Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 12, 1896, Image 6

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    Numerical Relations of Sexes. Meade and Hancock. His Revenge Was Complete. Tourists. + Travelers Guide.
The present has been called ‘‘Woman’s To fine Javamoss Rr pe] foe This [ss story about a girl and a ion = Ee ee
Age,”’ because women are making their Gettysburg battlefield collection on Fri ay, | The girl lives over in Georgetown, where Splendid Opportunities. IN \ \
ey with extraordinary activity and rapid- | when statues of General Meade and Han- | she is distinctly the belle. I don’t know D PPO ; PreysILvANIA RAILROAD AND
Bellefonte, Pa., June i2, 1896. ity into trades, occupations, and business | cock were erected on the historic site where where the man lives ; but during business | For home-seekers and others desirous of chang- May 18th, 1806.
rr —————————————————————— 300 industrial pursuits that were formerly | they battled so bravely and successfully for hours he is to be found in a bank not far | ing their locations are offered in the great states sth oo
~N BLOW GENTLY monopolized by men. the cause of the Union. The honors paid | from the Fifteenth street cable transfer. | of Wisconsin, Towa, Minnesota, South Dakota and Se SE : =
. : This state of things has largely resulted | to these distinguished men, in placing them, He is a blonde and is a favorite in the ex- | Nebraska. Fertile and productive land is for sale TYRONE AND CLEARFIELD, R. R.
“Blow gently, winds of June. Each downy nest | from the fact that whereas, formerly, the | in the form which they appeared in life, on | clusive set in which the Georgetown girl | on the most reasonable terms, and there are NORTHWARD, SOUTHWARD.
Is full of unsung songs, and unspread wings, | women were supported by their fathers, | the field where they did so nobly, are & | moves. He and she had words—once upon | Many openings for all classes of men, particularly | 5 | 21 a Z } of,
That will respond to patient hoverings ; husband, brothers, and other male relatives | credit to the nation. =~ Seated on their still a day. They had so many words, in fact, | farmers and dairymen. Those interested will be £[EZ2] 3 (May, 18080. | § | 2 £12
Soft rockings suit the rustic cradles best. in later years women have not only found | chargers they will watch over the place | that the girl, who is said to have more than furnished full information, free of charge, upon Z a z = 5 | aE i=
« tly. wi | ; it necessary to maintain themselves, but in | where the national contest between union | g hit of temper, ordered him never to pre- application to W. B. KNISKERN, 22 Fifth Ave- = y = yl
Biow getitly, winds of June! The bud is here not a few cases they have been required to | and disunion was decided. Of all the sume to speak to her again so long as he | hue, Chicago, III. HA Ioviny fe wmilv. = Aviom rnbe
h oy - i re nt ats fae "* | care for male a ndents. ? brave men who fought in the federal armies | Jjved. She forbade him to recognize her, = 7 a 315 820. Tyrone... 6 35 11 20(6' 12
The Sree i24 Ae e Done gi iw Naturally, a great social movement of | at Gettysburg none is more closely associat- even, and said that she wouid make it a | Reduced Rates to Denver and Portland. ? 2 3 24 3 2% ky Tyrone. 6 29 i i 3 0
Sheol IIah mar he bnuuly of the sun women out of home life, and into business, | ed with the contest than Meade and Han- point to forget that she had ever met him. | ry, North-Western Line (Chicago & North | 741 326) 8 a10 Syl “wigs! 1b M16 04
“So easily the song drops out of tune, and even public careers, has had the effect | cock. This was last winter. The other day she | western B's.) annonces the suis of ooencan 1200 25 20 ~Vanscoyoc....| 6 18 11 0215 53
So eagerly the sun absorbs the dews, to arouse to independent action many Both of them measured up to the demands | went into the bank in which he is employ- | tickets at ro on ios an Chie te Pore : 5 3 D 8 47|..... Gardner...... : 595
So quickly does the rose its petals lose, women who are not obliged to toil for their | of that terrible event. In Meade’s hands ed, to have a check cashed. The blonde | jung Ore 07. and Torin oo ina er and 11th. | 8 11] 3 53] 9 05
Then for their sakes, blow gently, winds of own living, and thus a great social revolu- | was the direction of operations over a large | young man appeared at the window. He and Fo to Denver, Col., and return on : a io o
dane! —Mary A. Mason. | tion, set in motion by a variety of causes | battlefield, and opposed to him was the | took the check and examined it carefully. | june 13th and 14th. For full a tothiatiog ably [5 4 o ‘ i
co la "| operating in concert, is rapidly approach- flower of the southern army led by that great | Tt was a broiling hot day. The George- | ¢, ticket agents of connecting limes or address | 8 27, 4 08 9 2... Osceola...... 0 23:
ing a culmination, the consequences of captain, Robert E. Lee, the intrepid and | town girl was in a hurry. She hadn't an H. A Gross, G.'E. P, A, 43 Broadway, New a! 4 3 > 20 Osoenla Junc....... . 5 06
Temperance. which, to politics, morality, and religion, | chivalrous, whose fame as a leader might | acquaintance within half an hour’s walk. York. or 835 419 933 BE a " :
Within the gates of the city are assem- | S1OMOUS as they may grow, can be but in- | cause even the bravest to fear. But, calm | The blonde young man handed the check T. P. Vaille, 8. E. P. A., 112 South Fourth street, 4 tay 45 Philipsburg...| 5 30 10 14/4 57
Tor: : distinctly foreseen and imperfectly foretold. | and determined, he faced the situation that | hack. Philadelphia, Pa. i 428) 947. Graham. 5 26) 10 09/4 52
bled a host of men whose aim in coming to From the rapid and remarkable develop- | met him, with all its possibilities and mis- “Very sorry, madam,” said he, “but J > 52] $54 5 32...Blue Ball...| 521 Wot 4
the convention, which is the purpose of the ment of the woman movement, the infer- | calculations and misadventures’ and of plans | you'll have ty get somebody to identify Thude Tor & Dolla 857 4 44) 10 04) FEHR HE
gathering, is to preach temperance, or, ence would seem plain enough that there | overthrown by the enemy. But he showed you before I can cash the check.’ L ee 903 4 50 ) 5 9 4714 27
rather, the extreme developement of the is an excess of women in the population of | himself to hea thorough soldier, and by his | © And she had to do it. Three what * Three charmingly executed pos- | 5 90 4 33) 10 13 505 0481
idea of temperance, which is abstinence. the United States where the evolution is | command of the Union forces at Gettysburg ters in colors, drawn by W. W. Denslow, Ethel |g 15 5 oe I oso
In Scripture times the admonition of one most active. An examination of the facts, | achieved a reputation that ought to be last. 4 TE Reed and Ray Brown, will be sent free of postage | 9 19 5 06 : 52 931/4 09
of the apostles was to be temperate in all however shows that this inference is with. ing. Aa nk an Soh crank, to any address on receipt of one dollar. All who 2 Ci 8 3 10 Fo Bri L138 9264 0m
things, which might have been good advice out real foundation. ‘What praise can be given to Hancock, So said a friend, one dreary day, ate afflicted with the “poster eraze™ will immedt- [5 35] 3 28 10 dl Prenone:| 158 ° Tol oe
Pion and might lovow. Bu 1 falls on | SLSR OTOISHON, | oo by the census of | justly termed the superb? To his vigorous In confidence’to me. ately embrace this rare opportunity, as but a limi- rel 10 B27 RUSHC..... | over error |3 35
barren soil, and, like the seed of the SOWer) | 1890, there were then in the United States | action, his daring, his spirited movements, “Did'st e’er inquire,” said I to him ted number of the posters will be issued. The ron, z
the sun withers away any growth that is nearly a million and a half more of men than | the success of the battle was largely indebted “What pains and aches she knows ? scarcity of a good thing enhances its value. Ad- oy ii ian lane
made. Temperance does not mean solely As like as not she's tortured hy
dress Geo. H. Hearrorp, general passenger agent
the moderate use of gin, hut the moderate
women. The following figures of the
population, by sex and race, as taken from
Meade planned and Hancock executed and
in that execution almost lost his life for the
Some one of woman's woes.’
of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway, old
nee Sh aptiiy good, bad and fair to the census, is interesting i— cause he championed. The field of Gettys- Vo djs fon eT the colony building, Chicago, Ill. 41-23-9¢, WESTWARD. EASTWARD
middling. Race No.of No.of | burg has nothing on it more befitting its | Spirits and sap e energies and vital force. | mmm ES — 2] 2 - pa 1 a 2 IT
A brass band went up the street yester- = Males. Females. | sacred character than the statues of these | For these distressing complaints, function- Elf Sf 8 ETE
day, tearing the air to tatters, and earning 23,210,185 26,778,003 | two eminent soldiers al irregularities, unnatural discharges, con- New Advertisements. Fl E x | 2/74 5
its salary like a log-chopper. It made a .3725,561 3,744,470 ’ stant pains, weak back, lassitude, dullness, iw Tw TEES .
i i 105,895 3,868 rr ile : ML[ P.M. -M. [ P.M, |P.M.
pretty fair grade of music. But ) ,S8 SH J sinking sensations and all weaknesses, S o 617 240 8 10] 12 35/7 25
occasionally, and at what seemed the | JiBane gp aio onan | ——In the death of Austin Corbin the | peculiar to women, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite A NOTHER CONTRACT. 611 234 8 16] 12 41/7 31
most uncalled-for times, the gentleman | Indians (on reservati 108,115 106,686 | country has lost one of its most resourceful Prescription is the specific. : 7 : » : 20 12 45,7 35
who blowed the big ‘‘ta-ra-ra’’ would pour | Persous of various captains of industry. Born in New Hamp- 5511 220 8 a 2 ol 2
his soul into the music in an alarming man- on reservations ww _ uM shire, and a Yankee of the Yankees in his eee : 5 54 217 8 33] 12 587 HH
ner. The shrill ‘‘tute-tu-ti-yute”’ of the 42,236,349 30.723,417 | physical and mental characteristics, Mr. ——Reed’s Congress draws its salary 552 215 8 35] 1 00(7 50
. Y : ,200, y . ¢ 5 Y EY ’ : mn 544 207 8 42| 1 07(7 57
small horn, carried by the man with the ——Excess of- Corbin attained his earlier success in life in regularly and that’s all it does to. 536 200 8 49] 1 14/8 04
calloused lip, was washed ‘ashore and dis- Males. Females. | the West ; but he became most famous renee 528 3 858 1228 13
i relli fav Phite...coois vers ivist iene a8 LL is i i i i % » : . 519 1 907 130822
persed in the swelling waves of sound that White... renee, 1,432,182 through his identification with the com T Bis 0 | COMPLETED BY THE INVENTOR OF CUN. |.» : a :
rolled out of the big horn. Foss Er 102,027 mercial interests of this section of the coun- hE Ponarhed A oo : co : 5 . 1 5 10 o a In. 5 1 : Hi >
I Il ll Japanese ... 1,521 ‘| try. His consolidation of the little rail- mind to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Remem- NINGHAM'S COMPOSITE. A UNIQUE EX- |3 OL 124 9 53... Bellefonte....| 9 28 1 49/3 41
The: artist who rattled the windows | Indians Nh Viz roads of Long Island into a great Sua ber that Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures when all PERIENCE BEFALLS THE PATEN- 1518 28 Miehws, 9 Juam
I TT rh a | Pi an) > and the consequent developement of that others fail. Do not give up in despair a 437 1000 9 30. Mount Eagie..| 953 2 15/9 05
along the street with his thundering bass on reservalions.......oooe 12,207 a, beautiful and healthful place, which had mpi TEE. 431 12 54 924... Howard... 950] 22109 11
has a place to fill in a brass band, which previously lain waste, into a vast suburb Tak al itht P 42201245 9 15... Ea leville....| 10 08/ 2 30[9 20
nobody else can take, but the world does otal. 15802 18,018 and Kitchen farm for’ New York,’ was an yon. ake Hood’s Spsapart a i ully fly 41 Beech Creek. oll 2am 2
5 ’ 20 - 2: 9 01... ill Hall...... 2 2 44!9 3
not hang Shey - ig lone pat ag fot Tot mals, as shown by | achievement fit to crown a lifetime of well- 2 Fou may reasonably expect to he cur — z 406 5 29 8 i ton...| 10 24 2 45/9 36
sweeps out of the bell of the Helicon bass | these figures, is the excess of women among | applied business energy. An undertaking, : Sn Lo i 4 02 12 25| 8 55|...Lock Haven..| 10 30| 2 50l9 40
about every fourth measure. The lead | the negroes. The whites show an excess of ny more a affecting the affairs t a ood’s by ooo psy Seale ae P.L|P. M. | A.M. Ly, ; Arr. aw | pow, [por
horn, the alto, the expansion trombone, males in the proportion of 51.30 per cent. | of this community was his rehabilitation of oid prepared irom the best ingredients. If this experience were published in LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAILROAD
with its snapping turtle fashion of drawing | to 49.70. The civilized Indians show a the Philadelphia and-Reading railroad and > Pe Natnte ahnt 4 Toellent Haine or te Av oaaLl .
1 1 + i i . . . A a, w ‘ould expect o il §
half its length in out of the wet, the bass preponderance of men in the ratio of 52.04 | the combination of the same with the Cen- harbor some Spo the in EASTWARD, May 18th, 1896. WESTWARD.
drum, and all the outfit, go to make the | to 47.96, while the wild Indians on reser- tral Railroad of New Jersey. Tourists. At least we are safe in saying that public :
joys and horrors that are blasted out of a | vations have 50.33 per cent. of men to = i ounce made In Belleodnts by My. John A ah S7aTioss PX aa
brass band. The man who swells up like | 49.67. The Chinese and Japanese are Wee : = So har Auiska would nob ho half as jn. A. a Ly. © al
+ : . . The whirligig of time brings its re- teresting as a sentence or two from Mr. M. ore] MPM
a favorite son hoom, and in one breath col- nearly all males, since hut few of their = whirhigig 8; I Half Rates to San Francisco. Cunningham No. 17 Bishop St., the well 6 20 w-eeeeenBellefonte...........| 8 a5 415
lapses in the same favorite son pattern | women have ever been brought into this | Yenges. When Speaker Reed made: Major . Ema . known paving contractor. When such al HAremany. =f Sa 3
3 : 3 a McKinley chairman of the committee on On June 15th, 16th, 23rd and 24th, 1896, The men as he come out flat-footed and en- D 2 [- cCleasant Gap. | 847 407
pouring all of his effort into the mouth- | country. = . Wovs end 5 \ thers | od th. h | North-Western Line (Chicago & North-Western dorse the claims made for an article in BH.cceiirnrons er... | 844 403
piece of one brass horn, is intemperate in| The statistics show that of the other ra- ays and Means an €n jamm roug : aS Te which he has no interest, there must he Dale Summit..........| 8 37] 3 5s
his efforts to please, and should be taken | ces native to the United States, or domesti- | the House without debate the monstrosity | Railway), the famous “California in 3 Days route, jomething beyond ordinary merits be- ~lemont. -| 8320 353
to a gypsum works and have the lower part | cated here by centuries of residence, the | known as the McKinley tariff act—which | will sell excursion tickets to the San Francisco hind gt. If Mr. . Cunningham's pavement 2 ps i
: : : 20 : 1 a8 licked 1 ’ in | and return at half rates, one fare for the round were under discussion, we would expect : es 5 au
licked into tolerable shape i
of his lungs filled with plaster of paris so | males outnumber the females in average | Was lic Into a more tolerable shape : os him to stay with it by argument, reason- 2 ost ag -1 816 3.37
that he cannot get so much wind action on | ratio of 51.22 to 43.78 ; but the negroes vi- | the Senate—he duga pit into which he | trip, good returning 60 days from date of mle. ing and proof, but when the merits of a 3% Centre Hall........| 800! aps
his instrument. : olate this rule in a most striking manner, himself has tumbled. Instantly the coun- | For full 2 pevmation apply to ticket agents of con- Propriety Hediste pre in Tnsstion; A 317! 7 i I Rn yes | ; 0 Z 2
; x i ot F . : ines a 8 ousiness in which he has neither wealth Dsl a A : peessesl Oa Ad od
i showing an excess of women in the propor- | try repudiated McKinley and his tariff act ; Ayers Soa vy 27 Droathv. Nit or reputation at stake and he stays by it 325 7300. wOIDY rnin] 7 45 3 08
. follow whe : tion of 49.87 of men to 50.13 of women. but under the operation of one of those | H. A. Gross, G. E.P. A, 423 Broadway, New and produces proof for his convictions we 3 3 381. obirn., 738 Bo
Yet the fellow who is addicted to the od ni puzzling revulsions of popular sentiment | York. are bound to accept his testimony. Read 3: freeones Ingleby... T3L 256
e > $i : There are in the United States nearly a a ! : i are , 3411 7 48... Paddy Meuntain...... 7 256
boom-ta-ra-ra’’ habit when he blows the | 1D which defy all pre-calculation McKinley —_— it, he says : “I am not prepared to ex- Sn al oo 4 2a
Tk the strait on his Bie 1 1 ; | million and a half more males than females Y Pp ? TE plain my trouble from a physicians stand. 349 707........Cherry Run........| 718 245
end ol the strain on his big brass horn 3) orilic liiinan ; but, when the distribu- | has suddenly been pushed to the front and Half Rates to Milwaukee. oint. Tt is sufficient to Know that I had a 352 301. -Lindale.... TH 24
not the only creature who is a victim of in- | °F the human race ; but, v oN Madman Reed remanded, to the rear. The Republi- ee ittle backache that no doubt arose from 359 88, Pardee..... 707) 234
temperance which needs reforming. The | tion of sexes 1s considered, if is apparent hosts insist 0 utting up the | ©naccountof the International Convention of the kidneys, but my chief trouble was in 1Lies94 Glen Iron 658 223
; ; that the conditions are very peculiar. | can hosts upoh Pp g up the B. Y.P. U., the North-Western Line will the bladder. I was always worse in the 415 825 ilmont. 6500 218
woman with a chocolate caramel habit and ; : - X. PB. U, the North-Weste te will, : SY wh 41 : ; 2 15
; : ; : There are many States in which the women | manikin in preference to the man. And to : - Wr . winter season and when in this condition 7 827) Swengle 647 216
Ice cream vice, who is keeping the pure : : : ke di int t bitter, the M from July 15th to 18th, 1806,. inclusive, sell excur- it amounted to annoyance. I tried Doan's 422 833. .. Barber... 642 212
2 predominate, and others where there is an | Make disappointment more bitter, the Mc- | IF ick ilies ; ‘i Ts or io "li on, 421 838 Mifflinbu 37 2 07
food man on the Jump to find for her com- o of a The States in which the | Kiniey managers have had assurance to ask | $10 tickets to Milwaukee and return at one fare Hidney bills for jt L ey gid me a ard 4 35) 8 47 Vicksburg: pl 3 0
unds that will satisfy her consuming a Xcess .. the + ‘hile | for the round trip. The Chicago & North-Western of good. much in fact, that I advisec 43 852 ...Biehl...... 623 15
> i i nitti - s ) > women predominate are New Hampshire, 3 ker Reed to play Second fiat Whils R’y is the “Lake Shore” route between Chicago Mr. Yen or po prietorof the Brant House 447 9 0 a nanny 6 2 1 iy
petite without permitting terra-alba to con A It 3 to try them likewi I told him I &. ¥ 14
: : : ive | Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, | the procession moves on !—Allentown Item. : : 3 es 3d him 1 got 453 910 M 540 137
ceal itself in one and tyrotoxicon to thrive 3536 y nd, y and Milwaukee, and makes the run between the mine at F. Potts Green's pharmacy. He 2 Montandon.........| 540] 133
in the other, is as bad as the broad man in | NeW York, Maryland, District of Colum- Te two cities in less than two hours. For full infor- fried a box, 2nd found Hew like I in up ru law Ar. Lvla. ole
Cy : ia. Virginia. N i : : : ; al to the specifications. You ec
the band with the horn that ust fits around bia, V Ign ia, North Carolina, South Caro- ‘‘Dear me,”’ exclaimed the soda Wa- | mation apply to ticket agents of connecting lines a I on hl ns nen LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAILROAD.
] ] hs J : | lina and Georgia irl i ills.” y
him. It is astonishing how women culti- gia. . Ls ter girl, in great apparent agitation. | or address Pills. i et, ” = -
vate the ice cream and the chocolate cara- |. 1D 211 others men are in a majority, Lou- ‘Now, that gentleman winked at me| H. A. Gross, G. E. P. A., 423 Broadway, New People all over Bellefonte are talking TWARN lppan yb FASTWAND,
mel habit, but they have it about as firmly isiana, however, comes nearest of all to twice, and I can’t tell for .the life of me | York, : Hills this Shont the Ai Qnalier Deedy, iT i=
fixed as the spinster lady has the habit of | 1aVing the Sexes In equal numbers, the | what kind of a mash he means.’ Detroit | T. P. Vaile, S. E. P. A., 112 South Fourth street, per box, six boxes for $2.50, mailed to any | & | & | May, 18 1806.
doting on cats. Most of them reform when | ales being 559,350, while the females are Tribune. : Philadelphia, Pa. address on receipt of price by Foster— =o
the g Ti hich 559,237, the excess of men being 113. The — Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents !
y are married, which is a fact that : : : : Ta so for the United States. 41-20 P.M. | A. M. AL. Lve
Scientists have never given any reason for. States in which the deficiency of males is 9 20 Scotia
But most likely hh begin to work found are the old States of the East, which Muminating oil 9 08 Fairbr ook...
thet fon =; 8g hots & have lost their men in great numbers, part- | __ ee 8 571... .. Musser...
€ treasury for money uy shoes for the 1 he civil d ly by th i 8 51|Penn. Furnace
children and flour and bacon” at the same | Y PY the civil war and partly by the emi no 45......Hostler.....
time, the appropriation for caramels js | Station to the West. The men who went A SK FOR 0 8 39... .Marengo......
like th ional ation 3 e | Westward to grow up with the country 8 Lore
1ke the congressional appropriation for the : ied, althougl 8 29\. Furnace Road.
: : were In most cases unmarried, although 9
rivers and harbors this year, no good unless not a few husbands took part in the mi g 2% wRvngansin,,
i i pi 3 x 2 > mn arrior's Mar
mT bonds are issued to coax in some gration, leaving their wives behind. Thus THE BOOKLET ON “LIGHT —/—/———— ; 8 09]...Pennington...
foe it is that there is not a Western State but WwW eare selling a good grade of tea—green 3 + 5 tover.......
Buell vo a am NY IIE rone......
ll l has an excess of men. Of the foreigners 0 AND. o —black or mixed at 28cts per. Ib. Try it. Ae
—At the bottom of all intemperance is an
American weakness of spreading all sail
when we think of it, and then going away
to attend to the hundred other irons that
who immigrate to this country the great-
est numbers are men, and they help to cre-
ate the disparity of the sexes.
It appears from - the census of 1890 that
Time Table in effect on and after-
1 : SAA May 18, 1896. .
are in the fire, ‘and, forgetting the breeze | there is an excess of women in the cities Ee Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday...........3 51 p. m.
that is coming. We open the throttle and | aud of men in the country. The res Arrive in Bellefonte.. 5 46 p. m.
throw away the valve. Our women set out | tive populations by sex of the cities and 0——GIVES THE BEST LIGHT IN THE WORLD.——p at ae ~
for the seweng circle to make duck trous-
ers for the Hottentot heathen, and leave
country, taking the figures for the cities
and towns as low as those of 2,500 peple, is
Drawbacks of High Art.
“I told that lady that in order to get a
good photograph she must forget where she
‘‘She did it so thoroughly that she went
away without making the required de-
posit.” —Chicago Record.
Braddock mill at less than the English bid,
and said to be $7 a ton less than the combine
rate to American purchasers. Over a hun-
dred American locomotives have been order-
ed for Japan in the last five years. The
Japanese themselves have begun to build
locomotives and manufacture rails, and
they can undersell the foreign makers but
are unable to supply the demand. .
Pp and Reading R, R. At
all Brook Railway. At Mill
-| Railroad of Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania Railroad and A
Jersey Shore with
Hall with Central
Hoon A PRE, mth
na sbur
i Buttais
Connecting Railroad. At Clearfield wit
Rochester & Pittsburg Railway. At Mahaffey and
Patton with
Cambria & Clearfield Division. of
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Mahaffey with
Pennsylvania & North-Western Railroad.
'l Passenger Agent,
Philadelphia, Pa.
+ ; 39-37- XD IS LU " SAFE. :
‘the family at home with the suspenders | given, as follows :— . 83s7ly AND IS ABSOLUTELY SAFE. (CENTRAL RAILROAD OF PENNA.
hanging on one button. The man of vO. No. Te TT TTT - Travelers Guide ; ;
: of Males. of Females. . Condensed Time Table.
the house gets the garden habit, and spends | unig. 20,708,894 19,180,031 Castoria. Castoria.
all his spare time in April and May hoeing | ci 11,358,986 11,373,439 READ DOWN READ UP.
and planting, with not an armful of wood San Fkeess of : an Seen BEECH CREEK RAILROAD. dele Tf Mars
in the box, and the supper biscuits spoil- Country 1,527,063 ora £2, HAT IS N.Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Co., Lessee. No 1/No 5j%o 3 *.|No 6/No 4|No 2.
ing in the svn, When the 8eas0n is dONe | City...... corer Tor 14,453 W Condensed Time Table i
he learns that the seven wooden radvishes, The proponderance of women in cities : : a. m.[p. m.[p. m. Lve. Ar.[p. m.[p. m. a, m.
and the potatoes he couldn’t find for the | pas Le been attributed to the fact Reav Ur. READ DOWN. | 17 wi fi > BELLEFONTE, i
weeds, would have to be worth $5.00 a that there they find greater scope and op- EXP. [Ball May 17th, 1896. BYP. RAIL. Lo 411750) 2 in .| 9 43] 551] 9 50
piece to pay for the seeds and the hired | portunity for self-support, and this is un- No. 39/No. 55 No. 30/No. 56 Jimi Ins
help put on the garden, not counting his doubtedly the true explanation under the CAS TORI A= PX . | 752 801f 4 14/...Hublersburg...| 9 32| 5 4o| 9 3:
own labor. But you can’t cure him of the | conditions which are impelling the sex to 30 | 756 8 05 4 18|...8nydertown.....| 9 28] 5 37] 9 35
habit. Next year it will be just as acute. | extraordinary effort for selt-help. Tt may TE | 300 800 42 12% 538 2 3
I Il I be noted that in the Old-World countries : % 802] 8 11) 4 24 [1921 531 92
A of Asia, ,gxcept where the female popula- TE 8 04 8 13] 4 26. 919 5 20) 9 26
Next after the intemperate use of pro- | tion is limited by the general murder of “sa 58 | 816 5 20] 4 pa] er ille.| 0 08] 5 18] 5 15
fanite and chewing gum mn this country, the infants of that sex, the excess of wom- | Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's preseription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium 8 38 5 2 8 23| 8 32| 4 43 of oh iy ig sx 5 5 > 00
the patent medicine habit claims, probably, | en is provided for by the system of polyga- Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It isa harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing | 8 32|. 509 825 834) 445.........8alona....... 8 511) 9 07
the most victims. Millions of dollars’ lati i : ; 7 8 25 eens 515 | 830] 8 40] 4 50|...MILL HALL... }8 53|5 0519 01
‘orth of t medicin od mous relations. i: Syrup, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by Millions of Mothers. | g 5 Lv..Cl 5 34
Worth of patsn 1068 ate Consum, In Christian countries, where monogamy | . castoria destroys Worms allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diar- | ~_ _.| Sys iE| 330 0 4300 755
annually, and no doubt enough of the stuff | js the rule, there ought to be some general : : : . : ! y 755 ° 31)......CLEARFIELD........ 625 { 10 05) 9 4 00( 17 25
could bé saved, if we use no more than we | distributi on ofthe dation, so th Eu rhea ‘and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. =z o = - 5 6 10 110 20/*11 2 40| *6 55
need of it, to float a navy. If we could re- would not be Sond mn Wheres there we Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. 7 3 n 2 ar Cloarnield ; e.ley uy 4 3 G08 7 18 35411 30
form men and women from the patent | thousands more of men than women, or Castoria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother's Friend. 731 1105 634! 645 +4 30
medicine habit the money saved would thousands more of women than men. The : 2 Le 2 2 79 19 30 #7 30
more than duplicate the churches of the | gyper-abundant women of the Eastern gag) RL Tee !
land, and build some new school houses to | pities would be agrand blessing to the 727 | p- ma. m.|Arr. Lve.ja. m.[p. m.
boot. The pie habit and the habit of keep- lonely and enforced bachelor-dom of the 6 35 | soail > oo 76.00 P. M. Sundayn,
ing more dogs than we need, take an end- Far Western States and Territories, and CASTORIA CASTORIA 3 x I 0 110.10 A. M. Sunday.
less lot of money. ~The yellow butter hab- yet there is no provision in the social 8ys- ? : 5 7 40 -7 hv PHILADELPHIA SLEEPING CAR attached to East-
it is chronic and general. Butter as it | tem of the boasted age of civilization to 200 9 757) 744 | bound train from Williamsport at 11.30 P. M, and
comes from the churn is abominable now accomplish the exchange. A civilization | ‘“Castoriais so well adapted to children that I | *Castoria is an excellent medicine for children. | 6 13) 8 04 7 52 | West-bound from Philadelphia at 11.30 P. M.
until it is dyed, so intemperate have we be- i i il i - | recommend it as superior to any prescription | Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect | 2 18] 8 48. 848 842 - J. W. GEPHART.
yed, pe € which fails to remedy such an evil is gross 5 03 8 330 901 8353 Goneral Sabena rss
come in this respect. We are a nation ad- ly defectivs.—New Orleans Picayune. known to me.” upon their children.” 458 8¢ 907] 838 reneral Superintendent.
dicted to an absurd yellow butter habit. | ° ——— H. A. Arcuer, M. D. Dr. G. C. OsGoop, 447 8 15).........Youngdale...... 918 S07 on
Butter in its natural color would lead to| ___wesee the reason why Japan is buy- 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lowell, Mass, : » 3 w SE HORBIUN 2 > > Bs New Advertisements.
the mobbing of the man who offered it for ing American rails in the extraordinary ps +4 00| 17 03....WILLIAMSPORT.....| 10 05 9 55 ned ER
sale. : : development of railways in the empire. | “Our physicians in the children's department | “Castoria is the best remedy for children of | P+. |A. M. |Lv. > Aram lew |= Tee
. There is a big field for temperance work There are now in Japan nearly 600 miles of | have ‘spoken highly of their experience in their | which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far To A Ey 1 "0
in this country, but perhaps some day We | state railway and 1,650 miles owned by | outside practice with Castoria, and although we | distant when-mothers will consider the interest of 35 5 08] 710
will be able to reform the intem- companies, with 1,150 miles of additional | only have among our medical supplies what is | their children, instead of the various quack nes- | 30" [Fv N.Y. via Tam. Ar 6 00
perate use of yellow shoes, trousers that line under way and new companies seeking | known as regular products, yet we are free to | trums which are destroying their loved ones, by 7 30/Lv...N. Y. via Phila...Ar'b 7 25| 19 30
turn up half a dozen times at the bottom as authority for the construction of 2,000 miles | confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to | forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and oth- | A: 2M. | A. M. : [7.0 | An.
though they had started to out grow the | more. Hitherto most of the steel rails have | look with favor upon it.” er hurtful agents down their throats, thereby send- thay, fWeek-days. 26.00 v. a. Sunday. 110-35 sors :
wearer, the cigarette habit, the habit of put- | heen obtained from England, but Germany United HosprtaL Ap DIsPENSARY, | ing them to premature graves.” a n Sunday. oy | New York Passengers travel: Tey OUR HAMS, BREAKFAST BACON
ting a dollar in the box at the ball game | and the United States are beginning to Boston, Mass. : Dr. J. F. Kixcuro Anis nls on 1020 4. MN." thin from
. ; g ’ 2) Williamsport, will change cars at Columbus Ave., AND DRIED BE T . 'ERY
and only a nickel at church, ete. compete, asshown by the late Carnegie con- | ALLex C. Smrrs, Pres. Conway, Ark. | Philadelphia. EF. HEY ARE V
Sn tract for 10,000 tons furnished by the ConxEectioNs.—At Williamsport with Philadel- | FINE.