Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 24, 1896, Image 6

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Bellefonte, Pa., July 24, 1896.
It is easy enough to be pleasant
While life flows by like a song,
But the man worth while is the one who will
When everything goes dead wrong.
For the test of the heart is trouble,
And it always comes with the years,
And the smile that is worth the praises of earth
Is the smile that shines through tears.
It is easy enough to be prudent
When nothing tempts you to stray ;
When without or within no voice of sin
Is luring your soul away.
But it is only a negative virtue
Until it is tried by fire,
And the life is worth the honor of earth
I= the one that resistsglesire.
By the cynic, the sad, the fallen,
Who hath no strength for the strife,
The world’s highway is cumbered to-day ;
They make up the items of life.
But the virtue that conquers passion
And the sorrow that hides in a smile,
It is these that ave worth the hgmage of earth,
For we find them but once in awhile.
— Elle Wheeler Wilcox.
Ex-Gov. Russell Dies Suddenly.
The Famous Executive is Found Dead in His Outing
Tent.—Went to Quebec for a Rest—The Brilliant
Young Leader of the Bay State Democracy Stricken
Down in His Sleep While Enjoying a Few days of
Camp Life in the Woods of Quebec, Accompanied by
His Brother and a Friend—He Had Seemingly Been
Enjoying Good Health and the Announcement of
His Death Was Received With Incredulity by His
Boston Friends and Business Associates—Life of
the Famous Boy Governor.
QUEBEC, July I6.—Ex-Governor Russell,
of Massachusetts, was found dead this
morning in his fishing camp at Adelaide,
near Grand Pabos Quebec. He passed
through Montreal in the best of health and
was on his way to the salmon grounds in
Gaspe. Hisdeath is supposed to have heen
due to heart disease.
Mr. Russell left his family in Boston on
Monday for his pleasure trip to Quebec,
accempanied hy his brother, Col. E. H.
Russell, and Francis Peabody, Jr. At
that time he was in perfect physical condi-
tion, excepting that he was somewhat fa-
tigued after his active work at the Chicago
convention. :
The tent in which they slept was divided
into two compartments, and as the ex-Gov-
ernor slept alone, the others did not know
that he was dead until late this morning,
when they thought it was time to awaken
him. His body has been sent to Boston.
William Eustis Russell, ex-Governor of
Massachusetts, whose life was so suddenly
cut short yesterday, was barely 40 years of
age, he having been horn in Cambridge,
Mass., in 1857. Few public men could
compare with him for the purity of their
private lives, and there were none whose
prospects for the future were brighter.
Had he wished he could have been the can-
didate of the sound money Democrats at
the recent Chicago convention, but he
agreed with Senator Hill, Ex-Gov. Flower
and other leaders that silence was the bet-
ter policy and confined himself to making
a speech protesting against the adoption of
the free silver resolution ; a speech that
was listened to with respectful attention
and was a forceful and at the same time
graceful presentation of the subject.
Mr. Russell's paternal ancestors were all
staunch Democrats. His grandfather,
Charles Russell, was a member of the Gov-
ernor’s Council, a position almost equal in
dignity to that of the executive office itself.
His father is the well-known Boston law-
yer—Charles Theodore Russell. On his
mother’s side he was of French Huguenot
extraction, she being a Ballister of the Le
Ballister family, who settled around Mar-
blehead, Mass., when exiled from France.
Mr. Russell was educated at the public
schools at Cambridge till he was 16, when
he matriculated at Harvard. Throughout
his university career he was a keen athlete;
a nose that hore traces of hard usage, a
couple of swollen finger joints and other
infallible signs bore witness to his devotion
to the national game. On the river or at
the track he was equally enthusiastic, and
no one ever gave the college yell louder or
more persistently in a critical juncture than
he. Notwithstanding his love of outdoor
sports he found time to work for his degree
and to become one of the foremost political
debaters of the college. Indeed, in his class
of "77 there was only one man who could
approach him in debate and that was Em-
mons Blaine, the leader on the Republican
After his graduation he entered the Bos-
ton University School of Law, where he
won the William Beach Lawrence prize for
the best essay on ‘‘Foreign Judgments,
Their Extraterritorial Force and Effect.’
At the graduation exercises in 1879 he
was chosen orator for the class, and received
the first “Summa cum Laude’ degree as
bachelor of laws ever given by the Univer-
sity. In 1880 he was admitted to the bar,
and commenced practice in his father’s of-
Mr. Russell’s first appearance in politics
was a candidate for Alderman in his native
town. In this position he gave such gen-
eral satisfaction that he was elected Mayor
in 1885. Almost immediately after his elec-
tion trouble arose between the street car
company and their employes. The strike
drew near the verge of open hostilities and
of danger to life and property ; but young
Russell rose to the emergency, and with
the courage and tact that has marked his
every action since, compelled their adher-
ence to legal methods, and finally adjusted |
the difficulty to the satisfaction of both par:
The incident attracted the attention of
the” whole State to the young Mayor of
Cambridge, and he was thrice re-elected
In 1838 he received the Democratic nomi-
nation for Governor. In stumping the
State his youthful appearance—he was 31—
was a handicap to him at first ; but he soon
removed the impression by his clear and
lucid exposition of facts. Though defeated
by Governor Ames, the Republican candi-
date, he polled nearly 1,000 more votes
than were cast for Mr. Cleveland for Presi-
dent. His speeches to prove that revenue
is the only just basis in a republic for the
imposition of duties on foreign trade, and.
condemning the miserable hypocrisy that
wages of laboring men depend upon the
fattening of some beneficiaries at the cost
of the entire population, endeared him to
the Democracy of the State, and he was
again nominated in 1839—for the old. Bay
State elects a Governor every year. This
time his opponent was Governor Brackett,
and at the end of the campaign, though not
5 x Ftd iln dn SB
successful, he had the satisfaction of re- |
ducing the plurality of the Republican ean-
didate from 29,000 to 6,775.
In the next year he turned the tables on
Brackett, receiving 141,746 votes to the
latter’s 131,896, and was the only Demo-
crat elected. His place in an overwhelm-
ingly Republican Legislature was no sin-
ecure, but he managed so well that he was
re-elected for two succeeding terms and re-
fused the nomination for a fourth term.
Mr. Russell leaves a wife whose maiden
name was Margaret Manning Swain, the
daughter of a noted minister of Lowell,
and an exceedingly beautiful woman, be-
sides three children—William Eustis, Jr.,
now 9 years old ; Richard Manning, 5
years old, and a daughter, Margaret aged
In his lifetime he attended Dr. McKen-
sie’s Congregational Church in Cambridge,
and his home was at No. 174 Brattle street,
one of the handsomest parts of the city.
Mr. Russell’s memory was prodigious.
He would occasionally dictate a speech of
two or three columns to a newspaper writer
who had asked for a copy in advance and
having read over the proof slips would de-
liver it without deviating from the priginal
text, and without using a single note of
manuscript. ¢
He was particularly noted for his direct-
ness of speech ; there was no half-way
straddle with him upon any vital principle.
He used no empty, high sounding words,
but said in language that was plain and
unmistakable what he believed on every
subject of public importance. With him
sound money meant the gold standard, and
tariff reform meant the abolition of protec-
tion. . He hated hypocrisy and worshipped
In appearance Mr. Russell was some-
what above the medium height—about 5
feet 8 inches. His face, which was smooth-
ly shaven, was frank and open, shawing
firm though somewhat irregular features.
One would have taken him fora larger
man than his measurements gave reason to
expect, for his athletic exercises had devel-
opgd a naturally fine figure. His voice
was deep and resonant and after Senator
Hill and Mr. Whitney he was one of the
most conspicuous figures among the sound
money men at the Chicago convention.
The family of Ex-Governor Russell, in-
cluding Mrs. Russell and the three child-
ren, William Eustis, Jr., Richard Manning
and Margaret, who are spending the sum-
mer in a quiet cottage overlooking the bay,
were in ignorance of the cloud of sadness
overhanging them until a telegram from
Colonel H. E. Russell was received an-
nouncing the death of Mr. Russell. Ap-
parently dazed at first, Mrs. Russell, as the
significance of the sad news grew upon her,
seemed to be bearing up well. Ex-Gov-
ernor Russell’s brother, Joseph B., arrived
about an hour later and was immediately
closeted with the widow and children.
Motherless Institutions.
In most states in this Union women can-
not be appointed trustees of public institu-
tions, because such trustees must he elec-
There have been men who kept house for
themselves or had only men servants in
their bachelor quarters, and ‘yet neither
they, nor their friends ever thought of
these houses or flats as homes ; men have
kept house but they never have made
homes. Women are the home-makers and
home keepers. This characteristic of woman
is just as important in the state asin the
family. Men would think it a grave error
if no one but women served on the board of
trustees of soldiers’ homes, if only women
were physicians in and superintendents of
such homes. The writer smiles as she im-
agines what a furor would be created if all
public institutions should suddenly be
taken out of men’s hands and put into
women’s. No woman would want such a
thing to happen.
The writer believes that all public insti-
tutions, schools, libraries lunatic asylums,
soldiers’ homes, etc., should have women
trustees, directors, or whatever the term
may be for such officers, but she is a little
more radical than many women. However.
she cannot see how any woman can cease
from making effort to have women trustees
on boards of all public institutions where
women and children live whether it is .a
lunatic asylum or a children’s home. A
most pitiable sight is a number of mother-
less children, whose father alone is trying
to plan for their future. Yet just such a
man who knows that some woman must
help him out with his family cares, does
not seem to think that the principle ap-
plies as well to the state.
In many states women have besieged leg-
islatures until boards of visitors have been
appointed. These hoards, however, have
neither responsibility nor authority. They
visit the institutions ‘when they are ex-
pected and must report or make suggestions
in writing to the trustees. ~ The trustees
need take no,notiee of such report. . They
occupy ahout such a position as a formal
caller would to the motherless family
above mentioned. Such a caller would he
sympathetic and interested but her help
would be of little value because of the re-
lation she bore to the family. The writer
doubts if a board of visitors does any good
except to accustom men to seeing women
about such institutions and to accustom
women to serve on such boards.
The time is surely coming when women
and men will serve together as trustees ;
then will all the details of the home be un-
derstood by all members of the hoard.
Then will woman’s tenderness, her mother
heart he felt, then will many unfortunate
women and children be happier and health-
ier. Then will the state find that the small
economics which women practice in the
home will be practiced in the state.—Har-
riet Taylor Upton.
Bryan Stronger than Bland.
Representative Russell, of Georgia, a
gold Democrat, says: ‘‘The nomination
was, by long odds, the best that could have
been made on that platform. Those who
know Bryan will vote for him because of
his personality.
“Bland would not have pleased the
country like Bryan. Bryan looks like
presidential timber. He is one’ of the gen-
glest, nicest fellows I ever knew. He will
make a model president. Georgia will
support the ticket. There will not he
3,000 holters in the state.
Cream Peppermints.
Pour half a cupful of cold water over
two cupfuls of granulated sugar, stir well
together, then place on the fire and melt,
stirring until the fire is dissolved, hut ne
longer. Then boil exactly three minutes.
Remove from the fire add three drops of oil
of peppermint, and stir with a spoon until
it becomes creamy. Then drop on oiled
paper. Let it stand for twenty-four hours.
Then dip in melted chocolate, if you wish,
or they are very nice without the chocolate.
a a bss &
Fortune’s Foibles.
Some Conversational Mistakes of People Made Rich
Suddenly—Mrs. Malaprop Up-to-Date.
It is said ‘‘that money talks’ in this fin
de siecle period, but in the oil country
when ‘“‘money talks,’’ it. sometimes makes
mistakes. Pennsylvania, where a single
lucky strike may transform an adventurer
into an Astor, presents examples of
the power of gold to buy everything hut
that which its possessors most desire.
There is probably no spot on earth where
people become so suddenly rich or poor as
in the oil country. A family may be liv-
ing from hand to mouth one day and the
next find a stream of liquid wealth flowing
into their treasury. Such conditions are
favorable for codfish aristocracy. Persons
of no education, culture or reflnement
move from hovels to palaces, they seek to
buy social position. Although few, their
conversation abounds with striking illus-
trations of the ridiculous.
Mrs. Malaprop lives over again in the
woman, who tries to move in a new sphere
bounded by a golden circle. Trying to ap-
pear used to the new conditions her posi-
tion is ludicrous. One woman of newly
made fortune declared her intention to
give her little girl ‘‘all the educations there
are,’’ to have her hair ‘‘manicured,” and
to give her an ‘‘epidemiz’’ in case she
should get sick.
The following dialogue occurred in a
mushroom oil town.
‘Mrs. Struckile, you spend a great deal
of your time in Paris, don’t you?”’
‘Yes, we do, and I was just telling the
girls that we would soon be Parasites.
Another oil country woman received an
invitation with R. S. V. P. in the corner.
She hesitated a good while as to the mean-
ing of the mysterious letters, but finally
exclaimed : ‘‘Rich Supper, Veal Pie.”
The sons of fortunate fishers for oil must
always attend an Eastern college. A proud
mother of such a son was asked by a neigh-
bor as to what business the boy expected to
take up when through college.
“Well, I don’t know exactly, but I’ve
heard tell that there is a good deal of mon-
ey in bankruptey and I think we will set
him up in that.”
‘The newly made rich are somewhat shy
of books and literature, but even their sim-
ple questions are sometimes amusing. An
oil country book store was the scene of this
dialogue :
‘‘ ‘The Last Days of Pompeii.” What did
he die of, miss ?”’
‘Of an eruption, I believe,”” the girl
clerk replied.
The ‘‘unearned increment’”’ accumulates
a heap of trouble. It is said that money is
a universal provider of everything but hap-
piness, and a universal passport to every-
thing but heaven. An immense fortune is
an elephant of unusual size and whiteness
on the hands of one who has always known
where every dollar came from and where
every one should go. A struggle for exis-
tence becomes a plunge for position. One
multi-millionaire of the petrolenm district
was fettered with a wife who could neither
read nor write. A true philanthropist ex-
claimed : “God help the rich, the poor
can beg.” Some oil men imagined that
their sudden wealth could buy anything.
They had yet to learn that ‘‘E’en dollars
hide their sordid faces when they meet
anointed eyes.’
In the palmy days gone by when Oil
Creek flowed: past Titusville, literally a
stream of oil, & single venture lifted a far-
mer from poverty to opulence. He straight-
way took his daughter to a fashionable fin-
ishing school to have her ‘‘eddicated.”
After examining the girl in the rudiments
Madame found her in a state of original
ignorance, and moreover, she lacked capa-
city. She explained the matter to the
doting father as delicately as possible. He
listened loftily to her delicately worded ex-
planation and then bluntly blurted out :
‘Well, why can’t you take her ?”’
“I fear she lacks capacity,’’ said Ma-
¢¢ ‘Capacity.’ Why woman buy her one.
My name’s Brown, I'm Brown, the oil
A celebrated singer once sang in an oil
town. The seats sold for twice the price
of seats in the Metropolitan opera house.
The great singer sang sweetly that night.
At the end of the evening the richest and
roughest producer in town went up to the
sweet singer and told her how much he had
enjoyed her ‘‘dirge.”’
An oil man, made immensely wealthy
by the touch of the oleaginous Midas,
thought a trip to Paris an indispensable
adjunct to his travels. On his return, he
was always the centre of an admirin
group, while he descanted upon the beau-
ties of Paris.
‘And did you go to all those places ?”’
asked an open mouthed listener.
Yes,” replies the oil king, “I went to
every single place, but one and I found it
simply impossible to get there. On a great
many cabs I saw the sign ‘Complet,’ and
at last I felt that I must go there. - But
every cab marked “‘Complet’ was always
full and the more I tried to get there, the
harder it became, so I gave it up.”
No class of people is more sensitive to
any possible allusion to the source of their
wealth than those who have acquired it
suddenly. Especially true is this of oil
men. Even more so than the Chicago
meat man, who objected to having his Ii-
brary bound in calf. The story is told of
an oil man entering a barber shop for a
hair cut. After the barber had applied the
shears he asked :
‘‘Any oil on your hair, sir?’
‘Look here, young man, you had better
not be casting up my busin to me, if
you know when you are well off.”
The future student of genealogy will
tind it a difficult task to trace a genealogi-
cal line in some oil country families. Very
shortly after a gusher’s flow, the family he-
gins to cast around for a more aristocratic
name. Rogers becomes Roget, as ‘a result
of an increase of ducats. The hard sound
of ‘‘g’” in Vettinger ‘becomes: the softened
‘Yj’ under the gentle influence of green-
backs. It is nota long step from Delton
to Deltonay, but a tony one. Fallamater
with the accent on the antepenult becomes
Pallomater, with the accent on the last syl-
The hypen is introduced to give tone to
the name. Plain Miss Jones on her mar-
riage to the oil king, by a remarkable but
simple metamorphosis, becomes Mrs. Jones-
Smith. Others of the Smith connection
are content to substitute a ‘‘y’’ for the ‘i’
in their name, so that they now sign
Smyth. The Browns satisfy their sense of
change by adding an ‘“‘e’’ to their name.
It was either the later Brownes or the later
Smyths who, wishing to increase their
sparse knowledge of the stars, put an
“‘oblipatory’’ on their roof.
