Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 24, 1896, Image 7

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    NR Gn
State College.
Located in ome of the most Beautiful and
Healthful Spots in the Allegheny Region ;
Undenominational ; Open to Both
Sexes; Tuition Free; Board
and other Expenses Very
Low. New Buildings
and Equipments
1. AGRICULTURE (Two Courses), and AGRI-
CULTURAL CHEMISTRY ; with constant illustra-
tion on the Farm and in the Lanois.
ical and practical. Students taught original study
with the microscope.
3. CHEMISTRY with an unusually full and
horough course in the a
These courses are accompanied with Joy exten-
- sive practical exercises in the Field, the Shop and
the Laboratory.
5. HISTORY ; Ancient and Modern, with orgi-
nal investigation.
(optional), French, German and English (requir-
Py one or more continued through the entire
and aepliod,
9. HANIC ARTS; combining shop work
with study, three years course ; new building and
SCIENCE ; Constitutional Law and History, Politi-
cal Foon &e. .
11. MILITARY SCIENCE; instruction theoret-
ical and practical, including each arm of the ser-
vice. .
years carefully graded and thorough.
Commencement Week, June 14-17, 1896. Fall
Term opens Sept. 9, 1896. Examination for ad-
mission, June 18th and Sept. 8th. For Catalogue
of other information, address.
State College, Centre county, Pa.
Coal and Wood.
oie K. RHOADS.
Shipping and Commission Merchant,
cennsenan AND.coiarens
by the bunch or cord as may suit purchasers.
Respectfully solicits the patronage of his
be ion and the public, at
near the Passenger Station. Telephone 1312.
36-18 =
For all Billious and Nervous
Diseases. hey purify the
Blood and give Healthy action
to the entire system.
604 N. 6th St.
Challenges the world, from the advertising
i up to the lecturing Professors, in curing
the worst cases of Special Diseases and BLOOD
POISON. No matter how lingering, severe and
dangerous the trouble may be. Nervous Debility.
Stricture. Varicocele and Piles, cured without
cutting. Dr. THEEL is positively the oldest, the
best and most skillful and experienced one, no
matter what others may claim. Send five 2 cent
stamps for book “Truth” and be enlightened re-
garding Jour disease and how to get cured. The
only¥book EXPOSING QUACKS and their books
and circulars. Instant relief. Hours: 9 to 3;
Evgs., 6to 9. Wed. and Sat. Evgs., 6 to 10; Sun.
9t012; Evgs., 6t09. Treatment by Mail. When
Jo write or call mention this paper. Board and
odging if desired. 40-41-1y
Chichester’s English Diamond Brand. .
Only Genuine. Safe, always reliable.
Ladies ask ggists for Chichester's English Dia-
mond Brand in red and gold metallic boxes, sealed
with blue ribbon. Take no other. Refuse danger-
ous substitutions and imitations. At Druggists, or
send 4c. in stamps for particulars, testimonials
and “Relief for Ladies,” in letter, by return Mail,
10,000 Testimonials. Name paper.
Madison Square, Philadelphia, Pa.
Sold by all Local Druggists. 40-19-1y
{ orons AND COLDS
is a sure Remedy for coughs, colds, sore throat
and for asthma. It soothes, quickly abates the
cough, and renders expectoration easy.
will invariably derive benefit from its use. Many
who Suppose their cases to be consumption are
only suffering from a chronic cold or deep seated
conghs often aggravated by catarrh. For catarrh
use Ely’s Cream Balm. Roth remedies are pleas-
ant to use. Cream Balm, 50 cts., r bottle ;
Pincela Balsam, 25c. Sold % DrasEls 8,
41-8 59 Warren 8t., New York.
—— ER
For information and free Handbook write to
MUNN & CO., 361 BroaApway, NEw YORK.
Oldest bureau for securing patents in America.
Every patent taken out by us is brought before
the public by a notice given free of charge in the
Largest circulation of any #cientific paper’in” the
world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent
man should be without it. Weekly $3.00 a year;
$1.50 six months. Address
MUNN & CO., Publishers,
40-48-1y 361 Broadway, New York City.
rb a ee
Demooraic atoms
Bellefonte, Pa., April 24, 1896.
ss EE —-., Mh
A Busy Life of Fifty Years.
The Pennsylvania railroad company has
had little time for days off, and less time
for gala days, in its busy career, but Mon-
day it crowned its fifty years of public ser-
vice with a celebratiof'in which prominent
men from all of the country were
participants, and concerning which all
Philadelphians shared in the sense of pride
which revealed itself so creditably in every
branch of the company’s service. The re-
sult was a reunion and a festival entirely
unique in its splendor ; and it was al-
together fitting that it should have taken
this character, for it may fairly be doubted
whether any corporation in the land—or,
indeed, in the world—has ever had better
cause to commemorate its golden jubilee
than this company has found in its amaz-
ing growth and prosperity as briefly out-
lined by President Roberts and other speak-
The material side of this development
makes a wondrous story, to which the
various speakers did not fail to do justice.
By way of supplement to their remarks,
however, it deserves to be added that noth-
ing could have been fitter or finer than the
spirit in which the idea of this reunion was
conceived and carried out, so that it be-
came in fact a luminous page in the his-
tory of railway development and a refuta-
tion of the trite theory that a corporation
is a more automaton, incapable of senti-
ment. Had the Pennsylvania railroad
company béen a mere money-making ma-
chine, and nothing more, it would have
permitted its semi-centennial to pass un-
noticed. In emphasizing this truly his-
toric event it has shown a corperate pride
and a civie spirit which, quite as much as
the signs of its mature greatness, are to be
"| admired and applauded by the country.—
Phila. Record.
Morton's Economy.
Secretary of Agriculture Expects to Save $2,000,000
During His Term.
WASHINGTON, April 15,—It is the ex-
pectation of Secretary Morton to send
back into the treasury, at the end of
the present administration, in the neigh-
borhood of $2,000,000 from the appropria-
tions for the agriculture department for the
four years of which he shall have been at
its head. To do this he plans to save $500,-
000 a year, but the aggregate may be small-
er than-hoped for, owing to the rigid prun-
ing of estimates. Already the amount re-
turned to the treasury from these appro-
priations has reached $1,014,000.
A statement of liabilities of the appro-
priations of the department for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1896, prepared by the
| disbursing office, shows meager balances to
the credit of certain of the funds on April
1. This condition of the balances has been
called to the attention of all officers of the
department in any way charged with the
expenditure or control of public moneys in
a circular signed by Secretary Morton. He
tells them the present fiscal year is rapidly
drawing to a close and they are cautioned
to exercise rigid economy and under no
circumstances to exceed the amount appro-
priated for the maintenance of their respec-
tive bureaus. For the remainder of the
year requests for services, supplies or other
expenses must be confined to such as are
urgent and absolutely essential in conduct-
ing the work of the current fiscal year.
A careful record of all expenditures has
been ordered kept in each bureau and
division, and the chiefs will be held person-
ally responsible for any deficiency that may
occur in connection with their appropria-
The McKinley Plant.
No doubt everyone who has given any
attention to the Republican struggle for the
presidential nomination, and to the jug-
bandle condition which it has reached, has
recognized the often demonstrated fact that
the success of a public man does not de-
pend upon his genius or strength or any
personal attributes that he possesses, but
rather upon the repute for great qualities
which he has obtained among the people
by an accident and to devotion to a popu-
lar idea of which he had by chance become
the representative. He is erected into an
idol for worship not because of what he is
but because of what he has come to be
thought to be. .
This has never been more clearly shown
than in the falling of the presidential nomi-
nation to Willian McKinley, against the
will of the politicians and by force simply
of power he holds as Bill McKinley, author
of the McKinley bill ; an authorship
which is his only by assumption, as chair-
man of a committee whose name is by cus-
tom placed upon its bantlings.
The testimony is that McKinley was not
only not the author of the McKinley bill,
but that he was hostile to some of its popu-
lar features. Furthermore he has not the
personal force to be the author of anything
not make enemies or strong friends and
who are often floated on a wave of success,
just as he now is, by reason of this nega-
tiveness. The oddity with him is that
being a negative men, he is thrust forward
to the presidency as the representative of
the aggressive high tariff i which has
taken possession seemingly of the Republi-
can mind under the strong stimulus of a
demand for change from the bad business
conditions now prevailing. ;
California Described.
Edward Everett Hale Pronounces It Heaven Upon
The Rev. Dr. Edward Everett Hale, who
is in Santa Barbara, Cal., thus describes
the place in a letter to'a friend : ‘This
place is the kingdom of heaven on earth.
The south wind is off the ocean. The
ridge of mountains some 5,000 feet high.
In the valley between 10,000 people live in
a simple way, and all dear Nature smiles
to make them happy. :
‘‘As for Indians, we have none. And
the poor Mexicans and Chinamen are very
harmless. The whole place is a curious
piece of Indo-China. Lazy is no name for
our lives. It seems as if we had nothing
to do but to read God’s hand-writing, to
thank Him for His mercies fresh every
morning, and simply to ‘live in the open
air.” You know that is the beginning of
all my gospels—or the end of them.”
Lemon Trees in Europe.
- The introduction of the lemon tree into
Europe is due to the Caliphs during their
invasion of the west. The lemon thus
transported was found by the crusaders in
Syria and Palestine toward the end of the
eleventh century. By them it was in-
troduced into Sicily and Italy, though it
is probable at the same period it was al-
ready grown in Africa and Spain.
He is one of those men who do-
north winds are screened from you by a’
Died as He Had Lived.
Joseph Parsons a Native of Bellefonte Dies While on
a Spree in Lock Haven.—Tried Many Times to Re-
form But the Craving for Drink Was Teo Strong.
It was indeed a sad tale that was receiv-
ed here, late Thursday night, concerning
the death of Joseph Parsons of this place.
He was well known to Bellefonters as a
shoemaker and on more than one occasion
had he created a sensation by some start-
ling caper.
A story of Joe’s life would be one of re-
form and debauch. Ever since he was old
enough to drink he would get on sprees
ever saw, then some one would get a hold
on him and a reform would follow. He
was not without a vein of goodness in him,
however, for when he had been persuaded
of his wrong doings he would become deep-
ly penitent and lead a model life until the
old bacchanalian tempter would lure him
off to another orgie.
There was one man who exercised a won-
derful influence over Joe and had he beens
spared there is little doubt but Joe
‘would have died a sober and reformed man
From one of the worst drunks he had ever
been on the late honored David M. Leib
lifted him out of the gutter and effected a
reform that lasted until Mr. Lieb’s death.
He helped Joe build the little store on
Water street now occupied by Calvin Ray
and there he visited him every day to en-
courage and influence him for good. Joe
prospered during this time, but scarcely
had the town laid aside its mourning for
the man who gave it perfection in its public
school system than he slid-back to his Dibwcc
lous habits and went down until he was a
physical wreck and had: squandered the
last of his property. The story of his
many escapades is too well known to need
repetition here, but there is one in partic-
ular, we eannot help giving you :
A number of years ago Joe put $200 in
his pocket and started to Williamsport to
see Barnum’s circus. That was the last
heard of him for nearlv three weeks when
he turned up very unexpectedly and look-
ing the picture of delapidation. Shortly
after a letter from a Bellefonter, who was
then in Pasadena, Cal., said that Joe had
been there and then, with his whereabouts
once known, the itnerant shoe maker told
of his trip. He said : “I don’t know
anything about what happened after 1
left Lock Haven for Williamsport until a
conductor shook me and said this is Pasa-
dena, here’s where you get off. I remem-
bered that was there, so I
hunted him up and we did the town. That
same afternoon he put me on the train
again and the next thing Iknew I was
back here.”” So Joe had traveled clear to
California to make an afternoon call on a
friend and the only thing he remembered
was that ‘wine was only 50 cents a gallon.”
When asked why he didn’t bring some
back with him he said : ‘‘Great Lord, I
did start home as full as I could get.”’
He was married and had a family of
five children the oldest daughter is mar-
ried and lives at Atlantic City, and sev-
eral of the boys are doing well. His
first wife, Josephine Baney, died some
years ago leaving him to raise the
little boys. They are all fair sized now
and are bright lads. During his last de-
bauch here Joe married Mary Ann Callahan.
Together they went to Lock Haven where
he ended his wretched life, the story of
which is told as follows in the Lock Haven
Democrat :
A death, under much to be deplored cir-
cumstances, occurred late Thursday after-
noon on Bellefonte avenue, a few doors
above West Park street. Several months
a club footed shoemaker, known as
‘‘Joe’’ Parsons, come to this city, and se-
cured employment at his trade with Peter
Jobson. It soon became known that he
had been a hard drinker and on his ac-
knowledging that he desired to reform,
certain philanthropic church . people took
him under their protecting care and by
encouraging solicitude and financial assis-
tance he was induced to refrain from drink-
ing and was soon making a livelihood for
himself and family, while his wife and son
were furnished with employment. The
family were doing nicely and Parson’s con-
duct was such that the hope became strong
in the minds of his charitable benefactors
that their efforts to reclaim the man had
not been in vain. But this hope was sadly
dispelled a few weeks ago, whe’ Parsons
was noticed to be under the influence of
liquor. Having once had a taste of the fiery
stuff his once overpowering appetite over-
came his weakened will power and he once
more became a slave to intoxicants. He
drank harder and harder each day until it
was noticed several days ago that there was
danger of the man becoming a victim of
delirium tremens. His neighbors stopped
the liquor.on him at several places. He
spent what money he had saved, and then
sold his stock in the shop and also parted
with newly made boots at a sacrifice. In
this way he succeeded in getting sufficient
money to continue the spree.
Yesterday morning it was noticed by his
neighbors that Parsons was fast succum
ing to the body destroying effects of the
liquor. About two o’clock in the afternoon
a few men entered the shop where he was
lying, and saw him in the act of taking a
glass of whiskey. Later he was seen to fall
or tumble out of bed onto the floor. He
alighted on his shoulder, which was so bad-
ly injured that he could not use the arm.
"He attempted to crawl on his hands and
knees over the floor to the door, but with
every movement he made his head would
drop to the floor, and his face would be
shoved along over the boards until it was
badly bruised and scratched. He finally
succeeded in reaching the door, but not be-
ing able to turn the knob, he sank to the
floor and lay there until a few men entered
the room, picked him up and put him back
to bed again. Shortly after he rolled on.
the bed over to the wall. He was very
quiet and when some one looked at him af-
terwards he was thou, ht to be dying, the
only movement of the body perceptible he-
ing the quivering of the muscles in the
neck. A little later a man named Hoover
went to the bed and pulling the man away |
from the wall found that he was dead.
When the report was given out t the
man was dead a large crowd assen «I at
the shoe shop and considerable ex ent
was about 41 years old. His wife and sev=
and have the most glorious jags anyone
| the Governor
| prevailed in the neighborhood. ons |
eral children survive the man. One of the
sons resided with the parents, while the
others are scattered in different places.
The remains were interred in Highland
cemetery this afternoon.
The only surviving members of the Par-
sons family are Andrew and Wesley, two
highly respected citizens of Punxsutawney.
Two Homme Burned.
The stable at Red Bank, an ore opera-
tion near Scotia, owned by the Collin’s
brothers, of this place, caught fire in some
unexplainable way, Saturday afternoon,
and before anything could be done the sta-
ble had burned. A large amount of hay
and grain, twelve sets of harness and two
fine horses were burned. The horses were
insured, but nothing else.
C. L. Rutter had charge of the stable and
was off in an adjoining field plowing when
he discovered the fire. His wife was right
near the stable when she noticed the flames,
but the whole thing seemed to be consum-
ed in one puff. Not a thing was saved.
No explanation can be made for the fire.
A tramp was seen in the neighborhood sev-.
eral hours before it was discovered, but it
is not known whether he was the cause of
it or not.
The ‘‘Drummer Boy of Shiloh,’ next
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights,
will be an attraction no one should miss.
All home talent in the production of one
of the greatest war-time drama’s ever writ-
ten. It will be largely spectacular in its
effect and is one of that class of plays that
appeals to the sentiment of the audience
and leaves an impression that is hard to
— ote
——Timothy Donovan, a Lock Haven
man, recently discarded by Georgia Krebs,
his sweet-heart, went to her while working
in the paper mill and assaulted her. He
dragged her out of the mill, but her cries
attracted the men who ran to her assistance
and knocked him down with a billet of
wood. Donovan is now in jail in Lock
Ce pee
——Mrs. F. T. Quigley, of Beech Creek,
died at the home of her son, in Youngs-
town, N. Y., last Thursday. She was 76
years old and died from paralysis. J. A.
Quigley, of Eagleville, isa son. Her re-
mains were interred at Beech Creek on Sat-
——While John Pearl was working at
the Standard scale works, on Saturday af-
ternoon, he got his left thumb caught in
the shears and had the-top of it torn off.
The injury was very painful but will not
disfigure that member.
——The hot weather had a very material
effect on the attendance at the various
churches in town, on Sunday. Congrega-
tions were small everywhere.
- ——Harry Jenkins purchased the cigar
and fruit stand of J. M. Cunningham, in
the Brockerhoff house, and took charge on
In Memoriam.
Resolutions of respect by Victor grange No.
159, P. of H. in memory of Mr. Henry Dale
who was a charter member
WHEREAS, ' The great and supreme Ruler
of the universe has in His infinite wisdom rer
moved from us one of our worthy and es-
teemed patrons, brother Henry Dale, and
WHEREAS, The long and intimate rela-
tions held with him in the faithful discharge
of his duties, this grange makes eminently
befitting that we record appreciations of him.
Resolved, That the wisdom and ability
which he has exercised in the aid of our
grange, by service, congratulations and coun-
cil will be held in grateful remembrance.
Resolved, That the sudden removal from
our midst leaves a vacancy and a shadow
that will be deeply realized by all the mem-
bers and friends of this grange and will
prove a serious loss to the community and the
public ? ~
Resolved, That with deep sympathy with
the bereaved widow and relatives of the
deceased we express our hope that even so
great a loss to us all may be over ruled for
good to Him who doeth all things well
Resolved, Thata copy of these resolutions
be spread upon the records of Victor grange
and a copy forwarded to the bereaved fam-
ily. .. D. W. MyERs,
pur .
for Paintings.
PITTSBURG, April 19.—W. N. Frew,
president of the hoard of trustees of the
Pittsburg Carnegie library, made public to-
day a letter which he received yesterday
from Andrew Carnegie, dated April 17, in
which Mr. Carnégie sends $8,000 for the
purchase of two paintings, with. which to
start a chronological collection in the Car-
negie art galleries. - The hoard accordingly
offers $5,000 for the best and ‘$3,000 for the
next best oil painting produced in 1896 by
American artist and first: shown in the
Carnegie’ ' gallerigs at an. exhjbition to be
held; begihning November 3.
trl eer en
HEE Te ze =
' Unexpected Insurance.
Recorder—I send you to State prison for
twenty years.
Old Offender—Thank your honor ! D’ye
know I didn’t expect to live as long as
that.— Town Topics.
For Heated Term Wear.
“He—What kind of underwear do the
Hottentots wear ?
She—Give it up.
He—Nit.— Town Topics.
Madam Knew Him.
Mr. Newman—I’ll be home early to-
Mrs. Newman—You’d better take the
latehkey, then.— Truth:
——Congressman Blue, of Kansas, in
preferring charges of drunkenness against
of the Soldiers’ home at
Leavenworth presented a statement that
the beer saloon in the Home paid a profit
last year of $13,000—a remarkable show
of enterprise for a Prohibition State !
——The strength which comes to us
from eating nourishing food is better than
stimulation, because it is new strength.
The health which belongs to a strong
body, well nourished by proper food (prop-
erly digested), is the only health that is
The difference between Shaker Digestive
Cordial and other medicines is simply that
it helps nature to make strength. It does
not profess to cure sickness, except as that
sickness is a result of weakness caused by
food not properly digested.
Shaker Digestive Cordial will relieve the
pangs of indigestion, and make thin, sick,
weak people as well as if their stomachs
had never been out of order.
It is a gentle aid to the digestion of na-
ture’s strength-maker, food.
At druggists. Trial battle, 10 cents.
——Rev. William N. Cleveland, brother
of the President, has been ousted from his
position as pastor of the Presbyterian
church at Chaumont, N. Y., for no other
crime than that of being a tariff reformer.
He has never preached politics, and at-
tempts by members of his church to ‘draw
him out’’ in discussion have invariable
been furtile ; but he was found to be het-
erodox at the ballot-box, and he had to go.
As a preacher Mr. Cleveland is said to have
earnestness and force ; "he certainly has
discretion. With such qualifications he
shouldn’t have to go far to find a more
congenial pulpit and a mote liberal congre-
gation ; and meanwhile the church at
Chaumont will doubtless look around for a
rattling good high tariff spellbinder to of-
ficiate as its shepherd.
Dr. Bliss and other eminent medical men
speak in the highes sof Speer’s wines.
Dr. Bliss prescribes these wines in his prac-
tice, whenever wines are necessary. The
following is part of a letter received by Mr.
Speer : >
I have been greatly pleased with your N.
J. wines, and specially so with the Claret,
Burgundy and Port. I wish you to send
me two cases of your Claret, and one of
Burgundy. Also two cases of Claret and
one of Burgundy to my niece, Miss—,
New York City, and send the bill of both
orders to me.
Yours truly,
‘Washington, D. C.
——When William H. Seward purchased
Alaska for the United States for $7,200,000
in 1867. he had littleidea that within 30
years that territory would produce more
gold in a single year- than the price paid
for it by Uncle Sam. Yet the estimated,
yield of gold for 1896 is between $8,000,000
and $10,000,000. Five thousand miners
will be taking gold from the scores of
creeks. rivers and inlets throughout the
length and breath of Alaska this year. The
number will be even greater than this, if
the hundreds of miners and prospectors de-
siring to go can find the means of getting
there. Just now the rush is at its height,
and scores of passengers are left behind
when each steamer sails. All passenger
accommodations have been taken for
months ahead. Four, steamers are now
plying between Tacoma and Juneau and
Sitka.—Tacoma letter in New York Zimes.
GUN-SHOT WoUNDS.—Major E. A. Gar-
lington was shot through the arm at the
battle of ‘Wounded Knee,’’ Dec. 29, 1890,
the last fight between the Indians and our
troops. It is not often that a regular army
officer will certify to the value of a proprie-
tory medicine, but this is what Major Gar-
lington says about Salva-cea :
WASHINGTON, D. C. April 21, 1895.
I have used Salva-cea for soreness or
rheumatic pains in the muscles of my arm,
which is disabled from a gun-shot wound
involving the elbow joint ; relief was quick
and complete. )
Major and Inspector General, U. S. A.
Far South.
“You triflin’ rascal ! dar yo’ stan’ wid
yer hands in yer pockets an’ let dat cow
fool er ronnd in pe brilin’ sun—tel de heat
done sour de milk ! Drive her in de shade
dis instep, or I'll jist naturally slay you,—
Texas Sifting.
how prevalent are those distressing diseases
and weaknesses which make young men
prematurely old, pale, listless, low-spirited,
languid, easily tired, forgetful and incapa-
ble ; fill mad houses and swell the lists of
suicides ; separate husbands and wives ;
bring untold suffering to millions, even un-
to the third and fourth generations. The
afflicted will recognize only toe plainly to
what class of maladies we refer. A com-
plete and scientific treatise (sent only in
plain sealed envelope) on receipt of ten
cents, (the cost of postage, ) if inclosed with
this notice to World’s Dispensary Medical
Association, 663 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y.
——First Domestic (who had been out
four nights that week)—I’m sorry ; but I
can’t go to Lannigan’s ball to-night. The
missus won’t let me.
Second Domestic—An’ why won’t she ?
First Domestic—I dunno. Mebby she’s
mad because she wasn’t invited.—Spare
Since 1861 I have been a great sufferer from
catarrh. I tried Ely’s Cream Balm and to
all appearances am cured. Terrible head-
aches from which I had long suffered are
gone.—W. J. Hitchcock, late Majer U. S.
Vol. and A. A. Gen., Buffalo, N. Y.
Ely’s Cream Balm has completely cured
me of catarrh when everything else failed.
Many acquaintances have used it with ex-
cellent results.—Alfred W. Stevens, Cald-
well, Ohio.
——“It is queer,” said Mrs. Bloocher;
‘‘that a man can take enough interest in
his wife’s. letters to open them, but not
enough to mail them.”
m= ammo
For particulars call
or address with stamp
0. W. F. SNYDER M. D.
41-1-8m 907 Broadway, N. Y. City.
Consult the Old Reliable
Thirty years continuous practice inthe cure of
all diseases of men and women... No master from
what cause or how long standing. I will guarantee
a cure, AUD page Cloth-Bound Book (sealed) and
mailed FREE 41-13-1yr
A bis. aig
AS. W. ALEXANDER.—Aforney at Law Belle-
e fonte, Pa. All professional business will
receive prompt attention. Office in Hale building
opposite the Court House. 36 14
F. FORTNEY.—Attorney at Law, Bellefonte,
@ Pa. Office in Woodring’s building,
north of the Court House. 14 2
He & REEDER.—Attorneys at Law,
Bellefonte, Pa. Office No. 14, North Al-
legheny street. 3 28 13
N B. SPANGLER.—Attorney at Law. Practices
AN in all the courts. Consultation in Eng-
lish and German. Office in the Eagle building,
Bellefonte, Pa. 40 22
S. TAYLOR.— Attorney and Counsellor at
° Law. Office, No. 24, Temple Court,
fourth floor, Bellefonte, Pa.
r All kinds of legal
business attended to promptly. 40 49
>a KLINE.— Attorney at Law, Bellefonte.
*) Pa. Office on second floor of Furst’s new
building, north of Court House. Can be consulted
in English or German. 29 31
C. HEINLE.—Attorney at Law, Bellefonte,
. Pa. Office in Hale .building, opposite
Court House. All professional business will re-
ceive prompt attention. 30 16
W. WETZEL.— Attorney and Counsellor at
° Law. Office No. 11, Crider’s Exchange
focond floor. All kinds of legal business atten ed
promptly. Consultation in English or German.
HOS. 0. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Sur-
geon, Boalsburg, Pa. 41 3
8. GLENN, Ms D., Physician and Surgeon,
« State College, Centre county, Pa., Office
at his residence. 35 41
HIBLER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon,
(Xe offers his professional services to the
citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office No. 20,
N. Allegheny street. Ee
/ ° DENTAL COLLEGE. Office in Crider’s
one Block, High street, Bellefonte, Pa.
» to W. F. Reynolds & Co.,) Bankers, Belle-
fonte, Pa. Bills of Exchange and Notes Discount-
ed ; Interest paid on special deposits; Exchange
on Eastern cities. Deposits received. 17 36
C. WEAVER.—Insurance Agent, be-
° an business in 1878. Not a single loss
has ever been contested in the courts, by an
company while represented. in this agency. Of-
fice between Jackson, Crider & Hastings bank
and Garman’s hotel, Bellefonte, Pa. 34 12
Represent the best companies, and write policies.
in Mutual and Stock Companies at reasonable-
A. A. KonLBECKER, Proprietor.
This new and commodions Hotel, located opp.
the depot, Milesburg, Centre county, has been en-
tirely refitted, refurnished and replenished
throughout, and is now second to none in the
county in the character of accommodations offer-
ed the public. Its table is supplied with the best
the market affords, its bar contains the purest
and choicest liquors, its stable has attentive host-
lers, and every convenience and comfort is ex-
“tended its guests,
¥®.Through travelers on the railroad will finc
this an excellent place to lunch or procure a meal,
as all trains stop there about 25 minutes. 24 24
mm wean
licit orders for our hardy
Nursery Stock. Expenses
and salary to those leaving
pone, or Sominission to
| IP ocal agents. ermanent
CHASE Embloymont, The bust
ness easily learned. Ad-
1430, S. Penn Square,
40 35 1y. Philadelphia.
New Advertisments.
Prue ~Cuin pumps, for raising wa-
ter from cisterns and wells, the best and
lowest prices inthe market.
The Perfeetion Water Elevator and purifier
known as the 8t. Joseph Bucket Pump for purify-
ing Cistern Water and elevating the same. This
is the best pump to keep water pure in cisterns
ever invented.
A full line of foree and lift pumps for use in
wells, deep or shallow, made of iron or wood. The
wood pumps porcelain lined and galvanized iron
pumps with brass fittings.
SPRAY PUMPS, —for use in spraying apple and
other fruit trees. The ravage of the Codling moth
or apple worm has been so destructive that every
farmer should make it an object during the winter
to study how to destroy this insect pest, and be
ready to operate on itin the coming Spring by
the use of a spray pump. :
40 45 6m. McCALMONT & CO.
NNOUNCEMENT.— I am with great
sorrow compelled to make this public
announcement, that by the advice of the best ocu-
list in this country it becomes necessary for me,
owing to increasing difficulty with my eyesight to
give up teaching music entirely. After carefully
reviewing the situation I have decided to devote
all my time to the sale of musical instruments of
every description, particularly pianos and organs
of the best make procurable. Anyone wishing to
urchase an instrument will save money by eall-
ing on me at my room, 28 Crider block, and learn-
ing particulars.
home of Morris W. Cowdrick, on east
Linn street, Bellefonte, is. offered for sale cheap.
A fine 3 story brick house, on a lot 756x200, new
frame stable, brick ice house and other out-build-
ings. The house is in excellent repair, has all
modern improvements, bath, hot an cold water
on two floors, furnace in cellar and a large cistern.
Write or call on W. COWDRICK,
: Niagara Falls, N. Y.
Fine Job Printing.
There is no style of work, from the cheapest
Dodger” to the finest
that we can not do in the most satisfactory man-
ner, and at
Prices consistent with the class of work. Call at
or communicate with this office. . .
Office in Furst’s building, opp. the onre.