A Say SE wma Jame i] AY ra I tn - —~rm BY P. GRAY MEEK. 2 Ink Slings. ©. Sing a song of sixpence A court house full of row, i to] Then Reeorg gets the delegates And AryoLp. wonders, how ? —The WATCHMAN annpunced, last week, ‘that ARNOLD would be the Republican : nominee for Congress in this district. : . ——QUAY is moving for civil service in ‘State offices. ‘“The old man’’ is going to fix “his friends while he is yet able to do i.’ —There is one thing the Gazette must be given credit for. - It has the knack of giv- ing space to a subject without saying -any- thing about it. Reference : ¢ “The Congres- sional Muddle,” | page. 4, Vol. "XI, No. 29, .of that paper... —No matter whether it was AL. DALE or “QUAY who did the Dbtisiness ARNOLD has . Elk county where he wants it and, with ¢ Clarion and Clearfield besides; will surely be the Republican congressional nominee of this district. —It is said that apples will keep for two’ years when wrapped up in newspapers. Of ~ course a great deal depends on’ the news- ‘papers used. Now some sheets are so foul ‘that they wi ould’ pollute and decay fruit in a very few moments. ——Something that occurred, in velo. 3 field, on Tuesday, more than likely sent a “cold chill down the spinal column of the “Hon. JAMES KERR. has’nt been interviewed yet we can’t: ex- plain how it did occur. —The Democrats of Lancaster county “seem to have been affected very much as “the Republicans. of Centre were. 1b | “just the right thing to do, but it is very | ; popular to kick when youw don’t get ex- actly what you want. It is'nt ~ —Elk county’s having instructed her congressional conferees for CLEARWATER . means that they will be thrown to ARNOLD, .. when he needs them to make himself the * Republican nominee for ‘Congress in this _ district. AL. DALE wrofe to “the old man’’ to have it, fixed up in this way. and “he did it. " —In endorsing SE ‘Wn. E. RussiLL for President: the Democrats of { ; -Massachusetts have declared for a: man who icould ably fill the exalted position to which they would -push him, but Pennsylva ania |. "has a son whose. claim must be considered before that of the Masadsineetis man. can be taken up. M «—Ata meeting of the Deinocratic state committee; in ‘Harrisburg, on' Wednesday, Hon. ROBERT E. WRIGHT, of Allentown, was re-elected state chairman of the party for the ensuing year. It was a highly satis factory selection and one that will please | the Democracy of Pennsylvania. Mr. ‘ WRIGHT is ‘4 leader who ‘can ot be’ dom- inated by any faction or clique. gates to the general conference of the ‘Methodist Episcopal church. the annual conferences of the church lacks 63} of enough to give the women the three- fourths and admission to the genera confer- ence. It was a tight squeeze, hut the women are used to that kind of thing and won't feel badly over it. —The Democratic party has alw ays Beer? a conservative organization. ' It has’ never “been identified with any of the fanatical " movements that have. convulsed . the country and on that account it stands to- day on the clear high ground of freedom. from any misalliance and is beginning ; to. profit by . its. , straightforward course. . “Things look brighter and in the fall there will be surprises and surprises. —In an interview in the Pittsburg - Post " ex-Governor ROBERT E, PATTISON pro- claims his belief that the unit rule is. the best and most efficient means for express- ing Pennsylvania's political preference in | national conventions. . He said the unit rule made 'BUCHANAN’S nomination possi- * ‘ble, also that of CLEVELAND, in 1892, “and would give Pennsylvania an importance _ next to that of New York, ROBERT evi- dently has had his ear to the ground and is beginning to “heed the rappings he’ has * heard: ; — Governor HasTiNes propo spending three months, during the summer, at his home in this place, Why this thusness ? Certainly he must have had some horrible *night-mare in which a grim spectre doused him with the tears he shed the night of the farewell nfeeting in the armory, when he professed so much sorrow at having to leave his Bellefonte friends. The Governor iis possibly: beginning to feel that his home * friends are the best friends, hence his desire to get back among them before they all de- clare allegiance to AL. DALE. ' —At the conference of the Republicans of this congressional district, held at Ridg- way last week, to select two delegates to the natienal convention at St. Louis, Clar- . ion, Elk and Forest counties froze Clear- field and Centre so badly that their con- ferees left the meeting: hall. The two larger counties in the district urged the selection of A. E. PATTON, of Curwensville, but Elk, Forest and Clarion had fixed up a slate that could not be busted, so it went through. The conferees from Centre and * Clearfield were very angry that they should have been entirely ignored, but what rea- son had the former to feel that way. They pi simply got a dose of the medicine they gave the Philipsburg delegation at their late convention here and are the last people under the sun who have any ground to * ‘kick. Sauce for the goofe is always sauce for the gander. As the gentleman’ | Spaniards. The vote. by | | tion. ever known, invested this Congress with. |. _VOL. To BELLEFONTE, PA. APRIL 94, 1896. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. od Spanish Concessions. As the Spaniards become more. convinced of the improbability. of their being able to 4|'suppress the Cuban rebellion they show a disposition to make concessions to the reb- els, Itis reported that the Spanish gov- ernment is. willing to accord a. number of reforms upon certain contingeneies.. These: ‘concessions are represented to’ be so exten- sive as to practically include autonotny. . But Spain will make. a great mistake in Juiging the temper of her -opponénts if the condition upon which ’ ‘she will ' concede these reforms is that the Cuban insurgents must first lay down their arms. She takes a position which the patriots must spurn in claiming that her dignity will net admit | of her treating with armed rebels. Such a proposition is an insult to a people who know that it would not be made if they had not used their arms so effectively, and who are asked to put themselves entirely at the mercy of their enemy. After they had disarmed’ what assurance would they have that the promises of reform w could be ful- filled 2 ha The Cuban patriots have had experience as to what Spanish pledges amount to. They desisted from a ten year’s rebellion, in 1878, upon a promise that their grievances would be redressed, but realized ‘that their surrender was only an encouragement to worse forms of misgovernment and oppres- sion. If the Cubans should treat with the We trust they will be wise enough to do it with arms in their hands. Producing Its hvgiat Effect. The New York Herald very, logically re marks that the anti-Republican reaction that has set in, in. New Jersey and New York; may extend throughout:the country. | As the cause is of a general character why should not the effect be general ? * Ss In the town elections in New York State the result this spring has been revolution-. ary, as compared with what it was last year. 1'As explanatory of this change ‘it may be | | said that it was largely due to the RAINES ‘bill. . That had its effect, no doubt, to | some extent 5 hut how is it in’ New Jersey, where there is no such- special influence as {an obnoxious liquor. law operating? In’ Jemey. City the Republican majority of 6,000 last “years replaced by a Demoeratic | ‘juafority of 1600. Newark, which gave the | 1, Republicans 4,700 majority, | gives the Dem-, —Women will not be admitted as” dele; ocrats over 5,000. The Republican -major- “ity of 2,200in Trenton has been reduced to 400, and changes of almost equal magnitude have occurred over the whole ‘State, ‘This. may be regarded ag proving the identity of the causes operating in New York and New Jersey, and it is safe to infer that. their in- fluence will ‘be general * throughout ‘the | countiy. The logic of this change is found i in. the popular and wide-spread: disappointment | and dissatisfaction with the conduct of the Republican Congress. . With absolute con- ‘trol of the House, and also of the Senate if '|:they wished to" exert it, they have fooled away the session." in ‘playing presidential politics, while not a singlé measure has. been, passed for the improvement of the financesor the relief of the business situa- The people, by the largest majority power to legislate, ‘but they find it doing nothing but political work designed t¢ in- fluence the coming presidential’ election. In view of this fact such a change in pub- lic sentiment, as has shown its firstdevelop-. -ment-in the recent: local elections, may be expected to be general i in “its effect. Sucaking And Dlahoucet. The sneaking character of the attacks on the CLEVELAND adnjinistration, made for political effect, is exemplified by the PEFFER resolution introduced in the Senate, asking for an investigation of the sale of bonds by. Secretary &$ABLISLE.. The object is to create the suspicion that there was some- thing crooked in’ that transaction, involving the integrity of the Serpeisry: ‘and the ad- ministration. * ° No specific charge. is. made, 1 nor is it be- lieved that the bonds were improperly handled, but by introducing a. resolution to have the bond sales investigated: it is cal- Leulated that a suspicion may be aroused in the public mind, and by the appointment of a partisan committee that would main- tain a tinkeringsappearance of investiga- 4 tion during the summer, this suspicion could be kept\up until he campaign should be over. Having served its villainous pur- pose it would then be dropped. There are Republicans in the Senate who have not the slightest belief that there was anything wrong in the bond sales, but they are egging PEFFER on in this nefarious business for the partisan effect it may have in the presidential campaign, Among these are Senator HOAR, but he can, not resist doing a mean thing if his party may gain a political advantage by. it. Nothing would be met with greater confi- dence by Secretary CARLISLE and President CLEVELAND than a fair investigation of the bond sales, but PEFFER and his Republi- can backers propose a sneaking Proceeding for a campaign purpose. - a McKinley's Monetary Record. ‘There can ‘be no “question ‘as to MCKIN=|"' On. the fiscal LEY’ § economic position. igsue he represents tariff robbery, and he bases his political claim on. the system that 10bs the many for the benefit of the few. In that sign he proposes fo conquer in ‘the presidential contest. His openness on the tariff gestion strong ly contrasts with the subterfuge of ‘his posi-' tion in regand to the currency. He resorts to evasion and attempts. to befog his monetary attitude by a plank in his: Ohio platform which ' means neither gold nor’ silver, but may be construed as favorable | to either or both, ‘The past history of MCKINLEY ’s action in regard to coinage shows that he is, or at least was, a silverite. In 1877 he voted in the House for & bill authorizing the free coinage of silver dollars at the ratio of 16 to 1. This bill was substituted in the Senate by the BLAND-ALLISON bill for the coinage of not less than $2,500,000 nor more than $4,000,000 worth of silver per month into standard dollars. Upon’ its passing hoth Houses President HAYES vetoed it, but MCKINLEY voted to pass it over his veto. When ' President CLEVE- ‘LAND recommended - Congress to repeal the BLAND-ALLISON act, MCKINLEY, as.chair- man of the committee on platform in the Republican national ‘convention of: 1888, reported & resolution ‘condemning -the policy of the Democratic administration in its efforts to demonetize silver.” In 1890 he advocated and supported JOHN SHER- MAN’s silver purchase act, which proved so disastrous to the finances of the country. that it had to be repealed by. a Democratic “Congress, upon: the advice of President ‘CLEVELAND. . Now, in view of shi dniterrupted sup- host of silver in every instance in which he had an opportunity to act on the question, if MCKINLEY were ‘an honest candidate, and had the courage of his convictions, he ‘would have declared. in his Ohio platform ‘that he is a supporter of the white metal, instead of making a declaration on the sub- ject 50 equivocal and evasive that it may be construed in one way by.the goldites and in’ another way by ‘the : advocates of silver. SE “We do not. quarrel, with MRiNLEY'S) coinage views if he is. honest in them, and | if: heshould ‘honestly ‘express himself in ‘regard to them, but when, in so'important a matter as the currency, ‘he is found to be carrying water on two shoulders to catch. the ‘vote of opposite sections, it may be asked what reliance could be placed on him, as President, hy either the advocates of free .gilver,or the SHpbosters of the gold stand- ard ? Anti-Trust t Legislation. The New York Legislature has passed an anti-trust law, particularly intended to head off the coal combine, but adapted to other forms of monopolistic extortion. It is well enough that such a law should ‘be passed; but will it be enforced ? Has it been made so strong that the corporation lawyers will net be able to drive through it ‘or around it ? ' Is it proof against’ the de- cisions of monopoly favoring judges ? There is an anti-trust law in the statute books of the United States. It was. drawn ‘by JOHN SHERMAN, with the professed ob- | ject of preventing the robbery ‘of the trade combiners, but honest JOHN left in it a. number of loopholes through which every trust that has been brought before the United States courts has been able to slip ¢ ‘unharmed and i in condition to go on with its rabbery as before. If JOHN SHERMAN was not so remarkably honest, apright and high*minded a Republican ‘statesman, who would scorn to 'do anything Tow; : mean or crooked (?) it might be supposed’ that he left those logpliles: in that: anti- trust law a purpose. © _ Maybe tle New York anti-trust’ Tah, it being a Republican enactment, has the same kind ‘of holes in it. Time, andi afew ‘trials in court; will teH. 2 ——The Pittabn Towanda why ‘Governor Easting, of file onte, has otis Morintey) when his county recent! ve sucha ma; ity for the Ondo man — Bo — Brha gmap: Iti is evident that the ae didn’t under- stand the situation hereabouts or it would ve known that MCKINLEY’s victory in county was due to the fact that the ernor was for the other side. Success and, HASTINGS are not walking arm and arm in Centre county at’ this time. ——Both Pemotrals Fond “Repulifians, throughott the East, are clamoring for a ‘single gold. standard’ and *‘honest”’ alli and not oné out of every hundred who believe they believe in this doetrine, can tell what either a ‘‘gold standard” or ‘honest money’’ is. ——A Pittsburg minister resigned - from "| the pastorate of his church because his con- gregation appreciated another woman’s singing better than it did that of his wife. ‘As the congregation. hired preacher JOLLY to preach and not to furnish a wife ‘who gould sing they accepted his resignation forthwith. ., Hasting’s | Political Humiliation. Governor HASTINGS ] has “had to submit to a good many. humiliations | since his elec- tion by the. phenominal majority - that, swelled his head with the idea that he was Pennsylvania's favorite son, but nothing | has humiliated him so muchas his being compelled to crawl to the feet of Mat|/ QUAY and acknowledge himself his hench- ‘man. There was dishonor ¢énough inbeing soundly trounced by: the Boss, in a fight for political Supremacy; but the acknowledge- ‘ment that QUAY is his ‘master Joompieies : the measure of his disgrace. "In an interview, i ‘in which his “excellency admits hig rednged: and dependent position, he declares his. alliance to! QUAY and ex- presses the hope that “there will be a ‘unit+ ed delegation . to. St. Louis making a brave and determined effort. to. secure the nomination of Senator QUAY.” What a scorching commentary ‘on this subservient position is the action of the Re- publicans of his. own county in turning down QUAY’S presidential eandidacy and overwhelmingly expressing themselves for: “McKINLEY. Was it not as much of a re- | I pudiation of HASTINGS as it was of QUAY ?, With such a demonstration in ‘his’ own county what chance has the Governor of seeing a realization, of his hdpe that. there. will be a united delegation at St. Louis in support of QUAY’S nomination ?: ; If" HASTINGS were not so coniplete a political booby he would not be. occupying the humiliated position in which he finds himself. ‘If there was occasion for him to break with QUAY last summeér he should | have had political manhood enough to have . maintained his antagonism. He : might have been the leader of a MCKINLEY dele- gation going to St. Louis with a prospect of nominating his man, instead: of being tagged on to MAT QUAY’S boom that is bound to meet with ridiculons failure. Of course it “would: not be more to his credit to be ‘the’ supporter of ‘the tariff spoliator of Ohio, but. it would have made him of some ¢on- ‘sequence which in. his present; position |. : ann be accorded to him in the least de- i would have saved him the humil- bation of tng reppdipied by his. own ty: TT —— An ‘AnttiTemperance Measure, A singular’ consequence’ ’ has atteridod New York's new liquor law, known as _the. "RAINES bill. It was intended to limit the saloons by imposing a tax so heavy as to be almost prohibitive to those that were not doing a big business, but while the saloons have been limited, Rh drink is practic- ally unlimited.’ The old law prohibited opening the bars *| on Sunday, but while the new law does the same, it allows the hotels to sell liquor to guests at dinner or luncheon on Sunday. It has been ruled that to become a guest at a hotel it is not necessary to register, and under this ‘ruling a five cent lunch of crackers and cheese gives the ‘‘guest’ the right to fill up with as much Sunday beer, or other drink, as he can carry. Thisis a specimen of Republican legislation in the interest of tempertince and Sabbath observ- ance. : The exorbitantly high foc of the Ramsey measure, which bears with unequal weight upon the large and the smaller deal- ers, will drive the ‘small saloons out of business, resulting in a fearful increase of speak-easies, ‘which is “the. ‘most injurious medium through which “drink can be top nished to its victims. - The RAINES law will prove to be one of the greatest curses ever inflicted upon ' the State of New York ; but it puts the power |." of licensing into: the hands of a Republican commission, and the political power thus secured was all’ ‘that the oginmt, of the law cared for. Ne Neod of. Its No joe Treason: exists for the creation of a department of commerce and manufact- ures in connection with the ‘government, as proposed by Senator FRYE, of Maine, if “he can assign no better reason. for it. than’ that .it is necessary ‘‘to take care of the commercial and industrial interests of ‘the country.” Sil ; It is not: within- the province of govern- ment to-take np any particular interests. Its line of duty, is to furnish good, impar- tial, and honest administration of the gov- ernmental function, and, under such condi- tions commercial and industtial interests: will ‘be able to take’ care of themselves. There is foo much of the’ paternal. idea in the government taking care of them. ) We have seen-the -consequences of such care in the abuses. of the protective system. High tariffs, that have been used for the al- leged benefit ‘of the industries, have been productive of monopolists and trusts, and have bred a class of beneficiaries ‘who have been encouraged to believe they have a right to go'to Congress and dictate the tariff schedules that would be most conducive to’ their adv antage, regardless of the injustice done to the general consumers, Such special paternalism is foreign to our popular system of government and should be discouraged. “Niehols, ‘| finarice and’ economics: ; “From the ‘Phifadelphiy Eve) Ev he Tec "land ¢ TIGR ds pani, . From: thie Williamsport Sim. VAL phn blisfed The Williamsport Sur i the following interview with "Willis" B. Bierly; of Grand Forks, N. Di' Mr. Bierly is well known in this county'and is east re- cuperating his ‘health. "Hé" ie one’ of the well-known nen of the Réd'river: ‘oountry ‘and’ kiiows what he is talking { ahout. y W. R: Bierly, Esq.; who? Surely a member of the Lycoming 'éetinity bar ‘and also a’ newspaper ‘man * of sone -éxpétience,” arrived in the city Saturday night and'is a guest of his’ brother-in-law,” Orlando L. ‘deputy ‘register: aitd recorder. The papers have widely published the tate- nent ‘that Mr: Bierly, ‘having: + gold ‘his newspaper afd printing plant Be Grand Forks, has edie east to locate, buble says this an error, so far’ #8" disposing ' of ‘his northwestern interests is ¢éneerhed, because there is no value for ‘anything West or east except money, ‘under’ present theories of pase anh Of course, he is an’ ardent’ advocate of what ‘we of the east denominate the: ‘silver heresy,”’ and sdys he ‘intends’ to ihaugurate’ a campaign of education as ‘soon a8 he has’ rested and recovered his health fully. Those who are acquainted ‘ with the polit- ical career of ‘Mr. Biérly ‘need ‘wot doubt’ that ‘he has the courage to tridertake: seem- impossibilities: ii: RITE do always been a win’ Sappirter’ of ex-Giovernor' Pattisoit' he declarés that if .the Demoerats of Péntisylvania Will present’ the governor at Chicago, tihanimously and without a gold standard ‘handicap plitform, in the face of the“ obvious: silver color of that - convention, ‘his’ nomfintition is’ I among the probabilities: and his’ show" for |’ ‘election would be‘the best: ' The reason fot’ this is that in the west the ex-governor, as" ‘Pacific railroad ‘commissioner; . is well res - membered for’ Ha¥ing planted himself: soli- tarily and’ immiutably “‘on'the platforni of government. owneiship' of ‘the Pacifie - rail-* ‘roads, which; whilé' swindling’ ‘Uneéle Sant |! out of the interest on’ their bonds; have |’ been practicin extortions' port the settlers and robbing seéond’ ny ‘bond~ holders eontitiually and’ systematically. , They also ‘know him asd man’ of '‘unv aw erving integrity in governitiental ‘teforms and would have confidence in'his' loyalt; to the people as a Democrat’ who Wwoiild net set himself up as dictator ‘and ov erride the voice of thie great majority. ° TERK Mr. Bierly expects to' remain in hie. oat for some time; and will be heard from. . iti Where Will It AR End? | re. Debs has not been ¢ 0. labor disputes since k a for violating, the law. ‘violence and disorder, bf in a total failure at the time, but the strik- ers were. not. at the end.of their resources, when apparently beaten. . They nominally gave up the fight and went, back to work ; but bi their. Dpostumiy, they nursed their wrath, and on Saturday last. ‘got in their work’? against their employers by shooting one of them dead The murdered man probably thought he had triumphed ovef the trade union when the strike was dec off, but he had yet to learn at the cost of his. life that, acco ing to the Debs Be the, warfare of the employed against and deadly. . A Regular Money Sa Saving Candidate. From the Huntingdon News News, A patriot of Clarion: county seems. wo be. 80 anxious to serve the : dear people in the. capacity of county {commissioner; that he ‘makes the following novel proposition : If he is made county commissioner, there! would be no charge for mileage, and in ad~ | dition this. astonishing candidate will do the clerical work of the. office, if: the other: i commissioners divide up and. take the uw ties of janitor. and conrt crier.: Itis a ourious schedule, and inasmuch:as the: minority. : is. entitled : ta. a representative among the commissioners: of Clarion ‘eoun-. ty, this Republican candidate: be giv-i: en the chance to carry omt his bill of attrac- tions. What a great saving there would be |- in Huntingdon -tounty, if: Sughia- 4 commis- sioner should ba elected... S————— bi Possibility Nearing, a Resitty. From the Butler Democratic Herald. t The withdrawal of secretary Carlisle from’ the field of presidential’ ‘candidates leaves a’ ‘splendid opening for’ ex-Goveérnor Pattison, nd chairman Harrity Has done a wise thin fog by writing a timely letter ‘setting fort Pattison’s great public ‘service. We be- | lieve that with Pattison in the field Penn- gylvania is a doubtful State even with Na- poleon McKinley on the other ticket. Penn-’ syIy 8 ‘have a ‘just pride’ in ‘Pattison. We Rive. not had a President for a long time. The general voter ‘knows that he can trust Pattison, and ‘that will make the “vest pocket vote,” as it used to be éalled, a very uncertain quantity. ~The uncer- tainty will be in the ex-Governor’s favor. We think things are going Pattison’s" way. dessins A Woman's View of Tommy 0Shaugh- : : ‘ensey’s Do Domafn. From the Philipsburg Ledger. i Bellefonte is a beautiful town and we are’ proud. of the, county seat, but dear, oh !, dear, but. their municipal authorities are bad housekeepers. The unkempt condi- tion of their business streets on a Sunday is simply shocking. suffrage over there. The women of -Belle- fonte are noted housewivesand we'll if borough mothers instead of borongh fath- ers, that town there; would be a. ‘‘clearin’ up’! inaugurated... Such Se buildings as Bellefonte can boast deserve better surroundings. He Has Lost the. ‘Sound of F His Bee's Buz- zing. From the Lancaster Examiner. Senator Carter says that the boom for Cameron: inthe far West: is not only rumb- |- ling, but actually roaring. If/Senator Care ter will listen intently, possibly this noise may really prove to be grumblings of dis- | content over the actions of himself and the other free silver Senators. AR ey % his: office: accord-; They need woman |. Mess N ciation is to-be organized at Jersey Shore. —The twelfth annual session of ‘the Cum- : -berland-valley-Sabbath school -assembly--will be held in Williams’ Grove; from July 21 to 31. —Examinations are re be abolished in the Huntingdon public schools. Promotions will be made upon the general standing of the pupils during the term, —An Erie paper tells of a bill yousived by the directors of the poor from a medical man, containing the item : ‘To keeping & stranger sick all night, seventy-five cents.’ . -—Greensburg is to have 4 ¢oudple of daily pa- pers to enliven the town. The Advance Argus started a daily on Monday and Mead- ville parties will shortly start another paper. "—Rev, Harvey G. Furbay, of Tyrone, has received a call to become the pastor.of the Oxford Presbyterian church at Philadelphia, at a salary of $6,000 a year. ' Rev. Furbay i is only 31 years old. Itis not known whether he will accept or not. —The body of John Moore, the wagon maker who has been missing from ‘Williams- port since March 2, was found in the river at Montgomery . Thursday by. duck: hunters. Whether he committed suicide is not: known. He was 53 years old. —What is said to be, the largest ¢ smokestack’ in the United States was used for the first time Tuesday by the Pennsylvania Salt Manufac- turing company, at Natrona. It i8:200 feet -high, 130 feet : in: circumfurence: at ithetinse ‘atid 90 feet at the top: | “The committee of arrangements Gi celebration, of memorial day, May: 30, insAl lentown, hag, been. successful in. getting an eloquent orator for the day in: Congressman Irving Price: Wanger, of Norristown; wbpre- ‘senting the “DuduMoni sn: ho in ‘Congress.’ : He —A Meadville man, whois operating i in the | West, Virginia oil field, was married the.other day, and: almost - paralyzed: the: officiating minister from Parkersburg, by handing: chim 1 bei note: The usual’ fee’ down’ thete is om'a bubhel of potatoes to a" olla’ Note, says the Franklin Nels. hh ~The Bradford, county commissighers have 4 signed. the contract with Thomas: Bradley, of Corning: N.:Y., for the construetion ef the inew:court-house. The price, $113,866, '¢alls for ‘the tise of native Bradford ‘county stone only. Work will begin in'teh days, and’! the buildings. will be finished July 1, 1897, | —During. a light thunder storm. Friday "evening a’ large barn ewned by Magee; in {Chillisquaque township, ry i}-county,’ ‘opposite: Lewisburg, was’ Striek { lightfing and * consumed. * THe’ tethnt, Jacob Kline, who just moved. in, Yost all his Yl stock and farming implements, Fhe jar was insured, “list «H. Loeb, of DuBois; as ust pavoisod through state’! theasurer Haywood | the” "Put- “nam timber aiid mill property’ at’ Cileedonia, (Elk county. ‘Mr. ‘Haywood ‘had _contty 1 of fhe Proberty as receiver of the First National of Clearfield. Althopgh the considera- tion is still unknown, this is one of the, larg- est-timber deals: made inthis vicinity for a long time. hii HE RM died iy nedily Heid part of, Berks founty . . | muskrats nowadays, are. used for foods, and | axe pronounced, a first; class dish. . Ten, Fears ago the idea of eating them would have: been ‘scorned in. nearly: every seetion of:Berks. The muskrat is'a great deal: cleaner with its ‘food thah most other animals that haveé' for ‘years been uded on'the table. It's’ cliifned that muskrat meat is a great. deal finer 16 the taste than that of rabbit, Srsstt oni —Charles ‘Eshenbaugh, the boy who is break- ing a fasting record at West Sunbury, {8 not expected to live much longer. He has riot eat- en a bite for sixty days, and yet says he {does not, want to’ die." Dr: "Hocketiberry says he : cannot | live long, and that, the boy, i is afflicted ‘with softening of the. brain. , His (attendants have tempted him with everything appetiz- ing by leaving him alone in his room, but he steadily refuses: to notice food. = * ‘For’ the §1,000. 000 me morial fund of the Presbyterian church, the, Huntingdon Pres- bytery has contributed $4,498. Of. ‘this amount the Bellefonte church stands first on the list :with a'comtribution- of $1,018.::;,Ty- | Tone is next with $475 ; Huntingdom, $418 ; Lewistown, $300 ; Hollidaysburg, $279'; “the ingham,’ $131. ‘Eleven churches oti of i to- tal of fifty-eight did. not; ontributé anyt ing. ©The detailed réport of the operations and output of the Connellsville coke regioti for "the week ending April; 1 shows 1 1 436 getive -and 6,511 idle ovens, with a “total estimated | production of 117,04 tons, ‘Compared, With the production of the: previons. week: thig was +{ an-inerease of not: quite a:thonsand tons. No ‘changes of imiportariee were reported in’ the ‘active and idle lists of ovens. * The shiprients for the week aggregated 8,197 cars. To Pitts- burg and river, tipples, 2,153 cars ; to, ‘Points west of Pittsburg, 3,440 cars ; to Points, east of Connellsville, 904; cars; . Compared, with ‘the shipments of the previous Week Abie was a decrease-of 253 cars... 310 i —The famous cat of ex-mayor Eby, hia goes aut into the neighboring. fields, and cap- ‘tures snakes, which he drags into the: house for the inspection of the: family, hase; itival in the same block, tells the! Harrisburg’ Tele- ‘graph. W.'L. Powell, Who went trout fishing the other day at’ Newville, and’ ‘got stuck in ‘the ‘mud, ‘has "a cat which also developed snake-charming propensities. Mrs, Powell .| was horrified to see a snake twa, feet Jong on the kitchen: floor: the:other day. which. the family cat had captured in:the cellar of their residence: There willbe: few snakes left at Cottage. Ridge if the two catsare: “perfiritted to get i in their work untnolested. aE —Iti is not often: that a groom meets aweep- ing bride when he goes to her home to’have the nuptial knot tied; but that'is thé’ ‘exper- fence that W. L. Shannon of’ Butlef, met with when he went’ to Briole, Iycothing county, recently to marry Sarah Voneida, a .| pretty daughter of a. prosperous Ne valley farmer. Shannon and his sweetheart had never seen each other, their courtship and propesal for marriage having ‘been con- ducted by means of ‘eorrespondence, ‘When ‘Shannon reached the girl’s home she ‘broke "down, began erying and pleaded that she did not want to marry. “She finally consented to - have the ceremony performed, but, with the understanding nt she would be allowed to remain gt home for;at least’three months. \ - a NE al A ion 8. ii 8 TT thres chutches of Altoona, $302, ‘asi Bim Si