Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 17, 1896, Image 1

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Ink Slings.
—QUAY thinks he is still in the gresi-
dential race, but then no one will deny
him the right to guess again.
—It is strange that with a daily death
rate in the world of 93,848 the arch fiend
HorMES should live until May 7th.
— Allegheny county milk dealers have
heen notified that they must have their
attle tested. This means their cattle, not
their pumps.
—It is announced now that Congress
doesn’t intend to adjourn soon. How
Tong, O, Lord ! must this burdened country
bear such a trial ? :
—The unraveling of the Centre county
in knowing what has stirred it up.
—1It is strange that fishermen have never
referred to the stories of big catches that
muddle would make a good
prize problem for some journal interested | z CL
, the new Know Nothingism.
are found in the Bible as an apology for the |
accounts of their first day of the season's
—Throwing the discus was one of the!
pastimes of the ancient athlete.
the practice is still in vogue in some parts,
mud flinging has become a far more popu-
lar business, whether for sport or animosity.
—A new town. exclusively for colored
people, is being incorporated in Kansas,
ten miles east of Topeka. There are to be
several small manufactories and, of course,
plenty of crap shootin’ establishments,
* —ARNOLD will be the Republican nomi-
nee for Congress from this district, but not
before he has assigned to REEDER the pow-
"sections of the country.
; i
VOL. 41
Dangerous to Its Handlers.
That it is dangerous to play with such a
political edged-tool as a sceret organization
is becoming obvious to the Republican
leaders, and the MCKINLEYITES are begin-
ning to hedge on it by pretending to be op-
posed to such an alliance, while they se- |
cretly maintain, the closest relations with |
This relationship manifests itself in all
who Tecently spent some weeks in the |
South and looked over the political field |
in that quarter, found that McKINLEY
money, a year ago, covered the South and
corraled most of the Republican leaders,
and that the ground thus gained in advance
is being held by the A. P. A. in the inter- |
est of McKINLEY on a cash basis. The
“The same de- |
Colonel goes on to say :
velopments have been made in the North.
It is only within a few weeks that the
friends of the other prominent candidates
for President have discovered that the A.
I. A. organizations are enlisted for MCKiN- |
LEY. intense bitterness
It has aroused
"among the friends of MCKINLEY’S rivals, |
er to dispense patronage in Centre county
should a time ever come when there will
be any pap in the howl for Republicans.
—The quickest way to settle the money
question would be to substitute brass for
silver. It is cheap, of course, but put six-
teen parts of good, every-day unalloyed
American brass up against anything vou
like and it will hold its own every time.
—The fifty members of the salvation
army, who were fined from $5 to $10 each
at Malden, Mass., the other day for making
music (?) on the streets of that puritanical
town, will possibly try to get even by de-
nmanding a rebate from good old St. PETER.
—As a white-washer HoLMES discounts
the state senatorial investigation commit-
tee. If he daubs it on in sheol like he has
in his ‘confession’ his nibs, the satan, will
have to keep up a big fire, else the walls
won't he half as black as they are said to
—DBoston is about to make a building
limit whereby no building of more than
eighty feet in height will be permissible.
‘nection with a «blind.
' ~
| party.
The idea of an inanimate object seeking a |
nose. It is little wonder that such restric-
tion has been made.
—The fact that a ;
threw a glass of water in the face of the
chairman of the state convention at Sedalia,
Missouri Democrat
higher elevation than the esthetic Boston | later organization
and has chilled the ardor of very many |
fair-minded Republicans who would be |
quite willing to accept MCKINLEY if fairly
nominated hy the honest expressions of the |
Republican party.”
