Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 15, 1896, Image 6

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    ' : : LL “ ’ ft re vrw i > =v . ; - - i Spey Ew
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: : street house. I found a note in a bottle, | Herman Webster Mudgett was born at Tourists. ; New Advertisements. New Advertisements.
telling me that he was tired of life and had | Gilmonton, N. H., May 16, 1860. On mee
—~reD finally decided to commit suicide. He re- | July 4, 1878, he married Clara A. Lover- = ” : :
x quested me to look after the insurance | ing, as Alton, N H., and on Jan. 28, 1887, | First-Class Steamboat Service Between i Siangow Slavin + 30am 1m Eble Dulles . 3638
Bellefonte, Pa., May 15, 1896. ' | money and to take care of his wifeand fam- | under the name of Harry Howard Holmes, | Detroit and Cleveland, and Cleveland, 418 I 4 60 » Fra ony : 1 u
a ily. I then fixed up the body in the posi- | he committed bigamy by marrying Myrtle Put-in-Bay and Toledo. 2 Miles Samue 107 | 433 153 Fitzgerald Daniel. 36 38
Tm i i i reaf’ v 3 3 : i 115 oore Jam 4 60 | 433 sruseers 25 14
(Concluded from page 2.) tion it was found. These children youspeak | Z. Belknap. A few weeks the after | 1. & C. Floating Paiaces are now running daily [175 "> Doe Jom C12] 15 13 Geant Thomas 1
of are all right. They are with Minnie | Holmes applied, in Chicago, for a divorce, | between Detroit and Cleveland, and on May 1 will | 90° Shannon John... 5751433 163 GlentworthJas.. 20 36
grave diggers, two watchmen and a couple Williams, in London. I gave Howard to | and the suit was pending until June 4, | commence to run daily between Cleveland. Put 26 Thompson Moses. 213) 50 Groe Elizabeth.. 4 40
2 at i Tr men. This little company Minnie Williams in Detroit and Tsent Alice 1891, when the court dismissed it owing to | in-Bay and Toledo. If you are traveling between 0 Torner {Lannie 3 3 3 1» fro aad MeKeen 10 65
® Nelli - i i : . 6 Gran omas... 5
acted as pall bearers and carried the coffin | 2d Nellie to her from Toronto. They mét | the non-appearance of the complainant. the above points, take advantage of a water trip Cah rah 433 153 Gray Wm..... By
Tea Miss Williams in Niagara Falls and sailed HOLMES BIGAMOUS CAREER and save money. . Hoel 300 Gray Mathias., . 8 40
to the receiving vault. When the vault for Europe from New York.” BO : = . 200 Bishop Cornelius... he 406 | 433 153 Hair Christian 25 12
was reached, the object of the extra size of | pt UH tie and Tis thal Tor con Holmes continued his bigamous career | Spend your vacation on the Great Lakes. Send Cj Sursod oi 303 | 24 of 433 163 Hopkins Joseph... 17 69
the coffin was disclosed. Holmes’s dread | _..: ; "| by marrying Georgianna Yoke, in Denver, | for illustrated pamphlet. Address A A. Schantz, | 13 Orr Boece . 27 {53 16 Hopkins John... a8
% spiracy to defraud the insurance company, : G. P. A., Detroit, Mich ary A 433 153 Haines Reuben J 38 11
of an autopsy haunted him constantly and | ¢5'\Gpich ne pleaded guilty, Holmes made | COL» on Jan. 17, 1891, he assuming the | 6. P- A. » Mich. 0 Gregg Smith... 62216 136 Hamilton Thomas 19 24
almost his last thought was to provide pb gu tv :o | name of Henry Mansfield Howard on this Ee SCT . 2) Hubby Bernard. 727433 153 Hand John... 37 24
# againstsuch a thing being attempted many other ‘‘confessions,’”’ but they dif- occasion. A son was born to the first wife | . ——F0F St. Paul and Minneapolis. The “North- | 106 126 Hahn Wm... 141/433 153 Huber John. 25 12
Sng 8 | i Pp © | fered very little from those already given. oe : : Western Limited,” sumptuously equipped with | 14 Logan Wm... 349 | 496 164 Hair Christian, 24 92
The last act in the receiving vault was Es : and this is the boy whom Holmes is said to ; : 1 Markley Jacob 2941 433 163 Hair Dav 25
performed at Holmes’s express command 0) ime he prejendad to tell de sraih, have made the chief beneficiary of the pro- | "WfTet: smoking and library cars, regular and com- | 330 McDowell Alex. 08 | 503 153 Hamilton Hugi Rb
: p - | but he sedulously avoided doing so. No- : ; partment sleeping cars, and luxurious dining | 88 Painter John..... 159179, Hore i 2k
The lid of the coffin was taken off and the Hk : ; ceeds of the alleged confession of wholesale ” X ) Ing | on Rot a 30 aines Reuben ” 34
body was lifted out and laid on the ground body believed what Holmes said about Rion cars, leaves Chicago via the North-Western Line L1 Be ni 503 | of 433 153 Irwin Robert 28 61
. it ; , hi S. sta Ch N . , > ree 5 a1 | 867 109 Irwin James P. :
Then the bottom of the. coffin was filled i % jes ond op hi Pia ing Holmes was indicted for the murder of Liiigos aman En Py 11s Tagen ym 2 a 396 Jordan Benj. > a
with cement, the body was then replaced in | 411" 103 ? Pp . Pitezel on Sept. 12 last, and he was placed | morning. All principal ticket agents sell tickets | a1 Thine, gL 0 on DE Rober, 68 00
the coffin completely covered with the ce- & : . . on trial on Oct. 23. A “verdict of guilty | via this popular route. 116 Zeigler Michael. re BETIS HNO ily Bh
ment. It was Holmes’s idea that this ce- | HOLMES’ STORY ABOUT PITEZEL CHILDREN. | wag rendered on Nov. 2, and Nov. 30 he — HAINES TWP. 45 15 Lewis David... 12 13
ment would harden around his body and | In his many interviews with District At | was sentenced to be hanged. Ne 196 Amard.... 220 | 433 163 Lattimore George. 25 12
3 ) 0 : Ww Advertisement > : i
prevent any attempt at grave robbery. The | torney Graham, Holmes persisted that the | Miss Yoke, with whom Holmes was liv- mm 5. ou ER Sto 13 a = Lairirore a iz
coffin was left in the receiving vault under | three missing Pitezel children were with | ing at the time of Pitezel’s death, was an ; ran =|3% Brown John. 676 | 433 153 Lowden Richard. 36 38
the guard of two watchmen, who will re- | Minnie Williams, in London. He even important witness for the commonwealth NOTHER CONTRACT. 18 Castorie Thomas 20 = is Jovden Joust. 38 11
main on duty all night. To-morrow after- | persuaded Mr. Graham to have an adver- | at the trial, and it was largely upon her A 3% nls NL B ) 5 120 80 Ltr, 57 hag 2 5
noon the body will be interred in a grave tisement in the shape of a cipher puzzle in- | evidence that the accused was convicted. 306 89 Gratz Michael, 22 01 | 34 163 Mayston Edward 3 4
in the cemetery and it is probable that at | serted in a New York paper for the purpose [She told of Holmes’ absence from their 406 60 Harrison Wm.. 731 oe 1 YcPhoramn hl io 11 00
. that time religious services will be conduct- | of bringing Minnie: Williams and the three | boarding house on Sept. 2, 1894 (the day > : » jienry Jo%enh. Hoe lam 15 Myers Rage ea
ed by Father Dailey. little Pitezels back from Europe. The dis- | of the murder), and of his excited condi- er 1 Im Tro 776 | 433 163 Miller Jacob.. 25 12
Holmes made no will and left no confes- | trict attorney placed little faith in what | tion when he returned. On that night the 400 126 Irvin's Margaret. 799% In Moe donna 25:13
sion. This is according to Mr. Rotan. He | Holmes had told him, but the “ad” was | couple left Philadelphia and went direct to | _ en a ia i 3 EE hn ile RL
says he knows Holmes made no will and, | published as a sort of last and hopeless | Indianapolis. The wanderings of Holmes | COMPLETED BY THE INVENTOR OF CUN- | ‘g Motz John... 1 42 | 100 McCord J. R. & A. Campbell 8 80
while the murderer gave him this morning | effort. throughout the country then began, and | NINGHAM'S COMPOSIT INI iE 110 Parker William. 2 00 | %4 of 433 163 Musser John. 25 10
1 : as . ug ! )! ’ NINGHAM'S COMPOSITE. A UNIQUE EX- 436 Si Joh 7 86 | 433 etzgerdacob, 62 36
-. abig bundle of papers, the lawyer says | When the bodies of Nellie and Alice they ended with his arrest at Boston. aE : Bll Jos 707 | 433 Miller Jane. 6 05
that he is confident that these papers relate | Pitezel were unearthed in Toronto, ii PERIENCE BEFALLS THE PATEN- 423 Scribner E. H. 762 (433 153 Mi 12 13
only to private business matters. As yet | Holmes denied having killed them. When : : TEE 252 Tidd Wm ts3(438 un 36 38
Mr. Rotan has had no opportunity to ex- | Howard’s charred bones were located in ProPER BIBLE WINE. —Alfred Speer, : HALF MOON TWP. 39 © 153 re
amine them. 4 an old stove in Irvington, Indiana. who has large Ynoymds I Diaby, XN 48 Beck Daniel... 396 |403 47 Rush Jacob... 135 oo
Some one, probably representing some | Holmes calmly denied ano knowledge of J., is extensively ohag £ In 4) kn) —_— a bonis 3 2 ~ 382 Dush Berl 8317
medical institution, to-day offered Mr. Ro- | the lad’s death. When the murders of | Unfermented ome Dies Lom, bho Ho : 216 Laribotrn Josiah 148 | 36 Hosnym yu. iy
tan $5,000 for Holmes’s body, but the of- | Minnie Williams and her sister were dis- ime A ii Ons Pyle Jacob.......... 79433 163 ReighartA...... 25 11
fer was promptly refused. covered, Holmes sai on societies fo T . o a ] yle David... ! 33 153 Roher Christian.. 338 11
in jealous fron, and he buried he bory | (ollowing is from Dr. John Ellis who hus | Jf, perience woe med tn (103 hemp ii WE 1 Schenck Anarer 2
HERMAN W. MUDGETT. in Lake Michi He vigorously denied written several works on Bible wine : Montana, we would expect our readers to 67 76 Unknown... 768 | 433 yi Spear 1 0 »
PHILADELPHIA, May 7.—Herman W. having put Miso £0 death 30.45 10 Scour “The writer obtained from Mr. Speer a bases some suspicion about ihe incident. hz Unknown 9 ot 433 153 Siddens Eleano 51 19
g x fh i i we are safe in sayin at public 1 'nkn Ls 29 3: Be . as
Mudgett, better known as H. H. Holmes, | her property. The disappearance of Emily | Pottle of Unfermented Wine and found ita, jj S00 TC S00 SC In, saying th Mit oonn 32 Unknown ini Sohne Mis ac 2 15
was one of the most conspicuous criminals Cygrand was traced to Holmes, but the | Vey pleasant and nutritious wine. Al Stubbs of Alaska would not be half as in- AL LIa hap . 219 Scott Andrew... 2 71
of modern times, and, if the ‘murder con- | criminal said he knew nothing of the girl’s | Chemist puta portion of this wine intoa | teresting as a sentence or two from Mr. M. = Bell John 15135 Steck Jacob. 14 33
fessions” which he has written can only | fate. The partially consumed bones that | retort and distilled. It had neither the Known jos a an] Go Brown Wim. pel me 1%
partially be believed, he was withouta peer | were found in the Chicago ‘‘castle’’ are smell nor the taste of alcohol, nor did men as he come out flat-footed and en- 360 Conley Adam Dis 1m Smith Mary... io 0
as a blood-thirsty demon. = His recent in- known to be those of some of Holmes’ vie. | chemical tests indicate any trace of fore Hie claims made for an article in Bs 08 iimiston Snel, 2 > 14 of 433 Stoner John.. 12 56
genious. oonfeson,” wherein he claimed | on alcohol.” nine DC Die 37 | 45 130. Tamer Daniel i213
to have killed twenty-seven persons, was = - hind it. If Mr. Cunningham's pavement 400 Harrison Wm SY i100 a Wemrmnio. 5 4
disproved, partly at least, by the appear- | PISTRICT ATIORNEY GRAHAM LOST PA- The Syracuse house, at Howard, is were under discussion, we would expect 8 Irwin John. 2781402 116 Weidman Jacob. 173 02
ance of several of the so-called victims, but EXCE. i 1 wii : Sia ro Toten og 100 HR 1260 | 438 13 Wallace Joseph J 4217
: 5 3 A y A { oof, y . S - 5 - i
Holmes’ object in making the ‘‘confession’’ About the Iash time that. Helios was being renovate proprietary medline pre in i : 3 McCandless Wm..... 2 5 i Wilson War a Y
was realized—the obtaining of a sum said | taken to the district attorney’s to eof. —— YT La sion Senieh pe bas Redes Yealh 1 » Nptormink Lion nor : yy 32634 Wilson John 27 38
B ed ; : § OT! A ; or reputation at stake and he stays by it Fi Dd TIT al HRY rene or Nan [108 Wilson John 9 07
to be $7,500, and which amount is said to fess,” Mr. Graham lost patience with him. ‘Tourists. and produces proof for his convictions we 412 124 Parker Thomas... ~ 1885) 55 153 Wharton Ho 3 04
1 1 1 , i : 152 Sankey Ti 5 07 ot
1ave been settled upon the criminal’s 18- | Holmes gave a repetition of his bi . . are bound to accept his testimony. Read YE SAnSeY joomas. 1751306 100 Wilson Wm etcentsnn 42 80
: ga petition of his picturesque ee = ; 5 | 306 42 8
TOOT r “ ora!” Tie. D pi q f ia save. = ; % 105 48 Sankey Jeremiah 175
year-old son. While the ‘‘confessions” have | falsehoods. H 1 oe ota It, be says: +1 am not prepared to ex- 20; 5 ; G TW
serv inc ; ; ase 8. He actually gave the district |. outh Da= plain my trouble from a physicians stand. 202 6 Steel Robert... 354 SPRins ee
served to th 1 f th Choice Farmi Lands in § p
ser increase the sensationalism of the | attorney a veritable ‘jolly’ about the ng oint. It is sufficient to know that I had a im Steel Jumes. loa| 71 6 Forbes Samuel... 448
case, the only capital crime for which | Pitege] family, and Minnie Williams being kota. ittle backache that no doubt arose frome 3 Stel Allan. 1529 410 Johnson John 3 86
Holmes had to answer was the killing in | g¢ : 2) 2 ng a ; the kidneys, but my chief trouble was in 438 Steel John. 16 39 | 46 Lingle J. J... 14
this ott S ad e 18 IN| still alive. The scene that ensued was ex- | Along the line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. the bladder. I was always worse in the M3 Smith John. 241 50 Moore John. 3 63
F f ot Y, on Sept. 2nd., 1894, of Benjamin tremely dramatic. Mr. Graham said : Paul Railway can now be had upon repsonsible winter season and when in this condition 8 Steel Royo 2 01 | 216 . McClure Wm. 5 90
. Pitezel, his fellow conspirator. The ‘Holmes, you are an infernal lying mur- | terms. The crop prospects were never better and it amounted to annoyance. I tried Doan's 438 Sample Robe 636118 115 Purdue John Est. 4 94
murder was committed in the dwelline. 1316 ), a ying Kidney Pills for it. They did me a world 100 Smith John.... 1 95 | 300 Robison Catharine.. 8 10
Callowhill. street, IH - 10 tive ving, ¢ derer. I will hang you in Philadelphia for | a glorious harvest for this year is already assured. of good. So much in fact, that I advised 0° Sankey Jerem 195 | 300 Robison Rebecca. 4 80
a id i 3 pee . olmes’ conv ition Of | the murder of Benjamin Pitezel.”’ Thousands of acres of unoccupied lands in over Mr. Yeager proprietor of the Brant House on Unknown i. 2 2 150 Robison Richard. 3 08
Pn TL t e irst degree, the affirmation | Holmes’ nerve was still with him and he | twenty counties are now open for settlement. For try Shed, a ew}so, Ttold him I got pe Wileon Wd. 2 2 102 Dmg Thoms 2 J
n _ ih Sibeme court of the said: ‘9 defy you. You have no evi- | further information address H. F. Hunter, [m- nine AT aens Dharmas, = 438 Williams Edw: 16 67 | 100 Wilson Wm....... 1 70
bi oi y nl ‘the Topent Ie usal of Gov OFHOT dence to prove me guilty.” Mr. Graham migration Agent for South Dakota, No. 205 Dear- to the specifications. You can refer to 1 Wilson Deter. 2 iw Wilson Wm... 170
To t grant a respite, are so well | Jooked with disgust. and determination at | horn street, Chicago, TIL. 40-202 10.4 oon tecommend Dow's Riney 314 Work Josepho : 11 SNOW SOR THE)
Hs hat a narration of these facts is un- Holmes, and said : “You will surely hang People all over Bellefonte are talking 407 92 Wharton Kearney.. 1282/13 1% Bayard Andrew Let
essary. in Philadelphia for murdering Benjamin A LF Lond F like this about the Old Quaker Remedy. z HOWARD TWP, : 207 p+ hg be: y “ 1s
HOLMES CAPTURED IN BOSTON. . Pitezel. 80 Acres of Farm In ree Lone lidney bile Jresod fom 30 cents | 95 Graysburg Joseph... 107 | 434 Dalton Hugh... 13 5%
Holmes was captured in Boston, Mass., | The trial and conviction followed. The | Or its equivalent in cash will be given to any re aun le ay 2 He Jin » $ 30 on Dn en Bs
in the latter part of 1894, by Owen Hans- district attorney endeavored to prove dur- | active, wide awake and energetic young farmer, Milburn _Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents 130 Lingle J. J... 301433 163 a V B o
com, the deputy superintendent of police, | ing the trial, through Detective Geyer that | who will sell a section or more of the best farm for the United States. 41-201 3 52 Sterrett James 1471 1433 163 Fisher James C....... 46 00
upon the strength of a telegram from Fort Holmes also killed the Pitezel children, | lands along the lines of the Chicago, Milwaukee 50 Taylor Josephs. me 151 4 Hae Falk 22 50
Worth, Tex., where he was wanted for | but Judge Arnold, before whom the case | & St. Paul railway in South Dakota, at prices Se BOCITIY Ten Fed ih i)
horse stealing and for other charges of lar- | Was tried, declared this to be irrelevant. | ranging from $7 to $12 per acre ; one-half cash, 2 13 axtet James... sete b = 450 McLanahan Sarah... 11 25
ceny. At that time the officials of the Geyer had unearthed the murder of the | balance on time. 433 163 Rollington ‘John - 19 93 Boren Nor Sh a 10
Fidelity Mutual Life association, of Phila- | children, after a prolonged investigation, | This ix the opportunity of a lifetime to secure a mh Tieemntier Jesse. 8 00 |B ITI0. Panes Toniah 2 a
delphia, were hot on Holmes’ trail for de- | and the commonwealth was prepared. to | home, and this offer remains open for sixty days 3 48 Wieland John...) sin Norton Joseph... 10 39
frauding the concern out of $10,000 in con- | Prove that Holmes also committed these only. : Wh 10 enh . TWP: . 15 ne Jainy he Rs >
nection with Pitezel’s death, the latter | crimes. Thousands of acres in over twenty counties in : : 20 2 Te CT on Bs 433 16 Wain hae 15 00
being insured for this amount, and as the Holmes embraced the Catholic faith | South Dakota have been recently opened for set- We are selling a good grade of tea—green | 4; Donald H....... 215 39 29 Wharton Mary M.. 419
accused believed horse stealing to be a when it became evident to him that he tlement, which the railway company is anxious to . oo ” . " 120 Dimncody Jon i 03 | 169 West Francis........... 8 su
high crime in Texas, he voluntarily con- | must hang and Rev. Father Dailey minis- | have disposed of on favorable terms to actual set- —black or mixed at 28cts per. 1b. Try it. Too ne Robert ie 2 = TAYLOR TWP.
fessed to Deputy Superintendent Hanscom | tered to his spiritual wants. Throughout | tlers. For further particulars address W. E. SECHLER & CO. | 38 0 Irwin Robert... 22 27 oo Adhioman Wm. - 2
to the insurance fraud. He did not, for a | his trial and subsequent imprisonment | Powell, General Immigration Agent, 410 Old Sa ge Parson Then: 10 ww Burgh Wmn...... 21 70
moment, dream that he was then suspected this arch-criminal maintained a noncha- Colony building, Chicago, Ill. Excursions every 06 102 ns 16 65 | 433 153 Copenhaver John.. 13 43
of the murder of Pitezel and he came to | 1ance that was remarkable. day from Chicago. 4120-2 208 Scott William 62] 3 JoRning diseph 154
Philadelphia without requisition papers. | === Ee ——————————— — - _— MARION TWP. 300 Tamb John. 18 Go
He expressed a willingness to be tried here 197 Harris A. D 3027 250 Lamb John... 15 50
oh or conspiracy it IR preforeice to INuminating Oil. 37 100 McKinney Davia, 7 82 4 Yesisonery | - 4 36
3 > le ean . 35 McKinney J. M.. 378 | 4 Montgomery John. 36
that of horse stealing at Fort Worth. Before rte : : EE Ee 24 McKinney J. M.. 419 | 433 153 Norris 26 85
leaving Boston, Holmes made this ‘con- Sk FOR La i REASURER’S SALE OF UNSEATED 438 107 Jiles Jamon, 9 09 ides 103 Snyder Barham. 26 35
fession’” to Mr. Hanscom : A DS o ans AB 2a ohter (hrist.. 7 20 TAYLOR TWP.
*‘When I concluded it was time to carry | i call Dietz lis a A Joe is : Sn : 3 438 Thomas John W.................. 13 52
out our scheme to defraud the insurance | * . sale of unseated tracts of land for the non pay- | 129 Shqstalies Benj. 13 93 UNION TWP.
ompany , a ‘stiff’ in New York | . Ss yen ak a Er ment of taxes. Notice is hereby given that there | 5 nknown..... 110} 91 Dunwoody John 8 22
A ae York and =——a=——=UTHE BOOKLET ON “LIGHI = me i be S1poser) at pif sale or id the follow- | 17 Unknown serene 1831 30 Fisher Tri & Boyce Day 3 13
§ ; ade . } ng tracts of unseated lands in county of Centre, MILES TWP. 150 Hall Robert oe 20 40
IIS DEALINGS W SZEL. | \ Pa, for taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the ; - 170 Hoover George 23 12
i LINGS WITH PITEZEL | / AND % Court House, in the Borough of Bellefonte, on 1 Lady Nm, P.. : @ 100 Long Teta 9 00
‘I turned the check for the trunk over to i pe MONDAY, JUNE THE 8ti, 1896 273 Barton Wm... 2 77 | 100 Long James. 9 00
Pitezel on the Sunday nearest the 1st of atl o'clock pom. : 200 Brhdy John. 400 | 120 Nip lephall Joh 2 1 8
September. I instructed him to prepare the Se BENNER TWP. 2 fond Phas Stim Miles Samuel... 15 75
body, and in three hours we were on our ! BURN CROWN ACME OIL, ! jase NANmANT C18 | 900 Carthers Thoma +00 | 100 Phipps Samuel.... 4 50
way to New York. Ten days after the pay- LES Sete a, a0 {fate EE 3 2 1% Porsey dhe. 6 00 WALKER TWP.
i errs . . . i : & yy 2 00 ines Josiah. 5 > - . 9 93
ment of the money I saw Pitezel in Cincin- 53 Fo al Haines Bosh. 2 3 2 a Ase Faber 2 a2
nati. “I took the three children to that city, 0——GIVES THE BEST LIGHT IN THE WORLD.——0 350 Johnson James. 23 65 | 100 Hepburn James. 176 | 162 Brooks Rush. 3 28
where the father saw them. Pitezel agreed ty Soa Fitonnor 2 u a JRun Jeremiah. 4 50 | 247 65 Baker Robert. 6 01
% sg ; o Lingle J. J. 58 | 32 Kitts George... 3 00 f 280 129 Currier Mary. 6.76
10 550 South, ard he ton); ove oils lowe] ity AND IS ABSOLUTELY SAFE. 50 Lingle J. J. 3 58 | 400 Lake Richard. 20 00 | 60 Currier Mary. 16
ard. I took the two girls to Chicago be- 150 Purdue Jol 3 61 | 9-16 of 402 134 Miles Wn 10 38 | 115 113 Daugherty Margaret.. 2 85
cause I had business there. We all met | ™ — ERE 1% i Jon ie Ta of 402 1a es 838 | 179 110 Daugherty Elizabeth 432
See a toi Pi . 1A i S . Jr. . 22 { 300 arker Wm... 140] 41 Dunwoody John.. 5 3
again in Detroit. Pitezel took the children Castoria. Castoria. BOGGS TWP, 207 Seigfried Jacob. 407] 69 39 Evans Jesse 1 a
and went to South America. Puringallf 7 = =~ = ree eo bot is Astor GOTRE 832207 Swinefried Pete 326100 39 Evans Jesse 2 40
this time Mrs. Pitezel knew her husband | = — : ee “7150 Chancellor Wm TL bi So iried noo ia 92 26 Boao Wm. 2 23
was alive, but she did not know he had the 18 300 Davis Nathaniel. 19 48 | 00 BD ul | DiwOsamse, th
children. If she had been aware of that she W Warp Tw Davis Samibaog.. 12 37 = 5 Billy 1 rh 2p 5 pes William Bu
would have insisted that the crooked busi- : ~ 163 I o go | 30 Williams Daniel.. 632 | 211 72 Hahn Peter... 5 28
ness be wound up right away. In order to . 431197 Snatrey Martha, 1520108 Yommghoo er 2a - on a x
keep Mrs. Pitezel away from her husband I 46 single J. J....... 3 90 PATTON TWP DE Ia a iets y
ho to tell her he oo here and there = Mila i $1.3 Duper a 2 arian Phare mec! 2 10 Jogos Byes: 15
i! 4 ; ) Miles - 2 urton Robert. 585 | 10] i 5 SH
traveling from one city to another.” S = = = 150 Miles Evan... 12 37 | 148 Diehl Adam. 23 86 | 101 Knox Joh. =
This was the first of a number of alleged 50 HilnsrRvand ni 3 fw Dish dont... wml YEett 707
admissions that Holmes subsequently made. | 30 Packer and Lucas, on 2 Disil Alam. n 2 94 Mercer John. 232
In fact he acquired a penchant for making | 346 Price John... 1724) 53 Diehl Nicholas $ Roy |] 100 Morcer David, Im
“confessions” that surprised the authorities. : Zr hy Rewind a) Atl Diehl Nicholas Sr ma fy 3 Jer Vme 29 60
pi > ho! ; Shaw Robert. 9: i Ni 2 oy : *
The insurance officials had good ground 21 8 Scott John.... 1981 i Dien] No 4 » > Jokes Samue Nc
for believing Holmes had murdered Pitezel | Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opinm — 0 os Saingel 10 311 90 Diehl Nicholas Jr 17 85 Yo 50 ey 3
and the dL ea, the prisoner Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It isa harmless substitute for Paregorice, Drops, Soothing | 150. Tan Sten ys . a 1 De ha 7 2 " 2-0 Packer Jon, 207
arrived in Philade phia e was urged to Syrup, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by Millions of Mothers. BURNSIDE TWP. . 65 | Gover Robert 9 44 id 0 Paderdamasiy. $n
3% her ‘‘conf: ’ yrup, y) 3 9 Parker Jeremiah 119
make another “confeision. Castoria destroys Worms allays Feverishness. Castoria preve: ‘omiti » Cur res Di 3 3 Bell Ale ler 5 ; Rhine ohms Zot! of cer | :
b stroys s allay: ss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diar- | 433 163 Bell A Sanat 16 91 | 16) McKean Robert. . 29 20 | A Parker Richard... 11m
MADE ANOTHER CONFESSION. rhea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. 1 is Dore Jone, : y > i} Dsvnong Jone 5 01 1 De Richard at
And he did so without any hesitation, Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowel, giving healthy and natural sleep. {bi fol Caries 729 14 ian Joba. o 3 ww iron Johny» 3 i
but it varied somewhat from the ‘one made Castoria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother's Friend. ai 16 Hunter Alex... 14 = 121 5 West Thomas. 23 01 65 Sai Tine 1 >
in Boston. It graphically narrated how the 93163 Homitton Phos Mal = Wilson Wilson.. $37 1% Robison Hihad, 8 17
A tin : ; : : a 0 arris Samuel.. 119 PENN TWP. 00 obinson R.. 5 02
Joy Sash ny Piterel ine Cal 400 Long J. Z... Boom Cook Wm... 492 88 54 Robinson Ric 3 47
lowhil street ouse, and its identification 314 Long J. Z... 10 35 | 200 McCally Wm 6 28 | 230 Singer Abraham 57 07
by Alice Pitezel as that of her fathera week (1 > Sholsen na. 2 30 Montgomery fo, odg|in A Be 2%
Herw f : 4 chael.. : 276 on ery Daniel. 8 6 ! Sec Alex 9 Ht
afterward. Mons also Loe how the CASTORIA. CASTORIA eS I Doe ene 715 350f 170 Swinsford Deter. Bein Scott & Alexander. 3 90
money was received from t e insurance com- > 2 TOR a 40 Stewart Walker 08 2 of 170 Swineford Peter... 207 |242 88 Sutler James... 8 84
pany and its subsequent division between > 4 163 Soot Sand i 2117 an Ts 5 138 Sutler Dovid, 9 67
: i : “ge, tn is xo wall od. hildpe y “Castor is x , : 1610661 ohildve 3 Stewar x 72 : : 2 P. He Swanzy Wm... 3 05
is Diteel, Jopths blow €, Pars Louis i Ss =0 well Basted 2 olildegn Pat I ; 0 tori fs An excellent medicine for childre Nn. |.433 1653 Wallace Jos... 14 31 | 288 Bond Mary 10 60 | 192 Warden Jeremiah. 2 46
awy er, and himself. was in this “‘con- | recommend it as superior to any prescription | Tot ers have repeatedly told me of its good effect | 123 Wheeler Henry... 406 | 42 90 Brisbin John.. 06 | 422 Wickersham Amos 00
fession’’ that Holmes accused Howe of re- | known to me.” . : rr upon their children.” fi a Wharton Thoms 588 | 133 Derringer Christ. 10 08 4 Yickerfn Amn 73
er 95 t : 2 . A nba. M.1. arr 3: 63 Young Samuel. 16 81 | 84 Frick John Jr.... 5 87 2 11son Robert... 31
ceiving $2,500 for his share in the transac wr ol: > Aa wn; y : oy Dr. G. C. Osaoon, : £3 163 Young Benj... 14 31 | 200 Garrigus Edward. 735 49 Zantzinger Paul. 6 50
tion. a ; : So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lowell, Mass, COLLE 200 Garrigus Wm..... 735 159 Zantzinger Paul... 20 67
Howe was indicted "»r conspiracy, but Ww Jolson Jon a srereen 465 Hof 400 Hoffman Wm. 9 30 WORTH TWP.
: ’ i 2 J S ¢ 31125 S
recently the case against him was dropped. “Our physicians in the children's department “Castoria is” the best remedy for child f andi ; . 9i3/1 Huber Bernard.. 871 44 Clymer Henry....... ie 432
. 1 ash hh Phila ) } 3) dren o CURTIN TWP. 100 Hunter Alexander 6 98 1 C bell Robert .
Soon after Ho mes was hrohy t to Phi have spoken highly of their experience in their | which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far 50 Brooks Jesse 2 go | 74.0f 400 Hoffman Wm... 240 | 554 Dn Thar 8 7
delphia, Detective Geyer visited him in the | outside practice with Cagtoria, and although we | distant when mothers will consider the interest of | 26 Brady Wm. P.... 2 52 3 Noolellan Bears : 8 47 | 996 Kuhng Michael. 6 46
county prison, in relation to the finding of only have among our medical supplies what is | their children, instead of the various quack nos. | 96 Brady Wm. P. 4.56 | 1 atterson Ben]. 3 38 | 180 Kuhns Joseph.... 3 13
he body at 1315 Callowhill street. Sont. . : Thanks nos | 9 Brady Wm. P, 17100 Scott Samuel. 698103 83 Kuhns Abraham 2 94
the body at 1315 Callowhill street, on Sept. | known as regular products, yet we are free to | trums which are destroying their loved ones, by 3 g | 100 Sawyer Wm... 698 | 54m 15¢ 3 (
4. 1894. Aft hour’ & ith y : 4 : y DY 67 Brady Wm. P. 3 08 | 100 Seott Abral 247 150 Kuhns George. 704
4, . After an hour’s conversation wi confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to | forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and oth- | 119 1 Custer Paul... ; Scott Abraham 698300 50 Kuhns Mathias 32
i 1 he detectiv D Bsyrupand oth. | 110 : 821138 61 Telly Ferrell... 614 8 Mathia 3
the wily Ho mes, the detective emerged | 100k with favor upon it.” er hurtful agents down their throats, therehy send- | 16 De Hass Mary 1156] gg Vanderslice Henry. 304 | 340 Kuhn John... 38 a7
from the prison with a ‘‘confession,”’ in UN1rep HosPITAL AND DISPENSARY ing them to premature graves," : 00 Godfrey. John W., Yi. pio Lawmah George. 202
hich th ed said the body was not : > rages 169 Godfrey John W 9 46 RUSH TWP. 330 Mayland Jas 9 13
whic € accus ! y. Boston, Mass, Dr. J. F"KiNcenog, 433 120 Hall Charles... 44 17 [433 153 Allison John 190 56 | 274 Miles Sam\el... 37 23
that of Pitezel, but was one substituted t0 | Avien ¢. Samm, Pres. y Conway, Ark. | 480 Kelso Joseph. 288 Tal Hen. Jaton: IW 5/5 Ross John. \.... 11 50
defraud the insurance company. = Hela Joseph. 21.84 ay. Allikon Andrew. 92 bo | 100 Shipven Thomas Li... 12 13
A week later Holmes honored Geyer with i Jalen Josent, 6 90 | any Alizon A, and John LH mol ® ig ohn... 10 58
i 20) 300 ,eech Mathew.. 16 80 | gor Armstrong Andrew. 19 17 ; inger John.... 128
another ‘‘confession. mn Lane Saal THIN 10 Ah herd " 17 63 1 Shippen Wm. Jr. 979
. isis ‘ | 7 ane Sarah... 5 10 g hn 4 nknown... 1 86
STILL ANOTHER CONFESSION, : 8 Lane Mary. nH 2 |, Dusnonloseph, Bi Wister Dui: 2 58
“Mr. Geyer,’’ he said, ‘that story I told | - : n ane Mary... 161 | 433 153 Britcher Isaac BrP ster Wi... 497
2 ; 3 > , . 32 a h.. . :
you about the substituted body is not true. CHILDREN CRY FOR PITCHER'S CASTORIA. BE 1588 163 Brickley Duniel Fd ors:
It 18 the body of Benjamin F. P itezel, but ; 100 Smith Peter on a 10 20 | 509 vor John. 5 60 | In accordance with the act of June 6th, 1837, in-
I did not murder him or his children. On 160 : Willis Jonathan.............. 156 52 | “49 Chestnut Samnel 1 12 | terest will be added to the amount of all taxes as-
Sunday morning, Sept. 2nd, I found Pitezel | . THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. AEN Tn ’ 4% 163 Delaney Sharp. 25 1g | sessed against unseated lands above advertised,
dead in the third story of the Callowhill | 41-15-3m. > ’ 388 49 Crewit Alfred.......... 575 | 433 Dentler Wm.... i 44 18 JOHN Q. MILES.
all 308 Ferguson Thomas... 345 122 . Eberman Philips... 0 879 ! 41-14 County Treastirer.
" § — } ’ wy
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