The oil district has examples of such
people. They are ill fitted for their new
wealth. There are fine, cultured people in
the oil regions, but as a rule, they have ac-
quired their wealth gradually. The nouv-
eaux riches are the most glaring features of
a newly developed territory.
The Habit of Thought.
There is scarcely anything in life which
may not be viewed in both sunlight and
shadow ; from the pettiest affairs of an or-
dinary day up to the most profound phil-
osophy, which is either optimistic or pessi-
mistic. To one man a beautiful day, that
thrills the world with joy, only suggests
the thought that somewhere rain is needed;
to the other the same reflection occurs only
asa consolation for the disappointment
caused by a storm. Every event that hap-
pens, every person we meet, every hook we
read, every task we perform, every truth
we discover, has a pleasant and a less
pleasant side, and the choices are continu-
ally before us as to which we will empha-
size. Mr. O. S. Marden, in his architect
of Fate, says : ‘If one loves beauty, and
looks for it, he will see it everywhere. If
there is music in his soul, he will hear it
everywhere—every object in nature will
sing to him. Two men who” live in the
same house, and do the same work, may
not live in the same world. Although they
are under the same roof, one may see only
deformity and ugliness ; to him the world
is out of joint, everything is cross-grained
and out of sorts. The other is surrounded
with beauty and harmony ; everybody is
kind to him ; nobody wishes him harm.
These men see the same objects, but they
do not look through the same glasses ; one
looks through a smoked g'ass which drapes
the whole world in mourning ; the other
looks through rose-colored lenses, which
tint everything with loveliness and touch
it with beauty. * ® *
Give me the man who, like Emerson, sees
longevity in his cause and who believes
there is a remedy for every wrong, a satis-
faction for every longing soul ; the man
who believes the best of everybody, and
who sees beauty and loveliness where oth-
erssee ugliness. Give me the man who be-
lieves in the ° ultimate triumph of truth
over error, of hatmony over discord, of love
over hate, of purity over vice, of light over
darkness, of life over death. Such men are
the true nation builders.”
The Philadelphia Ledger believes that
the habit of happy thought is not to be ob-
tained hy any selfish desire for happiness,
no matter how fully such desires may he
fulfilled ; it is something quite indepen-
dent of riches or fame, or power of pleas-
ure. They may accompany it, but can never
produce it. Bryon uttered a truth when
he said : ‘‘All who would win joy must
share it ; happiness was born a twin.”” The
sunny nature is hoth cause and. effect ;
those who scatter seeds of joy in other
hearts will reap a harvest in their own,
and the chief delight of that harvest will
consist in feeding the multitude.—Phila-
A Hot Bath Will'Bring Sleep.
Suppose a person be tired out hy over-
work of any kind, to feel nervous, irritable
and worn, to be absolutely certain that
‘bed means only tossing for hours in an un-
happy wakefulness. Turn on the hot
water in the bathroom and soak in the hot
bath until the drowsy feeling comes,
which will be within three minutes ; rub
yourself briskly with a coarse Turkish tow-
el until the body is perfectly dry and then
go to bed. You will sleep the sleep of the
just, and rise in the morning, wondering
how you could have felt so badly the night
before. The bath has saved many a one
from a sleepless night, if not from a severe
headache the next day.—Dr. Cyrus Edson
in Ladies Home Journal.
A NEW LEASE oN LIFE.—The aged and
weak have declared after using Speer’s
Port wines that they felt as though they
had a new lease of life hy having their sys-
tems renovated by this pure strengthening
wine made by Alfred Speer, of Passaic, N.
J. The iron in the soil in which the vine
grows gives the Blood making qualities to
the wine. For sale by druggists.
——Teacher.—‘“Where were you yester-
day ?”’
Pupil (whimpering).—*‘It was all Billy
Tompkin’s fault ; he hipnertized me an’
made me go fishin’ with him.’’—7%id-Bits.
——Don’t you know that Hood’s Sarsa-
parilla will overcome that tired feeling and
give you renewed vigor and vitality ?
Harvest Excursions.
In order to give everyone an opportunity to see
the grand crops in the Western states and enable
the intending settler to secure a home, the Chica-
‘go, Milwaukee & St. Paul R’y has arranged to run
a series of harvest excursions to South and North
Dakota, and to other states in the West, North-
west and Southwest on the following ‘dates : July
21, August 4 and 28, September 1, 15 29 and Octo-
ber 6 and 20, at the low rate of tivo dollars more
than oNE FARE for the round trip. Tickets will be
good for return on any Tuesday or Friday within
twenty-one days from date of sale. For rates,
time of trains and further details apply to any
coupon ticket agent in.the East of Sotith, or ad-
dress John R. Pott, District Passenger agent, |
Williamsportt Pa. 41-28-3t.
Tours in Beautiful Acadia.
One Night at Sea to a Foreign Land by the Tourists’
Favorite Line.
The Plant Steamship Line—the Tourists’ Favor-
ite Route from Boston to the Maritime Provinces
—takes pleasure in announcing the inauguration
of its summer schedule of sailings. Beginning
June 23rd the SS. “Halifax” and SS. “Olivette”
will leave the north side of Lewis wharf, 20 Atlan-
tic Avenue, Boston, every Tuesday and Saturday
at 12 noon. The SS. “Halifax” sails to Halifax,
N. 8., Hawkesbury, C. B., and Charlottetown, P.
E.I. The 88S. ““Olivette” sails direct to Halifax,
both ships making connection at the ports named
for all points reached by rail and water lines in
‘the Maritime Provinces, and providing for tour-
ists every comfort and luxury possible to modern
The Plant Steamship Company has compiled a
book of tours, covering the principal and interest-
ing routes of travel in the land of the Acadians.
These tours are designed to afford the patrons of
this line the greatest possible variety and pleas-
ure, and are so arranged that monotony and re-
traveling are avoided.
Tourist and ticket agents of all railway.and
steamship lines in the principal cities will be
pleased to give any desired information about the
Plant Steamship Line and a postal ecard request-
ing Tour Books and Folders is all that is nee-
essary to secure these valuable guides to enjoy-
able travel in a de ghtful summer land.
“Acadia and THereabouts,” issued by the Plant
Steamship Company, and one of the handsomest
and most interesting souvenir books of tourist
literature ever issued, will be mailed to any ad-
dress on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address
B. F. Blake, Assistant General Passenger Agent,
207 Washington street; Boston, Mass.
New Advertisements.
Travelers Guide.
Who told you so?
Neighbor So-and-so.
Oh, well, that's all right.
Testimony differs doesn’t it?
The more some people say
The less faith we have.
. But the right man’s word
Is taken at once.
That’s the difference.
People want Bellefonte reference.
Particularly in matters of health.
We tell you Doan’s Kidney Pills cure,
But we are the makers of them,
“Who says =0'’ counts here doesn’t it?
Bellefonte people say so.
And we give you their addresses.
Perhaps you may know them.
Active lives bring on kidney troubles.
An example of this is
Mrs. P. F. (Keichline) the wife of the well-
known insurance agent of Water street. She say :
*‘My husband obtained a hox of 'Doan’s Kidney
Pills for me at F. Potts Green's drug store. We
Tangs if they were up to representation they
wonld just suit my case. I have suffered with my
kidneys for a long time, They are responsible
for all my backaehe and other annoying and dis-
tressing complications. I had a very severe at-
tack of LaGrippe and it left me in rather poor
health. My back commenced to ache after that
and I am inclined to think that my i were
weakened. I found Doan's Kidney Pills very
SSnofiniel I can endorse all the claims made for
<Doan’s Kidney Pills are for sale by all dealers,
Price 50 cents per hox, six boxes for £2.50.
Mailed to any address on receipt of price by Fos-
ter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the
5. 8. 41-7.
INIuminating Oil.
Best in the world for heavy wagons.
For light wagons and heavy carriages.
Cheaper and better than castor oil.
Prevents hoofs cracking.
For sores, scratches, galls, mange, ete.
Keeps flies off of cattle.
Best leather preserver in the world.
The best harness oil made.
A fine heavy body, for farm machinery.
Sewing machine oil.
Cyele lubricating oil,
Gun oil.
Cycle lantern oil,
We are selling a good grade of tea—green
Try it.
—black or mixed at 28cts per. 1b.
Travelers Guide.
N.Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Co., Lessee.
Condensed Time Table.
EXP. |MAIL. May 17th, 1896. EXP. |MAIL.
No. 37 No. 33 No. 30! No. 36
| 2
P.M. | P.M
9-25 110 115
9 00) 12 3: 442
8 50 12 2 45
8 43] 12 18 453
8 38) 12 13 503 |.
A; 5 09
8 25 12 00... 515
8 05 11 40 _5 34
7 53) 11 31 bs
7 45! 11 21!Ar.. Clearfield Junc....Lv| 6 35, 6 19
7 37 1112. ..Woodland..........| 6 45] 6 20
7 3 11 05}. ... Bigler.... 652] a 34
7 23! 10 58]. Wallaceton.. 6 57) 6 40
7 15! 10 50 Morrisdale Mines....| 7 06] 6 48
707 10 41 oe: oMUNSON,........AT} 715] 657
6 35; 10 16 T40) 721
720 1101 655 635
7 05] 10 36 Tr Tw
7 00] 10 32|.... 722(\703
6 40] 10 12. T4 725
6 20 9 50!. THT TH
613] 9 43|.... S44 752
5 18! 8 48(......BEECH CREEK 8 48] 8 42
305 8 33.cccccrsrane Mill Hall... 901) 853
4 58 +... LOCK HAVE 9 07] 858
4 47/ 8 15.........Youngdale... ; 916 9M
4 35 8 00JJERSEY SHORE JUNC.| 9 20 9 18
430) 7 35....JERSEY SHORE... 930] 920
10 03) 9 55
+100] +7 05 + WILLIAMSPORT. ...
p. M. | A. m. [~Phila, & Reading R. R..| A. ». | p. um.
12 40] *6 55/Ar..... WMSPORT......Lv $10 20(*11 30
3 v PHILA Apr 5 08 710
N.Y. vin» m.Ar 600
27 30|Lv..N. Y. via Phula..Arb 7 25| 19 30
AM AM Po Mif A. ML
*Daily. {Week-days. 26.00 v. M. Sunday. 110-55
A. M. Sunday. “bh New York passengers travel-
ing via Philadelphia on 10.20 A. mM. train from
Williamsport, will change cars at Columbus Ave.,
CoxyecrioNs.—At Williamsport with Philadel-
hia and Reading R. R. At Jersey Shore with
all Brook Railway. At Mill Hall with Central
Railroad of Pennsylvania. At Philipsburg with
Pennsylvania Railroad and Altoona & Philipsburg
Connecting Railroad. At Clearfield with Buffalo
Rochester & Pittsburg Railway. At Mahaffey and
Patton with Cambria & Clearfield Division of
Pennsylvania Railroad. At Mahaffey
Pennsylvania & North-Western Railroad.
Superintendent. Gen'l Passenger Agent,
Philadelphia, Pa.
NEN 8 WL bY Sl
May 18th, 1896.
. ; |
gl 21 5 1 £1] ef,
E|Z8[.3 | May,180m0. | £ | 28] 2
ERE = i g a E =
w= | “ | ws ©
POM.I P.M. |" Vv. A. M. [P.M.
73 315 5 11 206 12
738 321 11 146 06
733 323 11 146 04
741 326 11 096 01
751 336 11 02:5 53
755 340 10 59/5 50
804 349 10 5115 41
i 35 10 445 34
3 59 10 3815 27
401 10 355 23
4 02 10 33j5 21
4.08 10 235 10
4 11} 9 28..0sceola Junec.........!-..reee.. > 0%
416 10 1915 03
4 19} 10 15/4 58
4 23) 10 14/4 57
4 28] 10 09,4 52
4 33] 10 044 46
4 39 9 584 30
44 1004... Bi 9 5314 32.
4 50, 10 10;..... Woodlan 9 47/4 27
| 453 10 13... Mineral Sp...| 505 9 444 24
4501017... ... Barrett,...... 501 9404 20
502 10 22 ..... Leonard....| 456 935415
5 06 10 28 ....Clearfield.....| 452 9 3114 09
511) 10 34... Riverview.....| 4 58) 9 264 03
5 171 10 41'...Sus. Bridge...| 4 43] 9 20.3 56
5 22| 10 46,..Curwensville.| 439 9 153 51
cee 10 52 Rustic rorserveluce 35
...| 11 02 .....Stronach, 2
| 11 06 ....Grampian... ries
P.M.I P.M. ! A.M. |Ar. Lv am la,
Bl.z! | Z | ¢
Bi = | 2 ! May 18, 1806. | & os
& ge pe] < & IF
wi 2 2 = wn |=
= Roi How
P.M.| P. M. 7.f A.M. | P. M. |P.M.
617] 240 8 10] 12 35/7 25
611 234 8 16] 12 417 31
6 071 2 30 8 20) 12 45/7 35
6 03 226 8 24) 12 497 3
557 220 8 30, 12 557 4
554 217 833 12 5
552 215 35] 100
544! 2] | 1
5 36] 2 00] 1
528 153 12
519] 14 |....Unionville... 1
5 12! 1 37) 10 04 Snow Shoe Int.| 915] 1 3
5 090 133] 10 01... Milesburg.....| 918} 1
5011-124 9 53...Bellefonte....] 928 1
449 112 9 41]....Mileshurg..| 9 41] 2
441} 104 9 34....Curtin........ 949 2
437 100 9 30..Mount Eagle..| 9 53 2
431] 12 54] 9 24 Howard........| 9 59 °
4 22 12 # 5.....Eagleville....| 10 08] 2
419 2..Beech Creek...| 10 11] 2
4 os! Mill Hall......| 10 22 2
4 06! .Flemington...| 10 24] 2 g
4 02 5 ...Lock Haven.| 10 30, 2 509 40
P.M.| P. M. | A. M. |Lv. Arr. a. x | Poa [Poa
EASTWARD. May 18th, 1896. WESTWARD.
MAIL. | EXP. | | EXP. | MAIL.
P.M. | A.M Ly, Ar.ja. Mm (P.M
15, 6.20.......... Bellefonte........... 55] 41a
~Axemann. : 50{ 4 10
Pleasant Gap. 47 407
ai «Peru... 4 403%
Dale Summit,
Paddy Mountain.
...Cherry Run..
Se IIIT ~1=1 9000 0 WL WLLL W
Tn dn bn nn 00 LO 80 80 50 00 88 58 22 8 ND IO 1 19 1D I BO 1D KD
= os > ny
2 Cres
———_ RRR RW IK RNR 30388 3808S
© >
8 Z 2
15, 8 2 6 50 18
17) 8 G 47 16
22, 81 6 42 12
27] 8 3: 637 207
35 8 Vicksburg. 6 28 5%
39! 8 57 ....Biehl.. 623 153
470 900, .Lewisbu 615 145
55 9 10. M 5 40 35
P. M. | A. M. {Ar Jamin
2 | I yi
lz | May, 18, 1806. | % |
El = E |
po ol
P.M. |A. mM |Ar. Lve.| a. m1.
4 40 Scoti 10 00
4 23 10 19
417 10 26|
4 11 8 51{Penn. Furnace] 10 33
405 845 10 40,
359 839... 10 46,
355 83a... 10 51;
3 491 8 29(. Furnace Road.| 10 58
3 46] 8 26....Dungarvin...| 11 01
3 38! 8 18 Warrior's Mark] 11 10!
329 8 1 11 20,
318) 7 ssl... Stover... 152 qual
310| 7 50...... Tyrone...... 1140 620...
P. M. Ara. a | poor |
Time Table in effect on and after
May 18, 1896.
Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunda Sm.
Arrive in Bellefonte........... , mm.
Leave Bellefonte, except Sut .m.
Arrive in Snow Shoe....... 11 49 a. m.
Condensed Time Table.
| Reap vp.
No No alxo 2,
No 1'No No 3
May 18, 1896,
a. m. p. m.|p. m,|Lve. Ar. p.m. |p. m.ja. m.
+7 20 br 30 ¥ 45 BELLEFONTE. [10 04) 6 10(10 10
734 744 357.....Nigh.........| 9 49] 5 57| 9 56
741 750] 4 03 2. | 5 51f 9 50
7 46; 7 55| 4 08. HECLA PAR 15 46
748 757 410 5
7 52 8 01] 4 14/...Hublersburg
7 56 8 05] 4 18
7 58] 9 07] 4 20]...
8 00] 8 09] 4 22
8 02) 8 11] 4 24
304 813) 4 26
8 09) 8 19 4 31
8 16| 8 25| 4 37
823 832) 4 43
8 25! 8 34| 4 45
8 30] 8 40] 4 50
9 3 9 Xi reser Jersey Shore.........| 430] T 55
10 9 55|ArT. ) wwarw vel 4 00| +7 25
+10 20/%11 30 Tre pW Ms’PORT ye 2 40| *6 55
508 710 PHILA, «| 18 35/*11 30
tlantic Ci wel
6 45 «NEW YORK..........| 14 30
(Via Tamaqua.)
7 25; 19 30|.......NEW YORK......... 27 30
(Via Phila.) |
p. m.ja. m.[Arr. Lve.[a. m.[p. m.
*Daily. tWeek Days. £6.00 P. M. Sundays.
110.10 A. M. Sunday.
bound train from Williamsport at 11.30 P. M, and
West-hound from Philadelphia at 11.30 P. M.
General Superintendent.
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