very able man, popular and a polished gen- tleman. For treasurer W. J. Weaver, of Haines, (deputy sheriff) a first rate man thoroughly qualified for the position and will discharge the duties of the office with ability and honor. For assembly J. S. Scho- field, of Bellefonte, and Rob’t M. Foster, of State College, have been nominated—two ex- cellent candidates. For register, G. W. Rumberger; (present incumbent) J. C. Har- per, of Bellefonte, for recorder, and for com- missioners, P. H. Meyer, of Harris township, and Daniel Heckman, of Benner, are all capable and well known gentlemen. The next in order will be the Republican conven- tion which meets on the 23rd inst. They have material to make a fairly strong ticket, but it is openly said, that nearly all the can- didates have been slated and are more ov less connected with the Bellefonte clique or com- bine. Rather a strong assertion, but of course there may be more truth in it than poetry. However, in about a week the story will be told, and then our county campaign will be in full blast. In the mean time let the band play. Centre Hall. At a recent meeting of the borough schoo directors Prof. E. T. Wolf was elected prin- cipal; T. A. Forman, intermediate; and Miss Katie Shreffler, primary instructors. The selections are good ones and the citizens are well pleased with the work of the new school board, with the exception that a great majority of the tax-payers would have gladly paid an additional tax sufficient to extend the school term to nine months. At the examination of teachers for Centre Hall borough and Potter township, a num- ber ‘of applicants failed to get certificates. There is an opinion among the school teach- ers that they do not receive sufficient salary ; but when one listens to their examination questions and the rattled manner in which many of the correct and incorrect answers are given, one can scarcely fail to believe that there are entirely too many amateurs in the business to ask more remuneration. Two-thirds of the teachers in Centre county could not earn the wages they are receiving in any other occupation. Quit growling; improve your minds and manners, so your example may be worthy of following by the young, and better salaries will then be ready for you. When the Reforms observe Children’s Day, they do it right. The services were held Sunday evening last, and consisted of a pro- gram especially prepared by the publication house for the occasion. Every one who took part should have special mention, but that would be impossible. However, your corre- spondent can not pass over without making reference to the pleasing manner in which Miss Emily Alexander entertained the audi- ence with a solo. Everything necessary to make up a first class soloist is possessed by the young lady, wha received her training on the Pacific coast. Indeed, Miss A. sang bet- ter than many in her audience were capable of appreciating. Misses May Bell Keller, Emma Kuhn and Grace Alexander recited in an easy, pleasing manner, and each dis- playing considerable skill. All in all, the ex- ercises were full of interest. FELL ASLEEP IN JEsus.—Many readers of the WATCHMAN, to whom he was personally known, will be grieved to hear of the death of John Witherite, which occurred at Wal- lace Run, Centre Co., Pa., June 11th, aged 75 years, 11 months and 14 days. He was buried in the cemetery at the Messiah church, June 14th, followed by a large concourse of sorrowing friends. The funeral sermon was preacehed by Rev. J. F. Kelly, of Wallace Run, from the text 1 Cor. 15 Chap. 56-57th vs. Mr. Witherite was born near Wallace Run, June 27th, 1821, and has lived there ever since. Feb. 20th, 1845 he was married to Miss Mary Swagret, to them were born five children, Alfred and Michael, Mrs. Martha J. Furl, Mrs. M. Hall and Mrs. Clara E. Bot- torf. Having lived almost 52 years of wed- ded life, his death was the first in the family circle. On Tuesday, May 26th, his left side became paralyzed and in nine days he suf- fered a second stroke. His wife and child- ren all have reason for sorrow and are enti- tled' to sincere sympathy for he was a de- voted husband and a kind father. May the Heavenly Father in his mercy allow the family ties to be established where the sor- rows of earth do not intrude, where the church is triumphant over sin and death. Why do we mourn for dying friends Or shake at death’s alarms ? "Tis but the voice that Jesus sends To call them to his arms. New Advertisments. ANTED.—A home for a six months old girl baby of good parent- age. Full surrender Elven. Apply to Mrs. H, T. vrTz. President of Children’s Aid Society, Belle- fonte, Pa. OTICE.—Sealed bids will be received until June 27, 1896, for the building of a new school house at Oak Hall, in College town- ship, Centre Co., Pa., None but ri parties need apply. The school-board reserve the right to accept or refuse any or all bids. For plans call on or address. 41-25. Wx. 0. DOUGHERTY, Lemont, Pa. OTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—Office of the Valentine Iron Company, Belle- fonte, Pa., June 8th, 1896. The Annual Meeting of this Company will be held at its office, in Belle- fonte, Pa., on Tuesday, July 21st, 1896, at ten o'clock A. M., for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors, for the ensuing year, and the trans- action of other business. ROBERT VALENTINE, 41-21-2t Secretary, A UrTIoRs NOTICE.—In the matter of the estate of William Resides, deceas- ed, the undersigned having been appointed an auditor to distribute the funds, now in the hands of the administrator, in said estate, to and among those legally entitled to receive the same, give notice that he will be in his office in Bellefonte for the duties of his appointment June the 30th, 1896, at ten o'clock a. m. Parties interested please Stent. E. R. CHAMBER'S -24-3t. ioe Roasted Coffees, Rio, Java, Fresh Roasted. SECHLER & CO. Santos and Mocha. Montgomery BE IIS & Co. New Advertisments. Katz & Co. Limited. : OR FALE = Good Seven room hangs on { A street, Bellefonte. A t ONEY TALKS ! : Be ye TRO, UMMER BOARD WANTED.—A lady | | i dioirento exchange ¥fne pew piano for eee TE aE ere ete se ee er er rrr iii iratisrariizimeerreevicrtevmecteirecaseesiesarrececeseteneti : YOATH uring the summer, ress all commun- : 5 i ications t “B’ 1308 Chestnut St. ~—f OUR GREAT REDUCTIONSALE— [—— [5%F" Philadelphia, Pa. I EE I re treet ters | OR SALE.—Two nine and one dhir- : teen room dwelling houses situated at’ ! l \HE GLOBE. 0 0 0 IS A SUCCESS 0 0 0 Sine College. These houses are Yell siusiad, =r an 1ave all modern conveniences, i € Of ; : : «ALBERT EMERICK. and people begin to realize a wonderful Post office box 225, State College, Pa. 41-23-2t. < cut in prices we are making and ARM FOR SALE The undersigned what a saving to them. hereby gives notice that the sale of the farm of W. E. Meek, known as the Robert Meek [0] farm, situate in Ferguson township, Centre Co., : Pa., has been Maced in He hands of eo C. Pat- DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY o——JUST THINK OF IT, A 25 PER CENT REDUCTION——o Soon 4 Sub Cllere yuo Ins ful sud coms on 41-10-tf NELLIE H. MEEK, Committee. in Men’s Boy’s and Children’s suits from the high DMINISTRATOR'®. NOTICE. i Let! i T Adm ; t st grade down through the medium ones to Fabian Matts, late of Patton au Ee the cheap. In fact all our immense Daving ip? ign to he inersigned by the egister o 1118, In an 0! y "SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK stock of clothing will go at poems Tndekted to said esate Ta %o . th make immediate payment, and those having . €e same claims against said estate are requested to present the same duly authenticated for Se 0 0 as F. REerper, Attorney, " Administrator. SACRIFICE PRICES. - A new line of Dimities just re- Yard wide bleached and un- 0 0 . i ular 12%c. and 15¢c. quali- ) 1 3 ceived, reg 4 : 5¢. q bleached Mishin, full width and a This includes the Separate Trousers and Wash ty to sell at the uniform price of 1oc. | big bargain at 5c a yard. Suits for Children. : CALL AT ONCE AND SECURE A BARGAIN. | (Conia river Salmon, Finest Goods ? s ’ ° 2 ” ° : 15¢. 20c. and 25¢. per can. MONTGOMERY & CO. . 25 doz. men’s heavy Overalls a We just received another invoice | 41-22:tf BELLEFONTE, PA. BECHLER & CO. 75c. quality at 48c. a pair, with or without apron. 10 pieces fancy Ribbon the lat- est out for trimming summer dresses. We bought at a big bargain. They go to you the same way, price 25c. a yard. A new 1ine of Percales, fine quality and guaranteed fast colors of iadies Belts, including a lot of White Kid ones with buckle of same at 49c. Don’t forget our $2.00 ladies trimmed Hats. Notwithstanding the lateness of the season we are continu- ally kept busy trimming these Hats. We mention only-a few of our special bargains. We have more to gc. a yard. tell you when we see you. 40-15 KATZ & CO. 11d. Makers of Low Prices and Terrors to All Competitors. Fauble’s’ ONE WEEK MORE . and the greatest sale of High Grade Cloth- ing ever inaugurated in Centre county will be over. Only a few of these Big Bargains left. They can’t possibly last over a week. If © you want to save big money. ———COME AT ONCE—— Men's suits at $4.40 will cost you from $7.00 to $8.00 elsewhere. Men's suits at $7.00 will cost you from $10.00 to $12.00 elsewhere. t Men's suits at g1o.00, the exact same goods that others ask from $16.00 to 18.00. Miss this and you miss the CHANCE OF A LIFETIME TO SAVE MONEY. 40-10 FAUBLES’, Bellefonte, Pa. A Great Offer. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. No matter whether it relates to clothing, food, the luxuries or the necessities of life the best is invariably the cheapest. The WATCHMAN is the best county paper and you can get it for A YEAR FOR $1.50 This is how it is done. By using our campaign rate of 9 months for $1.00, the other 3 months for the year can be had for socts, giving you the paper for the small sum of $1.50. OLD AND NEW ALIKE. In order that our old subscribers enjoy the same reduction given to new ones we allow all, who pay up, the advantage of the low rate for the time from April 1st, 1895. It would be well for you to look up the label on your paper and save socts. by paying your subscription. THE CAMPAIGN RATE The WATCHMAN will be newsier and more re- liable than ever during the campaign that is just beginning. You can get it from June 1st to January 1st. 7 MONTHS, FOR 70 CENTS. When the value is considered this should make many new readers for the paper. Already the plan is becoming popular and many names have been added to the list but we want more. TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT. Now is the time to subscribe if you have any relatives in distant States to whom you would like to send a home paper. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR POSTAGE. We solicit every one of our many readers to tell their friends of the great offer, and prevail on them to become readers also. The WATCHMAN should be in every home in Centre county, won't you help a little in putting it there. NSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS.—In The Star Accident Company. It costs but little more, and eenainly the best is the cheapest when we take out In- surance, because when you want it you want it badly. Address THE STAR ACCIDENT COMPANY, Star Accident Insurance Bldg., Chicago. Over $700,000.00 paid for accidental injuries. 40-47-8m A ROOFING + AND TINNING. W. H. Miller, formerly associated with James Harris & Co., announces to the public that he has purchased the tin and roof ing department out-fit of the H. A.McKee & Co. hardware store and has located at 29 SOUTH ALLEGHENY STREET. A thoroughly equipped shop for the purpose of doing all kinds of tinning, slate, th and iron roofing, & opting, Jepair work and will also handle A LARGE LINE OF TIN AND GRANITE IRON WARE. A SpeciaLTY.—In connection with our line of ite iron ware we are prepared to repair a vessels of that sort, such as putting in new bottoms, ete. It can be done, and we can do it right. ran- STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED. Estimates on all work in our line cheerfully given and prompt attention will be paid to every call. PRICES THE LOWEST. WE Arso Paint TiN Roors AND GUTTERS. 41 16 3m. 1 Fish, of all k nds at Very Low Prices. New Cheese SECHLER & CO. Wall Paper Store. 5 IMMENSE STOCK or} o——WALL i PAPER,- 0 WINDOW SHADES, —5 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 PICTURE AND ROOM MOULDINGS, ° ° 0 ° 0° ° ° ° eesesacasssnsestensssttenasisass esessisesssssesssbessesssesseerse Anil ce ‘WONDERFULLY A Corps of Expert Painters and Paper Hangers. S. H. WILLIAMS, 117 west High Street, 41-10-3m BELLEFONTE, PA Y LOW o PRICES. x