Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 15, 1896, Image 7

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    State College.
Located in one of the most Beautiful and
Healthful Spots in the Allegheny Region ;
Undenominational ; Open to Both
Sexes; Tuition Free; Board
and “other Expenses Very
Low. New Buildings
and Equipments
1. AGRICULTURE (Two Courses), and AGRI-
CULTURAL CHEMISTRY ; with constant illustra-
tion on the Farm and in the any.
ical and practical. Students taught original study
with the microscope.
5. CHEMISTRY with an snusually full and
horough course in the Laboratory.
These courses are accompanied with very exten-
sive practical exercises in the Field, the Shop and
the Laboratory. : =
5. HISTORY ; Ancient and Modern, with orgi-
nal investigation. &
(optional), French, German and English (requir-
ed), one or more continued through the entire
course, %
and applied.
9. MECHANIC ARTS; combining shop work
with study, three years course ; new building and
SCIENCE ; Constitutional Law and History, Politi-
cal Economy, &ec. .
11. MILITARY SCIENCE; instruction theoret-
ical and practical, including each arm of the ser-
years carefully graded and thorough. 4
Commencement Week, June 14-17, 1896, Fall
Examination for ad-
For Catalogue
Term opens Sept. 9, 1846.
mission, June 18th and Sept. 8th.
of other information, address.
27-25 State College, Centre county, Pa.
Coal and Wood.
Shipping and Commission Merchant,
ree] )EALER [Nee
1 Soal
by the bunch or cord as may suit purchasers,
Respectfully solicits the patronage of his
friends and the public, at
near the Passenger Station. Telephone 1312,
36-18 i
For ail Billions and’ Nervons
Diseases. They purify the
Blood and give Healthy action
to the entire system,
604 N, oth St.
advertising |
Challenges the world, from th i
specialist up to the lecturing Professors, in curing |
the worst eases of Special Dise: and BLOOD |
POISON. No matter how lingering, severe and
dangerous the trouble may be. Nervous Dehility,
Stricture. Varicocele and Piles, cured without
cutting. Dr. THEEL i= positively the oldest, the
best and most skillful and experienced one, no
matter what others may claim, Send five 2 cent
stamps for book *7ruth” and be enlightened re-
garding your disease and how to get cured. The
only book EXPOSING QUACKS and their books
and cirenlars. Instant relief. Hours: 9 to 3;
Evgs, 6to 9. Wed. and Sat. Evgs., 6 to 10; Sun,
Oto 12; Evgs, tod. Treatment by Mail. When
you write or call mention this paper. Board and
lodging if desired. 40-41-1v
Consult the Old Reliable
Thirty years continous practice in the cure of
all diseases of men and wornen. No matter from
what cause or how longstanding. I will guarantee
a cure. 192-page Cloth-Bound Book (sealed) and
mailed FREE 41-13-1yr
is the result of colds and sudden climatie changes.
It can be cured by a pleasant remedy which is
applind directly into the nostrils. Being quickly
absorbed it gives relief at once.
Cures—Cold in head, eatarrh, rose-cold, hay-
fever, deafness and headache.
Opens ann cleanses the Nasal Passages, !
Pain and Inflamation, Heals the Sores, Protects
the Membrane from Colds, Restores the Senses
of Taste and Smell. The Balm is quickly absorb-
ed and gives relief at once. Price 50 cents at
Druggists or by mail.
41-8 59 Warren St., New-York.
For information and free Handbook write to
MUNN & CO. 361 BroapwAy, NEW YORK.
Oldest bureau for securing patentd in America.
Fivory patant taken out by us is brought before
the public by a notice given free of charge in the
Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the
world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent
man should be without it. Weekly $3.00 a year;
$1.50 six months, Address
| string.
MUNN & CO., Publishers
40-48-1y 361 Broadway, New York City.
Bellefonte, Pa., May 15, 1896.
Puncture Annoyance.
Sometimes a difficult part of a puncture
on the road is its location. After examin-
ing the tire and noting the likely places,
apply saliva at these spots, and when the
right one is found, bubbles will be noticed.
The permanent repair of a double-tube
tire is to patch the inner one. Let the air
out, and if the tire is ‘‘cemented’’ pull it off,
and, if the ‘‘clincher,” spring off, being
careful in pushing the valve through the
hole in the rim. If it is the ‘clincher’
pattern the inner tube may be readily re-
moved, but if a ‘‘cemented’’ tire, it is a
trifle more difficult. In the latter there is
a slit about eight inches long in the outer
tube, where the valve comes through, which
is held together with lacing. Cut this
lacing, and the two ends of the inner tube
will be seen to come together here. Fasten
a string to one end, and catching hold of the
other end, pull the tube out, being careful
to leave the string in the casing. When re-
moved inflate tightly, and grasping firmly
a section between your hands about a foot
long, immerse in water and stretch to the
utmost; and if the puncture is in this section
this will sufficiently enlarge it to permit the
free escape of bubbles. Continue this way
throughout the whole tube, and when the
puncture is located, bite a little piece of the
rubber out from around it so that it may be
more readily found; let the air out, and cut
a piece of rubber to fit over the hole, cover-
ing the edges of the puncture and this piece
with a rubber cement made for this purpose;
and when a trfle dry, place the patch on and
put a weight on top. Inflate and test in
water for leaks, and if all is right let the air
out and fasten one end to the string, which
was carried into the outer tube on the re-
moval of the inner one, and by this haul it
in place again, lacing up the slot with
Inflate again, and, after covering
the rim of the wheel with cement, place it
on and let it dry, revolving the wheel with
the rim and tire in water so as to make the
cement set.— Harper's Round Table.
Boy Fiends Get Long Terms.
One of the Train Wreckers for Life. Others Forty
Years Each.
Rome, N. Y., May 8.—The jury in the
case of John Watson Hildreth, one of the
boys who wrecked a New York Central ex-
press train, returned a verdict to-day of
murder in the second degree. His com-
panions, Herbert Plato and Theodore Hib-
bard, pleaded guilty to manslaughter.
Judge McLennan sentenced Hildreth to
Auburn Prison for life, remarking that the
jury had dealt very leniently, as they
might have convicted him of the highest
crime known to the law. He said Hild-
reth’s crime was a terrible one under civili-
zation, almost as bad as poisoning the
streams that came from the hillsides. Hild-
reth stood up and received his sentence
without flinching, but after he sat down
by the side of his father his eyes filled with
tears and his lips trembled.
Plato and Hibbard were each sentenced
to forty years each—twenty years on each
These boys and another, named Fred-
erick Bristol, who has since died of con-
sumption, were accused of planning to
wreck a New York Central express train,
for the purpose of robbing the passengers.
The crime was committed last November,
near Rome. The engineer of the train was
killed, and the firemaua so badly injured
that he is only now able to leave the
hospital. A clerk of the railway mail ser-
vice was also severely hurt. The clue to
the perpetrators was a hat belonging to
| Hildreth, which was found near the wreck.
| Xone of the lads was more than eighteen
years of age, and except in the case of one
of them their parents were in comfortable
Troubles that Would Follow McKinley’s
Election to the Presidency.
If the Republicans elect the President
next ~fall and have a majority in both
Houses, they will probably pass something
| like the McKinley tariff bill, and they will
generally suppose that this will bring in an
era of prosperity ; but it will not do so any
nore than the old McKinley tariff which
led to the terrible defeat of 1899. It will
be full of excesses. and abuses which will
bring about another reaction, and there
will then be in a few years another kind of
tariff. with a similar result. Prosperity
will wait for a settlement of the currency
question. Once a community adopts the
plan of getting rich by legislation it bids
good by to steadiness. No matter what
acts are passed, the mass of the population
remains poor or fails in business, and then |
lays the blame on the legislation or on the
legislators, and tries new men or new meas-
ures. It has always been so, and will al-
ways be so. The government of the day is
always responsible for both-the weather
and the crops, and this alone will make
McKinley's election a national misfortune.
It is not that he will make a protective
tariff that we fear, but that he will make
another tariff which people will not put up
with very long.—May Forum.
The Cost of Religion.
Both as a purchaser of materials and sup-
plies, and as an employer the church has
important relations to business. It is mani-
fest, therefore, that the financial affairs of
the church must be on a large scale, when
all ‘its interests are considered. Tts expendi-
tures foot up to an aggregate which is truly
enormous. It takes $10,355,000 annually
to pay the bills of the Protestant Episcopal
church ; $23,863,000 to pay those of the
Methodist Episcopal church ; nearly $14,-
000,000 for the expenses and contributions
of the Presbyterian church (northern); $11,-
673,000-for those of the Regular Baptists,
and $10,355,000 for those of the Congrega-
tional denomination, making an aggregate
of $88,000,000 every year contributed by
10,768,000 members—an average of $8.16
per member. The grand total for all de-
nominations could hardly be less than $150,-
000,000 and it might be many millions
larger. Most of this is made up of volun-
tary contributions. The value of church
buildings, lots, and furniture, in 1890, was
about $680,000,000. It is quite probable
that it is now fully $800,000,000.—May
Mr. Rufus Hill, master machinist of
the Pennsylvania railroad company, believes
that inside of five years the greater part of
the entire Pennsylvania railroad system
will be operated by electria:locomotives.
This judgment is based upon tlre unexpect-
ed success attained on the line between
Burlington and Mt. Holly, N. J., and com-
ing from an eminently practical authority,
it'may be accepted as one of the most sig-
nificant utterances heard in the railway
world for many a day.
| a very well read man.
‘Mrs. Samuel Blair very earnestly and in-
Epworth League.
Fifth Annual Convention of the Altoona District Ep-
worth League—One hundred and Seventy-two Dele-
gates Present—Representing Seven Thousand Seven
Hundred and Thirty-five Members—Sessions Well
Attended—Papers and Talks Interesting.
The fifth annual convention of the Al-
toona District—comprising the counties of
Blair, Clearfield and Centre—of the Ep-
worth League, convened at 1.30 o’clock
last Thursday afternoon in the Methodist
church of this place.
About one hundred and seventy-five dele-
gates were present when the convention
was called to order by President Bair, of
the Philipsburg Journal. Rev. R. W.
Illingworth, of Warriorsmark, conducted
the ‘‘Look Up Service’ and cordial ad-
dresses of welcome were made by Miss Liz-
zie Smith and Rev. J. W. Rue, of this
Rev. W. H. Wharton, of Coalport, and
W. L. Woodcock, of Altoona, responded to
the addresses of welcome and the conven-
tion got down to business by appointing
Rev. R. W. Illingworth, Miss Sallie
Kittleberger, Mrs. Samuel Blair, C. L.
Roop and Prof. G. W. Weaver were the
committee on resolutions and J. E. Gear-
hart, Miss Ella Ralston, Miss Ella Hughes,
and Miss Lida Mattern, the committee on
Joseph McKerihan read a good paper on
‘How Can We Take the Best Things to the
Home Chapters.” A few minutes were
given for general remarks. The subject of
Miss M. E. Blackburn’s paper was ‘How
to Make a Small Chapter a Success’’ which |
was the subject of a general discussion,
which followed.
T. P. Gheer’s paper on the “Epworth
Guards” was read by Clinton Byers, of
Ramey. ‘‘Greatest Obstacles and Greatest
Encouragements in League Work” was ably
handled by Miss Minnie Williamson and
several members of the convention who
took part in the general discussion which
followed. John P. McCurdy, Miss Mary
Nelson and W. C. Shuff were down on the
program for the ‘Three Great Need,s’’ but
as they were not present Miss Lila J elisor,
who read Mr. Shuff’s paper, W. M. May
and J. E. Gearhart were substituted.
The lest feature of the afternoon program
was Miss Mary Hunter’s ‘Preparation for
Promptly at half past seven the conven-
tion was called to order with Rev. J. W.
Forest as leader of the prayer and praise
service. Then followed one of the most in-
teresting addresses of the conventions Rev.
H. L. Jacob’s “A Symmetrical Epworth-
ian.” His talk so pleased the audience
that several times he was obliged to wait
til the applause ceased before he could go
C. V. Hartzell and several members of
the convention discussed ‘“The Abuse of
the Social Department’’ and then President
Bair delivered his annual address. A gen-
eral reception was held after the session.
A large number of delegates were present
but not a great amount of sociability pre-
vailed. ‘
Cold and threatening as the morning was,
the ‘‘Leaguers” were out bright and early
for the sunrise prayer meeting, which was
conducted by W. M. May.
J. E. Gearhart lead the devotional exer-
cises at the opening of the regular session
at 8.30. Most of the morning was given to
“The Six Ups.” S. (. Watts, of Clearfield
read a carefully prepared and helpful pa-
per on “Look Up.” His report was so en-
couraging that his most conservative hearer
could be but convinced that the League
was doing a splendid work.
Miss Sara Glass told of the noble work
the mercy aud help department were doing
in her talk on “Lift Up.”” The subject of |
G. W. Weaver's talk “Read Up’’ was most
appropriate for Mr. Weaver is not only the
third vice president of the League but is
the superintendent of Clearfield county and |
Joth the Bellefonte
and State College chapters reported progress
and a good reading course. *Tall: Up’! |
was the next report J. E. Gearhart, of |
Clearfield, in the absence of D. W. Mec-
Curdy, the fourth vice president, was the
| thought I would try SALVA-CEA.
used it for cuts and bruises with great suc- |
cess, but not for any such purpose as this ; |
I'spread a quantity on a piece of flannel |
| and placed it on my chest.
Miss Lizzie Akers, of Bellwood, the ef-
ficient corresponding secretary next report- |
ed. Her subject was “Write Up’ and in- |
cluded a comprehensive report of the work |
done in the district by the League. There |
have heen 299 conversions through the |
work and 509 Heralds, the organ of the |
Epworth League, are taken. There are |
5,505 members of the League in this dis- |
trict. The largest chapters are at Bell-
wood and Clearfield. There are 51 appoint-
ments where there are no League chapters. |
The Junior League has 2230 members and
seyeral chapters without leaders. When |
they have leaders it will increase the mem-
bership to over 2,500. ; i
“Pay Up” by J. H. Reiley, of Tyrone |
was simply the treasurer’s report. Mr. |
Reily’s report was not so encouraging as |
some of the others ; but after all the neec-
essary expenses had been paid there was
still a balance in the treasury of $33.55.
Rev. M. L. Ganoe, who eame down from
Altoona to give strength to the convention
had more questions than he could answer
in the morming and the reports of the dif-
ferent chapter’s were called for. Bellefonte
reported 87 new members. Spruce Creek
30. The Clearfield, Bellwood, Coalport,
Irvona, Stormstown, Gray’s Church, Scotia,
Hollidaysburg, Howard (by the way has
raised over $100 for the church), Hunter’s
Run, Lumber City, Grampian, Cherry Run,
Unionville, Osceola, Philipsburg and other
Chapters presented interesting reports and
are alive and flourishing.
The afternoon was given over to the elec-
tion of officers, the Juniors and their work.
telligently conducted the ‘Lift Up’’ ser-
vice. Revs. Illingworth and Hartzell
prayed, and the boys of the Bellefonte
Junior sang ‘Onward Christian Soldiers.’
Rev. M. L. Ganoe finished up the ques-
tions from the morning and gave his opinion
of the introduction of military tiictics into
the League. A most practical and sensible
talk in which we agree thoroughly for we
have developed far too many ‘‘jingoes” as
it is, with our patriotic association and
military bluster. It is peace and not bar-
baric war we are after and Christians can
not be developed by the beating of drums or
the firing of guns. If the boys can only be
held in that way there will be very little
spirituality in the League. The resolution
to appoint a district captain for the
“Guards” brought out both opposition and
favor which was finally settled by Rev. A.
R. Miller moving the resolution be laid on
the table, which carried.
As usual the election of officers was ac-
companied by more or less talking and
counter talking, but the slate seemed pretty
well made up for there was not a spirited
contest over one of the offices and many of
the delegates took no part after the election
of the president. A motion, framed by the
committee on resolutions and adopted by
the convention, gimiting the nomination to
three persons created some little dissension,
but the following officers were finally elec-
ted. after the chair, Rev. J. W. Rue, ruled
that the plurality as well as the majority
President, W. T. Bair, of Philipsburg,
1st vice president, S. C. Watts, Clearfield ;
2nd vice president, Mrs. Samuel Blair ; 3rd
vice president G. W. Weaver, Curwens-
ville ; 4th vice president Miss Sallie Kittle-
berger ; corresponding secretary,’ Miss
Lizzie Akers of Bellwood ; recording sec-
retary, W. M. May; of Altoona ; treasurer,
J. H. Reiley, of Tyrone, and superinten-
dent of junior work Mrs. J. W. Glover.
Hollidaysburg was the place decided upon
as the place for the next convention and
the minister of that place was made a
member of the executive committee instead
of Rev. J. W. Rue.
The junior program was well rendered
and showed careful and consciencious prep-
aration on the part of all the speakers.
Mis. Benscoter’s paper on ‘Uniform Study
for Junior Leagues” squarely faced the
question of the present day crowding and
cramming in the schools, churches and so-
cieties, the necessity of home influence and
intercourse, and the result of too many
church organizations. Ethel Lytle, of Al-
toona, a little girl nine or ten years old,
sang ‘‘The Bells of Your Conscience are
Ringing” in a beautiful full contralto voice
for a child. Her song and the recitation
by Grace Jones, also of Altoona‘ were two
of the most pleasing features of the after-
noon. They are both bright and talented
children with wonderful self possession.
The report from the junior delegates,
“Junior League Methods” and the mis-
cellaneous business were omitted as many
of the delegates were obliged to leave on
the afternoon train.
A large and appreciative audience as-
sembled in the church Friday evening to
hear the closing exercises of the convention.
Dr. A. R. Miller, of Philipsburg, preached
the annual sermon. He was followed by
Evangelist Weaver who held the people for
an hour. Nearly every member of the con-
vention took part in the experience meeting
and when at last the benediction was pro-
nounced it was from cheerful hearts and
thankful lips for every session had been
fraught with benefit and success.
Among the ministers, who were present
and took an active part in the proceedings
of the convention were the Revs. R. Illing-
worth, of Warriors Mark, W. H. Whar-
ton, of Coalport, C. V. Hartzell, of Holli-
daysburg, Bruce Hughes, of Pleasant Gap,
J. W. Forest, of Howard, S. D. Wilson,
H. L. Jacobs, M. IL. Ganoe, of Al-
toona, and Dr. Miller, of Philipsburg.
The report of the committee of the Metho-
dist Episcopal Conference providing for the
compromise of the question of admitting
women as delegates, which was adopted by
the conference last Thursday, allowed thos?
of the women who had not withdrawn to re-
tain their seats on the understanding that
such action should not be considered a prec-
edent. In other words, that women may
be present on sufferance the broad question
of their admission having heen referred hack
to the annual conferences for final dispo-
sition. In effect, therefore, the. general
conference has simply postponed the issue
to cause the majority another struggle of
four years.
Edward Burgess, Superintendent of Pub-
Schools ut Poughkeepsie, N. Y., writes as
follows : “Last fall I was takeu with a
severe cold, the severest, I think, I ever
had ; it began in the head but quickly
went to the throat and chest, causing a
tightness and oppression such as I had nev-
er before felt. It was accompanied by a
violent cough. I tried several remedies
without relief. The oppression continued
without abatement, and I felt the condi-
tions were alarmingly favorable for some-
thing much more serious than a cold.
| Having, found no relief, one morging I
I had
It is no exag-
geration to say that Dhefore
tightness were entirely gone, and the fear
of more serious complications had passed. |
No one could have been more surprised |
than I was at the suddenness and com- |
pleteness of the relief?
night. —I |
might say before noon—the oppression and |
we read such an announcement as this it
sends a thrill of horror through our very
being. And yet the number of lives lost
by accidents at sea are very few compared
to the number which are sacrificed to sin-
gle diseases on land. Take consumption.
Statistics show that twenty per cent. of all
deaths are due to this fatal malady. It
would be easier to reconcile ourselves to
the fact if there were no remedy. But
there is. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical
Discovery has cured thousands, and among
them many whom the doctors have given
up to die. If seeing is believing, then the
thousand of living witnesses to its marvel-
ous efficacy in cases of this kind, ought to
convince the most skeptical. .
DR. R. V. PIERCE: Dear Sir—Two of
our best doctors pronounced my case con-
sumption. I spent nearly $300, and was
no better. I concluded to try the ‘Golden
Medical Discovery,’’ I bought eight bot-
tles, and I can now say with truth that I
feel just as well to-day as I did at twenty-
five, and can do just as good a day’s work
on the farm, although I had not done any
work for several years. I give you all the
thanks. Truly, your friend.
Campbell, Ohio.
——When the present Republican Congress
was elected the people were told that it
would do great things for the country. A
better ara was promised for the nation as
the result of its legislation—Now-it is ready
to close ts first session, and what has been
accomplished ? What has been done in the
way of improving the condition of the
finances? Nothing.
——Don’t think because you are sick
and nothing seems to give you relief that
you can’t be cured.
There must be a cure for
where. .
If your doctor can’t cure you, perhaps he
has mistaken the cause. Anybody is lia-
ble to make a mistake sometimes.
One in three of us suffer from indiges-
tion, and one out of three dyspeptics
doesn’t know it. That is, he may know he
is sick, but he blames it to something else.
Indigestion isthe canse of half of our
dangerous diseases,
Shaker Digestive Cordial, made from
tonic medicinal roots and herbs, is the
most natural cure for indigestion. It re-
lieves tlie symptoms and cures the disease
gently, naturally, efficiently, giving fresh
life, strength and health to sick dyspep-
At druggists.
you Ssome-
A trial bottle for 10
——It seems sirange, when you come to
think of it, that the sunnier the disposition
of the parents, the. less exposed are the
children to the danger of being tanned.
Preserving Grape Juice without fermenta-
tion and the art of fermenting the Oporto
Grape into wine in this country has been
brought toa greater degree of perfection by
Mr. Alfred Speer, of New Jersey, than by
any other person. The Claret and Burgun-
dy are very popular as dinner wine and the
Port and Unfermented Juice as evening
wines as well as for the communion table
and for invalids. For sale by druggists.
i oe —_—
| Hood's Sarsaparilla has enjoyed public
confidence and patronage from the hegin-
ning to a greater extent than was ever ac-
corded any other proprietary medicine,
because it possesses greater merit and
produces gre: cures than any other.
These are facts easily proven, if you are
interested, by asking any dealer in the
United States. All
Hood's Rarsaparilia, like Hood's Sursapa-
rilla itself, are honest, We
deceived the public, and this with its su-
perlative medicinal merit, is why the peo-
| ple have such an abiding confidence in it,
| and buy it almost to the exclusion of all
advertisements of
have never
| other Sarsaparilla and blood purifiers
The American humanitarian league |
| is disseminating a pamphlet in which the
| introduction of military drill into the pub-
| lie schools is deprecated, and eminent au-
thorities are cited in opposition to the proj- |
ect. Some very strong arguments against
a combination of militarism and the public
school system might be adduced on moral
| grounds ; but an all-sufficient’ ground of
objection is fo be found in the fact that the
| schools are already attempting too much in
| the teaching line.
The demand for a simp-
ler curriculum is fast gaining strength in
this and in other cities of the Union, and if
any change is to he made it should be in
the direction of confining instruction in
the public schocls to the rudimentary
branches of an English education.
WHAT WILL Do It >—Medical writers |
claim that the successful remedy for nasal
catarrh must be non-irritating, easy of ap-
plication, and one that will reach the re-
mote sores and ulcerated surfaces. The
history of the efforts to treat catarrh is
positive proof that only one remedy has
completely met these conditions, and that
is Ely’s Cream Balm. This safe and pleas-
ant remedy has mastered catarrh as nothing
else has ever done, and both physicians and
patients freely concede this fact.
——Visitor—Now, Mulligan, I want you
to give this message to your master:
That I was sorry to miss him, and would
tell him what for when Isaw him. You
understand ?
Mulligan—Oi do, sir. Ye wer sorry you
didn’t hit 7am, an’ ye’ll give 'um what for
when ye see "um !—London 7%d-Bits.
NINETY PER CENT.—AIl people need
to take a course of Hood’s Sarsaparilla
at this season to prevent that run-down
and debilitated condition which invites
disease. The money. invested in half a
dozen bottles of Hood’s Sarsaparilla will
come back with large returns in the health
and vigor of body and strength of nerves.
Hood's Pills are easy to buy, easy to
take, easy to operate. Cure all liver ills
25¢. ;
——The Pattison boom is covered with a
very thin film.—Gazette and Bulletin.
At least it is not covered with the barna-
cles of a dishonorable and shameful record,
as the Quay boom fs.
——Will the Harrisburg Patriot return
to the Democratic party, or will it continue
to sow discord among Democratic voters ?
— Williamsport Sun.
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. 81.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, reliable and
beneficial, 25¢. 41-20
_For particulars call
b or address with stamp
907 Broadway, N.Y. City.
New Advertisarents.
Ov Oat-meal and flakes are aways fiesh
and sound, you can depend on them.
| Ww \
AS. W. ALEXANDER.—Attorney at Law Belle-
fonte, Pa. All professional business will
receive prompt attention. Office in Hale building
opposite the Court House. 36 14
F. FORTNEY.—Attorney at Law, Bellefonte,
° Pa. Office in Woodring’s building,
north of the Court House. 14 2
ASTINGS & REEDER.—Attorneys at Law,
Bellefonte, Pa. Office No. 14, North Al-
legheny street. : 28 13
B. SPANGLER.—Attorney at Law. Practices
. in all the courts, Consultation in Eng-
lish and “German. Office in the Eagle building,
Bellefonte, Pa. 40 22
8. TAYLOR.— Attorney and Counsellor at
° Law. Office, No. 24, Temple Court,
fourth” floor, Bellefonte,” Pa. All kinds of legal
business attended to promptly. 40 49
. } OHN KLINE. — Attorney at Law, Bellefonte.
“ Pa. Office on second floor of Furst's new
building, north of Court House.
in English or German.
WwW C. HEINLE.—Attorney at Law, Bellefonte,
. Pa. Office in Hale building, opposite
Court House. All professional business will re-
ceive prompt attention. 30 16
J W. WETZEL.— Attorney and Counsellor at
° Law. Office No. 11, Crider’s Exchange
second floor. All kinds of legal business attended
to promptly. Consultation in English or German.
Can be consulted
29 31
39 4
HOS. 0. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Sur-
geon, Boalsburg, Pa. 41 3
8. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon,
« State College, Centre county, Pa., Office
at his residence. 35 41
HIBLER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon,
. offers his professional services to the
citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. - Office No. 20,
N. Allegheny street. 11 23
Stone Block, High street, Bellefonte, Pa, 34 11
DENTAL COLLEGE. Office in Crider’s
.J to W. F. Reynolds & Co.,) Bankeys, Belle-
fonte, Pa.
ed; Interest paid on special deposits; Exchange
on Eastern cities. Deposits received. 17 36
J C. WEAVER.—Insurance Agent, be-
° gan business in 1878. Not a single loss
has ever been contested in the courts, by any
company while represented in this agency. Of-
fice between Jackson, Crider & Hastings bank
and Garman’s hotel, Bellefonte, Pa. 3412
Represent the best companies, and write policies
in Mutual and Stock Companies at reasonable
A. A. Konwsecker, Proprietor.
This new and commodious Hotel, located opp.
the depot, Milesburg, Centre county, has been en-
tively refitted, refurnished and replenished
throughout, and is now second to none in the
county in the character of accommodations offer-
ed the public. Its table iy supplied with the best
the market affords, its bar contains the purest
and choicest liquors, its stable has attentive host-
lers, and every convenience and comfort is ex-
tended its guests,
wo. Through travelers on the railroad will fine
this an excellent place to lunch or procure a meal,
as all trains stop there about 25 minutes, 24 24
|licit orders for our hardy
Nursery Stock. Expenses
jand salary to those leaving
thome, or commission to
local agents. Permanent
Employment. The busi-
ness easily learned. Ade
dress The R. G. €HASE
CO., 1430, 8. Penn Square,
40 35 1y.
- -
UMPS.—Chain pumps, for raising wa-
ter from cisterns and wells, the best and
lowest prices in the market,
The Perfeetion Water Elevator and purifier
known as the St. Joseph Bucket Putnp for purify-
ing Cistern Water and ele ting the same. This
ix the best pump to keep vor pure in cisterns
ever invented.
Afull line of foree and fift pups for use in
wells, deap or shallow, made of iron er wood. The
wood purtips porcelain lined and galvanized iron
it with brass fittings,
SPRAY PUMPS, —for ude in spraying apple and
other fruit trees. The ravage of the Codling moth
or apple worm has heen so destructive that. every
farmer should make it an object during the winter
to study how to destroy this insect pest, and be
ready to operate on it in the coming Spring by
the use of a spray pump.
40 45 6m. McCALMONT & CO,
A NNOUNCEMENT.— I am with great
sorrow compelled to make this public
announcement, that by the advice of the best ocu-
list in this country it becomes necessary for me,
owing to increasing difficulty with my eyesight to
give up teaching music entirely. After carefully
reviewing the situation I have decided to devote
all my time to the sale of musical instruments of
every description, particularly pianos and organs
of the best make procurable. “Anyone wishing to
purchase an instrument will save money by call-
Ing on me at my room, 28 Crider block, and learn-
ing particulars.
home of Morris W. Cowdrick, on east
Linn street, Bellefonte, is offered for sale cheap.
A fine 3 story brick house, on a lot 75x200, new
frame stable, brick ice house and other out-build-
ings. The house is in excellent repair, has all
modern improvements, bath, hot anc cold water
on two floors, furnace in cellar and a large cistern.
Write or call on M. W. COWDRICK,
40 43 tf. Niagara Falls, N. Y.
S——— ts seem.
Fine Job Printing.
There is no style of work, from the cheapes
Dodger" to the finest 3
that we can not do in the most satisfactory man-
ner, and at
Prices consistent with the class of work. Call at
or communicate with this office.
Bills of Exchange and Notes Discount-
Office in Furst’s building, opp. the Sours,