Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 01, 1896, Image 1

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    " occasion.
Ink Slings.
—Notwithstanding Williamsport’s chris-
tian manification in having elected a Pro-
hibition mayor, she isn’t quite ready for
A. Lorbp for chief of police.
—With PATTISON at the head of the
ticket the Democrats would storm Penn-
svlvania, in the fall, nearly as well as they
did Allentown on Wednesday.
—Politics in Centre county have been
very quiet lately. Local candidates are
getting in their work and whether the sun
shines or not they keep everlastingly at it.
—However partisan they are in Repub-
licanism the Pittsburg Times and the
Philadelphia Evening Telegraph deserve
credit for the stamina displayed in stand-
1. out against QUAY. : -
CHAUNCEY DEPEW thinks governmental
control of rail-roads would result in a great
ioss. Of course it would, in so far as
CHAUNCEY'’S salary of twice as much as
the President gets is concerned.
—France has another crisis, but that
does'nt count for anything. France is not
happy unless in a foment of excitement,
and pdlitical predicaments that would
wreck any other government on earth are
actually hailed with delight by the hot
blooded French.
—If the latest interview with ex-Presi-
dent HARRISON is reliable there is little to
be wondered at his preferring a matrimo-
nial venture to another struggle for the
Presidency. According to the latest view
accredited to BENJAMIN it is a very uncer-
tain matter, the election of any Republican
to be President.
—The Hon. Senator-elect JOSEPH FoR-
AKER, of Ohio, was a guest at a Boston
GRANT banquet, on Monday night, but
nothing is reported of his speech on that
It is hardly likely that the fog-
horn propensities of the Ohio_ politician
quite suited the culturéd tastes of his New
- England auditors.
—England has made another threat
against the Transvaal republic. This time
it is a long distance affair and as such the
ost natural thing in the world. JoHN
BULL has not forgotten his recent hand to
hand encounter with the Boers and wisely
enough stands out of bullet range to de-
: clare what he will do.
—DAVE MARTIN has ‘‘decided to vote
for Maj. MCKINLEY, as a candidate for the
presidential nomination, on the first ballot
and on every other ballot, as long as he is
a candidate.” DAVE is hanging onto the
right kite, sure enough, and in this action
will be a good many laps ahead of Quay
in the event of MCKINLEY’s election to
the Presidency.
—The Republicans of Alabama have
split over the MCKINLEY instructions. At
their State convention, at Montgomery, on
Tuesday, the MCKINLEY people who con-
trolled the negroes were given the go-bye
by the other element of the party and two
conventions were held. Hercisa ‘‘nigger
in the wood pile,” sure enough, for the
—Notwithstanding the lying accusations
of INGALLS and ATGELD that President
CLEVELAXD is ‘‘a personally corrupt man
in discharging his official duties’ his ad-
ministration of this government will make
history of which the nation can well be|
proud and CLEVELAND, himself, will be
remembered in the future as a man whose
strength of purpose made him fearless of
just such calumniators. »
—There is a great RUSSELL in Massa-
chusetts just now and it would not be sur-
prising if the Democratic presidential light-
ning were to strike some-where near.
RUSSELL is a strong man, but when GoR-
MAN takes up his cause there is room for
doubt as to whether he is in touch with
the administration. And such a doubt be-
comes almost a conviction when RUSSELL
and OLNEY are known to lead rival politi-
cal factions in the Bay State.
—Thirty of the thirty-six aspirants for
nomination before the coming Greene
county Democratic convention have signed
a paper in which they have agreed not to
use any boodle in working for a realization
of their ambition. At one stroke they have
put the burden of expense on the other six
and if it isin any wise proportionate to what
it is in Centre county the other half-dozen
. will join forces with the thirty before very
—It is not an uncommon thing for a man
to ‘‘chew his heart,” but we never heard of
looking it in the face until the other day ;
when Bishop Boyd CARPENTER, of Ripon,
England, advised his congregation to take
hold of their hearts and look them Square
in the face. He couldn’t have intended
that his words should be taken literally,
for surely he did’nt expect those people
to swallow one arm so they could grab
their hearts then. use the other by turn-
ing an X ray on it.
—The A. P. A. and McKINLEY relations
are apparently very much strained, but
little reliance can be put on the proclama-
tions of such a skulking organization.
While professedly against the robber tariff
champion who knows but that the A. P. A.
is secretly backing him and only trying to
cover up its tracks by sucht deception as
publicly condemning him. Enough is
known of the methods of this later day
~Know-nothingism to believe that it would
resort to any trickery to further its clan-
destine purposes.
rr ee
, 1896.
Yor 4
Reaching Their Lowest Depth.
The Republicans of Pennsylvania could
not have descended to a lower degree of
degradation than they reached in the pro-
ceedings of their last state convention.
Accustomed as they are to wearing the
collar of a boss, they never before so openly
expressed their pride in such a disgrace.
The state convention which last week
endorsed for the ighest office in the gov-
ernment a man who has no other reputa-
tion than that of a political trickster and
an unscrupulous machine manager, did not
display the least evidence of their being
ashamed of their slavish subservience to the
absolute control he has assumed over their
organization. Every detail of its proceed-
ings was previously ordered and arranged
by him. He was on the ground giving
directions until the opening of this con-
vention of henchmen, leaving Harrisburg a
few hours before the convention met, fully
assured that every one of his orders would
be carried out to the letter, Not only was
obedience thoroughly rendered, but it was
done enthusiastically. The abject tools
not only bent their necks to the imperious
boss, but they rejoiced in their debase-
ment. :
The proceedings of that convention fur-
nished a most striking example of the de-
moralization that results from boss rule.
With entire unanimity, with shouts that
proclaimed their delight in acting in the
menial capacity of political serfs, that servile
assemblage put forward as their choice for
President of the United States a mere party
boss and wire-puller, an individual who as
a Senator is a discredit to that high office,
and as a statesman is entirely devoid of the
qualities of statesmanship, who is incapa-
ble of making a speech, who has not breadth
of mind enough to originate a policy, and
who never advanced an idea on public af-
fairs that was worthy of consideration or
adoption ; but who has béen crooked in
every political movement he ever made,
and has been charged by responsible jour-
nals with offenses seriously affecting his pub-
lic character without his daring to go into
the courts to vindicate his reputation.
This is the individual whom the wretched
menials composing that state convention
have brought 4dgt. with shameless parade
and unblushing exultation for the high of-
fice of President, characterizing him as
‘‘one of our foremost leaders, wise in coun-
cil and brilliant and able in action, at once
the type of the American citizen, scholar,
soldier and statesman.”’ Has the abase-
ment of lickspittal subservience ever reach-
ed a lower depth than that ?
If the disgrace of such proceedings were
confined to the henchmen who rejoice in
wearing the collar of such a master it
would be of no great public concern; but
when the rule of this boss involves the rep-
utation of Pennsylvania there is not a citi-
zen of the State who is not compelled to
bear a share of this humiliation.
‘Brought to Account,
The bulk of the Republican press is en-
gaged in traducing the leaders of the Demo-
cratic party, their shafts being particularly
aimed at President CLEVELAND and Sec-
retary CARLISLE. With these journals it
is a continual campaign of vilification.
The official positions of their victims
enables these traducers to pursue their
nefarious business with” impunity, but
sometimes they trespass upon grounds
where they get themselves in trouble. This
was the case with the libelous partisan
sheets that published, in 1892, that Mr. E.
H. VAN INGEN, an American merchant
residing in London, had brought from Eng-
land $500,000 contributed by the COBDEN
club to elect CLEVELAND. Mr. VAN IN-
GEN sued them for libel, and as their
charge against him was of course without:
even the shadow of a foundation, some of
them have suffered severely in the way of
costs. The New York Mail and Express
has had to pay him $4,000 damages; and
the New York Recorder $1,000, heavy costs
of suit also attending these damages. The
New York Press by paying him $3,000 and
publishing its regret for having printed
“such false and unfounded charges,’ suc-
ceeded in inducing Mr. VAN INGEN not to
letits case gg#o court. DALZIEL’S news
agency, in London, which sent out this
slanderous report, had also to pay $4,800
damages. ”
Everyone of these journals, when they
published that the COBDEN club had sent
money to elect CLEVELAND, knew that
they were giving publicity to u lie ; but
they intended it to serve a campaign pur-
pose and. they let it go, greatly to their
own disadvantage, as they afterward found
out in court. That Mr. VAN INGEN pur-
sued them with admirable perseverance is
shown by the fact that although the libel
was published four years ago, he has just
gotten through with some of the offenders.
We would commend hi zeal in defend-
ing his good name to Hon. M. §, QUAY,
who has been charged over and over again
by a prominent and responsible New York
journal with an offense of a criminal na-
ture, and he so far has not ventured to go
to the courts for a defence of his reputation.
Another Republican Pension Raid.
The PICKLER pension bill, which is in-
tended to ‘liberalize’ the application of
the pension laws, is certainly very liberal
in its provisions as it proposes to include
deserters from the Union army, and will
also give a chance to rebel soldiers who,
when the rebellion was at its last gasp,
came over to the Union side. ~The only
object of the PICKLER bill is to permit‘ the
granting and increasing of pensions far be-
yond the provisions of the present law.
This new pension raid is intended for
political effect. It will be useful as a
campaign measure ig this presidential year.
Republican votes will be gained by en-
larging the number of persons who will he
made to look to the Republican pension
law for a pecuniary benefit.
The deserters have been out in the cold
ever since they turned their backs on the
old flag, but if their desertion shall be
overlooked by. the PICKLER bill and they
be given a chance to share in the govern-
ment’s bounty, why should they not vote
the Republican ticket for such a favor 2
Nothing has been done to interest southern
soldiers in the pension system,” but if pen-
sions can be secured for those who abandon-
ed the Confederate cause, when they knew
it was lost, why should not their votes be
secured by making them the beneficiaries
of a “liberalized” Republican pension law ?
The Republican vote is slim in the South
and this would be a means of enlarging it.
It is certainly a very ‘liberal’’ pension
law that proposes to include deserters from
both the Union and Confederate sides.
This PICKLER pension scheme is intended
entirely for election purposes. It is de-
signed to remove almost every obstacle
that stands in the way of anybody getting
a pension, and to enlarge the class of voters
who will be made interested in such a
‘“liberal’’ Republican measure.
What a rascally old party it is that will
thus use the public money as a means of
debauching the elective franchise.
No Chance of Improvement.
It is admitted in all quarters that the
last Pennsylvania Legislature was the meas-
liest and most good-for-nothing legislative
body that ever got together. In addition
to the general inferiority of its quality, it
was peculiarly worthless on account of its
being almost exclusively Republican in its
It should be supposed that the members
of such a body wouldn’t have the face to
ask for a re-election, but it is found that
in almost every Republican district the
rooster who occupied the legislative perch
at the last session wants to go back and
roost for another winter at Harrisburg, and
he doesn’t blush to announce that such is
his ambition.
The political sensibilities of the old par-
ty that dominates the State through ma-
.chine power have become so blunted that
there is danger that it will inflict another
such a Legislature upon this Common-
wealth. In Philadelphia the same scaly
set that led the dance of extravagance and
corruption at the last session are up for
re-election, and by the way politics are man-
aged it that city it is probable they will
turn up again at Harrisburg next winter.
The country representation may also be ex-
pected to be a repetition of the good-for-
nothing set who reveled in the spoils of the
State last winter a year.
As long as a majority of the people of
Pennsylvania continue to submit to the
men and methods that control their poli-
tics they can expect to have Legislatures of
no better character.
Raising More Money for McKinley.
After frying all the available fat out of
the rich manufacturers to promote the nom-
ination of the Ohio champion of tariff spo-
liation, manager MARK HANNA has hit
upon a plan of raising more boodle for the
MCKINLEY boom that is characteristic of
the ingenuity of the Ohio politician. 3
That State is laid out in districts, for
each of which a collector is appointed, who
solicits subscriptions with the information
that the names of those who contribute will
be preserved and put where they will do
the most good for the contributors. It is
calculated that $80,000 will be raised by
this method of colleciing MCKINLEY
His entire campaign is based upon the
idea of corruption. The manufacturers
who expect to be benefited by the restora-
tion of his tariff have been called upon to
contribute to the corruption fund required
to purchase delegates, while citizens of
Ohio are given the promise of office in re-
turn for their contributions. As there will
be over a hundred contested seats in the St.
Louis convention MCKINLEY does not pro-
pose to lose any of them for want of funds
to hold them straight.
Imagine the amount of corruption in the
administration of a President nominated
and elected by such methods.
——The Governor has refused to inter-
fere with the procedure of the law in
HOLMES’ case and the fiend will get a taste
of his favorite medicine on May 7th.
A Deserved Dish of Crow. -
One of the Republican journals that is
forced to eat crow in consequefice of the
state convention’s endorsement of Quay
for President is the Philadelphia Press,
and it affords us pleasure to see it compell-
ed to gulp the distasteful dish. There is
no mess so dirty that the Press doesn’t de-
serve to‘have it crammed down its throat.
The Press affects to accept complacently
the action of the state convention that en-
dorsed the leading political corruptionist of
the country for President of the United
States, allowing itself to become entirely
oblivious of . the position it took in 1885,
when QUAY was arranging to nominate
himself for State Treasurer. Referring to
the treasury scandals connected with
QUAY’S name, it is-said that such a nomi-
nation ‘‘would take the lid from off the
treasury and uncover secrets before which
Republicans would stand dumb.?’
+ Yet this truculent and truckling organ
concedes its support to the presidential
candidacy of the man the disclosure of
whose alleged obliquities in connection
with the state treasury it said would
dunibfound the Republicans.
‘We hope that CHARLES Emory may be
able to adjust his digestive organ to the re-
pulsive mess which the state convention
has compelled him to swallow.
Ably and Honestly Managed.
The full details of the recent bond sale.
have been received and ‘the result shows
the excellent management and fully vindi-
cates the integrity of the officials who had
charge of the transaction.
The amount of bonds sold was $100,000, -
000, but the sale was so judiciously man-
aged that it netted a total return to the
treasury of $107,777,826.86.
From the villainous inuendoes of the ad-
ministration’s traducers it might be sup-
posed that the government’s interest was
sacrificed by the treasury authorities for
the advantage of favored parties. This is
the import of the slanderous rumors set
afloat for political effect, even assailing the
President and Secretary of the Treasury
with the vile charge of being in league
with Wall street bankers to swindle the
his infamous attempt to produce a
political effect by vilifying the administra-
tion is triumphantly headed off by the ex-
hibit which shows that the transaction was
80 ably and honestly managed that the gov-
ernment made a clear profit of over seven
million dollars in the sale of the bonds.
Useless But Expensive.
What an expensive body our plutocratic
U. S. Senate has grown to be. It may be
neither useful nor ornamental, but there is
no question that it is costly.
Each of the members have an annual
salary of $5,000, which ought to meet all
their expenses, even including the item of
‘cold tea.” Tt is in fact big pay, consid-
ering the small amount of service they per-
form. But they have increased their ex-
pense to the goverment by providing them-
selves with clerical assistants and body ser-
vants, at an average additional cost of $4,-
483 for each Senator per annum, which, to-
gether with the senatorial salary, makes
each one of these high-toned lawmakers
cost the United States $9,483, or an aggre-
gate of nearly a million a year for the nine-
ty who compose that exalted body.
When it is considered that during the
past session of nearly five months the Sen-
ate, the same as the House, has done ab-
solutely nothing of any value to the coun- ;
try, a dollar a day would have more than
paid them for what they really earned.
Firm in the Democratic Column,
The first reports gave the Republicans
premature hopes of carrying Louisiana at
the recent. state election, which was en-
couraged by some gains they made in New
Orleans, but it turns out that the Demo-
cratic majority on the state ticket is 30,000
with a proportionate majority in the state
Legislature. It is true that a discreditable
Democratic machine was smashed in New
Orleans, as all such machines should be
smashed, but the Democratic strength in
the State remains intact. Mr. BOATNER,
who was recently turned out of his seat in
Congress by the unfair decision of a Repub-
lican committee, has been re-elected by the
Democrats of his district, and in all re-
spects Louisiana remains as firmly in the
Democratic column as ever.
It was feared that the repeal of the sugar
bounty might shake its allegiance to the
Democracy, but the fifteen millions of dol-
lars distributed yearly among the rich
Louisiana sugar planters did not buy up
the mass of the people.
——Yesterday was the 107th milestone
of our glorious Republic. Long may she
live, happy may she be, and proudly may
herstars and stripes wave o'er land and sea.
—— Within the past few days MCKINLEY
has won in Illinois, Vermont and a majori-
ty of the delegates in Georgia.
——Subscribe for the WATCHMAN.
The Popularity of a Badge.
From the New York Sun.
The down is still scanty on the face of
Spring, yet see what a demand for, or at
least supply of, compaign buttons and
badges there is, and millions more are on
the road. The gentlemen in the denounc-
ing and Populistic line are already working
overtime denouncing the Rothchilds and
other ehildren of fortune. Why not de-
nounce the button makers and the badge
makers? To be sure, they have done noth-
ing but make badges and buttons, but they
must be becoming the richest men in the
world. Never before have there been so
many badges and buttons, and yet the
time of buttons and badges is only begin-
ning. By the 1st of June little else will be
made in the country. The mails and rail-
roads will carry nothing else. No Repub-
lican chest will be barren of a brilliant but-
ton and a more brilliant badge. The
prime of Spring was never so glorious as
that badge-and-button harvest will be.
And there are millions of Democratic, Pop-
ulist, and Prohibitionist chests which ache
gop buttons and badges. ’Tis the only
A Speedy Ome.
From the Easton Argus.
Another record breaker has added to the
distinction and the effectiveness of the
young and growing navy of the United
States in the shape of the battleship Massa-
chusetts. Over a course of sixty-two knots
that remarkable vessel on her official trial
trip made an average speed of 16.279 knots.
This is certainly remarkable for aship of the
class recognized as the most formidable in
modern naval architecture. Each new ship
added to the navy of this country is of
greater efficiency than any other of its class
either of this or any other government.
What is lost in numbers is made up by the
high standard attained in construction. It
is well that Congress has been induced to
gradually make up the deficiency of num-
bers. At the present rate the United
States is destined to have the best navy on
the globe. It is a rapid pace that has been
set-for the navies of other countries.
The Makers of Supreme Efforts,
From the Pittsburg Post.
Governor Hastings, it is
Harrisburg friends, will “make the su-
preme effort of his life’’ in nominating
Quay at St. Louis. It has generally been
supposed that he made the ‘‘supreme effort
of his life” to down Quay in the combine
fight last year. Congressman Stone, of
Allegheny, and Senator Penrose, of Phil-
adelphia, are reported as rivals for an op-
portunity of making the supreme efforts of
their lives in seconding the Quay nomina-
tion, should it reach the stage of a second.
No orator is mentioned from outside the
reported by his
state who proposes silver or golden speech |
on behalf ot the Senator, which in itself is
rather discouraging. Either Mr. Magee or
Mr. Flinn will probably second the nomi-
nation of Governor McKinley, if they can
get the chance.
The Cause of the Salvation Army Trouble.
From the Hollidaysburg Register.
The trouble existing between Ballington
Booth and his father grew out of the lat-
ter’s hatred for anything American. He
insisted that the Salvation Army should
dispense with the American flag when on |
parade, and that it should cease to entertain i
American ideas. The young man, how-
ever, would not submit to his father’s de-
mands and resigned. Every true Ameri-
can will honor and uphold young Booth for
his patriotic stand, and hereafter show more
consideration for the Salvation Army,
which is doing a grand work in this coun-
try. :
An Arraignment of Robber Tariffs.
From the Altoona Times.
The platform adopted by the Allentown
convention shows that the Pennsylvania
Democracy.are as heartily opposed to pro-
tection to-day as they ever ‘were. It was
expected that they would declare them-
selves on this subject as they did and thus
show that they appreciate that the recent
hard times was not caused by Democratic
tariff legislation or the fear of the same.
To Be Regretted.
New York Commercial Advertiser.
It is to be regretted that Mr. Smalley
should ‘‘view with alarm’’ the Venezuelan
situation. We can assure him that the
American people have deeper interests in
their own affairs than in the "squabbles of
Great Britian. - There is net going to be
any. wat over the disputed territory.
It Is Never Too Late for Sincere Repent-
From the Baltimore Herald.
The reported baptism and reception into
the church of H. H. Holmes, the multi-
murderer, is one of those occurrances which
provide scoffers with material for attacks
upon religion, and give the Bob Ingersolls
of the world the weapons with which to
assail orthodoxy. ’
Not To Be Wondered At.
Chicago Inter-Ocean.
It is stated that ‘‘the average amount of
sunshine per day in England is four hours.”
Is it any wonder that Englishmen desire to
annex Venezuela, South Africa, Burmah,
Egypt, the Soudan and other regions where
Sol is given a fair chance to shine.
Cubans Feeling Good.
HAVANA, April 27.—The Cuban syn
pathizers in this city are secretly rejoicing
over the receipt of trustworthy intelligence
Spawls from the Keystone.
—A Pittsburg salesman, Allan Aldrich,
dropped dead at Hamilton, Ont.
—William Garrett made a determined but
ineffectual effort to escape from the Lebanon
—Governor Hastings planted a Norway
maple tree in front of the executive man-
sion on Arbor day.
—Two girls frightened off a thief who was
trying to break into Saylor's wholesale gro-
cery store, at Reading.
—Michael Soba, who kept a store at Shen-
andoah, is missing, greatly to the discomfort
of numerous creditors.
—Fish warden Ford has begun a war upon
Sunday anglers in Luzerne -ecounty, four ar-
rests being made yesterday. ~~ |
—Over $14,000 was contributed on Sunday
towards the purchase of a site for a new
Methodist church, at Pottsville.
—John L. Cowan, who is wanted at Pitts-
burg for forgery, was captured in Guatemala,
and is on his way to Pennsylvania.
—While rowing ina boat on the Susque-
hanna river, at Nanticoke, Walter Robinski
was swept over a dam and drowned.
—For robbing David Moyer’s mill, near
Bethlehem, Thomas Burke and James Welsh
were sent to the penitentiary for ten years.
—An insane negro was found riding on the
rear platform of a Philadelphia & Reading
express at Sunbury, but he escaped capture.
—One hundred and eighty-four children
under the age of 5 years died in Philadel-
phia last week. The total number of deaths
for the week was 556.
—Spurious dollars and half dollars are be-
ing shoved by shovers of the queer in Al-
toona. Detectives are on the ground but so
far no developments have been brought to the
—Sunday while Yon Lee, a Jersey Shore
‘| laundryman, was out walking, a burglar en-
tered his place of work and stole sixty-two -
dollars in cash and thirteen dollars in wear-
ing apparel. :
—The boiler of Noah Mumpher's saw mill,
located about three and one-half miles from
Lewistown, exploded Thursday, completely
demolishing the mill and slighly injuring
two of the employes. Low water and a worn
out boiler caused the explosion.
—The Clearfield National bank, of Clear-
field, has taken out a burglar proof policy of
insurance of $15,000, which is intended te
protect that institution against any loss from
burglars, ete. This kind of policy is becom-
ing quite popular with banks, and is an ad-
ditional guarantee to depositors.
—At Williamsport Saturday evening Ed-
ward Hazel, aged 20, being afflicted with
cramp, drank two ounces of Jamaica ginger.
It proved to be an over-dosc. and the young
man became very ill. A physician was sum-
moned who succeeded in removing the drug
from his stomach. Had not relief come when
it did, the young man would have died.
—The Baldwin Locomotive works at Phil-
adelphia, has just closed an important con-
tract with the Russian government for sixty
large freight engines, to be completed by
July 1st. With .the completion cf this con-
tract the firm will have constructed since
October, 1895, 134 engines for the Russians.
The sixty engines will be adapted for burn-
ing oil as fuel.
—A Philipsburg dispatch says that ‘the
bituminous coal operators in the districts
sending coal to seaboard have at last com-
pleted an adjustment of the mining rate with
their miners. Those in the districts sending
to the lakes have also arrived at an equitable
arrangement, so that everything is ready for
the opening of the summer orders and ship-
ping season. Word comes from the Fair-
mount region in West Virginia that notice
has been given of the advance in the rate of
mining. ;
—At Flynntown, Clearfield county, Satur-
| day last, the boiler in Robert Burgoon’s vort-
| able saw mill exploded. The mill was blown
to pieces, while the bodies of Matt McGough;
Frank Gates and William Burgoon, a son of
the owner, were scattered in all directions.
Portions of the bodies were found as far as
200 yards from where the mill stood. Isaiah
Gates was slightly injured. McGough was
married and leaves a family. Gates and Bur-
goon were single and their homes were at
Coalport. The accident is attributed to lack
of water in the boiler. :
—The cases against superintendent A. G.
Palmer for alleged conspiracy on the charge
of Lamott Ames, a removed . trainmaster,
were postponed at the hearing before a Wil-
liamsport alderman until May 6. The other
parties accused of the same charges were also
held for a hearing until the same time. None
of the persons swearing out the information
hearing yesterday, which absence led the dis-
trict attorney to remark that there was some-
thing wrong. The case of the prosecution
looks very weak at present.
—At Karthaus recently May Minerva,
daughter of John G. Emerick, was playing
with a number of companions on a railroad
turntable at that place. In jumping to the
track she was caught by the turntable, which
was being moved by a companion, and terri-
knee and several ligaments were cut. On
the other leg the bone was supposed to have
been crushed and a piece of iron forced
through the fleshy part of the thigh, The
little girl died that evening. She was nearly
12 years old. Her remains were taken to
Centre Hall for interment.
—George Comoh, a Hungarian, night watch-
man in the paint-shops at Renovo, met death
in a peculiar manner some time Saturday
night. The accident must have occurred be-
| tween 12 and 1 o'clock as the watchman had
registered the making of his round at 12
o'clock. It is supposed that after making his
trip at that hour Comoh had placed a lad-
der against the boiler or engine for the pur-
f repairing a leaky steam valve. The
dder being a little tooshort the man had
used a steel bar with which to pry the valve
around a little farther. In some manner the
that further aid for the insurgents has ar- | bar fell out of Mr. Comoh’s hands and stuck
rived. An expedition with a large quan- point upward in a trough below. The force
tity of arms and ammunition, has safely | of the escaping steam,
it is believed, threw
against the defendants were present at the °
bly injured. Ome leg was broken above the -
landed on the coast of Pinar Del Rio and | the watchman off the ladder and in falling
the supplies are now safe in the hands of i he was impaled on the bar, that piece of steel
the patriots. The expedition comprised a entering the body under the right shoulder
be her fn; a uu os and . running through the breast until it
= pi as to where the expedition was | touched the heart. The man evidently died
from, but there is no doubt of its lasing | without a struggle, as the grasp of his hand
safely evaded the Spanish warships and | on the handle of the lantern had not relaxed
troops. any.