While there may be an advantage in this |
alliance, the MCKINLEYITES are beginning
to see its disadvantage, as is evidenced hy
their endeavor to cover their A. P. A. con-
The bulk of the
American people cannot approve of relig-
ious proscription as a political force, and it |
is for this reason that an alliance with a |
proseriptive organization for a political pur-
pose is a weapon that is calculated to do as |
much harm as good to those who employ
Organizations that have religious bigotry
as their motive and sectarian persecution as |
their object must necessarily co-operate in |
political contests with the Republican |
party. They have no affinity with Democ- |
racy. Their nature is entirely opposite to |
Democratic nature. When they act in poli- |
tics they must naturally conflict with the |
principles and purposes of the Democratic |
It was so in the days of Know-
Nothingism ; it is so at this time, when a |
has arisen with its |
schemes of sectarian hatred and religious
~ proscription.
‘of this creditable fact was furnished in the
on Wednesday, shows to what pitch the
fight between the gold and silver people
down there has worked itself.
an act been committed in Kentucky it
would have been considered a mortal in-
sult, no doubt.
—The burglars who tried to break into
the private cars occupied by Dr. CHAUN-
Had such |
standing in the Chicago yards the other
evening, were really precipitate in their’
haste to get away when CHAUNCEY got
awake. Chicago thieves are no fools.
How were they to know that he didn’t
volts at dark and sneaking methods is as | Tan : . !
‘stead of being an arbitrary intervener in
want to tell them a story, and that he
merely wanted to tvy a big revolver on
~ dium of a municipal contest.
—Mr. ARNOLD has possibly explained to
Hon. JOHN PATTON, of Curwensville, by
this time that it was only buncombe when
ELT TOWNSEND, the spokesman of the AR-
NOLD ring in the convention, on Tuesday,
announced that he, Mr. ARNOLD, was ‘‘the
ONLY Congressman’’ this district has ever |
at as a factor in politics in Clearfield and
it is hardly likely that ARNOLD will coun-
tenance such a rubbing of his fur the wrong
; NX P N is sneezed ! : :
JOHN PATTON is not to be sneezed ; a confirmation of Democratic methods are
way—when the conditions are such as they !
—The Olympian games that were a na-
tional festival in Greece until the fourth
century have been revived and it was quite
in keeping with the revival that the ath-
letes from the youngest country should
have carried off the palm. This revival of
those ancient Grecian games has started
| it, but this year it was an inspiration that |
jut there are many Republicans to
whom their party’s alliance with such an
organization is repulsive. An illustration
local elections at Youngstown, Ohio, weck
before last. The A. P. A. by its effective |
secret methods, controlled the local Repub- |
lican “organization and named the candi- |
date for mayor. Independent Republicans
united with the Democrats in taking up |
this dark-lantern challenge, and elected the |
Democratic candidate easily in a contest |
that brought out the largest vote ever cast
in the city that is usually carried by the |
The true American sentiment that re-
likely to express its disapprobation of such
methods on the wider field of a national |
election as through the more limited me-
Jeffersonian Reminiscence.
The celebration of the birthday of Thos.
JEFFERSON, at Montecello, Va., last Mon- |
| farmers of
Potatoes and Protection.
Last year’s crop of potatoes was the
largest ever produced in this country. It
amounted to over 400,000,000 bushels, the |
consequence being that the tubers have
been a drug on the market.
crop is about 250,000,000
when the unusual yield of last year pro-
bushels and
duced 115,000,000 in excess of ordinary re- |
quirements, an unusually low price was the
necessary result of such an over supply.
It is well enough to keep this fact in |
view, for in a few months, in the heat of
the campaign, Republican orators will be
going through the country telling the farm-
ers that it was the fault of the WiLsoN
tariff that they did not ger a hetter price
for last year's potato crop. 2
The New York
enormous yield of potatoes in 1205 hy aiv-
ing the figures in regard to it. It says
; that they are “fully 40 per cent cheaper |
now than they were on a corresponding |
fact which it attrib- |
utes entirely to the recent enormous crop |
© of 400,000,000 Dushels.
date of last year,” a
In view of this fact what humbug there |
is in the claim of the protectionists that |
potatoes need protection.
