Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 05, 1896, Image 1

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Ink Slings.
—The Sunflower State has declared for |
free silver, that is the Democratic portion
of it.
—Men who are making fools of them-
selves every day should remember that the
world has too many of that sort already.
—1It is a noteworthy fact that the Presi-
dents of the United States, as a rule, have
been from country districts, rather than
from the cities.
—In 1882 Congress passed a river and
harbor bill over President ARTHUR’S veto.
The country sustained him ‘then and it
will sustain CLEVELAND now.
—Buffalo BILL’s wild west show opened
the Democratic coliseum at Chicago, the
other day, but the bucking of his bronchos
wasn’t a patchin to what the Record advises
the gold people to do if a silver platform is
adopted. :
—Free silver has captured Kentucky,
three to one, and the gold people ‘would
have us believe that it will require abeut
the same proportion of silver dollars to
make one of gold, should their plans be
thrown down.
—MCKINLEY is now reported to be
“sound on the money question.” How
such a conclusion has been drawn nobody
knows for it is certainly well known that
he has not uttered a sound on the question
these many days.
—That politics pays better than preach-
in’ is nicely illustrated in the case of the |
CLEVELAND brothers. Rev. Wm. N., gets
$600 a year for his work, in the pulpit,
while the Hon. GROVER gets $50,000 a
year for being President.
—The Republicans of Alaska have: de-
clared that they want MCKINLEY for Pres-
ident. Of course no one will deny them the
right to want anything but it seems laugh-
able, their reason for wanting McKINLEY.
He can’t keep the seals protected.
—MCcKINLEY is cultivating a handshake
that won’t be too exhausting on him dur-
ing his campaign. It is right for him to
husband his strength, for it is very proba-
ble that the people will give him a shake
that will be hard for him to with-stand.
—Governor MCCORKLE, of West Virgin-
ia, will attend the Saengerfest, in Pittsburg,
next week. His name sounds a little Irish
for him to be mixing up in a Dutch sing-
ing convention, but let us hope his pres-
ence will not necessitate the revival of
—The old man ROPER, who had spent
twenty-five years in the construction of a
steam bicycle, fell from it, dead, on Mon-
day, at Roxbury, Mass., after he had run a
mile in 2.01, without speeding it at its
best. Another instance of the fruits of a
life’s work being denied by the inexorable
hand of fate.
—Senator QUAY has denied ‘‘for the last
time’’ the report that he has withdrawn
from the presidential fight. Why he
should worry himself about such denials
few people will be able to comprehend, for
it is certainly apparent to everyone that |
the masses have had him withdrawn for
some time.
—The fact that binder twine is advanc- |
ing in price will hardly strike terror to the
hearts of the Centre county farmer.
little twine will be needed in this county to
tie up the grain crop in the fall ; in truth
there would be more use for magnifying
glasses with which to locate the stalks that
will be worth cutting at all.
—Nine vice presidents of the meeting,
twenty-three men and boys #nd a brass
band constituted the number that turned
out to hear Hon. WILLIAM A. STONE and
Lieut. Gov. WALTER LyoN talk ‘‘reform,”’
in Allegheny, on Wednesday night. This
‘“‘reform’’ business is played out and the
people of Allegheny have apparently
caught on.
—DwiGHT L. MoopyY, the evangelist, is
a very good man and the world is better
for his having lived in it. In an interview,
at Pittsburg, the other day, he proved very
conclusively, however, that religion and
politics won’t mix well, by announcing
that “MCKINLEY is my man.” Mr.
Moopy would do much better if he would
follow his man’s example and not talk.
Ministers and evangelists are only a success
when they hold aloof from politics.
—The first instance of its kind in the
history of the United States will be enact-
ed in Colorado this fall, when the women
of that State vote for presidential electors.
No one will say that they are not just as
capable of voting intelligently as men, but
when woman puts herself in the way of the
taint of polling places she loses much of
the beauty and dignity of her sex. Were
it possible for her to purify the ballot,
then, well and good, but such an outcome
isn’t even within the range of possibilities.
—The coronation of the Czar of Russia
recently cost $40,000,000 and nearly three
thousand lives. The inauguration of a
President in the United States is not so ex-
pensive in the matter of a cash outlay for
splendor, but if the President inaugurated
represents a system like that advanced by
MCKINLEY the expenditure in Russia is
insignificant compared to what it costs this
country in the end. Think of the loss to
manufacturers during the great strikes un-
der the MCKINLEY bill, think of the lives
that were sacrificed in Homestead, Buffalo,
Brooklyn, thé” Hocking valley and Poco-
, hontas regions and the vast number of
deaths that can be directly traced to star-
vation brought about by want of wages
with which to purchase necessaries during
the two years of operation of the robber
Very |
-—— -
VOL. 41
There Must be No Bolt.
The Democratic party at this time is be-
ing troubled by two sets of extremists
whose advice, if followed, would be ex-
tremely injurious to that grand political
organization which in all the vicissitudes
of its illustrious career has maintained its
principles and preserved its organization.
Upon a mere question of financial policy,
which in no way involves the fundamental
principles of Democracy, these extremists
would resort to a course of action that
would tend to the organic disruption of the
party. .
Is is not {at all anomalous that there
should be entertained within the organiza-
tion opposite views in such a question as
that of the currency. Such differences on
certain points of policy have arisen in the
party ever since its foundation. They
have been met and settled, and have heen
succeeded by others as new issues have
presented themselves.
Now what is there in this silver question
that can not be handled without a disrupt-
ing disturbance? There is nothing in it
that may not be subjected to rational and
‘amicable adjustment, yet on the one hand
we have such silver extremists as TILL-
MAN, of South Carolina, who threaten to
bolt if the free silver policy is not allowed
to predominate in the national convention,
and on the other-hand such gold zealots as
Mr. SINGERLY, of the Philadelphia Record,
who advise the withdrawal of the gold
standard Democrats and the setting up of
a ticket based on that one idea, if the gold
interest is not permitted to make the plat-
form and name the candidate.
Now one or the other of these opposing
doctrinaires on the currency question may
be right as to the impolicy of adopting or
rejgeting one or the other of these opposite
systems of currency, but it is merely a
question of policy, and in the name of all
that is worth upholding and cherishing in
the Democratic faith, is the party to be
disrupted by a split in its national conven-
tion on an issue that merely involves a
business policy, and in no way relates to
the basic principles of Democracy ?
It"'may be injurious to adopt the free sil-
ver system, or, on the other hand it may
be bad policy to adhere to the gold stand-
ard, but the mistake that would be made,
either on one side or the other in this mat-
ter, would effect but a temporary injury,
and could be corrected in time by the light
of experience, but the disruption of the
Democratic party would involve an injury
that might never be repaired.
What folly then to risk such a danger on
a mere question of monetary policy—-a
business issue entirely—upon which a rea-
sonable difference of opinion is admissible.
Dana’s Insistent Malice.
The President, in vetoing an act of Con-
gress which carried with it a shamefully
exorbitant expenditure of public money,
had occasion to use the follow 7 deprecat-
ing expressions bearing upon chat profli-
gate enactment : ‘‘I believe no greater dan-
ger confronts us as a nation than the un-
happy decadence among our people of genu-
ine and trustworthy love and affection for
our government as the embodiment of the
highest and best aspirations of humanity,
and not as the giver of gifts.”
Every good and patriotic American citi-
zen, with sufficient intelligence to compre-
hend the tendency of such reckless squan-
dering of the public means, will agree with
the President that it indicates a decadence
of those qualities which should character-
ize good public service, and will recognize
the propriety of the rebuke he adminis-
tered ; but the editor of the New York
Sun, whose personal malice embitters every
word he uses in speaking of Mr. CLEVE-
LAND, resorts to his blackguard vocabulary
in denouncing this merited reproof.
There is no disguising the eviacnce of a
general decadence of ‘‘genuine and trust-
worthy love and affection for our govern-
ment,”’ in the representatives of the people
behaving as this Congress has done, with
entire assurance that there will be no out-
break of deserved popular condemnation.
‘When the national Legislature gets together
with the deliberate intention of doing no
legislation, whatever, the sole object of a
six months’ session being to promote the
success of a political party ; when it coolly
plans to prevent measures that might bene-
fit the public, and conspires to continue a
condition of business depression with the
object of deriving a political advantage
from it ; when it refuses to enact measures
that would supply urgently needed reve-
nues, and at the same time increases ex-
penditures by the most extravagant appro-
priations ; when all this is done hy the
great majority of the people’s representa-
tives, does it not indicate a great decline of
popular interest in good government and
faithful public service, deserving the se-
verest censure from the head of the nation ?
The editor of the Sun shows himself to
be either a scoundrel or a jackass, in allow-
ing his spite to prompt him to denounce
the President for his reproof of this evident
popular decadence.
Philadelphia’s River and Harbor Inter=
Nowhere will the President he more
soundly berated for his having vetoed the
river and harbor bill than in Philadelphia,
a city that expects to get a share of ‘‘pork’’
out of that barrel.
She has for a long while been wanting an
advancement of money from some other
source than her own treasury for the im-
provement of the Delaware river naviga-
tion. Her commerce is being gradually
lost for the reason that the river is hecom-
ing too shallow for ships to be floated to
her wharves, and if she could get the
means of improving the navigation from
some outside quarter, it would avoid the
necessity of her citizens standing an ex-
pense required for their own benefit, and
save that much money for the enrichment
of its political ringsters and machine man-
Philadelphia asked this pecuniary aid
for navigation improvement from the State,
but it was refused in so positive a manner
that her newspapers have scarcely yet
ceased denouncing the ‘‘hayseed’’ Legisla-
tors for their parsimony. Assistance was
also asked from the general government,
and by hard-work her Congressmen suc-
ceeded in having an appropriation of about
half a million inserted in the bill which
the President vetoed.
‘We do not say that Philadelpeia has not
as good a right as the other beneficiaries to
receive a river and harbor appropriation.
In fact the importance of her port and the
condition of her river would justify it, but
her case shows the evil effect of this sys-
tem of government charity. If, instead of
looking for assistance from the govern-
ment and defering operations until it
could be obtained, she had devoted to the
improvement of her river and harbor but a
fraction of the money which her political
and municipal thieves have gotten away
with from her treasury, ships of any bur-
den would now be able to float to her
wharves and her harbor would be in good
A System of Jobbery.
The evil effects of the system under
which the government furnishes money for
the improvement of rivers and harbors by
congressional appropriation are shown in
many ways.
One serious objection to it is the encour-
agement it gives to jobbery. Dishonest
parties, wanting to make money at the gov-
ernment expense, can bring influence to
bear in Congress for ‘‘improvements’” in
rivers and harbors that are of no conse-
quence whatever to the interest of com-
merce, and in no way connected with the
facilitation of trade. Thus it is seen-that-
insignificant internal streams, Svith scarcely
sufficient water to float a skiff, are given
appropriations for the improvement of their
navigation. They are simply jobs carried
through by a system of log-rolling in
which Congressmen from different sections
of the country help each other’s districts to
a share of the river and harbor ‘‘pork.”’
Appropriations for decidedly proper ob-
jects, of unquestionable interest to naviga-
tion and commerce, are opposed by these
jobbers unless their schemes are included
in the general provisions of the bill, and in
this way it occurs that appropriation for
the needed improvement of great rivers
and important harbors will depend upon
the provision that is made in the bill for a
lot of insignificant creeks and inlets.
It is by the log-rolling process that the
jobbers from all parts of the country get in
their work, and it is not difficult to see
how by such mutual co-operation river
and harbor appropriations can grow to
prodigious proportions, particularly when
managed by so rascally a congressional
body as that which has been squandering
the public money and trifling with its offi-
cial duty for the past six months.
——KATE FIELD, the noted lecturer,
writer, actor, singer and dress reformer,
died at Honolulu, on the 19th ult. She
had gone to Hawaiia to write a series of ar- -
ticles and died with pneumonia while
there. Being of Irish parentage she de-
veloped an easy versatility in youth and with
the energy of a restless spirit she pushed
herself to the front in whatever work she
undertook. Another noted light in jour-
nalism went ont on Sunday when ‘‘Brick’’
POMEROY succumbed to a stroke he suffer-
ed some weeks ago in Brooklyn. Unique
in his line he carved a path to wealth and
fame by fearlessly treading the ground
where others hesitated to follow.
——1It was not a cut at Mr. CARLISLE’S
policy that Kentucky should go for free
silver, rather a firm conviction that such a
condition would be better for Kentucky
than any other. - Q
——The Huntingdon News has the ap-
pearance of having been bought by both
the WANAMAKER and PENROSE factions in
the fight for the U. S. Senate.
——Tt is to be hoped that Congress will
nbt adjourn before a new postmaster is ap-
pointed for Philipshurg.
First in the Presidential bios
Our Prohibition friends had quite a live-
ly time at their national convention in
Pittshurg last week and displayed almost
as worldly a disposition to quarrel and
fight as characterizes the wicked practical
politicians when they get together in such
assemblages. There was a regular fac-
tional scrap between the ‘‘broad-gaugers’’
and the ‘“‘narrow-gaugers,’’ and what made
this contention the more amusing to out-
siders was the fact that it was conducted
with as much spirit as if the cold-water
brethren had an interest at stake in the
campaign that was worth fighting about.
The attendance was large, all sections of
the country being represented by delegates,
who numbered over 800, the West meeting
the East on a cold-water basis, and the
blue and gray forgetting their old animosity
and agreeing to fight the common enemy,
“King Alcohol.’
It was probably because the convention
felt so strong in number that it was in-
clined to indulge in factional pugnacity.
The antagonism was between the ‘‘broad-
gaugers,”’ who wanted to include other is-
sues than that of cold-water in their plat-
form, and the ‘‘narrow-gaugers,”” who did
not want their campaign to extend beyond
the old-time and well-tried temperance
issues. The latter did not want to stray off
into the exciting and bewildering question
of free silver, which was the ardent desire
of their broader brethren.
This difference of purpose, however, did
not split the convention, and avoided the
result which silver threatens to effect in
the other parties. With the amiability
which should be natural to the Prohibition
brethren, all ill feeling was allayed, and
they proceeded to nominate a presidential
ticket, with as much regularity as if they
expected to elect it. But the world is too
wicked for such a consummation, which
will have to be postponed to some remote
millennial period.
There is but little use in chairman AN-
DREWS trying to prolong the farce played
by the committee that has been pretending
to investigate the irregularities and cor-
#ptions of Philadelphia’s municipal gov-
ernment and the rascality of its machine
politicians. The work it has already done
has so evidently been nothing more than’
a QUAY bluff on the other faction of ring-
sters, and the alleged purpose of exposing
the bad practices prevailing in Philadel-
phia politics has been so preposterous in
every particular that it could be reasonably
believed that the managers of this farce |
would conclude that the public had
enough of it ; but for some reason or other
chairman ANDREWS has called the mem-
bers of the committee to get together again,
in Philadelphia, on the 8th inst., after an
intermission of many months.
As the factional feud between QUAY and
DAVE MARTIN still continues the object of
this meeting may be to brandish the lash of
exposure again over MARTIN’S head. That
anything is intended for the public good,
by real disclosures of Philadelphia corrup-
tion, is out of the question, for the unearth-
ing of rottenness in that quarter would af-
fect the QUAY and the MARTIN faction
alike. It was for this reason that the
committee, in all its past proceedings,
whenever its probe touched a rotten spot,
shifted its investigation to some other sub-
ject, it not being its purpose to make ex-
posures that would implicate both fac-
The meeting of the committee on the 8th
is evidently to serve some object of boss
QUAY. The committee was gotten up for
his use, and after having incurred heavy
expense in its sham proceedings the State
will be called upon to foot the bill. :
Laughable Assumption.
‘We observe some Republican organs put-
ting on airs about the solidity of their party
in favor of ‘honest money,” and pointing
to the Democracy as rent in two by the
“silver heresy.” This boast is made in the
face of the facts that free silver Republican
Senators hold the balance of power in the
Senate and rule that body ; that half a
dozen Republican States will bolt the party
nomination if it is not made on a free silver
basis, and that the man who is going to be
their nominee for President spoke and
acted in the interest of silver, whenever he
had an opportunity to do so, and will not
now commit himself against it.
But coming nearer home we have in the
records of the Republican party of this
State a sample of the position which Re-
publicans have taken in favor of ‘‘cheap
money.” It is less than two years ago
that the State convention of that party
adopted a platform demanding an issue of
fiat money to the extent of $45 per capita,
which would have added about a billion
dollars to the paper currency of the coun-
try, and effected an inflation in comparison
with which the demands of the silver men
are positively modest.
In view of such a record the present claim
of the organs that the Republican party is
the party of ‘‘sound money’’ and ‘‘honest
money’’ is laughable.
From the Centre County Patron.
Patrons of Husbandry believe that silver
should be restored to the same status, as a
circulating medium, it occupied prior to
1873. They believe a hundred years ex-
perience in our government sufficient to
prove the wisdom of our fathers in placing
gold and silver on an equal basis ; and the
disastrous financial results which have fol-
lowed the demonitizing of silver have
greatly strengthened their opinions, and
assured their convictions. We make this
note for the benefit of gentlemen who may
engage in the difficult task of erecting
partisan platforms for the candidates of
their respective parties to stand on. The
gold plank alone unsupported by strong
silver girts will not stand the pressure of a
presidential campaign or land its standard
bearer in the presidential chair.
A Queer State of Affairs Coming.
From the Pittsburg Post.
The Oregon returns show the possible
election of two, and certainly of one, Popu-
list to Congress. The State is now repre-
sented by two Republicans. Whether Sen-
ator Mitchell, silver Republican, will be
re-elected is a matter of doubt, to be deter-
mined by complete legislative returns. The
only party that can take encouragement
out of the Oregon election is the Populist.
The Republicans have made decided losses,
while the Democrats attempted nothing,
and accomplished it. Is this Populist vie-
tory in a Republican State to be taken as a
mark of what may be expected from the
West? Politics is getting very picturesque
and mighty uncertain.
But Blackburn Did Get There.
From the New York Sun. :
The Hon. Joseph C. S. Blackburn is once
more treading exultantly the azure fields
of air and sweeping the welkin with silver
pinions. The enthusiastic defeat which he
and the Hon. P. Wat Hardin got in the
last Kentucky campaign was not enough
for them. They pine for more distinction
of the same kind. It is beautiful to see
Mr. Blackburn, pride in his port, defiance
in his eye, his lips still flaming with his
immortal saying: ‘‘He that dallies isa
dastard and he that doubts is damned.”
Even more brilliant and imposing than Mr.
Blackburn is his valiant starter, the Hon.
John Chinn, a candidate for State Senator.
An Admonition for Mr. Singerly.
From the Altoona Times.
The talk of bolting which comes from the
extreme gold standard and free silver Dem-
ocrats will find no response from the masses
of the party. They believe that the
Democracy is the main safeguard of in-
dividual rights in this country and that to
destroy it would be little short of a crime.
The Democratic party has more to do in
this country than to settle the silver ques-
tion, and, even if it should be mistaken in
its opinion on that issue, it will still be the
best exponent of sound views and the chief
i conservator of popular well-doing.
