Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 22, 1896, Image 6

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Bellefonte, Pa., May 22, 1896.
Gossip from Cleveland.
Two Bishops Retired.—Messrs. Bowman and Foster
Set Aside by the Methodists.— Declared to be ‘Non
effective” by Reason of their Age—After an Ex-
citing Debate the Report of the Committee was
Adopted —A Colored Bishop may be Elected.
The Methodist conference has had an ex-
citing session over the proposition to retire
Bishops Bowman and Foster because they
were ‘‘non-effective.’”” The Bishops were fi-
nally deposed. The conference also decided
to electtwo more Bishops, making four va-
cancies to be filled. It was decided that one
of the new Bishops should be colored.
The report of the committee on Episco-
pacy was presented by the Rev. Dr. Buck-
ley soon after conference opened It declar-
ed that Bishops Bowman and Foster were
non-effective and favored dropping them
from the General Conference. An impres-
sive scene followed the reading of the re-
port. Bishop Foster arose and said that he
wished to relieve the conference from any
delicacy in acting as their judgments dic-
tated. He asked permission to retire.
Bishop Bowman also asked to be retired,
‘‘as T have just learned,’’ he said, ‘‘that I
am non-effective.’’
Bishop George H. Bridgman offered a
substitute which provided that Bishops
Bowman and Foster be not retired and
that the Board of Bishops be asked to give
them light work. Dr. Bridgman said that
the report of the committee was unkind.
' “Who are these men that Dr. Buckley
and his committee propose to say to the
church, to brother churches, and to the
world that they are non-effective ? They
are those who have done most for Metho-
dism,”’ he said.
The Rev. Dr. J. E. C. Sawyer of Troy
said that the adoption of the committee’s
report would be a needless humiliation to
those beloved Bishops. The only excuse
that would be offered for their retirement
was one of expense, and in view of the
great wealth of the Methodist church that
counted for nothing. The Rev. Dr. James
F. Chaffee, of Minnesota said that unless
the conference wanted to be ‘confronted
with propositions of this kind to limit the
terms of Bishops it must pass something
along this line.
“This is no place for sentiment,’ he said
‘we must act according to our convictions,
and retire these men, painful as it may
The Rev. Dr. Lanahan of Baltimore said:
‘There is a great deal of honey in the
report. The honey however, is a very good
way to smooth the way the committee aim-
ed at. There are things that have been
left out of this discussion that had better
be said. I think that the proceedings of
this Episcopal committee have been unpar-
alleled in the history of the Church. For
the honor of the Church I hope it may
never occur again. This committee has
been in secret session. It was a meeting
for execution. I think that one of the
dangers of our Church to-day is in keeping
secret what ought to be published. What
was to be said about these great men ?
Have they been guilty of any impropriety ?
The committee said in presence of visitors
that they wished to say things that should
not be made public. I will ask the Chair-
man of the Committee on Episcopacy to
say whether it is so or not.”’
Dr. Buckley arose and in an agitated
manner said that he declined to be ques-
tioned, but that he would reply later.
The previous question was ordered, and
Dr. Buckley got permission to reply to Dr.
Lanahan. He said :
“Our report was voted for by all of our
committee of 130, save five members. These
bretheren, if they are not retired, are offi-
cial residents of the great episcopal cities.’
We called those secret meetings that we
might question these beloved Bishops when
not surrounded by ever thirsty reporters
and persons totally incompetent to judge
the great principles of Methodism. 1n the
interest of the Episcopal Board I beseech
you to adopt the majority report.’’
During the debate much difficulty was
had by Bishop Mallalien in keeping the
delegates from applauding. He said that
the matter under discussion was delicate,
and he hoped that the Conference would
_ refrain from applause. The substitute was
tabled, and the report adopted retiring
bishops Bowman and Foster.
Dr. Buckley then read report No. 2 from
the Committee on Episcopacy. It is said
~ that in selection of bishops there should be
no discriminatian on account of race, and
that the time had now come to elect a
Bishop of African descent. .
The Rev. Madison C. B. Mason, of Sav-
annah, who is one of the leaders of South-
ern Methodism, said he hoped that there
would be nothing done to drive the white
Bishops out of the South, but at the same
time he thought the time had come to elect
a colored Bishop. The previous question
was ordered and the substitute tabled. The
committee report was then passed.
Dr. Buckley then read report No. 3 from
the Committee on , which de-
clared that there should be three more
Bishops selected. Dr. Llitle moved
as a substitute that the number
of Bishops to be elected be two, Dr.
Bristol of Chicago moved to amend by de-
claring that there should be no more Bish-
ops elected. He said that the Bishops had
little work to do.
‘‘It is to the ambition of men who would
be Bishops, ’’ said ‘he, ‘‘that this report is
to be credited to. They have already fig-
ured out when these nobleanen are to die,
and are now figuring on how"they can get
their places. Thope this Conference will
smother this ambition, that we may have
more money for necessary purposes.’’
The previous question was ordered, Dr.
Buckley got the floor and said:
‘‘Most of the Bishops are old and are lia-
ble to die or become incompetent at any
time. Therefore I hope that you will add
at least two Bishops to the Board.’
The report was amended by making the
number of Bishops to be elected two in-
stead of three. The report was then adopt-
Bishop Thomas Bowman was the senior
Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
He was born in Berwick, Pa., on July 15,
1814, and consequently is nearly 79 years
old. He was graduated from Dickinson
College,in 1837, and entered the Methodist
ministry in 1839. He was ordained deacon
and elder by Bishop Waugh in Baltimore.
He has been a member of the Baltimore,
Last Baltimore, Southeast Indiana, and
North Indiana conferences. For ten years
he was principal of Dickinson Seminary,
and for fourteen years President of the
Indiana Asbury University. He was the
first of the eight Bishops to be elected in
1872. He has heen very conservative and
took a strong stand against the admission
of women into the" Conference.
Bishop Randolph 8. Foster was born in
Williamsburg, O., on Feb, 22, 1820. He
was educated at Agusta College, Kentucky.
He entered the ministry when 18 years old
and became a member of the Ohio Confer-
ence. Between 1850 and 1872 he was con-
nected with the New York and New York
East conferences. He was ordained deacon
by Bishop Waugh and elder by Bishop
Hedding. After being President of the
Northwestern University, he became pro-
fessor of systematic theology in the Drew
Theological Seminary in 1862, and succeed-
ed Dr. John McClintock as President. in
1870. He was elected Bishop in 1872 im-
mediately after Dr. Bowman. He is the
author of several theological works, and is
at present engaged on ‘‘Studies in Theo-
logy,” in eleven volumes, four of which
have been published. The last, ‘‘Crea-
tion,’’ has made quite a stir in religious
It was said at the Methodist Book Con-
cern yesterday that although Bishops Bow-
man and Foster might object to the sum-
mary manner of their retirement, both pro-
bably were not sorry at heart at being re-
lieved of their Episcopal duties. Bishop
Foster, at any rate, it was added, wanted
to devote all his time to his work on theo-
The only thing of consequence really
done so faras to provide a way by which
the Wesleyan an Methodism of Germany—
2,300 members, about thirty ministers and
property valued at $200,000—may be taken
over bodily by the Methodist Episcopal
church in Germany. The Methodist church
is great for taking people in. It-has a
wide door and plenty of aggressiveness.
Naturally such a proposal went through
with a whirl. The conditions are very
easy, considering what is gained. The
British Wesleyans give up their hold upon
these German Wesleyan because the Ger-
mans desire it in the interest of a larger
progress. It is a mission work, of course,
but the property has/n indebtedness of
only about $15,000, pnd the demand for
support is $12,500 thd first year, with an
annual reduction looking toward self sup-
port. Let it be noted by those who are
raving about the disposition of the British
Lion to keep all it can get its paw on, and
to get its paw on everything in sight, that
while the president and secretary Olney
have vainly tried thus far to get conces-
sions in Venezuela, these irrepressible
American Methodists have obtained a valu-
able grant from their British brethren with-
out even asking for it. The English Wes-
leyans virtually, by this act, make over
the whole of Germany as a special mission
field for the Methodism of the United
States, and the Americans are magnanimous
enough not to object.
In saying that this is all the conference
has done. I have fully in mind the dis-
position it made of the woman question.
That, however, was not done ; only half
done. Women will be eligible for undis-
puted seats in this body only when the an-
nual conference, by a three-fourths major-
ity, declare them to be so. As to the status
of the four women who answered to their
names at roll call, this dignified body is
balancing itself on the fence, with con-
siderable doubt in the mind of the writer
as to the side on which it would drop were
it to let go. But it will not let go; it has
deliberately decided not to let go. This
decision has withstood already a tremend-
ous strain. A few were determined by a
sort of fiank movement to bring the point
to an issue, and the bishop presiding seem-
ed, by his unfortunate rulings, to favor
this movement. But the motion was block-
ed, as was also the honored bishop, though
he broke or disabled two gravels in the ef-
fort to keep an open track. And by the
way, that storm, was the most vio-
lent and exciting that has disturbed the
general conference in sixteen years. This
much I say from personal knowledge.
None the less, the general public is mis-
taken in supposing that this conference
ever degenerates into a mob, or that the
delegates ever use unparliamentary lan-
considered and determined by 590 men, all
of whom have views on it, and nearly all of
whom are aching to make a speech, and
what can be expected but intense rivalry
and occasional friction? Inevitably there
will be an appeal now. and then from the
rulings of the chair, and if the chair shall
aggravate an obvious mistake by sticking
to it, as the best of men may, if they think
they are right, it might then be religious
duty for a member to threaten resignation
as a means of vindicating himself. In the
way of questionable feeling, this is all that
has occurred. It involves nothing dis-
graceful and nothing which, in the circum-
stances, need occasion either surprise or
The woman debate itself was conducted,
as a matter of fact, in a spirit which re-
flects credit upon those taking part. Each
side was after voices ; hence each side was
respectful and conciliatory. Otherwise the
brethren could not have come together as
they did in that happy compromise which
leaves them now so beautifully balancing
themselves on the fence. Neither side
yielded the main point ; yet woman will
soon be in, and both sides are felicitating
themselves upon a substantial triumph.
Dr. Buckley says that if he is in the wrong
in opposing woman’s admission, he will
not acknowledge it ‘‘till the day of judg-
ment,”” and as for the honest Germans,
whose national predelictions have kept
them solid on the same side, they, it is
said, will not acknowledge their error
‘“‘until very late on that day.’’ Evidently,
though, the great bulk of the opposition
has already been overcome. They have
seen the tide steadily creeping up and have
concluded that instead of longer resisting
it by buckets and brooms, they will allow it
to carry them upon its progressive bosom to-
ward the still greater reforms of the Twen-
tieth century.—Altoona Tribune.
DRroprSY.—Dropsical and Rheumatic per-
sons find the use of Speer’s Port Grape
Wine of New Jersey of incalculable benefit.
Its purity and valuable properties have giv
en it a wide reputation among physicians
throughont this county and Europe. It is
excellent for debilitated females, and is
used by the best families in New York an
Washington as an evening family wine.
For sale by druggists. /
i ia
——The pay-roll of the
railroad averages $100,000 a
Choice Farming Lands in South
Along the lire of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul Railway can now be had upon repsonsible
terms. The crop prospects were never better and
a glorious harvest for this year is already assured.
Thousands of acres of unoccupied lands in over
twenty counties are now open for settlement. For
farther information address H. F. Hunter, Im-
migration Agent for South Dakota, No. 295 Déar-
born street, Chicago, Ill. 40-20-2t
80 Acres of Farm Land Free
Or its equivalent in cash will be given to any
active, wide awake and energetic young farmer,
who will sell a section or more of the best farm
lands along the lines of the Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul railway in South Dakota, at' prices
ranging from $7 to $12 per acre ; one-half cash,
balance on time. :
This is the opportunity of a lifetime to secure a
home, and this offer remains open for sixty days
Thousands of acres in over twenty counties in
South Dakota have been recently opened for set-
tlement, which the railway company is anxious to
have disposed of on favorable terms to actual set-
tlers. For further particulars address W. E.
Powell, General Immigration Agent, 410 Old
Colony building, Chicago, Ill. Excursions every
“Castoria is =o well adapted to children that I
recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me.”
H. A. Arcugr, M. D.
111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
“Our physicians in the children’s department
have spoken highly of their experience in their
outside practice with Castoria, and although we
only have among our medical supplies what is
known as regular products, yet we are free to
confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to
look with favor upon it.”
Unrrep Hospitat AND DISPENSARY,
Boston, Mass.
ALLEN (', Sith, Pres.
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children.
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It isa harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing
Syrup, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by Millions of Mothers.
Castoria destroys Worms allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diar-
rheea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Castoria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother's Friend.
guage. Given an exciting subject, to be ' day from Chicago. 41-20-2t
INMuminating Oil.
A SK FOR=— 0
Castoria. Castoria.
It contains neither Opium
**Castoria iy an excellent medicine for children.
Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect
upon their children.”
Dr. G. C. Oscoon,
: Lowell, Mass,
“Castoria is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far
distant when mothers will consider the interest of
their children, instead of the various quack nos-
trums which are destroying their loved ones, by
forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and oth-
er hurtful agents down their throats, thereby send-
ing them to premature graves."
Dr. J. F. KiNcuLok,
Conway, Ark.
New Advertisements.
Tourists. New Advertisements.
First-Class Steamboat Service Between | 12 Glasgow Silas
Detroit and Cleveland, and Cleveland, ao ig Abram
Put-in-Bay and Toledo. = Son garon.
D. & C. Floating Paiaces are now running daily dos Its Noss James,
between Detroit and Cleveland, and on May 1 will | 90 Shannon John..
commence to run daily between Cleveland. Put- - Thompaoh Moses
in-Bay and Toledo. If you are traveling between 164 Toney Bann
the above points, take advantage of a water trip GREGG TWP.
and save money. 200 Bishop Cornelius
Spend your vacation on the Great Lakes. Send > arson ORD, ss
i uncan David..
for illustrated pamphlet. Address A AS Schantz, 140 Gray Roberts.
G. P. A., Detroit, Mich. 70 Gregg Smith..
TS ————————————— 380 Tote Bernard
——For St. Paul and Minneapolis. The “North- | 106 126 Hahn Wm.....
Western Limited,” sumptuously equipped with I Logan Win...
buffet, smoking and library cars, regular and com- | 339 MeDowall Alex.
partment sleeping cars, and luxurious dining 88 Painter John....
cars, leaves Chicago via the North-Western Line x Ricjiatdson Ioue.
(Chicago & North-Western R'y) at 6,30 p. m. daily | 118 Taggart Wm.....
and arrives at destination early the following | 136 Taggart David
morning. All principal ticket agents sell tickets 51 Unknown......
via this popular route. 116 Zeigler Michael.
New Advertisements. 1% A
494 139 Brown R. F.
375 Brown John,
! I YHE REASON WHY.— 2 Cs Thdmas,,
100 Gratz Michael...
306 89 Gratz Michael
406 60 rrison Wm
288 enry Joseph
. 112 ~ Henry Joseph
430 163 Irvin Robert.....
4007126 Irvin's Margaret.
4 Kid John.....
38 Linn John B
423 Seribner E. H
252 Tidd Wm.
_ 48 Beck Daniel
i 21 Curtin Roland & Son
/ 85 Elder Abraham.....
216 Lambourn Josiah.
70 Pyle Jacob.........
In these days people want to know the 28 Pyle David.....
why and wherefores, ” 117 Thompson John
i he 19th cextury man is a natural skep- 63 "80 Unknown.....
ic. 67 76
The why and wherefore of such is plain. 112
He reds statements ol supposed facts. 4411
Hes told that every ailment of man- 32
#ird can be cured.
He has an ailment and tries some pana- =50
cea. »
It fails ; he tries another with the same 400 Brown Wm...
/ result. 360 Conley Adam.....
Such experiments make him look as- 81 68 , Edmiston Samuel.
kance at future claims. 200 Edmiston Samuel
Oren the fault is his, but he don't see 2 Nonny Bis pel...
why, Tr x
He may have a backbone or perhaps a 82 Irwin John...
lame or weak back. 50 Irvin John...
He used plaster or liniments, they re- 400 Johnson Thomas
lisved him for a time, but failed to cure — 0 Younes a
e trouble, ~ 3 vy
[This is his fault ¢ the why is that he 150, McCandess Wm
did not know the wherefore of his aches, 412 124 Par ker Thomas
i Had he known that the kidneys were bis £5 Sahel Thoms
1e cause. 8 nla
That backache generally means kidney a 5 fel Lohr.
ache. ; Sree 8s
That fie kidneys must filter the blood > Seal Allon...
constantly. Sha :
i Fat Jilure to do so immediately effects Be Sain Jon.
he back. : : D8:
That backache is only the first step to- 438 Sample Robert.
ward many kidney disorders. 100 Smith John.........
Urinary troubles follow. 1% Sine Jereminh
Sa mo Won Divi
Diabetes—Bright's disease. 19 Npizon Wino
Doan’s Kidney Pills are a positive spe- 438 CD Yar ar
cifie for all Binoy complaints, 129 Wilson Peter...
The aching back has no greater enemy 279 Nek Nand.
than Doan’s Kidney Pills. Not injurious 314 Work Joseph...
to the most delicate constitution. Do not 407 92 Wharton Kearney.
act on the bowels, but direct on the kid- HOWARD TWP.
neys. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 25 Graysburg Joseph...
cents per box, or six boxes for $2.50. Sent 136 92 Harris James D...
by mail on receipt of price by Foster-Mil- 40 Jostlin H. A..
burn Co, Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for 130 Lingle J. J.....
the U. 8. 41-8 | 34 52 Sterrett Jame
60 Taylor Joseph..
433 163 Baxter James
433 163 Price John..
433 163 Rollington J.
100 Shoemaker Jess:
433 163 Wheiland John..........5..........
+ 1406 120 Benham Ebenezar..................
We are selling a good grade of tea—green | 2 a i lees,
. 305 120 Dunwoody John
—black or mixed at 28cts per. Ib. Try it. | 65 Hamilton Archie...
166 Tavs Baber and Jas..
308 80 Irwin Robert...........
SECHLER & CO. 50 Parsen Thomas C.
) 100 Roberts Joseph.
406 102 Stevenson Peter
298 Scott William.
197 Harris A. D.......
37 100 McKinney David.
35 McKinney J. M.
24 Yokinnay J. M.
438 107 iles James......
LANDS.—for taxes for 1894 and 1895— | 70 Rohrer Christ...
Agreeghle to the provisions of law relating to the | 60 Schenck John....
sale of unseated tracts of land for the non pay- | 129 Shoemaker Benj
ment of taxes. Notice is hereby given that there | 50 Unknown .... ;
will be exposed at public sale or outery the follow- | 17 Unknown ....
ing tracts of unseated lands in county of Centre, MILES TWP.
Pa., for taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the 440 Brady Wm. P.
Court House, in the Borough of Bellefonte, on 146 Yondy wn:
MONDAY, JUNE THE 8, 1806 273 Barton Wm..
at 1 o'clock p. m, 200 Brady John..
BENNER TWP. 300 Boyd Thomas.
100 Hale J. Moanin 540 [125 Dorsey John......
B50 Hutchinson Boyd.. . 248 | 100 Haines Josiah.
133 Johnson Thomas. 8 70 | 330 Housel Peter...
350 Johnson James... 23 656 | 100 Hepburn James.
121 Johnson Eleanor. 7 86 | 250 Jackson Jeremiah
50 Lingle J. J........ 3 58 | 320 Kitts George..
50 Lingle J. J..... 3 58 | 400 Lake Richard.
150 Purdue John. 3 61 | 9-16 of 402 134 Miles Wm
130 Smith John.... 8 42 | 7-16 of 402 134 Miles Wm
50 Smith JON JX............ccccevererns 122 | 300 Parker Wm..
BOGGS TWP. 2 So! Li Jan
201 120 Aston George 8 32 winsirisd Pete
150 Chancellor Wm. 12 37 hi $o jefr iol Jacch
300 Davis Nathaniel. 19 48 | 15n Whoo Moo
150 Davis Sampson. 12 37 | 150 Wolf oe 2
19 Forbes Samuel.. 178 | a0 Williams Daniel.
383 163 Frazier Walbro.. 15 80 | 10 Y B nies
431 137 Godfrey Martha, 18 12 oung Ben
46 Lingle J. J vor . 3 90 PATTON TWP.
181 Lucas J. M. & J. S. Packer..... 950 |148 20 Burton Robert...
80 Miles John 824 30 Burton Robert..
150 Miles: Evan. 12 37 | 148 Diehl Adam.
350 Miles Evan....... 15 35 | 150
146 Packer and Lucas 602 2
50 Packer and Lucas 298 | 60 ,
346 Price John............ 1724 | 53 Diehl Nicholas
120 120 Rowland James. 5 34 [120 Diehl Nicholas S
85 Shaw Robert... 938 | 108 Diehl Nicholas...
421 89 Scott John... 1881 30 Diehl Nicholas Jr.
250 Scett Samuel 1031 | 90 Diehl Nicholas Jr...
180 90 Wister Wm.. 825 65 Diehl Nicholas Jr
150 Wister W. 6 85 | 130 Ellis Wm.........
BURNSIDE TWP, 55 over Rovere
433 163 Bell Alexander... 16 91 Ean
3% 1 Beger dons U 31 9 Reloan Robert.
22 Cox Paul...... 62 VF :
0f433 163 Hall Charles. 729 | 21 O'bjien don...
#01433 173 Hall Charles. 2381107 53 Ww do The Thus
433 163 Hunter Alex...... nig Wilton Witness
433 163 Hamilton Thomas 14 31 Foon. Son.
70 Harris Samuel... 119 PENN TWP.
400 Long J. Z.... 13 20 | 383 ook Wm...
314 Long J. Z.. 10 35 | 200 ~McCally Wn.
70 Nicholson Jno. 2 31 | 300 Montgomery
64 O'Brian Michael 314276 Montgomery Daniel..
2 163 Danser Jorsmish., 15 3 of 170 Swineford Pe nie
) Stewart Walker. 68 1170f 170 8
433 163 Scott Samuel... HoLl O Swine Peter
143 Stewart Ann. 472 POTTER TWP.
433 163 Wallace Jos.. 14 31 | 288 Bond Mary............
123 Wheeler Henry.. 406| 42 90 Brishin John....
411 Wharton Thomas P. 5 88 | 133 Derringer Christ.
433 163 Young Samuel... 16 81 | 84 Frick John Jr......
433 _ 163 Young Benj..... 14 31 | 200 Garrigus Edward.
GOLLEGE TWP 200 Garrigus Wm...
147 Johnson Ross........ 4 65 | 34 of 400 an Wm....
250 Johnson Thomas... 91312 Huber Bernard.
CURTIN TWP. yy 4 Huns Sezande
0! offman Wm.......
> alle 2 2 105 McClellan George.
66 Brady Wm. P.. ix. Dausraon Benj.
26 Brady wm. P. 179 100 Sawyer Wm...
67 Brady Wm. P.. 308 | 100 Scoft Abraham
119 1 Custer Paul..... 8 21 108 61 Telly Ferrell
16 De Hass Mary. 115 gg Vanderslice Henry
100 Godfrey John W. 9 70 Ye
169 Godfrey John W. 9-46 RUSH TWP, ———
433 120 Hall Charles.... 4 17 433 153
480 Rope Josenn 26 88 | 30g
220 also Joseph... 21 34 | 95 Allison Andrew.............
100 Kelso Joseph... 690 | 500 Allison A. and John Liiiy.
300 Leech Mathew: 16 80 | 397 Armstrong Andrew.....
71 Lane Sarah... 7911 40 10 Atherton Richard.
a7 Lane Sarah... 510) 59 Bannon Joseph.....
3 Lape Yary. 1156 | 433 163 Beverage David
2 Fane arg. 1611433 153 Britcher Isaac...
on gs ars \ 220433 153 Brickley Daniel
almer Jo 11 22 | g5 Copenhaver John.
100 Smith Peter.. 10 20 | 909 Copenhaver John
160 Willis Jonath 16 52 | “49 Chestnut Samuel.
FERGUSON TWP, 433 163 Delaney Sharp...
388 49 Crewit Alfred......... Shien Tis us 488 Dentler Wm......
368 Ferguson Thomas.............. 345122 Eberman Philips
SN ad J)
CISION m= WHO CO mid oT BO pd C0
TTT OTN ~~ S300 m0
bd pd
aBEEa Brown
00D Sh
433 163 Ehler Daniel...
30 Eberman Joh:
433 153
433 153
433 153
433 163
21 152
216 156 Grant Thomas...
433 153 Gray Wm....
300 Gray Mathias.
433 153 Hair Christian...
14 of 433 163 Hopkins Josep
433 163 Hopkins John.........
433 153 Haines Reuben Jr...
216 156 Hamilton Thomas
433 153 Hand John.....
433 153 Huber John.
426 164 Hair Christian
433 163 Hair David.....
433 153 Hamilton Hugh
12 Haines Reuben..
34 of 433 153 Irwin Robert...
367 109 Irwin James P.
396 Jordan Benj...
100 King Robert...
313 106 Lowden John...
433 153 Lenhore Christian
433 153 Lewis David......
433 163 Lattimore Georg
133 163 Lattimore W. G.....
15 Lawrence Casper..
433 153 Lowden Richard.
433 153 Lowden John.....
368 147 Lathrope Wm. A
120 80 Libby John.........
34 163 Maviten Edward
200 McPherson Wm.
433 153 Malone Richard.
433 153 Myers Jacob...
433 163 Miller Jacob.
433 153 Miller John........
433 163
34 of 433 153 Morgan B. R....
100 McCord J. R. & A.
24 of 433 163 Musser John
433 MetzgerJacol
433 Miller Jane
433 153 Miller Robe!
433 153 Pinkerton He
100 Passmore Bryson
333 153 Rudisill Jacob.
403 47 Rush Jacob...
433 153 Rush Benj....
38 Robison Wm. H..
36 Robison Wm. H.
433 163 Reighart A.......
433 153 Roher Christia
433 153 Schenck Andrew
433 © 153 Schenck Christian..
433 153 Spear Robert......
433 153 Siddens Eleanor..
433 153 Schafner sper,
433 153 Schenck Michael
219 Scott Andrew....
247 Steek Jacob...
167 7 Slough George..
214 Stout Jacob....
433 153 Smith Mary...
14 of 433 Stoner John.
433 153 Turner Daniel..
193 Witmer Henry.
122 #4 Weidman John
402 116 Weidman Jacob..
433 153 Wallace Joseph J
433 153 Welsh Joseph...
75 Wilson Wm...
32634 Wilson John..
108 Wilson John........
438 153 Wharton Kearney..
306 100 Wilson Wm
pa] 69 Forbes Samuel
419 Johnson John..
46 Lingle J. J.....
50 Moore John...
216 McClure Wm.
186 115 Purdue John Est.
300 Robison Catharine..
300 Robison Rebecea....
150 Robison Richard...
92 102 Thornburg Thomas.
100 Unknown.......
100 Wilson Wm.
100 Wilson Wm....
433 153 Bayard Andrew......................
433 153 Cunningham D. H
287 80 Carscadden D....
434 Dalton Hugh.
434 Dobson James
434 Dobson Samuel.
433 163 Fisher Samuel W.
433 163 Fisher James C.
400 Holt Edgar....
400 Wharton Alex
400 Wharton Alex
450 McLanahan Sarah
}40f433 Norris J. P.....
368 T1 Nesbit John....
140f216 Parker Jeremiah
433 Norton Joseph...
216 Rainy Robert.....
162 Tompkins Joseph.
433 163 Waln Pheobe.....
39 20 Wharton Mary M..
169 West Francis........
400 -
200 Burgh Wm......
433 153 Copenhaver John..
81 Downing Joseph
433 Lamb John.....
300 Lamb John..
360 Lamb John........
434 Montgomery W. W
434 Montgomery John.
433 153 Norris Marion....
433 163 Snyder Barbara...........
438 Thomas John W.....................
91 Dunwoody John....................
30 Fisher Ira & Boyce Davis
150 all Robert........
170 Hoover George x.
100 Long James. .
100 Long James....
150 Mendenhall John
70 Miles Joseph...
175 Miles Samuel... -
100 Phipps Samnel......................
92 94 Asker Robert
212 10 Baker John... .
162 Brooks Rush }
247 65 Baker Robert... .
280 129 Currier Mary. .
60 Currier Mary... e
115 113 Daugherty Margaret.. .
179 110 Daugherty Elizabeth. .
41 Dunwoody John..... -
69 39 Evans Jesse..... 3
100 39 Evans Jesse..
92 26 Eckert Wm
- 80 421 George....
243 55 Gilbert William
31 129 Gilbert William
211 72 Hahn Peter...
65 40 Hahn Wm......
219 39 James Margare
215 155 James Edward..
59 40 Johnson David..
161 Knox John.....
104 Lingle J. J..
327 160 Mansell Wm...
90 94 Mercer John..
327 100 Mercer David.
384 36 Miller Wm.....
145 Miles Samuel.
50 McKee Samuel.
560 McEwen Mary
43 59 Osman Capt....
86 40 Packer Job....
89 40 Packer James Jr.
92 Parker Jeremiah.
91 Parker Richard.
182 Purden Richard
50 Piles Benj. & Co.
100 Purdon John..
50 Piles Benj & C
65 Robison Richar
175 Robison Richar
100 Robinson R....
88 54 Robinson Rich
239 Singer Abraham
169 hoemaker Benj
150 Scott & Alexande
16 Scott & Alexander.
242 88 Sutler James
382 138 Sutler David.
59 Swanzy Wm...
192 Warden Jeremiah. .
422 Wickersham Amos..
30 Wickersham Amos
12 Wilson Robert....
49 Zantzinger Paul.
159 Zantzinger Paul...
33 Clymer Henry....
y am hell Robe
300 Hawthorn Thom
226 Kuhns Michael
180 Kuhns Joseph.
103 83 Kuhns Abraha
7 150 Kuhns George.
390 50 Kuhns Mathias
345 Kuhns John....
260 Lawman George.
330 Mayland Jasper..
274 Miles Samue
86 Ross John.......
100 Shippen Thomas L.
79 Swansick John...
6 Singer John...
88 Shippen Wm.
100 Unknown...
137 Wister Daniel
30 Wister Win.coiooconiciinnaiioiiinre
In accordance with the act of June 6th, 1837, in-
terest will be added to the amount of all taxes as-
sessed against unseated lands above advertised.
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County Treasurer,