Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 17, 1896, Image 8

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- day.
Bellefonte, Pa., July 17, 1896.
To CoRRESPONDENTS.—No communications pub-
ished unless accompanied by the real name of
the writer.
— Have your friends read the WATCH-
MAN during the campaign.
Mis. Thomas Barnhart and Miss
Mary Case, of this place, are seriously ill.
— The Logans are going to picnic at
Hecla on July 30th. Lookout fora big
— See the bargain list in Lyon & Co's.
new advertisement. It will save you
—Are you a reader of the WATCHMAN ?
If not, you should be. It is “the cleanest
and best edited’’ paper in the county.
— There will be a festival at the Evan-
gelical church, Friday and Saturday even-
ings of this week. Go and help a good
— Miss Ida Dever, a Philipsburg girl,
will soon go to China as a missionary. She
has just graduated from the Millersville
Normal school.
— The Howard Hornet and the Belle-
fonte Republican both have free silver ten-
dencies and it would not he surprising to
see both papers joining in with our fight
before long.
—— Mis. Mathias Thall, of Benner town-
ship, mother of one of our best green gro-
cerymen, had a sun stroke on last Satur-
At this writing she is in a very crit-
ical condition.
— Miss Emma Aikens, and her friend
Miss Effie Hamilton, of Beaver Falls, went
to Tyrone, Friday evening, where they at-
tended a party given by Miss Jennie Wit-
ter, of that place.
»—Co. B. 5th Reg. N. G. P., will leave
for camp, at Lewistown, this morning. It
will take a passenger, express and horse car
to transport the Bellefonte guardsmen and
their necessities.
——Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Cruse, of
east Linn street, both think there is only
one baby in the world now and itis the
dear little daughter that came to their
house on Wednesday. >
-——The ladies of the United Evangelical
church at Snow Shoe intersection will hold
a festival, for the benefit of their church,
on Saturday, July 25th. Allare invited to
attend. The festival will be held at the
——It was needless for Mr. R. A. Beck
to deny the report that he was the man
who was playing flageolet solos on the
street last Friday night. Everyone who
heard the player knew that it could'nt
have been Mr. Beck, because the later is an
— There is very little doubt as to who
is the best fruit grower in Bellefonte. Those
delicious peaches that Dr. A. W. Hafer
raises, on his Reynolds avenue property,
easily give him rank over any others
that we know of. The doctor is not at all
selfish with his fruit either.
——Three girls recently had a thrilling
experience below Jacksonville. In driving
along they ran into a rut and for a while it
looked as if a general smashup would fol-
low, but one of them bravely jumped and
took hold of the shafts, helping the horse
out, and all proceeded on their way.
——John Howard, a Philipshurg colored
man, was brought to jail here, on Mon-
day, charged with stealing money from the
St. James pharmacy in that place. In his
confession he implicated Charles Bagley,
one of the store clerks, as an accomplice,
but the latter is believed to be innocent
and secured bail.
——Bergman’s automatic’ Swiss village
now on exhibition in the room formerly oc-
cupied by the McKee hardware store, on
South Allegheny street, has been attracting
great crowds. It is truly a wonderful bit
of mechanism and full of interest for those
who take time to look at it as carefully as
it requires.
——On Saturday evening the aid society
of the Methodist church will hold a festi-
val in the room adjoining Harper’s, in the
Exchange. There will be ice cream, cake
and lemonade for sale and as the “aid”
in this case is needed to pay a debt your
contribution or patronage will be thank-
fully received.
——The corner stone of the new Meth-
odist church at Milesburg will be laid on
Sunday, the 25th. Methodism is growing
in Centre county. New churches have been
started at Kenneda, on the Howard charge ;
and Hunter’s Run within the last month
or so and here is another that will be push-
ed forward to completion.
——The hack fare from Bellefonte to
Lewistown and return, for the N. G. P. en-
campment, is only $1. This low rate for
the 62 miles will remind some of our old
readers of the days when Lewistown was
our nearest rail-road station and Bob Cum-
mings and Watty Graham ran rival stage
coach lines. The competition between them
got sb hot that they hauled passengers over
for $1 and ga@ them dinner besides.
Harry Williams, one of S. H. Wil-
liams’ painters, performed a remarkable
acrobatic feat, last Monday morning, that
possibly saved him from serious injury.
