Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 29, 1896, Image 5
- Spring Mills. The track men on repairs for the P. R. R. are working on half time. The Millheim telephone company have } the poles in position up to our village, and are pushing ahead to Bellefonte. The Spring Mills citizen’s band is practic ing almost nightly for Decoration day. This will be the first public display. The M. E. church members of our town are making considerable preparation for chil- dren’s day, June 14th. They have a very ex- cellent program consisting of singing, recita- tions, dialogues, ete. Remarkable to say, the merchants of our town report a large overstock of butter; rath- er a surprise to hear this statement at this time of year. Eggs, too, they tell me, are very plentiful, and worth only 9 cents per dozen. : Several attempts at burglarly have been made in our village lately. The discharge of a couple of shot guns had the desired effect. So prowlers around smoke houses, doors and windows, had better give such places a wide berth. Miss Ida Burnell and Charles Fisher at- tended the Sunday school convention at Bellefonte on Wednesday last, as delegates from the Sunday school at Penn Hall, and C. E. Royer and John D. Wagner, as delegates from Geoge’s Valley Sunday school. John Durst, the young man from near Cen- tre Hall, who met with an accident while hauling baled hay ten days since, was remov- ed to his home on Friday last. When the ac- cident occurred the young man was taken to the residence of Mr. Strunk, who resided near where it occurred. Mr. Durst is improv- ing. C. P. Long, the active merchant of our vil- lage, expects to have his brick yard in full operation by the latter part of next month, and intends burning about 180,000 bricks. He will also commence building at that time, the lumber for which is now being delivered. The brick yard will give employment to 15 men for some time. Candidates are now summing up their chances and paying their last call. John Noll, of Bellefonte, W. M. Cronister, of Worth, R. C. Gilliland, of Snow Shoe, and G. H. Ley- man, of Boggs, Democratic candidates for the nomination for sheriff, were here during the week, ascertaining if their political lines were still unbroken. Frain, of Marion, and Daniel Heckman, of Benner, Democratic candidates for the nomi- nation for commissioners, were here and are very hopeful. Fred Kurtz, of Centre Hall, Democraiic candidate for the nomination for treasurer, also made us a visit. Mr. Kurtz has been making a very strong canvass, and is not discouraged in the least. Tribute of Respect. The following are the resolutions adopted by the Union Sunday school, of Axe Mann, of which deceased was a member. Wiuerea¢, It has pleased our heaven!y Father, in his wisdom, to remove our friend and class- mate, Mrs. Annie E. Williams, from our midst therefore be it Resolved, That through her removal our Sun- day school has lost a devoted member in the prime of life, while she had by an exemplary life endeared herself to all her associates, and was submissive to the will of her heavenly Father. MarTiE A. RoTE, Berra M. Orr, ANNA 8S. REIFSENYDER. Committee. New Advertisments. ROUGHT IRON FENCE FOR SALE.—An ornamental wrought iron fence with good wood frame, 75ft and gate, is for sale, very cheap, enquire at 19 West High street. 41-21tf BELLEFONTE, PA. Test Roasted Coffees, Rio, Java, Fresh Roasted. SECHLER & CO. Santos and Mocha. QLaTNe i ROOFING “~AND—+ TINNING. W. H. Miller, formerly associated with James Harris & Co., announces to the public that he has purchased the tin and roof ing department out-fit of the H. A.McKee & Co. hardware store and has located at 29 SOUTH ALLEGHENY STREET. A thoroughly equipped shop for the purpose of doing all kinds of tinning, slate, th and iron roofing, spouting, repair work and will also handle A LARGE LINE OF TIN AND GRANITE TRON WARE. A Speciarty.—In connection with our line of gran- . ite iron ware we are prepared to repair a vessels of that sort, such as putting in new bottoms, ete. It can done, and we can do it right. STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED. Estimates on all work in our line cheerfully given and prompt attention will be paid to every call. PRICES THE LOWEST. WE ALso Paint TiN Roors AND GUTTERS. 41 16 3m. nese TABLE-OII.,, MUSTARD OLIVES, SAUCES, KETCHUPS, SALAD DRESSING, MUSHROOMS, TRUFFLES, CAPERS. 38-1 SECHLER & CO. Montgomery & Ceo. A ONEY TALKS! i We begin TO-DAY a GREAT o REDUCTION o SALE o OF o CLOTHING. A bona fide reduction of 25 per cent. in Men's Boy’s and Children’s suits from the high grade down through the medium ones to the cheap. In fact all our immense stock of clothing will go at the same O 0 SACRIFICE PRICES 0 0 This includes the Separate Trousers and Wash Suits for Children. CALL AT ONCE AND SECURE A BARGAIN. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MONTGOMERY & CO. 41-22-tf A Great Offer. BELLEFONTE, PA. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. No matter whether it relates to clothing, food, the luxuries or the necessities of life the best is invariably the cheapest. The WATCHMAN is the best county paper and you can get it for : A YEAR FOR gi1.50 This is how it is done. By using our campaign rate of 9 months for $1.00, the other 3 months for the year can be had for 5octs, giving you the paper for the small sum of $1.50. OLD AND NEW ALIKE. In order that our old subscribers enjoy the same reduction given to new ones we allow all, who Py up, the advantage of the low rate for the time from April 1st, 1895. It would be well for you to look up the label on your paper and save socts. by paying your subscription. THE. CAMPAIGN RATE The WATCHMAN will be newsier and more re- liable than ever during the campaign that is just beginning, You can get it from June 1st to January 1st. 7 MONTHS, FOR 70 CENTS.’ When the value is considered this should make Already the plan is becoming popular and many names have many new readers for the paper. been added to the list but we want more. TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT. Now is the time to subscribe if you have any relatives in distant States to whom you would like to send a home paper. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR POSTAGE. We solicit every one of our many readers to tell their friends of the great offer, and prevail on them to become readers also. The WATCHMAN should be in every home in Centre county, won't * fo you help a little in putting it there. Q Katz & Co. Limited. HE GLOBE. | DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY ANOTHER COLUMN OF BRILLIANT BARGAINS. | en worth fully 35cts., 4octs. buys a Ta- ble Linen you cannot match else- where under 6octs. The kind of bargains that are mak- ing this store so popular with the buy- ing public. We buy only from first hand. We save the people money. We pay no tribute to middle men. We bring the consumer in direct connection with the producer. Red Table Linen full width at 17cts. a yard, these are fast colors. Better ones at 21cts. 27cts. and 3g9cts. Ladies vests at scts., good ones. Ladies vests bleached lisle thread at 1octs. 100 doz. full regular seamless Ladies hose at 1octs, guaranteed fast black, 10 cents buys a child’s seamless ribbed black stocking. = The kind that don’t wear out. Remember the money saving chan- ces we offer you are not limited to the items advertised. ‘Every department in the store con- tributes record breaking values. We are headquarters on Belts, any kind at all that you want. We have them in silk, leather, gilt and Dresden effects. We have just received 15 pieces more of the fancy wash silks we have been selling at 2scts. a yard. These go on sale at the same price. Silk ginghams full width at 25cts. Belt pins at 2cts. | No other store has them, neither can they get them to sell at this price. Side combs jcts. a pair. . Men's shirts, good ones at 25cts. Fibre Chamois the 25 cent kind at : 12)5 cts. Novelty Mohair dress goods worth 40 cts., now reduced to 27 cts. in Blacks and Colors. We lay claim to carry the best line of Black dress goods ever shown in Cen- tre county. We carry everything from 15cts. a yd. up to $1.50 and all are excellent values. : Ladies fine, cambric, hemstitched handkerchiefs scts. : Great values in Ladies shirt waists, 48cts., s9cts., 73cts., 98cts. and 1.18. Lace curtains 3yds. long, 4gcts. a pair, cheaper than common un- bleached muslin. We have about 50 samples silk waist | Patterns, which we will close out at record breaking values. Our 25ct. Persian Dimities are now reduced to 12%45cts, our 15ct. are now reduced to 10, our 12%ct. Dimities are now sell- ing at 8. MILLINERY DEP'T. It is a conceded fact that we sell more hats than all other millinery es- tablishments combined. New shapes received daily. NO CHARGE FOR TRIMMING We are showing great values in Ta- HATS. ble Linens. 2s5cts. buys a Table Lin- 40-15 RATZ & CO. I'd. Makers of Low Prices and Terrors to All Competitors. Fauble’s H UNDREDS HAVE been to see us and have PROFITED HUNDREDS MORE WILL COME. This great sale will not last forever. MISS IT and you lose a chance to save some big SE ¥ money. REMEMBER $20,000 worth of the best clothing made is being sold for a very little more than half its act- . ual value. IT COSTS NOTHING to see and CONVINCE YOURSELF. FAUBLES’, Bellefonte, Pa. 40-10 G4 | for sale. = New Advertisments. OR SALE.—Good seven room house on Allegheny street, Bellefonte. Apply to t 40-13 E. BROWN, Jr. H CIEL WANTED. —Will rent hotel. Address. 41-20-1t* S. B. MINGLE, Jr. Greencastle, Pa. UMMER BOARD WANTED.—A lady desires to exchange a fine new piano for board during the summer. Address all commun- ications to “B" 1308 Chestnut St. 41-21-tf Philadelphia, Pa. I= FOR SALE.—The undersigned hereby gives notice that the sale of the farm of W. E. Meek, known as the Robert Meek farm, situate in Ferguson township, Centre Co., Pa., has been placed in the hands of W. C. Pat- terson, of State College, who has full and com- plete authority to make sale of the same. 41-10-tf NELLIE H. MEEK, Committee. ARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned administrator of the estate of Samuel Walkey, Dec’d. offers the Samuel Walkey farm It is located near Hublersburg, Centre Co., Pa., contains 78 acres, has good water, fine orchard and good buildings. HENRY WALKEY Address or call on 14 West Logan Street, Bellefonte, Pa. 41-12tf XECUTOR’S NOTICE.—Letters testa- mentary on the estate of Julia Robb, late of Curtin township, Centre county, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to Wilson Mann, of said township, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. J. WILSON MANN, CLEMENT DALE. Executor. Attorney Romola, Pa. 41-17-6t. DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. — Let- ters of Administration on the estate of Fabian Matts, late of Patton township, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Wills, in and for Centre county, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate are requested to present the same duly authenticated for settlement, D. L. MEEK, Witsvr F. Reeper, Attorney, Administrator. 41-21-6t buy or : quest ORANGES, LEMONS, BA- NANAS, COCOANUTS, DATES AND FIGS AT SECHLER & CO. (Goor APPLES VS FROZEN OUT WHEAT. Heretofore the farms of Centre county, Penn’a. have produced the best quality of wheat and us- ually a crop of poor, oprmy aples, As there will be little wheat this year, the farmers can make up the loss by protecting their apple crop. Spraying the apple trees destroys the codling moth or apple worm, after which the treeg produce good salable fruit and plenty of it. Spray Pumps and spray- ing ingredients, with full printed instructions, as well as Bucket Pumps, which purify foul cistern water, are for sale at the very lowest prices at the Agricultural Implement Store of McCALMONT & CO., 41-20-3m Bellefonte, Pa. { 15¢. 20c. and 25¢. per can. SECHLER & CO. 1tee AGAINST ACCIDENTS.—In The Star Accident Company. It costs but little more, and corRinly the best is the cheapest when we take out In- surance, because when you want it you want it badly. Address THE STAR ACCIDENT COMPANY, Star Accident Insurance Bldg., Chicago. Over $700,000.00 paid for accidental injuries. 40-47-8m ~- 11> Fish, of allk nds at Very Low Prices. New Cheese SECHLER & CO. Wall Paper Store. A NHMMENSE STOCK =—=0P— 0 WALL i PAPER, 0 WINDOW SHADES, | a 0 ito o 0 0 o o 0 PICTURE AND ROOM MOULDINGS, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o WONDERFULLY seeusareienasestaatetetaiitrattisiitansnaras Sessaesiisinciiiisstnantenatiann | A Corps of Expert Painters and Paper Hangers. S. H. WILLIAMS, 117 west High Street, 41-10-3m BELLEFONTE, PA. (olunibis river Salmon, Finest Goods x2