Was Adam’65 Feet Tall ? And the Poet Escaped. New Advertisements. New Advertisements. The following gem was received at this | oe out the army the King thought there would % surely be anarchy. When Bismarck went | 4 Chicago Man's Theory of the First Man and His papi : | to him he found that the King had written Stature office xcsterdae . . ay, 163 Ehler Danjel............ Fordatti.cola a : ; and signed his abdication, feeling that the . — HC rh Sina: an J 1: Tier Belleforgp, Pa., April 10, 1896. only safety to the throne was in his leaving At various times within the last few Furs], oh Bs Freitas ; = Gil Bd } Foot ad. Vit : assertions have been made by many think- | li Se Et Moore James 16 5 Fitzgerald Danie Bismarck assured the monarch that he | ers that Adam and the antediluvian people Tio thot haved of spoing 1% Patton John... ok 13 Fink John... LAUGH A LITTLE BIT. was willing to manage matters without a | Were of extraordinary height, hut many * Atternpied fo ing, : a a 5 a grant Tims, Here's 5 W06to Sisk vor £2; | budget and the abdication was destroyed. | other thinkers (who have never thought Sn lek on) ind 2 Tarde: 3 Turner Hannay 3 Giroe Elizabeth. nh ea It was about this time that Bismarck won much about the matter) have laughed at A lord ines vee Biv o ht Turner ide > o Boe ang Molteon When yim: think soutve toons hit the title of *‘The man of blood and iron.” | the assertions and cried “‘hosh !”” 1, too, Fire ste Bek 150s 1a hie iron i. Z a hn CW eLvieh o Httle hit 2 | To the budget committee of the chamber | am of the opinion that there was something a ae oo ip Pinel I Liou mistortine tthe fae. | he said that the great questions of the time more about Adam that was extraordinary iim Pancan David 1 ITH erE es ilk Firave the Deldwts tude simone were not determined hy speeches or parlia- | beside the number of his Years, Says a _eor- ! 10 Liray Boberts 27 163 Hoplins ohn. Ten to one "twill yield fis pice | mentary majorities, ‘‘hut by blood and respondent of the Chicago Times<Herald. To Tourists. _— ou § 5 7% 7 135 Haines Reuben J 1 Som lve tho git ant ak iron.” He brought about the reorganiza- | prove the same by a course of mathematical i : 706 130 Jonmwon 1 Humbe Thomas Hitt to Tanith o Lttis bie, (tion of the army without a budget and | reasoning, we will take Noah, whose life | 14 Logan Wi. gE ) on 2 | when opportunity arose four years later, | was twenty years longer than Adam's, and For St. Paul and Minneapolis. The “North- | In Skley Jun 30 9: Keep your fice with sunshine lir— | still without a budget, he saw this army | who is quite as well known for his Zen- Western Limited,” sumptuously equipped with | “a Patoner es 7; Na Nu : “Laugh a little bit.” { humble Austria at the battle of Sadowa. erosity to the human and animal races. Ac- | hattet, smoking and library ears, regular and com- | 125 Richardson I: 2 i ne PY Connay Shadows of will iit. | This battle won popularity for Bismarck | cording to Genesis Noah lived 950 years partment sleeping cars, and luxurions dining | in Does ig 2! Of 433 153 Trwin Robert. 28 G1 If you have the wit and grit for the first time and thereafter the Prussian | and then died. The average life of man to- | ears, leaves Chicago via the North-Western Line | 120 hy i ; 2 oa Jnl Se ; wy Just to faugh a little bit. | chamber gave him the budget for the army. | day is seventy years. Itisa well defined | (Chicago & North-Western I'v) at 6.20 p.m. daily © 51 Unknown, I - o : : . 5 rule in nature that animals, bipeds and and arrives at destination carly the following | 1!" Zeigler Miche 106 Lowden John. 13 16 CLeuisi thi ay Sue wilh: At Friedrichsruh he lives the life of a | quadrupeds live about three and one-half | worming, All principal ticket agents sell tickets | Harri TW 10 Lenhore Chriss 3 ““Langh a little bit.” : | country gentleman, but has a great deal of | times the number of years required for ia this popular route, | YLT FEE ST ) = Yous Dd = 12 5 Sn : Sn Tou a Ie | company. “He is still so erect that he has | their individual maturity. —— Lm Lin E = 16 Lattimore W. (5 Tn laugh a little hit,?> = | Q . IQ Oo 3 3 fo, 93 iQ r : : Se ape ye ag 3 | a = Lawrence (Cas o= Sh 5 bl Ai ts dost none of his great height—4g feet 2 in his Thus man in this century mituLes 1 Cheap Excursions to the West and North- 3 Brown Jom, Ts Lavpon p Lie A =z 0 yon | stockings. He is careful in his diet, which | tw enty and dies at the age of seventy vears. xvest Alanis ROD 153 Lowden John a8 11 Men may mock and fame deride you, | is controlled by Dr. Schrwinniger, and Dividing the age of Noah by three and one- 2 | 100 147 Lathrope Wn. . 5 But yortll mind them tor o whit keeps his weight below 200 pounds. If un- | half, we find that he reached his maturity On April 21 aud May 5, 1996, the North-Western | 306 89 Gratz 80 Jiiy dann : If you laugh alittle bit. —St. Nicholus. restrained it would quickly go to 230. His | in about 270 years. The average man of to- Line (Chicago & North-Western R'y) will sell | 4 oy gh = Pe an Brrr | mustache and eyebrows are perfectly white, | day at maturity measures about five feet Home Seekers’ excursion tickets at very low rates 112 Noone, Hichard. 2 Myers Jacob... S— . Henry Joseph. BISMARCK. | as also the fringe of hair which remains to | and weighs about 125 pounds. Five feet | toalarge number of points in Northern Wiscon- | #50 103 Irvin Robert. Miller Jacob . . . . . . . | i: ! a0 inte ar A CI Jac , — him. His shoulders are broad and his | in twenty Years is equivalent to three inches | «in, Michigan, Northwestern Towa, Western Mine | tu hom IE Miller John oh 0 eee I: McConnel Matthew 433 153 Morgan B. R... McCord J. R. & 452 163 Musser John MetzgerJacob. Miller Jane... 153 Miller Robert 153 Pinkerton He 3 Linn John 1 Motz John.. Parker Willi 436 Simpson John... Seribner David Scribner E. H a PAU Nm,,. Last Wednesday the whole of Germany | arms and chest look muscular. His car- in one year. Applying the same rule to | nesota, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dako. | 138 celebrated the eighty-first birthday of | riage is still that of a soldier. Ih his face | Noah's maturing years, we find that at his | tw, including the famous Black Hills district, | 80 Prince Otto von Bismarck, the unifier of | there is the look of peace and content which | maturity he was Sixty-seven feet tall and | For full information apply to ticket agents of con- the Féilerland the most interesting figure | ennobles old age evn without a career of | weighed 1,375 pounds. It stands to reason | necting lines or address C. Traver, T. P, A.. Ma. | of Germany. For that matter, he is the | distinction behind it. : i - 1° He has surely out- | that if Noah was so great in body that the | rine National Bank building, Pitesburs, Pa. i most powerful and interesting figure in | lived the vexation which worried him for a originator of the race must have been equal- 41-14-4¢. German history, notwithstanding the inter- | year or so after his retirement.” vening Kings and Emperors, since Fre- of descent is as follows : Noah, Lanlech, | : 3 Dok Dn i Rais) dues, 1 Cover Q : | € ; V 1m > y y 5 4 ‘urtin Roland & Son 4 sh Jae derick the Great. So large have been the | Change in Street Number of the Pennsyl- | \lothuselah, Enoch, Jared, Malralalsel, New Advertisements. u fin Roland 4 on & Rush feos Jinan of fa Li fost the ig | vania Rane Com patiyy City Office, Cainan, Enos, Seth and Adam, and there : 3H Jatin Josiah. Bohisan ¥ in him is not confined to Germany alone, ittsburg. were giants in 0 avs. | TEIN 5 5 pu TL dnean obison Wi even in this time of his age and retirement. | hey P! I'TSTON HEARD FROM 2 Pyle David, Reighart A... Xt i Prassi Bi oh ha gran On account of the rearrangement of street | bo. 17 Thompson Joh Roher Christian AS a Prussian, Bismarck was anything ot Yittsl : hy i G3 Unknown.. Schenck Andrew. but a Republican, since he believed with | umbers in Pitts ny by ihe Oly Shor: ——The heirs of Jay Gould have suc- 7 Unknown... Schenck Christian unwavering firmness in the divine richt of | tieS the office of Mr. Thomas E. Watt, pas- : a Ih Unknown. Spear Robert... Mie 8 : ! g | senger agent Western District, Pennsylva- | ¢eeded in escaping taxation in New York — 1 Unknown Siddens Eleanor. tiie Hohenzollerns to rule in that land Se iL pli city by the dodee of fixine a “residence” 2 Unknown. Schafner Caspe but he acknowledged that a constitutional "& railroad, as well as the city ticket office somewhere else e They inherited a fortune HARRIS TWD Schenck Michae [corner of Fifth Avenue and Smithfield |° Za : : 5 Beli ’ Scott Andrew. ly as large. Reckoning backward the line | HALF MOON TWP. Passmore Bryson and limited monarchy, where the sovereign v of $30,000,000—mainly stolen—and have was hut as the cupola of the house, was the resisted an assessment of $10,000,000 and | Steek Jacob... 7 Slough George Stout Jacob. | street, Pittsburg, will be changed on April 15 from No. 110, present number, to No. HTL Epis Sei EO 100 Brown Win FE LITLE CONQUEROR ARRIVES AND | S00 Conley Ada best government for England, and that a | ie : succeeded in avoiding state an local taxa- | : ; 8 iN Edmiston Se . a pure Democracy was the best Kind of gov- 360 Fifth Avenue. tion. oo New York he ts the 8 PROBLY, SRE TALRING, | 0 . en a es Me ernment for the United States. When, : Goulds have simply followed the example : i flony Stahet. 153 Turner Danie therefore, most of the nobles and royalists Balted Peanuts, of most of their class, and that not 10 per i ont Witmer Henry were anxiously hoping for the overthrow Shell the peanuts and remove the hrown | cent of the accumulated wealth of the city — gol Irvin John... 18 Raman a of the American republic Bismarck exerted, skins. Put in a haking-pan, and pour over known as personal property pays taxes. hy Sane Phe 153 Wallace Joseph quietly but powerfully, his great influence jo about two tablespoons of melted hut- | It stands off and sandbags the law. Last CL 1102 % Metonnnt Bron I bi sh Jusoph in favor of non-intervention, which was in tor. year a combination of millionares succeed- | FU the Pittston tazen 1 MeCandess Wn... Vteon Solos. effect a declaration in favor of the Union. Shake them over the fire until each nut | ed in nullifying the income tax, though in ie 5:48 os 1 Whante = 2 bo dala, y 3 wmrton Kean Surprise, wonder and sddimiration fol- 104 low in the track of thelditde conqueror, People wre talking about it every- In Sankey Jeremiah, 6 Steel Robert Steel James = is covered with butter and slightly hrowned. | the process it was necessary to get the su- It will strike most persons, no doubt. as | Litt them carctully, put in a colander, and | preme court not only to reverse an unhrok- 100 Wilton Wm... SPRING TWD. curious that this unbending man of “blood ' shake and dust with salt. en line of decisions upholding such a law, hye od <ieh ses HS hn Mrs. Steel Allen, 69 Forbes Samuel 443 : . rovole 1t< - OC si ol. . 0 i rex > ~ 2 > 7 - and iron’ should care so much for the aen- but to revoke its own recent decision. A ee bo in He a Ah, Johnson John 356 hese 6 ry ; WWE weane i just share ¢ 3 oh jo HL 2 E NS . i tle Whittier and Tam unable to account His Heaven. I'hus does wealth escape its just share of nl 3 Sul fol, Lingle 1 } a for it save on the hypothesis that in his SManing, ean we owler oar mansions in | the cost of government. Eighty per cent 2 ye Jew} a pedis, Lis Sample Robert, McClure Wn, 5 on religion Bismarck is more nearly a Quaker | th ke Yi le de?’ = Sa of all the tariff and internal revenue taxes Hi FR ey 100 Smith John... 115 Purdue John 4 01 tose. ; . € SKY advance ? ico . PERITIOR OF © Ports 2 , $ ael wee 4 100 Sankey Jeremi Robis ‘ath: than anything clse, and in the summons to “Wity' wo, Willie. What put that into | = collected from the necessaries or comforts case. She says: “Abont a year ago | _ Sauer deem i iy arms oy another Quaker he found solace cob heed 4 ? of the people of small means. There is no began to have severe paiis my hack a Wil=in It Robison Richard 303 o . . ps . 3 ve; oy . > v1 1 " > regs Tk IVS, i - rH > Gh 5 Hw -. for an apparent inconsistency. Bismarck ° 5Y thought if we could. 1 would order federal tax eallectid on the just principle nes re = - . Willi : Bi sem : icel / : axati a0ee i its s : 5 : aaa) 38 ams EB mk ; Som has always heen a very religious man. ole without a bath room.” of taxation according to benefits and ers, and with each attack it grew more ) Wren oro When 170 » . N . oa « i! . i134 1 fate “ aves 0 The I: attaele . NY ‘ y = ” ‘ Due Wa Revell five selon a or EW ig i eg — i lg Work David Wilson Win.. 150 ‘nt it is hi is v \ ; . real estate are paid by tenants. ealth es- 3 en 4 LHI B® ary h 314 Work Josepl i : bent it is not hard .. . In his youth he i Mark Twain, who was recently re- i a : N t ant ey Pi had any heft to ir, and the dinrdest eu Wiis dn ne SNOW SHOE TWP. was so wild and reckless that he became ported to be seriously ill in Bombay, is now | CHES: Labor and consumption pay.— Post. Part was to attempt to vise from any 2 aa 155 Bayard Andrew : 10 84 known in the armv where he served as , , > Ml stooping position, 1 can only des- UWARD Ds 153 Cunningham D. 1 21 65 the army where he served an the | 509 +, have recover is on bis way erilw: thie pain as « continous dull one, x Grayshurg Joseph, Tirso ton Th 7 18 “Mad Bismarck,” and he kept up this repu- tation when he returned to his ancestral Dalton Hugh.. interspersed with sharp piercing ones 134 02 Harris James D Dobson James in the small ot my back. If © attept- Jostlin H. © also said that he has a new hook for $50,- to Cape Town. It is sold the copyright of BEST NOURISHMENT FOR CONSUMPTIVES, I —Consumptive persons are said to he great- t home at Scheenhausen to become a coun- : a ; ; ed to rise from a chair after continued Lingle J. J. Dobson Samuel, 5 try Rquiye and eltivate the iy, > 000. That fact ought, of itself, to be sufti- ly benefited by the use of Speer’s Port! sitting 1 found it a diffienit matter. 22 Sterrett Jame 163 Fisher Samuel V 16 00 is . 5 : Hepio re had | cient inducement for a man to wet well. Grape Wine, both Fermented and Unfer- nenaged to get along in thix way with Faylor Joseph. 163 Fisher James C. 16 (00 inherited from his father, the retired ap- ? : 5h dome Tie wy household duties, for | wis dee Ratiefus vice. Holt Edgar. 22 5 tain of dragoons. His mad pranks were 3 . | mented. Itseems to give nourishment when termined not to give ap, bat 1 felt Wharton Ale 10 00 held in ech disvistecin hy Lagan NERVOUS DISEASES. —Locomoter Ataxia, | everything else fails. The rich properties of many times as though I positively oa Yate umes Wharton Ale 10 00 : sestee y NS 12 3 | Pannlve: FOarts Na rsa x Ns Fyrear oo ve o 7 o a a ih r this Ar tin 3 rice John..... i a! oa - a parol So Soret Drostitics, Choren OF the wine derived from the ho 1 thy So) i Ix ry Pills Dy 153 Rollington Joh 340 ra Netaniiap § n 2 ; : ‘hice > $ ZTOW es : Th er 2 Ton Shoemaker Jess 660 4 NON rer ; for Fraulein von Puttkamer when in 1847 | : ; 2 | on which the grapes grow makes new hlooc comparing the symptoms described Wy Damniier » 368 71 NesbitJohn.. 2 G9 hc s ral ther tobe } ew oh in: 1847 ness, made a specialty ; book free by mail. | and if it does not cure, we believe it pro- with mine I conclided the Pills would E16 Wheiland John, 19.03 YS ofN6 Parker Joremi 136 b¢ snught ber to ho his wife. The eoun-| wi as Dispensary “Medical Association. | Jong life in many cases of consumption. In help me, and 1 procured a box and be- LIBERTY TWP, | Norton Joseph. 10 89 try ‘squire, hy methods similar to those of Buffalo. N. Y : te Ea have) DL toll of bartoor gan to take them regularly, according 4 Bu Benhani Bhenhezory Rainy Robert. 5 41 the Chancellor of a quarter of a century Reh Aye Me act, cases have been : repor 0 or pet ot to directions, Within three days 1 fel Britee Chiles : Tompkins Josep - 21 25 later, heat down the opposition and married 3 . cures being effected by the use of Speer’s better and continued to improve every Donald H........ 163 Waln Pheobe..... = 46 00 2 : £ — Pure blood is the safeguard of health. | port Wine. day. Lust admit they have perfect- 120 Dunwoody John 2 Wharton Mary 3 110 Iv cured me, and this much sooner Hamilton Archie West Francis 8 on the lady, of whom in 187% he said to the Italian Premier, Signor Crispi : “You lit- tle know what this woman has done for me.” Keep the blood pure with Hood’s Sarsa- parilla if you would always be well. than I eould lave anticipated possible, Lam perfeetly satisfied with the yes sult<, and glad to be able to inform other sufferers about Doan's Kidney Hayes Robert and so Trewin Robert. Parson Thomas ( Roberts Joseph. TAYLOR TWP. Addleman Win... Rell \Wm....... Burgh Win. If McKinley ever gets into the Presi- dential chair his head will be so big that | | | | | | that he was not thought to be a safe match St. Vitus's Dance, Insomnia or Sleepless- | | | There are forty places in Cleartield Ee r 3 ; Pills, so that they may know what to {06 1 Steve Pet . ) = where cigars are sold, and only two places | even the X rays will fail to penetrate the Nat eho ated ps me ya Ten 153 Oateniissoy oy z i owning Joseph For sale hy all dealers. Price a0 : a cents. Mailed hy Foster-Milburn Co, i Mspinx win Buttido, N.Y. sole agents for the U.S, 41-8 | 197 Harris A. Dh 57 loo McKinney David. NS CATIA) A 3 YY ITNTQUIN ATR 30 McKinney J. M. I I IREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED ui McKinney J. M... I contre of his eran centre of his cranium. To a Lamb John Lamb John... Montgomery W. V Montgomery John 153 Norris Marion It was in 1851 that Bismarck's public | where you can buy a bible. career in any large sense began, though pre- vious to that he had been a member of the Prussian Diet and had championed the INIuminating Oil. ed ml a JID rights of the throne as against those of the | LANDS. —for taxes for 184 and 1895— 435 107 Miles Jame a1 09 | people. In that vear he went to Frankfort a en Areca go fli uy ton of Tetuiy tothe 70 Pulao) 0h 3 163 Snyder Barbar: 26 85 as + Prussig > or” of » (rerme Sk. PP er ez rh) sale of unseated tracts ot land tor the non pay- 0 ohrer Chris b TAYLOR TWP. as the Prussian member’ of the German . ment of taxes, Notice is hereby given that there © “go Schenck John, GAR ow : . Die 1 ; 408 Ihomas John W iet, w rich managed the foreign relations will be exposed at public sale or outery the follow- + 120 Shoemaker Benj 1g oan ER as John Woo of the kingdom, the various principalities fag wets of titel Lands i nsy of Genie, hl Unknown ..... 110 UNION TWP. i » free cities Ly 5 IR rane a ih 3 or ive = an aL, for taxes due ane unpaid thereon, at the 5 Unknown .. ais Hh al Dunwoody John 8 22 nd the free cities. He was then 36 ears Ee THE BOOKLET ON LIGHT : Court House, in the Borongh of Bellefonte, on ii a 50 Fisher Ira Pn Dav 31 old and there was much wonder that so im- : MONTY: JTENE TH =e ’ ? ne nl Ion Hall Robert. 20 40 © portant a post should have been given to so MONDAYLJUNE THE svi, Dans Vandy Won, Ps 3000 Hoover Georg = 1 . ie . at o'clock pon. Brady Win. aS f 100 I r James 9 00 untried a man, a man who had only one or AND———, : Barton Win 297 tn hens Tilo 9 00 decoration, that given to him for saving the BENNER TWP. Brady John FOO toa db 16 93 life of his soldier servant when he was a \CRES PEK WARRANTEE NAMES, Boyd Thom Hon ko Miles Joseph... 7 84 lieutenant in the army. Even the Prince of oo ) 1m Hate J. M es Loe y om | 1 Miles Samuel, 7 J ] ! ny. kL he z IN : " : do Me arthers | : Dhipps St a 5 Prussia, afterwards Emperor William I hy ( BURN CROWN ACME OIL, © a0 Huchinon io Dorsey John. 4 on f 10 Porpps Sanne 2 na Re oR) ii —— i HH) Johnson Thomas | 100 Haines Josi 151 WALKER TWP. the arace of Bismarck 8 genius and resolu- | 30 Johnson James, 5430 Housel Peter. 381 04 Asker Robert. i 2 92 tion, expressed surprise and felt much | 121 Johnson Eleanor Pom Hepburn Jaume 1760] 10 Baker John. 4171 doubt. tee IVES 'FHE BEST LIGHT IN THE WORLD.— A Jinske 2: . 250 Jackson Jerem 4 50 2 Brooks Rusl 328 Ismarel « s > s tai > 1 na vitts George 300 | 247 pn ay ope! AS _ But Bismarck soon justified himself and : To Et B,J Gee Diol oh taker Rober ny introduced the old-world diplomats to a0n7-1y AND IS ABSOLUTELY SAFE. ET Smith J ; [9-16 of 492 131 Miles Wm 10°38 | Go Currier Mar) 1 65 tactics they were a long time in compre- 3 50 Smith John. LT-16 of 02 i Wiles Ww: = 38 1115 113 Daugherty Marans 2 85 : ; : ; ! 2 BOGGS TWI. | arker Wm 00 1179 110 Daugherty Elizabeth 32 hending. He told them the plain truth | Ts SH 107 4 Dron Tote as y er | k as Castori Castoria 120 Aston George S i whenever he spoke at all, and he was al- astoria. . A AA ra os Swinefried Peter. 3260 60 39 Evans Jesse... 1 69 ways remarkable rather for candor than Lo iin a Seigfried Jacob 100 3 Evans Jesse. 240 reticence—and they were entirely bafiled. | Davis Sumpson. 12 iD Adin iD N Thien Wn iz 2 3 2 ” i \ ‘or 3: a 2 | D >) ; Bismarck stayed in Frankfort till 1859, Wat IN ne y Th Se) a Wolf Andrew........ 40 {243 55 Gilbert William. 35 2 when he was sent to St. Petersburg as Min- i Godtrey Marth 18 Wilinmy Tiel, $5300 I Sie Wiliam, 2 ister. To use his own expression, he was Lingle J. : Vong Bs hep | 21! Ls Haji foter 2 ‘‘put on ice.” He was a great favorite of dea 1 3 oon A Taw {219 30 James Mugare 20 Miles John 20 Burton Robert. 215. 155 James Edward 93 oh >» Miles Evan Miles Evan. acker and Lue Packer and Lue: Burton Rober Diehl Adam.. Diehl John. Diehl Adam the Czar and became a personal friend of | the famous and powerful Gortschakoff. | When King William, in 1861, succeeded 40 Johnson David Knox John. Lingle J. | 160 Mansell Wm. ASTOR] A-—======2== ER EER. his brother it was thought that he would ! ask Bismarck to be Minister, but he was irresolute, while Bismarck was indifferent. When, however, in 1862, the King found himself in trouble witli his Parliament, and accept the presidency of the Ministry. | But Bismarck declined, pleading bad health. . . astoria is Dr. =: el Pitchers roseripti or Infants: Children, contains neither Opi he asked Bismarck to be Parliament-tamer Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitchers preserviption for Infants and Childven, It contains neither pinm Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It isa hariless substitute for Pavegorie, Drops, Soothing Syrup, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use hy Millions of Mothers, Price John...... 120 Rowland Jame Shaw Robert. 80 Scott John. Scett Samuel, oo Wister Wim. Wister W.., BURNSIDE TWP. 165 Bell AMexander, 163 Beyer John. Diehl Thomas Diehl Nicholas S Diehl Nicholas Sr Diehl Nicholas.. Diehl Nichola Diehl Nicholas Diehl Nicholas | Ellis Wm.... Gover Rober Kline John.... McKean Rober 94 Mercer John. 100 Mercer Davic 36 Miller W...... Miles Samuel. McKee Samuel McEwen Mar, 59 Osman Capt. 40 Packer Job 40 Packer James Parker Jeremial SONI ~~ TT2R z ——Rl~ Parker Richard Purden Richar Piles Benj. & © Purdon John... Piles Benj & ('¢ 65 Robison Richar Castoria destroys Worms allays Feverishness, Castorin prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Dip: However, he accepted the mission to France. While at this post he went to the Inter- | national Exhibition in London, and it has | been related that in a company, of which 22 Cox Panl.. £433 165 Hall Charles 4:33 173 Hall Charl 163 Hunter Alc 163 Hamilton Thom: Harris Samnel. Newport James O'Brien John, White John.. West Thoma Wilson Wilson < BS rhea and Wind Colic. Castorin relieves Teething troubles, cures Constipation and Flatuleney, Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natnral sleep, $a TT Castoria ix the Children’s Panacea—the Mother's Friend. WNL 1D 3 Yeracli we = aid ! jel Isl hry A sk a t ler: Long J. 7 PENN TWP. L7a Robison Richar 17 shall shortly be compelled to under- Long J. Z... Cook Wm 492 | 100 Robinson R 02 take the presidency of the Prussian govern- Nicholson Ju MeCally Wi ioe! 88 31 Robinson Richi 47 2 O'Brian Michae Montgomery Wm 0 42 | 239 Singer Abraham. ment. My first care will be to reorganize e y gl Ta 66 | 160 Shoemaker Benj. A sma Li Parker Jeren Montgomery Danie 8 he ho ) h : 2 4 gomer) the army Ww ith or without the help of the an ae Stowart Walk 170° Swihatond Deios 111 [150 Scott & Alexander. Diet. With the army placed in position to CASTORIA. CASTORI A. 163 Seott Samuel, 43 170 Swinotord Deter. 907 16 Scott & Alexander. enforce respect I shall seize upon the first 5 ———— ! em — Stewart Au 4 i 24 = Soler i rte Jlare war i / ria. : : . ! . 15:3 Wallace Jos 3: POTTER TWP. —— 1382 13x Sutler Davi i to fori war om Ang, i “Castoria ix so well adapted to children that | | UCastoriacis an excellent mediciny tor children.” Wheeler Henry 4 Bond Mary 10 60 | 59 Swuanzy Wn < r | io : 8 - . 5 MN . i 3 iw ob ’ rv a re breaking up the German eTRbion, Suh: | enminend it os soperior tn any prescription | Mothers have repeatedly toll me of its good effect Wharton Thorius 3830 42 an Brishin Joh oe | 192 Warde Des ectin 1e Minor states an & 1er= 11. . 1, Noli aais hil oung Samue 6 81 BE erringer in 0 08 24 A Sa : 3 Jecting th no St tes d giving ( er | known to me. { upon their children.” a y a 3 Nl oy b oo Ch 10 08 tr Nia rian Anos many national unity under Prussia’s gui- | : i: Young Benj 31, 8 ‘rick John Jr. » 87 ) oppo | " ; 7 ell the Oucon’s Ho AL Aken, M.D. J Dr, GL CL OsGoon, cor [200 Garrigus Edward. ex asfl Wilson Robert.... dance. I have come here to tell the Queen’s | 111 So, Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y. | Lowell, Mise, 145 Jolson Ross... 4650200 Garrigus Wuni.. 7 8 Zantzinger Paul. Ministers. 2 Johnson Thomas 913 | 34 of 4o0 Hoffman Wri. 9: Zantzinger Paul. Disraeli, it is said, remarked : “Take : CURTIN TWP, a Hier Howse i A 74 WORTH TWP. : pe } SSleians re ens par 3 I SCastoria is > toremedy for ehildee : > s er Alexander HR! an TIDY . 4 care of that man, he means what he says.” | Gr physic ian: a the hilan ws de partie 2 ! storia i the best remedy for « hildre noof a Brooks Jesse... 280000 0 er ams sa PB ign Hons 1 7 At the Congress of Berlin he had had his | have spoken highly of their experience in their | which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not tay 26 Brady Wm. P.. 2 | 105 McClellan George R47 | Spay Bg ert. : a : : Be 3 ; i side practice with Castoria, ¢ ro | dist: ‘he ws will consider the intere et GB Brady Wm. P... Ln a Patio Jaa 5 lawthorn Thoms 7 own way and had succeeded in pleasing the outside practice with ustoria, and although we distant whe n mothe rs will cons ider the interest of be 1) oy bs : io Patterson Benj 3 Retin Sickie 6 44 representatives of the other powers—send- | only have among our medical supplies what is | their children, instead of the varions quack nes. = Brady Win. D a | I Hoo gn ns Kuhns Joseph.. 31 ing. for instance, Disraeli and Salisbury | Known as regular products, yet we are free to f trams which are destroying their loved ones, hy | 1149 I Custer Panl Sap fi RD Ah i a 15 on ry. 2a Ninrie to England, empty handed, but haif | confess that the merits of Castoria has wim us to | foreing opitm, morphine, soothing syrup and oth- As Do fs py 1 108 61 Telly Ferrell...... Giff BY RNY Loree 5s tickled to death that “they had brought | 100k with favor upon it.” er hurtful agents down their throats, thereby send. 150 Godfrey John ie NN Vianderslice Henry. 324 ays Kuhns John... 48 37 nel Shonen wl 0 2 y UNiren Hoserean ano Dispensary, ing them to premature graves, 433 120 Hall Charles. SH OPW. @ | 260 Lawman Georg 24 back peace with honor. : And so he con- ae ! 1 i : 0 Hall Giles RUSH TWH | 330 Mayland Jasper 913 tinued until the present Emperor dismissed | = : 3oston, Muss, Pb ig 220) Kelso Joseph. AN0n JOIN, ..ocerrecsovcereseronss 190 56 | 274 Miles Samuel. 37 2 him from office with as scant courtesy as | ALLEN Co Surv, Pres, Conway, Ark. | Ton Kelso Joseph. Ali) Ses 144 2 - Ross dons, sieees 1) " . ver . 2 ; - ¢ S300 och Mathew. Allison Andrew.. 02! ( Shippen Thomas 21 an angry parvenu would show to an offend- ie he w a Ae nll Yt ol open Hom Ny 5 ing butler. 17 Lane Sar Armstrong Andrew... 19 17 H Singer John. 1 24 In recalling this sad episode it is well ~ Lane Mar Atherton Richard... 17 63 | 88 Shippen Wi. 9 79 also to remember what the Hohenzollern 70 Lane Mar) Bannon Joseph. 302100 Unknown... RE he : oT : r rics 3 Lane Sarah. Beverage David. 25 09 | 137 Wister Danie 26 58 house owes to Bismarck. When Bismarck pi Palmer John, Britcher Isaac. 15 12 1-30 Wister Win... 497 returned from his Paris embassy in 1862 to CHILDREN CRY. FOR PITCHERS CASTORIA. 100 Smith Peter... Tiiekios Danial Bi Nore. take the Ministry under William I that | Ca Yon Svslins donutiin Cobo) rar John. 560. In proonianes Bith the act of Juno oh, a7, in- Su 5 : ‘hat se : Nove ¢ Re | FERGUSON Twp. i Che Si ol 2 | terest will be added to the amount of a axes fis. monarch wag What seemed to him inex : = - 7 ! 9 Crewit Alfred 5 "5 i hestnut | pe - 1: | sessed against unseated lands above advertised, tricable trouble. The chamber had refused THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STR 1 Crewit Alfred 575 | 433 163 Delaney Sharp. 25 12 | > : ty? 7) | ~ le A RI EE YRAY STRE Ferguson Thoma 3 45 | 483 Dentler Wm.. 44 18 | JOHN Q. MILES. to provide money for the army and with- | 41-1530. Glasgow Silas 205 | 122 Eberman Philips 8770 | 4114 © County Treasurer. * l JS A
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