Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 17, 1896, Image 4

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    AIT ies
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Terms, 82.00 a Year, in Advance.
Bellefonte, Pa., July 17, 1896.
Democratic State Ticket.
Washington county.
Delaware county.
Samuel Dickson, John M. Carroll,
Albert M. Hicks, Chas. J. Reilly,
John M. Campbell, J. P. Hoffar,
James J. Ryan, Lucien Banks,
John Hagen, A. J. Brady,
George W. Rhine,
John C. Patton,
William Weihe,
Judson J. Brooks,
John J. McFarland,
C. H. Aikens,
Seymour S. Hackett,
Harry Alvin Hall.
John H. Hickson,
John B. Storm,
Thos. A. Haak,
Chas. F. Reninger,
Chas. H. Schadt,
Thomas R. Philips,
Charles F. King,
John K. Royal,
William Stahler.
Democratic cofhty Ticket.
Subject to the decision of the district conference.
Assembly— | ROBERT M. FOSTER.
Sheriff —W. M. CRONISTER.
For Treasurer—C. A. WEAVER.
For Recorder—J. C. HARPER.
For Register—GEO. W. RUMBERGER.
ios (P. HL. MEYER,
For Commissioners— | DANIEL HECKMAN.
< SS
For Anditors— { al
For County Surveyor—J. H. WETZEL.
For Coroner—W. U. IRVIN.
The Ticket.
In an extra issue of the WATCHMAN, on
Saturday morning last, we gave to its read-
ers the proceedings of the Democratic na-
tional convention, up to that hour. Else-
where in this issue will be found the con-
cluding work of that body.
* Tohoth candidates and platform the
WATCHMAN can give its heartiest approval
and most earnest support. It believes the
candidates are competent, conservative,
brave men who will faithfully fulfill every
pledge made by their party, and will dis-
charge the grave duties devolving upon the
President and Vice President, in such man-
ner as will best subserve the interests of
the people and best protect the honor and
dignity of the government.
It believes the platform reiterates time-
honored Democratic principles
out, will relieve the financial
that is hurrying so many tow
ruptey ; will restore prosperity
blighted country ; stem the tide of extrav-
agance that is increasing taxation ; will
stay the debauching influence of corporate
power, and preserve to: the people the in-
estimable blessings of a truly republican
form of government.
Believing this, and recognizing the fact
that the platform was framed and adopted,
and the candidates fairly and honestly
chosen, by those regularly delegated to
speak and act for the Democratic party,
the WATCHMAN places at its mast head,
with pleasure, the names of BRYAN and
SEwALL and pledges to them, as the Dem-
ocratic nominees, its most cordial and con-
scientious support.
Herr Most Supports the Gold Standard.
It may be interesting to those who are
associating anarchism, communism and
other bad influences with free silver, to
learn that HERR MosT has defined his posi-
tion on the money question.
~ Everybody who is acquainted with cur-
rent events knows that MosT stands at the
head of the anarchists in this country—in
fact is a leader of those who train under
the red flag. It therefore would not
be surprising if that undesirable class were
found arrayed in the interest of the so-
called ‘‘sound money” of Wall street, since
Most has come out emphatically in support |
of the gold standard.
When seen at the office of his newspaper,
the Freiheit, the other day, by a reporter,
he was writing an editorial that furiously
denounced the Democratic presidential
ticket because it was nominated on a free
silver platform. He declared himself to be
“a better gold standard advocate than even
the most rabid Wall street banker,”’ and
denounced ALTGELD as a free-silver crank.
It is of but little account what position
characters like MosT take upon any ques-
tion, but when he, the representative an-
archist of the country, is found on the side |
of the Wall street brokers on the money
question, and declares that ‘gold is the
only current standard of value,” it ill be- |
comes the gold supporters to denounce the
- free silver movement for being anarchistic
in its character.
Is Bardsley to be Pardoned
For some time there has been evidence of
burrowing under-ground in the interest of
a pardon for that colossal defaulter, JOHN
BARDSLEY, and now the rumor of intended |
release from his well merited imprison- |
ment is taking definite shape. The public |
mind is being prepared for this flagrant
outrage upon justice by statements that are
intended to make the impression that the
culprit. has undergone sufficient punish- |
ment, that retribution has been already |
~“exacted proportionably to his offense, that
the sympathy of an excellent class of peo-
ple is using its influence in his behalf, and
| that a pardon would be acceptable to pop-
ular sentiment.
The pardon of JOHN BARDSLEY before
he has endured more than a third of the im-
prisonment to which he was justly sen-
tenced, would have an extremely bad ef-
fect at this time when the kind of offense
he has been gulity of is of such frequent
occurrence and needs the restraint of ex-
emplary punishment. Ill considered clem-
| ency on the part of the pardon board in
| his case would subject it to deserved pub-
Lie condemnation, as well as to suspicion of
a sinister motive in its action.
| Shall We Govern Ourselves or Shall Eng-
| land Govern Us?
| ‘““More than that, the platform declared
that the government should exercise the
| right to redeem its coined obligations in
| either gold or silver. The issue is drawn
| and we have our choice in this campaign
| between the American financial system
| for the American people and an English
| financial system to be forced upon us.
Those who believe in running this gov-
ernment on the European plan should go
pe legislate with the Republican party.
If | mistake not the patriotism of the peo-
| ple whose patriotism has never been ap-,
pealed to in vain, there can be but one
| issue in this campaign and but one re-
| “If they ask us, ‘What about other
questions,” we will tell them that so long
as the right of self-government is in dan-
ger there is no other question. Why dis-
cuss things if we be not powerful enough
to act when we have the power ? I've not
| the time nor disposition to talk to you at
| this time, but | want to impress upon
your minds two things. | want to ask
two questions which ought to be asked
over and over again in this campaign,
each time with emphasis, and the two
questions are these :
“If the gold standard is a good thing,
why ought we to try to get rid of it ?
“And, if it is a bad thing, why should
we keep it until some other nation helps
at Centralia, on Wednesday.
Bryan’s Strength.
Most Likely to Draw to Himself Democrats Opposed
to Free Silver.—His Popularity in Washington, and
Conservatism in His Speeches in Congress.
WASHINGTON, July 13.—In William J.
Bryan the convention nominated the man
who, of all the prominent advocates of free
coinage of silver, is most likely to obtain
the votes of Democrats who are opposed to
the silver movement. This was made evi-
dent to-day in the discussion everywhere
going on in Washington on the Chicago
platform and nominee. All who know
Bryan personally were warm in their praise
of his ability and character as aman. With-
out exception they declared their firm be-
lief in his sincerity and integrity, and ex-
pressed the opinion that if elected to the
Presidency, he would prove himself capable
of discharging its duties with wisdom and
discretion. :
Though a young man, throughout his
career in Congress he showed himself to be
possessed of complete self-control, with no
trace of the hysterical or ultra-emotional
tendencies discernible in many men of al-
most double his years and experience in
public life. His speeches in the Congressional
Record amply bear out the claims made
| for him. These speeches are remarkable
| for their temperate tone in discussing the
great questions to which Mr. Bryan ad-
| dressed himself during his two terms in
| Congress. He never indulged in wild and
| threatening language, nor lost control of
himself in his most impassioned moments.
He never ranted and stormed like Bland
and many other of the old leaders on both
sides, nor stooped to personal abuse of those
who differed from him.
His speech in opposition to the repeal of
the Sherman law affords a striking exem-
plification of these facts. The debate on
this question was characterized by mith
violent language in both houses, and some
of the opponents of repeal indulged in bit-
ter attacks onthe President and all who
stood with him. But there is no trace of
anything of this sort in Mr. Bryan’s speech.
That is devoted to a temperate and scholar-
ly discussion of the question.
Amusing evidence of the temperate
| character of Bryan’s utterances ‘while in
Congress was offered last night after his
nomination. The correspondents of several
Republican papers here received instruc-
tions from the home offices to look up the
violent and Populistic passages in Bryan's
speeches and telegraph them. The cor-
respondents proceeded te peruse the
speeches in the Congressional Record, but
could find nothing in any of them that
went further than to demand the free coin-
age of silver and a radical reform of the tar-
iff. His speech in support of the motion to
investigate the use of Pinkerton detectives
in the Homestead riots was a model of con-
servatism, in striking contrast with other
speeches made in Congress on the question.
So the correspondents were compelled to
telegraph their papers that they could find
nothing in Bryan’s speeches as printed in
the Congressional Record of a Populistic or
revolutionary ch ter.
These evidences That the Chicago nomi-
nee is a man of moderate temper and self-
command, combined with general belief in
his ability, sincerity and integrity, will un-
and thousands of Democrats who oppose
the free coinage of silver, and who look
| askance at other planks of the Chicago
| platform. That, assuredly, is the conclu-
| sion, that must be reached after listening .
| to the discussion of the subject by many !
Democrats here to-day.
Populists Evade Instructions.
CoLUMBUS, O., July 14.—The delegates
from this district; as well as nearly all
| from this State, to the national Populist
convention at St. Louis, are instructed
| against fusion with any other party. P, J.
| Fishback, district delegate, said to-day
that these instructions would probably be
evaded by nominating Bryan anew, with
| no reference to his nomination by the Dem-
| ocrats. Populists will no doubt put the
ticket in this State.
| A Falling Market and the Silver Ques-
A merchant, manufacturer, miller, or
farmer, who enjoys doing business on a
falling market year after year ; who likes
to see prices of the goods or raw materials
he purchases, constantly dropping in val-
ue, before he has time to ‘turn’ them,
ought todo what he can to preserve the
present financial conditions of the country,
and continue the contraction of the cur-
So, likewise, ought the farmer who de-
lights to see prices of the products of his
farm, and the farm, itself, go down in val-
ue year after year.
* ’
All these classes of business men, and
many others, have heen adversely affected
as a rule, for 20 years or more, since silver
was demonetized in 1873,—-prices falling,
falling, falling, year after year, regardless
of tariff laws—falling under a war tariff,
and under the McKinley tariff.
~ Men who like this kind of thing ought
to do what they can to continue the pres-
ent single gold standard for another 20
years—or another 10 years—or5 years.
But men who prefer to do business on a
rising market, who would like to see their
farms worth a little more next year, than
they are this year ; and merchants who
would like to feel, when buying goods in
the fall that they would probably be
worth a little more in the spring should
they have to carry some over, and who
would like to feel that goods bought in the
spring would be worth a little more in the
fall, should they have to carry some over ;
millers who would like to see the grain in
their bins go up, and not down ; those men
and all men who would prefer to do busi-
ness on arising market should be counted
wholly sane should they do what they can
towards securing a reformed and increased
currency situation, through the restoration
of silver to the constitutional place enjoyed
by it previous to the blunder made in
demonetizing it in 1873 ; by which act of
demonitization the money in circulation
has been made to grow more and more
scarce, and dear, which means that it takes
more and still more products to ‘‘buy’’ a
given amount of money—say $30. For in
effect, you ‘‘buy’’ money, the same as you
“buy’’ hay ; and when hay is scarce it is
‘“‘dear,” and it takes more to buy it ; and
when money is ‘‘scarce’’ it is ‘‘dear,’”’ and
it takes more to ‘buy’ it—therefore pro-
duce and nearly all property is ‘‘cheap’’—
you have to give up so much more in order
to get a certain amount of money—say $20.
* *
Before 1873 both gold and silver could
be taken to the mints side by side, and the |
law provided for “free coinage’ of both
metals into U. S. legal tender dollars ; the
act of 1873 left it possible for gold only to
us to get rid of it >—From Bryan's Speech |
. stricken down,
| speak) you would not expect the one that
doubtedly bring to his support thousands |
enjoy ‘‘free coinage’’ thereafter.
Hence, with one of the money metals
(and kicked out, so to
was left to provide money enough, or a
basis for money enough, to do the business
of a large and growing country, as well as
the two metals could do, would you ?
* #
Thus with conditions provided that were
just exactly calculated to bring contraction
of the currency, that contraction, as many
wise statesmen predicted, (Democrats and
Republicans alike) has been coming year
by year ; and year by year money has been
becoming ‘‘more scarce’’ and ‘‘more dear,”’
which necessarily has caused prices of
products, and of goods and of live stock,
and of farm lands, and nearly all kinds of
property, to become ‘‘cheap ;”’ to fall in
The expected has happened. Do you
like it ? .
A few of the many classes other than
those mentioned above, who are affected
by a contracted currency and a scarcity of
money in circulation may be mentioned ;
as the doctor, who, while he may have as
many calls, will receive much less cash for
his services—his business will be more
largely ‘‘charged’’ upon his books ; and so
with the lawyer—he will not only do less
business, but his cash receipts will be
proportionally decreased, while his ledger
will fill with aceounts charged up, to re-
main for long periods, many of them in-
definitely ; so with the country newspaper |
publisher, he can’t have as many subsecrib-
ers, as when more money is in circulation.
There is the traveling salesman-—-he can’t
sell so many goods, hence he can’t earn so
much money ; and there is the day lahorer,
and workingmen generally, they can secure
but little work under the 6peration of a
decreased currency and ‘‘hard times’’ and,
while the dollar they earn may buy more
than it used to, the dollars they do not
earn through enforced lost time, offsets it
several times over.
Hence it is that nearly all classes of
citizens are vitally interested in the cur-
rency question, as they will find if they
study it.
* %
A Falling Market causes all the evils
above referred to, (and more) and a scarcity
of money in circulation causes the falling
market. We have read assiduously for
weeks the Philadelphia Zimes, the Phil-
adelphia Press, the Philadelphia Record,
and the'N. Y. World (some Democratic,
and some Republican in politics, all staunch
up-holders of the single-gold-standard ) and
yet we have never seen in them an asser-
tion to the contrary, at this point. They
give various reasons for the lack of money
in circulation, but they do not deny that
shortage of circulating medium among the
people causes a falling market. The Re-
publican papers, as a rule, say it is all due
to the ‘‘tariff,”’ but never explain why the
fall in prices continue, as a rule, drop by
drop, through and under all tariffs and all
revenue laws.
But once in a while a well-fed chap will
comelalong and tell you that ‘‘there’s mon-
ey enongh in the country,” that ‘‘we never
had more money,” and will perhaps at-
tempt to quote figures to prove it, but when
asked where it is, he replies, ‘‘why, the
the N. Y. banks are full of it.”” And if
asked why it is locked up there, and is not
out among the people, he will probably say.
| “it’s because of lack of confidence ; people
don’t like to put it into business—what the
country wants is a return of confidence.”
Very well ; it’s no use to waste words
| disputing that. It doesn’t hurt the argu- |
| ment at all to agree with him exactly,if it !
! will do him any good. “‘A lack of confi- |
{ dence’’ is in one sense what is the matter. |
But human nature was never so constructed |
| as to permit a man of good judgment to |
a “fallen market,’’ and so the money stays |
locked up in the N. Y. banks, and else- |
where. ”
* |
But some men say that if the circulating |
| medium be increased through free coinage of |
| put his money into business enterprises on |
pay creditors in ‘‘50-cent dollars.” It
should be remembered that the major part
of the contention of the silver men is based
upon the claim that if silver shall be re-
monetized the re-newed and increased de-
mand for silver for minting purposes will
bring the silver ina silver dollar (371}
grains of silver fine) to be worth as much
as the gold in a gold dollar. When silver
was demonetized the silver ina silver dol-
lar was worth 103 cents, to 100 cts. for the
gold in a gold dollar. Demonetized silver
and thus taking away a large part of its use
and its market has driven the price down
(when compared with gold ;) and it it is
once more remonetized it is but natural that
it will once more rise in value, while
gold, (no longer the sole money metal) will
come down to meet it, they will be at a
natural parity, one worth as much as the
other, so ,say the silver men, there will be
no dishonest dollars—one will buy as much
as the other, and be acceptable. This must
be accepted as the view of the Republicans
(who declared for himetallism at St Louis)
same as the Democrats who are for it. Only
one says we will wait for England to join us.
while the other says no, somebody must
take the lead, and the U. 8S. is able to,
and is the one to do it.
Train Derailed by a Cow.
Scrious Accident on the Lehigh Valley Railroad at
Pond Creek.—Fifty Pussengers Wcre Injured.—An
Engine and three Cars Hurled Down a Fifty-foot
Embankment—The Engineer Almost Instantly Kil-
led—Relief Train Sent to their Aid from Hazleton,
WILKESBARRE, July 13.—An express
train on the Hazelton branch of the Lehigh
Valley, railroad while rounding a curve
this afternoon between White Haven and
Freeland struck a cow. The engine was
derailed and thrown down an embank-
ment 200 feet high and the three passenger
coaches were thrown from the tracks upon
their sides. One man was killed and a
score of people hurt, several seriously.
The accident was the most serious passen-
ger wreck that occured on the Lehigh Val-
ley railroad since the memorable Mud Run
Dead W. H. Dowd, engineer.
All the passengers aboard the train were
badly shaken up. The train consisted of
an engine and three passenger coaches. It
left Hazelton at 1.42 p. m. and when it
reached a point 200 yards from Pond Creek
it rounded a short curve at a speed of about
thirty miles an hour, striking a cow, and
theanimal becoming entangled in the ma-
chinery of the engine, throwing it off the
track. The engine ran along the ties for a
distance of 300 yards and then broke loose
from the tender and rolled down an em-
bankment nearly fifty feet. The engine
plowed through the ground, then turned
over and over, and in a moment was at the
foot of the embankment.
The firemen, Mooney, jumped out of the
cab window and followed the engine down
the bank, receiving serious if not fatal in-
juries, while Engineer Dowd was pinned
under the engine when found. He was so
terribly injured and scalded that he died
soon after being taken from under the
wreck. All three of the coaches turned
over on their sides. The passengers were
thrown over their seats in all directions and
all suffered more or less injured.
The Gold Bug Simply a Pest.
Jay Cooke, the Famous Financier, Speaks Strongly
for Free Silver.—Two Carlisles Contrasted.—Rapid
"is the World’s Onward March and More Money is
PHILADELPHIA, July 14.—Jay Cooke,
the once great financier of Philadelphia,
who was one of the founders of the North-
ern Pacific railroad, but is now a retired
capitalist, 75 years old, to-day said in this
city :
“The opposition to the free coinage of
silver in a crime—a miserable, crazy no-
tion. If I had the doing of it, there would
be no room for-a gold bug in this country.
The single gold standard would ruin this
country ; positively ruin it. I have seen
in my time silver superior in value to gold,
and its depreciation has been caused by its
Mr. Cooke then picked up a book and
said : ‘‘Let me read you what Mr. Car-
lisle said in 1878, before he was allied to
Cleveland and the gold bugs. ‘According
to my view on the subject,’ says Mr. Car-
lisle, ‘the conspiracy which seems to have
‘been formed in this country and Europe to
destroy by legislation or otherwise one-
half of the metal money of the world, is the
most gigantic crime of this or any other
age. The consummation of such a scheme
would ultimately entail more misery on
the human race than any war, pestilence
and famine that ever occurred.’
“What more could you want than that ?’’
said Mr. Cooke. ‘It was true then ; it is
true now.”’
“The world’s onward march is rapid. If
gold shall be the only basis of exchange the
progress. must stop. We must have more
money to oil the machinery of exchange.
I believe we must get hack to bimetallism
before we reach prosperity. I will vote for
McKinley, with the hope that he and the
Republican party will see the error of the
gold standard and immediately put silver
back in the place it belongs.’’
“Since my return to Philadelphia,” said
ex-national chairman Harrity to-day, ‘‘my
attention has been called to a report sent
out from Chicago during the convention
week, to the effect that I had declared that
‘I am a Democrat, and after that I am a
sound-money man.’ There is no founda-
tion whatever for such a statement. It is
a pure invention, and the editorials based
on it are both unjust and unwarranted. I
am a Democtat, and a sound-money man,
too, not afterward, but at the same time.
And I shall do nothing whatever during
the coming campaign that can properly be
regarded as a surrender of my convictions
upon the currency question or upon .any
other vital question.
Japan and Mexica as Examples.
The goldbug likes to point to Japan and
Mexico as horrible examples of what silver |
coinage would do if it should bring the
United States to a silver basis—which it
would not.
At least the goldbug formerly tried to
point to those two nations as a warning.
Recently published statistics, however,
have tended to spoil his illustration.
In ten years from 1883 to 1893 the lar-
gest percentage of gain in foreign trade re-
ported by any nation was that of Japan,
and Mexico comes next. Japan’s foreign
trade more than doubled during those
years. Mexico increased her inports slight-
ly and more than doubled her exports.
Both of these nations were on a silver ba-
During the same period the exports of
the United States increased only 4 per cent,
and the United States then had the gold
| standard modified in effect to some extent
by the Bland and Sherman acts then in
Yet we are told that the gold standard
Democratic electoral’ delegates on their | silver that there will be “‘fifty cent dol- |-promotes commercial prosperity.—Omaha
{ lars,” and that it will be “!dishonest’ to | World-Herald
A Philipsburg View of It.
From a Communication in the Philipsburg Jour-
nal, Independent.
Editor Journal.—The wires had hardly
cooled yesterday, after the flaghing across
them of the name of Wm. J. Bryan, until
the first fist full of mud was flulig into the
faces of reformers. }
‘‘He is a populist and an anarclgist,”’ was
the foul-mouthed word speedily passed
along the line. This was the¥kind of
tactics used in the West 1n recent cam-
paigns ; but it will not work this year. It
is the very thing that will solidify the re-
form elements. Let the mud fly. It only
indicates that its a substitute for argu-
ment. It will help to induce populists to
ratify and aid the work so well begun.
Threats of war by England are already
heard, if we persist in redeeming our bonds
held by the mother country, in either gold
or silver coin at our option as provided on
the face of said bonds.
Will the American people submit for
another four years to a money system
dictated-by a creditor England for debtor
violation of our agreement to pay in coins
of either metal at the ratio of 16to 1°?
Americans, stand for your rights !
——Post master Walton, of Philipsburg,
assumed his official duties yesterday. A.
B. Herd, post master under the first Cleve-
land administration, is his assistant.
——St. Mary's church, at Snow Shoe,
will hold a festival and picnic all day on
Wednesday, August 22nd. Good music
for dancing, good refreshments and a good
time will be the order of things.
During a thunder storm, on Wednes-
day, the barn on Mrs. Ellrod’s farm’ near
Mackeyville, was struck by lightning and
burned with its contents, including a por-
tion of this year’s crops. The live stock
was saved.
ee AAA.
The Logan picnic, at Hecla, on the
30th, will be a grand affair. Lots of fun,
dancing and music for all. You should re-
member to have no ocher engagement for
that day, but turn out and have a good
time with the firemen.
*vo ———
Mrs. McLanathan Musser was driv-
ing a hay rake on a farm, two miles south
of Centre Hall, a few days ago, when the
horse frightened and ran away. Falling
off she was dragged quite a distance by the
rake. A shoulder blade was broken, be-
sides sustaining painful cuts and bruises.
Tomorrow evening, Saturday the 18th, the
Presbyterian congregation at Hunter’s park
will hold a festival in the ‘‘white church.”
It will be a church benefit and as every-
thing toothsome will be served on that oc-
casion there should be liberal patronage.
Rh eg
The dentists, one hundred and fifty,
have come and gone and not one effort was
made, except by Governor Hastings, to give
them a good time or to have them go away
with an impression of our so lauded hospi-
tality. The board of trade neither ten-
dered them a reception ‘nor offered them
an excursion to the College. The citizens
did not offer their carriages for a-drive
about town or any of the little courtesies
that a real live place showers on its visiting
associations. The intention here may be all
right, but why won’t our people do what
they can for the town ?
te ind
FouxDp DEAD IN BED.—Mrs. Elizabeth.
Miller, aged 64 years, was. visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs. Jacob Strohm, at Tusseyville,
previous to last Friday and was apparently
in her usual health, but when she was call-
ed, Saturday morning, no response came.
She had died during the night.
P. Coburn, the newly elected president of
the First national bank of this place, was
surprised and delighted, on Wednesday,
when he received a beautiful floral offering
in the form of a chair, large enough for him
to use had he had the heart to sit down on
| the exquisite flowers that formed the cush-
ion and back. The design was perfect.
The rounds and legs of the chair were of
smilax, while the rest was flowers. It
came from his nephew, Harry Musser, of
Akron, Ohio.
SocTAL EVENTS.—On Tuesday evening
| a most enjoyable euchre party was given at
Mrs. Daniel Keller's, on Linn street, in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Keller, of
Lancaster, who have been here two weeks.
Among the guests were Mrs. R. E. Seibert,
of Los Angeles, Cal. ; Mrs. Sophia Hall,
Wilmington, Del. ; Miss Marie Roder, Bal-
timore ; and Will 8. Furst, of Philadelphia.
Wednesday evening Col. Reeder’s beauti-
ful home was the scene of a very pleasant
porch party given by Miss Mary Jackson
for her guest, Miss Watt, of Durham! N.
C. The party was given for the debutan-
tes but among the guests from a distance
were Miss Mary Wood, of Conshohocken,
Mrs. Joe Woodward, of Omaha, and Mrs.
Mary Dix, of Dayton, O.
The Misses Sechler eatertained a number
salamagundy party. The evening was one
of real enjoyment to the many guests pres-
In Justice to a Member.
The Epworth. League, of Bellefonte M. E.
church, wishes to correct a recent publication
of the Keystone Gazette, in relation to one of
its members, which has generally been sup-
posed was designed to reflect on brother Cal-
vin Ray and his standing in the League.
The statement, as far as the League is con-
cerned, is false. Brother Ray was re-elected
to the office of president against his protest,
but out of necessity, resigned the same. He
has not been turned down or ‘thrown over-
board,” but is an active member and in good
standing. It is therefore due brother Ray
that the League make this statement.
By order of the Cabinet,
! W. S. ScHOLL, Sec.
America, which money system is in plain
of their friends, Thursday evening, with a
State College and Vicinity.
Rev. and Mrs. A. Lawrence Miller are vis-
iting Mr. W. C. Patterson. 1.
Prof. and Mrs W. A. Buckhout are visiting
friends in Northampton, Mass.
Mr. Simon Sellers, of Stormstown, is visit-
ing his son-in-law, T. Wilson Way.
Miss Anna A. McDonald is taking a course
in library work at Ithaca, New York,
Miss Nettie Garner is visiting her sister
Mrs. W. P. Rothrock, of Sparrows Point, Md.
Mrs. Della Henderson, of Williamsport, is
at present visiting her brothers, H. Y. and
Cal Sauers. j :
Mr. A. F. Markle returned, on Wednes-
day, from the C. E. convention at Washing-
ton D, C., where he had a splendid time.
Mr. J. C. Etters and wife, accompanied by
the latter's sister, Miss Maud Kennedy,
have returned to Canton, Pa., where they
are very pleasantly located.
Rev. Guyer, Mr. Croyle and Mr. Bartholo-
mew all went over into Huntingdon county,
on Tuesday, to fish. They had a pleasant
time and caught a great many fish.
All Through Brush Valley.
The Madisonburg people are busy picking
Mrs. Rose Harter Mackey, of Williamsport,
visited the old home, last week.
John Bower, of Bellefonte, was visiting his
| Centre Mills friends this week.
Miss Guisewhite, from the western part of
the State, is the guest of Miss Lula Stover.
Mr. John Malory who had been at Harris-
burg under medical treatment, is in Rebers-
burg again.
Last Monday Rev. William Sholl started
on his lecture tour to Centre Hall, Spring
Mills and Mifflinburg.
Miss Lizzie Moyer is home from a visit to
Orangeville. She passed, successfully, the ex-
amination for entering the senior year of the
Bloomsburg State Normal which she expects
to attend this year.
This ‘“‘Arcadia of the Alleghenies,’”’ as a
visitor, recently termed it, is enjoying the
presence of summer visitors from the cities.
Among them is the gifted Mrs. Gault, of
| Nashville, who is a guest of Mrs. Flora Bird
at the Pike.
Singerly’s Record used to have many read-
ers here but now it lies unread on the door-
steps. The Democrats of old Miles are not
bolters. They will now take the N. Y.
{ Journal for daily news and the WATCHMAN
for straight county politics.
Jasper R. Wolfe, the farmer and business
man, is talking of going to Bellwood beyond
Tyrone on a visit, and he may engage in busi-
ness there—taking the store left his sister
Minerva, by her late husband, Mr. Weaver.
His plans are not yet determined upon.
Henry A. Deitwiler and C. O. Malory, we
notice, are enthusiastic admirers of Bryan and
silver. Several more silver lectures will
practically kill all of Brushvalley’s Demo-
cratic gold-bugs except those that have de-
posited their silver eggs in government bonds.
Hon. Harvey Corman, yesterday, loudly
proclaimed that he was for Billy McKinley.
But old uncle Joe Miller sarcastically re-
marked. “Now gats die Democratic party
unner.”’ Harvey is making votes for Bryan
and Sewall every day by his wrathful Sing-
erly explosions. :
Our worthy county Supt. C. L. Gramley
has just returned from Buffalo where he saw
such sights of pretty school marms—erudite
professors and recondite authors. He did not
sample Buffalo beer, however. Now he is
off to Bloomsburg near ‘Fishing creek- con-
federacy,” where beauty blooms on every
blackberry bush and -the buckwheat cakes
beat the world.
Mr. Willis R. Bierly of Rebersburg, this
county, is almost daily in receipt of requests
to come to different points and explain the
money question. He will speak at the
Grange grounds, Centre Hall, on Monday
evening, July 20th. He is also booked for
Madisonburg and Coburn and has invitations
for other points, some in Clinton and Lycom-
ing, and says he will’ go wherever the cause
calls him. He says Bryan must have “Penn’s
woods. ”’ :
Pine Grove Mention.
Miss Mary, the accomplished daughter of
Dr. G. H. Woods, is visiting friends at Boals-
burg this week.
Mrs. J. A. Weaver laid by her domestic du-
ties for a week, in order to visit Altoona
friends. She reperts a very pleasant time.
Tax collector Port has been giving his
| delinquents a rest and is taking his va-
cation in the Buckeye State in the interest of
gold and high tariff.
The new addition to E. T. Livingston's
house on Quay St., is nearing completion.
When it is completed it will be a cosy pleas
ant home. Squire Keller is the builder.
Geo. E. Weaver, after six months absence,
arrived home last week, the happy possessor
of a Poughkeepsie business college diploma
and is now anxiously awaiting a basis that
will pay.
Since the Chicago convention the silverites
have been swelling their ranks with marked
rapidity, as the financial question from a sil-
ver standpoint is being thoroughly discussed.
Hon. J. I. McCormick is hustling taking
orders for Sharpless and Carpenter commer-
cial fertilizers, which he has sold successfully
for years. Although this has been an .off
year, wherever his fertilizer was used a pro-
ductive crop at a minimum cost was the re-
sult. This season he expeets to handle one
hundred tons in his own immediate neighbor-
Barring an occasional shower the hay and
harvest weather was splendid. The wheat
crop is the lightest in twenty years. Many
fields are not worth cutting while some are
being mowed down and raked up with a horse-
rake. The hay crop is a short one and hay
is commanding good prices. From present
indications the oats crop will be the heaviest
for many years and a large acreage was sown
-to supply the short straw crop. With fayora-
ble weather, this week will see the bulk of
the grain and hay in the barn in this valley.
| Hon. J. A. Woodward and Asst. Sec. of Ag-
| riculture John Hamilton are arranging to
| give our Ferguson township agricultural
| friends the benefit of a one day farmer's in- _
| stitute in the shape of an out door basket pic-
| nie. It isto be held abdut the 22nd of Aug-
{ust in Ard’s grove near town. Prominent
| speakers will be in attendance. Everybody
is cordially invited to attend. The object of
these institutes or meetings are two_fold—to
| create an interest in the work, and to give
| the latest and best information on the sub-
1 ject. Many attend from curiosity, many for
| pleasure and many to get all the information
they can. The man, who thinks he knows
| it all is sure to get left in the long run.