Bellefonte, Pa., May 29, 1896. To CorrespoxpENTS.—No communications pub- lished unless accompanied by the real name of the writer. THINGS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. Philipsburg wants a paper mill. Candidates infested Bellefonte on circus day. ——The town of Beech Creek has three Christian Endeavor societies. ——“Bill”’ Stuart has joined the Newark base ball club to play short for it in the Atlantic association. ——John S. Waite, of this place, has leased the armory in Lock Haven for the purpose of conducting a bicycle riding academy there. ——DMiss Jessie Scott, of Philipsburg, sails for South America to-morrow. She is going as a mission worker to Bogota, where she expects to remain for seven years. ——The Village Improvement society will meet, Monday evening, from seven until eight o’clock, at Miss Petriken’s, on High street. Every member is cordially invited to be present. ——A party of a dozen or’ more Belle- fonte wheelman rode to Millheim, on’ Sun- day, and enjoyed a fine dinner at Musser’s hotel. On their return some of the party took supper at Centre Hall. ——The faculty at The Pennsylvania State College having refused to allow the ball club to take another trip this spring the games with Bucknell, Lafayette and Lehigh have all been canceled. ——Children, unaccompanied by their parents, are no longer allowed to enter the Union cemetery. Vandalism grew so bad that even the cut flowers that were being placed on the graves of the dead were car- ried off. ——The raising and moving of the old Humes property, corner of Allegheny and Howard streets, is progressing. The 143 jacks have raised the great stone house 9 inches and, as yet, there has not heen a break of any sort in the interior. ——Dr. David J. Beale, well known to many of our readers and the author of “Through the Johnstown Flood,’’ the most graphic description of that terrible disaster written, has accepted a call from a Phila- delphia congregation. He is now in Fred- erick, Md. ——The Methodists now have their Sun- day school at a quarter after nine in the morning instead of at half-past two in the afternoon. The change evidently suits the scholars for three hundred and twenty were present last Sunday, the first day of the experiment. ——A. C. Mingle, C. P. Hewes, W. F. Reeder, W. I. Fleming and S. M. Buck, all of this place, and W. “A. Krise, of Centre Hall, are in Scranton attending the state conclave of Knights Templar. While there they will electioneer for W. I. Fleming, who is a candidate for the office of deputy junior warden of the State. ——Frank Peabody Atherton, eldest son of Dr. Geo. W. Atherton, president of The Pennsylvania State College, arrived in Bellefonte, Wednesday morning, on his way to spend a few days at home. Frank is director of Atherton’s orchestra of forty pieces in Detroit and is the same jolly fel- low he was when with She Bellefonte min- strels. ——“Dr.”” Jerome Smith, of east How- ard street, has become distasteful to some _of his neighbors, but which ones he is at a loss to know. The other day he received a letter threatening death to him if he does not leave town within ten days. He does not propose going, but that is no indication that he will be dead at the expiration of the time allotted to him by the local white- caps. ——We understand that the rails will not be taken from the Red-bank branch of the Bellefonte Central for some time. Nego- tiations for the ore already mined and ready for the market at that bank being in prog- ress, the railroad company has concluded to wait a short time to see what the result will be. If successful that branch will again be put in operation until all the ore ready for the market is removed. —A Hungarian woman arrived in this place, on Saturday evening, on her way to Snow Shoe, but as the last train had left for that place several hours before her ar- rival here the woman did not know what to do. She had two children with her and was without money. After sitting about the station for some time the authorities sent them out to the poor house where they were kept until Monday morning. —Since the advent of the Globe store, in Bellefonte, there has been a marked shaking up in window dressing, but not- withstanding the admirable efforts of the old stores the (lobe seems to keep them all distanced in the originality and art of its window displays. There is a very pretty window there now, emblematical of Decora- tion day. The design was well conceived and faithfully carried out. It will pay you to see it. ——The attendance and interest at Mr. Weaver’s tabernacle still keeps up. Night after night from one thousand to twenty- five hundred people gather in the big tent to listen to the singing, reading and preach- ing evangelists. It is a great improvement on the old fashioned camp meeting, but seems much like that for there is bible reading at three o’clock, young people’s meeting at four and a service of song and the evening sermon at half past seven. THE JUNIOR ORATORICAL CONTEST.— On Wednesday evening the Junior class of the Bellefonte High school contested for the Reynolds’ prize for oratory, at Gar- man’s. Then were six young ladies and four young gentlemen on the program and they entertained a fair audience in a highly satisfactory manner. After the invocation by Rev. Zehner Mr. Ammerman introduced Wallace Reeder, who delivered Henry Armitt Brown’s cen- tennial oration. The you man spoke very nicely and appar gly at ease before such a large audience, especial- ly so, when it is considered that he was the first speaker. Alfred Irvin followed with “Sergius to the Lion,”’ a long and difficult declamation which he handled admirably. Miss Maud Miller's delivery of ‘‘Parr- hasius and the Captive” was good and pleased the audience, as the liberal ap- plause she received attested. “In the Signal Box’’ was the subject of a very ef- fective bit of work by Miss Myra Carson. With a full round voice, splendid enun- ciation and considerable force she brought out the beauty of her piece in such a way as to make the judge’s work all the more difficult. A pretty little story was told by Miss Alice Ishler in “Sister and I.” Her effort was very creditable indeed. Miss Millie Wagner followed with a recitation of ‘‘Nellie’s Prayer,” a sad and altogether sympathetic subject which her voice and manner carried out toa nicety. Morton Smith was the next speaker and beyond a doubt the most natural in manner and voice of any of the contestants. The way he delivered the ‘‘Garfield Memorial Ad- dress” was indeed pleasing, for it was so free from any nervousness or affectation. Miss Grace Blackford was next, with ‘‘the Last Hours of Little Paul Dombey.”” She was the smallest and possibly the youngest speaker, but that detracted nothing. She had the assurance and grace and coupled the two so remarkably in her recitation as to be apparently alive to the sad scene she was recounting. Miss Blackford put much force into her work. Clarence Harper compared the dying incidents and glory of | “‘Andre and Hale’ in a cool, deliberative manner. Possessing a good strong voice he makes an entertaining speaker. The last contestant to speak was Miss Maud Harsh- berger, of Milesburg, whose flexibility of voice and ease of manner made her rendi- tion of ‘‘the Angels of Beuna Vista’ al- most first prize winner. : The judges, Mesars Mitchell, Harter and Gray, decided in favor of Miss Blackford, with Miss Harshberger second. The award was very satisfactory, though it must have taken fine grading to get Miss Carson and Morton Smith out of the way. On the whole the contest was very enter- taining and the class of ’97 has proven that it possesses the material that will guarantee an interesting commencement next year. — eee. THE HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT.— The thirteenth annual commencement ex- ercises of the Bellefonte High school. were held, at Garman’s, yesterday after- | noon and evening. The house was crowded at both meetings with friends of the young graduates and none were disap- pointed in their expectation of a delightful event. The stage was prettily set and decorated with potted flowers while the prevailing colors in decoration were those of the class of ’97, red and black. The motto ‘‘a posse ad esse” was conspicuous, as if a reminder to the young ladies and gentlemen of the reality to be gained from every possibility by earnest work. The program for the day was as follows : AFTERNOON. Overture, ; Keystone Orchestra. | Invocation. Music, Orchestra. Salutatory and Essay, —Nature's Harmony. Elizabeth B. Orris. Oration,—Duties of Educated Men. : Thomas B. Hamilton. Essay,—The Tottering Throne. Mary F. Lambert. Music, Orchestra, Essay,—A Noted Family. Katharine H. Benner. Oration, —Is 13 an Unlucky Number ? J. Willis Knox. Essay,—The Empire of Pennsylvania. © Frieda Baum. Music, \\ Orchestra. Essay,—The Influence of Music. L. Myrtle Longacre. Oration,—The Land of Possibilities. : Willis A. Ishler. Essay,—Is Life Worth Living ? Mable Fauble. Music, Orchestra. Oration,—Garfield. James G. Wright. Essay,—On the Threshold, and Valedictory. A. Blanche Underwood. Musie, Orchestra. EVENING, Music, Orchestra, Prayer. Music, Orchestra. Commencement Address, Hon. N. C. Schaeffer, Supt. of Public Instruction. Presentation of Diplomas, D. F. Fortney, Esq., Pres. of School Board. Benediction The first and second honors were won by Miss Anna Blanche Underwood, of Belle- fonte, and Miss Elizabeth Blackburn Orris, of Milesburg, respectively. The graduates are Misses Anna Blanche Underwood, Eliza- beth Blackburn Orris, Katherine Hunter Benner, Mary R. Lambert, Mabel Fauble, Frieda Baum and L. Myrtle Longacre and Messrs. James G. Wright, J. Willis Knox, Thomas Brew Hamilton and Willis Alden Ishler. THE LAST'DAYS OF SCHOOL.—The pub- lic schools of Bellefonte closed for the sum- mer vacation, on Monday, and very enter- taining exercises were held in both the North and South ward buildings. ——A new company for the manufacture of fire brick at Sandy Ridge is applying for a charter. Among the incorporators are W. A. Scott, Pittsburg ; George D. Blair and E. J. Pruner, Tyrone ; George W. Mc- Gaffey, William P. Duncan and O. P. Jones, of Philipsburg. It will be known as the Iron City fire brick company. ——Rev. father Kinney, at one time priest of this parish and also of that at Snow Shoe, died at Centralia, Pa., last week. 0 ——There are 523 inmates in the Hun- tingdon reformatory. Altogether there have been 2,076 boys confined in that in- stitution. ete ——While Blair county is preparing for a lavish display on the occasion of her semi- centennial the sheriff of that county is ad- vertising fifty-four properties for sale. ad ——The annual Sunday school conven- tion of the Altoona district of the Alle- gheny conference of the United Brethren church will be held here, on Wednesday and Thursday, June 10th and 11th. SET ae —The “Woman's Edition” of the Wil- liamsport Sun, published for the benefit of the hospital, last Wednesday, was a pleas: ing success. An extra edition of four thousand was required as the first of 8,000 was sold by ten o’clock. The editorials are especially good—indeed the whole paper is much better than the many we have seen. Every article in it is worth reading and its one hundred and twelve columns of adver- tisements will net a goodly sum. -s- ——Rev. Dr. Colfelt, of Bedford, preach- ed in the Reformed church, in this place, last Sunday evening. He had been up at the College and by invitation of Dr. R. L. Gearhart came down and filled his pulpit here in the evening. Dr. Colfelt, until re- cently, was pastor of the great Broad and Oxford Presbyterian church in Philadel- phia, but his idea and doctrine that there should be but one church and one creed he- ing contrary to that of Preshyterianism he resigned and is now at Bedford. He is a wonderfully able and gifted man and his sermon here was very much enjoyed. It will be remembered that on the occasion of his last visit here he occupied the Preshy- terian pulpit, but as some of the members of that church found fault afterwards he was not asked to preach ‘there on his recent visit. The members of the Reformed church were so delighted with Dr. Colfelt that they secured him to preach for them again on Sunday. He will officiate at hoth morning and evening services in that church. Oe MARRIAGE LICENSES.—Following is the lists of marriage licenses ,granted by orphans’ court clerk, G. W. Rumberger, during the past week. Thomas O. Williams, of Hommers, Cam- ‘| bria county, and Susanna Williams, of Worth township. Frederick J. Gross and Louise Maurer, both of South Philipsburg. . - ove - He WANTS His PAy.—Hiram M. Good- man, of Haines township, was in town, on Monday, looking after his claim for dam- ages in the destruction of the Ettlinger house, at Coburn. As the county commis- sioners are not convinced as to who is liable a stated case will be presented to court for decision. Neither side is anxious to incur any additional expense and an amicable adjustment will be sought. ab NARROW ESCAPE FROM A BURNING BUILDING.—The frame dwelling house oc- cupied by Miss Ella Garbrick and her aunt, at Eagleville, caught fire early Sunday morning and was totally destroyed, with nearly all of its contents. The women were in bed when the flames were discovered and narrowly escaped burning. As it was Miss | Garbrick received several slight burns, while her hairand eye-brows were scorched. “oe: FoUR STABLES BURNED AT LEMONT.— Three men were seen running from the vicinity of John I. Thompson’s barn, in Lemont, about 10 o'clock last Saturday night and a few moments later flames were discovered bursting from the building. ‘By the time the alarm was given the barn was all ablaze and burned with such fury that the stables on the properties of Samuel Weaver, Charles Whittle and Elmer Evey, adjoining, were soon on fire'too. The de- struction of the four buildings was com- plete. Some grain and hay was destroyed and a few chickens, but everything else of value was removed from the stables. Thompson’s loss is estimated at $1,600 with $900 insui- ance. One of the other stables was partially insured, but the others are total losses. nh Sn NOTES FOR MEMORIAL DAY.