Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 24, 1896, Image 8
Bellefonte, Pa., April 24, 1896. To CorresroNpENTS.—No communications pub- lished unless accompanied by the real name of the writer. THINGS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. ——The town reservoir is being cleaned. I11 health has forced Simon Harper to with-draw from the firm of Harper & Kreamer at Centre Hall. The Bellefonte wheelmen’s club will give a cycle show and ball in the armory on the evening of May Sth. ——The Academy base ball club will meet the State College sub-Freshmen, on Beaver field, to-morrow afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Miller, of east High street, are very much elated over a little girl that lately arrived at their home. ——H. D. Meek, eldest son of D. L. Meek, of Waddle, is about closing the pur- ‘chase of Krunirine’s drug store at State College. ——The Union ex-prisoners of war asso- ciation of Centre county will meet in Gregg post rooms, this place, at 1 o’clock sharp, Tuesday April 28th. z ! — Mrs. Sara Gobble, wife of Jacob Gob- ble, of Snydertown, died last Sunday morn- ingand was buried on Tuesday. Consump- tion caused her death. “A thoroughbred’’ was the name of a play a lot of scrubs presented to a much larger house than they deserved, at Gar- man’s, Wednesday night. A number of good communications arrived too late for insertion in this issue, Some of our correspondents will kindly send in their reports a little earlier in the week. ——Judge Beaver, of the superior court, handed down an opinion, in Pittsburg, the other day, in which he stated that in the case of road views the viewers have no au- thority over the width of the road at all. John Crossmire, a resident of Cur- tins’ Works, was in town Saturday after- noon and got too full of bug juice for- his | own good. He was just starting home in his, buggy when the police ‘‘pinched’’ him. The Philipsburg shovel factory is re- ported to be the only industry in that town that has any life at present. It lately booked several large orders, among them na mpm HARMONY’S BENIGN SWAY.—While re- ports from county political gatherings in all parts of the State are recording scenes of ruction and general dissatisfaction the meeting of the Democrats of Centre, last Saturday, proved a delightful diversion. Had chairman Spangler’s call for the re- convening of the old convention of '95, for the purpose of electing five delegates to rep- resent this county at the Allentown state convention, next Wednesday, contained concentrated doses of Mrs. Wilson’s sooth- ing syrup for the delegates a more good humored gathering could not have result- ed. Delegates began arriving the night be- fore. The Philipsburg contingent was the first on the ground. The people over that way being a little anxious because three candidates for state delegate had backers in that place. Geo. W. McGafley, WwW. H. Denlinger and J. H. Eskridge were all mentioned as men whose selection would satisfy the claims -of friends who urged their candidacy under the mistaken idea that they would be able to help certain as- pirants for the postmastership soon to be made in that town. Though the contest was supposed to be a bitter one when the delegation arrived here the best of feeling was found to prevail among all of the par- ty and it did not take long for the Me- Gaffey men to gracefully concede the honor to the other two, both of whom were anx- ious to represent Centre, while Mr. Mec- Gaffey had not made a personal request for a place on the delegation. The convention was the result of a pre- dicament caused by the changing of the time for the holding our county convention, which went into effect last year. At the June convention, in 95, the delegates were selected to go to the state meeting but as that body convened afterwards there were no representatives for the meeting in Allen- town, next Wednesday. At first it was advised that the county committee should | be called together to select delegates, but as such a proceeding would have been at variance with the rules governing the choice of such delegates it was later decid- ed to reconvene the old convention for that purpose. There was a question as to the validity of such a proceeding until a num- ber of precedents in the county were found, then Chairman Spangler issued his call and the old body got together. Notwithstanding the country members | were right in the midst of a very busy sea- son and that the work to be done was of | little real importance to the local organiza- | victories the Democracy of Pennsylvania has won under his leadership, proud of the execu- tive ability manifested while chief magistrate of this great Commonwealth, having faith in his honesty, integrity and courage as a man, pure in life, ‘elean in his public career, know- ing that his views on the financial and tariff questions are sound and in accord with those of the present Democratic administration, al- ways with the people as against rings, monop- olies and irresponsible bosses; believing that his nomination would secure for the Democratic party the electoral vote of Penn- sylvania, we declare the Hon. Robt. E. Patti- son as our choice for President of the United States, and instruct the delegates, this day elected. to the state convention to do what- ever they can to secure for him the support of the Pennsylvania delegation at the coming Democratic national convention. : Ww. C. HEINLE. W. K. ALEXANDER. H. A. MOORE. | R. D: ForEMAN. The resolutions were unamiously adopt- ed thén Mr. Heinle presented the following resolution, which was also adopted : 2 RESOLVED. That in cae the national dele- gate is conceded to Centre county that the delegates, this day elected, use all honorable means to secure the election of A. S. Garman. as one of the delegates from this congres- sional district. This finished the business for which the ,an inch on the horses that were dragging a | heavy spring wagon behind them. Several | times Mr. Conley pulled to the side of the convention was called and it then adjourn- ed. » Never before, in the history of the party, has there been such a thoroughly harmeo- | nious political gathering in Bellefonte. There was’nt a contest of any sort, nor a quibble on the floor of the convention to evidence that there was a spark of ill feel- ing among all the delegates present. result cannot but be salutary to the wel- fare of the party in the county and the ex- ample set by Messrs Walton, Hysong, Homer and Swires, the four Philipshurg men who were championing Mr. McGaf- | mountain fey’s cause for state delegate, in with-draw- ing in favor of Messrs Denlinger and Esk- ridge, rather than make a fight in conven- tion, is one that should be emulated. Such actions tend to strengthen the party and | tied in front of a house down the road and | ‘they started off hefore he could get back to 1 | The | keep its organization in a united condition. It was a graceful thing for the conven- | Our oF DANGER’S WAY. — Merchant | Will Conley, with Mrs. Conley, their daughter Nellie, and Claude Moore were returning from a visit to Howard, on Sun- day afternoon, and were just a short dis- tance on this side of Curtin’s Works when their horses gave a sudden start. Mr. Con- ley was at a loss to know what had made them act in such a way, but could see no cause for it until Mrs. Conley looked back along the road and was horrified to see a runaway team bearing down on them with almost lightning rapidity. She apprised her husband of their danger and he, with great “presence of mind, lashed his horses into a gallop in order to keep out of the way of the runaways. For duite a dis- tance they raced, but seemed to gain not road ; the runaways followed. Then he realized that he must keep out of their reach else they would run his carriage and its precious freight down, with possibly fatal results. The wild race was kept up for about a mile when the runaways sud- denly put an end to it by turning off into a cross road. The team was finally caught on Aikey’s hill. It belonged to Patrick Nyman, of Taylor bank. He had left the horses un- them. i Gr A RicocHET SHOT HIir Hiym.—Henry McMullen, a man 56 years old, was dig- ging post holes for a fence he was building about his property near the chain works on the Mileshurg pike, on Monday morning. He had just recovered from a three week’s illness and was little able to stand the shock he received several hours after he had started work. McMullen’s place stands up against the and considerably above the stream, therefore the man had little thought | of danger from the gun of Harry Hassinger, a 19 year old boy, who was shooting at wild ducks down below him. MecMaullen’s helper heard bullets hitting the fence and started to go behind the house. At that tion to do, to give Philipsburg two of the instant there was a report and McMullen | five delegates. The act was significant, | Was seen to throw his hands to his head | coming as it did not a week after a Repub- | lican body had treated its contingent | from that quarter in a decidedly shabby | manner. Lock Haven intends celebrating July | and stagger. A stream of blood began trickling down from his right temple and | the other man ran to him. He was led in- | to the house, where he was made comforta- ble until the arrival of Dr. Hayes. It was found that a 32 calibre ball had penetrated ——Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights, of next week, should be given up to the drummer boy of Shiloh. You will want to go every night after you have seen it once, there is so much of in- terest in the play. ; *bo THE FaAMous HOWARD CHURCH CASE SETTLED.—The case of J. Z. Long ct al vs. H. L. Harvey et al, the already famous case involving the Disciple church at Howard, has at last been settled. In. the supreme court, on Wednesday, the decree of associate judges Riley and Faulkner was sustained and the decree of judge Furst annuled. The case was brought up in 1890, when it was tried before D. S. Keller as master. He died before the work had been finished and Clement Dale was appointed master. The latter ruled in favor of the plaintiffs. Then the defendants appealed from his ruling to judge Furst who, without con- sulting the associates, handed down a de- cree in which they reversed both the decree of the president judge and the finding of the master. The case finally found its way into the supreme court where the very unusual proceeding of sustaining the asso- ciates was recorded on Wednesday. This case has been remarkable because it grew out of what was nothing more than a trivial church fight. It has involved poli- tics, religion and piles of money. The de- fendants remained in possession of the property until judge Love came on the bench, then he handed down a ruling that ousted them. The judge had been an at- torney for the plaintiffs previous to his elevation to the bench. The attorneys for the defendants, Messrs C. P. Hewes and Ira C. Mitchell, have scored a signal victory in having won this case. It was one that was very complicated and they worked against other odds that handicapped them in the preliminary argu- ments, so that their victory before the su- preme bench, is a matter of which both have reason to feel proud. : —Patty cured to school at Glencoe, Md., early Monday morning. —Mrs. R. A. Kinsloe, of Philipsbnrg, was in town over Sunday the guest of her mother, Mrs. Bar- bara Rankin. —Miss Sarah A, Meek, who is just home from Emporium, has accepted a position at the Lock Maven Normal as one of the instroctors for the spring term. : —Fred Bottorf, of Ferguson township, and his brother Jacob, of Lemont, were interested on- lookers at the convention. Both were talking a little polities in the interest of Jacob who would MARRIED WEDNESDAY EVENING.—A A very simple, though impressive, wedding service was that by which George A. Beezer and Miss Marie A. Tate were married on Wednesday evening. It was solemnized at the parish house of Rev. McArdle at 7:30. George Hasel acted as best than, while Miss Beezer, a sister of the groom, was maid of honor. After the ceremony there was a reception at the home of the bride’s mother, on Penn -street, where a number of the friends of the young couple assembled to congratulate them. Elaborate refreshments were served during the evening and all enjoyed the oc- casion. The groom, who is a very popular young man about town, is to be congratulated on his choice of a companion for life. Mrs. Beezer is the youngest daughter of the late Col. D. K. Tate, the well known builder and contractor of this place. She is accomplish- ed as a musician and is reputed the most ° beautiful girl in town. They will go to housekeeping in the ap- partments recently occupied by George VanTries, on Allegheny street. rrr: A THIRD ATTEMPT AT BURGLARY.— For the third time within a year an at- tempt was made to burglarize the home of C. R. R. of Pa. conductor John Hall, on Thomas street, early last Saturday morn- ing. This attempt was more successful than the two former ones, for the intruder succeeded in getting to the second floor of the house and was ransacking the bureau drawers in a room occupied by Mrs. Aaron Friedel, of Williamsport, who was visiting the family, when she screamed and fright- ened him away. He obtained entrance by climbing onto a { back window shutter then into the open window of her room. She was awakened at the first sound, but as it was very dark she did not see the man until he stepped nearer the window, then she screamed and he fled. It is thought he was after money, as Mr. Hall bad just received his month’s pay two days before, and he left Mrs. Friedel’s watch and several jewel trinkets untouched on her bureau. She was unable to give any further description of the man than that he was large and well built. RI THE EAGLES MERE CHAUTAUQUA. —- August 4th to August 31st, inclusive, lect- ures, teachers and specialists will be in at- tendance at the Chautauqua gathering at Eagles Mere, the Sullivan county summer resort. It is undenominational in its char- acter ; church creeds and political affilia- tions will debar none. Yet no one will he accorded a place on its platform whose like to be county commissioner. being one for one thousand dozen of coal tion, there was a good turnout. It augured shovels. “| well for the interest of the party in the fall Sever) Hew buildings are to be | campaign. The convention convened in erected at State College during the summer, | the court house at 11 o'clock. Chairman Fourth in glorious style. x | the right temple and was flattened against 1 4 | the skull. It was probed for and removed. | Though the injured man was in a weak- | ened condition by previous sickness he is —Mr=. D. H. Hastings was in town last Saturday visiting her mother and sister. She came up from Harrisburg to arrange about spending the summer in their own home on Allegheny street. ——~Stomach troubles drove William Gibson Morrow to shoot himself in the head, at Tipton, Sunday morning. among them being houses for Hamill Holmes, H. Holmes Sr., the Beta Theta Pi fraternity and a new store and office build- ing for W. L. Foster. The drummer boy of Shiloh is a war time drama full of heroic and comedy situations that appeal to every sentiment of an audience. It is a deep grounded play that arousés thought from the very rise of the curtain. Clean and wholesome it is commended by pulpit and press. ——Bellefonte women have the bicycling craze. Two riding academies are now liberally patronized and there are lots of girls who are making their own beds now in the effort to bamboozle their mothers into buying them a wheel. Every even- ing a numberof them doif the short skirts and start off for a ride. Miss Overton, the primary. teacher -at the Academy, who is a thorough believer in Freebel’s methods, took her scholars out flower hunting and botanizing Wednesday and a right gay time they had. They are more enthusiastic than college freshmen and it shows that it pays to interest them “at the start. Bessie Miles, the eight year old daughter of Oscar Miles, of Milesburg, cele- brated her birthday, last Thursday after- noon, by entertaining about twenty-five of her little friends. The house was prettily decorated and one of the principal table or- naments was an originally designed cande- labrum holding eight candles, one for each year of the little girl’s life. ——Harold Keaven, the four year old son of F. B. Keaven, of Renovo, was left alone at home, Tuesday morning, while his’ mother went to a nearby grocery store. During the absence of his mother the child scrambled out of bed, ran down stairs and began playing with the fire. His night dress became ignited and burned him so horribly that he died soon after his moth- er’s return. ——Friday night a bright eyed little fel- low was a passenger on the Bald Eagle val- ley railroad train. He was only 7 years old, and was traveling alone from Johns- town, Pa., to Syracuse, N. Y. On his per- son was a tag on which was written. ‘‘This young man wants to go to Syracuse, N. Y., his daddy will be grateful to anybody who will help him along.” The 13d was pleas- ant faced, shrewd and was not in the least uneasy at making the journey by himself, but rather enjoyed the adventuresome spirit involved in the trip. Harry Saunders, colored, got on a spree Saturday night that came very near ending in a murder. He and Morris Rine got into an altercation that resulted in Saun- ders running home for his gun and following Rine onto Half-moon hill where a scrap fol- lowed, during which the gun was dis- charged, though no one was hurt. Saun- ders’ wife, fearing that he was up to some- thing wrong, followed him and when she saw the fracas began shrieking with the vo- ciferousness of an old hyena. A femal® shriek and the loud report of a gun near mid-night was enough to bring half the town to the scene of the trouble, but it soon quieted down. Vv | Spangler called the body to order after which he asked for the nomination of a per- { manent presiding officer. This was neces- | sary because of the absence of Ellis L. Or- | vis Esq., the chairman of the ’95 conven- | tion, who was out of town. Dr. White, of | Philipsburg, nominated Hugh 8. Taylor, { Esq., of Bellefonte. His was the only | name presented. The election was unan- | imous and upon taking the chair the | young man made a clever speech that | brought out hearty applause and infused I enthusiasm at once into the gathering. M. | I. Gardner, Bellefonte, and I. J. Dreese, | College Twp., were chosen tellers with | duties as secretaries. W. M. Cronister, Worth Twp., was chosen roll clerk. | The reading of the roll of delegates and | substitutions having been dispensed with the election of five delegates to the state | convention was declared next in order. H. | B. Herring, Gregg Twp., placed in nomina- | tion Messrs. W. H. Denlinger and J. H. | Eskridge, Philipsburg; Geo. W. Jackson, Bellefonte ; Balser Weber, Howard ; and ‘Wm. Mingle, Centre Hall. There were no further nominations and the above named gentlemen were selected by acclamation. It had taken but a short time to transact this business, in fact so speedily was it done that the committee on resolutions did not have time to finish its work. James Cornelly, delegate from the South ward Bellefonte, suggested that Col. J. L. Spang- ler be called upon to address the meeting. At once calls for Spangler were heard and that gentleman was introduced. His speech was characteristic of him and in- cluded a warm endorsement of ex-Governor Pattison in his candidacy for President. Col. Spangler declared his intention to fight, as he had never done before, for the party’s success and encouraged all to make an untiring contest for the complete redemp- tion of Centre county. Judging from his words his position towards Democracy is certainly no longer enigmatical. D. F. Fortney Esq., followed with a short speech in which he expressed his faith in the na- tional administration’s ability to contend with every difficulty that confronts it. At its conclusion the committee on resolutions reported, through chairman Heinle, as fol- lows : RESOLUTIONS. FIRST. That we endorse the wise and pa- | triotic administration of Grover Cleveland ; ! that we commend his efforts to sustain the | honor and credit of the nation in his purpose i to maintain a gold standard as the only safe | basis upon which the financial policy ofthe | government can rest, s0 as to maintain our high standing among the nations of the earth, | restore permanent confidence to the business | of the country, and prosperity and happiness | to the people. We rejoice in his broad and heroic enunciations of the Monroe Doctrine and his determination to teach the monarch- ! ical governments of the earth that, as a peo- i ple, we cannot and will not tolerate the ex- | tension of their institutions, or the acquisi- : tion by them, of any additional territory on | this continent. We commend his adminis- tration in enforcing a strong. foreign policy; | and at the same time preserving the peaceful | relations that have so long existed between 1 our government in the world. | sEcoND. Thatbelieving in the availability and pre-eminent fitness, mindful of the great iis liam sont RCCL Biss ii dB rts mnimid tain tii ion... ih est 52 LosT.—Somewhere hetween Bellefonte | and State College, on the pike, yester- | day, a pocket book containing $200 in | cash and checks. Finder will be liberally | rewarded for returning same to this office. | *do — ! The drummer boy of Shiloh, at Gar- | man’s, next week, promises to be the grand- est production of its kind ever seen in | Bellefonte. It will run for three nights, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Seats | are now on sale and you should procure | yours at once. The proceeds will be for | the benefit of Co. B. | i 1 ——A slick rascal victimized Lock Ha- ven merchants, on Monday, by order gz! large bills_of groceries sent to his home | which was a different place every store he visited. He carried part of the groceries with him and ordered the rest delivered with a receipted bill. Of course he had no home near Lock Haven and was just in the groceries he had carried off. ooo —It is merely a guess, and possibly a very poor one, when we suggest that the ends of the Bellefonte and Clearfield and the Pittsburg, Shenango and Lake Erie railroads will not be very far apart when the two lines are completed. It was decided to push the building of the latter to Butler at a meeting in Pittsburg the other day. ——TUp to Monday night great forest fires had been raging on the Alleghenies, Muncy, Tussey and Nittany mountains. The un- precedented dry weather for this time of year had put the mountains in a good con- dition for firing and the torch of the fire fiend was not long withheld. Every night the heavens would reflect the flames and ‘during the day the atmosphere was smoky and heavy as if it had been Indian summer. The refreshing thunder storm, on Monday evening, put an end to the fires everywhere in the county. Such a condition in April is in marked contrast to the April of 1874, when it snowed all the day and night of the 25th and there was 17 inches of the beautiful in the Clearfield region. It snowed on the 28th and 29th of April also, during that year. as PAINFULLY BURNED.—While working at Morris’ Coleville lime kilns, on Tuesday afternoon, -Lewis Batt, a quarryman, met with an accident in which he suffered a painful burning of his right arm and face. He had just finished tamping down a blast and, after lighting the fuse, was walk- ing away to a place of safety. Never think- ing what he was doing he threw the match he had used to light the fuse into a suppos- edly empty powder can. As it happened there was considerable powder in the hot- tom of the can which became ignited at once and, with a great puff, enveloped Batt in a sheet of flame. His right hand, arm and the right side of his head were painfully burned before he could get the flames smothered out. At first it was feared he had inhaled some fire, but he is resting comfortably now and will soon recover. | getting along nicely and will live. | very good time up to ten o’clock when the | “arowler’’ and tried to work it, but _with- | until morning when he returned to the with elegant diction ‘and an easy flow of A ALAS sc SE. ARAL a AI EL The shot that struck him must certainly have ricocheted from the surface of the water, as he was away above the line on which young Hassinger was shooting. — A STUDENT'S PLIGHT.—Last Friday M. S. Murray, who registered at the Bush house from Santa Fe, N. M., and who is really a would be student at The Pennsyl- vania State College from Indiana county, came to this place and proceeded to get full. | He succeeded admirably, in fact, from all accounts, he makes a better roysterer than a student, and he seeemed to be having a bars closed. After that time he procured a out success. About eleven o'clock he got into a scrap on High street and a little later was found, in an unconscious condition, lying in the middle of the road in front of the laundry. Blood was flowing from an ugly wound above his eye and the police carried him to the Bush house, where he was put to hed College. Nothing is known as to his assailants and no attempt was made to apprehend them, as Murray is reported to have heen hunting just what he received. It is reported that he has been unable to enter State. He ‘‘was dismissed from Princeton, several weeks ago, to wait until his class caught up to him.” — ee DR. GEARHART'S LECTURE.—It was’ ever thus. No matter how eminent the man nor how popular the theme Bellefonte has never taken kindly to lectures. Last Friday night Dr. R. Leighton Gearhart ap- peared at Garman’s to lecture on ‘‘fairy tales and who first told them.’” Though very few people were there to hear him those who did go were fortunate, for it was entertaining from start to finish. His work was in no wise affected by the size of his audience, in fact, he seemed determined to please and he succeeded admirably. The lecture displayed deep study. and profound thought and merited a much larger house than was present to hear it. As presented by Dr. Gearhart it was inter- esting from the start and he enjoyed the closest attention of his auditors. The theme is a delightful one because of its everyday practicability and there was a world of information cleverly woven in the lecture. Dr. Gearhart is a pleasing talker, languige, \, 0} *do _——~Captain William Hayes, aged. 62, died at Mackeyville, Tuesday morning, after a brief illness with typhoid pneumonia. Deceased was a daring soldier ‘and highly esteemed gentleman. Burial will be made in Cedar hill cemetery this morning. : ots ——We are anxious lest you forget the drummer hoy of Shiloh, at Garman’s, next week. Remember it, for if you don’t you will never forgive yourself for having missed what is going to be a wonderful pro- duction. NN They expect to come about the first of June and will stay three months. —Among the Pennsylvanians who are going to Europe this summer are Mr. and Mrs. J. L. John- son ne¢ Stella Nolan, who sail next Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Andrews, who go about the 1st of May and Miss Lizzie Good, of Osceola, who sailed, on Monday, for a six months stay in in Russia, Norway and Sweden. —Among the unterrified who were in town, on Saturday, to attend the convention were John O'Neill and M. Dempsey, of Powelton. Both gentlemen were pleased at the smoothness with | which everything went off, and went home more in love with Democracy than ever. They are old stand-bys over in Rush and can do missionary work with the best of them. —Miss Maud Reynolds, of Lantaster, and Miss White, of Boston, spent Sunday at the home of Col. W. Fred Reynolds, corner Linn and Alle- gheny streets. They returned to Lancaster, Tues- day morning, Col. Reynolds and family having ac- companied them to be present at the marriage of Miss Reynolds to Col. Wm. Waterman, of Provi- dence, R. I, which will be consummated at the home of Sam’l Reynolds Jr. in Lancaster, on the 29th inst. —Jos. W. Walker, U. 8. Marshall for the western district of Pennsylvania, a man ‘who towers over most of those whom he meets, was in town, on Wednesday, on business. He drove to the vicinity of Snow Shoe where he was looking for a man named Pownell, but returned in time to catch an afternoon train for Jersey Shore. Marshall Walker is a fine looking man and is 614 feel tall. He is a brother of the census com- missioner for 1890, who was a brother-in-law of the late Jas. G. Blaine. While here he sub- peenged C. M. Parrish as a United States juror. —Thos. N. Magee Esq., of Allegheny, is in town looking up his ancestral tree. He is a brother of R. M. Magee Esq., of Philadelphia, and was a resident of this place several years ago. Until re- cently he had been a special pension examiner, with headquarters in Allegheny, but when a short appropriation rendered curtailment in that work necessary and he was likely to have his salary re- duced by half he resigned. Mr. Magee is a well- known educator, having been superintendent of public instruction in €linton county for six years, and it is his intention to get back into the ranks again. He would make a fine head for the schools of most any city. . —‘Delegate or no delegate I. always like to get to the county convention” is the way J. M. Claar, of Rush township, apologized for having been seen in Bellefonte OE It wasn't exactly because an apology fof being! here was necessary that he should use such language in explangtion of his visit to this place, but he is one of those kind of Democrats who loses no opportunity to fill himself up with good party enthusiasm so that he is ready for work at:all times. His friend, James Dumbelton, of Rush, was with him. He is a Democrat because he believes in the principles of Democracy and very few men go deeper in their reasoning as to the benefits of these princi- pies. —There was a large delegation of Philipsburg- ers liere to atttend the county convention, on Sat- urday. There were more of them probably be- cause they had had a contest on over there for state delegate and the friends of McGaffey, Esk- ridge and Denlinger, any one of whom would have made good men, turned out to back them. Among them were Dan Paul, the liveryman, who had shaved his beard that day and was so strange looking that his friends did not know him. He was here as a friend of Eskridge, as was also A. B. Herd, the hardware man, who would like to be post-master of Philipsburg again. Albert Walton, one of the young Democrats who has a hankerin’ for the post-office too, was in town boosting Geo. McGattey. Jacob Swires, M. B. Hysong and John Homer were all here to help MeGaftey, but were satisfied with the way trouble turned out, Dr. F. K. White, another aspirant to be post-master and his candidate for state delegate, W. H. Delinger Esq., were also of the crowd. The latter is presi- dent of Philipsburg’s hoard of trade and a live man, in truth he must be for he is president of the Philipsburg council and the enly Democrat in that body. views are known to be against religion, popular education and good government. The aim is to provide a system of mental, physical and spiritual culture for the sum- mer life that will be both stimulating and refreshing. Thousands believe with Cow- per that ‘‘absence of occupation is not rest, but change of occupation is true recreation.’’ General Beaver is president” of the cor- poration and Rev. N. H. Schenck, superin- tendent. All communications for informa- tion should be addressed to the latter at Lock Haven. ——— pe rs . SPECIAL TRAIN TO STATE COLLEGE.— The Bellefonte Central rail-road company will run a special train to State College this evening on account of the Senior as- sembly. The train will leave the Pennsyl- vania depot at 6:45, returning after the dance. — >to ——— S. A. McQuisTtioN & Co.—Have now on hand and for sale a lot of nice new and sec- ond hand buggies at reduced rates. They have the best low priced buggy on the market. One that they defy competition on, both in price and workmanship. See it before you buy, it will surprise you. Repairs reduced in price. Shops ad- joining P. R. R. freight depot. rere Ammen. CAPES, CAPES, CAPEs.—Having closed out the entire line of spring and summer capes for ’96—for spot cash, of one of the best manufacturers, we give you the benefit of this purchase. These capes are all fine, tailor made goods, cost of manufacture $6 to $9. The poorest in the lot would be cheap at $5. We give you the choice of the entire line for $3.75. LyoxN & Co. Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected weekly by Gro. W. Jackson & Co. The following are the quotations up to six o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper goes ress : Red wheat we 0 RYE, per BUSHEL. ....0iisienvin in ianeecinnisnnininsnion ~ 40 Corn, shelled, per bushel.. 5) 35 Corn, ears, per bushel... 15 Oats, per bushel......... 20 Barley. et buahel......... 35 Ground laster, per ton 8 00 Buckwheat, per bushel...............ccoscesrmeernnne 40 Cloverseed, per bushel $6 00 to $7 Oe Bellefonte Produce Markets. Corrected weekly by Sechler-& Co. Potatoes per bushel....... Onivhs Severs ons 5 A gRrs, per dozen.. 1214 Lard, per Joan, 8 Country Shoulder: 8 Sides... 8 Hams.. 12 Tallow, per pound... 3 Butter, per pould......... nl nie. 15 The Democr c atic : Watchman. Published every Friday morning, in Bellefonte, Beat $2 per annum (if paid strictly in advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and $3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the year; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers will not be sent out of Centre county un- less paid for in advance. . A liberal discount is made to persons advertis- ing by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows : SPACE OCCUPIED (3m 6m | 1y One inch (12 lines this type.............. $5 ($8 [810 Two inches.... 70 15 Three inches. 10115; 20 uarter Colun 12 | 20 |, 30 alf Column (10 inches)... 20 35 ( HO One Column (20 inches). 35°] 55 | 100 Advertisements in special col:imn 25 per cent. additional. Transient advs, per line, 3 insertions Each additional insertion i Local notices, per line... Business notices, per lin Job Printing of every kind e with neatness and dispatch. The Warcumax office has been re- fitted with Fast Presses and New Type, and everything in the printing line can be executed in the most artistic manner and: at the lowest rates. Terms—Cash. All letters should be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor