September 12th to 19th, inclu-
sive, for their annual picnic and exhibi-
tion. This year particular effort is being
made to make the time an enjoyable one,
and it is thought that the earlier date will
have the effect of bringing it during a period
of better weather than has been experienced
for some years.
For the benefit of those who intend going
we publish the following digest of the pro-
gram that is being sent out :
Camp will open on Saturday, Sept. 12th.
Tents will be pitched and floored and ready
for occupancy.
A high grade literary and musical en-
tertainment will be held in the auditor-
ium, on Saturday evening, by the young
people of the Centre Hall Reformed church,
for the benefit of their new edifice, to which
all are cordially invited.
10:30 a. m. Preaching by Rev.’ Fana, of
the M. E. church.
2:30 p. m. Sacred song service.
7:30 p. m. preaching by Rev. Goodling,
of the Evangelical church.
Monday will be devoted to work inci-
dent to opening camp and placing exhibits.
At 7:30 formal opening exercises will take:
place in the auditorium. :
Public meetings will be held daily at
9:30 a. m., 2 p. m., and 7:30 p. m. and ad-
dresses delivered by distinguished ladies
and gentlemen.
On Wednesday, at 2:30 p. m. discussion
of the gold standard as it effects the farm-
er, to be opened by Hon. Charles Stuart
Patterson, of Philadelphia, president of the
sound money league, to be followed by
other speakers.
7:30 p. m. Hon. Joseph D. Weeks, of
Pittsburg, president of the Penna. tax con-
ference commission, will discuss the
tariff and state tax issue as it effects the
farmers of the State. Followed by W. T.
Hill, lecturer of the state grange.
On Thursday, at 2:30 p. m., Hon. Morti-
mer Whitehead, of New Jersey, past lec-
turer of the national grange, will discuss
the silver question as it effects the farmer,
to be followed by Gen. Warren, of Ohio,
president of the bi-metallic league, or U.
S. Senator Ben. Tillman, of South Caro-
lina, or other eminent speakers, who are
being arranged for.
7:30 p. m. Sister Helen Johnson, Erie
county, Ceres of the state grange, and Hon.
J. T. Ailman. secretary of the Pennsylva-
nia state grange.