While engaged at painting the house of
police captain H. H. Montgomery, on east
High street, the ladder on which he was
standing slipped, precipitating him to the
ground. The fall was quite a high one and
might have injured him had he not turned
a flipper. just before he lighted, so that he
struck the ground feet foremost.
STORES.—About the coolest and most de-
liberately worked robbery that police an-
nals have any record of in Bellefonte was
that of Powers’ shoe store, on High street,
in the Arcade, early last Monday morning.
The noise of the work was heard by Mr.
and Mrs. Fritz, who occupy apartments on
‘the second floor of the building, and both
of them saw one of the robbers, while he
looked, deliberately, at them, yet, withal,
the store was opened, many shoes were
taken out, the burglars locked up the room
again and left so coolly thatno trace, what-
ever, remains by which there is any hope
of apprehending them. The story of the
robbery is about as follows :
About 1 o'clock in the morning Mrs.
Fritz was awakened by a bumping sound
that seemed to emanate from the store room
below. She called her hushand’s attention
to her suspicion that there was something
wrong, but he reassured her by explaining :
“Qh, it is only George Williams, the clerk,
putting his bicycle away,”’ as he had been
in the habit of leaving it at the store after
late night rides. Both went to sleep again
and think it wasat least an hour later when
they were aroused by a loud slamming
noise, like that caused by a falling window.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Fritz got up and went
out onto the balcony that runs along the
High street end of the building and were
surprised to see a man standing at the curb
directly in front of Powers’ store. ~Imme-
diately upon his seeing them he ran down
the street and into the main hallway of the
Arcade, but ina few moments he ran out
again and on down Water street.
From the dirty finger marks on the door
and above it it is evident that entry was
made through the transom, one of the kind
that is closed by aswinging window, hinged
at the top. Appearances indicated that
one man entered and then opened the back
store windows, through which the plunder
was passed to confederates waiting on the
out-side. The store was securely locked,
when Mr. Powers entered it Monday morn-
ing, the rear shutters were fastened on the
inside, but not as he had been accustomed
to fasten them and one of the windows was
left hoisted. This led Mr. Powers to be-
lieve that the robber left the store by means
of the transom and that it was the noise
caused by its dropping that. aroused Mr.
‘and Mrs. Fritz.
Some people think that the robbers had
a wagon in the alley, at the rear of the
building, as the rumbling sound of wheels
was heard in that quarter during the
night. And such a thing is unusual.
Mr. Powers is unable to estimate his loss,
as his stock was not in order, it having
been left, from a Saturday rush, to be put
in order on Monday morning. There were
at least thirty pair of fine shoes taken,
three special orders, and possibly more.
The safe was not touched. There was con-
siderable money in it.
—The excursions of the robber band, that
has been creating so much alarm among the
women—and we might as well include the
men, too—in this place, for some time, still
goon. And they seem justas secure in
their night-time marauding as ever they
Early last Saturday morning a domestic
in the home of Samuel Sheffer, on east Cur-
tin street, was awakened by some one pok-
ing his hand through the screen door that
opened from the room she was sleeping in
out onto a second story porch, at the rear
of the house. Earlier in the morning she
had been down stairs, trying to cure a
toothache, and at that time heard a strange
noise, but supposing it was made by a dog
she went to bed without further thought
about the matter until the above occurred.
Of course she screamed. The fuss aroused
Mr. Sheffer and the boys, who ran to her
rescue, bui the burglar escaped. He jump-
ed to the ground and fled with his com-
panions, who were evidently waiting be-
low, for several men were seen to run out
of the alley.
day a young Lock Haven man named Tim
Donnevan came up to this place to see a girl
to whom he had been paying addresses for
some time. When he called at the house
her step-father objected to his entering and
when the suitor persisted he was violently
ejected by the irate head of the house, who
happened to be the possessor of strong
blacksmith arms. .
Nothing daunted the young fellow went
down street and purchased an armful of
groceries, thinking, with these, to cajole
the father into a better impression of him.
But it had quite a contrary effect, for when
he appeared at the house the second time
that worthy sailed into him and gave him
a good trouncing, then called the police and
had him locked up.
The young lady took out a warrant, Wed-
nesday, and had him lodged in jail, for
making threats about her.
npr el lems.
RIDING TO BEDFORD.—A party of young
ladies and gentlemen from this place started
overland, to Bedford, last Monday. They
made the trip in what must have been a
very enjoyable way. Some of them were
on horse-back re in a carriage and some
on bicyclés. The party is composed of
Misses Caroline and Annie Valentine, Miss
Elizabeth Blanchard and Miss Alice Wilson,
of this place ; Miss Marcie Seiler, of Harris-
burg ; Ned Blanchard and Frank Rhoads,
of Bellefonte ; and Don Halderman and
Jim Cameron, of Harrisburg.
The crowd that left here was increased
when Hollidayshurg was reached.
——Mert Cunningham is putting a con-
crete crossing, over Spring street, on the
south side of High. It will be 10 ft. wide.
— William Burchfield has heen ap-
pointed to a position as clerk in the Phil-
ipsburg post office.
eee A) A eee.
—The Tyrone wheelmen are arranging
a large race meet for Woodin’s park, that
place, Saturday, July 25th.
——Tom Farner killed a blacksnake that
measured 7} feet in length, in the vicinity
of Potter’s Mills, the other day.
— The Lock Haven Democrat decided,
on Monday, and came out clean breasted
for free silver and the Democratic ticket.
ovo ~
——Evangelists Weaver, Wharton and
Weeden will have charge of the meetings
at Pine camp meeting this year. They
will be held from August 6th to 18th.
——The members of the church at Para-
dise, on Buffalo Run, will hold a festival
Saturday evening, the 18th. Chicken and
waffles, with ice-cream, will he served.
ree QA eee
——The Bean's are going to have a bal-
loon ascension at their picnic, at Hecla
park, on July 30th. There will be no
question about it. They have already made
arrangements for good weather.
——The burglars seem to be working
Tyrone .in the interim between their at-
tempts to rob Bellefonte houses. It inva-
riably happens that after Bellefonte
has been visited Tyrone reports some
——Thursday, August 20th, has been
set apart as Grand Army day at the New-
ton Hamilton camp-meeting. Rev. J. W.
Sayres, of Philadelphia, chaplain of the
Dept. of Penna., G. A. R. will be there to
preach the sermon that day.
——A party of Scranton capitalists have
secured a charter to organize a water com-
pany to supply Philipsburg and vicinity
with water. It is known as the Cold stream
water company. Philipsburg is already
supplied with water by a local company.
EE ea
G. W. Woood Miller, of Penfield,
Clearfield county, and his brother, E. S.
Miller, of Stormstown, have changed busi-
ness enterprises and G. Wood is now a resi-
dent of Stormstown; while E. S. has left
Stormstown, and is now in Penfield. We
hope the change will be mutually benefi-
——During a thunder storm in Lock
Haven, on Wednesday morning, Mrs. H. S.
Gould and her nine year old daughter were
both stunned by lightning. Both were
badly frightened, but soon
They were standing in an open kitchen
door, when the bolt flashed directly over
their heads.
——On Saturday evening, July 25th,
there will be a festival on the lawn sur-
rounding the Presbyterian church, at Jack-
sonville, to which every one is invited.
Good cream and good cake will be served
and a large crowd should be present to help
the good cause, as it will bea benefit for
the Sunday school.
iE epee ;
——The venerable Henry Heaton, of
Boggs township, is unwilling that he should
be given credit for having built the Baptist
chapel, on his Marsh creek property, unas-
sisted. When completed it will have cost
Mr. Heaton about $1,000 of which amount
he has received $10 from Gen. Beaver, $5
from judge Love and $5 from John Q.
——A. R. Alexander, of Penn township,
had a thrilling experience, while cutting
grain on his farm last Monday. His horses
became frightened and started to run away.
Realizing that he could not control them
he jumped from the machine, but in doing
so his feet became entangled in the lines
and he was dragged a considerable distance,
sustaining severe bruises.
——The Centre county medical society
met here, on Tuesday. Representatives
were present from all over the county and
several Lock Haven and Williamsport
physicians attended. A committee from
the West Branch medical association was
present to make arrangements for the hold-
ing of the next annual meeting of that so-
ciety in Bellefonte. During Tuesday’s
meeting interesting papers were read by
Dr. W. B. Henderson, of Philipsburg ; Dr.
George F. Harris, of Bellefonte, and Dr.
E. A. Russell, of Unionville.
——C. H. Bressler, representing the
Democrat publishing company, of Lock
Haven, spent Tuesday in town in the in-
terest of the blank book department of that
concern. He interested a number of the
court house officials in a fine piece of
work he was showing and it is likely paved
the way to some trade in this place.
Lock Haven is near at hand and any bind-
ing or blank book making you need can
be promptly done there as well as at any
other place, and far better than at a great
——An old horseman says: ‘‘Now that
fly time is approaching those who have
charge of horses can save a great deal of
annoyance by a simple remedy. When you
go to the stable in the morning, take with
you a sponge and a pail of water. Wash
the eyes and heads of your horses, and
make them as clean as you would like
your own face to be when you appear at
the breakfast table. Did you ever notice
that flies are continually buzzing around
the heads of horses in hot weather? There
is a cause for it, and the cause is that the
heads of horses are dirty. Try the simple
remedy, and see if good results do not fol-
low.” If the operation doesn’t keep the
flies off the washing will be a good thing
for the horses at any rate.
worm is on the march again and from all
parts of the State come reports of the
damage wrought by these multi-legged lit-
tle worms. Their appearance has caused
many people from affected districts to ask
the state department of agriculture for relief
and a circular just sent out by Dr. B. H.
Warren, state zoologist, contains informa-
tion that might help some of our readers to
protect their fields and lawns.
“The fully developed worm is a little
over an inch long, of a gray or dingy black
color with black stripes and narrow lines
of white on back, and the under surface is
of a more or less greenish color ; the head
is smooth and yellowish, with two black
lines running from top to mouth. It has
sixteen legs, and those from the middle of
the body are each marked with a shining
black or blackish band.
The worms, when disturbed, curl them-
selvesiup like “cut worms,”’ and drop to
the ground. They complete their growth
in about one month, at the end of which
period they burrow into the ground an
each caterpillar changes to a brown pupa,
from which, in two or three weeks, the moth
emerges. The female moth is said to lay
about 750 minute and white eggs, and
these hatch in from eight to ten days.
The best authorities recommend the
mowing of a wide swath around the invad-
ed field, then plow a deep furrow with the
straight side toward the part to be protect-
led, and at intervals of a few feet make
holes with a crow-bar, or dig small pits in-
to which the worms entrapped in the ditch
will fall.
Where the number of worms is’ very
great and the ditch becomes partially filled
plow a second furrow, thus covering up the
worms and providing a second line of de-
Some authorities recommend the use of
kerosene sprinkled over the worms entrap-
ped in the ditch and thereby destroy them;
others use a slight covering of straw which
is set on fire, and accomplish the same re-
It is also recommended that ordinary
fence hoards be set up on edge, end to end,
across their path, and then apply a coating
of tar or kerosene to this wooden barrier,
which checks their progress. Some ento-
mologists recommend spraying of the grass
ahead of the worms with Paris green, thus
poisoning the forage on which they subsist.
For this purpose one pound of Paris green
to 150 or 200 gallons of water is a proper
The most effective method seems to be
recovered..| the constructing of a ditch with the plow,
as stated above, cutting the side next the
part to be protected perpendicular, and
then attending to the destruction of the
worms as they are entrapped in the ditch.”
‘ at
Wuy WE Dip IT.—The following para-
graph, which appeared in a recent issue of
the Magnet and for which we thank Mr.
Bailey, the editor, needs a word of expla-
nation from the WATCHMAN. The Magnet
said :
The WATCHMAN, decidedly the handsom-
est and best edited sheet in Centre county, is
also remarkably enterprising and issued an
extra edition, Saturday morning, telling all
about the convention.
The edition referred to was the four page
issue of this paper that reached Centre
county readers on Saturday, containing a
full report of the Chicago convention, up
to 12 o'clock Friday night. The WATCH-
MAN had special telegraphic reports from
Chicago up to that hour and as it became
known that no nomination for Vice Presi-
dent would be made it went to press so
that its readers would know who was at
the head of the ticket and how the work
had been done, before the close of the
week. | -
The extra was not published as a money
making scheme. It was simply for the
benefit of regular readers. And, like our
extra and art supplement on the Ettlinger
murder, was appreciated.
These departures are not made without
considerable expense, but that is never con-
sidered when we have an opportunity to
serve our readers.
> —
HarPILY WEDDED.—On Wednesday
evening, at the home of the bride’s father
in Pittsburg, a pretty wedding was solem-
nized, when Miss Anna Hunter, of that
place, and William T. Speer were united
in marriage by the Rev. L. C. Barnes of
the Fourth avenue Baptist church.
Although the wedding was a quiet home
affair, with neither ushers nor attendants, it
was very pleasant and pretty. The bride
was dressed in white organdy over white
silk and carried a shower bouquet of lilies
of the valley. She is the only daughter of
John Hunter, superintendent of highways
of the city of Pittsburg, and is said to be
an attractive and bright girl. .
The groom is the third son of W: T.
Speer, of this place, and when at home was
one of our most popular boys. He has
1been employed by the Crescent pipe line
company for some years and in that time
has not made many visits home.
good natured and optimistic that we
know they will have much happiness in
their life. After visiting Chautauqua and
Niagara Falls they will spend a week or
ten days with his parents here. They will
make their home with her father on Centre
avenue, Pittsburg. :
day, July 23rd, the Central R. R. of Pa.
agents will sell special excursion tickets
from Bellefonte and local points to Atlan-
tic City good for ten days. These tickets
will admit of stop off in Philadelphia one
day going and also on return trip within
the limit. Fare $5.75 for the round trip.
Train leaves Bellefonte at 7.20 a. m., ar-
riving at Atlantic City at 6.55 p. m.
ay LR.
He is 80 |
| ——George Schroyer, aged 66 years and
| 6 months, died in Sugar valley, last Satur-
| day. Consumption caused his death.
i f 1
——Mrs. Kate Hoover, a Penn township
charge, died, on Wednesday morning, near
Millheim. She was 78 fears old and had
been blind a long time. i
——Mrs. Susan Breon, a well-known
Millheim woman, died, last Saturday
morning, in her 51st year. Her husband,
Henry Breon, and nine children survive.
1 1
——Mis. M. B. Hysong died at her home,
in Philipsburg, on Tuesday morning, after
a long affliction ith paralysis. She was
very well known in that place and her
death is generally regretted. Deceased was
54 years, 11 months and 8 days old.
i 1 0
——At the age of 42 years Charles Mus-
ser, who farmed his father’s farm north of
Penn Hall, died on Wednesday morning.
Lung trouble precipitated his death, though
he had suffered with a complication of
troubles for some time. He leaves a widow
and one child. Burial will be made to-
MOrrow morning.
P 4 i
AUGUSTUS SMITH.—Augustus Smith died
rather unexpectedly at his home, Central
City, Milesburg, at 10 o’clock, on Tuesday
night. His death having been brought
about by rheumatism, superinduced by get-
ting wet, while watching the balloon as-
cension in this place the previous Wednes-
Deceased was 57 years old and leaves a
widow with two children. Ella, who is at
home ; and Rueben, who is married and
has a prosperous tinning business at
Emporium. Funeral services will be held
at the house this afternoon at 3 o’cloek,
Rev. Wright, of the Milesburg Presby-
terian church, officiating, with Rev. Dr.
Laurie assisting.
Deceased is well known in Bellefonte,
where he had conducted a tinware store for
years previous to his moving to Milesburg.
——Last Friday evening the infant child
of David Wyland, of Milesburg, drank a
quantity of concentrated lye from a tin and
is not expected to live.
——The Logan picnic, at Hecla, on July
30th, will be a monster affair. Leo Stev-
ens will be hack to make a balloon ascen-
sion and parachute drop and there will be
other features of unusual interest.
News Purely Personal.
—DeL. G. Rombaugh, of Watsontown spent
Sunday in Bellefonte.
—Rev. Jas. P. Hughes and his youngest daugh-
ter, Othalie, are at Cape May.
—Mrs. W. W. Bayard spent Monday and Tues-
day visiting friends in this place.
—Miss Caroline Bayard is visiting her sister-in-
law, Mrs. W. W. Bayard, at Centre Hill, this week.
—After a six months tour along the Pacific
coast Mr. and Mrs. James Harris have returned
to their home in this place.
—Mrs. Nellie Beach and her three children, of
Bridgeton, N. J., are the guests of her cousin, Mrs.
W. F. Reynolds.
—Mrs. Rhoads has gone to Chautauqua for her
annual stay at that delightful resort and Miss Re-
becea, her daughter, is in Burlington N. J. visit
ing her brother Joe.
—Mrs. E. R. Chambers and her children have
gone to Kennett Square for a visit to Grandfather
Worth’s, who allows Fred and Isaac to do just
about as they want.
—Maurice Trone, a student in Orvis, Bower &
Orvis law offices, has gone to Hanover on account
of the death of an Aunt and will not return to his
studies until August.
—C. P. Hewes Esq., with his family, will spend
a month’s vacation at Mrs. Hewes’ former home,
in Erie. They enjoy the cool lake breezes every
summer-for a similar pegiod.
—Banker Geo. W. Jackson returned, Monday
morning, from Clifton Springs, N. Y., to which re-
sort he had accompanied Mrs. Jackson and their
daughter, Mrs. Brew. The ladies will remain at
Clifton for some time.
—Mrs. Henry Harris left, Thursday afternoon,
for Canton, Ohio, where there is to be a reunion
of the Toner family next week. Her sister from
Boston will return with her and stay some weeks
before returning to her home.
—Henry D. Lyon, formerly with Sechler & Co.,
of this place, came up from his home, in Danville,
the fore part of the week to talk about buying
Rush Larimer’s grocery store. We would like to
see Hen back in Bellefonte, but he has decided
not to undertake the venture.
—Dr. J. Y. Dale, of Lemont, was in town, on
Tuesday, attending a meeting of the Centre coun-
ty medical society. Though living only nine
miles distant from this place Dr. Dale is not a fa-
miliar figure on Bellefonte streets. His large
practice demands his attention so closely that he
rarely finds it possible to leave it, even for a day.
—Col. Austin Curtin, always genial and the per-
sonification of hospitality when at home, is very
much pleased with his new work, that of managing
Chester Springs soldier's orphan school. They
have 320 children in the institution and in all our
acquaintance with men we can’t think o1 any one
who would male a better father to such a family
than Col. Curtin.
—Miss Marie Shantz, of Philadelphia, is visit-
ing at the home of ex-judge Furst, on Linn street.
Will 8. Furst, Esq., of Philadelphia, has been at
home part of the week resting. Though compar-
atively new in that city he has built up a remark-
ably lucrative practice and the carefulness with
which he handles it is securing a large clientage
for him.
—Prof. Edward Twitmire, city superintendent
of the public schools of Seattle, Washington, is
East on a three weeks visit. He is originally
from the vicinity of Zion and his seven years resi-
dence on ‘thé coast” has not obliterated the de-
sire to see the dear ones in Centre county as often
as possible. He was home in 1893. Prof. Twit-
mire was once a country school teacher in this
county and is a splendid example of a self made
. —W. B. Fleming, one of the well-known Flem-
ing boys, Will, Tom and Jim, was an arrival in
town, on Wednesday morning. His coming was
quite a surprise, to his family and friends, but
then its being unexpected made it all the pleas-
anter. He has been at Midway, Washington Co.,
for some time, in the oil well drilling business:
and as the firm for which he is working is moving
its plant to another field he just took time to
spend a week at home while the setting up on the
new field is being done.
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_ Local notices, per line.........o..uuu
hi a BGR ou cs 5.4.
SPORT, PA.—The millers of the East are
making preparations for a great convention,
at Williamsport, Pa., on the 19th and 20th
of August, next, under the auspices of the
Pennsylvania millers’ state association.
Topics of vital interest to the trade are to
be discussed, and men prominent in public
life are to be on hand at the different ses-
sions. Sree on
After the adjournment of the business
meetings the millers will start on a twelve
days’ trip to Duluth, via Buffalo and the
lakes, spending several days in the great
milling and grain raising sections of the
Northwest. They will leave Buffalo on
the night of August 21st, arriving back in
Buffalo about September 3d.
Last year the millers met in Philadel-
phia and held their most successful conven-
tion, one of the largest assemblages of mil-
lers ever coming together in the United
States being present at that time ; but it is
expected that a new record will he estab-
lished at Williamsport.
The Pennsylvania millers’ state associa-
tion, it is said, is the largest organization
of its kind in the country, its membership
including flour makers and allied trades-
men from six different States. Col. Asher
Miner, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., is president of
the association, and the secretary is W. H.
Richardson, 227 S. Sixth St., Philadelphia.
ig LT
WILSON—SAYLOR.—An unostentatious,
though none the less happy marriage, was
that of John H. Wilson and Miss Minnie
E. Saylor, which was solemnized at Rev.
McArdle’s house, Wednesday evening, at
8:30. The ceremony was strictly private,
no one being present but the bride’s sister,
Miss Clara, and Mr. Herbert Hull, who
were there to reassure the young couple.
Both of the young ladies looked pretty in
dainty white gowns, while the men com-
ported themselves with a dignity becoming
such an occasion.
After the ceremony the bride and groom
were driven to the bride’s home, on Val-
entine street, where a large party of friends
had been invited to meet them.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. Harlan
Saylor and is a young woman of intel-
lectual attainments, as well as a thorough
acquaintance with the duties of wife-hood.
Her husband is well-known in Bellefonte,
as a quiet, industrious young man, whose
untiring persistence in work has make him
manager. of the Western Union telegraph
office in this place. Every one will wish
them happiness.
July 23rd and August 13th the Beech
Creek railroad will have on sale special ten
day excursion tickets to Atlantic City at
the following rates :—
MillHall............ .....
Beech Creek..
Snow Shoe.....
‘ “o>
Wallaceton. 0
Woodland... 80)
Clearfield 90
Mitchells 32
Olanta........ 9.41
New Millport. 9.51
Kerrmoor...... 9.59
Gazzam... 9.86
Bower..... 9.86
Mahaffey 10.00
These tickets will be good to stop off at
Philadelphia on return trip and include a
ride between Philadelphia and Atlantic
City on the famous ‘‘flyers’’ via the Read-
ing R. R. “royal route to the sea.”
CHURCH NoOTICE.—The holy communion
will be administered in St. John’s Reform-
ed church, Bellefonte, Pa., on Sunday
morning, July 19th, at the usual hour for
worship. On Saturday, July 18th, at 2.30,
the preparatory services will be held. Im-
mediately after this service there will be a
baptismal service. All who have infants or
little children to be baptised will pleas
bring them to this service. >
MARRIAGE LICENSES.—Following is the
list of marriage licenses granted hy
orphans’ court clerk, G. W. Rumberger,
during the past week.
John H. Wilson and Minnie E. Saylor,
both of Bellefonte.
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jacksox & Co.
~ The following are the quotations up to six
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper goes
ress : ]
RQ WHEQE... 0s c00eeneecesserssssssssrssimssssentsvesseraane 65
Rye, per bushel.......... 40
Corn, shelled, per bushel.. 35
Corn, ears, per bushel... 15
Oats, per bushel...... 20
Barley, > bushel. 35
Ground laster, Per 8 00
Buckwheat, per bushel.. 40
Cloverseed, per bushel... ..86 00 to 87 00
Bellefonte Produce Markets.
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co.
Potatoes per bushel 35
ggs, per doze 12Y
Lard, per pound.. %
Country Shoulders.. 1
Sides...... X
Tallow, per pound...
Butter, per pound
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday morning, in Bellefonte,
Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in advance);
$2.50, when not paid in advance, and $3.00 if not
paid before the expiration of the year; and no
paper will be discontinued until all arrearage is
paid, except at the option of the publisher.
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county un-
less paid for in advance. :
A liberal discount is made to persons advertis-
ing by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows :
One inch (12 lines this type 185 $8810
Two inches... 7 10:1 15
Three inches .
Quan Column (5 inches
alf Column (10 inches)... i
One Column (20 inches).....ccuueeerrennns 85] 5
Advertisements in special column 25 per cent.
additional. :
Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions........... 20 cts.
Each additional insertion, per line..... wb 0ts,
Business notices, per line......cvniniinsennas 10 cts.
Job Printing Dion kind done with neatness
and dispatch. The WarcnuaN office has been re-
fitted with Fast Presses and New Type, and
everything in the printing line can be executed
in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates.
All letters should be addressed to
. P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor
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