Bellefonte, Pa., April 24, 1896. CS — FARM NOTES. —The corn crop is the most important one in spring, and it is a crop that is per- haps grown everywhere in this country where farming is practiced, as it is almost indispensable. Its value is not alone in its grain, but also in the fodder, and the cultivation required clears the land and de- stroys weeds. The most important part of corn growing, next to good seed, is the preparation of the ground. Leaving out the fact that manure is essential, or its place must be supplied by fertilizers, the most successful crops are not secured so fre- quently from cultivation of the growing _stalks as when the seed bed is given the most attention. Corn is a semi-tropical plant and delights in a warm soil. Its roots feed near the surface, forming a com- plete net-work, and the plants are also gross feeders, appropriating any kind of manure that may be applied, provided such plant food can be rendered soluble before harvest. PLOWING AND HARROWING. ~When the sod land is plowed in the spring it is not an easy matter to make the soil as fine as it should be for corn, but since the introduction of the disc harrow the work can be better performed. Sod land should be plowed in the fall and cross- plowed in the spring. The plowing should be deep, as the after cultivation of the crop should be shallow. By deep plowing of the land not only will the top roots of the stalks go deeper but the soil will ab- sorb more moisture after each rain—a very important matter with corn. After the land is plowed it. must be harrowed down until it is as fine as it is possible to make it, and there need be no fear of using the harrow too much. The object of so doing is to have the land free from lumps and more finely divided to admit warmth and better absorb moisture, as well as to pre- sent larger feeding surfaces to the young plants, the warmth and moisture ensuring germination and “the fine soil increasing not only the number of rootlets, but also their capacity of feeding, which gives the plants an early start and greater vigor for withstanding drouth should it occur. CULTIVATION. As the roots of corn feed near the surface the cultivation should be shallow, just suf- ficient to kill the young weeds and grass and to provide a loose top soil asa cover- ing or mulch. Those who go into the corn field and run the cultivator deep into the soil often damage the plants in dry seasons by cutting roots which cannot be spared, and to avoid this it should be the object never to allow weeds to grow until such work becomes a necessity. Plant plenty of seed and pull out all plants not required and cultivate the crop lightly after each rain and until the cultivating or horse hoe can no longer be used. The practice of cultivating a certain number of times and leaving the crop to mature is not a safe one to follow. The rule should be to keep the top soil loose, with shallow cultivation, and as frequently as may be necessary. Wheat growers who formerly drilled in their seed after light plowing found out that the preparation of the seed bed largely increased the yield, and the same applied to the corn crop will add largely to the number of bushels per acre. Work that is carefully done now will save loss of time and labor after the plants have started. —The main objection to growing lima beans is the providing of supports. In some localities the poles are costly, and if they must come from a distance the haul- ing is an item of importance. Two strands of strong wire, fastened to poles a suitable distance apart, will answer as well as to use poles exclusively, a string to each vine guiding it to the top wire. The pods can be collected better than under the old method. The only objection is that the vines cannot be cultivated except up and down the row ; hence the check-row .sys- tem must be abandoned. —An economical method of growing early tomatoes, melons, etc., where but a few are desired, to produce crops for home use, is to use shells. Break the shells near the small ends, fill with rich dirt and plant a few seed of the. kind desired. The shells may be set in a shallow pan or box of bran, and placed in the sunlight on warm days, care being taken not to expose them to cold at night, When transplant- ing simply set the shell with the plant in the ground. The roots of the plant will soon break through the shell. —Hog cholera makes fearful ravages wherever it appears on farms and although hundreds of remedies have been suggested, and yet there is no sure known. Ti- ments show, however, that here the dis- ease appears most frequently is on farms where the hogs are inbred and confined too closely to a grain diet. Feeding slop of a filthy kind is also a cause. To avoid the disease feed the hogs on a variety of food, making grass an article of diet, give clean water and procure new males every year. —Those who use incubators and are dis- appointed when they succeed in hatching only 60 or 70 per cent. of the , must not overlook the fact that hens do no bet- ter. It is true thdt a hen will sometimes bring off a dozen chicks from as many eggs but other hens may hatch only two or three chicks. The average number of chicks hatched, if ten or twenty hens are allowed to sit at the same time, will not exceed fifty per cent. —Feeding hay to hogs may seem new, yet there are farmers who provide bulky food to their hogs in winter, when green food is scarce, by cutting clover hay very short and steaming or scalding it. The cut hay, affer it becomes softened, is sprinkled with bran or corn meal and fed warm. It is not only highly relished by the hogs, but promotes thrift, and is as cheap as corn, serving also to afford a bal- anced ration. —Nothing is gained by trying to grow too many plants or trees on an acre. It is not always the number of plants that in- creases the yield, but their thrift and feed- ing capacity. A dozen strong and stock plants will produce more than double that number which are weak and spindling. Trees that are too clese together simply come into competition for feod and do not grow as rapidly as they should. -—If early peas are desired they may be planted this month on soil that is light and warm. Growers of early peas usually put the seed in as soon as the frost is out of the ground, but it frequently happens that a cold period comes and the seed rots in the ground. —Pruning when the plant is dormant tends to impart vigor, says a writer, but if done when the plant isgrowing or in leaf it checks growth. For this reason a feeble tree should always be pruned in winter. Lost the Day for a Breakfast. The History of the Civil War Would Have Been Dif- ferent but for that Meal. ‘Charging is the last resort of brave but baffled commanders,’’ said a local critic of military affairs, ‘‘and it almost always re- sults disastrously.”’ Thirty-one years ago to-day the affairs of the Confederate army of northern Vir- ginia were desperate enough to warrant its brave commander, Gen. Robert E. Lee, to resort to charging. So it came to pass on the morning of the 25th day of March, 1865, he made a break through the Union lines and opened the way to City Point, which, if he could have reached and held, would have prolonged the civil war for at least another year. The preliminaries were well arranged. First of all a hundred men appeared in front .of our picket line and announced themselves as North Carolina deserters. They were all armed, but the officer in charge of our pickets welcomed them and told them to bring in their guns, as Gen. Grant had recently issued an order com- manding his quartermasters to pay for all guns brought in from the rebel ranks. So this hundred of armed men were gra- ciously invited to march in behind our pickets. When once there they turned suddenly upon the astonished Union troops and requested them to surrender in words too impolite to print. And the picket had no choice but to obey. In the rearlof the picket line stood Forts Haskell and Stedman, garrisoned by the Fourteenth New York Artillery, several of whom belonged in Utica.” In the early dawn of that mild March morning the sleeping members of the Fourteenth were awakened by the sharp “Yi! yi !”’ of the rebel troops, who pounced in upon them 10,000 strong or more. They were under the command of Gen. Williams Mahone of Virginia. After capturing the Fourteenth they were to move forward to City Point. But here an obstacle arose that neither Mahone nor Gen. Lee had foreseen. That obstacle was our supplies of food. It was yterly impossible to get the Confederates, who were actually starving, boyond our soft bread and coffee, our fresh beef and salt pork. The whole body paused and ‘went to eating, drinking, and making merry without regard to the conclusion of that well known saying. ‘For to-morrow we die.”’” It was all in vain that Gen. Ma- hone threatened and swore and coaxed his men. They simply would not stir till they had satisfied their appetites. This pause was the salvation of the Union army. It enabled not only the ma- jority of the Fourteenth to escape from their captors, but allowed the other divi- sions of the Ninth corps to come to their relief, so that when the rebels were ready to advance they found the way blocked, and they were compelled to retire from the scene of their victory and their breakfast table back to Petersburg badly beaten, and carrying with them nothing but full stom- achs The foregoing is a brief but truthful ac- count of Gen. Lee’s last charge. In a little more than a week from that day he evac- uated Richmond and Petersburg, and in less than another week he surrendered his entire army to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, Utica Observer. At the fifteenth anniversary of the incor- poration of the Pennsylvania railroad, which was celebrated in Philadelphia, on Monday April 13th, with a reception, mu- sic, addresses and banquets. President Roberts gave the history of the company from its incorporation, in 1846, until the present time. He took occasion to remark that it is to the rank and file, to the entire 100,000 men who are in the employ of the company and who so faithfully look after its interests that whatever measure of pros- perity it enjoys is to be attributed. In 1852, when the Pennsylvania railroad was first opened as a transportation line, it con- sisted of 224 miles of railroad, today it con- trols 9000 miles of railroad, either by lease or ownership. with a capital of about $834,- 000,000. In 1852 it moved but 70,000 tons of freight for the whole year, much less than it moves now in a day, the aggregate tonnage for last year being 160,000,000, and carried, with a reasonable amount of safety and precision, 75,000,000 passengers. In 1852, there were only 50 locomotives, about, 1000 cars ; today 3,400 locomotives and 141,000 cars,” including 226 barges, steam boats and other craft used in connec- tion with its lines upon the water. In 1852 the gross income was less than $2,- 000,000, last year it was over $133,000,000, and the pay roll amounted to over $36,- 000,500 as compared with less than $400,- 000, in 1852. When the Pennsylvania Railroad was organized it accommodated all its officers on a single floor of a small building. The population of the country did not exceed 20,000,000, and its revenues were not over double as many millions. In Its half century of progress it had grown until today the gross revenues of the Penn- | sylvania Railroad Company are more than three times the amount of the entire rev- enues of the United States Government when the company was first incorporated, and it employs to-day more that thrice the number of men engaged in the entire gov- “ernment service fifty years ago. Itis now not only the unerring barometer of the business conditions cf the country, but it has been in every emergency the most potent hand-maid of the government. fy Se— Tuberculosis Decreasing. The report of the Pennsylvania society for prevention of tuberculosis, which has ‘just been issued, states that there has been a marked decrease in the number of deaths from consumption in Philadelphia durin recent years as a result of thé improv: methods of treating the disease and of the effort to prevent the spread of the contagion; whereas in 1880 there was an annual death rate of 342 to the 100,000 of population, the number in succeeding years has been reduced to 220. If there were satisfactory accommodations in the hospitals for tuber- culosis patients the death rate from this source would probably bé much further reduced. It is also stated in the report that as a result of the. recommendation of the society a new law has been enacted for the state establishing a live stock sanitary board, the duties of which will cover the Y | detection of contagious and infections dis- eases among animals, and the exclusion of meat or milk that may be tainted with |» tuberculosis or other diseases. A Pleasant Compromise. CHICAGO, April 19.—Ezekiel Smith, the wealthy contractor, who was recently sued by Miss Ella Donaldson, for $50,000, for breach promise, has compromised the suit marrying the plaintiff, and has sta; for California on a wedding trip. Try throwing salt on the spot when pud- dings or pies bubble over in the oven' and burn and smoke. Anything that runs over on the stove and makes a smoke should also have salt sprinkled on the spot. ‘Why One Feels Chilly When Lying Down Ye Ti PF SY A po gos ry, Fo AEE er pc The reason is simply this. Nature takes the time when one is lying down to give the heart rest, and that organ consequently makes ten strokes less a minutes than when one is in an upright posture. Multiply that by sixty minutes, and it is six hun- dred strokes. Therefore in eight hours spent in lying down the heart is saved nearly five thousand strokes, and as the heart pumps six ounces of blood with each stroke it lifts thirty thousand ounces less of blood in a night of eight hours spent in bed than when ore is in an upright posi- tion. As the blood. flows so much more slowly through the veins when one is lying down, one must supply then with Si see them. : coverings the warmth usually furnished : = eT ar y A good heavy Ingrain carpet at 20, 25, 28, m © 32, 34 and 38. Inall wool we have Pat's Strike. them fully one-third lower than you An upper Peninsula paper tells a story Rave ever seh then, 1 catia y 1 of a Swede employed by the boom company on the Menominee river. He was work- a very large and handsome stock from ing on one of the dividing piers, and the logs were coming faster than he could handle them. He asked the foreman to : send a man to help him, which was done. 49c. a pair up toas fine as any one A couple of hours later he repeated his re- i = quest for assistance. wan. ‘“Why,’’ answered the foreman, “I sent Pat down here to help you ; wasn’t he all right 2” ‘Yas, Pat bane purty good mon,” was the reply, ‘‘but you sa about one hours ago he yump on a log and fall in water, and he don’t come oop again. Ay tank hees kavit his yob.’’.— Detroit Free Press. In southern climes or northern lands, One Sndipuied fact fast stands, 'Tis this, that women’s weal and woe Make up the hub of things below ; For to the softer sex 'tis given To put man in or out of Heaven. Let the wife and mother be sickly and as a result, querulous and fidgety, and the whole household is disturbed: - To cure this state of things, the aforesaid wife and mother has only to take Dr. Peirce’s Favor- ite Prescription. The cause will disappear promptly. The ‘‘Prescription’’ is a nerv- ine and restorative tonic of wonderful effi- cacy and made for the alleviation of dis- eases peculiar to women. For nursing mothers and debilitated ‘‘run-down’’ women generally, it is the best restorative tonic and soothing nervine known.- For those about to become mothers it is indeed, a priceless boon. It lessens the pains and perils of childbirth, shortens parturition, promotes the secretion of an abundance of nourishment for the child and shortens confinement. : : > which you can make selections, from You never saw such a large and well se- lected stock of clothing as we have this Spring. We have just received about $15,000.00 worth of new: SPRING CLOTHING ! We can suit you no matter how lean or fat your pocket book is. Here are a few things that will give you an idea of what we can do in the clothing line : We can give a black, blue or mixed suit for men for $3.90 ; a good dress suit in black or in colors for $4.50 ; an all wgol suit, good enough for any occasion, for $5, for $6.50, $7. In the fined grades of dress suits, fine tailoring, t linings and trimmings best fitting, at 7, 7.50, 8, 8.50,9, 10, : 11,12, 13 and $14. We can give them TE to you in black diagonals, black clays, blue diagonals and blue clays, dark grey, medium grey and mixtures. Children’s suits from 98¢ up to the best. Boy’s and young men’s suits, 13 to 19 yrs., from 2.50 up to the best. About 400 different styles men’s dress pants to select from. We shall Business Notice. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she hecame a Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children; she gave them Castoria. . New Advertisements. CONTINUE 10 LED in the matter of extreme low prices for good goods. We have the largest stock in the country. : LYON & CO. Bellefonte, Pa. K IDNEY TROUBLE CURED. The importance of knowing just what to do when one is afflicted with kidney disease or troub- les of a urinary nature, is best answered by the following letter which was recently published in the Poughkeepsie, N. Y., News Press : Allegheny st. MirLErTON, Duchess Co., N. Y. “Dr. David Kennedy, Dear Sir :—For more than Cottolene. eighteen months I was so badly afflicted with kid- ney trouble I could scarcely walk a quarter of a mile without almost fainting. I did not gain any until I began to use Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. After using the first bottle I noticed a decided improvement which continued, and I know that { OTTOLENE COOKS Should remember to use only two-thirds as much COTTOLENE as they formerly used of lard or but- ter. With two-thirds the quantity they will get better results at less cost than it is possible to get with lard or butter. When COTTOLENE is used for frying articles that are to be immersed, a bit of bread should be dropped into it to ascer- tain if itis at the right heat. When the bread browns in half a minute the COTTOLENE is ready. Never let COTTOLENE get hot enough to #moke. DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY. saved my life, for I was in a miserable condition 1 up to the time I Began to take it—my friends thought I would never be better. My sister, algo, has been very sick with bladder trouble for over a year, so bad that quantities of blood come from her. She suffered at times most frightful pain, and nothing seemed to help her until she began the use of Dr. David Kennedy's The COTTOLENE trade-marks are *Cottolene” and a steers head in cotton plant wreath. Favorite Remedy. She is now using her third bottle, and is like a different person. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, CHICAGO and 132 N. Delaware, Ave., Philadelphia. 41-1 MRS. THOMAS DYE.” 40-31. : EG SE SS Li) Sechier & Co. Sechler & Co. Sechler & Co. Turee ImporTANT POINTS; The frying pan should be cold when the COTTOLENE is put in: COTTOLENE heats to the cooking point sooner than lard, It never sputters when hot. X SECHLER & CO'S OPEN LETTER. Bellefonte, Pa., April 1st, 1896. As ‘the Winter Season is now over we wish to remind our friends and the public, generally, that we are well prepared to supply all demands in our line. Almost all kinds of goods are now so low in price that a good American Din- ner is within the reach of all. : While giving careful attention to securing a fine stock of fruits and luxuries we have not overlooked the every day substantials. - We have Pillsbury’s ‘‘best’’ Minnesota Flour and the leading brands of home manufacture. Bradford Co., pure Buckwheat Flour, new kiln dried Corn Meal, extra fine sugar cured Hams, breakfast Bacon and dried Beef, white, fat, new Mackeral, rich mild Cream Cheese, genuine Maple Syrup, pure-sugar table Syrups, fine roll dairy and creamery Butter. We have just rece veda lot of bright clean New York state Beans that we are sell- ing at the low price of five cents per quart. The entire lot of twenty-two bushels will go at that price (no-advance) but we can hardly get any more as good as these to sell at the same price. Don’t miss them, They are fine. ‘ One of the most satisfactory lots of goods we have to offer is our owf” Mince Meat. Every ounce of material in it is sound, clean and of the finest quality, nothing equal to it has ever been obtainable. Price, ten cents per pound. It has been almost impossible to get satisfactory Oranges this season, but we have secured some fine Floridas, also some Mexican fruit that is equally as fine as the Flori- das and quite reasonabie in price. Our stogk of Cranberries, (at 1octs per-quart,) white Almeria Grapes, New York Catawbas/(2z baskets for 25cts), Lemons, Bananas ~ and Sweet Potatoes have received careful /attention. Also Raisins, Prunes, Citron, Figs, cleaned Currants, California evapor. ed" “fruits, fine mixed table Nuts at 15cts and 2octs per pound; soft shell Almonds 2octs per pound, finest Princess paper shells at 25cts per pound, finest Java, Mocha and Rio Coffees, Extracts, Sauces, Pickles, Capers, fv Mushrooms, Truffles, Etc., but we cannot enumerate further. We keep a large and well selected stock. It will pay any house-keeper to visit | our store once a week. The first principle of economy is not alone in saving, but in making a good investment. Trusting you will act on the suggestion. / a We remain yours very respectfully, SECHLER & CO. adc I RE A Is. 4-611 is a iN UTM. cise so < S. Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co. ~ Saddlery. : nV 1 : $00 $5,000 $5,000 De YOU WANT A NEW CARPET» ——WORTH OF— We have the best line of medium and wool HARNESS, HARNESS, HARNESS, Ingrain carpets in this part of the country. They are all brand new pat- ney is SADDLES terns and are beauties, and prices that : : and FOR SUMMER, —— will surprise you when you come to BRIDLES —NEW HARNESS FOR SUMMER,— FLY-NETS FOR SUMMER, DUSTERS FOR SUMMER, WHIPS FOR SUMMER, All combined in an immense Stock of Fine Saddlery. \ ey To-day Prices} have Dropped THE LARGEST STOCK OF HORSE COLLARS IN THE COUNTY. JAMES SCHOFIELD, 33-37 BELLFCNTE, PA. New Advertisements. Tee ACCIDENTS OF LIFE. : Write to T. 8. QUINCEY THE retary of the Star Accr- DENT ComPANY, for informa- STAR ACCIDENT Insurance. Mention this paper. By so doing you Has paid over $600,000.00 for accidental injuries. I Be Your Own Agent 1 Drawer 156, Chicago, Sec tion regarding Accident COMPANY. can save membership fee. NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION REQUIRED. 40-47-8m HERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas and to me di- rected, there will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court House, in the horough of Bellefonte, on SATURDAY, APRIL 25th, 1896, aL) Selook p. m., the following described real estate. All that certain messuage tennement and tract of land situate in Snow Shoe township county of Centre and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows to wit : Beginning at a stone ; Thence along lands of John Hoy Jr., south 60% west 56 lands of John H. Holt south 24° east 53 a chestnut oak ; Thence along lands of llefonte, Snow Shoe R. R. company south 89° east 204 Pejelies to white oak, thence along other lands of ohn Hoy Jr., north dz0 east 77 perches to a t; Thence along of Joh Hoy Jr., and William Holt, north 89° west 178 perches to the place of begin- ning containing 100 acres.” Net measure. No improvements, Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of J. H. Holt. TerMs—No deed will be acknowledged “until pichase money is paid in full. herift's Office, JOHN P. CONDO, Bellefonte, Pa. Sheriff. rches to EGISTER’S NOTICE.—The followin g accounts have been examined, passe and filed of record in the Register's office for the inspection of heirs and legatees, creditors and all others in anywise interested, and will be present- to the orphans’ Court of Centre county for. con- mation on Wednesday, the 20th day of April, 1. _ The first partial account of Wm. M. Goheen and Mdrgaret J. Goheen, executors of Robert Go- heen, late of Harris township, deceased. 2. The account of Wm. H. Noll, Sr., adminis- trator of, &c., of Samuel Noll, Sr., late of S; ring township, deceased, as filed by Wm. H. Noll, ol administrator of said Wm. H. Noll, 8r., now de- ceased. ’ 3. . The account of J. W. Stover, executor of &c., of L. B. Stover, late of Miles township, de- ceased. 4. First and final account of of John Brown, administrator of, &c., of Catharine Brown, late of Walker township, deceased. 5. The first and final account of Charles Smith, administrator, of, &e., of Thomas Croft, late of Boggs township, deceased. i 6. The aceount of A. P. Zerby, administrator of &c., and trustee to sell real estate of Lindaman- Wingart, late of Penn township, deceased. 7. The account of Levi R. Stover, executor of, &c., of Renjamin Stover, late of Haines township, deceased. 8. First and final account of W. A. Gould and H. 8. R. Richards, administrators of, &c., of D. H. Thomas, late of Philipsburg borough, deceased.| 9. First and final account of Lucy Burns, ad- ministratrix of, &ec., of Abraham Burns, late of Taylor township, deceased. 10. The final account of Fannie L. Keller, ad- sministratrix of, &c., of J. Will Keller, late of Har- ris township, deceased. 11. The account of Richard Haworth, adminis- trator of, &c., of Eliza Tobias, late of Philipsburg borough, deceased. 12. First and final account of M. M. Condo, ad- ministrator of &c., of Harriet Condo, late of Gregg township, deceased. 13. Second and partial account of John M. Keichline, administrator of &c., of Jno. M. Wag- ner, late of Boggs township, deceased. _14. The account of Charles Beirley, administra- tor of &e., of Melchoir Beirley, late of Miles town- ship, deceased. 15. First and final account of Clement Dale, ad- ministrator d. b. n. c. t. a. of &c., of D. K. Pate, late of Bellefonte borough, deceased. 16. First and final account of Jacob Bottorf, ad- ministrator of &c., of Lucy Fogleman, late of Col- lege township, deceased. 17. Account of W. G. Ewing, executor of &e., of A. G. Ewing, late of Ferguson township, de- ceased. 18. First and final account of Thomas W. Fish- er and C. M. Resides, administrators of &e,, of William Resides, late of Union township, de- ceased. ! 19. The account of Mary C. Shook (now Mary t. Stoner), executrix of &c., of W. L. Shook, late of Millheim borough, deceased. 20. First partial account of W. J. Carlin ministrator of &e., of F. P. Vonada, late of M township, deceased. 21. The account of John McGee, administrator of &c., of John A. Bechdel, late of Liberty town- ship, deceased. vom 3 22. First and final account of Simon Harper, executor of &c., of David E. Sparr, late of Harris township, deceased. 23. First and final account of Charles Lupten, executor. of &c., of John Lupton, late of Rush township, deceased. 24. First and final account of James W. Runk- le, administrator of &c., of Daniel Runkle, late of Gregg township, deceased. » 25. First and final account of Samuel T. Gray, trustee in partition to sell the real estate of George Behrer, late of Patton township, deceased, 26. First and final account of Evan M. Blanch- ard, trustee of Clement Beckwith, deceased, to sell the “mud-lic” farm, &c. As filed by Eliza 1, Blanchard and John Blanchard, executors &e., of Evan M. Blanchard, deceased. 27. First and final account of Genres W. Spang- ler, administrator of &e., of Polly Mullbarger, late of Potter township, deceased. 28. First and final account of Thomas B. Turn- er, guardian of John H. and Jameés F. Turner: minor children of Amanda Turner, late of Huston township, deceased. « G. W. RUMBERGER, ad- iles Bellefonte, March 31, 1896. Register. nen rches to a post; Thence along other ° ) Nr pr -