—The fol- lowing order will be observed in Bellefonte, on Saturday, May 30th. The parade will form in the ‘Diamond’, at 2:15 o'clock p. m., and move promptly at 2:30, over the following route: Alle- gheny to Bishop, Bishop to Spring, Spring to Howard, thence to the cemetery. R. C. Irvin, chairman of the commit- tee on decoration, will be at the Gregg post rooms to-morrow morning, at 7:30, to re- ceive all contributions of flowers. It is to be hoped that there will be lavish offering of floral garlands for our soldier dead. The veterans and P. O. S. of A., of Sa-| lona, will join the Mill Hall P. O. S. of A. in decoration exercises at Cedar Hill ceme- tery. The Mill Hall band will furnish the music and Joel Herr Esq., will make the address. At Lamar the K. G. E. and the Sunday schools will lead the services. The parade will form at 9 o’clock in the morning and visit Mt. Bethel and St. Paul’s cemeteries. After the decoration of the graves the memorial oration will be delivered in St. Paul’s church by H.T. Harvey Esq., of Lock Haven. A FINE BALL GAME.—Bucknell Uni- versity and State met, on Beaver field, on Saturday afternoon and played one of the finest games of hall that had ever been seen at the College. Though a number of errors had a tendency to mar the early part of the game both teams got down to clean, hard work and made such an exciting finish that everything else was forgotten. The visitors played better hall than State and would have won had it not been for that concen- trated potion of luck that seems always to carry the blue and white through at home. The score stood 4 to 2 in favor of Buck- nell when the ninth inning opened and there was little hope that State would be able to do anything, after having failed to score for six preceding innings. Spiesman and Curtin both got on the bags, when the inning opened, then Walker came to the bat. He had struck out only a short time before, with men at second and third, and there was little hope that he would save the day, but just then a big mastiff ran across the diamond, ‘‘Mickey’’ McDowell turned around three times and ‘‘Baldy’’ Sauers stood up. That did the business. Walker smashed the ball. My, oh my, how it did go. Cutler, the short legged middle fielder for the visitors, ran after it faster than any one thought he could go, but long before he got the ball to the in- field Walker was home, having chased in two runs ahead of him. Bucknell was blanked in their half and the game ended mid the greatest excitement. The visitors acted the gentlemen from | start to finish, the game having been void | of any unpleasant kicks. At the very start | off they showed an inclination to guard | against trouble of any sort and the feeling | of pleasantness that existed throughout the | game was a matter often remarked by the | spectators. Trainer Hoskins, of the College, | was supported by the upper classmen when | he showed his determination to keep the | field clear. Tt was he proper thing to do | and State will find herself the more honor- ed for having acted as she did. | Te ” | ScoTrA MINES CLOSED DowN.—Some days since word came from Pittsburg to | Scotia to close down for the present, and arrangements were made at once to put the | machinery and mines in a condition of ‘‘in- | nocuous desuetude.”” What the close down | meant none of the employees understood, | nor have they at this time any idea of why it occurred or how long it is to last. These | mines have heen the best paying and most | extensive ore mines ever opened in this sec- | tion of the State. An output of three-hun- | dred tons per day could be made without | extraordinary effort, and all through the depression in the iron trade and the differ- | ent panics that had knocked the starch out | of business generally, they have run more | regularly and paid fairer rates of wages to | the workingmen than any other mines. | During the campaign of 1894 they were | closed down for a couple of months, and | there was no end to the assertions of the | Republican newspapers of the county, and { Republican local speakers, that it was be- | cause of the Democratic majority in Con- { gress. That year the Democratic majority | was blotted out and since then the Repub- | licans have had an overwhelming majority | in the lower house of Congress and sufficient | strength in the Senate to organize that body. If these Republican bodies that are | responsible for our laws—that for two years have had the power to enact such legisla- | tion as they choose—have done anything | at all that is calculated to benefit either the owners or workingmen of Scotia, we would now like to know what it is ? Under the circumstances, the situation up at Scotia, at the present time, will hard- ly be ascribed to political conditions by our Republican friends, who are so boastful of their big majorities hoth in the State and in the U. 8S. Congress. Po RAN AWAY FRoM HoME.—Taking ad- vantage of his father’s absence 13 year old Charles Baylets ran off from his home, on the Mrs. Reuben Valentine farm, on the Jacksonville road, east of this place, at noon last Friday. The last seen of the boy was when a neighbor’s little girl noticed him going across the fields toward the ridges. He wore a brown shirt, jean pants and heavy plough shoes. It is not known whether he had any money with him or not, but his father is of the opinion that the lad had nothing of value with him. Mr. Baylets was in this place, Monday morning, on his way to Altoona relatives live. It was his beli had run off to join the circus that exhibit- ed here on Wedn , and knowing the | boy would keep -under cover during the I stop here he had hopes of. picking him up in Altoona. ; Chatles is a strong boy for his age and | quite bright, though with a slight turn to- | ward impudence. He never liked farming and always declared his intention of get- | ting at something else as soon as he would grow older. He is 4 feet 3 inches high, | has light hair, blue eyes, florid complexion, + protruding ears and the end of one of his fingers is missing. Any information as to | his whereabouts would be thankfully re- | ceived by his father, John Baylets. etd MARRIED IN WILLIAMSPORT.—Ed ward | Swiler and Miss Harriet McCafferty, both | of this place, journeyed to Williamsport, on Friday, and were married before their re- turn. It was not a surprise to the friends . of the couple for the happy affair had been expected for some time. The bride is the youngest daughter of ! William McCafferty and is a most estimable | woman, while her husband is a moulder by trade and a young man with many | friends. They returned on Saturday night and will go to house keeping on Beaver | street. : JOHN THOMAS OF SNOW SHOE.—Born July 2nd, 1815, John Thomas, of Snow Shoe, died on the 22nd inst, after two years of illness with brain trouble. He had long been one of the foremost and esteemed resi- dents of the pretty mountain town and his name and that of his family was coincident with the early thrift of that place. His good wife, Sara Jane McCullough before her marriage, survives with three children, William, Daniel and Edward, all of whom are at home and the only living members of a family of six children. Though Mr. Thomas had never identified himself with any church he wasa God fear ing, righteous man. Rev. Rishell, of the Methodist chnrch, conducted funeral ser- vices at the house, on Sunday morning, and interment was made at Gillilandtown. ii DEATH OF JANE BIDDLE.—A compara- tively short illness, as a consequence of the breaking down of old age, coupled with heart trouble, ended in the death of Mrs. Jane Biddle, aged 73 years, relict of Abra- ham Biddle, at her home at Stormstown, on Saturday evening. Her illness had not been looked on with any alarm hy her friends and relatives and her death was a decided surprise. Funeral services were held on Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock. Burial was made in Gray’s burying ground. The surviving children of the deceased are: Mrs. J. P. Eves, Mrs. I. G. Burkett and William Biddle, of Stormstown ; Mrs. E. Lytle, of Baileyville ; and Mrs. John Cowher, of Centre Line. i i Mrs. Amos Brawn, of Chester Hill, near Philipsburg, was found dead in bed on Saturday morning. On Friday evening she had retired feeling fatigued, though not unwell. Her daughter discovered that she was dead when she went to waken her in the morning. i # A ——Mirs. Kunes, aged 92, and probably Mill Hall’s oldest resident, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Brid- gens, Tuesday afternoon. The old lady had been ailing only about 10 days. Her re- mains were interred at Eagleville yester- day. I a ——The five year old daughter of Jacob Moyer, of Fillmore, died with brain fever last Thursday night. She had been ill two weeks. News Purely Personal. —Miss Emma Crider, of east Bishop street, is visiting Miss Mary L. Copelin, in Tyrone. —Dr. and Mrs. R. Leighton Gearhart are at Day- ton, Ohio, attending the general synod of the Re- formed church. —Miss Mary H. Linn left, yesterday, for Ithaca, N. Y., where she will visit for some weeks her sis- ters, at Henry Sage's, one. of Cornell's princely benefactors. —Edward H. Harris and George Thompson are home from the University in Philadelphia for the summer vacation. The former is studying medi- cine and th Tatter dentistry. —T/B. Budinger Esq., of Snow Shoe, drove in with party of gentlemen from that place to at- tend the circus, on Wednesday. It might have been business that brought them here, but it looked very suspicious. —Withoutany other excuse than that of want- ing to see it “Billy” Tobias came up from Mill- heim, on Wednesday, to sce the circus. Right, old boy, the fellow who hasn't any circus blood in him misses a great elixir. —Edward Thomas, youngest son of the late John Thomas, of Snow Shoe, and every inch a gentleman, was in town, on Monday, attending to some business consequent upon the recent death of his lamented father. —Thomas P. Cowdrick was at his home, in this place, during the fore part of the week resting af- ter the completion of several contracts in Lewis- town. He is a son of M. W. Cowdrick, of Niagara Falls, and, like his father, is a practical far seeing brick contractor. —Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Speer, Mrs. Woodwayd, little Joe and Mrs. Rachel Larimer, returned from Reedsville, Monday. They say the drive is no longer one of delight and beauty, for the fire fiend has burned and killed and devastated until the mountains are a blackened desert. —Mr. and Mrs. Frank Montgomery are in Phil- adelphia, where Mr. Montgomery, we are sorry to say, is sick in bed at the home of his fatbet-in- law, Mr. Hassell. He has not been well-gince he had the grip and went to the city to-Consult Dr. Curtin, who gives every encouragement for his entire recovery with rest and ehange. —Mrs. D. H. Hastings, her little daughter Sarah and her sister-in-law, s arrived in town Tuesday. Mrs. Hastings and” Mrs. Rankin returned to Har- risburg Wednesday evening. Sarah remained with her _gfandmothér, Mrs. Barbara Rankin, where she is to stay until after the St. Louis con- —A note from an old subscriber, a ulian, last Tuesday morning, enclosed a check to pay his subscription in advance and also a query as to whether he comes in under our cheap rate -ar- rangement. It affords us great pleasure to state that we are only too happy to give our old friends every advantage extended toour new ones and when a man like Daniel Irvin Esq., who is the gentleman referred to, is concerned we can hon- estly count him a friend, since he has read: the Warcnman since the very first issue, —We are glad to know that there is one man in the world satisfied with his condition, for certainly it is a rare occurrence to meet with any one who is content in this restless, grasping struggle for more, more, more. On Monday, the venerable Shannon McCormick, of Ferguson township, was in town on his way to visit his son, Dr. McCor- mick, down in Nittany valley. While waiting on the teat spent a few hours pleasantly in this office and unwittingly preached a sermon far stronger and more consoling than half those heard from pulpits. Mr. McCormick is too well known in Centre county for us to speak any words of praise of his unique personality, representative of a type of men now rarely met with. Zealous in his love of God and the Lutheran church and un- flinching in his devotion to Democracy he is a man who neither fears the jibes nor jeers of those who have tried to laugh to scorn his oft declared sentiment that next to the €hurch “the Demo- cratic party is the grandest organizative in the world.” Just the other day one of the leading Re- publicans in Centre county remarked, after Mr. Mr. McCormick had left an evening train at Le- mont: “There goes the d———est copper-head there ever was in Centre county.” “Copper-head” or no “Copper-head” he is a man of deep convic- tions and one who has moulded character and shaped thought for good in the community. It is a matter of regret that we have so few of such he- roes now, but so long as Shannon McCormifk lives we will have one of them, go ‘ bin when the family will come home to go nto their own house. : FosTER’S WEATHER PREDICTIONS. —My last bulletin gave forecasts of the storm wave to cross the continent from the 27th to the 31st, and the next will reach the Pacific coast about June 1st, cross the west of Rockies country by close of June 2nd, the great central valleys 3rd and 5th, eastern States 6th. These disturbances will have more than usual force, very considerable rains accompanying them in many places where droughts have been prevailing, and the average weather for this time of the year. The warm weather will cross the west of Rockies country about June 1st, great central valleys 3rd, eastern States 5th. Cool wave will cross the west of Rockies country about June 4th, great central val- leys 6th, eastern States 8th. In the next week’s bulletin will he given a general fore - cast of June weather. The April and May weather rules the grass, oats, wheat and barley crops, while June and J uly weather governs the corn crop in the great corn belt. ae A SPLENDID CIRCUS.—With every thing as new and bright looking as could be the Robinson and Franklin brothers combined shows exhibited in this place, on Wednes- day. The show did good business here and merited it too, for a better one could not be wanted. The parade, the first display made by the circus, created a favorable impression that was carried through every department. To specialize the marvelous feats that were seen under the great canvas would necessitate a mention of nearly every feature, for they all seemed stars. Probably the most noticeable one was the fact that the evening performance was not curtailed at all, as is usually the case. When the press notices of this show bhe- gan to arrive we imagined them the work of a clever press agent, but even though Mr. J. H. Davis, the gentleman who acts in that capacity for the show, isa clever fellow and quite capable of getting most anything he wants out of the fraternity the show merits all we have read concerning it. : PETRY $e : ——Therg was quite a large attendance at the United Evangelical convention, at Lemont, yesterday and the day before. The sessions were all interesting. Forty-eight delegates were present. State College and Vicinity. | | Mrs. Hutchison, of Washington D. C.. is | visiting Mrs. W. C. Patterson. Citizens ! Citizens! take warning from Lemont’s destructive conflagration and organ- ize a fire company. We are pleased to have with us again our good soldier friend J. Calvin Sauers, an old time Democrat of the Jeffersonian type, a pat- tern for the young democrats for strength and staying qualities. We are pleased also to note that Grandpap Sauers, who has not been feeling well for some time, is now much improved and about town as usual. Politics is looking up and the candidates and their friends are just swarming over the county. They meet you at every turn of the. road and at every street corner. We have met within the past few days Wm. M. Cronis- ter, for sheriff; Jas. A. Emerick, for sheriff : Wm. H. Fry, for commissioner ; and A. C. Thompson for legislator and in the list we should include Robt. M. Foster, our own candidate, whose nomination for legis- WANTED.— 50,000 Ibs. of wool—Lyon & Co. 3t. S. A. McQuistioN & Co.—Have now on hand and for sale a lot of nice new and sec- ond hand buggies at reduced rates. They have the best low priced buggy on the market. One that they defy competition on, both in price and workmanship. See it before you buy, it will surprise you. Repairs reduced in price. Shops ad- joining P.-R. R. freight depot. ee CAPES, CAPES, CAPEs.—Having closed Gut the entire line of spring and summer capes for '96—for spot cash, of one of the best manufacturers, we give you the benefit of this purchase. These capes are all fine, tailor made goods, cost of manufacture $6 to $9. The poorest in the lot would be cheap at $5. We give you the choice of the entire line for $3.75. Lyon & Co. Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co. ~Jhe—following are the quotations up to six o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper goes ress : ed wheat............. 70 Rye, per busnel..... 40 Corn, shelled, per bushel. 35 Corn, ears, per bushel..... 15 Oats, per bushel........ 20 Barley, per bushel.... 35 Ground Plaster, per 8 00 Buckwheat, per bushel.................ccoivsocomseeee 40 Cloverseed, per bushel..... 00 to $7 00 Bellefonte Produce Markets. Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co. Potatoes per bushel.............. Dnions, ras. ggs, per dozen.. 10 Lard, per pound.. 7 Country Shoulder % Sides... 7 Hams..... 10 Tallow, per pound 3 Butter, Der PON. ci iui id iccinccisenrson 15 The Democratic 7 Wateh man. Published every Friday morning, in Bellefonte, Pa., at §2 per annum (if paid strictly in advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and $3.00 if not paid before the SS Rition of the year; and no paper will be discontinued until all’ arrearage is paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers will not be sent out of Centre county un- less paid for in advance. A liberal discount is made to persons advertis- ing by the guarter, half year, or year, as follows : SPACE OCCUPIED 3m om | 1y One inch (12 lines this type........[8 5 '§ 8 [§ 10 Two inches....... a 10 | 15 Three inches....... 410 13 2 antes Column (5 inches J 121 20 30 alf Column (10 inches)... 20 )|35] 50 One Column (20 inches)........ccovuvennnee 35155 | 100 Advertisements in special column 25 per cent. additional. Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions........... 20 cts. Each additional insertion, per line. Local notices, per line................. Business notices, per line.... Job Printing of every kind done with neatness and dispatch. The Warcumax office has been re- fitted with Fast Presses and New Type, and everything in the printing line can be ‘executed in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. Terms—Cash. All letters should be addressed to ‘ P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor the weather following will be cooler tha. = “
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers