Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 12, 1896, Image 8

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    Bellefonte, Pa., June 12, 1896.
To CorrespoNDENTS.—No communications pub-
ished unless accompanied by the real name of
the writer.
——Philipsburg is trying to arrange to
have an ‘‘old-fashioned’’ 4th of J uly.
——Ground was broken, last Thursday,
for the new Methodist church that is to he
built in Milesburg.
——Mpyrtle Austin and Theo. Tipton, of
Milesburg, will be married on the 25th
inst. ?
—Forty-five floats have been promised
for the industrial part of Lock Haven’s 4th
of July parade.
——Centre Hall is so short of young men
that a base ball team can’t even be gotten
up in that place.
—Philipsburg, having a tangible
thing in her furniture factory, is now talk-
ing bicycle building.
—So far as has yet been heard from the
only 4th of July attraction in the county
will be the Undine picnic at Hecla park.
——The Hornet says : “‘a large saw-mill
that will employ 100 men is being erected
by the Valentine iron works, near Belle-
——Miss Anna M. McBride, one of our
very nicest and most popular girls, grad-
uated at Wilson college, Chambersburg,
Wednesday. :
—Harry D. Bloom, aged 34 years, died
in Philipsburg, on Monday morning, from
heart trouble. He is survived by a widow
and a child.
——The bridge that will span Clearfield
creek, at its mouth, if the proposed Belle-
fonte and Clearfield railroad is ever built,
will be 110 feet high.
——The sixth annual inter-class athletic
sports at The Pennsylvania State College
will be held, on Beaver field, on Monday,
June 15th, at 2 o’clock p. m.
——The Junior’s farewell assembly to
the Seniors, at The Pennsylvania State Col-
lege, will be given in the armory at that
institution on Wednesday night.
——This is the last week of meetings in
the tabernacle. After the great christian
rally at Hecla park, next Wednesday, the
evangelists will move to Williamsport.
—It is rumored that the Poulsen han-
dle fadtory at Howard will soon be moved
to Centre Hall, where it will occupy the
building erected by Colyer at the rail-road
—During the month just ended the
Standard scale works of this place booked
more orders than has been done in any two
previous months since that plant has heen
in operation.
———About the happiest man we saw last
Thursday night was ‘Billy’ Crawford, of
Coleville. He had just arrived in town to
tell his friends that another little girl had
just arrived at his house.
———Communion services in the Evan-
gelical church next Sunday. Rev. A.
Stapleton, P. E., will preach morning and
evening. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. 3
Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m.
——Elder William Reasner, of the Belle-
fonte Seventh day Adventist denomination,
went to Williamsport, on Wednesday,
where it is supposed he will be elevated to
the dignity of a local preacher.
——For the benefit of those of our read-
ers who purpose attending commencement
at The Pennsylvania State College, next
- week, we have re-published the full pro-
gram. It will be found on one of the in-
side pages of this issue. i ‘
——When the fires were drawn in the
Valentine furnace, in this place, last week,
it was thought that the stack was in need
of relining, but it has since been found that
slight repairs will be all that is necessary to
put it in good working condition again.
o Xo isn’t likely that the young gen-
tleman concerned will be ready to carry
mail for some years to come, but Ed Woods
is as elated over that wee tot of a boy
that appeared, at his house, Wednesday
morning, as if he was seven feet tall and
strong enough to lug all the mail that
is ever thrown into No. 3's rack.
—A. T. Leathers, Esq., formerly of
Unionville this county but of late years a
resident of Washington, D. C., is now acting
as steward on the steamship ‘Illinois,’
plying between Philadelphia and Antwerp.
John Shrom, of this place, who graduated
from the school-ship Saratoga, in May, is a
quartermaster on board the same vessel.
