_ W. H. Miller, formerly associated with James Sechler & Co. A Great Offer. Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co. New Advertisments. Announcements. The following are the prices charged for announce- . ments in this column : Congress $10.00 ; Assembly $8.00 ; Sheriff $8.00; Treasurer $8.00; Regis- ter $6.00; Recorder $5.00 ; Commissioners $5.00. All candidates are required to pledge themselves to abide the decision of the Democratic county conven- tion. COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to announce Isaac S. Frain, of Marion township, a candidate for nomination as county commissioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic eounty convention. RECORDER. We are authorized to announce J. C. Harper of Bellefonte as a candidate for recorder, subject to the decision of the Democratic county conven- tion. New. Advertisements. ARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned hereby gives notice that the sale of the farm of W. E. Meek, known as the Robert Meek farm, situate in Ferguson township, Centre Co., Pa., has been placed in the hands of W. C. Pat- terson, of State College, who has full and com- plete authority to make sale of the same. 41-10-tf NELLIE H. MEEK, Committee. a FOR SALE.—The undersigned administrator of the estate of Samuel Walkey, Dec’d. offers the Samuel Walkey farm for sale. It is located near Hublersburg, Centre Co., Pa., contains 78 acres, has good water, fine orchard and good buildings. Address or call on HENRY WALKEY 14 West Logan Street, Bellefonte, Pa. 41-12tf INE GROVE CEMETERY ASSOCIA- TION.—Notice is hereby given that appli- cation will be made to the Court of Common Pleas on the second of June, A. D. 1896, for a Charter of Incorporation forthe Pine Grove Cemetery Asso- ciation located at Pine Grove Mills, Ferguson township, Centre county,” Pa., under the Act of Assembly approved April 20th, 1864, and the sup- plement thereto. The object of the Association is to purchase real estate and improve the same for the purposes of sepulchre. . F. FORTNEY. 41-19-3t Solicitor for Applicant UDITOR’S NOTICE.—In the Orphans’ Court of Centre county, in the estate of Polly Mulberger, late of Potter oe Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been ap- ointed an auditor to distribute the funds in the hands of the Administrator of said decedent to and among those legally entitled to receive the same ; and that he will be in his office in Belle- fonte for the duties of his said appointment on May the «26th, 1896, at ten o’clock, a. m., where and whén parties interested may attend. E. R. CHAMBEBS, Auditor. 41-19-3t. Finest. Roasted Coffees, Rio, Java, Santos and Mocha. Fresh Roasted. SECHLER & CO. XECUTOR’S NOTICE.—Letters testa- mentary on the estate of Julia Robb, late of Curtin township, Centre county, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to Wilson Mann, of said township, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or 1emands will make known the same without delay. J. WILSON MANN, CLEMENT DALE. Executor. Attorney Romola, Pa. 41-17-6t. : Ny SLpoaey WANTED. — On Salary, to sell Pennsylvania grown Nursery Stock, which is the best in the world. All the new spec- ialties as well as the standard varieties of Fruits & Ornamentals. A fine outfit furnished and all traveling expenses paid. Salary dates from day work is commenced. Write for terms, stating age. HOOPES, BRO. & THOMAS, Maple Avenue Nurseries, West Chester, Pa. 41-15-4t. FINEST ORANGES, LEMONS, BA- NANAS, COCOANUTS, DATES AND FIGS AT : SECHLER & CO. OTICE.—Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Centre county on Monday, the 4th day of May, 1896, for the appointment of a jury of view, to view and condemn that portion of the Centre & Kishocoquillas turnpike which ex- tends from the south-eastern line of the borough of Centre Hall in Centre county, to the north-west- ern line of said borough, being a continuous por- tion of the said turnpike and being whaly within the limits of the said borough of Centre Hall. This proceeding is for the purpose of havin that portion of said turnpike become a public ro; free from toll and toll gates. ILBUR F. REEDER, 41-14-5t. Attorney for Petitioners. | QLATING ROOFING + AND= ’ TINNING. — “ Harris & Co., announces to the public that he has purchased the tin and roof ing department out-fit of the H. A.McKee & Co. hardware store and has located at 29 SOUTH ALLEGHENY STREET. A thoroughly equipped shop for the purpose of ap kinds of tinning, slate, thn and iron roofing, si ang repair work and will also handle A LARGE LINE OF TIN AND GRANITE IRON WARE. A Specianty.—In connection with our line of gran- ite iron ware we are prepared to repair all vessels of that sort, such as putting in new bottoms, etc. It can be done, and we can do it right. STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED. Estimates on all work in our line cheerfully givens and prompt attention will be paid to every call. PRICES THE LOWEST. WE Argo PAINT TiN RooFs AND GUTTERS. 41 16 3m. FINEST TABLE-OIL, MUSTARD OLIVES, SAUCES, KETCHUPS, SALAD DRESSING, MUSHROOMS, TRUFFLES, CAPERS. 38-1 SECHLER & CO. TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT! From April 1st, 1896, until Jan. 1st, 1897, The DeMocraTIC WATCHMAN will be sent to any address for the remarkably low price of : » ONE DOLLAR. A GREAT CAMPAIGN! We are on the eve of a campaign that will prove the greatest ever fought in the political arena of the country. We want a reliable, thor- oughly up-to-date newspaper in the hands of every reader possible and have made this great concession to accomplish such an end. RADICAL CHANGES. Within the next two weeks many changes will be made in the WATCHMAN, every-one of which are calculated to make it better than ever. It will be larger, brighter and generally a greater newspaper than it has ever been. FOR ONE DOLLAR, Any one can have the paper for nine months. Think of it. Never was such an opportunity af- forded before. ¢ The paper will be fair in its politics, compre- hensive in its local and general news depart- ments, all the while keeping up its standard of reliability. A BENEFIT TO PRESENT SUBSCRIBERS. This offer is not only extended to new sub- scribers, but all the present readers of the WAaTcH- MAN who have paid in advance will be credited with an amount in proportion to the reduction to others. \ - . . Thole who are in arrears can receive the benefit of it by baying up at once. N HELP US WITH THE WORK. We solicit every one of our many readers to tell their friends of the great offer, and prevail on them to become readers also. The WATCHMAN should be in every home in Centre county, won't youhelp a little in putting it there. | Wa ARE THE LEADERS. We have the largest stock and the best assortment in this part of the State. We make a specialty of every line. We havea York. He understands his business thoroughly ; he has had 30 years experience in close buying. We have no rent to pay. We can sell for what smaller dealers pay for their goods. We buy for the cash. We will give you a few pointers which will do you good : y Men’s all wool suits, in black, blue and other colors, - - - E $4.00 Men’s all wool, serge and clay suits, in blue and black, - Men’s black diagonal, French woosted, also in colors, at 6.00, 6.50, 7.00, 7.50, & $8.00 The very finest dress suits for men, - These goods are equal to any 18 or $20 goods, of other places. Young men’s suits, from 15 to 20 years, serge, diagonals and chevoits, light, dark, black and blues, from $2.50, upwards. CHILDREN’S SUITS. Children’s suits, in light, dark, black, blue and mixed, of the most fashionable design and first class tailoring, from 98cts., up. Knee pants, 100 different styles, from 19cts., up. We carry at least $10,000 worth of shoes in stock. Ladies kid shoes, patent leather tip, needle toe, from 98¢ per pair, up. Ladies dongola kid shoes, patent leather tip, needle toe, every pair warranted, from | $1.24 up. ey CARPETS. Mixed Ingrain Carpet, 40 different styles to select from, 20 cents per yard up to 38 cents. ; Rag Carpet, 20 different styles from 18c. up, some as heavy as sole leather. All wool Ingrain Carpets from 45¢ up. N. B., SPECIAL. J ‘WE have closed out a line of Ladies very Cloth and Covert Cloth that cost the manufacturer from six ta ten dollars, which we shall run at 3:75. ANOTHER SPECIAL. A fine line of summer Pants for men that cost the manufact- urer from 2.00 to 3.00 to make up, that we will close out at 1.25, 1.50, 1.98. Lace Curtins, 50 different styles to select from, 48 cents a pair up. 41-9 resident buyer in Philadelphia and New 4.50, 5.00, 5.50 & $6.00 8.50, 9.00, 9.50, 10, 12 & $13.00 all styles and grades. Most fashionable, WINDOW BLINDS 500 dozen pairs of Oil Blinds, spring roll- ers and all fixtures included, 15¢ up. SHOES. ‘We almost forgot Men’s Shoes, a stock of $5000. to select from. Men’s Working Shoes from 98c a pair up. ’ Men’s Dress Shoes from $1.15 a pair up. Men’s Dress Shirts finest percal shirts with collar and cuffs from 45¢ up. Ladies Shirt Waists, 1000 to select from, from 25¢ up. You never saw such a handsome line. We have the largest variety of Summer Dress Goods, Percales, Duck, Crepon, Sateens, Batiste, Persian Lawn, Persian Dimmities. Dress Gingham from 5¢ a yard up. ‘We carry the most complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes of any store there can be found anywhere in the State. fine Capes in Silk Velvet, French Broad LYON & COMPANY, Bellefonte, Pa wn sR Fauble’s COMPARE! COMPARE PRICES, COMPARE GOODS! Our price $9.80. GOODS EXACTLY ALIKE. FOR MAKE AND FIT, you will be sure to give ours the preference. Will it interest you to save from $3.00 to $5.00 ? A hundred styles of Men's Suits at Nine Dollars and Eighty cents that merit the term ——WORLD BEATERS.— Call and get a sample and match em the price. Others ask $12 and $15.00. if you can for FAUBLES’, Bellefonte, Pa. R SALE.—Good seven room house on Allegheny street, Bellefonte. Apply to : E. BROWN, Jr. OTICE OF APPEALS. — ANNUAL ASSESSMENT APPEALS FOR 1896. Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Cen- tre county, that the County Commissioners will hear and determine sirens at the Commissioners’ office, at Bellefonte, Pa., for the respective dis- tricts, as follows : Monday, May 25,—Miles, Penn and Haines town- ships and Millheim borough. Tuesday, May 26,—Potter, and Gre, townships 2 and Centre Miny Wednesday, May 27,— Harris, College, Ferguson . ? , and Half Moon townships. Thursday, May 28.—Union, Burnside and Snow . Shoe townships and Union- ville borough. Friday, May 29,—Howard, Curtin, Liberty and Rush townships and Howard borough. Monday, June 1,—Marion, Walker and Boggs townships and Milesburg borough. Tuesday, June 2,—Taylor, Huston, Worth, Ben- ner and Patton townships. Wednesday, June 3,—Spring township, Philips- urg and South Philips- burg boroughs. Thursday, June 4,—Bellefonte borough. The time for hearing appeals will be between the hours of nine (9) o'clock a. m. and four (4) o'clock p.m. The Assessors of the several districts will be pres- ent with the Board of Commissioners on the da of said appeal for their respective districts, as well as all persons who may feel themselves aggrieved. Assessors will bring all books and papers they may have to the apped. . L. GOODHART, Co. Com. 40-13 T. F. ADAMS, J. B. STROHM. Attest : R. F. HUNTER, Clerk. Commissioners’ Office, Bellefonte, Pa., April 30, 1896. 41-18-3t Columbia river Salmon, Finest Goods 15¢. 20c. and 25c¢. per can. on SECHLER & CO. HAETFERS STUDIO. ——SPECIAL PRICES.— For a short season of high grade work until May 16th, 1896. —We will make— ——12 } CABINET i PHOTOS— from any negative made at our studio in the last G years, for er CENT i If you must have a setting and new negative, for 99 cent you can get of superior workmanship. SHORT TIME J] Our studio is being prepar- ed for a special run of this kind. For that reason only we will be able to give you a grade of work that else- whére would cost from $2 to #3. This offer will be good only until ) MAY 16th, 1896. ( SHAEFFER’S STUDIO, Allegheny St. BELLEFONTE, PA. 41-15-6¢ Lake Fish, of all kinds at Very Low Prices. New Cheese SECHLER & CO. wm EE RESIS Wall Paper Store. AF IMMENSE STOCK t—or— o——WALL } PAPER, 0 WINDOW SHADES, SE 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 PICTURE AND ROOM MOULDINGS, ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° CURTIN i POLES } AND } FIXTURES Sreseeseensestittinaesatntateces sraseiessesessateces ferenenenae a o Ll axrlas ob WONDERFULLY HENNE NNN eatNi arrears a ttietetrateststeeetattetrnsinteteteninny tenes A Corps of Expert Painters and Paper Hangers. S. H. WILLIAMS’, ,. 117 west High Street, 41-10-Sm BELLEFONTE, PA,