Heavy Fines Imposed. President Kruger Assesses the Reform Committee $126,000 Each. LoxDoN, May 18.—The correspondent of the Daily Mail from Johannesburg, Trans- vaal, says that a private dispatch received there states that the four leaders of the re- form committee Colonel Francis Rhodes, John Hays Hammond, Lionel Philips and George Farfar, who were sentenced to death and their sentences afterward com- muted, will be fined £25,000 ($125,000) each and will be sentenced to 10 year’s banishment. ——— zy New Advertisments. UMMER BOARD WANTED.—A lady desires to exchange a fine new piano for board during the summer. Ad@ress all commun- ications to 7 “B” 1308 Chestnut St. 41-21-tf Philadelphia, Pa. ARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned administrator of the estate of Samuel Walkey, Dec'd. offers the Samuel Walkey farm for sale. It islocated near Hublershurg, Centre Co., Pa., contains 78 acres, has good water, fine orchard and good buildings. = Address or call on HENRY WALKEY 14 West Logan Street, Bellefonte, Pa. 41-12tf DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. — Let- ters of Administration on the estate of Fabian Matts, late of Patton township, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Wills, in and for Centre county, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate are requested to present the same duly authenticated for settlement, D. L. MEEK, Reeper, Attorney, Administrator. Wirstr F. 41-21-6t Fee Roasted Coffees, Rio, Java, Fresh Roasted. SECHLER & CO. Santos and Mocha. RE AGAINST ACCIDENTS.—In The Star Accident Company. It costs but little more, and certainly the hest is the cheapest when we take out In- surance, because when you want it you want it badly. Address Iv {HE STAR ACCIDENT COMPANY, Star Accident Insurance Bldg., Chicago. Over $700,000.00 paid for accidental injuries. 40-47-8m JFINEST ORANGES, LEMONS, BA- NANAS, COCOANUTS, DATES AND FIGS AT SECHLER & CO. BALD EAGLE VALLEY BRANCH. WESTWARD. . Sam “ jog] iy jf Els ivy gl LIE # Ri = 7 2 Vy Fa = 5 mo Joop] AEB 1 | gis P.M.| P. M. | A. M. [APT Lv. a. M&M. [PML 617) 240] 11 10 ines Tyrone.......| 8 10{ 12 35[7 25 6 11] 2 34] 11 04 East Tyrone... 8 16| 12 417 31 6 07 230] 11 00l........Vail,........ 820] 12 45/7 35 6 03; 2 26| 10 56...Bald Eagle....| 8 24| 12 49!7 30 557 220 1049......... Dix.........] 8 30] 12 55/7 45 55; 217 10 46]....... 8 33] 12 58/7 48 | 552! 215] 10 44].....Hannah......| 8 35] 1 00{7 50 | 5 441 2 07) 10 36|..Port Matilda...] 8 42] 1 07(7 57 5306; 2001028... artha...... 849] 1148 04 5 281 1 53; 10 20].......] Julian....... 8 58! 1 22/8 13 519] 1 44] 10 11{....Unionville...| 9 07] 1 30/8 22 512! 1 37] 10 04{Snow Shoe Int.| 9 15 ? 37/8 30 5000 1 33) 10 01]...Milesburg.. ... 9 18] 1 40/8 33 501" 124 9 53...Bellefonte....| 9 28] 1498 41 449] 1120 941 wi 941 2 02i8-53 441; 104 9: 9490 2119 01 437 9 531 2 159 05 4 31 959 2219 11 4 22 915 10 08] 2 30/9 20 4 19! 12 42] 9 12/..Beech Creek...| 10711] 2 33/9 23 408] 12 31] 9 01l....Mill Hall......| 10 22| 2 44/9 34 4 06) 12 29) 8 59]...Flemington...| 10 24 2 46/9 36 4 02) 12 25] 8 55|...Lock Haven..| 10 30! 2 509 40 ral pM. ALM. (Lv. Arran re un lpm. BELLEFONTE & SNOW SHOE BRANCH. Time Table in effect on and abter May 18, 1896. Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday. 3 51 p. m. Arrive in Bellefonte.............. p.- m. Leave Bellefonte, ex Sun a.m. Arrive in Snow 8hoe................ a. In. LATING ROOFING ¢ + AND—+ TINNING. W. H. Miller, formerly associated with James Harris & Co., announces to the public that he has purchased the tin and roo ing department out-fit of the H. A.McKee & Co. hardware store and has located at 29 SOUTH ALLEGHENY STREET. A thoroughly equipped shop for the purpose of oe! kinds of tinning, slate, tin and iron roofing, spouting, repair work Er : A LARGE LINE OF TIN AND GRANITE IRON WARE. A Speciavty.—In connection with our line of gran- ite iron ware we are prepared to repair all vessels of that sort, such as putting in new bottoms, ete. It can be done, and we can do it right. STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED. Estimates on all work in our line cheerfully given and prompt attention will be paid to every call. PRICES THE LOWEST. WE Argo Paint TiN Roors AND GUTTERS. 41 16 3m. | | B= EST TABLE-OIL, MUSTARD OLIVES, SAUCES, KETCHUPS, SALAD DRESSING, MUSHROOMS, TRUFFLES, CAPERS. No matter whether it the luxuries or the nec invariably the cheapest. A YEAR This is how it is done. the year can be had for 5 for the small sum of $1 A Gre rate of 9 months for $1.00, the other 3 months for at Offer. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. relates to clothing, food, essities of life the best is The WATCHMAN is the best county paper and you can get it for FOR $1.50 By using our campaign octs, giving you the paper +50. OLD AND NEW ALIKE. i In order that our old subscribers enjoy the same reduction given to who pay up, the advanta vou to look up the label THE liable than ever during t January 1st. many new readers for the paper. time from April 1st, 1895. new ones we allow all, ge of the low rate for the It would be well for on your paper and save socts. by paying your subscription. CAMPAIGN RATE The WATCHMAN will be newsier and more re- he campaign that is just beginning. You can get it from June 1st to 7 MONTHS, FOR 70 CENTS. When the value is considered this should make Already the plan is becoming popular and many names have been added to the list but we want more. ! TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT. Now is the time to subscribe if you have any relatives in distant States to send a home paper. to whom you would like NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR POSTAGE. We solicit every one of our many readers to tell their friends of the great offer, and prevail on them to become readers should be in every home also. The WATCHMAN in Centre county, won't you help a little in putting it there. John Robinson and Franklin Bros’. Shows. THE GREAT JOHN ROBINSON AND }——COMB The only really big Shows that ———BELLEFONTE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27th. TWO CIRCUSES IN ONE FRANKLIN BROS. ENORMOUS SHOWS INED + Cp will visit this section this year, TWO MENAGERIES IN ONE TWO HIPPODROMES IN ONE. The combining of these TWO GREAT SHOWS enables them to present the most glorious, elaborate expensive and comprehensive . 0 ever seen. Containing more Grand New Features, hants, more Camels, more Men and Women, Music, more Automatic Music, more lier and more Meritorious than any other possesses during to dream of attempting even the weakest im New and Mighty Gala-day Processional Amazement. The COMBINED MANAGEMENT OF THE GREAT JOHN ROBINSON and FRANKLIN BROTHERS' ENORMOUS SHOWS COMBINED attended the recent speed contests of ‘‘Horseless Carriages,” at Chicago, and wisely concluded to secure the most thoroughly finished and speedy of the numerous new vehicles there tested. Oth- er circus managers were also there, and all bid for the “WINNER.” The well-known courage and unlimited financial resources of John Robinson and Franklin Brothers, together with that reso- lute determination to at all times secure the best in all branches, Srampied these well-known mana- gers to outbid all others, and they did secure the 38-1 SECHLER & CO. | 40-20-2t more Cages, : -Beautiful Costumes, World of other Sublime and Startling, New and Original Innovations so much Grander, Greater Cost- THE HORSELESS o o GRAND FREE STREET PARADE o 0 0 more Sublime Sights, more Horses, more Ele- Chariots, Tableau Cars, more Bands of than any other Show possesses, besides a , that Opposition positively pales at the thought of itation of this All-overshadowing Introduction of a EVERY MORNING AT 10 O'CLOCK, CARRIAGE! most wonderful achievement in science. the, *MOTOCYCLE"—the mode of conveyance in the Twentieth Century—a mechanical” contrivance that can run 60 miles an hour over ordinary coun- try roads. It can cover 100 miles‘an hour on a spas course, and the cost of running this won- erful ‘‘Horseless Carriage’ 100 miles is but sixty cents. It will be seen daily in the Free Parade of these great shows, and during the afternoon and evening performances will be put to trial test of Spsed on the immense hi-wodrome track. No other circus management} ever dared to put a fortune in a “feature,” th. exhibition of which will be without cost. | goods as low as many of our so-called We employ more help than any store in Bellefonte. The logical re- sult is that we do more business than any other establishment. We buy in large quautities and in many instances can afford to sell our competitors purchase them. Prices that overshadow all contem- porary selling. The leading bargain events of the week. Shirt waists worth 75 cents now sel- ling at 48. Shirt waists in Persian, Dimities worth $1.50, now 98 cents. Seamless black hose, fast black, worth 18 cents, now 10, we will sell a full regular 25 cent hose this week for 18 cents. All silk gloria sun umbrellas regular price $1.50 now 98 cents. white chiffon Special Bargain in parasols. so pieces new Dimities worth 1234 cts. now gcts. 25 pieces imported Irish Dimities regular price 35 cts. now 2o cts. New line of Crepons and imitation silks only ro cts. Genuine Buttermilk soap 5 cts. or 14 cts. a box of 3 cakes. Baby Lace Caps only ro cts. Ladies vests at 5 cts. THE GLOBE. DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY Ladies lisle thread vests worth 25: cts. now 10 cts. White Bed Spreads worth 1.00 now i 78 cts. | 40-15 | tations. ‘ such that we can suit the most exact- Makers of Low Prices and Terrors to All Competitors. EE —— Fauble’s 40-13 New Advertisments. R SALE.—Good seven room house on Allegheny street, Bellefonte. Abply to E. BROWN, Jr. White Bed Spreads usually sold at $1.50, now $1.08 New line of Ladies Beits very low. 41-20-1t* 41-10-tf of Curtin township, Centre county, Penns: those havin the same without delay. OTEL rent hotel. WANTED. —Will Address. S. B. MINGLE, Jr. Greencastle, Pa. ARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned hereby gives notice that the sale of the farm of W. E. Meek, known as the Robert Meek arm, situate in Ferguson township, Centre Co., Pa, has been placed in the hands of W. C. Pat- terson, of State College, who has full and com- plete authority to make sale of the same. NELLIE H. MEER, Committee. XECUTOR’S NOTICE.—Letters testa- mentary on the estate of Julia Robb, late Ivania, deceased, have been granted to Wilson ann, of said township, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and claims or demands will make known J. WILSON MANN, Executor. Romola, Pa. buy or CLEMENT DALE. Attorney 41-17-6t. New line of shirt-waist setts at 25 cents. These are priced to you reg- ularly elsewhere at 50 cts. to $1.00. Our price only 23 cts. Genuine Milanese silk mitts worth 75 cts. now 35 cts. We have them in black and white. We will make some special prices in a lot of Ladies Embroidered Handkerchiefs this week, come in and take a look at them. New line Ladies ties to wear with Shirt-waists, they are nobby. Writing-paper such asare sold in stationery stores at 20 cts. a box, we will sell this week at 7 cts. 100 pieces Blue Calico received again this week. We are selling it at 4 cts, a yard, and guarantee it equal be little wheat this year, the 41-20-3m (oop APPLES AL ’ FROZEN OUT WHEAT. Heretofore the farms of Centre county, Penn’a. have produced the best quality of wheat and us- ually a crop of poor, worm apbios As there will armers can make up the loss by protecting their apple crop. Spraying - the apple trees destroys the codling moth or Spies e worm, after which the trees produce good sala fruit and plenty of it. Spray Pumps and spray- ing ingredients, with full printed instructions, as well as Bucket Pumps, which purify foul cistern water, are for sale at the very lowest prices at the Agricultural Implement Store of McCALMONT & CO., Bellefonte, Pa. Columbia river Salmon, Finest Goods 15c. _ 20c. and 25c¢. per can. SECHLER & CO. to the very best. We can show the best line of wash dress goods in Centre Co. Prices cut down to Bed Rock. All that is rich and rare in MILLINERY we can show. The success of our Millinery Dept. this season has gone far ahead of our most sanguine expec- Our styles and varieties are ing taste, and our prices never fail to please. KATZ & CO. L'a. PROFITED money. ual value. YOURSELF. 40-10 H UNDREDS HAVE been to see us and have HUNDREDS MORE WILL COME. great sale will not last forever. MISS IT and you lose a chance to save some big REMEMBER $20,000 worth of the best clothing made is being sold for a very little more than half its act- IT COSTS NOTHING to see and CONVINCE SHORT TIME Allegheny St. 41-15-6t SHAEFFER'S STUDIO. —— SPECIAL PRICES.— For a short season of high grade work until May 16th, 1896. —We will make— ——12 } CABINET { PHOTOS—— from any negative made at our studio in the last 6 vears, for —99—— CENTS 99—— If you must have a setting and new negative, for 99 cent you can get { 6 CABINET PHOTOS) of superior workmanship. 0 Our studio is being prepar- ed for a special run of this kind. For that reason only we will be able to give you a grade of work that else- where would cost from $2 to This offer will be good only until ———) MAY 16th, 1896. (——- SHAEFFER’S STUDIO, BELLEFONTE, PA. This 1 Fish, of all kinds at Very Low Prices. New Cheese SECHLER & CO. Wall Paper Store. AZ IMMENSE STOCK ~ tp WALL. PAPE ti 0 WINDOW SHADES, ER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PICTURE AND. ROOM MOULDINGS, 0 o o ° 0 o o “o CURTIN } POLES t AND } FIXTU FAUBLES’, Bellefonte, Pa. ” WONDERFULLY o LOW o PRICES. sessanne Se Nerreeneiaiiiseaattittitatiatiasaratiattetratataratttnntentarans A Corps of Expert Painters and Paper Hangers. staereree AT iis S. H. WILLIAMS, 117 west High Street, 41-10-3m BELLEFONTE, PA.