——While returning from a tabernacle
meeting, in this place, last Thursday even-
ing, Mrs. Harvey Poorman, a sixty-one year
old Milesburg woman, fell over an embank-
ment, near the P. R. R. round house, and
severely injured herself. She saw a loco-
motive approaching on the C. R. R. of Pa.
track, across the creek, and thinking she
was in danger ran over the embankment.
She was carried to a house, near by, where
she recovered sufficiently to be taken home.
——The great christian rally at Hecla
park, next Wednesday, will be a wonder-
ful gathering of christian people from all
points of the county. The evangelists will
conduct the services in the nature of a fare-
well. As their last meeting in the taber-
nacle will be held on Sunday night the
time, on Monday and Tuesday, will be
consumed in taking the tabernacle down
and preparing it for shipment to Williams-
port, where meetings will be held under
the direction of the Y. M. C. A.
A Great Democratic Gathering.
Not For Years Has Bellefonte Seen Such an Influx of
Democrats.—The Town Was Crowded. —Enthu-
siasm Ran High.—@eneral Satisfaction Given by
the Strong Ticket that Was Named.
One of the greatest gatherings of Demo-
crats that has ever been held in this coun-
ty was here, on Tuesday, when the county
convention assembled. The court house
was packed from bar to vestibule with an en-
thusiastic, cheering crowd and hundreds
were compelled to stand on the outside,
content with the bits of information that
were wafted back along the line, whenever
anything of importance was being trans-
acted. *
It was truly a remarkable gathering.
Good natured and sober it made a striking
contrast to the last Republican convention
held in this place. It was a matter of gen-
eral comment and ‘one upon which the
party can well felicitate itself that not a
single drunken man was seen on the streets
that day.
All the morning busy politicians could
be_seen running hither and thither, trying
to fix up combinations by which particular
friends would be made winners. The
most figuring was done on sheriff, treasur-
er and commissioner. Schofield and Fos-
ter were both out of the woods for
Legislature. Harper had a long lead for
recorder which could only have been over-
come by Foreman and Alexander combin-
ing and then getting a portion of the unin-
structed delegates. Meyer was looked upon
as a certainty for one commissioner, which
left the fight open among the aspirants
from ‘‘this side.”” All of the men, how-
ever, were hard at work drawing lines clos-
er and closer, but with all the talk and all
_ed for, where upon Henry Meyer, of Rebers-
the plans the convention made the ticket
just as it always does, and always should |
do, to the entire satisfaction and the credit |
of the party.
At 12:23 county chairman Spangler rap- |
ped the great gathering to order and at once
asked for the nomination of candidates for
permanent chairman. ~~ W. K. Alexander,
of Millheim presented the name of Wm. B.
Mingle, of Centre Hall ; A. A. Pletcher, of |
Nittany, presented that of Henry Brocker- + Halfmoon, presented the name of A. C.
hoff, of the South ward of Bellefonte.
. mediately upon being named Mr Brocker-
hoff asked to have his name withdrawn. It
was done and Mr. Mingle was chosen |
unanimously. Upon taking the chair he |
thanked the convention for the honor of his
position and assured it of his purpose to |
preside in a fair and impartial manner.
| the selection of two candidates for Assem-
chair appointed A. A. Pletcher, of Walker 3
J. W. Kepler, Ferguson ; Dominick Judge,
of Spring ; Cal Smith, of Unionville, and
N. J. McCloskey, of Curtin.
A committee of five on resolutions was call-
burg ; J. 8. Smith, of South Potter ; Frank
Weiland, of Harris ; Michael Dempsey, of
Rush, and John A. Kelley, of Snow Shoe,
were appointed.
The usual order of business was next read’
and adopted, then chairman Mingle declar-
ed the convention ready for nominations for
the office of Congressman.
J. W. Kepler, Jr., presented the name of
Col. J. L. Spangler, of Bellefonte, as the
choice of the Democracy of Centre county |-
for representative in the lower house of
Congress from the 28th Pennsylvania dis-
trict. As there was no other candidate
aspiring for the henor of Centre’s endorse-
ment W. K. Alexander moved to make it
unanimous. ~The motion being carried Jas.
McLain moved that a committee of three
be appointed to escort Col. Spangler to the
The chairman had just named W. K.
Alexander and John Lopg, of Rush, when
some one set up the shout : “Here he is !”’
“‘Speech !”” ‘‘Speech !” He stepped onto
the platform and addressed the convention
briefly. During his remarks he pledged
himself to an unselfish and unflagging sup- |
port of the ticket in the fall, whether his |
name would be on it or not and said that
“whatever the past had been there will he
no ground for questioning Jack’s Democracy
in the future.” |
Balser Weber, of Howard ; W. C. Pat- |
terson, of State College, and W. C. Heinle, |
of Bellefonte, were then chosen congres-
sional conferees, with instructions to use |
all honorable means to secure the nomina- i
tion of Col. Spangler in the district confer- |
The next business taken up was that of |
bly. As soon as the chairman announced
his readiness to receive nominations John
Q. Miles presented the name of Hon. Jas.
Schofield, of Bellefonte ; E. McAfee, of
Thompson, that township's favorite son,
and W. K. Alexander named Robert M.
Foster, of State College. ‘Just prior to the |
calling for the first ballot Mr. Thompson |
secured the liberty of the floor to make a
neat little speech in which he withdrew in |
favor of the other candidates. His good |
Kurtz, of Centre Hall, and J. T. Lucas, of
Snow Shoe. The latter was withdrawn be-
fore the ballot was taken. It resulted as
follows :
Venver.. cic 4014
. 18
During the balloting for treasurer Mr.
Kurtz secured the floor and began to read
a prepared resolution which proved dis-
tasteful to the convention. He was prompt-
ly called to order by the chairman and the
work went on.
For Register, Geo. W. Rumberger, being
the only aspirant, was nominated by accla-
mation on the motion of Mr. Alexander.
It was apparent that J. C. Harper, of
Bellefonte, had the long end of the string
on the recordership, but there was consid-
erable interest when the contest was called
up. The nominees were J. C. Harper, of
Bellefonte ; Frank Foreman, of Centre
Hall and A. R. Alexander, of Penn. W.
K. Alexander seconded the latter’s monina-
tion in a very earnest appeal to the conven-
tion. Only one ballot was necessary to
decide it and it resulted as follows :
ODO eee 42
Alexander.. ww 18
Foreman............... 18
After the nomination for sheriff had been
made interest flagged until the commis-
sionership question was called for settle-
ment. The sweltering convention at oncé
pricked up its ears and looked for a spirit-
ed contest. Nine names were presented in
the following order : Dan’l Heckman, of
Benner ; Henry Heaton, of Boggs ; Wm.
H. Fry, of Ferguson ; Adam Bartges, of
Haines ; P. H. Meyer, of Harris ; W. H.
Williams, of Worth ; Jacob Bottorf, of
College ; Isaac S. Frain, of Marion, and
Jos. L. Neff, of Boggs.
By this stage of the proceedings the read-
| ing clerk had become so familiar with the
roll that he rattled the delegates’ names oft
so fast that it kept the tellers working hard
to record the votes. The balloting result-
ed :
Ist 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Fry withdrew after the announcement of
the first ballot and Heaton and Bartges
| Democratic words frequently called forth | both followed suit at the end of the second.
The regular routine of organization was | cheers for the speaker and when he had fin- | After Meyers Domination the fight for the
then begun. Frank Naginey, of Bellefonte, | iShed Mr. McLain moved to make the nomi- | TDS bie for “hiveile) ase Pretly
was unanimously chosen reading clerk. | Nation of Schofield and Foster unanimous. me: :
Charles R. Kurtz and George R. Meek, of It was done. Had there been a ballot | Ing in the lead both sides got to work and |
The Frain and Heckman people be-
Bellefonte, and Fred Kurtz Jr., of Centre | taken the vote would have resulted as fol there was much manipulation done on the
Hall, were named as secretaries, but upon
the declination of the Messers Kurtz
to serve, A. B. Hurd, of Philipsburg, and
James McLain, of Bellefonte, were named.
