Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 01, 1896, Image 7

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    State College.
Located in one of the most Beautiful and
Healthful Spots in the Allegheny Region ;
Undenominational ; Open to Both
Sexes; Tuition Free; Board
and other Expenses Very
Low. New Buildings
; and Equipments
1. AGRICULTURE (Two Courses), and AGRI-
CULTURAL CHEMISTRY ; with constant illustra-
tion on the Farm and in the SSRs.
ical and practical. Students taught original study
with the microscope.
3. CHEMISTRY with an unusually full and
horough course in the Laboratory. :
These courses are accompanied with yy
sive practical exercises in the Field, the Sh
the Laboratory. :
5. HISTORY ; Ancient and Modérn, with orgi-
nal investigation.
(optional), French, German and English (requir-
ed), one. or more continued through the entire
and applied.
9. MECHANIC ARTS; combining shop work
with study, three years course ; new building and
equipment. ;
SCIENCE ; Constitutional Law and History, Politi-
cal Economy, &c.
11. MILITARY SCIENCE; instruction theoret-
ical and practical, including each arm of the ser-
years carefully graded and thorough.
Commencement Week, June 14-17, 1896. Fall
Examination for ad-
For Catalogue
op and
Term opens Sept. 9, 1846.
mission, June 18th and Sept. 8th.
of other information, address.
27-25 State College, Centre county, Pa.
Coal and Wood.
oven K. RHOADS.
Shipping and Commission Merchant,
by the bunch or cord as may suit purchasers.
Respectfully solicits the patronage of his
friends and the public, at
near the Passenger Station. Telephone 1312
For all Billious and Nervous
Disegses. They purify the
Blood and give Healthy action
to the entire system.
604 N. 6th St.
Challenges the world, from the advértising
specialist up to the lecturing Professors, in curin
the worst cases of Special Diseases and BLOO
POISON. No matter how lingering, severe and
dangerous the trouble may be. Nervous Debility.
Stricture. Varicocele and Piles, cured without
cutting. Dr. THEEL is positively the oldest, the
best and most skillful and experienced one, no
matter what others may claim. Send five 2 cent
stamps for book “Truth” and be enlightened re-
garding your disease and how to get cured. The
only book EXPOSING QUACKS and their books
and circulars. Instant relief. Hours: 9 to 3;
Evgs, 6to9. Wed. and Sat. Evgs., 6to10; Sun.
9to12; Evgs., 6to9. Treatment by Mail. When
veu write or call mention this paper. Board and
lodging if desired. 40-41-1y
Chichester’s English Diamond Brand.
PeyyrovAL PILLS.—Original and
Only Genuine. Safe, always reliable.
Ladies ask Druggists for Chichester’s English Dia-
mond Brand in red and gold metallic boxes, sealed
with blue ribbon. Take no other. Refuse danger-
ous substitutions and imitations. At Druggists, or
send 4c. in stamps for particulars, testimonials
and “Relief for Ladies,” in letter, by return Mail.
16,000 Testimonials. Name paper.
. Madison Square, Philadelphia, Pa.
Sold by all Local Druggists. 40-19-1y
{ ooous AND COLDS
is a sure Remedy for coughs, colds, sore throat
and for asthma. It soothes, quickly abates the
cough, and renders expectoration easy.
will invariably derive benefit from its use. Many
who SHpTIOsS their cases to be consumption are
only suffering from a chronic cold or deep seated
cong, often aggravated by catarrh. For catarrh
use Ely’s Cream Balm. Roth remedies are pleas-
ant to use. Cream Balm, 50 cts.,
Pinela Balsam, 25¢. Sold by Druggi
50 Warren St., New York.
er bottle ;
For information and free Handbook write to
Oldest bureau for securing patents in America.
Every patent taken out by us is brought before
the public by a notice given free of charge in the
Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the
world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent
man should be without it. Weekly $3.00 a year;
$1.50 six months, Address
MUNN & CO., Publishers
361 Broadway, New York City.
‘| confined to one party.
Bellefonte, Pa., May [, 1896.
For Pattison and Why.
The local Democratic convention in de-
claring in favor of the nomination of ex-
Governor Robert E. Pattison by the Chi-
cago convention undoubtedly represented
the well-considered judgment of the peo-
ple of Allegheny county and western Penn-
sylvania. The element of personal popu-
larity does not enter into this as much as
an appreciation of Governor . Pattisen’s
moral and intellectual equipment for the
great office, his experience in executive
trusts, his courage, his ability, and a -way
he has of going into all public questions
thoroughly and giving judgment on the
basis of facts and principle. Of course
Governor Pattison is well liked personally,
but he does not boast that personal mag-
netism, very often a very meretricious
-| quality, but is rather of the Cleveland type
and his strength rests on the general
knowledge that he considers duty first,
and lets popularity take care of itself. His
eight years in the executive office at Har-
risburg demonstrated this quality. The
people always knew where to find him.
during his administration there was no
setting up of nights in apprehension ' that
some bit of legislative jobbery would be
‘snaked through.”” There was a faithful,
intrepid and courageous sentinel on the
watch. The reign of jobbery recommenced
at Harrisburg with the advent of his weak
successor, who has won unenviable fame
by making laws of jobbing schemes that
| Pattison stayed with his veto.
Nor is confidence in Governor Pattison
While Pennsyl-
vania Democrats are practically unani-
mous, he has a strong hold on the , best
thought of the opposition. This has been
abundantly shown in his two elections as
governor of the state. He was elected in
both instances by the support his high
qualities commanded from Republicans.
| On the national field his friends have con-
fidence the result will be the same. He is
no self-seeker. Nor is his nomination
pressed by the Pennsylvania Democracy in
any spirit of dictation to the Democracy of
the Union. They believe he meets all the
| requirements of the great office—that he
| would be a worthy successor of Grover
(Cleveland, and that on the grounds of
| party harmony and on the score of avail-
| ability and expediency no stronger name
will go before the Chicago convention.
—Pittsburg Post.
Quay’s State Convention.
Two things have been noticeable in the
preliminaries and the proceedings of the
' Republican state convention. * * *
The next is the lick-spittle subserviency
of the Republican party of Pennsylvania,
shown through its representatives at Har-
risburg, to the behests and commands of
Boss Quay. Never did a political party in
the history of this state so sink its manhood
and self-respect, and we hear privately from
Harrisburg that the press accounts are but
a feeble reminder of the servility every-
where manifest. The small beer country
politicians fairly tumbled over each other
to swear fealty and tackle themselves to
Quay’s nether garments. It was the
apothesis of the machine and boss politics
| —the supreme climax of political bondage.
| And yet it is the same Quay, whose ap-
peals to be saved from the consequences of
| political jobbery and financial ‘‘indiscre-
| tion”’ still echo in the not far distant past.
The pretense of Quay being a presiden-
tial candidate was kept up to the end of
the show, at which ‘‘the old man’’ must
have laughed in his sleeve as he collared or
| appointed delegates to be tised for revenue
| and trading purposes only, and announced
| himself a candidate for state chairman.
Where have the self-respect, .the con-
science, the sense of manhood, the intellect
of the Republican party of Pennsylvania
gone? Of all human qualities these are the
ones that were conspicuously absent at
Harrisburg yesterday.—Pittsburg Post.
The Sorest Sorrow.
Where lies the sorest sorrow that dis-
turbs the heart peace and spoils all the
luster of worldly gains or honors ? It is in
the worm that lies at the root of the home
life. It is of little account for a man to be
prosperous in his store, or his office, or his
pulpit if he be wretched at his own hearth-
stone. On the other hand, a wife can bear
any social neglect, any stroke of adversity,
and even to be ignored by ‘‘society,” if
her husband is loving and her children af-
fectionate and obedient. But a husband’s
unkindness is a dry sorrow that drinks her
heart’s blood.
Our severest and most cruel wounds are
those inflicted by the hands that ought to
clasp our own most closely. Wedlock, as
many of us can testify, means the sweetest
joy the earth can know, but woe be to that
home whose worst enemies are they of
one’s own household ! Good Philip Henry
said that he and his wife adopted a rule
that only one of them would get angry at
the same time. That ‘‘scotched’’ the ser-
pent of conjugal quarrels. Another equal-
ly good rule is to allow 15 minutes before:
any reply is made to an irritating utter
ance. All this sort of little vipers in the
home nest that are fatal to domestic hap-
piness can only be exterminated by per-
sistent, devoted, unselfish, forbearing, all
conquering love.— Rev. Dr. Cuyler in New
| York Ledger.
How the Gulf Is Filling Up.
In the years to come the geographies will
make no mention of the gulf of Mexico, but
will picture gn immense tract of hoe land
in its stead, the map being probably pro-
vided with a footnote something like this :
‘‘Note—There is a tradition that this level
tract of swamp land was once a billowy sea
several hundred miles long, embracing all
that country between Mexico and Cuba on
the west and east and Yucatan and Louis-
iana on the south and north.”’” This state
of affairs is heing gradually but surely
brought about by the Mississippi and other
United States rivers, which annually de-
posit millions of tons of sediment in the
gulf’s bottom. Expert hydrographers de-
clare that the Mississippi alone annually
deposits mud sufficient in the gulf to cover
| one square mile of its bottom to a thickness
| of 240 feet.
Go West, Girls, Go West.
According to the census of Massachusetts,
which has just been completed, the popula-
tion of the Bay State is exactly 2,500,183.
There are in the State 71,000 more females
than males, many of whom are pining for
good husbands.
In the new State and Territories west of
the Wi seimipn! the males exceed the females
not less than five to one. In some States
the ratio is stil] greater. And like some the
Massachusetts girls, those Western men are
anxious for a helpmeet for life and would
avail themselves.
Go West, girls, go West.
The Weary Woman.
She is Just as Tired as Ever, Though ina Different
These lines, of American origin, and
| written nearly 20 years ago, Lave started
on a fresh round, through their publica-
tion recently in the London Zimes in
answer: to a correspondent’s query :
Here lies a poor woman who always was
She lived in a house where help was not
Her last words on earth were—* Dear friends
I am going
To where there’s no cooking, nor washing,
nor sewing ; - :
But everything there is exact to my wishes,
For where they don’t eat there's no washing
up dishes. :
I'll be wnere loud anthems will always be
ringing, .
But having no voice, I'll get quit of the
Don’t mourn for me now—don’t mourn for
me never, : 3
I'm going to do nothing for ever and ever.
The cooking, washing and sewing are
obsolete now, or nearly so, says St.
George’s Chronicle ; but women are just as
tired as ever, and the plaint will have to be
revised something like this perhaps :
Here lies a poor woman who always was
usy ;
She lived under pressure that rendered her
She belonged to ten clubs, and read
Browning by gight,
Showed at luncheons and teas, and would
vote if she might.
She served on a School Board with courage
and zeal,
She golfed and she kodaked and rode on a
wheel ;
She read Tolstoi and Ihsen, knew microbes
by name,
Approved of Delsarte, was a “Daughter”
and “Dame ;”
Her children went in for the top education,
Her husband went seaward for nervous
One day on her tablets she found an hour
The shock was too great and she died
Our Youngest State.
The territory of Utah was organized in
1850, just three years after the Mormons
took up their residence there.
Brigham Young, president of the Mor-
mon church, was the first territorial gover-
nor of Utah. He served four years. :
No one knows the exact origin of the
name ‘‘Utah,’’ but it is believed to be de-
rived from the Ute Indians.
By an act of the Utah territorial legisla-
ture in 1870, the right of “suffrage was ex-
tended to women.
The coal fields of Utah are very exten-
sive. As long ago as 1879 the yearly pro-
duct was 225,000 tons.
In 1892 the total output of minerals and
metals in Utah, including everything from
gold to coal and limestone, was worth
| $11,500,000.
In 1880 Utah had a population of 143,-
963. Between the census years of 1870 and
1880, Utah’s population increased 57,121 ;
between 1880 and 1890, 63,942.
Utah with her 84,970 sqhare miles has
twice the area of Connecticut, Delaware,
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jer-
sey, Rhode Island and Vermont com-
Utah has single counties that would
make nine states the size of Rhode Island,
or five the size of Delaware.
A Cheese Salad.
A pretty-looking, as well as appetizing,
salad for luncheon is made from a Phila-
delphia cream cheese and lettuce. Color
the cream cheese a delicate green either
with a few drops of vegetable coloring or
the juice of boiled spinach, season with
pepper, and make into little balls about
the size of a large walnut. On a wide, flat
dish make nests out of the hearts of heads |
of lettuce and put three or four balls in
each nest.
the salad. Lobster salad is prettily served
in cases of cucumbers, and celery salad in- |
side red apples.
William A. Wallace's Illness.
Hon. Wm. A. Wallace, once the acknowl-
edged leader of the Democracy of Pennsyl- |
. vania, and one of only two Democrats
elected to the United States senate from
this state during the last 40 years, recently
suffered a paralytic stroke in New York,
where he has been most of his time during
the last year or two attending to important
business matters. His condition is regard-
ed as critical. He was removed to his
home in Clearfield in a special car some
days ago. His recovery is possible, but
grave apprehensions are felt by those who
are best advised as to his condition.
This Life of Ours.
Drink and the gang drinks with you ;
swear off and you go it alone ; for the bar
room ‘bum’ who drinks your rum has a
quenchless thirst of his own. Feast and
your friends are many ; fast and they cut
you dead ; they’ll not get mad if you treat
them bad as long as their stomach’s are fed.
Steal if you get a million, for then you can
furnish bail ; it’s the great big thief that
gets out on leave, while the little one goes
to jail.
Sour, but Sure.
Lamps are dirty things; therefore the
need of cleaning them becomes absolutely
necessary. Vinegar is an admirable liquid
for this purpose. When burners have be-
come coated with oil, they may be restored
to their original state of cleanliness by boil-
ing in vinegar. If wicks are soaked in
vinegar before they are used at all and are
then thoroughly dried, they will draw well
and will not smoke.— Wheel.
Knew His Business
Pipkin—It isn’t every husband that tells
his wife that she looks stunning in her
new frock.
Potts—Heavens ! If I didn’t she’d be |
striking me for the price of another one.
The Reason.
Fogg says that sometimes he is led to be-
lieve there are people in the world who are
religious not because it does them any good
but because it puts them in a way
to make a great many other persons uncom-
fortable. =
A Great Country.
At least eight presidential hoomsare now
sweeping over the land, and no two of them
has collided as yet.
try.—Phila. Ledger.
Some Years Ago.
. Claude—Horrible out! Did
ever see such rainy weather ?
Maude—Yes, Noah.
any man
——Butcher Weyler has about 150,000
Spanish soldiers in Cuba. He says the
Cuban army numbers 35,000, many being
boys. Yet the butcher wants 5,000 Span-
ish cavalry in addition to his present force.
Serve mayonnaise dressing and |
crisp.salted wafers or water crackers with |
This is a great coun- |
i Death in the Cyclone’s Path.
| Destruction Wrought for Many Miles in a Populous
| Kansas District.—Five Persons were Killed. —
| Three Fatally Hurt and 17 Others, all ln the
Same Neighborhood, Injured.—Child Carried a Half
i Mile.—~Houses and Baris Torn Down by Wind and a
| Following Heavy Rainfall Adds a Flood.
Toprek A, Kan., April 26.—Five persons
| at least were killed outright, three were
| fatally and 17 more or less injured and
| great destruction of property was wrought
| by a cyclone which passed over Clay
| county last night. :
{ MRS. FRANK PETERSON, the wife.
| GRANCHILD of Peter Anderson.
The injured are members of the families
| of John Morris, F. Welkin, Peter Ander-
i son and H. Gardner.
| Passengers on the Rock Island train
| from the north this evening brought partial
details of the cyclone. Itstarted about six
{*miles south of Clifton, and went in a
| northeasterly direction for 12 to I5 miles ;
| then lost its force by spreading. It passed
| about half way between Clifton and Mor-
Its track varied from 150 yards to a
| quarter of a mile in width. It tore through
| a farming community and left nothing
| standing. Houses and barns were wrecked,
! trees torn up and broken, fences leveled
| and hay stacks blown in every direction.
| The cyclone was followed by a terrific rain
| storm, which lasted several hours, flooding
| the devastated district.
The victims were in their houses, and
| most of them had retired. The storm
struck Peter Anderson’s house at 9.30
o’clock. This was about a mile from the
starting point. The house was demolished
in an instant. Every member of the An-
i derson family was injured. When they
| had extricated themselves from the debris
they discovered that Anderson’s grand-
child was missing. The dead body of the
child was found this morning in a ravine
half a mile away.
Couriers were sent to Clifton and Mor-
ganville for doctors, but it was daylight
before they arrived, and fhe extent of the
injury and damages was not known. At
noon to-day it was thought all the vic-
tims had been found.
A large number of cattle and horses were
killed, and fruit in the storm’s track -was
ruined. It is impossible at this time to es-
timate the damage to buildings and other
property. i
Many of the injured lay all night, pinned
down by the wreckage, while others
crawled or hobbled across the country to
neighbors. In several instances people
were lifted into the air by the cyclone and
carried for a distance.
Telegraphic communication between
Topeka and Clifton was cut off from the
hour of the storm until to-day. It is be-
lieved much damage was done in the vicin-
ity of Palmer, Washington county, but de-
tails cannot be learned.
Death of Jacob Beck.
Jacob Beck, a lifelong resident of Cen-
tre Line, Loveville postoffice, was a soldier
lin the One Hundred and Forty-fifth
Pennsylvania regiment of infantry during
the early part of the war. By some means
he met with an accident, which resulted in
hernia, for which disability he was dis-
charged some months after the accident oc-
curred, and he returned to his home, but
never recovered from the injury. Instead
his trouble gradually grew worse, until
finally it hecame serious. On Tuesday last,
in company with his nephew, Dr. W.
Frank Beck, of Spruce Creek, Mr. Beck
| went to the Jefferson hospital, in Philadel-
phia, where an operation was performed at
6 o'clock Wednesday evening, with the
| hope that it might at least prolong his life.
| But the shock proved too severe for him in
his weak condition, and he died at 12.30
' last Thursday morning. The body was
| brought home on Friday morning, and at
-} once conveyed to his residence where the
funeral occurred on Saturday morning, at
10 o'clock.
His wife, Mis. Jennie Beck, survives
him. She is the sister of T. J. Gates,
cashier of the Blair county bank, of Ty-
rone. His parents are both dead and no
children survive. Four brothers survive,
viz : Joseph and John Beck, of Fort
Scott, Kansas, and Isaac and Isaiah, of
Centre Line. Two sisters are dead : Mrs.
Catharine Buck and Mrs. Susan McKee ;
the latter was the mother of H. A.
McKee, of this place. He was a whole-
souled, jovial -man, a good and highly
respected citizen, always a farmer and well
| to do.
Mr. Beck was 56 years of age, and was
active and substantial citizen of Cen-
He was a member of the
Lutheran church, and Rev. C. F.
{ Jacobs, of Tyrone, officiated at the
| funeral on Saturday.
A Strange Animal.
| an
tre county.
A Young Hunter Kills a Beast of Unknown Spec-
Thomas Brown a resident of Roberts-
dale, near Huntingdon, killed an animal
recently that puzzles the oldest hunters and
trappers for a name. Its head resembles
that of a cat, except that it has a long,
sharp nose and whiskers, or bristles, pro-
truding from its upper lip about three
inches long. Its body is of a dark lead
color, heavily furred with a fleece or wool
like that of a sheep. The fur on the fonr-
inch tail resembles that of a possum. A
long, slim neck and feet like those of a
coon are the characteristic features of this
nameless animal. It measnres about 13
inches from the back to the ground.
Young Brown, his two dogs and the lad’s
before it was dispatched.
Why Gold is Used for Filling Teeth.
It is not generally understood that there
| are scientific reasons for the employment of
this metal. Gold can be welded into a
solid mass while cold. It can also be
pressed into the smallest cavities and de-
pressions. When once the cavity is prop-
erly cleaned and the gold carefully put in,
care being taken that it fills every particle
of space, the union of teeth and filling is
nearly perfect as. possible without the ac-
tion of heat. A gold filling may be built
up to almost any size or shape réguired.
None of the acid secretions of the mouth or
stomach have any effect upon it.—Seience
{ ——1If that very painful and troublesome
complaint, spring fever in the feet, is pres-
i ent, the hot foot bath should be used every
| night, adding a teafpoonful of alum to the
| salt and mustard, and rubbing the feet af-
terwards with alcohol and lemon juice in
equal proportions, or with a weak solution
of carbolicacid. This treatment will speed-
ily reduce the swelling, and the tired feel-
ing and soreness are at once relieved by
either lotion. They are so valuable rem-
edies that they ought to be on every toilet
table.—Demorest’s Magazine.
father had a lively tussle with the animal |
Bees. Why They Work in the Dark.
Bees go out all day gathering honey and
work at night in the hive, building their
combs as perfectly asif an electric light
shone there all the time. Why do they
prefer to work in the dark ? is often asked.
Everyone knows that honey is a liquid
with no solid sugar in it. After standing
it gradually assumesa crystalline appear-
ance, or granulates, and ultimately be-
comes a solid mass. Honey has been ex-
perimentally inclosed in well corked flasks,
some of which were kept in perfect dark-
ness, while the others were exposed to the
light. The result was that the portion ex-
posed to the light soon crystallized, while
that kept in the dark remained unchanged.
Hence, we see why the bees are so careful
to obscure the glass windows which are
placed in their hives. The existence of the
young depends on the liquidity of the
saccharine food presented to them, and if
light were allowed access to this, it would,
in all probability, prove fatal to the in-
mates of the hive.— Information.
DoN’T SCATTER.—We often hear good
old ladies advise their friends when they
are afflicted with boils and other swellings
of a similar character that indicate a bad
condition of the blood, to ‘‘take somethin’
to scatter ’em.”” This is the worst advice
that could be given, for, if ‘‘something
‘scattering’’ is taken, the poison in the
blood, which the system is trying to throw
off through the boil or whatever the swell-
ing may be, is driven back into the system,
and so effectually ‘‘scattered’’ through it ;
and by and by it is likely to manifest itself
in terrible ways. What should always be
done when hoils, pimples, and other erup-
tions of a like nature appear, is to give
something that will act on and with the
blood, and help it to relieve itself of the
impurities in it ; something in short, to as-
sist the system in its efforts to throw off
impure matter which does not belong there:
If swellings and eruptions increase after
beginning to take such a medicine, be sure
that it is doing exactly what it ought to.
It is driving out the poison. - When the |
blood is purified these outward indications
of inward impurity will cease. The medi-
cine that does this work most effectively is
Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery.
bride, when {gy returned from the honey-
moon trip, ‘let us havea clear under- |
standing before we settle down to mar-
ried life. Are you president or vice-presi-
dent of this society ?”’ “I want to be
neither president or vice-president,’’ she
answered ; ‘I will be content with a sub-
ordinate position.”” ‘What is that?”
de, when the bridegroom to the
—Dr. Gale observes in his treatise on dis-
ease that the great use of wine in France is
supposed to have abated the prevalence of
the gravel. :
In some parts of this country where
Speer’s Port Grape Wine is principally us-
scarcely known. Dr. La. Pota relates as
an extraordinary instance of the effects of
Speer’s Port Wine on gout the cure of Dr.
Daveran, who was attacked with it at the
age of twenty-five, and had it severely till
he was upwards of fifty, with chalk stones
in the joints of his hands and feet, but who
for four years preceding the tine when his
case had been given to Dr. La Pota to lay
before the public had by advice used
Speer’s Port Grape Wine, and had no re-
turn of the gout afterwards.— London Post.
——The thirst for knowledge in this
country is great, but is still noticeably less
than the thirst for liquid refreshments.
There is one school house for every 286 of
the whole population and one saloon for
every 278.
——In Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia
and America, the five great continents,
Shaker medicines are being used by suffer
ing humanity for the cure of sickness and
Never was there such a universal demand
never such wonderful results.
Shaker Digestive Cordial a cure for indi-
gestion, is prepared from herbs and roots,
and is a natural remedy, which cures by
aiding nature and not by fighting her.
Shaker Digestive Cordial makes those
fat, who have become thin by not digesting
their food.
It restores the spirits and the appetite of
those who are dejected and fagged out from
the wearing effects of indigestion.
- It relieves the symptoms of dyspepsia,
and after using for a reasonable time, final-
ly cures the complaint.
Sold by druggists. Trial bottle 10 cent.
——A comely young woman has mar-
ried the ‘‘turtle man,” a deformed negro
dwarf in a dime museum in the city of
New York. - There is no accounting for
tastes, as the old woman said when she
kissed the cow.
Since 1861 I have been a great sufferer from
catarrh. I tried Ely’s Cream Balm and to
all appearances am cured. Terrible head-
aches from which I had long suffered are
gone.—W. J. Hitchcock, late Major U. S.
Vol. and A. A. Gen., Buffalo, N. Y. 3
Ely’s Cream Balm has completely cured
me of catarrh when everything else failed.
Many acquaintances have used it with ex-
cellent results.—Alfred W. Stevens, Cald-
well, Ohio. :
— “Mamma, do you think Uncle Bar-
ney will go to heaven ?’’ “I hope so, John-
ny. Why ?”’ ‘Cause he won’t if the Lord
knows him as well as I do.”
——Bishop Wm. Taylor, of the Ameri-
can Methodist Episcopal Mission, writes :
“I know SALVA-CEA to be an excellent
remedy. I have proved its healing virtue
for severe bruises and flesh wounds and al-
so to kill the virus of mosquitoes and chi-
goes (jiggers.)"”
en ga
ed, not only the gout, but the gravel is{
For particulars call
Lor address with stamp
0. W. F. SNYDER M. D.
41-1-8m 907 Broadway, N. Y. City.
Consult the Old Reliable
Thirty years continuous practice in the cure of
all diseases of men and women. No matter from
what cause or how long standing. I will guarantee
a cure. 192 page Cloth-Bound Book (sealed) and
mailed FREE 41-13-1yr
pre eee
~ Attorneys-at-Law.
AS. W. ALEXANDER.—Attorney at Law Belle-
fonte, Pa. All professional business will
receive prompt attention. Office in Hale building
opposite the Court House. 36 14
F. FORTNEY.—Attorney at Law, Bellefonte,
o a. Office in Woodring’s building,
north of the Court House. 14 2
ASTINGS & REEDER.—Attorneys at Law,
Bellefonte, Pa. Office No. 14, North Al-
legheny street. 2813
lish and German.
Bellefonte, Pa.
B. SPANGLER.—Attorney at Law. Practices
in all the courts. Consultation in Eng-
Office in the Eagle building,
40 22
S. TAYROR.— Attorney and Counsellor at
J ° Law, Office, No. 24, Temple Court,
fourth floox, Bellefonte, Pa. i
r All kinds of lega
business attended to promptly. 40 49
OHN KLINE.— Attorney at Law, Bellefonte.
*) Pa. Office on second floor of Furst's new
building, north of Court House. Can be consulted
in English or German. 29 31
C. HEINLE.—Attorney at Law, Bellefonte,
. Pa. Office in Hale building, opposite
Court House. « All professional business will re-
ceive prompt attention.
W. WETZEL.— Attorney and Counsellor at
Law. Office No. 11, Crider’s Exchange,
second floor. All kinds of legal business atten ed
to promptly. Consultation in English or German.
39 4
HOS. 0. GLENN, M. D.,
Physician and Sur-
geon, Boalsburg, Pa. 41 3
S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon,
State College, Centre county, Pa., Office
35 41
at his residence.
HIBLER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon,
A e Offts his professional services to the
citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office No. 20,
N. Allegheny street. 123
DENTAL COLLEGE. Office in Crider’s
Stone Block, High street, Bellefonte, Pa.
to W. F. Reynolds & Co.,) Bankers, Belle-
fonte, Pa. Bills of Exchange and Notes Discount-
ed; Interest paid on special deposits; Exchange
on Eastern cities. Deposits received. "17 36:
J C. WEAVER.—Insurance Agent, be-
° an businessin 1878. Not a single loss
has ever been contested in the courts, by any
company while represented in this agency. Of-
fice between Jackson, Crider & Hastings bank
and Garmaw’s hotel, Bellefonte, Pa. 34 12
Represent the best companies, and write policies:
in Mutual and Stock Companies at reasonable
rates. Office in Furst’s building, opp. the Court
House. 225
A. A. KoHLBECKER, Proprietor.
This new and commodious Hotel, located opp.
the depot, Milesburg, Centre county, has been en-
tirely refitted, refurnished and replenished
throughout, and is now second to none in the
county in the character of accommodations offer-
ed the public. Its table is supplied with the best
the market affords, its bar contains the purest
and choicest liquors, its stable has attentive host-
lers, and every convenience and comfort is ex-
tended its guests,
#9. Through travelers on the railroad will finc
this an excellent place to lunch or procure a meal,
as all trains stop there about 25 minutes. 24 24
licit orders for our hardy
Nursery Stock. Expenses
and salary to those leaving
home, or commission to
local agents. Permanent
Employment. The busi-
ness easily learned. Ad-
dress The R. G. CHASE
0., 1430, 8. Penn Square,
40 35 1y.
New Advertisments.
PC IPS.—Chain pum
ter from cisterns an
lowest prices in the market.
The Perfeetion Water Elevator and purifier
known as the St. i Bucket Pump for purify-
ing Cistern Water and elevating the same. This
is the best pump to keep water pure in cisterns
ever invented.
A full line of force and lift pumps for use in
wells, deep or shallow, made of iron cr wood. The
wood pumps porcelain lined and galvanized iron
pumps with brass fittings. .
SPRAY PUMPS, —for use in spraying apple and
other fruit trdeés. The ravage of the Codling moth
or apple worm has been so destructive that every
farmer should make it an object during the winter
to study how to destroy this insect pest, and be
ready to operate on itin the coming Spring by
the use of a spray pump.
45 6m. McCALMONT & CO.
, for raising wa-
wells, the best and
NNOUNCEMENT.— I am with great
sorrow compelled to make this public
announcement, that by ihe advice of the best ocu-
list in this country it becomes necessary for me,
owing to increasing difficulty with my eyesight to
give up teaching music entirely. After carefully
reviewing the situation I have decided to devote
all my time to the sale of musical instruments of
every description, particularly pianos and organs
of the best make procurable. Anyone wishing to
puteliace an instrument will save money by call-
ng on a8 my room, 28 Crider block, and learn-
ing pal lars. «
\ home of Morris W. Cowdrick, on east
Linn street, Bellefonte, is offered for sale cheap.
A fine 3 story brick house, on a lot 756x200, new
frame stable, brick ice house and other out-build-
ings. The honse is in excellent repair, has all
modern improvements, bath, hot A water
on two floors, furnace in cellar and a large cistern.
Write or call on M. W. COWDRICK,
40 43 tf. Niagara Falls, N. Y.
Fine Job Printing.
There is no style of work, from the cheapest
Dodger" to the finest
that we can not do in the most satisfactory man-
ner, and at
Prices consistent with the class of work. Call at
or communicate with this office,