a a x a ~ ~ workingman’s dollars. AS —— Ve — mt EN Np a TT Bn PO A am Rapin ew — an pel Rin yo rime re et No oo ~~ - rome, PE 8 Terms, 82.00 a Year, in Advance. Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. 7, 1896. P. GRAY MEEK, - - Ep1ToR. Democratic National Ticket. FOR PRESIDENT WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN, of Nebraska. FOR VICE PRESIDENT ARTHUR SEWELL, of Maine. Democratic State Ticket. FOR CONGRESSMEN AT-LARGE, JOHN M. BRADIN, Washington Co. BENJ. C. POTTS, Delaware Co. FOR ELECTORS AT-LARGE, WILLIAM JM. SINGERLY, Philadelphia. JAS. DENTON HANCOCK, Venago. A. H. COFFROTH, Somerset. GEO. W. GUTHRIE, Pittsburg. FOR DISTRICT ELECTORS, John M. Carroll, Samuel Dickson, Chas. J. Reilly, Albert M. Hicks, John M. Campbell, J.P. Hoffar, James J. Ryan, Lucien Banks, John Hagen, A. J. Brady, George W. Rhine, John C. Patton, William Weihe, Judson J. Brooks, John J. McFarland, C. H. Aikens, Seymour S. Hackett, Harry Alvin Hall. John H. Hickson, John B. Storm, Thos. A. Haak, Chas. F. Reninger, Chas. H. Schadt, Thomas R. Philips, Charles F. King, John K. Royal, William Stahler. Democratic County Ticket. FOR CONGRESS. J. L. SPANGLER. Subject to the decision of the district conference. { JAS. SCHOFIELD, { ROBERT M. FOSTER. For Sherif —W. M. CRONISTER. For Treasurer—C. A. WEAVER. For Recorder—J. C. HARPER. For Register—GEO. W. RUMBERGER. ForCommissioners— ! Dey ERMAN, Ti SS For Auditors— { PE For County Swrveyor—J. H. WETZEL. For Coroner—W. U. IRVIN. For Assembly— Twaddle About Unsound Money. A great deal of foolish talk is being heard about unsound money, hut the gold standard, which has controlled the cur- rency since 1873, has produced a condition in which the wage-earners and the general class of laboring people are getting but lit- tle money, whether sound or unsound. The supporters of MCKINLEYISM dis- play great anxiety about the quality of the : But while they declare that no money can be too good for the workingman, and that the honest toil- ers should be paid with honest dollars, they are careful to pay them as few dollars as possible in wages. This clatter, that comes chiefly from the money dealers, protected monopolists, and the general breed of MCKINLEY favorites, about the intention of the supporters of free silver to debase the currency and flood the country with dishonest money, is sim- ply disgusting, as it is but a blind to cover their own grasping designs and selfish policy. The working people have become aware of the fact that they have been made the victims of a currency that has been nar- rowed down to a volume that can be con- trolled by the money dealers, and that their condition will be relieved by an en- largement of the circulating medium that will prevent the country’s stock of money from being cornered by a combination of gold jobbers. : More silver money will have this effect, and money that will be productive of such a beneficent result can-not be considered dishonest money. An Army of Burchards. Those who remember the incidents of the campaign of 1884 have an amusing rec- ollection of what a mess reverend brother BURCHARD made of it when he attempted to assist the Republican cause by ‘‘shooting off his mouth’’ in the interest of JAMES G. BLAINE. 2 The disastrous consequences of BURCH- ARD’S indiscreet talk should have been a lesson to clerical gentlemen that politics is out of their line of business znd that by dabbling in it they are likely to do more harm than good. Bishop NEWMAN, how- ever, does not appear to have profited by BURCHARD’S unfortunate experience, as is evidenced by recent political remarks he made, in which he gave his support to the cause of the gold-bugs, and declared it to be his opinion that those who were sup- porting free silver were but little better than an aggregation of fools, thieves, knaves and anarchists. He boasted that he had influence over a thousand ministers, and that they should all receive instructions to talk and work against the election of BRYAN and SEWALL. We have a reason- able expectation that the Democratic can- - didates will be successful, but if a thous- and BURCHARDS are set to work against them, using such offensive language as bishop NEWMAN has given as an example, our expectation of the election of BRYAN and SEWALL will be converted into a cer- tainty. : ——Two very effective examples of the modern art of poster making are issued with the mid-summer numbers of Century and St. Nicholas magazines. They are con- trary as possible in design and the effect, when seen side by side, is decidedly height- Free Silver Coinage in America Would x ot Drive Gold out of the Contry. From the Manchester, England, Guaraian, July 22nd, 1896. It is a noteworthy fact that, as we have recently recorded, highly expert opinion in the United States is just now being expressed against the almost universal supposition on this side the Atlantic that the free coinage of silver by the United States would drive goldrout of that great country. The point ig an important one, because on the asser_ tion that this would be the result the whole charge that the ‘silverites’ ’are aiming at “repudiation’’ rests. Of course it may be contended that in any case the charge is unjust, as the Americans have always retained the option af paying their Government obligations—and Congress is in no way responsible for the specific obligations of private companies or individuals — in either gold or silver dollars ; and they have actually paid their creditors—notoriously in the case of the Rothschild-Morgan loan of last year--a higher rate of interest than they would otherwise: have been called upon to pay in order to retain this option. But it has also been re- peatedly declared to be the ‘‘fived policy’’ of the United States to *‘maintain the parity’’ of the gold and silver dollars, and on this ground there would appear to be some justification for the charge of repudiation if the Americans deliberately aimed at destroying the parity. Jr. Bryan and his supporters, however, capress the conviction that only bythe re-establishment of free coinage can the parity be cffectively maintained. The curious fact is that, even though the majntenance of the parity by free coinage had the effect of lowering the purchasing power of gold to the present exchange value of silver, or, in other words, of raising prices, no one would describe such a result as repudiation. Mr. Gladstone on at least two occasions--the latest in 1892—offered inducements to other Powers to re-open their mints to the free coinage of silver at the old 16 to I--ratio--for ob- The British Government under viously any independent action, by the Latin Union or the United States for instance, would | have been af the old ratio,--and-no one thought of charging Mr. Gladstone or his colleagues with endeavoring to induce foreign Governments to ‘‘repudiate.”’ The immediate question is, therefore, whether the free coinage of silver by the United States in the ratio of 16 to 1 would destroy the parity of the gold and silver dollars. It is urged that this effect "would be produced by gold being driven out of the United States. Now it may be pointed out that there are authorities in the United States who ! contend that even if this actually happened the exchange value of the American silver dollars would not necessarily be lowered ; and attention may also be called to the fact | that even under existing circumstances, that is without the free coinage of silver, gold is | apparently leaving the United States. But we may leave these points for future con- | sideration, and confine our attention at the moment to the assertion that silver free coin- age would inevitably expel gold. This assertion is based on the operation of what is knows as the Gresham law, to the effect that bad money drives out good money. Now it is important to remember, in the first place, that the truth of this law depends on the definition of the terms ‘‘bad’ and ‘‘good.”” In its original application it merely im- | plied that base coins or money consisting of a metal other than the real standard coins, | or containing a larger amount of alloy than the standard coins, would expel the latter, | and that light coins, even if equal in the quality of the metal to the standard coins, | would expel full-weight coins. This would tend to happen for two obvious reasons ; : the gold or silver smiths would naturally melt only the coins containing the largest | quantity of the raw material they needed, and the heavier and purer coins would be | selected for foreign payments requiring a given weight of bullion of a specified fineness. But even in this case the law would be true only to a limited extent. | that there was no balance of indebtedness to discharge abroad, but rather that money | was flowing into the country in payment of debts owing to it, and that the quantity of good coin far away exceeded any possible demand from the smith, then the good and | bad coins, assuming both to be full legal tender, might circulate side by side. Indeed | we know that before the recent calling-in of the light gold coins in this country a very | large quantity of such coins were in circulation without driving out the full-weight If we assume | : man should steer clear of. It isa company that will not pay its policies at all if it can avoid doing so. Itis a company that is not honest and the proper way to treat it, is just as you would treat any other dishonest concern—leave it to skin those who are fools enough to patronize it. The same with other moneyed institu- tion. Any one that threatens to pay, at any time, but 53 cents on the dollar, is not worthy of confidence or credit, nor should people trust it over night. Keep your eye open for these skin con- cerns and when you hear of one warn your neighbor- against having anything to do with it. ~ EE ————TS— Harrity out of Politics. The Former National Chairman will No Longer be an Active Worker. William F. Harrity, until recently the chairman of the Democratic national com- mittee, has retired from active politics. In answer to inquiries upon the supject Mr. Harrity made the following statement : ‘Yes, it is true that I have determined to withdraw from active participation in political affairs. For several years past I have been accorded some prominence in the management and leadership of the Democratic party, but I desire to take my place in the ranks, except in so faras I may have duties to perform as the Penn- sylvania member of the Democratic na- tional committee. *‘In taking this step, I wish to express my warm appreciation of the personal and political friendship and support which I have enjoyed during my political career. I have no resentments for my enemies and nothing but gratitude for my friends. No man ever had warmer or more loyal and devoted friends than I have had. These friends I still hope to retain, even though I have withdrawn from active political association with them ; and if the time shall come when I can serve or aid them it will be my pleasure to respond to their calls or demands. TIRED OF THE HARD WORK. I shall,” said .Mr. Harrity, ‘continue to take a general interest in politics and shall always be ready todo whatever I reasonably and consistently can to promote the success of the Democratic party ; but I shall absolutely refrain from any partici- pation, whatever, in matters that relate to party organization and management. I have given much of my time and a good deal of my energies to political matters since 1882, when I first began to take an active part in politics. I have now con- cluded, however, to take a rest from poli- tics, so to speak, and todevote all of my en- ergies to the management of the affairs of the Equitable trust company, to the prac- tics of my profession and to my private business matters.’ Mr. Harrity’s declaration is understood by his friends to mean that he will give no attentions to the work of state or county convention, or of state or county commit- tees ; and that he will not in any way en- deavor to influence, secure or control polit- ical nominations or appointments of any character whatever. They now regard Mr. Harrity as entirely coins. driving out gold, the supposition is, of course, that gold would have a higher market | | “out of politics,” although the prediction | is made by some of them that they will not Now, with regard to the probability of the free coinage of silver in the United States | he surprised to see him appear again in na- | tional or state politics aftera few years re- ., tirement and relief from the drudgery and value in comparison with silver than that given to it in the mint ratio, and that this would | make the relation between the gold and silver dollars analogous to that between base or | light and pure or full-weight coins. It is really important to remember that the an- | alogy is not perfect ; but, nevertheless, there is sufficient resemblance between the two | cases in some respects to justify the application of the Gresham law W that of American | free coinage. Admitting this, then, it is clear that in the case of free coinage of silver | and gold, as in that of base or light and standard money, neither metal could be drawn | out of circulation, except by a demand for the arts or for foreign payments. There might, of course, he some hoarding ; but we may omit this possibility as a practical | consideration because people do not, as a rule, hoard their wages, salaries, or incomes in | any form ; they require the money for expenditure in supplying their daily needs, and | even if they have any surplus they like it to be earning interest somewhere. The gues- tion then is whether the demand for foreign payments or the smith’s demand, or both | combined, would be sufficient to exhaust the American stock and annual supply of gold. | Really it is only necessary to consider the demand for payments abroad, and with reference to this it must be pointed out that the mere fact of free coinage might so alter the conditions of trade and investment as to turn the balance of indebtedness largely in favor of the United States. This is a point which requires separate consideration ; at present it is sufficient to | say that at least one highly expert and very experienced American, Mr. St. John, the late ! president of the Mercantile bank of New York, maintains that it would have this result. Moreover, the remarkable fact that previous periods of free coinage at a fixed ratio were | not characterized by the disappearance of either metal, or the breaking of the parity, | cannot be wisely treated as of no significance. It is quite true that there were drains | now of one and now of the other metal from particular countries during those periods. But it is erroneous to say, as is very often said, that such drains were due to a diver- | gence in the real market value of the two metals, or were proof of such divergence. The | drain of silver from France to the East, for instance, was no more due to the alleged cheap- cotton goods, or a demand for cotton goods in summer is due to a cheapening of woollen | be remembered that all such great special movements of one of the two metals were | or less of a back-flow simultaneously with the outward flow, though the volume of the | under the operation of the Gresham law, is to assume an absurdity utterly inconsistent ening of gold at that time than a demand for woollen goods in winter is due to a cheapening of | goods. It wasa demand for the only metal which could be used as money in India, | and had nothing whatever to do with the relation of silver to gold. Moreover, it must | drains from one country to another on balance merely. That is, there was always more | latter was larger than that of the former. Now, to assume that the so-called ‘“‘good”’ money would flow at the same time both out of a country and into the same country with the essential meaning of that law. - ——The honesty and consistency of the Republicans on the money question, was exemplified down in Schuylkill county, on Monday last, when the Republican coun- claring for the gold standard, and nom- inated for Congress CHAS: BRUMM, one of the most blatant advocates of the fiatest kind of “fiat” money, an old-greenback- labor-agitator and a blatherskite in gen- eral. In place of denouncing the action of the Schuylkill Republicans, as the work of ‘‘anarchists,’’ *‘populists,”” ‘‘cranks’ and ‘‘repudiationists,’” the gold papers, an- nounced the result in head lines, ‘‘For McKINLEY and Gold,” “Harmony on the Schuylkill’”’ ete. The two Philadelphia papers, representing Mr. SINGERLY’s, twenty-three bolting gold Democrats.—The Times and Record, { have neither words of condemnation nor | contempt for those Schuylkill Republicans | who in effect, declare against a gold stand- ard, and propose sending to Congress a representative who cannot be trusted on any issue. When the Republican press of | the State and its alligs, the gold Demo- | erats, who pretend to be favoring what they | ty convention voted down a resolution de- | reason to respect their course. Until they do, intelligent and reputable citizens can have but contempt, for professions and pretenses, that have neither honesty nor principle behind them. “I am for the largest use of silver in the currency of the country. I would not dishonor it: I would give it equal credit and honor with gold. I would utilize both metals as money and discredit neith- er. I want the double standard.”—From Maj. McKinley’s speech in Congress, June 24th., 1890. Fifty-three Cent Concerns. Whenever insurance companies, savings institutions, banks, and other corporate | concerns begin to warn the public that under certain conditions they will only | pay to their depositors, policy holders or | { | creditors, fifty-three cents on the dollar, it | is time for the people to become suspicious | of them, and get what is due them while | there is a chance. No solvent or solid con- | cern will threaten to pay any class of credit- | ors, forty-seven per cent less than is due | them, under any consideration. details of active participation in party management. Pattison for Bryan. Pennsylvania's Ex-Governor Says He Will Do His Part as a Citizen to Bring Success to the Democratic Candidate. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 2.—Ex-Governor Robert E. Pattison has come out for Bryan, Sewall and Chicago platform. He was ask- ed yesterday what the effect of the retire- ment of ex-national chairman William F. Harrity from active participation in the coming campaign would be in the local and state Democratic organizations. “I have no knowledge of Mr. Harrity’s | retirement save what I see in the morning newspapers,’’ Mr. Pattison said. ‘‘Admit- ting that his attitude is correctly stated, I don’t know that it portends any immediate disaster to Democratic doctrine. That par- ty has survived the loss of many leaders of large and deserved influence in past coun- cils, Ex-Senator William A. Wallace was a leader of conspicuous judgment, foresight and esteem. Samuel J. Randall was anoth- er whom good Democrats rejoiced to follow. Lewis C. Cassidy, from whose office Mr. Harrity was called to conduct a state cam- aign was another whose counsel was sought and whose advice was followed in many campaigns of difficulty and danger to the men and principles for which the party stood, and still the party went right on. ‘The campaign of ’82 in which Mr. Har- rity was first selected to engineer the state executive committee, was one of much diffi- culty. There were warring factious seek- ing executive control. I, as the candidate, selected Mr. Harrity to run the campaign. He was not objectionable to either faction, and they could harmonize upon him. Since then he has become a valuable coun- sellor.”’ “Will the city and state committees en- dorse the Chicago ticket?’ was asked by the Press reporter. “I am not in active connection with po- litical affairs but they indorse Bryan and Sewall heartily.” “Will that mean the withdrawal of elec- tors who are opposed to Bryan and Sewall the reporter queried. “If any gentleman named as elector feels that he cannot obey the mandate of his par-" ty,he ought to withdraw without being asked.” ‘Then you favor Bryan and Sewall and the Chicago deliverances? ‘Unquestionably ; and I shall do my | part as a citizen to bring success to the can- didates.” Reduced Rates via Pennsylvania Rail- ‘road for Mount Gretna Farmers’ En- campment. From August 17th to 21st, inclusive, the Pennsylvania railroad company will sell, for the above occasion, round-trip tickets to Mount Gretna and return at rate of one | fare for the round trip, from -principal sta- tions hetween East Liberty and Bryn Mawr, on the Northern Central railway north of and including Lutherville, and on the Philadelphia and Erie railroad division. These - tickets will be valid for return passage until August 21st, inclusive. For information in regard to train ser- vice and specific rates application should be made to ticket agents. 2 ADDITIONAL LOCALS. ~—One hundred and fifty Mileshurg ‘Presbyterians picnicked at Hunter's park yesterday. : Ri ——Co. B. will receive $923.48 for pay during service at the Lewistown encamp- ment. The payment is now being made. eee Aree. ——There will be a meeting of the Belle- fonte McKinley club, this evening, in the Arcade. Gol. J. P. Coburn and others will talk. ——— ee. IT1S ALL IN THE WAY YOU LOOK AT IT.—The Philipsburg Ledger thinks Belle- fonte is dull and that Philipsburg is sev- eral degrees more active. Oh, no! dear Ledger, your head is simply going and you imagine it is the town. That McKinley allegiance is too mach for you. rE ——1It is said that old Asa McClelland, of Graysville, Ferguson township, is able to be around again after twenty-four years of blindness and total paralysis. He can walk, talk and see again, so it is reported, and is altogether a very happy man at having regained his faculties. He woke up from a sort of Rip Van Winkle sleep the other day and thinks the world has not progressed much since he went out of it. ee Gl lp, MARRIAGE LiCENSES.—Following is the list of marriage licenses granted by orphans’ court clerk, G. W. Rumberger, during the past week. Chas. L. Woodling, of Brooklyn, and Sadie R. ®ault, of Nashville, Tenn. Thomas E. King, of Spring township, and Mary E. Fogleman, fof College. Arthur Corrigan, of State College, and Martha Hunter, of Stormstown. Edward L. Wagner, of Harrisburg, and Mary G. Crotty, of Bellefonte. et Gp THE “MIDWAY PLAISANCE”’—Was one of the most successful money making schemes ever attempted in Bellefonte. On Friday, the third night, the receipts were $180.79 and on Saturday night, with all the rain and heat, $112.13 were taken in, mak- ing the total gross receipts $197.78. The expenses, including the rent of the armory, will not amount to more than six- ty dollars, as the costumes, lumber, souve- nirs, and most of the refreshments were con- tributed. The contest between Bryan and McKinley, for which a cent a vote was charged, caused no little excitement, as Bry- an was easily in the lead as the popular choice. Saturday Doctor Hayes, Ed Blanchard, Tom Mitchell and some of the | other Republican workers humped them- selves and with hard work succeeded in rais- ing $15 in this Republican stronghold to hoist McKinley to the top. The net receipts of the different booths amounted to $308.60. - The contest headed the list with $64.88. The Dahomeyans came next with 858.65. The Spanish booth made $47.33. The Ger- man village $45.36. The Japanese, $33.17. The Irish, $16.62. The Indians, $5.83. | The Javanese, $4.76. Hagenbeck’s, $6.95. ‘The lemonade and flower booth, $20.00, and the door receipts showed that fifteen hun- dred and thirty-four people had paid ad- mission. . TT ey —A Farmers institute and harvest home basket picnic will be held at Pine Grove Mills, in Ard’s grove, on Saturday, Aug., 22 under the auspices of the state board of agriculture. A good social time and sound agricnltural instruction combined. Prof. Hamilton, deputy secretary of agriculture, has promised to tell of lime and its uses in agriculture. The insect enemies of fruit, and the destructive army worm will be dis- cussed hy competent authority if time per- mits. Gen. James A. Beaver 18 expected to give an address. Everybody, far and near, is invited. | Pine Grove Mention. Last Sunday the bushmeeting at Linden Hall was quite well attended by church go- ers from this section. Miss Nannie Thomas. of Latrobe, formerly well known in educational circles, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Maggie Gates, on Water St. The potato crop is not yielding as prolif- ically as was expected ; but what they lack in numbers is made up in size and quality. The annual musical picnic will be. held in Ard’s grove on Thursday the 13th, of August. You are all cordially invited, for the day will be one of pleasure. S. C. Miller, one of our practical and suc- cessful school teachers, has been elected by the Franklin township school board, to teach the Huntingdon Furnace school. Our farmers are busy cutting one of the largest oats crops they have ever handled. The fields are yet green, but for fear of the ravages of the army worm the reaping is be- ing done. Our people hail with delight the tidings of the early completion of our railroad. Work has been resumed, the iron is being laid while report says it is to be pushed to a finish this time for sure. Our young friend G. E. Weaver after epending his vacation at home helping to i harvest, has returned to Poughkeepsie, N. i Y., where he will continue to hang paper and . fresco ceilings until something better turns | up. | Farmer P. F. Bottorf, G. B. Campbell, W. { H. Smith, N. E. Hess, Wm. Martz and John i Neideigh have their fighting togs on for the | sheep dogs that played havoc with their { flocks one night last week. A number were | killed outright and others so badly crip- | pled that they had to be killed. | Boys beware 1 and do not go too near the { bull. Edward Eckley is now laid up with a | broken thigh and other serious injuries ‘caused by a vicious animal charging head- ' long at him. It is supposed that a red hand- All Through Brush Valley. Mrs. E. J. Burd, of Snow Show, is home on a visit. Samuel Loose celebrated his 77th birthday last Saturday. Earl and Charlie Meyer, sons of William Meyer, are visiting the old home. Alf. Ziegler has returned from a successful tour canvassing for books. Forest Emerick has safely returned from a trip to ‘‘the jolly haymakers.” Mary Hartman, of Bellefonte, is visiting her old home at Kreamerville. Mr. Simontom—of* Mifflinburg, tarried at Cornelius Stover’s for several days. Mr. Robby. of Washington, D. C., is the guest of the Brumgart boys, at Wolf's store. Clayton D.Weaver, of Wolf’s store, has gone to Williamsport to engage in the grocery husi- ness. Henry Kreider is home, from Franklin & Marshall, spending his vacation with his mother. C. O. Malory and Reuben Bierly are build- ing new houses in the west end of Rebers- burg. Let the Rebersburg=™mmd Madisonburg grangers turn out to this picnic on the com- ing Saturday, in Emanuel Harter’s grove. Mrs. McCann and her daughter, of Lewis burg, are visiting Clayton Brumgart’s, in the east end of the valley. Mr. Hamilton and wife, of Philadelphia, and Mr. and Mrs. Bradford, of Centre Hall, were the guests of Squire Carlin over Sun- day. David Meyer, of Centre Hall, and George Emeérick have bought Dan Weaver's steam thresher. Dave intends to thresh-out lots of Bryan oats. There are now only four lonely Democrat- ic gold bugs in Rebersburg, and these are buzzing happily on the big sunflower of Ne- braska. — . ff Dan Weaver's cider mill is now grinding steadily. The crop of fruit of all kinds is immense. Pears are so plenty that they can- not be given away. ~ Mrs. Jennie Musser and daughter, Grace, after a months visit with her mother, Mrs. Thomas Wolfe, has returned to her home at Orangeville, I11. Charles Woodling, of Brooklyn, and Mrs, Gault, of Nashville, Tenn., were married last Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs, Harvey Burd. Mr. Woodling left for the city on Tuesday, while Mrs. W. will remain a few days. ? Slaterbeck Bros, of Wolf's store, make two trips a week to Williamsport with whortle berries. They sell about 2000 quarts per week. Whortle berry pickers can make $1 a day, which is more than the farmer can make off his farm on the gold basis. Our correspondent is informed that the fol- lowing persons have become readers of the WaTcHMAN : C. O. Malory, Cornelius Sto- ver, Henry Detweiler, George Kreamer, J. A. Gramley, H. Charles Brungart, George B. Stover, Henry Shultz, Nathan Hough, Lloyd C. Miller, George E. Miller, Mrs. M. E. Has- senplug, and Mrs. Caroline Swartz. So many at least know what is the best county paper. The following are the ministers that will preach at the campmeeting of the United Evangelical church, held in. Emanuel Har- ter’s woods, beginning Aug., 12th : presiding elder, Stapleton of Lewisburg; president, AaronE. Gobble, D. D. of Central Pa., col- lege ; Revs. Zehner, of Bellefonte ; Lohr, of Millheim ; Sechrist, of Howard ; Woodling, of Centre Hall ; Garrett, of Sugar valley; Koontz, of Nittany; Dubbs, of Spring Mills and Harris Stover, the preacher in charge. Between twenty and thirty tents will be erected. The following persons registered at the Rebersburg hotel last week. S. L. Mull, Elemsport ; B. W. Kurtz, Phila.; W. C. Foresman, Alvira; Joseph Mackey, Wm. McAlee and wife, Williamsport ; Otto Stem- ply.:C. A. Weaver, Bellefonte ; E. P. Vroo- mone, Saratoga, N. Y. ; J. H. Ross and son, Linden Hall; Nelson Robb, Zion; G. F. Kloss, Tyrone ; Chas. Royer, Millheim ; H. W. Welshaus, P. T. Carstetter, Greenburr; C. N. Platt, Harrisburg; J. B. Simonton, Mifflinburg ; Earl M. Bartley, Wm. Ruhl, Spring Mills; Ira Gramley, E. Stover, Aaronsburg ; Sterl Miller, Tylersville. Der telephone is doch an wunderborliche g’schicht, abodich fo dee leit voo ken bublin hen. Ledsht wuch vee der veedich hund deirich dee valley gonga is, hud ar da wire gebissa und all dee leit on da telephone swi veadich varra. Ya, un vee des Philadelphia musik driva g’ flowa’is, huds heslich gemacht! Dee ard hud g’schiddled! Dee luft wor ful federa g’flowa fun dee orma glano fegel voo uf am droat g’huokt hen! Es hud so gedun- vered un g’splashed os is der Cook, dee Ellen un dee Salle gons forgessa faschrecht hud. Gevis dee leit varra irva gescheit. Dee and geht now gons kartzlich unnner. Der Deifel huld see all, anyhow del voo olsford om tele- phone hucka a uh larna noch ma fun onnera leit eera bisness. Port Matilda Pointers. Miss Kit Harshbarger, of Philadelphia, is ° paying her sister, Mrs. Orie Jones, a visit and indications point to the complete captivation of one of our young men. This end of the county will surely become noted ere long. There are only five cases from Taylor township for the next sitting of the criminal court and the end is not yet. In looking over the reports of the recent storms throughout the county and the disas- trous results we can congratulate ourselves, in this particular section, that we suffered no more serious damage than delaying some of the farmers in gettingin their crops. Mrs. Martha Hicks, who had been keeping house for S. U. Harshbarger since last win- ter, died at the home of her daughter, in Al- toona, whom she had gone to visit for a few days. Her remains were, brought to this place yesterday morning and interred in Black Oak cemetery. Deceased was first married to Aaron Richards, of this place, and after his demise the late Abram Hicks. ——The National telephone construc- kerchief infuriated the bull and he attacked | Chicken thieves have commenced opera | tion company, operating a telephone ex- | | change at Waukesha, Wis., has ceased busi- | ness. The exchange was built a few | With difficulty the animal was clubbed away the boy, landing him headlong into the creek. | tions in these parts, Rev. Minnigh, who was away attending his sister-in-law’s funeral, having left the care of his stock in charge of ened. The Century poster is a prize win- ner, having been successful in competition : : vith pin i Tndred: others. Mr. De or consistency to properly characterize and decker, a young Chicagoan, now studying | oppose the work of the Schuylkill county | allege is ‘‘honest money,” have the honesty * The insurance company that proclaims | months ago to compete with the Wisconsin » i .) ¢ that its policies will be worth but fifty- | telephone company’s exchange. The poles 5 5 rand wires have been sold at nominal price, three cents on the dollar in case of BRYAN'S | 54d to be enough to cover the outstanding jand fortunately he had been dehorned a | his friends, and no one being about the prem- | short time before, or the boy would have: ises at night, a bdo oh jae to the oa y rits, came home to find his hen coop raided. een gored to death, Dr. Woods set the he thieves are known and should the like bone, and for several days the boy suffered | occur again they will be given the full ex- in Paris, is the artist. | Republicans, their followers will have some election, is a company that every prudent | indebtedness. ER —- intensely, but is now improving. tent of the law.