of making the farmers believe that it is a
great benefit to them a duty of 15 cents a
- bushel has heen put on potatoes to shield
them from foreign competition, when ac-
cording to the 7vibune’s admission the
vield has been so plentiful that ‘enormous
quantities have been fed to live stock or
left to decay in the ground, and in their
anxiety to sell their crop the farmers have
kept the market continually overburdened
and there is now a large surplus stock on
There ave but few years in which the
this country’ are not able to
more than supply the home demand not
only for potatoes but all other kinds of
agricultural products. They need no tariff
protection, but an attempt is made to be-
guile them into a support of general tariff
spoliation by putting duties on their pro-
ductions which are in no danger of foreign
But in regard to potatoes, do not he sur-
prised if, in the course of the coming cam-
paign, the voice of the calamity howler will
be heard in the rural districts denouncing
the WILSON tariff as being responsible for |
" the low price of the potato crop.
Settling the Cuban Trouble.
The average |
Tribune testities to the!
With the object |
It Was Jefferson’s Idea.
In attempting to reply to the suggestion
of Ex-Lieut. Governor BLACK that the
proper solution of the money question is to
submit the issue to the people in the elec-
| interpose a veto of such financial legislation
as Congress may enact, the Philadelphia
“what would JEFFERSON have
thought of the principle that whatever
Times asks :
Congress should be accepted by the govern-
ment ?*’
tion of Representatives to Congress, and |
pledge the candidate for President not to.
financial vagaries may he wormed through |
Judging from the facts that JEFFERSON |
is generally helieved to have had much to!
do with the framing of the constitution ;
| that he lived for many years after its adop-
it, and that at no time during his long life
lor public career did he advocate a change
in that instrument that confers upon Con-
gress not only the sole power to coin money
but to “‘regulate the value thereof,” we
should imagine that he thought the princi-
| ple about right.
If the Times has any information to the
{ contrary, or if it knows of any other
authority, than that pointed out by Mr.
BLACK, having the power to enact finan-
cial legislation—or such ‘‘vagaries’” as are
necessary to legalize the coinage of money
and regulate the values thereof, it should
give it to the public.
Andif the coinage of money and the regu-
tion of its value are duties of Con-
gress, and of its only—why should not the
question as to what kind of money the peo-
the President be pledged to allow the peo-
ple to have just such money as they would
instruct their Representatives to give them ?
If there is any “‘principle’” at all in this
question, it is the principle that ‘‘this is a
government of the people, by the people
and for the people” and that the people
have the right to have just such money as
they desire, whether it is gold, or silver, or
both, the bankers or the silver producers
to the contrary notwithstanding.
Mr. BLACK’S suggestion would only
secure to the people the rights and powers
that is generally believed belong to them |
i when the senior member of the firm has
under the constitution. It is Democratic,
and if the party is winner it will be adopt-
Spain is virtually bankrupt and without |
the means of continuing much longer her
"effort to suppress the Cuban insurrection.
Being aware of this fact, if she is approach-
ed in a conciliatory manner, she may be
induced to gracefully yield the point which
she is conscious of not heing able to carry
' by force of arms.
It would seem to he the President's pur- |
pose to effect a settlement of the bloody
He will not |
controversy in that manner.
do anything rash in exercising the power
with which Congress has invested him in
this matter. By proper approach Spain
may be made to admit the hopelessness of |
her struggle, and the United States, in-
the difficulty, may be instrumental in
bringing about an amicable understanding
between the two conflicting parties that
are ravaging Cuba with their bloody strife.
+, The United States are not bent upon the
acquisition of the island.
It would be of-
fensive in this country to charge it with
day, was a fitting tribute to the memory of such a mercenary motive ; but if Spain
the father of American Democracy, and an |
event most opportune at this time when
an assertion of Democratic principles and
80 necessary for the welfare of the republic. |
There have heen many commemorations | which England retains in Canada, such a
could be induced to concede to the Cubans
the right of autonomy, granting all the re-
forms that are necessary for the well being
| and good government of the island, and re-
taining over it only that kind of sovereignty
of the anniversary of JEFFERSON’S birth ; | settlement, we think, would satisfy all the
Democrats have always delighted to honor
interest that Americans can legitimately
take in the controversy ; and it looks as if
led them to have an especial assemblage at | the President, instead of resorting to offen-
. <Q . . . . . . . |
his old home and within sight of his tomb, | sive measures, will endeavor to bring about !
. - ! aye
‘and rededicate themselves to the work of | such a conciliatory settlement.
people to reading and almost the first thing
that meets the eye is a pledge that all con- .
> Peecy - United States.
testants had to give that they would not
‘throw’ any of the events they entered.
From this it would seem that many of our |
modern athletes had very early examplars
in the business of selling races, ete.
—The Republicans of Centre country are
finding out that theirs is not a bed. of roses
by a good deal.
seems to be more than a little trouble and
the rank and file hardly knows where it is
from one day’s end to another. To try to
unravel the complication is enough to send
one to the mad house. For instance, Hast-
INGS is (?) a QUAY man, but his friends
here are all for MCKINLEY. ARNOLD is a
QUAY man, yet HASTINGS lieutenants all
worked against him and for REEDER,
HASTINGS’ Asst. Adj. Gen. Now, if by
somehook or erook, REEDER should be the
nominee of the Republicans for Congress,
what would HASTINGS’ do in the event of
certain conditions that are very likely to
confront him ? -
Between the leaders there
‘the old JEFFERSONIAN faith.
maintaining the principles which he im-
parted to our institutions.
The celebrants on this occasion were the
——It has been said that the friends of
Mr. REEDER were very wrathy because
members of the national association of Mr. ARNOLD presumed (?) to be in at-
Democratic clubs, among whom are includ- |
ed some of the leading Democrats of the |
The orators were ex-Gov.
RUSSELL and Senator DANIEL, representing
the commonwealths of Massachusetts and
. district he represents.
tendance at the Republican convention in
Centre county, a part of the congressional
That is all very
fine, hut when this same Mr. ARNOLD had
fifty out of the one hundred and twenty-
Virginia which were foremost in the time two delegates in that convention all ready
that tried men souls when the
tion of independence was evolved from the
declara- | to fight for anything he wanted, he would
have been a fine leader, indeed, had he not |
mind and heart of the great apostle of Dem- | been there to encourage them.
ocracy, whose birth they commemorated.
Such a demonstration will have a god
effect at this time. It will reinvigorate
It will re-
mind the people of their duty to principles
that are the true basis of popular govern-
ment. They need such a reminder at a
time when a set of corrupt politicians are
engaged in a shameless scramble for the
presidential office and are using corrupt
means to obtain the highest position in the
A return to the principles of JEFFERSON
is necessary to counteract the debauchery
of MCKINLEYISM and to shield the country
against the general demoralization of Re-
| publican methods.
——WILLIAM I. Swooprk Ilsg., once
| lawyer to a Centre county clientage, later
atering to the wants of lawing Clearfield-
ers, then a campaigner for Republicanism,
~afterwards editor of the Raftsman’s Jowrnal
and finally clerk to a House committee
at Harrisburg in which position his ser-
vices were not remunerated half as liberally
as he thought they should have been, is
now on the lecture platform. The subject
tof his pet theme is: “The
i re r——rm res
——The Gazette acknowledges its ina-
I bility to solve the Republican congressional
| problem and tries to lard it over, but that
won't do.
needs of the |
Interesting Facts.
We had occasion to mention, some weeks
ago, the interesting fact that the EDGAR A.
tion ; that he was twice President under |
NO. 16.
A Satisfactory Appointment.
From the Pittsburg Post,
The president made an important ap- |
pointment yesterday in naming General |
ginia, as consul-general
at Havana, in place of Mr. R. G. Williams, |
Fitzhugh Lee, of Vi
resigned, after holding the office for 12
years. “Fitz” Tee, as he is familiarly
called, is a nephew of the Confederate gen- |
eral, Robert E. Lee. He left the old army
in 1861 to take part in the civil war on the
southern side, and at the close of the war,
after distinguished service, was in com-
mand of the Confederate cavalry. After
the war he took active part in State poli- |
tics, and in 1835 was elected governor of |
Virginia. His military service, as well as
his prominent part in civil affairs, gives |
some significance to the appointment.
rr eerer————re
Sentiment, But it Will Be
Scoffed Aft.
A Fine
From the Altoona Tribune.
There is neither room nor necessity in
this town for another drinking club, and
especially for one under the guise of a Re-
publican society. So far as the Zribune
knows there has never been a Republican
club in this county which provided 'in-
toxicating drinks for its members. If the
individuals who are talking of organizing
such an inst§fution in this town will stop
and think a moment they will halt where
they are or not mix the name of the Re-
publican party in it. A Republican club
organized to make drunkards out of moth-
ers’ boys would not he a very popular in-
stitution in this town.
Always Something to Kick About.
From the Pittsburg Post.
Potatoes are so cheap in some parts of
| New York that farmers are throwing them
ple should have be determined in the clec- |
tion of Representatives to Congress, and |
away or burning them for fuel, as they
frequently do corn in the west. An auc-
tion sale disposed of ‘a big lot at 3 cents a
bushel, and sales are reported at $2 a ton.
The McKinleyites blame the low price of
potatoes on the reduced tariff. They should i
blame the Great Power that smiled on the |
| country with crops hountiful beyond prec-
| edent.
People who buy potatoes don’t
find low prices a misfortune. The trouble
is, their transportation is so costly that all |
parts of the country are not benefited by |
the Tow prices as some regions.
The Magnet Says: You are Fresh, Col.
From the Centre Magnet,
Isn't it a little fresh in Col. or Lieut.
W. F. Reeder to want the nomination for
Congress. Some people never have enough
{and the law firm to which Governor Hast-
ings belongs seems determined to monop-
olize everything. One would think that
{ such a conspicuous position the lesser lights
r would be content to stay at home and
practice law. Next thing we know Harry
! Quigley will he asking for the nomination
| THOMPSON steel works had filled a con-
{ tract with the Japanese government for
[10,000 tons of steel rails.
It secured the |
contract by heing able to furnish the rails, !
them. This was done under a Democratic
| tariff which reduced the McKINLEY pro-
delivered in Japan, for $2.18 per ton less |
than the English competitors could supply |
, McKinley gets the republican nomination |
this interview will make a corking cam- |
| tective duty on steel rails, but by no means |
| diminished the Epcar A.
steel works, nor interfered with its ability
to undersell the English in a foreign mar-
| ket.
This is an interesting fact, but here is
another one. A contract has heen made to
ship 1,000 tons of Alabama pig iron to
England, to be followed by others if the
| quality is satisfactory. The price is en-
| tirely agreeable to the English purchasers,
| as it is below the English price.
for State Senator.
Campaign Capital Looking Up.
From the Brookville Democrat.
In order to give the democrats the right
to circulate it under a Congressional frank, |
i Representative Dinsmore, of Ark., had
| Senator Chandler’s- interview charging
McKinley with being a hoodle candidate
read as a part of his speech against the
resolution censuring Ambassador Bayard, |-
which the house adopted. Chandler’s
charges are explicit and emphatic, and if
paign document for use against him.
Trouble in Illinois.
| From the Peoria, 11, Journal—Republican,
{ we will soon hear the MCKINLEY howlers |
| vociferating for a higher duty on pig iron
to protect it from English competition.
| fact. The Grand Trunk railway of Cana-
{ da has placed an order for 15,000 tons of
steel rails with the Illinois steel company,’
| of Chicago, at prices lower than those which
| English rails can be furnished at Montreal
| or Quebec.
| gineering and Mining Journal exclaim :
| And we have still another interesting |
In view of these facts, well may the En-:
| “The important point proved by these
| cases is that our works are able, at the pres-
ent time, to turn out iron and steel at costs
{ which enable them to compete with the
| English and other European
| grounds which they have always con-
| sidered their own.” .
| So much for the prosperity of the iron
and steel trade under a Democratic tariff.
——When the returns came in from the
Republican primaries in Howard and AR-
winners there were a few people in Belle-
| spect for Col. DuNuAM and his Hornet's
| business end.
——There was one man in his element on
| Tuesday. Arn. DALE wash appy and every
| time his crowd showed fight he whooped-
l er-up for keeps.
——The rumor is current, in Clearfield,
| a candidate for nomination for Congress
| in this district.
——Subseribe for the WATCIIMAN.
; of recent
mills on : Which might teach them that a change has |
| develops 24,000,000 horse-power.
Tanner as governor with another bood-
ling legislature means death to the republi-
can party in Illinois for a quarter of a cen-
tury. If the democrats act with wisdom
at their state convention Tanner will never
be governor of this state.
will require more than the Chicago toughs’
derrick and the ex-boodle legislature to
And yet | hoist Tanner into the governor’s chair. :
Big Guns Don’t Last Long.
From Information.
It is calculated that a modern gun,
throwing a 2,200-pound projectile with an
initial velocity of 1,970 feet per second,
however, is less than 1-100 second at each
discharge, and as the gun is ruined by 100
shots, the total period of active work of
this terrible engine of destruction is one !
! second ! ?
The Current Is Changing.
If the Republicans were not so complete-
ly overtaken by crazy confidence it might
be of benefit to them to consider the import
elections. They are straws
taken place in the current.
There have been striking Democratic
| gains in local elections in New York, Ohio,
Michigan, Wisconsin and several other
‘ States. They certainly mean something
that does not comport with the overconfi- |
dence of the Republican party. It was the !
| He was given the minimum punishment un-
| sagacious TILDEN who said : “Study the .
NOLD and QUAY were seen tabe such easy |
brought about this result.
that Hon. JAMES KERR has declined to be |
| of politics,” and the drift, this spring, at
fonte who took on a new measure of re- !
town elections if you would catch the drift
No never. It!
Spawls from the Keystone.
| —An overdose of laudanum killed Thomas
| Lewis, at Trevorton.
| —Robbers raided four Shamokin stores, se-
i . Oe
| curing $500 worth of hooty.
—Two Allegheny City election officers were
arrested for alleged irregularities.
—The Lancaster fee cases were argued he-
fore deputy attorney general Elkin.
—Aged Abraham Heck, of Auburn, fell in-
' to the Schuylkill Canal and was drowned.
, —Allegheny City orders the cows owned by
| some milkmen to be examined for tuberculo-
{ —A Pennsylvania railroad fireman. N. S
1 Deckerhoof, was killed by the cars at Al-
| toona.
| —In a runaway at Lebanon, young Joseph
Dougherty was thrown froma wagon and
—The Delaware county teachers’ associa-
tion held its annual meeting Saturday at
Hinkson’s corner.
—Police protected the Salvation Army,
| which started Saturday night on a crusade
| for souls in Bristol.
—Knights of the Golden Eagle are prepar-
ing at Reading for the State conclave, to oc-
cur there next October.
—Bishop Hoban conducted the ceremonies
| Saturday, conseerating the new bell on the
Catholic church at A#hley.
—Janitor J. E. Best, in the Harrisburg
high school building, fell from a ladder and
was so badly injured he will likely die.
—The Immigration Inspector at Pittsburg
is investigating the charge that women of
casy virtue are imported from Canada.
—Richard and John Gaughan, brothers,
miners in the Pine Brook shaft, at Seranton
were crushed to death by a fall of roof, Tues-
—Adam Thomas of Harrisburg, aged 60
years, committed suicide Tuesday by taking
strychnine. He was troubled over financial
matters. .
—The last meeting of the Board of Ac-
counts during State Treasurer Jackson's term
was held Monday. 20 State tax cases were
! decided.
I —Judge Simonton, at Harrisburg, man-
damused the Attorney General, requiring
him to. investigate the charges of alleged
railway stock frauds in Reading.
—Governor Hastings has fixed Thursday,
June 30, for the execution of Joseph Orosz, at
Pittsburgh. On the same day George Win-
disch will be hanged at Wilkesbarre.
—Masked BE ao terrozing residents
of Muncy. Sunday night half a dozen of
houses were entered by unknown parties who
wore moccasins. They secured very little for
| their trouble.
—The Williamsport papers are bragging
| about the business done in the postoffice dur-
{ing 1895. The postal receipts were over
1 $100,000 and the money order business almost
$177,000. Thirty-five persons are employed.
—Pennsylvania railroad engineers are at
| work on the Susquehanna river hetween
, Cherrytree and Burnside. Our predictions
j may yet come true and we can go to Cherry-
tree by rail independent of Bradley junction.
“Bellefontaine, 0.,”” was the place the Chica-
£0 Tribune put the story of Ettlinger’s deeds. It
i is hardly worth while kicking about a French
paper locating Pennsylvania in Philadelphia
. when such errors of locality are made nearer
—During a fire in Williamsport on Satur-
day morning Mrs. W. B. Rockey narrowly
escaped death from suffocation. She isan in-
valid and only after the greatest ditficulty
was she carried from the building, which was
| damaged to the extent of £500 hy the flames
and water.
—The editor of the Martinsburg Herald
was married last week and he celebrated the
event by printing the Herald on pink paper.
That lively shade would contrast beautifully
with the deep, dark hue of the editorial
blues that so often sieze upon the average
newspaper man,
—The corner stone of the new Methodist
church at Ironsville, near Tyrone will be laid
with appropriate and impressive ceremonies
at 3 o'clock next Sunday afternoon. Besides
the pastor, Rev. D. F. Kapp, itis expected
| that Rev. Dr. D. S. Monroe, presiding elder,
! of Altoona, and Rev. Horace I. Jacobs, of
{ Tyrone, will be present and deliver addresses.
—John and Minnie B, Ale, of Warriors-
mark, have a little daughter, Esther Eugenia,
"4 years old, that can spell in the first speller
‘and can sing any tune she hears once
from beginning to end, and keep the right
tune and time. She singssoprano, her father
bass and her mother alto, and her little sister,
Eulalia Maud, not yet three years old, can
keep the tune herself and knows the alphabet
—A number of places have been visited re-
i cently with a view to selecting a place
to hold the July encampment of the
Penna. National Guard. Several places are
on tiptoe about the matter, and arc making
cfforts to secure the encampment, Lewistown
being the most active perhaps. But without
; being in possession of any information, we’ll
: venture the prediction that Mount Gretna
will be selected, even if that place has got to
. be a chestnut.
—A farmer named William Dunlap, near
Williamsport, cut round pieces from an inch
hoard and fitted them in the bottom of meas-
ures which he used for dealing out apples to
customers in that city. He was discovered
{and fined £5 and costs, a total of about $9.
der the law, it being his first offence so far as
| known, but under the city ordinances he
{ could have been fined as much as $500, while
various and widely separate points, has | the commonwealth statues provide a fine of
been decidedly in favor of the Democrats. |
In New York State the Democratic gains |
have been general and in many instances
overwhelming. Much of this is due no
doubt, to the RAINES bill, but that is the |
chief of many Republican causes that has
The elections |
in the cities and towns already heard from ;
have given an expression that may be tak- |
en as a forerunner of the expression that
will be heard throughout New York State |
next November. The party cause must be |
{ rather flabby if it can’t resist defeat on a |
side issue. i
| Pine creek.
£250 and imprisonment.
—An exchange says : On the summit of a
hill in central Potter county, Pa., are four
springs, so near together that a person may
carry water in the hollow of his hand from
one of them and drop some of it in the other
three. In one of these springs the Allegheny
river has its source. Another is the fountain
head of the Genesee river. In the third the
Sinnemahoning creek rises, and the forth
The waters thus started from
| one spring have their outlet in the Gulf of
Mexico, those of another in the Gulf of St.
Lawrence, and those ef the other two in the
Chesapeake Bay.