Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 19, 1896, Image 6

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    Mistook Her Man.
‘Tourists. ‘Travelers Guide.
Dr. Kininfess py ng tellsa| Health Commniissioner Wende is still hav- = =
good story of the late Dr. Miller, at one | ing great trouble because people will not . I
time a very popular Congregationalist | look upon consumption as > contagious Urleadv Oportunitios Pos ivan 18 BAILROAD AND
preacher. Being overtaken one night in a | disease. The genial doctor had a battle| For home-seekers and others desirous of chang- Stay 13th, 1895.
violent rainstorm on a Yorkshire moor, Dr. | royal with a man in the health office who | ing their locations are offered in the great states ee
Miller accepted the hospitality of a good- | was complaining because he had been or- | of Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota and
hearted Yorkshireman, who equipped him | dered to renovate his house, In this par- | Nebraska. Fertile and productive land is for sale
Consumption Contagious.
: 3 Many good finds were made. In one in-
iced Hatdpman, stance Irishman who had just staked off
a claim, and experimentally found good
prospects, was bantered by a by-stander
who owned a couple of pack horses for a
trade. This was quickly agreed to, and in
a few weeks the new. owner took out dust
Demos stampede to Confederate gulch set in.
Bellefonte, Pa., June 19, 1896.
"I sat at the window reading 10 the dann ors san with a suit of clothes while Dr. Miller's ticular instance three persons died of con- | on the most reasonable terms, and there are | ~ NORTHWARD. | SOETHWARD,
By th e light of an astral lamp, a lovolver The total yield of the gulch garments were drying in the kitchen. | sumption in the same house within a few Psy openings for all classes of men, particularly gi 21 4 2 0-2.
ATE loWereT in Sash t0 DRL Tae ie 1 Cetis of 3 aoa Gon : The preacher was coming down stairs | weeks. The family shortly after moved armers and dairymen. Those interested will he El%2| 3 [May 180806. | 5 | 55 |Z
y SAL, after donning the borrowed clothes, when | out and the health” commissioner ordered | furnished full information, free of charge, upon mi%21 7 2 ["R.*®
From th’ air that was growing damp ; All of the gulches, called ravines in the application to W. B. KNISKERN, 22 Fifth Ave-
the housewife came out of another room.
the landlord to repaper the house and
When there came a white winged mill ing t Ii i rivi % : 3 : tr 5 ic |
ts iid - b 2 wh iE Mateh east, openshe to the json i for a She had the family Bible in her hand with | thoroughly disinfect it. The landlord as- | nue, Chicago, II. 4124 | pany we
5 ho 3) y if > Iga ight, Sistanay of 50 miles be a is ¢ oe man the intention of inviting the doctor to read | serted that he did not know why he should —_ _— 7300 315
80 Vi i y if y © . . Ts . . %
ving ES ne us Hbuiazies Were very > ere So Bn | a portion of the Seriptuers before retiring, | take such precautions for consumption any | Reduced Rates to Denver and Portland. | 736 321
From the dark and chilly night. many millions of dollar? were recovered, Mistaking Dr. Miller in his borrowed gar- | more than he should for a death by acci-| he Nor Ww Cl N 741 326
: : ; Ss r- : y > ie North-Western Line hicago & North- | f 3 3 26
I watched its labor, incessant, Theol Jon x > inn, Baits ments for her husband, she lifted the fami- | dent. And of course the work will be Western Ry.) announces 5 sale i excursion 7 3 ig
As it dash’ d against the pane, that if ep water of the ope Gol i be di- | 1¥ Bible and banged him on the head as he | done. ‘We wish that people understood | tickets at very low rates from Chicago to Port. 8 0] 3 49
Seemingly nothing daunted, verted so that the bottom ground could be | Walked in front of her down the stairs, ex- | that consumption is a contagious disease,” | jand, Oregon, and return on June 10th and 11th. | ® 1 3 55
By trying again, and again : washed, at least $200,000,000 would be the | 12iming. ‘‘Sithha, tak’ that foraskin’ him | said Dr. Wende. “In some States con- and from Chicago to Denver, Col., and return on 3 1 ia
Till at last, with its fruitless efforts, Toad Or on he 610. placer miner resid- | 10 Staa all t’neet !”’ sumption is covered by special laws, just | june 13th and 14th, For fall information apply [819 4 02
So bruised and helpless it seem'd, In i that Soation Je jt. “There is meme eee as smallpox or diptheria, and while the to ticket agents of connecting lines or address | 8 27| 4 08
That it sank with its white wings drooping, oe oh poll there to r oil a steamboat.” Not to the Old Lady's Standard. health, department has the power to act H. A. Gross, G. E.P. A, 423 Broadway, New | 43 : 3
By th’ light of the lamp that gleamed. ; gh 8 > Tin now, consumption will some day be cover- | yp. 35 Y
P Last Chance gulch is one of those which Vice President Stor tells thisstors lca t : 5 vs aunt othe: Slates’ York. 835 419 5
And we, alas ! like the insect, seem to give foundation for the pos-| \1° resident Stevenson tells this story | ed by special laws as in other States. T. P. Vaile, S. F. P. A., 112 South Fourth street, | 8 36 4 23 3
On our own destruction bent, sibly extravagant idea of this old Tie as ons tein io. Alas Tost bumids ——— Philadelphia, Pa. 8 46 433 5
Would heedlessly plunge in the vortex; miner. It is the one in which Helena When 3 secepts oi D iver his in one of The Mosquito’s Bill. —— i $ 39 i 5 5
Did not God's mercy prevent ; is situated. It has yielded $30,000, - 3 Yee as give 0 Three for A Dollar. Sau yoo 21 Tan
er : ; ST Tibet "dis- | the cities of the Northwest. He had | The mosquito’s bill minutely delicate as Fite 9.03 4501 10 10... Woodland..... 5 05 9 47/4 27
So thoughtless we rush into danger, 000, and in every direction for a dis- shaken hands with several hundred people that %, aii yy 1 box in| Three what? Three charmingly executed pos- aie ia 1 12. Miners Su. 505 9 44/4 24
5 i 2: : i 2 a in Zz 8 0X 1 ay 3 % = 2 0 { ...Barrett...... 4 2
Not regarding the hand unseen, tance of 50 miles the ground seems to when a little old lady came along. She shiah ale tein 0 pS sureical instra. ters in colors, drawn by W. W. Denslow, Ethel |g 15 502 ...Leonard..... 47;
That from our blindness protects us be impregnated with placer gold. This has looked at the Vice-President with a erit- sop pa lot ary Reed and Ray Brown, will be sent free of postage | 9 19| 5 06] 10 28......Clearfield.... 4
And hedges our way with a screen. been somewhat neglected in recent years, ical and plainly disappointed air iB on -le vs Bhai to any address on receipt of one dollar. All who | ? 2 5 1 Riverview... 4
s 1 t mother J) 1 printed 0 € Oost periec ern. WO Ol ese : ov oy Cait is . | 930 817 3
Thus, our dear Father denies us, as ihe i ha sind Athos ‘Are you the Vice-President of the ty sf be exact counter- | Te icted with the “poster craze” will immedi- | g 35 5 22 3:
ode, or the source pply Ir United States ?”’ she asked at length. ately embrace this rare opportunity, as but a limis-| ... oes :
What we think would make us most blest ;
In the fir beyond to surprise us,
By showing His will is the best.
So, while I am longing and waiting
For strength that is withered like grass,
parts of the surgeon’s lance. Ome is a
spear, with a double-barbed head. The
third a needle of exquisite fineness. A saw
and a pump go to make up this wonderful
complement of tocls. The spear is the
this immense amount of placer gold came. Stronach...
As there never was a placer field that did
not have its scource in a quartz vein forma-
tion, so this one must have such a begin-
ted number of the posters will be issued. The
scarcity of a good thing enhances its value. Ad- | pial 5
dress Geo. H. Hearrorbp, general passenger agent | -
of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway, old
“I have that honor,’’ said Mr. Steven-
son, modestly.
‘*Well,’* said the old lady, with a doubt-
ful shake of her head. “I never would
tis bd toes ning, Many of these sources are found by . ioved it 2? : : y g colony building, Chicago, Ill. 41-23-2t. WESTWARD. EASTW.
Tink ot ine Simson mere accident, as the bonanza one in this | have belies Bre pe largest of the six, and is used in making : in 52 | I TE 3
That strove to get throngh the glass. case may finally be. the initial puncture. * Next the lances are E[ Ej 2 (Myls, 186 | 2 | 2 |&
Williamsport, Pa. Dorothy S. Finlen. me Fought Over a Woman. brought into play, their work causing the New Advertisements. 25-2 | = £E{ iE
enn ns Th 1 1 Prominent Young Men in Hollidaysburg Engage in a blood So ow mare freely, Lo case this Just IT A Lv om
Rich Half Acre in Montana. e Pool of Siloam. Probably Fatal Quarrel. operation fails of having the desired effect > Tw » 61 "250 Ho Irons. —_ 5 To| 125507 2
—~ "The excavations Which ate betas made 0bably 2 the saw and the needle are carefully insert- | ' I ‘HE REASON WHY.— 6 1i| 2 34| 11 04! East Tyrone...| 8 16] 12 41/7 31
It VYielded $1.200,000 in Gold to Four Miners in | . Ns & 7 ed in a lateral direction in the victim's 607 230] 11 0ol........ Vail........| 8 20 12 45/7 35
three Hontiis, in Jerusalem have disclosed much that was | John Lemon, aged 23 years, son of the Goth, The Tao Te re i 3 603 226 10 56! 8 24| 12 49/7 39
hitherto unknown ahout the pool of Siloam. | late ex-Auditor General ‘John A. Lemon, vi A, Fi id I ya um 557 2 20 10 40|.7 8 30! 12 53,7 43
The richest half acre of gold ground ever | The identification of the site of this pool is | hecame involved in an altercation with ring the blood to the insect 33 IE Io flower. £35 1 0011 oo
known in the world is now again being | ilportant, because of its bearing on the | John Formholtz, an associate, Saturday | "P& : : —_— 544 207] 10 36. Bort Matildaw| & 42] 1 07/7 57
brought into prominence, and with the | Situation of the city walls. It has hitherto | night. Formholtz, drew a razor and cut | — rr ,,,—— 5301 200 10 28L....., Martha...... 849 114804
shipment of gold dust to the value of $1,- | been considered that the pool of Siloam, | Lemon twice in the left side, the sharp in- | Nyp's Favors SToRY.—Bill Nye’s pet ID pli] 2 a
200,000 in ordinary nail kegs, from the up- | Shown to every visitor of Jerusalem, was |strament penetrating the Bidneys, UY 13/stiry was the one as £0 how Be Wb | mvs wie mod ow : Do 512 137) 10 04 Snow Shoe Int.| 9 15 1378 3
per Missouri to St. Joseph, Mo. The story | One of the few undisputed localities in the | feared that Lemon will die of internal charged $4 for a sandwich in a village in| _' CY WHY HAS A WHEREFORE AND "TIS 30% 13a. Nisuig..d 013. | 408 3
reads like a romance. It is brought up | toPography of the sacred city. Now, how- hemorrhages. New Jersey. He told the man who sold it WELL TO LOOK FOR IT AT TIMES. 140) 112) 9 Be ae >a 5 os 5
now by the recent discoveries made in the | Vel; as investigation progresses, doubts | The dispute between the two young men | that it was a high price to pay for a sand- 2 441) 104 9: Lurtin........ 9 49{ 2119 01
ork disirit, in Momma, 10 x shat iy | De ben mised on this Pont. Among | axe ove Che allections of oun Indy, | 14138 High pice to poy fora snd: ia bmi A ie
known as the Montana Bar, in the Confed- | archaeologists a contest has arisen as com- | whom both had been courting and who had | en 4 ten-course dinner, with four kinds of 422 12 45 9 15... Eagleville...| 10 08 2 5 20
erate Gulch, about 14 miles from Helena. | Plicated as that concerning the site of Cal- | jilted Formholtz. Formholtz is in hiding | vine for just making a speech; and finally re 4 19! 12 42! 9 12/. Beech Creek... 10 11| 2 3319 23
The luck of no other prospectors has ever | VAIy, the sepulcher, and other sacred | from the officers. asked the man why he charged $4 for a 5 3 1281 901... Mill Hall.....| 10 22 2 aio a4
} € : places in Jerusalem The pool of Siloam ] a 4 06] 12 29) 8 59 ...Flemington...| 10 24] 2 46/9 36
been equal to that of its discoverers, | Places ] tl 1 . f all the J 1 Td ham sandwich. 402 12 25 855|...Lock Haven..| 10 30] 2 50/9 40
George E. Wright, James Sullivan, Chris. | 18 In size the least of all the Jerusalem | __ yyyi6 Colonel North, the so-called | “Well. I'll tell you,”’ said the sandwich . . a pore oo [am Lv. Arr. aon | po po.
y y ’ ’ you, In these days people want to know the
Fredericks and A. McGregor.
It was in the Spring of 1864. The men
pools, which from the most ancient times
have been relied upon by the inhabitants
to store up water from the springs. It had,
nitrate king, lived the world was being
constantly regaled with stories of his fabul-
man, ‘‘the fact is, by gad, I need the
why and wherefores,
The 19th century man is a natural skep-
were of the ordinary class of prospectors y LIE ous wealth. The magnificence of his enter- | ee——————— : i : : oY ” TITW.
embracing the different grades Lit gig however, the singular characteristic of sud- tainments became % proverb on at least Tho By sn wiienting gpk Sin. un May dah hibition
In their search for the precious metal they | denly Sy) In epi ne Water | tivo continents. But it was the old story. Tourists. Wi told that every To as, MAIL. | EXP. eit EXE. | MAIL.
3 i ; n | poured in from some unknown source. « : " ; ; zind can be cured. : STATIONS.
were struggling through the foothills on I Th 1of Sil It h ni The ‘‘rounding-up’’ of his assets, instead of He has an ailment and tries some pana- P.M. Arf a.m. | pom.
the east side of the Missouri river, when by | ® p>» oN £1 oa, mithony fra » proving him to be worth seventy-five to one Half Rates to San Franelsco, cea. 21 -.Bellefonte..........| 8 55
a lucky chance one of them picked up a i) play ) n ynportant pot in Se Jun hundred million dollors reveals the fact ~ It falls ; he tries another with the same 2 > gisenn, 2
panful of dirt on the richest part of the bar. = Nn I x ond Ohl. a - Ea that he left a little less than two millions, | On June 15th, 16th, 23rd and 24th, 1896, The Yosult, oxperithents: malt him look: gg. = eal ol, Peru....... 44 40
It looked like very common dirt, but, if, in a. e ih Re i? with = 2 fon a large sum of money, to be sure, but noth- | North-Western Line (Chicago & North-Western Karice at fitnre came. i 234 638... Dale Summi 77 3 a
washing, it showed even a color, would pebe 2 he a ool ig] ay sil € | ing like what he was supposed to possess. | Railway), the famous “California in 3 Days” route: Often the fault is his, but he don’t see 2 i § HoDoRis: 3 i 3 vi
have been cause for satisfaction, as pickings So i o a aris i i i 2 Si an It is easy in the light of his dwindling for- | will sell excursion tickets to the San Francisco wr may have a backbone or perhaps a 2 48 ; Linden Hall 823 34
had been very dry. His astonishment can | that he brought the water whic ge” on tune to believe the report that, just prior | and return at half rates, one fare for the round rand} aps ¢ 255 700000 Gregg... 816) 3 a7
be imagined when, out of a single shovel- pour over ihe Sorihoe SN aImory Y the | (5 his death, he was anxious to open a | trip, good returning 60 days from date of sale. _ He used plaster or liniments, they re- 2% jr on
ful of dirt, he washed about $40 in coarse big Silo. the rock 0 hap In A t bh Russian Monte Carlo at a famous resort in | For full information apply to ticket agents of con- Jey td atime, but failed to cure 517 z Rising Spires 755 417
dust. He announced his discovery to his | tO this Siloam water that the Lo Po the Czar’s dominions. necting lines or address This is his fault ¢ the why is that he 325 730. erby... 745) 308
companions in a somewhat excited man- when he in - Dy fenible and oi 3 — H. A. Gross, G. E.P. A, 423 Broadway, New a hot jinow the wherefore of his aches, 2 a 5th HE 7 = 3 02
ner, and they made another panning, with | 20Y man thirst, let him come unto me anc 2 York. . ad he known that the kidneys were aa : CER Sal S00
the same le Then Te ad drink.” The Lord sent the blind man to ciates jon bays Tamm Soa is pas ESS lS hake generally means kidney 3 75 Te a 7 i : iH
work in earnest, and by night had a pile of | Wash at the pool of Siloam, the sacredness | ¢lates, hi ; > Half Rates to Milwaukee * ache. : ; 3 35 sel Lane. 714 241
) ) d efficacy of wi rater till he- | ment in the Transvaal upon payment of a a es waukee, "That the kidnevs i 359] 808). Pardee... 707 334
dust and nuggets that weighed to a value | 30d eflicacy of whose waters are sti fine of $125,000 each. and of es © kidneys mnstilier the bivod 407] 817 Glen 1 658 2 23
£ $21,000. Th . 1 1 lieved in at Jerusalem. The pool of Siloam, ne ot leo, each, and are now ree. On account of the International Convention of constantly. ; 4 by! 8 25. Mil ron Da
0 ,000. ey were up early the next : | They should be thankful th ed with : i : ; That failure to do so immediately effects 3 82 Nilmont 650 218
morning, asearly as they could see to do | Which has now been almost wholly uncov- 5 ey I 100d he thanlclul they eseap : o the B. Y. P. U., the North-Western Line will, the back, y 417] 827 Swengle 647 216
anvihin ) The firs thing they did w. t ered and which is the one formerly shown | their lives. Hammond is no better than |, July 15th to 18th, 1806, inclusjve, sell excur- That backache is only the first step to- 4220 8 33. ... Barber 642) 212
y B AS sung Hwy id wate to visitors, is 18} feet in depth “14 feet | the worst of the party that intended to sion tickets to Milwankee and eg at one fare ward many kidney disorders, $1 | Miflinburg. oon 2
locate all the ground the law allowed by | *© ) 5 - The | revolutionize the Transvaal and turn the | : hy Rr Urinary troubles follow. 435 84 k 62% 158
driving stakes, with the usual posted | ¥ ide at one end and 17 at the other. he ; Enalona hiv w for the round trip. The Chicago & North-Western Retention ol urine. 439) 852 ....Biehl 623 153
notices, And that done all hands turned | Water in it is maintained at a depth of 3 to | country over to England. They were a set Ry is the “Lake Shore” route between Chicago Excessive urine. 2 i 2 % Jevishns. sal Gls 1D
sh 4 feet, but is likely to rise a foot or more | of free-booters, and Hammond deserved and Milwaukee, and makes the run between the Diabetes—Bright's disease. oa, 540! 1 8
y J > Doan’s Kidney Pills are a positive spe- P.M. AM. AY Lv.ia a feom
to regular labor.
little, if any, of the sympathy he received
The locality was somewhat isolated and ) ¥ a
in this country, and especially from the
at any moment. It is faced with a wall of two cities in less than two hours. For full infor-
, cific for all kidney complaints.
stone, now greatly out of repair.
Several mation apply to ticket agents of connecting lines The aching back has no greater enemy LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAILROAD.
their special location hidden by natural ob- Government, th 'TKi i Not SnivE
3 ) $ 5 i i : mn Doan’s Kidney Pills. Not injurious
structions, so that they were enabled to | Columns stand out of the side walls ex or address So to the most delicate constitution. Do not WESTWARD. UPPER END. EASTWARD.
work without being discovered. No one | tending from the top downward into the — H. A. Gross, G. E. P. A., 423 Broadway, New act on the bowels, but direct on the Kid- pe rT
knew of the rich results of their labors, | CiStern. The water passes out of the pool | ——Judge thyself with a judgment of | york. neys, For sale by all desler Prien 50 by Mav, is 1c 0 2 2 |
. : . i rock ‘hic ity, an vilt i vi 1 Taille, S. > 95 Jourth str cents per box, or six boxes for §2.50. Sent = a 1 aay, ih usb. y =
Their needed supplies were drawn from through a channel cut in the rock, which | security, and thou wilt judge others with a T. P. Vaille, S. E. P. A., 112 South Fourth street, by eh on receipt of price by Foster-Mil. EE! | S| =
burn_Co., Buffalo, N.Y. sole agents for ! !
Philadelphia, Pa.
the U. 8, 41-8
Helena. Whenever they had to have any- | is covered for a short distance. This sub- | judgment of charity.
thing one of their number went to that Seduently opens and discloses a lively, |=
place. They had some gold coin, and with | SOPioUS stream which empties into a gar-
3 : INluminating Oil.
this they made all their purchases. The | den planted with fig trees. Jerome, who g
3 2 | lived only six miles from the pool of Si- |=— = —
gE tinge 7 ge Ix i | loam, refers to the intermittent character of
. | its waters, which has led some historians to SK FORT 0
given apay the f2et tat they liad fom | identify it with Bethseda. Josephus speaks A
.Furnace Road. | 10
something. ] : g
a) : its waters as having been very abundant, | ....Dungarvin...| 11
They took other precautions to avert sus- | 2 os in 7 Ho do hi] bear this ee - yr Warrior's Mari 1
picion. A log cabin was thrown up for ga el ——————=——THE BOOKLET ON “LIGHT! "= i --Pennington...| 11 20|
their habitation, and under it the gold was | °%t: W eareselling a good grade of tea—green | [71 51s 7 ssl.... Stover.......| 11 3:
hidden as rapidly as it was taken out, so as There are a large number of somewhat | 4 [-.. Tyrone... 11 40
ea: te similar pools in Jerusalem, which has 30 On AN Day . —black or mixed at 28cts per. 1b. Try it. P.M. | Au. (Lye. Ara. |r.
to avoid even chance observation. The ob 40 Bi, springs Within iis of p y SETI CFONPE i
le . 8 § . LL N & SNOW SHOE BRANCH.
pocket was of such unprecedent richness eight miles. If it could be shown that one SECHLER & Co. xg)
that in three months they had accumulated of these was in reality the pool of Siloam, Selena Time Table in effect-on and after
Dl Me a Se oar, {BURN CROWN ACME oIL } 2 May 18, 1806.
quantity of place sand, of course, and dif- tioned, it would add a still further con- re eee Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday...........3 51 p. m.
ficult of separation, They had worked | loRed, 1t W : ; ] ’ Arrive in Bellefonte 5 46 p. m.
but half an acre of ground. = An idea of its | [USiDE element to the discussion of the his- Leave Bellefonte, except SUnday......... 9 58 a. m.
richness can be had from the known fact torical sites in Jerusalem. Many of the 0——CGIVES THE BEST LIGHT IN THE WORLD.—0 Arrive in Snow Shoe 1 .m,
; most important places depend for their !
The a i mee hn Vientifionim vpn hel DEATNRSS 10 of 35° | miniy AND IS ABSOLUTELY SAFE. == | (JENTRAL RAILROAD OF PENNA.
try runs about $16 an ounce. ‘This that | otencss from the pool of Siloam. The | me fore I — Travelers Guide. i
lh s gp ae ni is the resent pool has been largely relied Castoria. Castoria. ; Bore saw R
; y b y : s : aE : EA WN EAD UP.
matter of mathematics to figure what the | "POR > a i a Moniny re 2 ee EECH CREEK RAILROAD. ° | ————| Mavis, 1806 |—7——
2} tons would go. It was a very big for- yi ti ah 18 erre on 7 e Dp utes. a. : = N.Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Co, Lessee. '~ No 1No 530 3 No 6/No 4/No 2.
tune to be divided among the four prospec- Tar fide a ofan in oe apa W HAT IS @ : Condensed Time Table. : :
tors. With all their dreams of wealth and | f the Virgin, which iaulosc by, Th : a.m. pun = _AT.(p. m.|p. m.ja. m,
of striking it rich, it was more than they | {3 of the Virgin, which is close by. ‘There xb Cr, nen wows. | 17 2077 301k 45BELLERONTE. 0 646 10/10 10
had ever hoped for, and they began to | Leal ey Xp [MAL | May 17th, wee. | Ee ain | 24 7 3) 3 Glee N i ) S401. 8.57) 5 30
A oy hark | orl Tr I Es abi LB IL mo Ri pad)
to civilization. There was another reason cavations which are being made in Jeru- ESE samoseeenmes A STO RT AS vow | pow Ao | pow | 752 801) 4 14|. Hublersburg...| 9 32| 5 40| 0 3
for this also. The water in the small sale tay expla this appATert myster =r ———— Ar Tafon Lv 3301 756 8 65] 4 18/...Snydertown.....| 9 28 5 37| 9 35
stream in the gulch was getting very low, © y exp Ppa yStorys nn se Westover. wel {=n el 75sh007).4 09 .| 925) 5 35 9 83
: : : which nobody has yet been able to account 9 25 ...Mahaffey.........| $5 00 4 15 | 8 00| 8 09] 4 22|.. .| 9 23( 533] 931
and their operations were consequently for.— Public Opinion 9 00 .Kerrmoor.......Ar| 525 442] 8028114 24/.. [921531 92
more or less handicapped. ~ > 2 Ti TS Saf Shin i inwndale... 919 5 20| 9 26
. s : : Se ——— oul. 8 19/ 4 31). Krider's Siding.| 9 14| 5 24| 9 21
It was one thing to determine to leave, | ; “Camella” 8 43 458 | 8 16] 8 25] 4 37". Mackeyville. -.| 5 08] 5 18] 5 15
and a very different one to do so. Finally | The Ditithury Yasate having Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It tains neither Opi 838 503 823 832 4 43]...Cedar Spring...| 9 01 5 12, 9 09
one of the four went to Helena and secured | With beastly indecency and the full knowl- | Castoria Is Dr. Sam ors y a er ants x ig Joh. X conan: Wejihe} OPIAM | 5 ) 500| 825 834| 445... Salona....... 859 5 1 9 07
a covered freight wagon, with a four horse | edge that it knew it was circulati Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It isa harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing | 8 25/ 12 00)... are s 5 58) 515 | 8 30] 8 40] 4 50|...MILL HALL... {8 535 05/49 01
team. Fearing that the purchase of bags, | falsehood and slander, and that everybody Syrup, and Castor Oil. Tt is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by Millions of Mothers. | _8 05| 11 40|Lv...Clearfield Junc....Ar| 6 15 ST Ton Toray She 230 755
or the other usual receptacles for gold dust, else knew it was doing so, to the effect that Castoria destroys Worms allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diar-| 7 53 11 31f...... .CLEARFIELD........ 6°25 i: i 10 05 9 55|Arr. } witeporT VLve| 400] 7 25
would betray their secret, he drove to the | President Cleveland had made himself rich rhea and Wind Colie. Castoria relieves Teething troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. | 11 21! Ar...Clearfleld June... Lv| 6 33 675 10 2 nl X Lye Diirs Arr. =. i 3 5
rear of a hardware store, where he loaded | Out of the opportunities of his office, and Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. | 737 11 12|...........Woodland.........| 6 45 ¢ 29 3 tlantic Ci ; :
up about 20 empty nail kegs, with all the done so by flat bribery controlling his of- Castoria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother's Friend’ 3a 1 2 i Lh . a . 3 e% EY Yor Ha
loose heads he could find. With these he | ficial conduct, is rebuked by the Republi- JB 10 700 oll rulpmw is Tamagns, 2
drove back to the cabin on the bar. The | can Press after this vigorous fashion. 7.07 10 41|Ly..... .. Munson.........Ar| 7 15| 6 57 (Via Phila.) |
idea of carrying the dust in nail kegs was a | __ This is an insult to the president of the 6 35/10 16 Tren ILIPSBUG { Ar| 740] 727 |p. ma. m.|Arr. m.|p. m.
novel one. The kegs, of course, all had to | United States which is not the slightest 7.21] 11 01fAr Lv| 655 635 |p I TY a
i i i evidence in the world to justify or to ren- - 7 7 4 ye: a anaays,
be lined with whatever material was at justily 7.00 $10.10 A. M. Sunday
i der decent. As for the supposed remark CASTORIA. CASTORIA. 7 722 703 0 Be tn ¥:
bast, The ally done, a at ii or Hn it forth (that op that MoKin ea 6 740( 725 Wii Sugsrina Car attached 2% East-
end of a wee! e dust was pac in e : 5 ) Le 6 THI T4 und train from Williamsport at 11.30 P. M, and
kegs, and the latter securely hemi with | ley is a mortgaged candidate) there is just | «Castoria is’ so well adapted to children that I | “Castoria is an excellent medicine for children. 8 04) 7 52 | West-bound from Philadelphiaat 11.30 P. M.
thongs of rawhide. : one thing to be said—the president 18 | recommend it as superior to any prescription | Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect | 5 33 3 2 . J. W. GEPHART.
i right. It is unfortunate that the leading | known to me.” upon their children." 007 8b General Superintendent.
Eo a Te Eraten Republican presidential candidate should H. A. Arcuer, M. D, Dr. G, C. Osaoon, S$ R 916] 0 07 | ST ——— S—
. 3 . 3 = 5 : : lu NN 929] 918 .
miles north, was the head of navigation, be 2m. ing shows $5000 oh 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lowell, Mass, JERSEY SHORE nl oo New Advertisements.
but the boating season was ended, and the a eo mo ol M0000 47 08)... eel 1003] 053] En ai
Eontolet Was, % ke it man’s notes to the extent of nearly $200,- “Our physicians inthe children’s department “Castoria "is the best remedy for children of | F:’ o(hy, iia A Aw lew : He
only othe : > 1 000 and then, when the crash came, allow- p Phila, & Reading R. R
500 miles south, over a road then much in- h liti ), Ji oh : 3 have spoken highly of their experience ‘in their | which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far | 5: oi FR a al WMSPORT i 10 50 i
fested by highwaymien of the most desper- N the poli cans b are now nominating | tide practice with Castoria, and although we | distant when mothers will consider the interest of | ig 35/%11 30(Lv.... PHILA..." A, 508 770
ate character. It was clearly out of the To DAYS A) is is, ited Sta hotld only have among our medical supplies what is | their children, instead of the various quack .nos- | #430 “Y. via Tam..Ar| soo
question. Jt had been ascertained during be SE Sy i na SE laganon _ | known as regular products, yet wé are free to | trums which are destroying their loved ones, by #7 30|Lv...N. Y. via Phila..Arb 7 25/ 19 30
this time that the treasure had a value of y : Ad TY | confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and oth- | A: M. | A. M. PM (aN
ng me Lin business judgment, in view of the fact that 0 » ; Doi : =
about $1,200,000. It was finally, after a Be Vora as gi Sempra] aos look with favor upon it. er hurtful agents down their throats, thereby send- “Daily, ahaha hp. ¥ Sunaay, huss BY ous HaMs, BRuAxrasr DBacoy
reat deal of deliberation; decided to take Sate v U~irep Hospiran axp Dispexsary, | ing them to premature graves." NN Ye TH DLmengers T ’
gre ’ terial interests of 70,000,000 people. 5 ing via a on 10.20 A, m. train from :
nail kegs to Fort Benton,, and there con- Lab Boston, Mass, . Dr. J. F. KiNcHLOE, Williamsport, will change ears at Columbus Ave., | 4p DRIED BEEF. ‘THEY ARE VERY
struct a light-draught raft, or flat-hoat, ———— ArLex C. Swit, Pres, = Conway, Ark. | Philadelphia. !
that would go over the shallow places, and =A Massachusetts court has decided CoNNECTIONS.—At Williamsport with Philadel- | FINE.
with it float down the Missouri river to St. | that a bicycle rider must take the right of | - : phi and Reading RR. oe Jersey Shore with
Joseph. This idea was. carried out, | the road or take the consequences and pay ? Pans i ‘At an cet SECHLER & 00.
though only after several startling exper- the damages of a collision. : ‘Wabbling all Pennsylvania Railroad and Altoona & Philipsburg
iences. One of the men returned to his na- | over the road by wheelmen in search of the ‘ Confistuing Haihoad At Clontig ib pone
3 rs : : i Shr : : : x a i
tive country, Germany married a banker’s | best track is particularly annoying to driv. CHILDREN CRY FOR PITCHER'’S CASTORIA. PALon with. Corin ore ro tnd
daughter, and succeeded to a profitable ers of vehicles, which cannot be easily ad- Pennsylvania Railroad. At Mahaffey with
business. The others disappeared com- | justed to wheelmen’s whims. Wheelmen Pennsylvania & North-Western Railroad.”
letel d w t heard fron in should keep on their own side of the v UAE : A. G. PALMER, F. E. HERRIMAN,
pletely, and were not heard from again. 1 : THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Superintendent. Gen’'l Passenger Agent,
After the departure of the discoverers a | road.— Ex. 41-15-3m. . Philadelphia, Pa.
. -