4 5 cn SRT SS AN a sg, Png. Pn Bellefonte, Pa., June P. GRAY MEEK, te - aera Eb1tox. Democratic County Ticket. FOR CONGRESS. J. L. SPANGLER. Subject to the decision of the district conference, ( JAS. SCHOFIELD, { ROBERT M. FOSTER. For Sheriff —W. M. CRONISTER. For Treasurer—C. A. WEAVER. For Recorder—J. C. HARPER. For Register—GEO. W. RUMBERGER. ForCommissioners— { a Yen AN. { FRANK HESS, For Assembly— — | brought prestige to the party and lent ! For Auditors— |B. F. KISTER. For County Surveyor—J. H. WETZEL. For Coroner—W. U. IRVIN. A Promising Outlook. That the Democracy of Centre county is not dead was demonstrated on Tuesday by the crowds that attended the convention, and brought consternation to Republicans who had hoped for a different showing. To say that the convention was a large one would only be to classify it as an ordinary Democratic convention when an ordinary full ticket was to be nominated, but when we state it was the largest, by long odds, that has ever convened in the ! court house, we only tell what is the | fact and a fact that promises much for party success this fall. From every part of the county representative Dem- ocrats were present to say a good word for an expectant friend—and to counsel harmony among those who were making the contest for places on the ticket. Such was the number in attendance that when the convention met, and the court house was packed to suffocation, scoresand scores could not gain admission. It was not the crowd alone, however, that revived Democratic hopes and bright- ened Democratic prospects. It was the gen- eral feeling and general determination, | among the Democrats, that harmony should prevail and that whatever ticket the con- vention might see fit to place in the field should be unitedly and earnestly supported, that promises so much for the future. And this feeling was not dispelled by the action of the convention. When its choice of can- didates was made known, the determina- tion that all personal feelings and personal preference should be set aside for the good of the party, was just as strong and positive as it was while there was an opportunity to secure a place upon the ticket for close friends. It is this feeling among Democrats that promises so well for the party in the county. It is this feeling, when backed up by dis- crete work, and earnest efforts on the part of those entrusted with the work of the campaign, that is sure to win. Democrats of Centre the out-look is bright ! The situation is such that an old time majority can be rolled up for the ticket your representatives have made for you. Let us make no mistake in doing this and doing it well. Don’t Jump Out of the Pan. The Philadelphia Record makes the fol- lowing editorial remark : “The Providence (R. LI) Telegram, a Democratic journal, declares that it will advise its readers to vote the Republican ticket if the Chicago convention shall declare for free silver. The Telegram is too hasty. It might be jumping out of the frying pan into the fire to vote for’ the St. Louis candidate. The battle for sound money has not yet been won at St. Louis, nor lost at Chicago.” We heartily approve of this reproof ad- ministered by the Record to a Democratic journal that would hastily fly off the party handle if things should not be arranged at the party’s national convention to suit its taste in matters pertaining to the currency. The Record is correct in saying that the Rhode Island paper is too hasty, but does that impetuous journal display ‘more im- prudent haste than was shown by - the . Record, when it advised a bolt of the gold standard Democrats in the event of the free silver wing of the party getting control of the national convention ? If, upon a declaration for free silver at Chicago, Democrats should ‘take the advice of the Providence 7Zelegram and vote the Republican presidential ticket, such a sacrifice of the general principles of Democracy, on account of a single issue, would certainly bea jump from the fry- ing pan into the fire. But what differ- ence would there be between such a jump and the one which the Record would recom- mend if free silver should be endorsed by the national convention ? If the Rhode Island editor should go head-long out of the pan by voting the Republican ticket, wouldn’t the editor of the Record make a similar plunge into the fire by splitting off from the regular organization and setting up an opposition ticket that would not only be the cause of defeat this year, hut would throw the party into two conflicting divis- ions which might never be reunited ? Such gold extremists as the Rhode Island editor and brother SINGERLY may find the pan rather hot at Chicago on the question of silver, but the fire into which they would jump wuld prove to he a good deal hotter. : Stick to the old Democratic pan. Don’t jump out of it with the idea of improving the comfort of the situation, particularly if it is fire that you are going to jump into. The temperature of the pan may be some- what high on the currency question, but it will cool off in time and everything will be comfortable. This advice is as applicable to the Phil- adelphia Record as to the Providence 7ele- gram. TAR ge ar Tr rn i rand The Ticket. From the time the announcements of all | the aspirants for party preferment were made it was never a question as to wheth- er the Democratic party of Centre county would be represented by a good ticket in the fall. When the thirty-eight men, who | expressed a willingness to bear the banners | of Democracy, were known it became evi- dent that there could be no danger in the | out-come of the convention’s work on Tues- | day. ! Among the. numher there were the | representatives of nearly every profession | and trade practiced in the county. Sturdy, sober types of independent, intelligent | manhood everyone of whom has already | ardent efforts to its success in the past. It | is unfortunate that there were not places | Y3nt of the people, he isa credit to himself for all, but the same noble spirit that urged | them to*offer their leadership to the party will prompt those who were unsuccessful to a realization that in every contest there { can be but one winner and that when he is | chosen his support must be a common | ing been a grand-son of Henry Meyer one of cause. The ticket is strong, both by its individ- | ual make up and by the locations from which it was made. Every man who is | found on it is worthy the support of Demo- | cratsin the county and there is no reason | why the party should not be united for the | coming contest as it has never been before. i None will gainsay the competency of a single member to fulfill the duties he as- pires to assume, nor to exercise the high | functions of public office with that dignity that is becoming a great county like Cen- | tre. | Fellow Democrats, you have heen given | an excellent ticket. It remains for you to | rally to its earnest support. It has been made fair and honorably and all helping | it will carry the standard of triumphant | Democracy far beyond the ken of opposing political organizations. Short Sketches of Our Nominees. JAMES SCHOFIELD, Centre county, was | born near Belfast, Ireland, March 20, 1848; | was educated in the public schools and learn- ! ed the trade of harness making ; he left Ire- | land, from the city of Londonderry, in | April, 1867, arriving in New York, May 10 ; | he went to Birmingham, Huntingdon coun- | ty, where he worked for a year ; he spent Lue next two years at his trade in Bellefonte | and in the spring of 1871 started in the har- | nessmaking business, in which he is still en- gaged; he was school director for three ! years and overseer of the poor for three terms, six years, resigning from the latter office in June, 1891. Mr. Schofield made an excellent Representative for the county and has hosts of friends. He has a family of grown up children and is an elder in the Presbyterian church. # # ROBERT M. FOSTER was born at State College, in 1860. He is a son of Capt. R. M. Foster of the 148th Reg. Co. C., who was kill- ed in the battle of Gettysburg. He received his education at The Pennsylvania State Col- lege and in 1881 accepted a position as book- keeper in a large Philadelphia wholesale house, remaining there a number of years. At present he is engaged in the mercantile | business at State College, where he resides ! with his wife and baby daughter. ‘‘Bob,” as | he is familiarly known is a good hand at farming and manages the “old homestead’’ in College township and devotes considerable time to the dairy business. He was one of the first men in the locality who proved that it pays the farmer to feed grain and sell the cream, when possible to do so. In educational ! matters he has always taken a lively interest and has been an ardent Democrat all his life, # # ® W. M. CRONISTER was born in Huston township, in 1861. He worked on his father’s, H. G. Cronister, farm until he was twenty- two years of age, when he was married and moved to Port Matilda, where he now resides. In 1885 the late Andrew G. Curtin had him made post-master of that town. The office did not pay, but Mr. Cronister performed his duties faithfully and at the same time car- ried on the farming business until 1889, when he entered the employ of W. S. Jarret & Co., of Philadelphia, with whom he remained un- til they went out of business. He was then engaged by F. E. Baxter & Co., of that city. and has si represented that firm in this district. Mr. Cronister is a straight-forward, clean-cut business man and has never failed to give his party his unflinching support. Personally he is an engaging conversational- ist and one who favorably impresses all with whom he comes in contact. # # @ CALVIN A. WEAVER was born in Haines township, February 15th, 1853. He lived in that township until after the war. His mother having died while his father was in the army, young Weaver was thrown on his own resources, but when his father returned he was sent to Reubén Kreamer’s, in Miles township, where he worked for his board and clothes for three years. Later he became a clerk in various stores in that vicinity and the six years that he worked for the late Maj. Fisher, at Penn Hall, proved the good school that so fitted him for the duties of deputy sheriff which he has fulfilled so cred- itably under sheriff Condo. He has been ac- tive in politics for years and was assessor in Haines for one term. Mr. Weaver is married and is a member of the Reformed church. a # # J.C. HARPER was born at Rebersburg, Miles township, Nov. 1st, 1854. His father, John Harper, was a son of George Harper, one of the pioneers of that township, and his mother was a daughter of James Moyer, who emigrated from Ireland and settled in Buf- falo valley in the early days of the century. He afterwards removed to Miles township. Mr. Harper has a common school education and is a shrewd, far-seeing man, his populari- ty in the county can best be estimated when it is known that he is reputed to have a per- sonal acquaintance with more people, knows what they are doing and where they are, than any man in the county. He was elected prothonotary in 1878 and re-elected in the fall of 1881. Since retiring from office he has devoted his time to the law and insur- ance business, having been county chairman for the party. Mr. Harper is married and has an interesting family. ———— rr gp ep — GEO. W. RUMBERGER was born in Fer- guson township, on April 20th, 1837. His ear- ly life was spent on the farm. At the age of 17 he commenced teaching school, which oc- cupation he followed for more than twenty five years during the winter season, and was reputed one of the most popular and success- ful teachers this county ever had. At the age of 23 he was elected justice of the peace in Patton township, which office he held for 17 years. When he was elected the fourth time he received every vote polled in the township, notwithstanding fifty per cent. of the voters were Republicans. Three years ago he waselected to the office of register and clerk of the orphans’ court of Centre county | by over 800 majority, and has made one of the most efficient officers this county has ever had on account of his genial disposition and courteous treatment of those having business in his office, his friends are legion. As a ser- and an honor to his constituents. He was, on last Tuesday, nominated by acclamation for a second term. i #* a P. H. MEYER was born, two miles east of where he now lives, in Harris township, hav- the first Democrats in that township. Mr. Meyer’s father, John H. Meyer, was only 13 years old when he moved hither from Leb- anon county. Philip was born in April, 1851. His education was obtained in the common schools, but his ready intellect stood him in good stead when he came to acquire the broader knowledge obtainable from every day contact with the world. Heis a popular man in the vicinity and has filled various town- | ship o recs, having been auditor for twelve years, well as district chairman for the party. Mr. Meyer is married and has two children. Sprung from a family of musicians he takes much pleasure in directing the choir in the Boalsburg Reformed church of which he is a member. DANIEL HECKMAN was born in the neighborhood of Spring Mills, in Penn town- ship, fifty-one years ago. Of German extrac- tion he has always been characterized by that indomitable pluck that is invariably found in that race. He moved to Benner township about twelve yearsago and has since been recognized as one of its foremost residents. He has been prominent in Democracy ever since he has been old enough to vote and, in 1890, came within two votes of securing the nomination for commissioner. Mr. Heckman | is a representative of the honest, intelligent type of farmer and is married and has three children. He is a member of the Reformed church. : % H FRANK W. HESS, one of Philipsburg’s shrewdest and most active young business | men, was born in Unionville, August 31st, 1870. He is a son of William Hess and is sprung from a large and representative Democratic contingent in the county. In 1873 the family moved to Philipsburg, where Frank assisted his father in the manufacture of brick, until 1886, when they émbarked in the grocery business. . Frank Hess is a man peculiarly fitted for the office he seeks, which, by virtue of his aptitude for practical business methods, could not be entrusted to better hands. He has always been active among the volunteer firemen of his town, having been president of the Hope No. 2, Co., for a number of years and is now a member of | its athletic team. In 1893 he filled the office of mercantile appraiser to the entire satisfac- tion of the county and is recognized as a hard Democratic worker in every cam- paign. . B. F. KISTER was born in Loganton, Clin- ton county, in 1855. He is a son of Jeremiah Kister and moved, with his parents, to Aaronsburg, when a mere child. His father having been killed in the late war the boy paddled his own canoe from the time he was cleven years old. After a three year appren- ticeship he worked at the printing business for ten years in Milton, when he sold out, in 1883, and moved to Millheim. Having been burgess of that town, in 1889, he organized the citizen's relief committee that sent $300 and provisions to the Johnstown sufferers. He has held other borough offices and is at present engaged in the shoe business. Mr. Kister is a Democrat beyond reproach and is an eminently qualified man for auditor. Dr. W. U. IRVIN was born in West Union, Towa, July 9th, 1863. He is the eldest son of Dan’l Irvin Esq., of Julian, and a brother of the Irvins, the hardware dealers of this place. He was only two years old when his parents moved to this county. After attendance at district school he was sent to the Bellefonte Academy where he prepared himself for medicine. He was graduated from the Jefferson medical college, in Phila- delphia, in 1890, and at once picked up a large practice in the vicinity of Julian. His eminence in his profession was recognized when he was chosen president of the Cen- tre county medical society at its meeting last spring. He is also a member of the State medical society. J. H. WETZEL Esq., our - nominee for county surveyor, is a son of Mr. John Wetzel, of Spring township, and one of a large family of Democrats. He returned to this place, from the West, several years ago, and has since been building up a lucrative law prac- tice. Mr. Wetzel is a thorough civil engineer and the combination of thatability with his recognized legal talent makes him eminently fitted to act for the county in the capacity of surveyor. The Deficiency Bill Vetoed. \ President Cleveland's Disapproval Sustained by the House. WASHINGTON, June 6th.—The President sent to the House of Representatives to-day a veto message on the general deficiency bill, and his decision was sustained by the House by the decislve majority of 169 to 40 The veto message was mainly historic con- cerning French spoiliation claims, and the Chouteau claim. President Cleveland re- ferred to the fact that President Franklin, Pierce vetoed the French shoiliation claims in 1885, and.that President Harrison veto- ed the Chouteau claim. The conclusiof of the reading of the message was greeted with loud and prolonged ap- plause by almost the- entire bopy of the House regardless of political lines. Chair- man Cannon, of the Committee on Appro- priations, eloquently sustained the Presi- dent in his declarations, and delivered a speech-which vied in eloquence and power with the utterances of the President. ~——— Extermination of Pacificos. Continues to a Greater or Less Extent in Cuba.—De- fenseless People Killed.—Not a Day Passes With- out Some Shocking Story of Brutal Assassination— Simon Yruri Arrested on Suspicion of being a Rebel Sympathizer and Shot—The Deed Caused General Indignation—The Forces of Colonel Fondeviela Routed. HAVANA, June 4, via TAMPA, Fra, June 8.—The work of extermination of non-combatants, or ‘‘pacificos’”’ as they are called here, continue to a greater or less extent, is evidenced by the reports which are received from the country. Not a day passes without some shocking story being told of brutal assassinations committed by the troops on defenseless people, whose sole crime is being witnesses of the war raging all over the island without taking any part in it. Here area few facts se. lected from the many that are told : On June 1st Simon Yruri, member of one of the best families of Jaruco, was arrested on suspicion of being a rebel sympathizer by order of General Melguizo. He was too well know to be taken out of town and shot in the fields, as this would create a scandal, so they made a semblance of a court martial and, with all the apparent formalities of the law, he was publicly shot in the square of the town. The deed created general indignation when it was known that Melguizo had ordered the excu- tion on his own authority without con- sulting the captain general, who is the only one empowered to order such pro- ceedings. On June 4th Mr. Lorenzo Medina, a na- tive of the Canary islands, 49 years of age, and a cattle dealer of some means, and Juan Toledo, a Cuban, 30 years of age, owner of a cart shop, both well known and esteemed in the town of Jaruco, were ar- rested on no known charge. They were lodged in the civil guards barracks and the next morning they were taken out of town under promise of prompt release and treach- erously shot behind the slaughter house. It is known that Valencia had a fight { with Colonel Fondeviela, of Campo Florsao | fame, in which this “brave” was complete- ly ‘routed, losing thirty-two dead left on the field. This has never been reported officially. The Bayamo guerrillas, about 100 men, commanded by Gabino Guerra, has joined the rebels, seduced thereto by Calixto Garcia, when he passed near that place last week. In Sancti Spiritus a band of musicians of the local volunteers, headed by its band- master, Mr. Justo Alvrez, with all the in- struments of the band, also went over to the woods to enliven the time for the revo- lutionists. , Absurdity on Its Face. A. P. A. Influence Was Formed. BostoxN, June 8.—Considerable interest was taken here in a dispatch from New York, published in a morning paper, to the effect that a Catholic organization had been effected there to counteract the influence of the A. P. A. and to take an active part. in the approaching national election. : Boston; as far as it is possible to learn, has not taken any such action. Most of those prominently connected with Catho- lic affairs in this city and in the immediate vicinity do not anticipate that in Masachus- setts any movement of a similar character will take hold. Indeed, they are disposed to question whether such_a movement has been inaugurated in New York or else- where. ‘‘The report is an absurdity on its face,” said one of the most conservative of those supposed to be actively interested in Catho- lic affairs, ‘‘at least as far as any organized effort to participate in political affairs is concerned. It is not that Catholics would fear to take their position on any matter that affects the welfare of this country in | opposition to the A. P. A. or in defense of the rights of American citizens. Their failure to organize in opposition to the A. P. A. is not due to that cause, but to the simple fact that they rely on their rights as American citizens to safeguard them. If the A. P. A. forces the question I do not believe there is much doubt as to the re- sult.” A —————————— BALTIMORE, June 8.—Democratic pri- maries for the election of delegates to the three legislative district conventions were held in this city to-day. The regular or- ganization selected the delegates without opposition to speak of, and will control the Baltimore representation in the state con- vention next Wednesday. Aside from the selection of sixteen delegates to the Demo- cratic national convention and the adoption of a sound money platform, nothing else will be done by the state convention. There is some talk of sending eight dele- gates-at-large to Chicago with half a vote each. This may be done to insure the elec- tion of congressman John K. Cowen as a delegate. The sound money men of the State are anxious to have him as their spokesman in the national convention, but Mr. Gorman does not favor the idea. Republican National Convention. Reduced Rates to 8t. Louis via Pennsylvania Rail- road. For the Republican national convention, to be held at St. Louis, Mo., June 16th, the Pennsylvania railroad company will sell on June 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th ex- cursion tickets to St. Louis and return at a single fare for the round trip. ol These tickets will be good for return pas- sage leaving St. Louis up to and including June 21. For specific rates, sleeping car accommo- dations, and time tables apply to nearest ticket agent. ; ee Huntingdon County for Penrose. HUNTINGDON, Pa., June 8.—The result of Saturday’s Republican primaries in Hunt- ingdon county shows that Senator Penrose has won over ex-postmaster General Wana- maker for United States senatorial dele- tes by a majority on the popular vote of out 400 and a majority of delegates of he successful candidates for the Legis- lature are P. M. Lytle and J. H. Bare, and for the State Senator, Dr. H. C. Chis- ‘holm defeats Dr. Z. B. Taylor. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. —Wednesday evening evangelist Weaver was the recipient of a very pleasant and substantial surprise. It was his t.ir- ty sixth birthday and knowing of it some of his young lady admirers raised a purse of gold dollars to tally with his years. Then the ‘‘“Mesdames’” wanted to show their appreciation and good will and they added fourteen dollars to the gift, making fifty dollars in all. The presentation took place at the tabernacle, at the after-meet- ing. Ellis Orvis made the address. Ere I ——The Arrow bicycle club, of DuBois, ! Report That a Catholic Organization to Counteract' Maryland Democrats Want Sound Money. | will hold races on July 4th. There will be ten events and the value of prizes to be awarded will aggregate nearly $400. En- tries can be made by application to F. I. Schwem, DuBois, Pa. — Pe A GREAT EVENT.—The old town of Clearfield is making great preparations for the tournament of the Central Pennsylvania bands to be held in that place, June 25th. It will be a great day in the history of the town. Twenty bands are expected to con- test for prizes of $150, $75, $40, $25 and $10. - il To NIAGARA FALLS IN THE SPRING.—- On Tuesday, June 23rd, will be offered the first opportunity of the season for a trip to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. The Beech | Creek railroad will have on sale on that | day special tickets at exceptionally low | rates. | The morning train west from Jersey | Shore and the morning train east from Mahaffey will connect, at Clearfield, with special train arriving at Buffalo at 8 o’clock |p. m. and Niagara Falls 9 o'clock p. m. { Five days return limit will be allowed | from Niagara Falls and ten days from | Buffalo. No one who can possibly go | should miss this trip. Rates of fare and | time will be given. : Shel | FOSTER’S PREDICTIONS FOR J UNE.—My last bulletin gave forecasts of the storm | wave to cross the continent from June 2nd, | to 6th, and the next will reach the Pacific (coast aboyl the 7th, cross the west of Rockies country by the close of the eighth. Great central valleys 9th to 11th, and the eastern States the 12th. The warm wave will cross the west of Rockies country about the 7th, the great central valleys the 9th, and the eastern States 11th. The cool wave will cross the west of the Rockies country about the 10th, great central val- leys the 9th or 10th, great central valleys 12th, and the eastern States the 15th. The third disturbance of June will reach the Pacific coast about the 12th, cross the west | of Rockies country by the close of the 14th, | the great central valleys 14th to 16th, and | the eastern States the 26th. The cool wave | will cross the west of Rockies country | about the 25th, the great central valleys {the 17th, and the eastern States the 19th. ~oe A VERY LAUDABLE EFFORT. — The young workers in the United Brethren church at Julian are just now engaged in a bit of work in which they should have the hearty co-operation of the people of that community. Recognizing the unattrac- tiveness of their church property and its in- creasing dilapidation they have set about to earn money with which to improve and beautify it. With this end in view the members of the Sunday school are hard at work making arrangements for a large festival that will be held in the P. O. S. of A. hall, at Julian, on the evening of July 3rd and during the afternoon and evening of July 4th. Then to add to the pleasure and profit of the festal season a basket picnic will be held, in the Ardell grove, near that place, on the 4th. The Julian band, a comparatively new or- ganization, which the popular young direct- or, Walt G. Tallhelm, is fast bringing to the front in point of proficiency, has nobly lent a hand to the work and will be there to do its best for the entertainment of all. ode How HE Was TAKEN DowN.—Col. J. P. Sanford, the lecturer, traveler and hu- morist, who died, at Wheaton, IIl., the other day, has often entertained Bellefonte audiences. And that just reminds us of a funny little incident that occurred during his last visit here. * The Col. had been engaged to give a re- cital before the county teacher’s institute, several years ago, and, of course, scored a hit. After his entertainment he wandered down to the Bush House, where he fell in with a party of young gentlemen who had been spending the evening at a ‘stag mus- icale.” It did not take the jolly lecturer long to join in with the spirit of the affair and he was cracking jokes, telling funny stories and talking temperance all at the same time. He had things pretty much his own way in the entertainment line until some one proposed that each fellow tell a story, sing a song or dance, then all would go home. . As stories were the easiest con- tribution to make at that particular time all chairs were drawn up inte a circle and the round started.” Some were short and some were long and, to tell the truth, most of them were good, but Col. Sanford didn’t seem to see anything funny in any tales that did’nt twist off his own tongue. You know there are such fellows. Well the round had nearly been completed when Hard Harris’ turn came. He had a “NEW” story that.all were certain would delight the stranger. It was a very tedious tale, but worked up to a side splitting cli- max. Of course the most of the party had heard it over and over again, until they “knew it by heart.” They laughed, how- ever, with a forced gusto, when the proper time came, and did everything possible to help Hard ‘‘score’’ on the old fellow. As all good things must, the story came toan end. Everyone roared but the Col. There he sat with a face as long as a bene- diction until the noise subsided enough for him to be heard when, turning, he tapped Hard on the shoulder and said : ‘“That story is original with me. If you send 50 cents to my wife, at Wheaton, I11., she will mail you my book of travels and you will find that same story on page 188.” No one remembers what became of Hard, but when the smoke cleared away he was not to be seen; neither is his story to be seen on | enjoyably among the politicians. is simply takin, for his work. salary and an assistant organist as well, besides bringing him into closer touch with his old in- — structor, J. Benton Tipton, who is at Albany, only thirty miles distant from Hoosick Falls. who spent. Wednesday ni ‘squire Wm. A. Murray, o been a member of the the last session of court, to appraise that part of the Centre and Kishocoquillas urnpike that runs through the borough o| body finished its la a train for home he spent the evening eallingon his friends. and John Meese, of this Benner township, and William Pealer Esq., of Spring Mills. The condemned the pike in question it would have to pay $530 to the company for the 134 miles that the people of Centre Hal its claim for condemnation on the ground that the company would not keep the street in proper condition nor enter into satisfactory arr ments, whereby the ‘borough could keep it in the shape that it desired to I > It is likely thatthe county commissioners will accept the report of the commission, as a former experience with the same kind of business warns page 188 of Sanford’s book. NT News Purely Personal. —Fred Blanchard and Jay Woodcock are home from Princeton. —Mrs. Mary McK. Love, of Tyrone, transacted business in town yesterday. —Mr. P. W. McDowell, of Mackeyville, was in Bellefonte, on business, on Saturday. —After a short visit with friends in Philipsburg Mrs. Newton Spangler is now visiting in DuBois. --Mrs. Harriet L. Pifer and her little grand- daughter, of Philadelphia, are visiting Mrs. Rush Larimer, of High &treet. —Mr. and Mrs. John P. Harris and Mrs. Morris Fury are in Pittsburg, where they went to attend W. English’s wedding. —Pat. McDonald, of Unionville, though not a delegate, came down to see the ‘“‘unterrified” on Tuesday. He saw what he came for, too. —Roland T. Curtin, who is now a graduate of Annapolis, is home for a short stay with his pa- rents before starting on a two year's cruise. —Captain James Leyden, of the U. S. A, whe is home from Fort Buford, N. Dak., on a three months leave, is visiting friends at State College. Mrs. Leyden and son are with him. —D. C. Hall Esq., one of Unionville’s represen- tative men, happened to be in town, on Tuesday, and enjoyed the contact with the hosts of other good Democrats who weze here that day. —Charles Snyder, of Ferguson township, a man who has more farfns than any one else in that end of the county and makes them pay too, was among the many in Bellefonte, on- Tuesday. —Miss Nell Damon, of Darby, Miss Virginia Sudler, of Philadelphia, and the Misses Bris- bin, of Cleveland, O., daughters of the late Gen. James Brisbin, are visiting at Colonel Spangler’s. —M. H. Geise, a very pleasant gentleman who makes farming profitable and has hosts of friends. was in town, on Tuesday, mixin’ up with the crowd and having as much fun as the rest of them. Mr. Geise lives at Penn Hall, —Oscar Wetzel, a brother of the next county surveyor, who looks after the extensive lumber interests of P. B. Crider & Son, in this place, dropped into the Warcumax office Wednesday morning to secure some good Democratic readin for the next year. : —About the happiest looking man we saw, on Tuesday, was Daniel Heckman, of Benner town- ship, who carried off the plum he had been work- ing for so long. Mr. Heckman had good reason to feel proud of his triumph and many others must have thought so for he was constantly beseiged by men who offered their congratulations. —J. B Heckman Esq., of Spring Mills, one of Penn's valley’s “big men,” as we heard a political leader in this place remark vesterday, attended the convention. Mr. Heckman has occupied a prominent place in political circles on the other side, and was an aspirant for the associate judgeship the time judge Riley was nominated. —In all the many years that Jerre Sharrer has been a Democrat Tuesday was the first time he has ever been here as a delegate to a county con- vention. Not because he doesn’t cut a figure in Taylor township politics, for he does, but merely because he never bothered about it and this time the honor was just thrust upon him. —Frank Foreman, of Centre Hall, and A. R. Alexander, of Penn township, two men either of whom would have made excellent officials, had their ambition to be recorder of Centre county been realized, were no small fry in the great crowd here, on Tuesday mor ning. They had thrown lines with the thirty odd other candidates and accepted their water-hauls with far better grace than the proverbial fisherman. Both gen- tlemen made favor able impressions on all whom they met. —G. W. McWilliams and wife, of Fairbrook, are in town visiting Mrs. McWilliams’ brothers, the Messrs. Keichline. Mr. McWilliams is slowly recovering from a long seige of illness, he is suf- fering less than he did some months ago but is by no means reconciled to the loss of his eyesight— one of the greatest misfortunes a man is called on to endure. He has some encouragement to hope that as his strength returns the sight of his one eye may be restored, as he can yet distinguish light from darkness with it. —Philipsburg was well represented in Belle- fonte, on Tuesday. George E. Parker was the leader of the delegation and his particular back- ing consisted of Jesse Lukens, Harry Denning, Jacob Swires, A. B. Hurd, H. Wilsox, of South Philipsburg, and John B. Long, Fred Smith and Richard O’Neil, of township. Besides these delegates such prominent Democrats as A. J. Graham, W. H. Denlinger, Jake Truby, Albert Walton, Sol Schmidt, Dr. F. K. White, John Homer, Orin Vail and others were here. —W. W. Spangler represented the Democracy of Liberty township at Tuesday’s convention. He is a prominent Democrat down that way and his very presence in Bellefonte, on Tuesday, was an object leskon to any who might be dissatisfied with the result of the convention. When a Demo- cratic post-master was to be appointed at Blan- chard Mr. Spangler sought the place. He had strong endorsements for it, which was backed up by years of hard party work, but another man se- cured the appointment. Mr. Spangler accepted it. with good grace and did not let his defeat stand in the way of his being just as staunch a Democrat as he had been before. —J. W. Kepler Jr., of Ferguson township, was one of the young Democrats in the convention on Tuesday. He is a son of J. W. Kepler Esq., the well-known newspaper man whose failing health forced him to give up the editorship of the Forest National Democrat, at Tionesta, and return to his fine country place in this county. Young Mr Kep- ler was on the ground early and with squire Archey and I. N. Krebs, spent Monday night very The Ferguson delegation was large. Of course W. H. Fry and Frank Bowersox were the centers of attraction, being candidates, but Peter Corl, Emanuel Sun- day, Hon. John T. McCormick, D. G. Meek, Heze- kiah Ewing, Stine Walker, Fred Bottorf and a number of .other prominent men from that local- ity were all men whose influence was sought in the interest of some candidate. ~ —When organist W. A. Goodwin, of St. John's P. E. church, leaves this place, on Monday, a young man who has contributed much to the pleasure and musical profit of the town will have gone. He came to Bellefonte, from Philadelphia, in November '93, and as master at St. John’s at once began the Tourganiation of a straggling male choir. i began to show its fruit and the church became a feature always attractive. } Goodwin has recently been appointed to a similar long until’ the discipline music at that Mr. It was no sition in St. Mark’s church, at Hoosick Falls, . Y., and while he regrets to leave Bellefonte he - advantage of a better opportunity is new position carries a higher “=A rather distinguished looking gentleman, ht in this place was Boalsburg. He had commission appointed at Centre Hall and as the rs too late for him to catch The other viewers were Chas. Smith lace, Lewis Rearick, of y decided that if the county 1 want, Centre Hall based arrange- have its principal street. of how expensive a jury makes it.