An Admirer, Sure Enough.
From the Williamsport Sun.
There is at least one man in the United
States who is willing to bet on ex-Governor
Robert E. Pattison. And that man lives
in San Francisco. His nameis W. W.
Foote. A few nights ago he walked into
the grill-room of the Palace hotel in that
city and offered to bet any man there $1,000
that Pattison, if nominated for President
by the Democrats, would carry California.
A Republican named Shortridge promptly
took him up on condition that the sum
wagered by each should be $500 instead of
$1,000. This was agreed to.
The Milk in the Cocoanut.
From the York Diapatch.
Macauley said : ‘‘If large financial in-
terests were concerned in denying the fact
of the attraction of gravitation that most
obvious of physical laws would be ably dis-
puted.”” In like manner any side of the
money question will be furiously maintain-
ed by those who imagine the interests of
their class inxglyved.
The March of Science.
From the DuBois Express.
Nicola Tesla has succeeded in solving the
problem of producing electric light with-
out carbon or wire. Hisdevice is a vacuum
tube or bulb, exhausted of air to the great-
est possible extent. Luminous ether is
made to vibrate so rapidly that when the
bulb is attached to an electric wire carry-
ing a high voltage a brilliant white light
fills the whole tube.
Just the Kind We Want.
From the Wilkesbarre Sun.
The girl who stole out over her mother’s
sleeping form to elope with her young man
is a wife worth having. If she could do
that, she ought to be able to get out and
kindle the fire and get breakfast without
waking her sleeping husband.
I ————————
This is the Way They ig
From the Grand Forks, N. D., News.
Up in Pembina county, office hunters are
so numerous that they’re coming right out
of the woods and sassin’ the voters about
——Mr. TILLMAN is a Populist; and he
proposes to bolt the action of the Chicago con-
vention if it shall not declare for Populism.
Mr. SINGERLY is a Democrat ; and he pro-
poses to stick to Democracy, even if the Chi-
cago convention shall abandon it.—Wednes-
day’s Philadelphia Record. 3
There would hardly he a Democratic
party if there were no convention to
formulate its course, but there would be
a Democratic party, even if Mr. SINGERLY
should bolt it.
—— Subscribe for the WATCHMAN.
The Granger’s View of the Currency.
Spawls from the Keystone.
—The receivers of the bank of DuBois
must pay a dividend to depositors whether
‘they have signed a compromise or not. Judge
Gordon having made a ruling to that effect,
—The commencement exercises of the
South Chester school were held on Thursday
night and were an unqualified success. The
address of the evening was made by A. K.
McClure, of Philadelphia.
—Dorsey Chronister, of X Roads, near
Warriorsmark, while chopping, sunk a sharp
axe into his left foot, cutting it open from
the toes to the ankle. He will be laid up
most of the summer by the accident.
—Mr. Jerry Berkey, of Quemahoning
township, Somerset county, killed a big
black snake near his barn recently. He set
his heel on the charmer’s head and the snake
quickly coiled itself around his leg, but he
finally succeeded in killing it.
—At Eleanor, Clearfield county, on Mon-
day of last week, Frances, the 8-year-old
child of George Shapich, stepped in front of
a car that was being dropped down the track
and was instantly killed, her head and both
legs being severed from the body.
—The Messrs. F. J. O'Connor and Thomas
Matthews, acting for the estate of the late
Martin McDonald, of Johnstown, have sold
to the Messrs. Kuhns & Goodwin of Dunlo,
800 acres of timber land in Somerset county,
near the Cambria line, for the sum of $10,000.
—John A. Blair, ex-sheriff of Cambria
county ; and at one time a Democratic poli-
tician of prominence, made an assignment
for the benefit of creditors yesterday morn-
ing. No statement has been made public,
but it is believed his assets largely exceed his
—For some time B. Hake, of Chanceford
township, York county, has been losing
chickens, the loss being attributed to a sneak
thief. A few days ago, however, he discov-
ered the real offender when he caught in a
trap a large owl measuring four feet eight
inches across the wings.
