Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 28, 1896, Image 1

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Demopraic tym
Ink Slings.
—The Democrats are not willing. to
await the order of England as to what kind
of money this country shall use.
—The gold bug with his wings of flame
fails to give the light, to show the way to
victory in the HANNA-BRYAN fight.
—Say, you howler. If, as yousay : ‘‘Melt
a silver dollar and it will be worth only
fifty-three cents,” why don’t you melt
yours ?
—The combine of window glass manu-
facturers, formed in Pittsburg last week, is
* calculated to give the country a high
priced pane.
—The gold-bug press will waken up to
the fact, after the election, that while the
public is gullible at times, it was not green
enough to be caught with 53-cent facts.
—Senator HILL'S having invited Mr.
and Mrs. BRYAN to dine with him has giv-
en some cf the yellow dogs, who counted
on his being with them, a few fleas to
scratch about.
—After the election brother SINGERLY
maybe a wiser man politically, but he
will have entirely lost his reputation asa
tariff reformer, and with scarcely a remnant
left of his democracy.
—The western boundary of Ohio might
be considered the Alps of America so far
as NAPOLEON MCKINLEY is concerned.
He will hardly he able to cross it this fall
without a good frosting.
—Honest dollars are such as are of the
greatest service to the people. When they
are made too scarce and dear to serve that
purpose, they are perverted to the dishon-
est practices of the SHYLOCKS.
—Good roads are what the league of
American wheelmen want, but the monu-
mental American wheelman, the NAPOLEO-
1c BILL, will hardly find the one to the
white house improved any this fall.
—Ex-Secretary HOKE SMITH is convinc-
ed of the Democracy of free silver, and in
stepping out of the cabinet in order that he
may be able to serve that cause, he shows
that he has the courage of his convictions.
—The masses against the classes is pic-
tured as a most reprehensible collision, but
when it is plainly evident that a class is
taking advantage of the mass, a difficulty
is not only unavoidable, but is necessary.
And whose fault is it?
—The experience of financial history
teaches that a contraction of the currency
is invariably attended with a contraction
of the means of living for the masses, and
that a scarcity of money furnishes a har-
vest to the money lender.
The so-called Democrats who met in
Philadelphia on Tuesday to ‘‘declare for
party honor,’’ achieved such honor as may
be gained by serving a cause of which
MARK HANNA is the manager and Mc-
KINLEY the representative.
—Nearly a quarter of a century has elap-
sed since the monetary standing of silver
was sneakingly sacrificed to the greed of
the gold-bugs and reduced to the grade of
token money, and the prosperity of the
country has heen declining ever since.
—The election of BRYAN would be a
mortgage lifter, not through the agency of
depreciated dollars, as is falsely charged,
but by putting more dollars in circulation,
thereby appreciating the value of both the
farmer’s produce, and the workingman’s la-
—The first frost in November will he
one that will fall on the 3rd. That sensi-
tive little commissionership that has been
in ToyMy FISHER'S aspirations will he
frozen, of course, but then that won’t be as
had as if Tommy didn’t know what to do
with such fruit.
—DMuch is said about the injury of
cheap dollars, but the doliar on the gold
basis is too dear to he of use to any but
those who have money to lend. That is
the reason why the Wall street operators
want to, make money scarce and dear hy
cornering the currency.
—A conspicuous difference between the
two parties in the present campaign is,
that while the Democracy favor the free
and unlimited coinage of silver, in the in-
terest of the people, the Republicans favor
the free and unlimited coinage of false-
hoods, in the interest of English money
. —Senator THURSTON’S retraction was as
prompt and manly as his charge that
“BRYAN is a paid employee of the silver
mine owners’’ was ungrounded and ma-
licious. He was simply caught by one of
the lying arguments on which the gold
men have to fall back in their hope to stay
the great free silver tide.
—L1 HUNG CHANG, the Chinese Vice-
roy who is soon to be our Nation's guest,
does, as every other Chinese dignitary does,
carries his coffin with him whenever travel-
ing. He will not bring it to America,
however, probably because he doesn’t desire
even the appearancé of anything stiff in his
visit to the United States.
—If HARRY CURTIN should be re-elect-
ed to the Legislature he would vote for
Governor HASTINGS for the United States
Senate—if DAN would want him to. But
how about WOMELSDORF? When they
had that memorable QUAY-HASTINGS
fight in Centre the administration faction
promised to turn PHIL. down for re-nomi-
nation, but in-as-much as he has been
placed on the ticket it is but natural to
suppose that he made peace with the Gov-
ernor and is now his lick-spittal too.
VOL. 4
Hanna’s Mortgage on McKinley.
Among the general aspersions that are
being aimed at the party of currency re-
form, was a vile personal slander directed
against the Democratic candidate for Presi-
dent, charging him with having been hired
by the silver mine owners, to advocate their
interest. This was denied by Mr. BRYAN
in such direct terms and with such evident
truth that no room was left in the mind of
any fair man for a doubt as to the falsity of
the charge, and immediately after his em-
phatic and unequivocal denial, Senator
THURSTON, of Nebraska, the person with
whom the accusation appears to have
originated, admitted that there was no
foundation for it whatever.
This charge that Mr. BRYAN was em-
ployed in the interest of silver mine owners
having been proved to be false, and thus
finally disposed of, it may now be in order
to consider the circumstance that Mr. Mc-
KINLEY is in the employ of a much richer
and greedier combination than the opera-
tors of the silver mines, and has been paid
a big round sum as a retaining fee. The
men who raised and advanced to him $118,-
000, when through business incapacity his
personal estate became bankrupt, are the
same men, with MARK HANNA as their
head, who are now running major McKIN-
LEY for President. This gang of tariff
specialists and gold speculators are inter-
ested in having an administration that may
be depended on for a tariff that will con-
tinue to favor the trusts, and for a currency
system that will prolong the opportunity
of the money lenders to skin the govern-
ment in gold loans. With a mortgage of
$118,000 on McKINLEY, could not the
parties holding that security count upon
him, if he should be elected, as just the
kind of President that would suit their
purpose ?
The interest of the people, however,
would not be served by a mortgaged man’
in the presidential office.
——The sentiment among Centre county
Democrats is growing that this campaign
will be one of the most enthusiastic in the
history of the party. This condition will
be brought about because of the vital inter-
ests involved. Never before has the ques-
tion ati issue gone 80 near to every man as
does this question of gold and silver coin-
age. Naturally enough the masses will
prefer the metal they see the most of. Sil-
ver is the friend of the common people. It
is the money metal they are acquainted
with, and to them it is a financial relative
that they do not intend to desert for a
yellow stranger.
Why Herr Most is a Goldite.
It may appear singular that HERR MosT,
the leading anarchist in this country should
be an advocate of the gold standard, for
enmity to the rich and a disposition to de-
stroy property have characterized the de-
sign and conduct of anarchism. But its
chief object is to overthrow society and
bring about a condition of general disorder,
and this object is entirely consistent with
the support which Most and his anarchist
followers are giving the policy of the gold
In their malignant designs. against the
peace and good order of society, those who
train under the red flag, count upon the
disturbing effect of the distress and discon-
tent that are being produced by a monetary
policy which pauperizes the masses of the
people by concentrating the wealth of the
world in the hands of a limited number of
money kings. They see the powers by
which this general pauperization of the
masses is being gradually but surely ef-
fectéd, and they rejoice in it as calculated
to bring on the anarchy which is the ob-
ject of their destructive schemes. They
see the vast farming community becoming
poorer year by year, in-consequence of their
toil being deprived of a profit, by the con-
traction of the currency, while each year
the question of subsistance becomes more
difficult to the laboring classes for the same
reason. Here is a situation, evidently pro-
duced by a constricted monetary system
that contains the very elements of anarchy.
If the interest of all other classes are to be
sacrificed for the benefit of a limited class
that has gained control of the money of the
world, by contracting and cornering it,
may not the distress and discontent pro-
duced by such a condition lead to wide-
spread disturbance that will unsettle pub-
lic order and upturn the very foundation
of society.
Such a condition is the desire and aim of
anarchism, and to bring it about HERR
Mosr is working consistently and logically
when he supports the gold standard. It is
unnecessary to assign any other reason for
the apparently anomalous position he has
taken on the money question ?
—The potters and several other delega-
tions of workmen have arranged to call on
McKINLEY and hear him talk tariff. He
might give additional interest to his, talk
by explaining to them how MARK HANYA
increased his wealth hy starving working
people into submission when they struck
for higher wages.
a a a
BELLEFONTE, PA., AUG. 28, 1896.
An Abiding Value.
The goldites speak of the free coinage of
silver as if it were an experiment full of
danger and certain to be followed by fi-
nancial disaster. :
What short memories they imagine the
people to have. They do notseem to think
that public recollection can go back twen-
ty-three years, a point of time previous to
the commission of the crime of 1873, when
the coinage of silver was not prohibited in
our mints, and no injury or disaster re-
sulted from its practice.
They say that, at that time, silver was so
valuable as a commercial commodity that
it was worth too much to be coined into
money. If it has now greatly depreciated
in value, is not that depreciation to be at-
tributed to its being excluded from one of
its legitimate and most extensive uses, and
is it either fair or logical, after having thus
reduced its value, to decry, it as being too
cheap for honest money, and that dollars
made of itare worth only 53-cents ? If the
cause of its ‘depreciation were removed by
restoring it to its monetary use, would
there not be a corresponding appreciation
in the value of silver as a commercial com-
modity ?
However, the bullion value of silver
does not appear to have a controlling effect
upon the value of silver dollars’ as pieces of
coin, used as mediums of exchange. When
silver, at the ratio of 16 to 1, broughta
premium as bullion, the silver dollar was
worth 100 cents in its purchasing capacity.
To-day when the commercial value of sil-
ver is so low that the material in a dollar
is said to he worth but 53-cents, that dol-
lar has still the purchasing capacity of one
hundred cents.
Why is this ? The goldites claim that it
is because the silver dollar is redeemable
in gold. This is utterly false. There is
no-silver dollar in the land that can be
taken to the United Treasury, or to any
sub-treasury or authorized agency of the
government, and be exchanged for its face
value in gold as a matter of right. The
law makes no provision for such a trans-
action. The silver dollar is worth what it
claims to be on its face because it is a legal
tender and is stamped as one dollar by the
government, and it will continue to have
that purchasing value whether silver is
bringing a premium as a marketable article,
or is beaten away down below par by the
——The Philadelphia woman who re-
fused to stand and deliver to high-waymen,
near Guthrie, O. T., on Monday, did not
have time to guess again after she had de-
fiantly said “I guess not.”” She was shot
dead. This thing of sober second thought
is just about as safe as it is cracked up to
be and when some of Bellefonte’s bolto-crats
come to reconsider, after November 3rd,
they will find themselves so hard hit by
the true blue Democracy that their politi-
cal death will be assured.
A Servant of the Gold-bugs.
JOHN SHERMAN made a mistake .in his
Columbus speech last week when he said
that ‘‘the United States government has al-
ways paid its bonds in gold or its equiva-
lent ;”’ but he has often made mistakes in
his statements, and they have just as often
been made intentionally.
The government never promised to pay
any of her bonds in gold. No contract of
that kind was ever made hut as it was
optional to pay them in ‘‘any lawful
money,” so were they paid until 1869,
when one of JOHN SHERMAN’S laws re-
quired that they should be paid in ‘‘coin’’.
It was the intention of the Ohio financier
to force the payment of gold by the em-
ployment of the word ‘‘coin,”” but when
Congress was appealed te on that point, it
stopped his game for the time being, by
passing the STANLEY MATTHEWS resolu-
tion, which declares that ‘‘coin’’ meant
either gold or silver, and that the bonds
were payable in silver coin at the option of
the government, and it furthermore de-
clared that such payment ‘‘is not in viola-
tion of the public faith nor in derogation
of the rights of the public creditor.’®
But it did not suit the interest of the
money power that the terms of this resolu-
tion should be carried out. Gold payment
was forced by a construction of the law
that represented it to be a breach of the
public faith to use anything but gold for
that purpose, and an immense debt has
been incurred in gold loans to make such
payments, contrary to the intent of the
law which authorizes the liquidation of the
bonds in any lawful money of the country.
JOHN SHERMAN has always been a cold-
blooded servant of the money power and
he continues to serve the gold-bugs in this
——1It was the case of the SAVAGE-CALD-
WELL senatorial dispute in this district on
which Judge SIMONTON ruled that only
one column on an election ballot could be
headed with the word‘ Democratic’> or any
designation in which the word ‘‘Demo-
cratic or Democrat’ is used. Hence the
trouble at Philadelphia, on Tuesday, todind
aname for the holters.
~ Gov. Flower’s Bugaboo.
It would seem that, when a Democratic
leader, or one who used to be a leader, be-
comes inoculated with the gold views, he
loses his common sense. This appears to
be the case of ex-Gov. FLOWER, of New
York, who has severed his attachment to
the true principles of Democracy, in order
that he may be a servant of the money
power. This abandonment of his old
Democratic faith has affected his former
good sense, as is evidenced by the bugaboo
which he thinks he has discovered in Mr.
BrYAN’s New York speech and which is
giving'him great alarm.
He imagines that he has detected the
most dishonest and dangerous design con-
cealed in that expression of Mr. BRYAN in
which he says : ‘‘If in November the peo-
ple declare themselves in favor of the im-
mediate restoration of bimetallism, the sys-
tem can be inaugurated within a few
This is construed by the ex-Governor’s
disordered imagination as a dishonest de-
sign on_the part of Mr. BRYAN and the
free silverites, in the event of his election,
to immediately convene Congress in ex-
traordinary session after his inauguration,
and to rush the passage of free silver legis-
lation that ‘‘will enable dishonest debtors
to pay their indebtedness ‘‘with 53-cent
dollars”* before their defrauded creditors
will have time to call in their loans and
foreclose their mortgages.’
It can hardly be believed possible that
a man of Gov. FLOWER’S usual good sense
could conceive such a foolish notion as
this, but it illustrates how minds, that are
otherwise sound, can be wayped by the in-
fluence of gold. It ought do be apparent
to his common sense that thi at move-
ment for the emancipation of
rency from the control of gold speculators,
government bond dealers, and / money-
lending bank syndicates—a movement in
which an apparent majority of the people
are engaged—is not a dishonest scheme de-
signed to enable debtors to cheat their
creditors ; yet he professes to believe that
a candidate for President, with a great
party back of him, consisting of millions of
our most reputable and honest citizens,
1d including the great agricultural popu-
tion, and the bulk of the industrial toil-
ers, are engaged in a conspiracy to commit
a gigantic fraud,
Should it not rather appear to him that
this movement is for the correction of a bad
system of currency, which ever since the
criminal suppression of the monetary use
of silver, has been limiting the wealth of
the country to a class that is growing
smaller and wealthier, while the condition
of the masses is becoming year by year more
impoverished and distressed.
In this matter. it is not a theory but a
condition—a grinding and oppressing con-
dition—that confronts the people, and
when candidate BRYAN holds out to them
a promise of as speedy-a relief as possible,
in the event of his election, is it fair, is it
sensible, for ex-Governor FLOWER to infer
that the relief is intended to be brought
about by cheating creditors with ‘‘53-cent
dollars ?’
As for 53-cent dollars, those metallic
bugaboos of the goldite imagination, they
never did exist, do not now exist, and
never can have existence in the circulating
currency of this country.
—When the constitution,authorized sil-
ver as lawful money, and directed its coin
age, the authors of that document took no
account of what the money changers might
say about it, and made no provision for
the objections of the ROTHSCHILDS, the
SCHWATZENPRETZELS, or any of the gen-
tlemen whose names indicate 10 per cent a
The Lonesome Man's Party.
At the bolters convention, in Philadel
phia, on Tuesday, but 32 of the 66 counties
in the State had representatives present.
Most of those wn.’ ug as delegates were self
appointed, and seventy-five per cent. of
the less than 150 present, were corporation
lawyers, the balance were bankers and a
few unfortunate fellows who are in their
clutches and are compelled to do as they
are bidden. In the little crowd could not be
found a man, the reasons for whose actions
could not be traced, directly or indirectly,
to influences that are selfish and to inter-
ests that would sacrifice all else for greed.
It was a typical corporate and mortgage
holder’s convention. It represented noth-
ing that was Democratic. It proposed
nothing for the good of the people. It
talked of nothing but how to protect the in-
terests of the few. It expressed nosentiment
éxcept such as would originate behind a
bank counter or from the directors room of
a corporate monopoly, and failed completely
in proving that it represented any number
of citizens, or that it was intended for any
public good. One hundred aud twenty-
seven signed the papers, preparatory to
placing a third elect®ral ticket in the field,
which showed the number of those inter-
ested in the movement. Great is the gold-
bug and the bolto-crat is its prophet !
' :
No Wonder the Farmer Demands a
From the N. Y. Journal. :
The Agricultural Department has issued
a circular that will help to explain why
the farmers are not as happy now as they
used to be. It compares the prices of lead-
ing farm products year by year, from 1866
to 1895. The prices are given in currency,
but when reduced to a gold basis the re-
sults are sufficiently striking. Inspect
these figures, for instance :
Currency. Gold.
1866. 1866. 1895.
COTD...ccrctsrssersiceonsesn $.682 8.484 8.253
Wheat... 2.196 1.558 .509
Oats... .504 357 199
Rye.... 182 84 44
Barley 009 716 337
Buckwheat... 972 69 452
otatoes........... or 68 .482 .266
Tobacco (per 1b.)...... .139 008 072
Hay (per ton)......... 4.58 10.347 = 8.35
It thus appears that the farmer in 1866
got more than three times as much in gold
for his wheat as he is getting now, and
about twice as much for everything else.
But if he had a mortgage on his farm it
was reckoned in currency, and one bushel
of wheat would clear off nearly $2.20 of it,
instead of about fifty cents, as it will now.
A thousand bushels of wheat at that time
would pay off the whole of a mortgage
for $1,000 and leave $1,196 for expenses.
The same crop now would allow the farmer
$509 to apply to the mortgage and nothing
to live or;run the farm on, or $509 for ex-
penses and nothing for the mortgage, or $80
for interest and $429 for the farm and
family, leaving the debt as large as ever.
In 1866 a man without money could buy
a farm in the West on credit and pay for it
with the proceeds of one crop. In 1896
the same man might receive the same farm
without incumbrance, as a gift, and be
bankrupt in a year. But Mr. Cockran sees
nothing in the discontent of the Western
farmer except a desire to cheat his laborers.
Looks Like a Winner.
From the Chambersburg Review.
From a neutral or independent stand-
point we may safely say the prevailing
opinion of the majority at present is, that,
if the election were now or in the near
future, freesilver would win, at least, if
decided by the popular vote. Although
yet early in the campaign, it is late enough
for the average voter to have formed his
impression, which will be pretty generally
lasting as first impressions usually are.
The silverites have taken advantage of the
‘‘cool of the morning’’ while the so-called
sound money men were getting their breath.
The ‘‘heat of the day’’ finds the average
workman indisposed—too hot for convic-
tion contrary to early impressions. In
other words, our opinion is that the pres-
ent state of affairs will not materially
change. It looks like free silver. :
Tr ——
Gteat Need of Concerted Action.
From the Johnstown Democrat.
The liars who have been engaged to
swear, by Mark Hanna, to things that aren’t
so should get together and compare
notes before going farther in their wild
tergiversation. One of them has just sworn
that Mexican prices are twice as high as
American prices, while another deposes and
says they are four times as high. There is
evidently work here for the expert tin-
plate liar. :
Sure to Make Wages Rise.
From the Kansas City Times.
The argument that under free silver,
wages would not rise on account of the
‘present glut of labor in the market’
ignores the assertion that the ‘‘present glut
of labor’’ is due to the killing of prosperity
by plutocratic legislation. If prosperity is
restored by free silver, the demand for la-
bor will be restored and wages will rise.
Mixed Logic.
From the Doylestown Democrat.
Some of our esteemed Republican ex-
changes are becoming woefully mixed in
their logic. Every time a failure is an-
nounced they attribute it to the danger
attending the election of Bryan, and then
they proceed to insure their readers that
there is not the least danger of the election
of the Democratic nominee.
They’ll Have Time to Forget.
From the Stark County (0) Democrat.
‘‘Workingmen know a dollar when they
see it,”’ says Senator Foraker. Of course,
they do, but unless there is a change soon
it will be so long between observations that
they will forget what it looks like.
Two of a Kind.
From the Washington Post.
Mr. Foraker used three Mexican dollars
to illustrate his financial remarks. The
Mexican dollar scheme is rapidly becomin
the esteemed contemporary of the shell
—With an array of campaign backers
headed by the ROCKEFELLERS, the VAN-
DERBILTS, the ASTORS, and such like mul-
ti-millionaires, aggregating five hundred
millions in wealth, MARK HANNA need’nt
be sparing with the boodle, and can well
afford to lavish it on BOURKE COCKRAN at
$1,000 a speech. As the fund is inexhaus-
tible and BOURKE is on the make, more
speeches in defence of ‘‘honest money?’
may be expected of him at that price.
I —
——HOKE SMITH’S retirement from the
cabinet was not unexpected but the confir-
mation of the report, that his resignation
had been accepted, carries with it the con-
viction that HOKE has the courage to stand
for the party even to the sacrifice of per-
sonal interests.
——The season for camp-meeting being
at hand, it is but natural to suppose that
there will be a shaking up of spiritual dry
bones very much after the fashion of the
revivals held in the winter season.
Spawls from the Keystone.
—Sharpsville borough has voted to build
water works to cost $50,000.
—Pennsylvania quarries ship great quanti-
ties of school slates to Europe.
—A flower show for the benefit of the hos-
pitals will be held at Reading. :
—Huntingdon is making great preparations
to celebrate its centennial next month.
—The State ‘insane asylums now contain
300 more patients than they did last year.
—Eighteen copperhead snakes in one nest
were killed by Harvey E. Dirk, a Nerotown
arrested at Nanticoke for making counterfeit
five-cent pieces.
—The State Asylum at Polk, Venango
county, should have been finished last Jan-
uary, but is still incomplete.
—Because his wife refused ‘‘to kiss and
make up’ Edward Leinbach, of Reading,
shot himself three times, but will recover. .
—Jesse Rutter, of Wurtemburg, near New
Castle, was kicked in the abdomen by a horse
Saturday and to-day died from his injuries.
—John Barupka and John Peeler left their
homes at Mount Carmel and went huckleber-
rying early last week and neither has re-
—The internal revenue department has
notified W. D. Hileman, a gauger at Scran-
ton, that he must cease acting as agent for a
—Four hundred Lackawanna county sa-
loons have put into effect their order to buy
no more liquor from brewers who sell to
—Thinking his neighbor, Adam Berry was
a turkey in the brush, Oliver Diveler, of
Flat Rock, Clinton county, shot and badly
wounded him.
—Charles Blumm, of Philadelphia, while
coasting down Providence hill in Uniontown,
Monday, took a header from his bicycle, and
was killed. /
—The directors at Collegeville have estab-
lished a prize worth $150 for the student
passing the best examination for admission to
the Freshman class.
—Fred Hellers, a brewer living in Altoona
crawled under a freight train, in the Penn-
sylvania railroad yards, to sleep. The train
started and ground off both legs and one arm.
—Mrs. Daniel Truckenmiller, an octogena-
rian, tumbled down a flight of steps at her
home in Sunbury early Monday morning
sustaining injuries from which death resulted.
—Andrew Kranack, a Hungarian, having
a wife and two children in the old country,
was struck by a Pennsylvania train in Hazel-
ton, Monday, and so badly injured that he
cannot live. N
—The Democrats of the Twelfth congres-
sional district unanimously nominated John
A. Garman for congress at Wilkesharre, on
Tuesday. Mr. Garman is chairman of the
democratic state committee.
—A large bee tree was cut down one day
last week by Denus Peddcord, of Buffington
township, Indiana county. Some of the
combs of honey measured several feet long,
and fully two bushels of bees were found
in the tree. =
—The will ofiAndrew K. Swartz, of Beth-
lehem, deceased, has been admitted to pro-
bate. He bequeaths $1500 to Christ Re-
formed church, of Bethlehem, and $1000 to
the board of foreign missions of the Re-
formed church. o
—Henry Sherer, of Lynnport, "aged 80
years, was found dead in a field near his
home Monday. He had gone to visit Jacob
Blose, a neighbor, the day before and started
for home across the fields in the evening. A
verdict of death from apoplexy was given.
—Tom McClellan and Mike Quinlin, of
Lock Haven mounted their wheel, Monday
afternoon at five o'clock, and rode to Fishing
Creek and returned home at nine o'clock
with thirty-two pike. They caught them all
themselves and did not use a silver hook
—The Pittsburg synod of the Lutheran
church convened in Altoona, Wednesday. It
will be in session for one week and will be
known as the ‘‘missionary synod.” Rev.
Prof. Weidner, D. D. of Chicago, Rev. J.
S. Whellaker and Rev. J. Talleen are in at-
—Rev. S. Buzza, Rev. Mr. Burger and Rev.
Mr. Findley, Sharpsville clergymen, were
swindled out of sums of money, it is said, by
a man from Altoona, who claimed he was a
missionary. A collection was raised for him
in the Presbyterian church at the morning
—J. W. Evans, aged about 50 years, fell
from a scaffold forty feet in height at Blooms-
burg Monday afternoon, and died in a few
minutes. Mr. Evans was the contractor for
the stone work of the new Methodist church,
now in course of erection, and was superin-
tending the work on this building when he
met with the accident. He was a resident of
—Bertha Cross, aged 13, and Austin
Wormsley, aged 15, were killed, and Blanche
Cole, aged 15, badly hurt on a suburban
crossing of the Erie road, near Meredith on
Sunday evening. They were ‘returning
€ | home in a buggy from a campmeeting, and
young Wormsley, against the protestations
of the girls attempted to drive across the
track ahead of an excursion train. The
horse was killed and the buggy reduced to
kindling. .
—A freak of nature has made its appear-
ance in Scranton. It is in the shape of a calf
having a double body. The calf was born on
the mountain above the Notch. When
‘found it was in a healthy condition and gave
signs of life, but it has now become very
weak and it is thought will die. The bodies,
heads and limbs of the calf are all fully de-
veloped, and are similar to those of any ordi-
nary sized calf. The two bodies are con-
nected by a thick ligament.
—The statement furnished the auditor-
general by the county commissioners of Cen-
tre county is as follows: Number of tdaxa-
bles, 14,524; value of all real estate, $12,404,-
732; value of all real estate taxable, $11,141,-
192 ; number of horses taxable, 7,200 ; value of
same $246,421 ; number of cattle 7,810; value
of same, $113,886 ; salaries and emoluments
of office, $463,865; aggregate value of all
property taxable for all county purposes,
$11,965,354 ; aggregate of money at interest,
including mortgages, judgments, ete., $2.779,-
629; total tax on-dogs, 82,814. A fair in-
crease over last year,
_ —Daniel Gross and Adam H. Yeger were