Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 12, 1896, Image 7

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    State College.
Located in one of the most Beautiful and
Healthful Spots in the Allegheny Region ;
Undenominational ; Open to Both
Sexes; Tuition Free; Board
and other Expenses Very
Low. New Buildings
and Equipments
1. AGRICULTURE (Two Courses), and AGRI-
CULTURAL CHEMISTRY ; with constant illustra-
tion on the Farm and in the Laboratory.
ical and practical. Students taught original study
with the Sieeseye ,
3. CHEMISTRY with an unusually full and
horough course in the Lahoratory.
These courses are accompanied with very exten-
sive practical exercises in the Field, the Shop and
the Laboratory. :
5. HISTORY ; Ancient and Modern, with orgi-
nal investigation.
(optional), French; German and English (requir-
ed), one or more continued through the entire
and applied.
9. MECHANIC ARTS; combining shop work
with study, three years course; new building and
equipment. :
- SCIENCE ; Constitutional Law and History, Politi-
cal Economy. &c.
11.- MILITARY SCIENCE; instruction theoret-
ical and practical, including each arm of the ser-
vice. ,
years carefully graded and thorough. .
Commencement Week, June 14-17, 189¢. Fall
Term opens Sept. 9, 1896. Examination for ad-
mission, June 18th and Sept. &th. For Catalogue
of other information, address.
~ President,
State College, Centre county, Pa.
Coal and Wood.
I ovamp K. RHOADS.
Shipping and Commission Merchant,
pean DEALER I Nemo
by the bunch or cord as may suit purchasers.
Respectfully solicits the patronage of his
iends and the public, at
near the Passenger Station. Telephone 1312.
36-18 :
$Y acurs
For all Billious and Nervous
Diseases. They purify the
Blood and give Healthy action
to the entire system.
For particulars eall
or address with stamp
0. W. F. SNYDER M. D.
41-1-8m 907 Broadway, N. Y. City.
Consult the Old Reliable
Thirty years continuous practice in the cure of
all diseases of men and women. No matter from
what eause or how long standing. I will guarantee
a cure. 102 page Cloth-Bound k (sealed) and
mailed FREE 41-13-1yr
is the result of colds and sudden climatic changes.
It can be cured by a pleasant remedy which is
plied directly into the nostrils. Being quickly
sorbed it gives relief at once.
Cures—Cold in head, eatarrh, rose-cold, hay-
fever, deafness and headache.
Opens ann cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays
Pain and Inflamation, Heals the Sores, Protects
the Membrane_from Colds, Restores the Senses
of Taste and Smell. The Balm is quickly absorb-
ed and gives relief at once. Price 50 cents at
Druggists or by mail.
59 Warren St., New York.
For information and free Handbook write to
MUNN & CO., 361 BroaApway, NEW YORK.
Oldest bureau for securing patents in America.
Every patent taken out by us is brought before
the.public by a notice given free of charge in the
0 0
Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the
world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent
man should be without it. Weekly £3.00 a year;
$1.50 six months, Address
MUNN & CO., Publishers,
361 Broadway, New York City.
OEE] Leman AL
Bellefonte, Pa., June 12, 1896.
Mexico's Giant Fireflies.
As Big as Chinese Lanterns, and Sometimes They Ex-
plode Like Bombs.
“Qur party of six (#mong them Mr. Fred
Marsh, the naturalist of Chicago) worked
two days chopping alittle way into the
wood, and there we waited for the coming
of night. I shall never forget the first sight
I had of the giant Lampyridae. A pair of
them flew directly above us,—two fiery
globes that glowed in the darkness like
suns aflame. Then others came within our
limited vision, and others and others until
tens of thousands of them lit up the forest.
We watched through the entire night. It
was simply impossible to realize that they
were flies. They seemed like Chinese lan-
terns or beautiful globes of light moving
magically through the air. When they
would see us the fires would glow more
brightly and greatly increase in size. This,
we were told, was one of nature’s provi-
sions for the protection of the flies, it be-
ing a well-known fact that reptiles and
beasts are afraid of fire. The fire of the
male is blue and that of the female green,
and each changes toa flaming red as the
fire ball enlarges. They fly in pairs, and
fire globes, changing suddenly to immense
spheres of red light, floating hither and
thither, amid the muttering of monkeys
and the restless moving of tropical birds,
is beyond description. Every hour through
the night all would come together and rest
upon the boughs of the trees. This was
marvelously beautiful. Gracefully droop-
ing rows of alternate green and blue lights
| —and from them as they rested came a
humming sound—a sweet musical song.
It often happens that other insects attack
the flies, and the fire globes swell up to
such a size that they frequently burst with
| a report like a pistol.
| “The uses'to which these flies may be
i put are many. Ten thousand had been
\ gathered when I was there for the Cincode
| Mayo celebration at Uruapan and Coalco-
‘man. The parties having the matter in
| charge proposed to have them tied by
| strings, which when pulled would irritate
| the flies causing them to change from the
| blue and green lights to red lightsas large
| as cannon balls. Designs were formed of
' these lights representing the faces of Juarez,
| Gen. Diaz, and others. These celebrations
| took place on the 5th inst, and were in-
| describably beautiful. The illuminations
| were kept up for several hours, when the
| flies were made excited by violently pull-
| ing the strings, when thousands of them
| burst with a noise like the explosion of a
| steam boiler.
‘‘In Morelia one night upen my return I
| noticed several young men on bicycles, to
which were attached several of the blue
and green flies that lit up the pathway be-
fore them in a glare of beautiful light.
Rural Presidency.
i Should the Republicans nominate Me-
‘Kinley and the Democrats select Boies each
| party would fulfill one part of the unwrit-
| ten law regulating Presidential succession.
It is one of the most singular facts in our
| political history that all of our Presidents
| have been from the country rather tham
| from the cities. Washington was from a
| plantation in Virginia, far removed from .a
| eity = Adams lived in the then little vil-
| lage of Quincy, Mass. ;; Jefferson resided at
| his eountry seat at Monticello, Va. ; Magli-
| son was a country gentleman residing .at
. Montpelier in the same State ; Monroe was
| a rural resident : the younger Adams Liwed
| in Quincy, as his father had before him ;
| Jackson was.a Tenneesee farmer, residing
| at the Hermitage, his country seat ; Wan
| Buren was bern in the village of Kinder-
| hook on the Hudson and spent nearly his
| whole life there ;; the first Harrison Gived
lin a little Ohio village ; Polk resided in
| Nashville, then .a small town ; Taylor was
a retired army officer, who made his home
at Baton Romge, a little place on the Mis-
| sissippi river, chiefly known as a small
military pest ; Pierce came from the wil-
lage of Coneord, N. H. ; Buchanan lived at
‘Wheatland, an obscure place where ke had
a country residence ; Lincoln lived at
Springfield, a place of about 9,000 inhabi-
tants in 1860 ; Grant hailed from Galena ;
Hayes lived at Fremont, a small town in
Ohio ; Garfield was from the rural village
of Mentor ; Cleveland was from Buffalo, a
city not of the first class in. importance,
and Harrison was a lawyer in Indianapalis,
the chief importance of which lies in the
fact that it is the State capital.
Douglas, Seymour, Greeley, Tilden,
Cooper and others, who came from the
cities, failed to gain the high office to
which they aspired.—Chicago News.
Sober American Editor's.
Rev. Dr. Henry M. Field, editor of the
New York Evangelist, thus notes an inter-
esting feature of the recent meeting of the
National Editorial Association at St. Au-
gustine, Flo., which he attended : ‘‘Sitting
near the entrance of the hall, and thus see-
ing from end to end, I did not see a single
man touch a glass of wine or mug of lager
beer. Father Nugent, from Liverpool,
spoke of it in amazement, saying that in
England, if over 360 men sat together at a
tab e, they would not rise up before some
of them would show the effects of liberal
potations. I confess I was surprised at
what I could have hardly believed except
for the testimony of my own senses; but
which was most gratifying not only for the
editorial profession, but for the country
| they represent. ’’
Selling Their Children.
Famine in Japan Reduces Parents to Awful Straits
Correspondence received by the steamer
Alameda from Japan says : Tonkin is suf-
fering from a terrible famine. Last year
the rainfall was so meager that this year’s
harvest is a failure, and as the ' Annamites
are improvident, living from hand to
mouth, the distress is now very great. The
parents are selling their children for a few
cents and pillage is rife.
Tlfe French Governor General has taken
some steps to alleviate the misery, but the
resources at his command are inadequate.
—An ordinary business men could hard-
ly see how President Cleveland could avoid
vetoing the river and harbor bill passed by
the present congress. It covers $77,000,000,
an outrageous expenditure of money under
the present conditions of the national treas-
ury. Seventeen millions of this is to be
spent at once, and sixty millions is to come
out of future revenues. In 1882 President
cause it took between $18,000,000 and $19-
000,000 out of the treasury. What would
he think of this bill, carrying nearly four
times as much ? The bill is all wrong, but
the worst thing about it is that it takes
this enormous sum when the government
can hardly meet its ordinary expenses.
the sight of innumerable blue and green.
Arthur vetoed a river and harbor bill he-
Building a Mud House.
The Simple Architecture of an Adobe in New Mexico.
Architectural engineering, says the Chi-
cago Record, is a branch of the gentle art of
making mud pies in the land where the
adobe houses grow. In the land of sun-
shine, where a rainy day is so rare that it
is marked with a red cross, the native con-
tractor and builder wastes no time figuring
on the strength of material, the crushing
limit of tubular columns and the wind
pressure per square foot of elevation. He
does not pore over blue prints of plans,
cross-sections and elevations, nor does he
whittle down his figures to the finest point
so as to come under some other contractor’s
bid. He simply rolls his trousers up above
his knees, digs down in a favored ditch or
pond until he strikes the adobe mud, and
in a short time he is ready to begin con-
structive operations.
Adobe houses are brick houses, but the
brick is sun-dried and ‘made with straw.
The clay or mud of which the brick is made
is a natural cement, peculiar to the arid
plains of New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada
and that belt of States and Territories. It
is turned out in the most primitive man-
ner, and the Blue Island brickmaker who
might happen upon a half-breed or Mexican
’dobe brickmaker would view the opera-
tion with amusement or disgust. Kiln-
burned brick, made of blue clay, however,
would not meet the requirements imposed
by the climatic conditions of those coun-
tries where adobe brick is used. =
In summer an adobe house is cool ; in
winter it is warm. Its thick walls absorb
the occasional rain, and although the sun-
dried articles it does not crumble and it
stands for ages.
A man who recently traveled through
New Mexico was much interested in the
’dobe houses. For weeks he inquired and
searched for a ’dobe house in the hands of
the builders. At length, in Santa Fe, he
stumbled upon a couple of men stamping
with their bare feet upon clay in a wooden
frame. He inquired and found that he
was looking upon two Mexicans making
adobe brick. In describing the process he
said :
“The men actually dug up the ’dobe
mud from the bottom of the ditch which
skirted the road. They mixed it, or, as we
say, ‘tempered’ it, with water until it was
of a stiff, clayey consistency. Then they
chopped alfalfa hay into short pieces and
mixed it with the clay, and their material
was ready to make into brick. A wood
frame lay on the ground. This frame was
filled with the ’dobe mud mixed with hay,
and one of the men got into the frame and |
stamped the mud down with his bare feet,
at the same time tamping it with a stick.
After the frame was packed hard he seraped
the surplus mud off with a stick, so that
the top surface was level with the upper
edges of the frame, and then lifting the
frame from the clay he carried the brick to
one side of the road and stood it en its
edge. The next brick he made he leaned
against the first one, and soon he had a
dozen large bricks—each twice as wide and
long and thick as an ordinary brick—dry-
ing in the sum. One of the men told me
that the bricks would be ready to lay in
three or four days, and that they use the
mud which the bricks are made of for the
“The walls of an adobe house .are very
thiek, sometimes two or three feet, and in
the ordinary one-story adobe house, which
is «characteristic of that regiom, they are
built wp perfectly plain until they reach
the roof. The roof is supported on wooden
beams, laid edgewise on the walls, and the
rieks are built up level with the top of
the beams between the timbers, leaving the
-adtge of the rafters exposed. The roof has
a slight slant, and is made of adobe bricks.
When it rains the water soaks into the roof
bricks, but does not begin to drip down
into the rooms below until the rain is over.
"Then the family moves out mmtil the water
is through with its dripping. I saw an
ladlobe house in Santa Fe which was built
iin the sixteenth century, and so far asT |
could see the walls were as strong and good |!
as any house around there. |
‘Walls are built of stone, plastered with |
adobe cement, if I may so call it, and such
walls are strong and solid. I suppose if
that country had half as mmeh rain as falls
in Chicago the ’dobe houses would: after a
time crumble away, but the average year
in New Mexico is made wp of 187 days of
unclouded sky, 139 days when sunshine
predominates, and only :30 days of cloud,
so that rainfall does not amount to much
more than a good-sized fail of dew.”’
It is estimated that an adobe house costs
about $100 a room, but there are mansions |
built of this material whieh cost not less
than $300,000 to construct. When the
‘‘Americans’’ settled in New Mexico, Utah,
Arizona, Nevada and the lower part of
California they accepted the treeless con-
dition of the country and built their houses
of ’dobe mud. :
36th Annual Commemeement at The
Penna. State College.
For the benefit of those of our readers
who purpose attending the 36th annual
commencement exercises at The Pennsyl-
vania State College we append the con-
densed program :
10:30 a. m.—Baccalaureate sermon, by the
Dev. Russell H. Conwell, of Philadelphia,
a. :
2 p. m.—Annual inter-class athletic con-
8 p. m.—Junior oratorical contest.
8:30 a. m.—Annual meeting of the alumni
9:45 a. m.—Artillery salute.
10 a. m.—Annual meeting of the board of
trustees. :
12 m.—Alumni dinner (in the armory).
2 p. m.—Meeting (in room No. 121) of
delegates and alumni to elect trustees.
3 p. m.—Exhibition drill of State College
8 P. m.—Annual address before the alumni
by the Hon. James A. Beaver, of Bellefonte,
10 a. m.—Graduation exercises of the class
of ’96.
Commencement address, by the Hon. John
Wanamaker, of Philadelphia, Pa.
Be Fair.
Everyone should try to be fair. We do
not now refer to physical beauty, but to
the moral and mental quality of being just.
Few can hope for the appreciation by oth-
ers of their own conduct and motives
which they crave unless they receive fair
treatment at the hands of those whose
good opinions they seek. And this being
the case, they should remember to exercise
the quality themselves when considering
the cases of other people. It is one of the
easiest things in the world to become preju-
diced, and one of the hardest to be abso-
lutely fair. We all know how we are apt
to acquire a certain view of a person we
have never met from the remarks of a third
party. That view may be either favorable
or unfavorable, and it is likely to exercise
a considerable influence in preventing our
arriving at a proper dame of the per-
son in question, even after we have met
ag become fairly well acquainted with
* % %
In this matter of the . remarks of our ac-
quaintances about others it is very import-
ant to exercise the quality of fairness to-
ward both parties. We are often startled
hy hearing of some mean or discreditable
thing, which some one, concerning whom
we have had a high opinion, is alleged to |
have done. The earnestness with which
the charges are magle inclines one to give
them credit, and they, at any rate, pro-
duce an unfavorable impression hard to ef-
face. Especially is this the case if they
come from one for whom we have an es-
teem. Still, it is most unwise and unfair
to accept a verdict so pronounced as final.
It will be well to inquire most carefully
into the moving cause of the unfriendly
remarks and to get the version of the mat-
ter of the party assailed. The whole
trouble may have arisen from a mutual or
one-sided misunderstanding as to the act-
ual position of both or one of the parties.
A friend can often set matters right by a fair
investigation of the matter, whereas if he
ginaty accepts the say so of one party,
ade in the heat of passion, the trouble is
never settled. It has happened that after
one has imbibed a prejudice against a third
party by reason of the representations of a
friend, he is surprised later on to find the
two he had supposed hostile for life hob-
nobbhing together again. Upon inquiry he
discovers that the accuser had upon cooling
down and making a fair investigation
found that he had been all wrong, and
done injustice to his friend.
* * %
Newspaper men have especially to culti-
vate the quality of being fair. It is in fact
cultivated for them. They hear so many
conflicting stories from interested parties
that they would be at sea entirely as to
the facts if they did not endeavor most
carefully to arrive at the truth. Every
day they are confronted with prejudice in
its most extreme forms. They meet peo-
ple with grievances against others who can
see nothing but their @wn side of the case,
and who firmly believe that those whom
they are opposing cannot possess the slight-
est good in their makeup. Then they
meet the opponents of these people, and
find perhaps the same feeling. And again
they discover that the people who are the
most bitter objects of hatred by others are
in fact entirely innocent of “having given
any adequate cause for such a feeling.
But not only newspaper men, but every
one, should endeavor to be fair. ‘For
with what judgment ye judge ye shall
be judged ; and with what measures ye
meet it shall be measured to you again.”
——The New York Herald sadly observes |
that although we haven’t any czar in this
country, we have. the coal barons, who
meet in solemn conclave to put up the
price of coal, wonder how much the people
will stand and then gleefully resolve to
make the experiment. ‘‘June first, twenty-
five cents ; July and August, a like addi-
tion—a sort of up grade towards the prices
that are to prevail next winter.”
The Herald wants to know whether ‘‘we
haven’t suffered enough from the thumb-
screw devices of this gentlemen.” Just
about. Let’s kick. But how, where, and
whom ¢ Shall we use oil and benefit the
oil barons or gas and please the gas mono-
polies, or shall we turn communists and
shout for government control of coal and
other things that may be thus cornered by
foxy capitalists ? Thedangerous. We are
not a mule, and kicking may be a risky
business unless it is done with wisdom and
Let us be wise and thought-
ful with all speed, for the time is surely
approaching when we must kick. The
thumbserews of the barons are becoming
Love CourLp Nor CONQUER.— “Love
conquers all things’’ they say ; but we
know better. There are some things it
cannot conquer. Among them “are head-
ache, biliousness, dyspepsia, constipation
and piles. But if love cannot conquer
them, Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets can.
You cannot buy real love at a drug store
but no live druggist will be found without
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. ‘‘Love can-
not do better than recommend them.
——A family that gives a party on Sat-
urday, eats the scraps left over on Sunday
and lives on crackers and bologna the bal-
ance of the week makes great sacrifices
for the sake of society.
afflicted with catarrh last autumn. Dur-
ing the month of October I could neither
taste or smell and could hear but little.
Ely’s Cream Balm cured it.—Marcus Geo.
Shautz, Rahway N. J.
I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind
ever since a boy, and I never hoped for
cure, but Ely’s Cream Balm seems to do
even that. Many acquaintances have used
it with excellent results.—Oscar Ostrum,
45 Warren Ave., Chicago, Ill.
——An eastern specialist claims that
early rising is productive of insanity.
Most people knew they objected to getting
The Road Hog.
Occasionally we hear of bicycle riders
meeting persons on the road with teams
who refuse to turn out. This class of per-
sons are known as‘ ‘road hogs, ’’and think the
public thoroughfare was made solely for
them. There 18 a law that protects the
riders of bicycles in this State, passed in
1889, is as follows :
‘Bicycles, tricyeles and all vehicles pro-
pelled by hand or'foot, and all persons by
whom bicycles, tricycles and such other
vehicles are used, ridden or propelled upon
the public highways of this State; shall be
entitled to the same rights and subject to
the same restrictions, in the use thereof, as
prescribed by law in the cases of persons
using carriages drawn by horses.”’
up early but could not think of such a good
——More curative power is contained in
Hood’s Sarsaparilla than in any other simi-
lar preparation. It costs the proprietor
and manufacturer more. It costs the job-
ber more and is worth more to the consum-
er. More skill is required in its prepara-
tion and it combines more remedial quali-
ties than any other medicine. Consequent-
ly it has a record of more cures and its
sales are more than those of any other prep-
aration. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the best
medicine to buy because it ‘is an honest
medicine and thousands of testimonials
prove that it does actually and permanent-
ly cure disease. :
—— Subscribe for the WATCHMAN.
Every young man should be possess- |
{ ed-of certain information without which |
millions contract pernicious and most des- |
tructive habits—habits which make young |
men prematurely aged, pale, haggard, list- |
less, devoid of ambition, easily tired, lan- |
guid, forgetful and. incapable ; fill mad- |
houses and swell the lists of suicides : sepa- |
rate husbands and wives ; bring untold
suffering to millions, even to the third and |
fourth generations. Parents, guardians |
and philanthropists can do no better ser- |
vice to the rising generation, than to place |
in their hands the information and warn- |
ing contained in a little hook carefully pre- |
who had vast experience in dealing with
the grave maladies here hinted at, and who !
feel that they owe it to humanity to warn |
the young men of the land against certain |
destructive habits which are far more prev- |
alent than any - layman can imagine, and |
which if persisted in gradually undermine |
the constitution and health and destroy the |
| future happiness of the victim. Cut out
| this notice and enclose it with ten cents in
| stamps (to pay postage) to World’s Dis-
! pensary Medical Association, Invalid’s Ho-
+ tel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., |
| and the book will be sent, secure from ob- |
servation in a plain sealed envelope.
| ——Ohio is a great state. Her chief pro- |
| ducts are bishops and politicians. It is |
{ more than a coincidence that the two new
bishops of the Methodist Episcopal church,
as well as the retiring Bishop Foster should
be natives of the Buckeye state.
Dr Cyrus Edson, Superintendent of the)
Sanitary Bureau of New York City, writes |
the following unsolicited letter regarding |
Speer’s Port Grape Wine. |
New York, January, 1888. |
Mr. Speer :
The box of wine has been |
safely received. I trust that 1888 will do |
you the justice you deserve. I never lose
an opportunity to recommend your good |
wine, for I know it to be one of the pure |
brands obtainable.
Yours sincerely.
Tor sale by Druggists. CYRUS EDSON.
——Knoxville, Tenn., is to span itsriver |
with one of the most beautiful bridges in |
the world, built of pink marble quarried in |
Knox county within a few miles of the site. |
It will be 1,600 feet long with spans of |
arch 240 feet in length, 40 feet longer, it is |
claimed, than any existing arch in the |
dedi eens
——If strength is what you want, you
should study what causes your weakness.
It is practically lack of food. .
But you eat three meals a day, and all
you can eat ata time.
Yes, but do you digest it ?
Food undigested, is not food.
It doesn’t create strength.
To digest your food take Shaker Diges-
tive Cordial at meals. ~ After a while you
will digest your food without it. Then
you will get well, and strong and healthy.
Shaker Digestive Cordial cures indiges-
tion and all its symptoms, such as nausea,
headachs, eructations, pain in the stomach,
giddiness, loss of appetite, etc. It makes
your food nourish you, and make you
strong, fat and hearty.
Druggists sell it. Trial bottle 10 cents.
It is not
——Cripple Creek, in 1892, had only
| 1,500 inhabitants and was thoughtto be a
marvelous town for the time it had been in
existence. Now it contains 60,000 people,
and put-out in a year 33 tons of ore to
every man, woman, child and baby in the
town. :
pared by an association of medical men | |\
AS. W. ALEXANDER.—Attorney at Law Belle-
e fonte, Pa. All professional business will
receive prompt attention. Office in Hale building
opposite the Court House. 36 14
F. FORTNEY.—Attorney at Law, Bellefonte,
« Pa. Office in Woodring’s building,
north of the Court House. 14 2
ASTINGS & REEDER.—Attorneys at Law,
Bellefonte, Pa. Office No. 14, North Al-
legheny street. 28 13
B. SPANGLER.—Attorney at Law. Practices
in all the conrts, Consultation in Eng-
Office in the Eagle building,
40 22
lish and German.
Bellefonte, Pa.
8. TAYLOR.— Attorney and Counsellor at
; ° Law. Office, No. 24, Temple Court.
fourth floor, Bellefonte, Pa. All kinds of legal
business attended to promptly. 40 49 )
| Stone Block, High street, Bellefonte, Pa.
OHN KLINE.— Attorney at Law, Bellefonte.
.._. Pa. Office on second floor of Furst’s new
building, north of Court House. Can he consulted
in English or German. ° 29 31
C. HEINLE.—Attorney at Law, Bellefonte,
. Pa.. Office in Hale building, opposite
Court House. All professional business will re-
ceive prompt attention. 30 16
J W. WETZEL.— Attorney and Counsellor at
° Law. Office No. 11, Crider’'s Exchange
second floor. All kinds of legal business pn
to promptly. Consultation in English or German.
39 4
HOS. 0. GLENN, M. D.,
Physician and Sur-
geon, Boalsburg, Pa. ¢
S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon,
a State College, Centre county, Pa., Office
at his residence. 35 41
HIBLER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon,
offers his professional services to the
Office No. 20,
1 23
citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity.
N. Allegheny street.
DENTAL COLLEGE. Office in Crider’s
. to W. F. Reynolds & Co.,) Bankers, Belle-
fonte, Pa. Bills of Exchange and Notes Discount-
ed; Interest paid on special deposits; Exchange
on Eastern cities. Deposits received. 17 36
J C. WEAVER.—Insurance Agent, be-
° gan business in 1878. Not a single loss
has ever been contested in the courts, by an
company while represented in this agency. Of-
fice between Jackson, Crider & Hastings bank
and Garman’s hotel, Bellefonte, Pa. 34 12
Represent the best companies, and write policies
in Mutual and Stock Companies at reasonable
rates. Office in Furst's building, opp. the Court
House. 25
A. A. Konreecker, Proprietor.
This new and commodious Hotel, located opp.
the depot, Milesburg, Centre county, has been en:
tirely refitted, refurnished and replenished
throughout, and is now second to none in the
county in the character of accommodations offers
ed the public. Its table is supplied with the best
the market affords, its bar contains the purest
and choicest liquors, its stable has attentive host-
lers, and every convenience and comfort is ex-
tended its guests.
$B. Through travelers on the railroad will fine
this an excellent place to lunch or procure a meal,
as all trains stop there about 25 minutes, 24 24
That is just the truth about Hood's Sarsaparilla.
We knew it possesses merit because it cures, not
once or twice or a hundred times, but in thou-
sands of cases. We know it cures, absolutely,
permanently, when all others fail to do any gooc
Is the best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
HOODS PILLS cure nausea, indigestion, bili- | 1
ousness. 2) cents.
on two floors, furnace’in cellar and a lar
jlicit orders for our hardy
Nursery Stock. Expenses
Made and Merit Maintains the confidence of the BY THE nq satery to those leaving
people in Hood's Sarsaparilla. If a medicine cures CHAS isi an en J
you when sick ; if it makes wonderful cures every- E {Employment The busi-
5 rev : oti p ediei i ness easily learned. Ad-
where, then beyond il guestion that medicine NURSERIES dress The R. G. CHASE
possesses me rit. = CO., 1430, 8. Penn Square,
, 40 35 1y. Philadelphia.
New Advertisments.
: home of Morris W. Cowdrick, on east
Linn street, Bellefonte, is offered for sale cheap.
A fine 3 story brick house, on a lot 75x200, new
frame stable, brick ice house and other ont-build-
ings. The house is in excellent repair, has all
modern improvements, bath, hot and cold water
ge cistern.
water, are for sale at the very lowest prices at the
Agricultural Implement Store of
whatever. We repeat ~~| Write or call on M.
tf. Niagara Falls, N.Y,
SARSAPARILLA Heretofore the farms of Centre county, Penn’a.
have produced the best quality of wheat and us-
nally a crop of poor, wormy apples. As there will
be little wheat this year, the farmers can make up
the loss by protecting their apple crop. Spraying
the apple trees destroys the codling moth or apple
yon, after which the trees produce good hi
uit an
t lenty of it. Spray Pumps and spray-
I with full printed ia 4
1 as Bucket Pumps, which purify foul cistern
Bellefonte, Pa.
New Advertisments.
Ov Oat-meal and flakes are always fresh
and sound, you can depend on them.
Fine Job Printing.
There is no style of work, from the cheapes
Dodger” to the finest
that we can not do in the most satisfactory man.
ner, and at
Prices consistent with the class of work, Call at
or communicatewith this office,