—A great hammer has been put into!
Mann’s axe factory at Lewistown. The
hammer has a striking force of 3,000 pounds
and at one stroke completes the manufacture
of an axe. It takes five men to work it, but
the five men with the hammer do as much in
a day as forty men can do by hand.
—Ellis Artley, residing near Penndale,
Lycoming county, was killed Thursday af-
ternoon. While driving a load of bark down
a hill, the brake broke, and Mr. Artley was
thrown over the front end of the rapidly de-
scending wagon and was run over by the
‘wheels and badly crushed. He was 56 years
—On memorial day a lot of Roaring Spring
boy bicycle riders dressed themselves in
women’s garb, and with wheels highly deco-
rate in the red, white and blue, paraded in
the presence of numerous girl bicyclists who
now complain that they presented a ridicu-
lous spectacle, which will have a demoraliz-
ing effect upon the girl bike riders of that
town. :
. —Charles and Mrs. Mary Burnam, of Erie,
went out boating on the bay Wednesday
evening. About nine o'clock Burnam was
found clinging to the capsized boat but his
wife had lost her hold and had drowned.
Burnam is frantic with grief, as they were
but recently married. The boat capsized
while Burnan was trying to pull in the an-
—All the lots in the Pingree potato patch
at Pittsburg have been distributed. The to-
tal number of lots being worked is 90. All
are in a good state of cultivation, and on a
majority of the lots the vegetables are above
ground. Most of the lots were taken by for-
eigners, who will also raise a second or win-
ter crop. The committee in charge states
that next year they will have more ground
to dispose of, and they are confident that it
will be taken. .
—Judge Gordon recently handed down an
opinion at Clearfield holding that constables
are not entitled to compensation for making
returns to court, also that they-are entitled
to but one fee for serving warrants when
there is more than one on that warrant, and
for one fee in conveying prisoners to jail
where they are all arrested on the same war-
rant, and to ten cents mileage one way in-
stead of circular as contended for by them,
and mileage for serving a subpena in a given
case. :
—H. A. Lozier & Co., manufacturers of
Cleveland bicycles, have decided to locate
their new tube works at Greenville, Mercer
county. The plant will cost in the neighbor-
| hood of $25,000 and the company will employ
about 250 men. The product of the works
for a while will be bicycle tubing exclusively
but it is the intention to make all sorts of
.| steel, brass and copper tubing. The citizens
of Greenville worked unitedly and earnestly
to raisc money for a bonus to secure the new
industry, and they are proud of their final
success. :
—John Burris, an employe of the Mill Hall
brick works, but residing down near the
show grounds, left Lock Haven Saturday
morning with Robinson & Franklin Bros.’
show for Milton. In the afternoon about 4
o'clock he attempted to jump on a fast
freight with the intention of coming home.
He, however, missed his hold, was thrown
under the train and the wheels passing over
his legs, nearly severed the one at the thigh
and mangled the other below the knee. He
lived long enough to tell those who came to
his assistance what his name was and where
he resided. 2
—Joe Salvi, the barber, who, the detectives
say, was implicated in the murder of Eman-
uel Loro at Old Forge, Lackawanna county,
nearly two years ago, isin Italy. Convine-
ing evidence has never been secured against
Salvi, but he has twice disappeared suddenly
just when things were becoming unpleasant
for him. Salvi left old Forge about three
months ago. He took his own and his wife's
money. Mrs. Salvi. became angered and
swore vengeance against her faithless spouse.
Indeed, so far did she go that she threatened
to give out a startling story in connection
with the murder for which Cresenzo Merola
is now awaiting execution. But she did not
do so, and now she will very probably hold
her peace. This change of sentiment camé
about because Salvi has sent back to her
some of her money. He wote a letter to her
postmarked at his old home in Italy, in
which he informed her where to secure,
through an attorney, a sum of money
amounting to about $450.