Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 04, 1896, Image 2

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Bellefonte, Pa., Sep. 4, 1896.
Out of the West from the land of the grain,
Comes the sound of a song men are singing;
High on the mountain and over the plain
Is the flash of the flag they are bringing.
Welcome the banner, 'tis no foreign rag,
Look ! they are silver! the stars in the flag.
Now at the shop and the forge and the mill
With the beads on her brow Labor standeth :
“What is this army approaching at will ?
And what is the thing it commandeth ?
Would it ‘Old Glory’ from battlements drag ?”
Look! they are silver! the stars in the flag.
Hark to the cry from the loom and the fields.
’Tis a cry like the ery of a mother :
“Men of the East would you raise golden shields
“In a war on g friend and a brother ?
“Who says oF blir is Anarchy’srag 2’ *
Look ! they are silver! the stars in the flag.
Silver ! not gold are the twoscore of stars,
And they tell for our country its story.
Down with the hand of the Shylock who mars.
For a measnre of gold, our “Old Glory !”
Here's the reply to Plutocracy’s brag :
Look ! they dre silver! the stars inthe flag.
The editor of Fresh Breezes wanted a
bright story from my pen, and to that end
I had conjured my brain by every device
in my power. In vain had I scrutinized
the pages of Puck and Life, and other sug-
gestive periodicals of that ilk, but no glow-
ing idea came. Thered pods of the flower-
ing bean tapped gently against the open
window, and the yellow leaves of the cher-
ry lazily floated earthward, whose action
my sluggish mind persistently imitated.
The little fire upon the hearth crackled
and blazed briskly, trying its best not to
feel lost in the throat of the great, old-
fashioned chimney, for the early autumn
mornings in the Tennessee hills were cool
enough to make a small fire welcome, es-
pecially so as country people in that cli-
mate are loath to keep closed doors ; so the
door to the porch stood open, and opposite
that was the kitchen door, also open, al-
lowing the odors of an appetizing break-
fast unrestrained admittance.
I leaned against the high mantel, study-
ing the fire, with that peculiar, downcast
feeling that comes to one seeking inspira-
tion, and finding circumstances utterly ad-
Finally the andirons riveted my atten-
tion—the andirons that Minnie had scoured
the day before till they shone as bright as
the glowing logs they upheld ; and the an-
dirons, together with the sound of the
quick, light steps of the girl in the kitchen
busily preparing the morning meal, led my
mind over the recent events at the farm
Minnie was in love with an honest
country lad, and it happened that her fa-
ther did not approve of him, or pretended
he did not. He could raise no objection to
the young man’s character, nor to his
steady, plodding life—but he was slow—
‘‘all fired slow,’’ growled Minnie’s father,
‘besides, his family ain’t much, an’ his
farm ain’t wuth th’ scraping uv a plow.
Minnie could do better—a heap better.
Any how there ain’t no call for her t’
jump at such a chance, considern’ she ain’t
20, an’ since her ma died I can’t git long
without her,’’ was the emphatic comment
of that usually taciturn man, offered to me
in return for a word I had spoken, with
the intention of casting a stone from Min-
nie’s path.
Well ; of course, it was none of my busi-
ness, though I couldn’t help being interest-
ed in the girl. Minnie had borne patient-
ly with her father, for, several times be-
fore Hiram’s advent her ‘‘company’” had
been shown by unmistakable signs that it
was useless to settle to anything like regu-
lar business ; but Hiram’s staying quali-
ties seemed unusual — besides, Minnie
liked him.
One night after her father had significant-
ly wound the clock, and made other prepa-
rations for retiring, and, seeing no disposi-
tion in the young man to do likewise, he
slowly turned out the light. Without a
word Minnie immediately relit it, and re-
paired with her young man to the wide
hall. Her father followed with his pipe,
smoked for a while, then yawned ominous-
ly, and finally fell into a state that admit-
ted the issuance of an unearthly snore,
which only served to give the young peo-
ple an excuse for drawing near each other,
and conversing in whispers.
That angered the old man, who started
up, kicked the dog till he howled, and in
his clumsy attempt to eject the animal,
managed to turn ever the lamp, setting
fire to the bare floor. A bucket of water
did its duty to the accompaniment of all
sorts of invectives and growlings about
‘young folks what didn’t have no better
sense n’ter set round an’ burn coal oil
enough ter git a man in debt, an’ try ter
burn th’ house down ter boot.’
Hiram was roused at last, his eyes
gleamed, he stepped foward with an angry
ejaculation, but Minnie quickly intercept-
ed with a commanding gesture, and the
entreaty : ‘Don’t say a word ter daddy.
Go out onter th’ gallery n’ Ill come in er
minute. Now. daddy,” she began, ad-
mirably controlling herself, ‘‘ye kin hev
th’ fire, an’ the light, th’ hall, an,
th’ hull ‘house—th’ gallery is good
enough for me an’ Hiram, but ef you drive
him away from that, I will go, too.”
The old farmer gazed stupidly at his
daughter, She evidently meant what she
said, and he was not prepared to carry hos-
tilities further that night, so he uttered no
word as she shut the door ‘behind her—
carefully avoided slamming it, but it closed
nevertheless with a certain emphasis.
Hiram kept up his visits regularly for
more than a year, and through the father’s
reception was always markedly cool,
he never again attempted to insult him.
One night the suitor ventured to say :
“I’m a comin’ for Minnie some day.’
“Well, ye needn’t, young man ; an’ ye
won’t ef ye know when ye’re well off,”
was the gruff retort.
At one time Minnie tried to reason with
. her father, but was unsucccessful, I knew
by her red eyes and lagging steps. She
seemed in deep thought for a few days,
then she brightened, and went about her
duties with unusual lightness and song.
I could see that her father watched her
every mood, and that he really doted on
his motherless daughter, for an expression
of immense relief appeared on his face as
soon as she was light-hearted.
One morning he came into the kitchen
in a towering rage, accusing Minnie of in-
tending to elope with Hiram.
She met him calmly, even smiling a lit-
tle triumphantly, I thought, as she an-
swered, reassuringly : ‘‘Ye needn’t fear, fa-
fhe I ain’t going ter do nothin’ uv the
‘“‘She’d better not,’’ he fumed ; ‘‘if she
would be fool enough to do such a thing,
he’d turn her out of the house, he’d disin-
herit her, he’d never look at her again.”
Somehow the storm did not dampen the
girl’s spirit. She hummed a tune as she
set the meal on the table, and the old man
as if ashamed of his passion, praised her for
a mighty good dinner. But again in a few
days he heard the story repeated ; this
time twitting her of it half jocularly,
though he studied her furtively, as she re-
plied mirthfully : .
Most any girl with such a cross old dad-
dy would do it, and no one would blame
her,’’ she said. Noting his frown, howev-
er, she added, wistfully : ““I’d ruther hev
my father’s consent ter being married.”
He did not seem quite satisfied, and
though he said nothing more, he sat smok-
ing meditatively for a long time. :
After that I often heard him pace the
“gallery,” as they called the long front
porch, until late at night, a sign that he
was troubled, or watchful, his custom was
to retire almost with the chickens.
He was often up till after midnight, for,
being a light sleeper, and my window wide
open, I was easily disturbed by his clumsy
lounging in the shrubbery, or his peculiar
laryngeal efforts that resembled the rasping
of an insect. One evening I overheard a
conversation. A young man from an ad-
joining farm had come over on some errand.
I paid no attention to what he was saying
to the farmer till he mentioned Hiram’s
name, then it occurred to me that he was
one of Hiram’s friends, and that his sister
was a bosom confidant of Minnie. He was
saying :
‘“Ye’ll hev ter be hextra keerful t’night,
fer I heerd one o’ the hands a talkin’, an’
he said thet Hiram’s nigger said thet th’
’lopement was planned fer half arter one
o’clock ter night, sure’
“I’ve heerd ye say most th’ same thing
afore, ’an I'm half o’ th’ mind thet ye’re a
lyin’ ter me.”’
¢‘Call it lyin’ then,” retorted the other
indignantly, ‘‘but whut I sh’d be tellin’
lies fer is more’n I know ;”’ then he re-
sumed with evident good will : “Ef I wuz
you I’d put er stop to it someways ; why,
it'll worrit yer life aout ; ye look now ’sif
ye hedn’t had a speck o’ sleep fer weeks.”
There was nothing about Minnie at the
supper table that betokened anything un-
usual. She was neither hilarious or dull ;
simply her pleasant, thoughtful self. One
thing, however, I noticed, she did not ap-
pear to see that her father left his meal al-
most untasted, and that he studied her de-
meanor anxiously. Sometimes, amid the
feminine chatter that she-and I kept up, I
fancied she glanced at her farther with a
sudden gleam of cunning craftiness, which,
as quickly changed to something like ten-
der remorse.
Minnie’s room was next to mine, and a
slight noise was easily heard through the
thin partition, but everything was so abso-
lutely still that night I thought I could
hear her breathe.
The offensive smoke of the farmer’s pipe
greeted my nostrils as the clock struck one.
Its reverberation had hardly ceased, when,
from my window, I watched his dark shad-
ow creep around near the corner, under the
shrubbery, which offered a point of vantage
of his daughter’s room.
Slowly and silently an hour passed, and
the clock in the dining-room loudly tolled,
‘‘one, two.”” The old man waited ten
minutes longer, then dragged himself from
the bushes. I could clearly distinguish his
tall, lean figure as he stood, apparently
gazing up to the window of his daughter’s
room. Something dropped from his hand,
clattering as it struck the ground, and he
started into the house. He shuffled off his
shoes in the hall, and with awkward cau-
tiousness ascended the stairs.
There was a slight jar, a sudden rustle
in the adjoining room, then I distinctly
heard the girl’s regular breathing.
He neither stopped to listen or knock.
The door must have been open for he en-
tered immediately. A chair stood in the
way ; he stumbled over it, making a great
racket on the uncovered floor.
Minnie’s voice came sleepily : ‘‘What's
th’ matter ?’’ but at the sound of her fa-
ther’s gruff, anxious: ‘‘Air ye thar, dar-
ter ?’’ she sat up, wide awake, exclaiming :
“Why, daddy! whut’s up? Air ye
sick ?”’
“Yes, I air sick—sick to death o’ this
cussed business.’
‘Why, whut,s th’ matter wi’ you, fa-
ther 2’? (She called him father when very
affectionate. )
‘Minnie, tell me true—tell yerol’ dad-
dy, didn’t ye hev no notion o’ runnin’
away ter-night ?”’
‘‘Not the least in th’ world, ye pore ol’
honey daddy ; whatever put it into yer
head ?’*
‘‘An hev ye no notion o’ whippin’ off wi’
Hiram—ain’t him pn’ you comin’ no game
on yer ol’ daddy ?’
‘‘A fair enough game, father ; ye know
well enough Hiram an’ me hev been sweet-
hearts a long time, an’ we hev been wait-
in’ patient fer yer consent. I shant never
like no other man like I do him, an’I
think sometime my dear ol’ daddy ’ll give
in, fer he’s right clever at heart ; an’ ef we
kin wait fer his consent, when we
might run off easy enough, don’t it look
like we'll stand by ye as long as we live ?
don’t it, daddy ?’
I could imagine how Minnie caught his
hands, and how the poor, wornout old man
succumbed, just as his artful, loving
daughter expected ; for I heard him give a
broken sob, then her low, comforting tones
reassuring him.
The old andirons reflected Minnie’s
brightness as she stepped to the door, and
announced breakfast that morning ; and
perhaps it was no wonder that I could
think of nothing more inspiring all day
than the girl’s happiness and loyalty, as
she excused herself for making the meal a
trifle later than usual.
“‘I was bound ter give father somethin’
good this mornin’—he’s deservin’ it, fer
he's promised to set me an’ Hiram up in
housekeepin’, an’ ter stay by us all his
life,’’ she said with a tender glance at the
old man, who, hastily gul down his
coffee, declaring jocosely, he’d take it back
if she failed to continue to feed him on the
present excellent fare. -
——A midsummer calico hop is .the
latest form of entertainment which will
soon be given in Harlem, Any woman
who attends the festival wearing any other
than a calico gown will be fined, in pro-
portion to the degree of her disobedience.
The men will also be required to wear cal-
ico neckties and to carry handkerchiefs of
the same material—figured, and the larger
the figures the better.
The gentlemen are contemplating hav-
ing dress suits of the calico. There will be
a reception, an entertainment and a dance
and ladies in other localities are expecting,
to have similar affairs.
——The New York Journal says that
while Bryan, ‘the boy orator,” ered
New Yorkers argument and statistics,
Cochran, the much lauded statesman, gave |
them billingsgate and bombast.
The Cliff-Dwellers House.
The rooms of these great dwellings were
apparently not all built at one time, and
in size, shape, and arrangement conform to
the exigencies of the situation. Some of
them are many feet across, some so small
that a person can hardly stand upright in
them and can reach from side to side.
Some communicate with one another by
low openings, through which one must
crawl on hands and knees ; others are en-
tered only through holes in the ceilings.
Some of the rooms are so small that they
could have been used only for storage.
The great sloping arches of the caverns
in which the larger Cliff houses are built
shelter most of them from above. But
when rooms were exposed or were built
one above another, the roofs are supported
by timber girders, whose rough ends wit-
ness to the toilsome processes involved in
their shaping with such tools alone as men
of the stone age could command. Upon
the heavier timbers they laid smaller sticks
tied osiers and cedar bark to these, and
plastered the whole over with thick layers
of mud or mortar. A large part of the
timber is well preserved. :
Within, the masonry is usually coated
with a thin layer of plaster, and the sweep
of the rough palms of the old artisans is
still plain on many a chamber wall. They
had tiny fireplaces in the corners of some
of the little rooms. In others the fire was
in a pit in the floor in the centre. The
smoke from the fires found its way out as
best it could through holes in the ceilings.
So the walls are often very black, and from
some of them you can rub off the soot upon
your hands to-day. But when the wall
got too sooty a thin fresh layer of plaster
was laid on over it. In some of the larger
rooms one can count sixteen, and perhaps
more, thin layers of fresh plaster, with the
soot in streaks of black between them.
Furniture there is no trace of, unless one
reckon as such a low stone step or bench
which runs around some of the larger
rooms. —
Many of the ruins contain large round
chambers with the narrow stone bench
along the wall, and a pit in the centre for
a fire. These rooms have usually a pyra-
midal or domelike roof of large timbers,
whose ends rest upon stone piers which
project into the rooms. The walls of these
rooms, which seem to have been places of
assembly, are usually very sooty. In them
too, one finds such evidence of an intelli-
gent provision for ventilation as shames
some of our practices today. Flues, often
of considerdble size, are built into
walls, leading from the open air down into
the chambers, and opening at the floor-lev-
el. In front of this opening, and between
it and the fire-pit, was usually & stone or
wooden screen, which apparently kept the
draught from direct access to the fire and
from the people sitting around the walls.
Little square cubbies were not in-
frequently made by leaving a stone out of
the masonry. These are especially com-
mon in the large round chambers just
mentioned, and small utensils and orna-
ments have been frequently found stowed
away in them. Many of the walls have
wooden pegs built into the walls, apparent-
ly for hanging things upon.
* The stout timbers which form the floors
of the higher rooms were sometimes left
sticking through the masonry outside the
walls, and small cross-sticks being tied
upon-them, they made excellent balconies
—a little dangerous, perhaps, if some
skulking marauder with a bow and arrows
should happen to creep to the nearest cliff
edge above,” but airy and with command-
ing outlook.
Firesticks have heen left, with round
charred ends, such as the early folks the
world over were wont to twirl upon softer
woods, and so win fire. Little bunches of
cedar-bark strips closely tied with yucca
threads, and burnt at one end where they
have been used as tinder, are not uncom-
mon ‘‘finds’’ in the rooms and in the rub-
bish heaps.—From ‘‘A Summer among
Cliff Dwellings,’ by T. Michael Prudden,
in Harper's Magazine for September.
An Ugly Record.
Statistics compiled by the state board of
charities dating back from 1895 one hun-
dred and thirteen years to 1778 show that
328 persons were hanged in Pennsylvania.
Of these 5 suffered the penalty of death for
high treason, 8 for robbery, 14 for burglary,
3 for assault, 1 for arson, 4 for counterfeit-
ing and 7 for unknown offenses. On April
22, 1794, the death penalty was abolished
except for murder in the first degree. The
greatest number of persons hanged in any
year was in 1877, when 16 were executed,
including 6 Mollie Maguires in Schuykill
county and 4 in Carbon. The past 20 years
the number of executions of murderers in
the state hed 112." Of course 32 ex-
piated their‘crimes on the gallows in 1877,
1878 and 1879. Before 1834 hangings took
place in public and since then in jail yards
and oorridors.
The number of persons tried in the courts
of Pennsylvania last year was 17,499, a de-
crease compared with the previous year of
876. The number of convictions was
4,417, a-decrease of 381. The amount of
recognizances forfeited was $204,398.55 an
increase of over $21,000. The convictions
in Allegheny county were 476, a decrease
of 140 and in Philadelphia 924, a decrease
of 124. Of the 4,417 convictions, 1,106
were for larceny, 939 for assault and bat-
tery, and 226 for violation of liquor laws.
There were 12 convictions for murder in
the first degree, 13 for murder in the sec-
ond degree and 11 for manslaughter.
——The malignant gold Shylocks claim,
on the one hand, that with free cof
owners of silver bullion can take it to the
mint and get 100 cents for 50, and, on the
other, that with free coinage the silver
dollar will be worth 50 cents. When
they are asked to explain, they say the
bullion owners can use these 50 cent dol-
Iars to pay their debts with. And the bul-
lion owners will also be obliged to receive
them in payment of debts, won't they t
Intelligent Administration of Law.
‘‘That was tough on Davis.”
“What 97 .
‘‘He stepped on a banana peel, fell, and
was arrested for giving a street performance
without a license.”’—Zruth.
A Very Prosperous Nation.
France maintains $800,000,000 of silver
in circulation on a parity with gold, and
has $900,000,000 of gold in circulation,
and France has only half the’ population
the United States has, and-6nly about one-
third of its wealth. |
The Pyramids, first, which in Egypt were laid :
Next, Babylon's Garden, for Amytis made ;
Then Mausolus' Tomb, of affection and guilt :
Fourth, the Temple of Dian, in Ephesus built ;
The Colossus of Rhodes, cast in brass to the sun :
Sixth, Jupiter's Statue, by Phidias done ;
The Pharos of Egypt, last wonder ot old,
| Or Palace of Cyrus, cemented with gold.
| sedan chair.
Notable Honors for the Celestial Dignitary on His
Disembarkation from the St. Louis in New York.
Attired in Yellow Jacket and Peacock Plumes.
Cheered by the Crowds at the Dock and Along
Broadway. The White Squadron Salute the Visitor
—@General Ruger and a Distinguished Staff form the
Reception Committee.
His excellency Li Hung Chang, Am-
bassador of China, senior guardian of the
heir apparent, Prime Minister of State,
Earl of the First Bank, with the title of
Su-Y, attended by a Viscount Counselor, a
First Secretary, a Viscount Secretary, three
plain, simple, secretaries. seven attaches,
two copyists, nine guards and twelve ser-
vants arrived in New York Friday.
New York was genuinely glad to wel-
come Li Hung Chang, and extended its
welcome in a breezy, booming, joyous man-
ner, in which the heavens and air and earth
and sea seemed all to join, for it was a
most joyous day, weatherwise speaking.
From the wharf he was escorted to the
Waldorf by a company of distinguished
Americans and a troop of United States
cavalrymen. There he was received hy
Gen. Ruger, Hon. John W. Foster, ex-
Secretary of State. Mr. Foster, it will be
remember, acted as adviser to the famous
Chinaman during the negotiations for
peace between China and Japan in the late
war. Col. Fred Grant and other personal
friends. ~
President Cleveland received Li Hung
Chang at the residence of ex-Secretary of
the Navy William C. Whitney, Saturday.
ball room of Mr. Whitney’s home on Fifth
avenue. The Chinese Viceroy was escort-
ed from the Waldorf to the Whitney resi-
dence by the troops of the Sixth Cavalry,
that have been detailed to do such duty.
Among those present at the reception were
Secretary of the State Olney, Assistant Sec-
Carlisle and Secretary of War Lamont. The
remony, which was very brief, was pre-
fac y Li Hung Chang handing to the
Preside 1is credentials from the Emperor
of China, an elaborate document, written
on Chinese garchment and wrapped in yel-
low silk, upon which was the Chinese drag-
in red, blue, green and white.
Li made the following address, which was
translated’ by his interpreter :
Your Excellency—It affords me "great
pleasure to have the honor to be presented
to your excellency. The reputation of your
highly-esteemed virtues is widely known
throughout the world, and in you the citi-
zens of the United States of America have
invariable placed their confidence, conse-
quently both the interior administration
and the exterior relations of this great re-
public are in a state of prosperity.
It will always be the desire of my august
master, the Emperor of China, to maintain
the most cordial relations with America,
whose friendly assistance rendered to the
government of China after the China-Japan-
ese war, and whose protection for the safety
of the Chinese immigration in America are
always to be highly appreciated.
Iam now specially appointed by my
august master, the Emperor of China, to
present to your excellency the assurances of
his most friendly feeling toward the United
States of America in the hope that your ex-
cellency will teciprocate his sentiments and
co-operate with him to promote friendly
intercourse between our two countries for
the cause of human kind.
I trust that your excellency’s govern-
ment will continue to afford protection and
kind treatment to the Chinese immigrants
in America, and to render friendly assist-
ance to the Chinese government when re-
quired. May the peoples of our two nations
enjoy the benefits of a perpetual peace.
The President made this reply :
Your Excellency—It gives me great
pleasure to receive from your hand the per-
sonal letter from your august sovereign and
to greet you as his personal representative.
Since our two countries became better
acquainted many incidents have occurred
calculated to increase our friendly relations,
and not the least gratifying of these are the
friendly expressions contained in the letter
of your emperor and the visit to our coun-
try of his most distinguished subject, who
has been so honorably and prominently
connected with public affairs in his own
country and with all that has been at-
tempted in the direction of its advance-
ment and improvement.
Your visit to us at this time is made
more impressive by the thought that it
serves to join in one suggestion the most
ancient civilization of the Eastand the
best type of a newer civilization in the
Western world.
Notwithstanding the widely different
characteristics of the two countries, the
welcome which is tendered you by the
government and citizens of the United
States illustrates in the strongest possible
manner the kindship of nations. We feel
that in the arrangement of your tour you
have not allotted to your sojourn among
us sufficient time to gain an adequate ob-
servation of all we have accomplished asa
nation. It will not, however, escape your
notice that a rich and fertile domain has
here been quickly created by those who
were assured that they would reap where
they had sown ; that a strong and benefi-
cent government has here been established
by those who loved freedom, and that we
have generous and patriotic people who
love their government becanse it is theirs
—contracted by them, administered for
them and protected and saved from harm
by them.
We heartily wish that your stay with us
may be most pleasant, and that at its close
you may enjoy a safe and agreeable return
to your home and your field of duty and
usefulness. :
Mr. Cleveland soon after sailed on the
yacht Sapphire, to return to Gray Gables.
Li Hung Chang was the guest of honor at a
banquet given at the Waldorf, Saturday,
night by former United States ministers to
China. At the table he barely nibbled the
delicate dishes sat before him and would
not touch the wines. This was noticed by
his hosts, and in a few moments chop suey
and chop sticks were placed hefore him,
and he ate with arelish.
On Sunday Li visited Gen. Grant’s tomb
on the Riverside drive. He arose early in
the morning and at 10 o'clock received 30
Chinese merchants attired in all the splen-
dor of their oriental dress.
The start for the tomb was made at 2:10
o'clock Li held his famous umbrella
over his head all the way. He received an
enthusiastic ovation from the 30,000 or
more people who lined the Riverside
and Morningside drives. A solitary police-
man stood guard at the gate of the tomb, in
which had been placed earlier in the day a
wreath from Mrs. U. S Grant Sr., consisting
of white roses and galaxy leaves tied with
a white satin how.
Li Hung Chang and party drove up
Riverside drive opposite the tomb at 4
o'clock. There was a short delay while
one of the Chinese attendants hastened to
Li Hung Chang the Great, Arrives.
The reception took place in the splendid
retary Rockhill, Secretary of the Treasury |
a rear carriage to bring Li Hung Chang’s |
When it arrived he was car- |
ried by four policemen from the road to the
tomb. The heavy iron door leading to the
tomb was thrown open. Li, after taking in
one hand his floral wreath, entered the
crypt and placed it on the iron casket.
Before so doing he made a profound how.
At his side were Col. Fred Grant, his bro-
ther Ulysses 8. Grant, and his son U.S.
Grant, Jr. as well Li Hung Lu, the Chinese
interpreter. Li’s wreath was about four
feet in diameter and consisted of bay leaves
and white mauve orchids tied with yellow
velvet. The - occasion seemed to effect
Li deeply. In conversation with Col.
Grant he referred to his warm admiration
of the late general’s qualities. One of the
leading reasons, he added for returning
home by way of America was to visit his
friend’s grave. Through the interpreter
he made inquiries about the mausoleum,
toward completing which he forwarded
John Russell Young a check for $500.
The entire party then were driven to the
residence of Col. Grant in East Sixty-sec-
ond street, where he was received by Mrs.
Grant, widow of the late general. Mrs.
Grant and Li are old friends, and the meet-
ing was affecting. He spoke feelingly to
Mrs. Grant of the great loss she ~had—sus—
tained in the death of her husband, and
said that he would always cherish the gen-
eral’s memory. Then the Viceroy present-
ed Mrs. Grant with several pieces of valu-
able brocaded silk, a rare Chinese vase and
Miss Enid Wilson, who was without
doubt the most beautiful of the girls pre-
sented to London society during the last
season, made her bow in a simple white
muslin gown, about the waist of which
was wound long stems of a lily, with the
blossoms resting on one shoulder.
Separate waists, we were told a year
ago, were going out of fashion. Again it
is stated positively that next winter they
will be entirely out of date. Undoubtedly
the very handsomest and newest costumes
that are made will have waists and skirts
to match, but the fashion is one that is too
useful to pass entirely out of sight, and
there are a great many new styles which
are bound to meet favor. The changeable
silks are made up very much just now in
waists. An exceedingly pretty one of .
changeable blue and green, fashioned to
wear with black satin skirts, is folded, sur-
plice fashion, into a most perfect fitting
black satin corselet. A ruche of black
satin with a frill of the changeable silk and
an inside ruching of white lace is made to
Lawvear with this waist, or separate from it if
so desired, and it is as smart a garmentas
could well be devised. Another waist of
white flowered brocade has a front and cap
pieces over the sleeve of fine white mull
with strips of Valenciennes lace insertion,
and is trimmed with lace to match. The
a number of chests of tea. He also pres-
ented U. S. Grant, Jr., son of Col. Grant,
with a valuable jade stone. Refreshments
were served, but Li contented himself with
taking two cups of tea and smoking a few
cigaretts. When Li was on the point of
leaving Mrs. Grant presented.him with a
large steel engraving of her husband.
On Monday Li was taken down the bay
to view the fleet. After the naval inspec-
tion a visit was made to West Point where
the cadets drilled and paraded for the im-
periabguest. On Tuesday the Merchants
Club gave him a lunch at 2 o’clock, after
which the police, fire and street cleaning
forces paraded in Union square.
Later in the day. he visited his own peo- |
ple in Mott street and on Wednesday spent |
the day in Brooklyn. Thursday he and his
suite were taken to Philadelphia, where
they received much attention from the city
sleg@es of the silk reach only to the elbow,
but” from the elbow to the wrist are the
oddest wrinkled sleeves of white mull, for
all the world like those seen in the fashion
plates of years and years ago. The com-
bining of this mull and lace with the bro-
cade is extremely effective. Another smart
waist just finished is of black and white
checked silk cut in a pointed yoke, or rath-
er a three-pointed yoke which goes away
dowh over a blouse of accordion-pleated
black mousseline de soie. The sleeves of
this are much like the other, with the long
under-sleeves of the shirred mousseline de
| soic and the uppersleeve of the silk. These
under-sleeves of fine sheer material are a
revival of olden times, but make the arm
look very long and thin. The more ex-
aggerated ones extend over the hand. They
are made quite separate from the sleeves,
officials and James Russell Young. To-day to which they are fastened with invisible
the journey to Washington was continued,
Falls from whence he starts for home.
buttons and loops, as they must needs be,
| there he stays over Sunday and on Monday | for, like many other attractive fashions,
leaves for Vancouver hy the way of Niagara | they need constant renewing and fresh-
Bicycling for Women.
What it Has Done to Improve Their Physical Condi-
tion,—Wheeling Possesses Charms that Are En-
Joyed by No Other Form of Sport—The Danger of
Attempting Too Much at First.
Mr. Isaac B. Potter, Chief Consul of the
New York Division, League of American
Wheelmen, has an article on ‘‘The Bicycle
Outlook’’in the September Cenfury. The
following is an extract :
After a close study of the question for
five years, Iam ready to express my be-
lief that the use of the bicycle will do more
to improve the physical condition of
American women, and therefore of the
Amerian people, than any other agency yet
devised. Argument on this point has giv-
en way to demonstration. Women are
riding the wheel in all parts of the coun-
try, and their increasing numbers testify
to its benefits and its popularity. The av-
erage woman loves to be out of doors ; she
enjoys the change of scene, the gentle exer-
cise, the delightful companionship of con-
genial friends, and the exhilarating benefits
of contract of the pure air and bright sun-
light, which the knowledge of cycling
brings within her reach. To the woman,
as to the man these features, possessed by
no other form of sport, comprise the foun-
dation on which the popularity of the bi-
cycle will rest.
The only possible danger in cycling for
woman lies in the fascination which some-
times tempts her to undue effort. In com-
mon with every other form of exercise, bi-
cycle-riding may of course be overdone,
and as well by women as by men ; but un-
der proper advice from the family physician,
supplemented by such practical suggestions
as may be had from an intelligent instruct-
or or from an experienced rider, any wo-
an in a fair condition of health may under-
take bicycle-riding with a feeling of cer-
tainty that the result will be delightful
and helpful in a measure that was never
A mistake commonly made by women
riders, and indeed by new riders of both
sexes, is that of undertaking too much at
first. Overexertion induces discourage-
ment, and recollection of a tiresome ride
has been known to deter new riders from
repeating the attempt. The real pleasure
of bicycle-riding can be had only by keep-
ing in mind this little truth. No new rider
should continue the first trip to such a
point as to feel weariness. A half-hour is
in most cases ample for the first road ride,
and it should not be continued beyond
that time, except by the strongest and most
capable rider. The tyro exerts more pow-
er than the expert, and in consequence be-
comes more rapidly tired. He pushes the
pedals with undue force, fails to sit erect,
fails to sit still, and tends to follow what
seems to him an erratic motion of the
wheel by a swinging and wobbling of the
body which not only tends to increase and
make real what was only an imaginary
difficulty, but insures also the quick com-
ing of fatigue, that might otherwise have
been avoided.
The new rider should sit erect and to sit
still, and in the early stages of his road
practice avoid long rides, remembering that
the exertion which he puts forth in his first
efforts will be more than sufficient, as soon
as a little skill has been acquired, to pro-
pel his wheel many miles farther than cov-
ered by his first trip. If the first ride
is wearisome, it should not be repeated on
the next following day, but rather upon
alternate days, until such skill is acquired
as will enable the new rider to enjoy his
outing without suffering too much fatigue.
Bicycling for women has received the
endorsement of our leading women and our
best physicians. The bicycle-dealers of
most of our large towns state that the num-
ber of bicycles sold to women is daily in-
creasing, and that the established popular-
ity of bicycling is assured. The tendency
of the bicycle market to lower prices, even
of wheels of the reliable grade, will doubt-
less increase the use of the wheel among
women, and enhance its aggregate benefit
to the sex.
When the time comes that the delightful
country roads and shaded lanes can be so
kept as to make more general the practice
of touring during the vacation season of
the year, the wheel will have gained its
true measure of value as a health restorer,
and will attract thousands of riders from
among the women of the land" who do not
yet know the joys of a hearty appetite and
of refreshment induced by sound sleep.
Peasant—I spoke to our herb doctor and
he advised me that I should—
Doctor (interrupting)—Oh he gave you
some idiotic advice, I don’t doubt!
A the new fall styles in coats re-
veals but few radical changes except in
minor points. ~The sleeves are less bouffant
at the shoulder, with little or no fullness
at the elbow ; the slope of last wihter is
entirely cut away so as to give more the
effect of a coat sleeve. The long rage for
pale tints has entirely done away with any
fancy for them so far this season ; the new
shades are still more or less dark, and of
rough cheviots or Scotch mixtures that are
made to stand no end of wear.
A pretty coat is made of a soft tone of
brown showing a gray thread running
through it. It is quite short skirted, and
has a full box-plaited back, stiffened to
stand out like a postilion. It is double
breasted and fastens with large flat pearl
buttons. The plain coat collar is faced
with dark brown velvet and the seams are
all beautifully strapped.
The sleeves are in coat effect, with a
velvet-faced cuff to match the collar. The
entire coat is lined thoroughout with a
dainty striped taffeta in shades of blue.
Another pretty model is made up ina
black-blue cheviot, with wide strapped
seams, and a number of smart little pockets
trimmed with tiny pearl buttons galore.
Underneath the rolling coat collar is a
wider one in sailor effect, with strapped
bands laid across as a decoration.
All shades of brown are exceedingly
fashionable and are profusely trimmed
with fancy braids in black, brown and
Time and fashion work wonders. A few
years ago all the traveling gowns were
made of woolen material, and women, to
fellow the fashion, made thémselves miser-
ably warm with gowns of this description,
and above all places a railway train is the
warmest on a hot day in summer. The
day of the new woman and the athletic
girl has changed all this, and now almost
all traveling gowns are made of wash ma-
terials, cotton goods, mixed with silk, crash,
plain, figured or striped grass linen. The
going-away . gown of one of this month's
brides, the daughter of a multi-million-
aire, is of silk gingham, trimmed with em-
broidery and velvet. Of course this only
applies to the warm months, the wool gown
is still worn at other seasons of the year,
and the shirt waist and skirt is worn, too,
but is not nearly so dressy as a costume
with skirt and waist alike. What could
be more comfortable, cool and appropriate
than a grass linen, with a fine brown polks
dot, Zouave jacket, front lined with brown
satin, stock and girdle of brown satin rib-
bon ? With such a dress one feels well,
dressed, and if stopping over-night at a
hotel or friend’s house, can go down to
dinner conscions of presenting a better ap-
pearance than ina shirt - waist and skirt.
There are two things in a woman that
the man of refinement admires equally as
much, if not more, than beauty, and those
are a pleasant voice and a cheerful disposi-
tion. . :
It is now considered, and rightly, most
womanly to meet trials and troubles, both
small and great, cheerfully. If your troub-
le is a great one, however, you may risk
telling it to your best man friend, be he
lover or brother, feeling sure that he will
do his best to aid you, but never venture
meeting him with a bundle of imaginary
woes. With such you may be sure he will
never trouble you.
Miss Christine Blanche Labarraque, of
Berkeley College, California, is the first
blind woman of the State to receive legal
honors. She will soon be a thoroughly
equipped lawyer. Although blind from
birth, she has been a great student. She
took a full course at the California Blind
Institute, and graduated from the State
University of California.
Narrow rows of black velvet are used on
evening gowns. A gown of blue moussel-
ine de soie is effective with many ruffles
edged with the line of black. A skirt of
pink brocaded silk with lines of black in it
has a corsage of pink mousseline de soie.
The stuff is beautifully pleated, not in the
usual sharp accordin pleats, but in soft
round ones, as if large knitting needles
had been used to make the pleats. The
waves go.up and down in the blouse and
are circular in long, tight sleeves. Over
the top of the sleeves are ruffles of plain
mousseline de soie, edged with narrow
black velvet, and the little square de-
collete is finished by a quaint ruching of
mousseline de soie and upright loops of
Peasant—He advised me to see you.
a — > Ses
narrow black velvet.