Mr. McLain also declined, as did W. H. |
Noll, of Spring, and J. W. Kepler Jr., of |
Ferguson. Walter Gherrity, of Bellefonte,
was then suggested and as his acceptance
filled up the requisite number, the election
of two tellers was called. Frank Fisher,
of Gregg, was named and declined, after
which it became necessary to go out-side
the convention for these officers. As no one
expressed any objection to this proceeding
H. J. Jackson, of Bellefonte, and J. Albert
Walton, of Philipsburg, were chosen.
The calling of the roll of delegates fol-
lowed, all of the seventy-nine having an-
swered to their names :
Bellefonte (N. W.)—Jas. A. McClain, John Traf-
ford. ;
Bellefonte (Se W.)—Frank Naginey, Henry
Brockerhoff, John Pearl.
Bellcfonte (W. W.)—John Q. Miles.
Centre Hall—Wm. B. Mingla.
Howard—A. Weber.
Milesburg—George W. Campbell.
Millheim—W. K. Alexander, N. A. Auman.
Philipsburg (1st W.)—Jesse Lukens.
Philipsburg (2nd W.)—H. Denning, Jac. Swires,
Philipsburg (3rd W.)—A. B. Hurd.
South Philipsburg—H. Wilcox.
_ Unionville—Cal. Smith.
Benner (N. P.)—J. B. Roan.
Benner (S. P.)—Curt Wagner.
Boggs (N. P.)—John Uhl.
Boggs (E. P.)—John Kelly.
Boggs (W. P.)—E. A. Smith, Chas. Lucas,
Burnside—N. Valimont,
College (E. P.)—John A. Rupp.
College { W. P.)—A. Miller.
Curtin—Nathan McCloskey. = =
Ferguson (E. P.)—J. W. Kepler, Peter Corl, N.
E. Hess.
Ferguson (W. P.)—Emanuel Sunday.
Gregg (N. P.)—J. C. Rossman.
Gregg (E. P.)—Frank Fisher, W. C. Moyer.
Gregg (W. P.)—John Smith, H.'S. Braucht.
Haines (E. P.)—John J. Orndorf, G.J. Weaver.
Haines (W. P.)—J. G. Meyer, C. W, Wolf, W..T,
Half Moon—Emery McAfee.
Harris—Frank Weyland, 0. W. Stover.
Howard—Frank Deitz.
Huston—Dallas Cronister,
Liberty—W. W. Spangler.
Marion—John Beck.
Miles (E. P.)—H. C. Brumgart.
Miles (M. P.)—Henry Meyers, (', A. Smull.
Miles (W. P.)—J. B. Hazel.
Patton—Edward Wasson.
Penn— A. B. Meyers, George Bower, Wm. Stov-
er, L. P. Corman,
Potter (N. P.)—Chas. Neff, M. Decker,
Potter (S. P.)—J. Moyer, W. W. Royer, J.
Rush (N. P.)—John B. Long, Fred Smith.
Rush (S. P.)—Michael Dempsey.
Snow Shoe (E. P.)—Wm. Haines, John Kelly.
Snow Shoe. (W. P.)—William Kerns.
Spring (N. P.)—Shuman Lyon.
Spring (S. P.)—W. H. Noll, John Royer.
Spring (W. P.)—D. Judge.
Taylor.—Jerry Sharrer.
Union.—P. Loughrey.
Walker—John D. Miller, A.
McAuley, J. H. McCauley.
Worth—A. J. Johnston.
A. Pletcher, John
The appointment of a committee on cre-
dentials being next in order W. K. Alex-
ander, of Millheim, suggested that it be
done away with, inasmuch as there were
no contests for seats. A. A. Pletcher, of
Walker, at once moved for the appointment
of a committee of five. It carried and the
lows, not counting those that were unin- |
structed : |
ol |
There were 14 delegates uninstructed. |
Up to this time the business had been |
carried through in a perfunctory sort of a |
way, but immediately upon the announce-
ment that nominations for sheriff were in |
order there was a great commotion. From |
a calm and deliberative body the assem- |
blage jumped to a crowd at fever heat. |
The names of nine men were presented in
the following order: W. M. Cronister, of |
Worth ; Jacob Runkle, of Bellefonte ; Geo. |
E. Parker, of Philipsburg, G. H. Leyman, |
of Boggs ; John Noll, of Bellefonte ; Rob’
Gilliland, of Snow Shoe ; J. A. Emerick,
of Walker; James S. Carson, of Spring, and
Burdine Butler, of Howard. Teff’ ballots
were required to determine which man |
was the choice of the county. They were
voted as follows :
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Cronister................ M4... M4... 4. 14...17....18
Noll... w20.....20.....2.....21......
Parker 0.
Butler. ......c..ceeene Zon
7th 8th
The committee on resolutions reported
right after the first ballot was taken. The
report was read and adopted in form as ap-
At the end of the second ballot Butler’s
name was withdrawn and his delegates
went to Leyman. Carson dropped on the
third and three of his delegates went to
Parker, the other to Noll. On the fourth
ballot Butler's two delegates left Leyman
and divided between Emerick and Runkle,
After that votes were shifted from one can-
didate to another, just as the leaders
floor, as the low fellow dropped on each
succeeding ballot. The Heckman people
landed their man a winner on the sixth
The greatest surprise of the day was the
number of names presented from which to
choose two candidates for auditor. The
convention had been in session for three
hours and many who were nearly worn out
were showing alarming symptoms when it |
began to look as if there would be no end
to the nominations. The names of these
men were presented : W. W. Royer of
south Potter ; Frank Hess, of Philipsburg;
B. F. Kister, of Millheim ; S. B. Meyer,
of Boggs ; S. B. Delong, of Curtin ; John
Emerick, of Miles ; and Wm. Tibbens, of
College. Four ballots were necessary to
make a choice. :
= n 2nd 3rd 4th
J. H. Wetzel, Esq. of Bellefonte, was the
unanimous choice for county surveyor and
Dr. W. U. Irvin, of Julian, was unanimous-
ly chosen for coroner.
This ended the ticket making and the
| convention proceeded to elect a chairman
for 1897. Two names were presented,
Hugh 8. Taylor and L. T. Munson, both
of Bellefonte. Only one ballot ‘was neces-
sary to disclose that Taylor was the win-
ner, as he had 50 votes to his opponent’s
The business of the convention hawing
been completed it was just on the point of
adjourning when Mr. McLain moved that
a committee of three be appointed to ar-
range for an appropriate observance of the
one-hundredth anniversary of the Demo-
cratic party of the United States, at some
time during the fall. It was his suggestion
that a great Democratic rally be held in
commemoration of so important an event.
The motion carried and the committee is
thought their own chances would be im- r yet to be appointed.
proved by holding this or that candidate in
the contest longer. Things grew very in-
teresting on the last three ballots and it
looked for a while as if the final tussle |
would be between Parker and Noll, but |
the Cronister people succeeded in throwing |
Parker then defeated Noll in the final. = |
Immediately upon the announcement of |
the result Mr. McLain moved to make it
unanimous and while the motion was car- |
rying enthusiastic feiends boosted the suc- |
cessful nominee to their shoulders, while a |
mighty cheer swept through the hall.
No one seemed to understand just why |
but when Noll fell that seemed to sound |
Kimport’s knell for treasurer. He had
been a favorite all day, but it was talked |
that-alt-or-none of the ‘‘old ticket,” by
which term some were pleased to call the
men who went down in the fall of 187,
would be nominated. The saying proved |
true, for Weaver was nominated on the first
ballot. The candidates were C. A. Weav- |
er, of Haines ; Franklin Bowersox, of Fer- |
guson ; James Kimport, of Harris ; Fred
After which the convention adjourned,
having heen in continuous session for three
and one-half hours.
The Democracy of Centre county by their
representatives in convention assembled, re-
affirming their devotion to that party which
has stood for the constitution during the last
century, hereby declare :
First—We thank and honor the President
of the United States for the administration of
public affairs free from corruption and - dis-
tinguished for its economy.
Second—We commend and applaud Grover
Cleveland for his fearless use of his veto pow-
| er under the laws and constitution of this
country and for his heroic and determined
effort to check and prevent the frightful prod-
igality and extravagance of the present Re-
| publican Congress.
Third—We commend and honor him for his
veto of the river and harbor bill and for his
maintenance of the credit of the Govern-
Fourth—We endorse the financial policy of
| the Democratic administration and reaffirm
our adherence to the principles of the Demo-
cratic state platform made at Allentown.
Fifth—We reiterate our belief in tariff re-
form and pledge out unalterable hostility to
all that is implied by ‘“McKinleyism.’’
Sixth—We desire to point with pride to the
clean, honest, economical and statesman-like
administration of Robert E. Pattison when
Governor of this Commonwealth and we look
with regret to the profligate, extravagant and
boss-ridden administration of his Republican
Seventh—We call upon the people of this
county and this State, regardless of party
fealty, to unite in rebukin® the policy of the
present administration in power in Pennsylva-
nia for their reckless disregard of the real in-
terests of the people by the creation of useless
offices and their slavish dependence upon the
will of an irresponsible boss.
Eighth—We commend the upright and val-
uable public services of the present Democrat-
tic officials of the county and congratulate
the people for their refusal to place the offices
of the county within the disposal of Republi-
can extravagance. :
Ninth—We mourn with the Democracy of
our sister county of Clearfield and with the
whole Commonwealth of Pennsylvania the
death of that distinguished leader and heroic
champion of Democratic principles, the Hon-
orable William A. Wallace, and desire to pay
our tribute as well to his private virtues as to
his exalted public history.
—— re
—The DuBois Express printing and
publishing company has applied for a char-
ter. The Express will hereafter be issued
by a stock company.
rt ee
——On account of the all day meetings
in the tabernacle, Sunday, the Children’s
Day services in the Methodist church have
been postponed until the 24th.
‘——Rev. John R. Davis, of New York,
formerly pastor of the Tyrone Presbyterian
church, preached the baccalaureate sermon
at Birmingham seminary, on last Sunday.
- 09
——Commencement at the Lock Haven
Normal will not be until July 1st. Dr.
Crawford, of Meadville, will preach the
baccalaureate sermon, on Sunday, June
—The Adelphi club dance, at the Uni-
versity Inn, State College, on Tuesday
evening, promises to he one of the most
delightful events of commencement week
at the College.
—DuBois has a volunteer fire depart-
ment that numbers three hundred men.
Last week a special tax of $1,000 was laid
to support the various companies. Their
prior existence had been by subscription.
. 4 i:
One of trimmest little buggies we
have seen for a long time has just been put
out at McQuistion & Co’s shops. It isa
beauty and should be seen to he properly
appreciated. The price on it is right, too.
——Jonathan Bower, a prominent resi-
dent of Green township, Clinton county,
died at his home, near Loganton, on Mon-
day. Deceased was 57 years old and leaves
a widow with six children. He died of
Sr i ae
——On Sunday, June 28th, the corner
stone for the new Catholic church, in Phil-
ipsburg, will be laid. ~ Rt. Rev. Thomas
McGovern, bishop of Harrisburg diocese,
will officiate, assisted by Rev. Foin, of Har-
risburg. A silver trowel will be used at the
service and then presented to the person
making the largest contribution that day.
Everyone who gives $1 or more will have
their name inscribed on a scroll that will be
sealed in the corner stone.
es) a
——Four masked men recently terrorized
the three Porter sisters, near MecAlevy’s
Fort, in Huntingdon county, and by threats
of burning them alive they tried to extort
$500 which the women had just received
for a lot of lumber. They fought with the
women for several hours, but finally de-
parted without any booty. One of the
Misses Porter recognized the voice of one |
of the assailants and it is thought the
quartet will be apprehended.
——Mrs. Steck, wife of Rev. Charles T.
Steck, who for some years was pastor of the
Lutheran church of this place, died very
suddenly at her home, in Shamokin, last
Saturday afternoon. Although suffering
from a slight headache she had attended to
her household duties during the’ day and
while preparing some strawberries for sup-
per the pain in her head became so great
that she started upstairs to lie down. Doc-
tor's were summoned at once and they
said she was suffering from an apoplectic
stroke from which she died in a short time.
She was 54 years old and leaves a husband
and six children.
Perdue, Geo. Jodon, Harry Eminhizer and
Ed. Roan had some fine sport, on Thurs-
day evening, when they discovered four
half grown grey squirrels on a dead tree
near Morris’ Coleville lime kilns. They
procured a bag and captured three of them,
but the fourth found a temporary asylum in
a hollow limb. It was not for long, how-
ever, as they soon had it pulled out and
now Coleville has the beginning of a zoo.
It is hardly probable that so much game
would have been found within five miles
of Coleville had it been in season for shoot-
farewell services of the Bellefonte evangel-
istic meetings will be held at Hecla park
on Wednesday, June 17th, under the au-
spices of the Bellefonte tabernacle commit-
tee,and in charge of Rev. Leonard Weaver,
assisted by Rev. James Wharton and G. S.
Weeden. Services will be held at 10.30 A.
M., 2.15 P.M., and farewell service at
6.30 P.M. The Central R. R. of Pa., will
sell, on this occasion, its usual low rate ex-
cursion tickets to Hecla park and return
from all stations on its line. Special trains
will also be running for the day and will
leave for the Park from Bellefonte at 7.20
and 9.15 A.M., 1.00, 3.45 and 6.15 P.M.
from Mill Hall at 9.01 A. M., 1.00 and 5.15
P.M. Trains will leave the Park for Mill
Hall at 9.45 A.M., 4.08 and 8.20 P.M: and
for Bellefonte at 9,45 A.M., 2.00, 5.46,
8.30 and 9.38 P.M.
his absence from Bellefonte.
HELD FOR ROBBERY.—Four tramps were
brought to this place, on Sunday after-
noon, by officers from Snow Shoe, charged
with having robbed the post office, at Snow
Shoe, that morning. Justice Keichline
held them for an examination before the
United States commissioner and on the jail
register they are known as Charles Gray,
William Myers and William May, of
Philadelphia, and Howard Smith, of Ken-
tucky. The men were taken to Altoona,
on Wednesday morning. The story of the
robbery is as follows :
About 3 o'clock Sunday morning the
post office, in Snow Shoe, was entered by
burglars whe blew the safe with dynamite
and took $100 worth of postage stamps, he-
sides destroying postal cards and stamped
envelopes to almost the same value. The
force of the explosion was terrific and the
heavy safe door was sent flying clear across
the room. Two holes had been drilled for
the firing. Post-master John A. Kelly
knew nothing of it until the next morning
when he entered his office, which is located
in the store building formerly occupied by
Wm. Grauer & Co. After the news had
spread Mrs. Brown, who lives next door to
the building, remembered having heard a
report some time during the night. T. B.
Budinger and Alfred Lucas joined Mr.
Kelly in the investigation.
They found everything in a confused
condition and upon realizing what had
been done they at once remembered the
suspicious presence, in Snow Shoe, the day
before, of four tramps. One of the tramps
had walked with crutches and the ground
about the post-office looked as if a number
of men had been implicated, while the im-
press of crutches and one foot were appar-
ently discernible. Searching parties were
formed and started off on® all the roads
leading from the town. It was supposed
that the robbers would head for the Inter-
section, to board a freight train, so some of
the officers hurriedly drove to that place,
where the suspects were found. They
were placed under arrest and taken back,
but were brought to this place, later in the
day, and committed to jail. While no in-
criminating evidence was found on their
persons their suspicious actions were
enough to hold them. Smith had been
loitering about a black-smith shop in the
vicinity, where he examined the tools that
were afterward found to have been used in
drilling the safe. Early in the evening the
men started out of Snow Shoe, ostensibly
to spend the night in an unoccupied house
about a mile distant, but were seen return-
ing to the town at a late hour.
attempted to blow the safe in the Penna.
railroad depot, at Milesburg, sometime Sun-
day night, but succeeded only in getting
the dial off. The door remained fast and
they left with nothing of booty, but a pair
of shoes.
No clue has been obtained as to the
burglars, but it is thought by some to have
been the same gang that operated in Snow
Shoe the night before. This premise being
true the men now charged with the Snow
Shoe job would appear to be innocent.
IN Business IN TYRONE.—E. P. Irvin
and judge John G. Love have purchased
the hardware store of the late H. C. Love,
at Tyrone. Mr. Irvin will take charge of
the business, a move which will necessitate
His brother,
L. C. Irvin, will have charge here and we
are quite certain that both stores will be
carefully conducted, for, while compara-
tively new in the business, the Irvin boys
are pushers and can be counted on to make
their business go.
——A great reduction in prices of sum-
mer dry goods trimmings, hosiery, cloth-
ing and shoes at Lyon & Co’s.
WANTED.— 50,000 Ibs. of wool—Lyon
& Co. —- : 3t.
S. A. McQuisrioN & Co.—Have now on
hand and for sale a lot of nice new and sec-
ond hand buggies at reduced rates. They
have the best low priced buggy on the
market. One that they defy competition
on, both in price and workmanship. See it
before you buy, it will surprise you.
Repairs reduced in price. ‘Shops ad-
joining P. R. R. freight depot. r
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co.
The following are the. quotations up to six
o'elock, Thursday evening, when our paper goes
ress :
diwali 70
Rye, per bushel...... 40
Corn, shelled, per bus 35
Corn, ears, per bushel 15
Oats, per bushel...... 20
Barley, 3 bushel.. 35
Ground Plaster, per ton. ve: 8100)
Buckwheat; perbushel.................... 40
Cloverseed, per busheil...................... $6 00 to §7 00
Bellefonte Produce Markets.
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co,
Potatoes per bushel...
Onions. 4 seensse o
ggs, per dozen
Lard, per pound... 7
Country Shoulders... 7
Sides.... 7
Hams... 10
Tallow, per poun 3
Butter, per pound 10
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday morning, in Bellefonte,
Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in advance);
$2.50, when not paid in advance, and $3.00 if not
paid before the expiration of the year; and no
paper will be discontinued until all” arrearage is
paid, except at the option of the publisher.
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county un-
less paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persons advertis-
ing by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows :
One inch (12 lines this type............. §5 I$ 8 [8 10
Two inches............ oi XT | 10] 15
Three inches..... 101137 2
uarter Column ; 12120] 30
alf Column (10 inches 213} a0
One Column (20 inches)... 35 | 55 | 100
Advertisements in special column 25 per cent.
Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions
Each additional insertion, per line..
Local notices, per line.................
Business notices, per line..............oeserevuenne 10 cts.
Job Printing oSyern kind done with neatness
and dispatch.” The Watchman office has been re-
fitted with Fast Presses and New Type, and
everything in the printing line can be ‘executed
in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates.
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor