——TT # . St. John’s Catholic church, on Sunday, May fantastic with multi-colored bills. | * railroad have granted privilege to the elec-- Tr ——r - - eee nc ® © THE WEEK IN CourRT.—Thus far this week there has been comparatively little work done at court. There isa large at- tendance, however, and a long list to be gone over. Judges Love and associate Faulkner were on the bench when it con- vened, Monday morning, and after the regular routine of organization had been gone through with the cases were disposed of as follows :_ John D. Gardner. vs. H. §, Young, plea assumpsit. Continued. : Thomas A. Shoemaker vs. T. B. Bud- inger, plea, assumpsit. Settled. " Commonwealth vs. Steward Decker, charge betrayal, prosecutrix Ella M. Breon. Defendant plead guilty and the court im- posed the usual sentence in like cases. John Johnson. discharged from the custody of the sheriff, under the insolvent law. : : Commonwealth vs. E. G. Matts, charge false pretense, prosecutor Levi Reese. This prosecution was brought against the de- fendant for securing the signature of Mr. Reese to a judgment exemption note, alleg- ing that he had destroyed a bankable note, upon which Mr. Reese’s name appeared. Verdict of not guilty and the defendant to pay all of the costs. J. W. Van Valzah and Ralph M. Straw- bridge, members of the Lewisburg bar, were admitted to practice in the several courts of Centre county. Commonwealth vs. John E. Mullen ; first count, carrying concealed deadly trips. weapons ; second count, threats. Prosecutor OF he 5,000,000, recently LppIO- John B. Lingle. The commonwealth failed I ki t d th rt direct- priated by the Legislature to the public Ih making una sak a he ool Teo schools S te, Ce tr = ed the jury to find the defendant t ¢ s of the Sta y ntre county will get il ho $48 410.62 ’ gul ty and submitted the question of ’ . costs. ——Mrs. Elizabeth Gares died at the Commonwealth vs. Lewis Plowman, home of her daughter, Mrs. Jacob Platt, in charge betrayal, prosecutrix Emma Davis. Coburn, last Saturday afternoon. Deceas- The defendant failed to appear when called, ed was 70 years old. | and his recognizance was forfeited and or- —Mis. C. L. Knox has moved from the | dered to be sent out. old Thomas property, on Thomas street, Commonwealth vs. Adam Ginger, charge to the house lately vacated by Dr. T. To- betrayal, prosecutrix May Dukeman. De- bin, on Spring street. fendant plead guilty and the court im- A team of dashing bay horses were | posed the usual sentence in such cases. brought to town, Wednesday morning, from Commonwealth vs. Lewis Plowman, Lancaster. Isaac Lose had purchased them | charge betrayal, prosecutrix Emma Davis. for Col. W. Fred Reynolds. | This is the same case that the recognizance ——Harry Cook, second son of John w. | was forfeited, the defendant samo into Cook, formerly of this place, will soon quit | court Tuesday Imormng and plead guilty to the coal business at Blue Ball, near Phil- | the charge and received the usual sentence. On motion of Hon. A. 0. Furst, James | W. Scarlet, of Danville, and E. M. Beale, > =] vo 1 3 yi { The Pennsylvania State College base | of Lewisburg, were admitted to practice in ball club played the team from Westmin- | | Centre county. ster college, on Beaver field, Tuesday after- The next oaselwns a civil’ case. Thoin { y « v ADT, < noon, and won the game. Score 10 to 3. | Meyer vs. Walter E. Meek. Nellie Meck, —The Bellefonte Academy base ball | committee of Ete., of, Walter E. Meek, team went to State College, Saturday after- | plea scire facias sur mortgage. Verdict in noon, to play the sub-Freshmen. They favor of the plaintiff for $6,280. were defeated by the young collegians by | Commonwealth vs. Richard Fink, charge the score of 15 to 4. | larceny, prosecutor G. G. Ammerman. Work has been begun on the Mill- The defenant 1s charged with Folping wr. heim’s new school house. It will be locat- | Anmmernyn's Inmber oatp, in, Taylor ed near the Reformed church and will be | township, en the 23M day of February, G0 x 40 feet, so constructed that a wing can 1806, talding cups, blankets, axes, Ete. be added to it in the future. | Verdict guilty on the first count. Bellefonte, Pa., May I, 1896. To CorrespoxpeNts.—NoO communications pub- lished unless accompanied by the real name of the writer. THINGS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. ——The bicycle fad is on the inczease in Bellefonte. : —A new tower is being erected on the Presbyterian church at Milesburg. ——The last night of ‘the Drummer Boy of Shiloh,’ to-night, don’t miss it. ——Forty hours devotion will begin in 3rd. - ——G. R. Williams, of Port Matilda, has withdrawn as a candidate for county com- missioner. ——The law offices of John Blanchard Esq., on High street, have been handsome- ly repapered and painted. ——The cycle show and dance at the Armory, on Friday night, promises to be a very interesting entertainment. —Dr. T. Tobin, lately of Bellefonte, has just purchased another lot in Warriors- mark and will enlarge his house. ——Harry Fisher, a Millheim black- smith, has built a bicycle to carry two per- sons. He intends to use it for hunting ipsburg, and move to Philadeplhia. i Commonwealth vs. Bertha Harris, charge ——At the great relay races, held at the ; fornication, prosecutor William Harris. University of Pennsylvania, last Saturday, Defendant plead guilty and after hearing the team from State won the mile run, in its | the statement of the prosecutor they held class, with Bucknell, Franklin and Mar- the case under advisement. shall and Dickinson, in 3:43. | Richard Fink convicted of larceny was —— Council should pass an ordinance | Sentenced to pay the cost of prosecution, prohibiting the littering of our streets with one dollar fine, and undergo imprisonment hand bills. This practice is being carried in the western penitentiary for a period of to extremes and the streets are continually | On¢ year. Commonwealth vs. John Hayes, charge J : _. larceny, prosecutor John Madill. After —4A leap year dance was given at Uni- | hearing the evidence on the part of the versity Inn, State College, on Tuesday commonwealth the defendant changed his night. Girls from Bellefonte, Lemont and i plea from that of not guilty to that of State College were the entertainers and did | guilty of taking four chickens. Sentenced things so royally that the men got a new to pay the costs of prosecution, one dollar idea of how to manage such affairs. | fine and iindergo imprisonment for a pe- ——When evangelist Weaver returns he | riod of four months in the county" jail. will bring with him Mr. Wharton, an assistant evangelist and Mr. Weeden, an evangelistic singer, said to be one of the finest in the world: The tabernacle will not be built until after school closes, though the canvas and seats for it will be here in a few days. Commonwealth vs. George Graham, charge betrayal and rape, prosecutrix Agnes Duboise. Verdict not guilty. Commonwealth vs. J. H. Hill, charge surety of the peace, prosecutrix Annie Swabb. After hearing the “statements and ‘allegations of the parties the court dismiss- ed the case. Commonwealth vs. Chas. Keener, forni- cation, prosecutrix Sarah V. Daughen- baugh, Plead guilty, ‘sentence, fine $20 and costs. . Next a civil case was tried. Annie A. Leathers vs. P. R. R. Co., plea assumpsit. To recover for the killing of a cow near Mt. Eagle in 1891 ; compulsory non suit. Joel Barner vs. C. R. R. of Pa., an ac- tion to recover damages for the killing of two heifers near Hecla station. Verdict for plaintiff $41.93. John Love vs. C. R. R. of Pa., to recov- | er damages for killing a cow near Nigh Bank, occupied most of Thursday's session. Verdict of $43.10 for plaintiff. . The case of E. R. Holmes vs. the Man- hattan boarding club of State College was taken up next. It was to recover on a bill of groceries sold the club which is a stu- dent’s boarding place. Case non-suited. There remains only two cases on the list to be tried this week. They are : Hannah Grove, administratrix of Dr. W. C. Grove, vs. D. P. Shope to recover for _ ——The owners of the Bellefonte Central trical department at The Pennsylvania State College to equip an experimental elec- tric line for one mile over its tracks. Prof. J. Price Jackson, who will have charge of the work, expects to be presented with the apparatus. ——There was a large gypsy camp in the vicinity of Axe Mann over Sunday and Math. Riddle declared that there were as many people out there trading horses and having their fortunes told as were ever found at the grangers’ picnic. We fear Math. was figuring like he did when he ran for commissioner four years ago. ——The extension of the Bellefonte Cen- tral rail-road to Pine Grove Mills will be begun next week. The first work will be to take the rails off the old Red Bank branch and haul them over to the new | work. As no extra men will be engaged it is estimated that it will take the trackmen on the line at least three months to com- plete the work. There is quite a ‘distance to be graded yet. professional services. Now on trial. ——Miss Ella Haupt, of west High Jere Sharer Adm., vs Samuel Hoover to street left Wednesday morning for Marl- | recover for a quasi. endorsement on a note. boro, New Hampshire, where she was | REPORT OF GRAND JURY. to marry Walter L. Metcalf, of that place, | To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of as soon as she arrived. A year ago, while | Quarter Sessions, in and for Centre County. with her aunt, Mrs. Light, in Illinois, she | The Grand Inquest for the April sessions 1896, met Mr. Metcalf, who was West visiting. | respecifully submit the following report of their He is well-to-do and was here for a week | deliberations : in January ; but owing to the condition of We have acted upon twenty-four bills of Mr. Haupt, who is very ill with softening { indictment, presented by the district attor- | fi ideration. In ni f the in- of the brain, it was thought best not to] [oF forconsiveletion, tn mincioen of te fn . : i . | dictments we have found true bills, and the have the wedding here. Miss Ella is the | remaining five’ we have ignored. We have eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac | also acted upon the petition of the citizens of Haupt and is well worthy the happiness Potter township for a bridge over Sinking that seems now in store for her. | creek, between the ¥arms of Daniel Fleisher * and John Mitterling’s estate ; said bridge was recommended. We have visited the public buildings of the county and beg to say, with reference there- to, that the court house offices and jail were found in a neat clean condition. Want of re- pairs are noticeable in several places, and we recommend the following : We recommend that the top of the wall, or coping on the wall surrounding the jail, be covered with either galvanized iron or wood, to protect the new- ly cemented wall; also a change in the plumbing in the cells of the jail, by supply- ing a stationary basin for washing so as to avoid the wetting and consequent rotting of the floor. We recommend, either the re- moving of the fence around the jail park, or the replacing of a new one of a modern style. We recommend a new roof for the court house and repairs to treasurer's office by papering and painting the same. We would further recommend, if it is possible, to erect a waiting room for ladies, with toilet rooms attached. We compliment the commissioners upon the improvements made to the district attorney's office, arbitration room and stairway leading to the court room, also other minor improve- ments about the court house, and recommend that they go farther in the matter of improv- ing the county property, ° We respectfully tender our thanks to the court, district attorney and other county officials for their courtesies and assistance rendered during our deliberations. L. 8S. BRICKER, ——e ——Lock Haven is going to provide a stone pile on which tramps are to be work- ed. ove ——The semi-centennial celebration of Blair county on June 11th and 12th promises a grand affair. ——John Lupeld, a prisoner in the Lock Haven jail, made his escape from that in- stitution last Thursday afternoon. a ——The contract for the building of the new silk mill at Sunbury has been award- ed. It will be done by a Boston firm. The price is $100,000. - ooo ——Wheat fields in the vicinity of War- riors-mark are being plowed and sowed in oats. Poor prospect of a wheat crop makes such a change possibly an economical stroke. — ode Mackeyville has a base ball club al- ready on the diamond for this season. Manager Smull and Capt. McKibben are anxious to arrange dates with good teams anywhere. : ————— ete ——Williamsport council refuses to con- firm mayor Mansell’s appointment of A. Lord, as chief of police. He has sent his name before that body twice and both times it has been hung up. —ode- cS ——James Chambers, formerly of this | place, is handling Hal Pointer, the famous pacing horse, and getting him ready for a campaigning tour of the country. He is be- ing worked at Du Bois. | \ ——Lock Haven has been able, thus far, to raise only $187 of the $500 necessary for a proper celebration of the 4th of July. The project will be dropped if the full amount cannot be raised. ——Robbers have been having things their own way in Tyrone lately. On Sun- day morning they burglarized a number of houses. Among them was that of John Parks, where a watch and $6 were secur- ed. es —A Houserville woman came to town, on Saturday, with a bucket full of eggs. When in front of Cedar’s bakery, on Alle- gheny street, the bottom dropped out of the | bucket and such a smash-up as resulted | can only be imagined by those who have | seen several hundred broken eggs in a quivering mass. / —ete—t ——George N. Brandon, formerly of this place, directed a production of the comic opera ‘Chimes of Normandy,” at Cham- bersburg, Tuesday night. An amateur company from Carlisle sang the opera and were enthusiastically received. Chas. T. Noll, of Clearfield, took the role of ‘‘Gas- pard.” Both are former Bellefonte boys and we feel proud of the hits the Carlisle Herald credits them with having made. ——e e Altoona District convention of the Epworth League will meet in Belle- fonte on Thursday and Friday of next week, May 7th and 8th. From twenty to twenty- five ministers are expected and one hun- dred and seventy five delegates represent- ing eighty-two Senior and thirty-three Junior chapters. An interesting program has been arranged for, and several eminent speakers will be present to make the ses- sions profitable. - Sete ——Last Thursday afternoon a bicycle frightened a spirited horse that Will Fos- ter was driving on Main street, at State College. The animal wheeled suddenly, upturning the buggy. Robt. M. Foster | was riding in the buggy and suffered a severe wrench of the knee in getting out. Both men might have been seriously hurt, as the top was up and while Bob a gled in it his cousin was caught’ in the wheels. eee A ——The old Humes’ property, at the cor- ner of Howard and Allegheny streets, is be- ing remodeled. It is the intention of Mr. ‘Wm. P. Humes to leave only the stone por- tion of the house intact and have it design- ed after the colonial style of architecture. A Philadelphia builder has been employed to raise the building 3ft and, we suppose, move it back from the street. The loca- tion is about the finest in town and with a building set back 30 or 40ft from the,strect it would make a beautiful home. We do not know Mr. Humes’ intention, but when | he has so much ground there can be no rea- son why it should not he used to enhance his home. THE CASE SETTLED.—The libel case which promised so interesting during the fore part of the week has been settled and the Hon. Benj. Focht has taken his string of lawyers back to Lewisburg, possibly a wiser and certainly a poorer man. The case was brought by editor Fred Kurtz, of Centre Hall, against Mr. Focht, who is editor of the Lewisburg Saturday News, charging him with criminal libel in having cast certain reflections on his finan- cial integrity.. It promised very interest- ing by reason of the eminent attorneys em- ployed. Ex-judge Bucher, of Union county, would more than likely have been here. Ralph Strawbridge, a brilliant young jurist of Lewisburg, and Hon. James Scarlet, of Danville, were on the ground to help Mr. Focht and a number of Bellefonte’s best at- torneys had been retained in the case. The Lewisburg contingent had even. gone so far as to bring along a mascot in the person of Rev. Elias Riehl, a lanky old Mennonite preacher, whose faith rendered him useless as a witness, because believers in it dare not take an oath, so he returned to his mother on the afternoon train. It was not because of the oath business he returned, for it is doubtful if any of the party thought of such a condition barring him from the stand, but the old fellow thought was too young to stay so far away from He is an original char- Patani over night. acter and one of the last of that sect in the Buffalo valley where he owns several fine farms. He enjoyed the ‘“‘car ride’ very much and is said to have been particularly pleased with the spiritual visitations that came to him in the sepulchral gloom of the tunnels en-route. The case was settled, Tuesday afternoon, when Mr. Focht signed a paper in which he declared that he had had no designs against Mr. Kurtz and certainly was sorry to have libeled him, if such were actually the case. He paid $50 toward the costs, also. The retraction was made a matter of record. As to the merits of the case we are not sufficiently conversant with the facts to make a full statement, but had it gone to trial the defendant would have stood on the fact that no malice could be shown because he had not even been acquainted with the prosecutor and that he did not intend to libel him by the publication of an article that was calculated to reply to a charge, made in the Lewisburg Journal, which is edited by Mr. Will Kurtz, a son of the prosecutor. SS lese- THE JENKINS IRON AND Toor CoM- PANY.—A new industrial organization was effected in this place, on Saturday, when the Jenkins iron and tool company sprang into existence. ; Some time ago we published an account of an invention made by W. R. Jenkins, of Jenkins & Lingle, founders and machin- ists, by which it was possible to make steel rakes at one revolution of a machine. The machine was designed to cut a rake com- plete from a sheet of solid steel, so that all that would be necessary to finish it for the market would be the insertion of the wood- en handle. was practically successful from the start, though rakes have not yet been manufact- ured for the market. It was hoped to or- ganize a company first then push the work on a large scale. With this end in view a number of gen- tlemen met here, on Saturday, to investi- gate the machine and look over the plant. They were so pleased with it that a com- pany: was organized with the following of- ficers : Andrew J. Deitrick, Baltimore, president ; James T. Armstrong, Balti- more, vice president ; F. Chapin, Mil- ton, secretary and treasurer ;"W. R. Jenk- ins, Bellefonte, manager. The directors of the company-are W. E. Jenkins, Milton; A. J. Deitrick and James T. Armstrong, Baltimore, and J. H. Lingle, and W. R. Jenkins, Bellefonte. The capital stock will be $15,000 or $20,- 000. Work will begin at once on the manufacture of rakes. They are a simple, durable, light garden tool and promise to be good sellers. In addition the company will make miner's picks and other imple- ments. The work will be carried on here for the present, but it is possible that if the business grows as anticipated a plant will be secured at some other point. — de CARRIAGE BUILDERS.—On Wednesday S. A. McQuistion, L. H. McQuistion and W. C. Kreamer entered a co-partnership to be known as McQuistion & Co., carriage and wagon builders. Their shops are loca- ted on Thomas street and they propose hustling for business, ~ The senior member of the new firnris the oldest and most experienced wheel-wright in this place and his associates, who will have charge of the smithing and painting departments, respectively, are careful prac- tical workmen. The new firm will have high class wag- ons, as well as the real cheap ones, on hand at all times and especially invite a share of your repair work. *oe GIVEN A CHRISTIAN BURIAL.—The body of William Ettlinger, the Woodward murderer suicide, was raised recently and given decent burial in the little cemetery in the town. A large erowd of curious people gathered about the lonely grave in the mountains and witnessed the removal of the body, but not by word or action was there an indignity offered. Thus has ended the last scene in the great tragedy and we congratulate the peo- ple of that community that they did not allow such a blot to remain long on their i * christian characters. - +o ee ——Two men from South Philipsburg, named Cameron and Johnson, have en- listed in the regular army. The one will be a bugler the other an artillerist. The operation of the machine’ - ——To-night will be your last opportu- nity to see the great war drama ‘‘the Drummer Boy of Shiloh.” Don’t miss it. ——A very enjoyable birthday party was held at the home of Michael Segner, near Shingletown, last Saturday. It commemo- rated Mrs. Segner’s 49th birthday. Rey. Smith, the Reformed minister at Haidérpburg, will preach the farewell sermon to his congregation next Sunday afternoon. ~ He will go to“Eranklin county. abs —A man named Cooney, of Sugar val- ley, had a leg broken while at work at Bierly’s saw mill, near Clintondale on Tuesday. ee ——Dr. George W. Atherton has return- ed to The Pennsylvania State College after an extended trip to Arizona. He sought health and his friends will be glad to know that he is greatly recuperated. a Seen ——W. V. Hughes, of the firm of Hoov- er, Hughes & Co., of Philipsburg, has been awarded the contract for a new $40,000 church, which” Altoona Lutherans will erect, and also for an opera house to be built at Lakemont, near Altoona. agen Pat. Toner landed in jail, on Satur- day evening, after having vainly tried to break into his wife’s house, with whom he had not been living for some time. Pat. had a stone and a revolver, but did little harm besides scaring the community. : ete ——In our last week’s issue we advertis- ed for a pocket book that had been lost on the pike, between this place and State Col- lege, the evening before. It belonged to Andrew Etters, a Clearfield county lumber- man who was over here buying horses, and contained $200. Early Friday morning he drove back over the road and was lucky enough to find his purse. It was lying at the side of the road on Rishell’s hill. ab ——VWilliam A. Reeser, formerly of Fill- more, this county, was granted a divorce from his wife, Lizzie Reeser, at Bucyrus, Ohio, last Wednesday. On the following Saturday evening he paid the costs and had the degree made effective ; straightway.he took out another marriage license and wedded Mrs. Anna Baylor, a widow, the very next day. The divorced Mrs. Reeser is a daughter of the late Samuel Homan, of this county. : - oi. A PRETTY HOME WEDDING. — Vefy quietly and without the least display Miss Matilda Lyon and Lewis Grauer were mar- ried, Wednesday noon, at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Estella Lyon, on Linn street. or beautified with palms, ferns and many pink and white flowers, the colors chosen fer the wedding. W. W. Goodwin played the wedding march and just at twelve o'clock the bride and groom appeared and took their places amidst the flowers where Rev. Dr. Filoh, of Altoona; performed the cere- ‘mony. The bride, who is one of our most capable business women and’ who is a mem- ber of the firm of Lyon & Co., wore her traveling dress and carried a bouquet of lilies of the valley and orange blossoms. | Her little niece, Alma Lichten, as flower girl, carried a basket of daisies. Ceader served the wedding breakfast and Mr. and Mrs. Grauer left on the 4,59 train for Balti- more and Washington. Only near relatives of the family were present among them were the bride’s sisters, Mrs. Lichten and Miss Lyon, and her brother Gus, of Philadelphia, her uncle Nathan Hanaur, of Reynoldsville, James Scarlett, of Danville, and Edward Green- slade, Eng. News Purely Personal. —Mrs. Edward Swartz, of Punxsutawney, is visiting Miss Ida Gerberich. —Mr. M. C. Kephart, Millhgim’s hustling mus- ical instrument dealer, was in town, on Tuesday, on business. Though a comparatively young man Mr. Kephart has built up a fine business in the lower end of the county where he is reputed one of the staunch men. He handles the best makes of pianos, organs.and sewing machines and above all, enjoys the esteem“of everyone who knows him. —Mrs. J. A. Aikens and Mri. John T. Johnson, of Bellefonte, on their way to Beaver Falls, are bivouacking at the home of A. A. Witter and fam- ily on Lincoln avenue, The son of one of the ladies is married to the daughter of the other, and they are going to Beaver Falls to visit their children ; thus the urchins will have with them two mothers and two mothers-in-law, yet there will be but the two ladies.— Tyrone Herald. —Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Graham, of Philipsburg, spent Sunday at the Bush house. Their son Sam joined them here, on Sunday, having wheeled it over from his home. He reported the roads in bad shape and was very prompt to declare his in- tention of going home on the cars. The Grahams have many friends in Bellefonte and are very charming people. Mr. Graham combined a little business with what was designed to be a trip for pleasure only. —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murray came down from their home at Julian, on Saturday evening, to spend Sunday with their danghter, who is one of Bellefonte's most fashionable and sought after dress-makers. Mr. Murray is track master of that section of the B. E. V. railroad near his home and is one of the trusted employees of that cor- poration. He figures in Huston township politics too and might possibly have fled to this place to escape the pest of candidates who are becoming almost as thick as grass hoppers in Kansas. —Tuesday evening our old friend Mr. Charles McLaughlin, of Snow Shoe Intersection, dropped into town after an absence of almost a year. He is employed at Winburne, Clearfield county, but his family are so well satisfied with their cosy place at the Intersection that he has never thought of leaving it, though his work keeps him away from home nearly all the time. Mr. McLaughlin was accompanied by his third daughter, Miss Sarah, who is a very charming girl and decidedly pretty. They spent the evening in town, returning home on a night train. Mr. McLaughlin says the coal business has been dull ever since wages were in- creased. It seems to have been the design of the operators to stop work just as soon as they had made the advance. 4 | The reception” and dining-rooms were HARD LINES FOR BROTHER BAILEY.— Ever since the Ettlinger affair, at Coburn, some of the good people of that community have been incensed at certain reflections on their intelligence that were cast by the . Daily News of this place. A great injustice has been done an inoffensive newspaper man as a result of this situation. Mr. N. S. Bailey, editor of the Magnet, has heen charged with the articles in the News. Just how the people of Coburn should have confounded the two papers we are at a loss to understand, but it might have been because of Mr. Bailey’s former asso- ciation with the News. A number of years ago he was its editor, but severed his con- nection with it to accept the. position of city editor of the Williamsport Zimes. For the last three years he has been editing the Magnet, an honest, conscientious, temper- ance paper, issued from an office of its own and in no wise connected with any other publication. It is unjust that he should be accused of an offence he did not give and we trust that their sense of fairness will lead those who have censured him to a prompt retrac- tion. ots A QUIET WEDDING.—At 7:30 last Thursday evening, at the residence of J. W. Crispen, in Mill Hall, their daughter Martha E., was married to Grant Arm- strong, a former resident of Axe Mann. The officiating clergymen were Rev. J. C. Willhelm and I. J. Reeser. The house was very prettily decorated with potted plants and when the wedding party entered the parlor a very charming scene was perfected. Misses Nannie Crispen and Sara Bressler were the maids, while William Bressler and Grant Crispen comprised the groom’s party. After the ceremony and congratulations a sumptuous feast was spread, to which the fifty or more guests were invited. During the evening the young couple were serenaded by the band and also by calithumpians. The groom is employed in the axe works at Mill Hall. ———e McSULEY—HOWARD. — John McSuley and Miss Elizabeth Howard, were married at the residence of Rev. McArdle, in this place, last Thursday evening. Miss Mary McSuley, a sister-of the groom, was bride’s maid while Harry Walkey did the honors for the groom. The bride is a pretty young Lock Haven girl who met her husband while visiting at the home of Rob’t. Miller in this place. The groom is the second son of James Mec- Suley, of Logan street, and is a decorator by profession. We wish the young couple all the happi- ness possible for them to enjoy. >be A SAW MILL BURNED.—The saw mill property, a short distance east of Bald Eagle Furnace, on the B. E. V. railroad, owned by Henry Hoover, caught fire about 9 o'clock last Saturday night and was totally destroyed. The fire was either accidental or incendiary as there was little or no fire in the furnace at 6 o’clock when the hands quit work. A man was seen loafing about the place during the evening and he is sup- posed to have caused the fire. The loss is 2,000. There was no insurance. . ———— Oe ——Lewistown had secured the next division encampment of the N. G. P., but because the popular subscription fell $1,700 short of the amount necessary to procure the land the encampment will more than likely go to Mt. Gretna again. >. S. A. McQuisTION & Co.—Have now on hand and for sale a lot of nice new and sec- ond hand buggies at reduced rates. They have the best low priced buggy on the market. One that they defy competition on, both in price and workmanship. See it before you buy, it will surprise you. Repairs reduced in price. Shops ad- joining P. R. R. freight depot. a ee e:p-to™p CAPES, CAPES, CAPES.—Having closed out the entire line of spring and summer capes for ’96—for spot cash, of one of the best manufacturers, we give you the benefit of this purchase. These capes are all fine, tailor made goods, cost of manufacture $6 to $9. The poorest in the lot would be cheap at $5. We give you the choice of the entire line for $3.75. Lyon & Co. Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co. The following are the quotations up to six o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper goes ress : Red wheat......... 70 Rye, per bushel.. 40 Corn, shelled, per bushe 35 Corn, ears, per bushel... ; 15 Oats, per bushel......... vw 2 Barley, or bushel..... 3 35 Ground Plaster, per ton . 800 Buckwheat, per bushel..............co cmos 40 Cloverseed, per bushe! 00 to $7 00 Bellefonte Produce Markets. Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co. Potatoes per bushel...........cacccinnneiame Dn sates ats x 18 Sggs, per dozen.. [or per pound.. T Country Shoulde 7 Sides... 7 it Hams.. i 19 Tallow, per pound... 3 Butter, De pound.. 18 The Democratic Watchman. Published every Friday morning, in Bellefonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and $3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the year; and no paper will be discontinued until all’ arrearage is paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers will not be sent out of Centre county un- less Rd for in advance. . A liberal discount is made to persons advertis- ing by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows : 1 i BPACE OCCUPIED |3m i 6m ly One inch (12 lines this t $5 38(810 Two inches... T1110 15 Three inches 10/156] 2 gare Column (5 inches) 12 1 20 | 30 alf Column (10 inches)....... [2/3 | 50 One Column (20 inches)......cccoeeervnnne 35 | 556 { 100 Advertisements in special column 25 per /tent. additional. Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions..........520 cts. Each additional insertion, per line... 5 cts. Local notices, per line........ 20 cts. Business notices, per line.. ....10 cts. neatness Job Printing of every kin and dispatch. The Warcuman office has been re- fitted with Fast Presses and New Type, and everything in the printing line can be ‘executed in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. Terms—Cash. = All letters should be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers