Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 10, 1896, Image 5
Katz & Co. Limited. New Advertisments. New Advertisments. Announcements. New Advertisments. OURT PROCLAMATION.— Whereas 1A the Honorable J. (i. Love, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the 49th Judicial District, consisting of the county of Centre and The following are the prices charged for announce ments in this column : Congress $10.00 ; Assembly £8.00 ; Sheriff $8.00; Treasurer $5.00; Regis- ter §5.00 : Recorder $5.00 ; Commissioners $5.00. W ANTED.—A good girl for a small YHARTER NOTICE.—Notice is hereby family, liberal wages will be paid. / given that an application will be made to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Cen- Mrs. G. Lroyp OWENS, wisi Al candidates arc required to pledge themselves to abide the decision of the Democratic county conven- tion LEGISLATURE. We are authorized to announce Janes Scho- field, of Bellefonte, a candidate for the nomina- tion for assembly, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce Robert M. Fos- ter, of College township, candidate for the nomi- nation for assembly, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce A. C. Thomp- | son, of Half Moon township, a candidate for the nomination of Assemblyman, subject to the decis- jon of the Democratic county convention. 41-14-2t. Tyrone, Pa. | tre county, on Monday, the 27th day of April A. D. i OR SALE.—Good seven room house on Allegheny street, Bellefonte. Apply to | 1003 E. BROWN. Jr. HE BELLEFONTE ACADEMY.—The Faculty of the Bellefonte Academy for the year commencing, Sept. 1896, will consist of the following instructors : Rev. J. P. HueuEs, principal. J. R. HucHss, associate principal. Miss JuLia L. REED. © HeLEN E. OVERTON. Mr. Frank P. Basserr. THE SPRING TERM WILL BEGIN MONDAY 1896, at 10 o’clock a. m., for the charter of a corpo- ration to be called the “Centre Hall Progress Grange No. 96 of the Patrons of Husbandry of Pennsylvania,” the purpose and character of which is the promotion TF the social, intellectual and financial condition of the farmers residing in the vicinity of Centre Hall, Centre county, Pa. HARRY KELLER, Solicitor, &e. 11-14-31. N \ OTICE.—Notice is hereby given that he an aplication will be made to the Court of Quarter Se®ions of Centre county on Monday, the 4th day of May, 1896, for the appointment of & jury of view, to view and condemn that portion of the Centre & Kishocoquillas turnpike which ex- tends from the south-eastern line of the borough ue GLOBE. DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY Just one year since we started in business here, and we are satisfied with the business we have done. We figure that this store has been getting nearer and near- | the Honorable Corlis Faulkner, Associate Judge in Centre county, having issued their precept, bearing date the 1st day of” April to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace in Bellefonte, for the county of Centre and to commence on the 4th Monday of April. being the 27th day of April, 1806, and to continue two | weeks, notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Jus- tices of the Peace, Aldermen and Constables of said county of Centre, that they be then and there ~ In their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the fore- noonaf the 27th, with their records, inquisitions, examinations, and their own remembrance, to do . those things which to their office appertains to be done, and those who are bound in recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that ave or shall * bein the jail of Centre county, be then and there i to prosecute azainst them as shall be just. SHERIFY. APRIL 13th. We are authorized to announce R. C. Gilliland, | Teachers whose schools have closed will do well of Snow Shoe township, a candidate for the nomi- to take this last quarter of ten weeks at the Acad- | of Centre Hall in Centre county, to the north-west- ern line of raid barons, being a continuous por- tion of the said turnpike and being wholly within emy | the diihits or he said barons of Centre Mal. : Democratic county convention. Students contom lating attending the Academy ii This procee ing is for the purpose 0 haying We are authorized to announce Geo. BE. Parker, | wonld get a good start by attending this term. Jes Qoltin of Sid (Anke become a public road of Philipsburg, a candidate for the nomination for | Parents wishing to secure seats for their children |: ree tron io: 4 WIL BUR F. REEDER <heriff, subject to the decision of the Democratic | in Miss Overton's department next year had bet- | 10-14- iione a Pe hnors county convention. ter speak early. 41-14-1¢, | HHO ‘ y > 8. We are authorized to announce W. M. Cronister, | Ea i er to the people every day. Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the 1st day of April, in the year of our Lord, 1396, and the one hundred and nineteenth year of the inde- The best merchandise and a price guarantee with cvery 1 pendence of the United States, i JING. Pp. CONDO, sale-is doing the business. A14-1C en FOR TRUE ECONOMY THIS SHOULD | SHERIFFS SALE. pmm— = aw Sm = ~ + of Worth township, a candidate for the nomina- L & Co Lvon & Co BE YOUR TRADING PLACE. ‘tion of sheriff, subject to the deeision of the | yon . y . Democratic county convention. : a ha a me We are authorized to announce G. H. Leyman, | of Boggs township, a candidate for the nomina- | tion of sheriff, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of Ja- «ob L. Runkle, of Bellefonte, a candidate for the nomination for sherift, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention. ; We are authorized to announce Burdine Butler, | of Howard township, a candidate for the nomina- tion for sheriff, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention. We are authorized to wnnounce John Noli, of | Bellefonte, a candidate for the nomination for sheriff, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention, We are authorized to announce Joseph A. Emerick, of Walker township, a candidate for the uwomination for sheriff, subject to the decision of | the Democratic county convention. COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to announce baniel Heck- man, of Benner township, a candidate for the nomination for county commissioner, subject to | the decision of the Democratic county conven- | tion. > # We are authorized to announce Geo. R. Wil- | liams, of Worth township, a cundidate for the nomination for county commissioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic county conven- tee, * Henry Heaton, a farmer of Boggs township, presents his name as a candidate for county com- missioner, subject to the decision of the Demo- |! % i nation for sheriff, subject to the decision of the By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facins, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas and to me di- rected, there will be exposed to Public Sale, at the { Court House, in the borough of Bellefonte, on SATURDAY, APRIL 25th, 1896, at Lo'elock p.m, the following described real estate. All that certain messuage tennement and tract of land situate in Snow Shoe township county of Centre and state of Pennsylvania, hounded and described as follows to wit : Beginning ut « stone ; Thence along lands of John Hoy Jr., south 60° west 56 perches to a post; Thence along other lands of John H. Holt south 24° east 33 perches to a chestnut oak ; Thence along lands of Bellefonte, Snow Shoe R. company south 89° east 204 Pogonns to white oak, thence along other lands of John Hoy Jr., north 34° east 77 perches to a post : Thence alongsof John Hoy Jr., and William Holt, north 89° west 178 perches to the place of hegin- { ning containing 100 acres. Net measure. No . improvements. | Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the ! property of J. H. Holt. TerMs—No deed will be acknowledged until . purchase money is paid in full. | Sherift’s Office, JOHN P. CONDO, of which we have always made a specialty. | ai inionte, Us Rhont, : EGISTER’S NOTICE.—The following accounts have been examined, passed { and filed of record in the Register's office for the | inspection of heirs and legatees, creditors and all , others in anywise interested, and will be present- to the orphans’ Court of Centre county bo con- fast colors and handsome styles at 48 cents with new style collars . | firmation” on” Wednesday, the 20th day of April, ‘es. c 2c. 1. The first partial account of Wm. M. Goheer and sleeves Better goods at 59, 73, 98 and $1.25 ; TN a a Lah Yard wide Percales usually sold at 1214. we are selling at You run no risk here. If the goods do not suit, or do not prove satisfactory after you get them home, bring them back and we cheerfully refund the money. I O YOU WANT A NEW CARPET? Among the goods that we have opened are an immense We have the best line of medium and wool stock of Ingrain carpets in this part of the ——NEW DRESS GOODS.— country. They are all brand new pat- By the word new we mean fresh goods direct from the mills, bearing the marks of late weaving and newest patterns. terns and ave beauties, and prices that will surprise vou when yon come to see them. We call special attention to our stock of A good heavy Ingrain carpet at 20, 25, 28, “BLACK DRESS GOODS,” 32, 34 and 38¢. In all wool we have them fully one-third lower than you have ever seen them. Lace curtains, o—I1LADIES SHIRT WAISTS, 0 a very large and handsome stock from , 19¢. a pair up to as fine as any one cratic county convention. We are authorized to announce W. H. Williams, | wants. s of Worth township, a candidate for the nomina- | | | which you can make selections, from i { ! heen, late of Harris township, deceased. 2. The account of Wm. H. Noll, Sr., adminis- trator of, &ec., of Samuel Noll, Sr., late of Spring tion for commissioner, subject to the the decision | 7 aver saw such a laree : ell se- f ) of the ar « A : You never saw such a large and we I. se i 9 cents. SoD, Grnansed, gated 4 hk H. Noll, Jr., Y 5 Y ! a . 1g inistrator of saic fm. H. Noll, Sr.. now de- We are authorized to announce P. I. Meyer, of of stonk oi as we oh { i . : . 2 idminis Hae township, a gunlidniy for the Joninagan ! lected stock of clothing as we have i We are showing this season, an unusually fine line cm- i ii tof JW. St t . or county commissioner, subject to the decision | se Ean Se, als 2 ie i . ‘ 3. The account of J. W. Stover, exceutor o of the Democratic county convention. * this Spring. We have just received — ! . broideries. They are all specially HIGH GRADE QUALITY pi of L. B. Stover, late of Miles township, de- We are : ized to o .¢ William H. Fry, | ii . i ; : . { ceased. a about $15,000.00 worth of new | and lovers of these goods should not fail to examine them. ! 4 Firstand final account of of John Brown, nation for county commissioner, subject to the | 2 administrator of, &c., of Catharine Brown, late of decision of the Democratic county convention. i aE Si | A good line of the new style lace and embroidered Collar- Walker township, deceased. We are authorized to announce Daniel C. Grove, | SPRING CLOTHING ! . . J a 5. The first and final account of Charles Smith, of Walker township, as a candidate for county i : cttes so fashionable in Eastern cities now. . - ; administrator, of, &c., of Thomas Croft, late of commissioner subject to the decison of the Demo- > i Boggs township, deceased. on 2 ! We can suit you no matter how lean ! Oo | ak Tho aosennt of A Pp, a dis iinates e are authorize announce the name of Jac- : | ¢., and trustee to sell real estate of Lindaman- ob Bottor], es te a 18 | 7 . le cig ; ! OUR «MII LINERY"” OPENING Wingart, late of Penn township, deceased. Iho DED, Oo or fat your pocket book is. Here are 2) A) Lowy - the nomination of aon commissioner, sub- ” ? 7. The account of Levi R. Stover, executor of, Joos bone nonin the Donato emmy ony a few things that will give you an idea | last week, notwithstanding the inclement weather was a decided ; $0.00 Zenjamin Stover. late of Haines township, We are authorized to announce Jos. L. Neff, of | Ew oc i slothipzr Line : success. As usual we take the ¢:lead’’ and head the procession {8 First and final account of W. A. Gould and of what we can do in the clothing line : n , Y e d d head th pro ton i H. 8. R. Richards, administrators of, &c., of D. H. Boggs township, a candidate for the nomination for county commissioner, subject to the deeision of the Democratic county convention. Thomas, late of Philipsburg borough, deceased.) We can give a black, blue or mixed We show shapes and novelites, which are exclusively con- 9. First and final account of Lucy Burns, ad- RECORDER. . , . : : \ : se 3 | ministratrix of, &ec., of Abraham Burns. late of We are authorized toannounee A. R. Alexander, | suit for men for $3.90 ; a good dress fined to us, and just as quick as anything new comes out, 1t is | Taylor township, deceased. of Penn township, Centre county, Penna. as a : 2 >, i ’ ‘ 10. The final account of Fannie LL. Keller, ad- suit in black or in colors for $4.50 ; an sent to us from New York. We will always show the very | ministratrix of, &c., of J. Will Keller, Tr of Har candidate for the nomination for Recorder, sub- ject to the decision of the Democratic county con- vention. : . ris township, deceunsed. 11. The account of Richard Haworth, :wwiminis- I trator of, &c., of Eliza Tobias, late of Philipsburg borough, deceased. 12. First and final account of M. M. Condo, ad- ministrator of &e., of Harriet Condo. late of Gregg i township, deceased. ; latest.” . all wool suit, good enough for any e TREASURER. . - . We are authorized to announce that Frank Bow- occasion, for 83, for SO50-%7. ! ‘We charge nothing for trimming when material and shapes ersox, of Ferguson townshjp, will be a candidate | are bought of us. { easurer, subject to the decision of the : a for Sonny Tr ies tom a In the finest grades of dress suits, fine > are ize we Fred K . : sis . % : | > C ’ : Fo a : : ye are authorized to announce Fred Kurtz, of tailoring, best linings and trimmings | 40-15 KATZ & CO. L’td. 13. Second and purtiad account of John M. Pom Hall, 5 Candis o aw Dp Insia) o ’ 2 of I 7 . 27 2 ul » tit Keichline, administrator of &e., ot dno. M. Wag- casurer, subject to the decis a 6 emo: rep: - = ! Makers of low prices and terrors to all competitors. ner, late of Boggs township, deceased rod omen hest fitting, at 7. 7.50, 3, 8.50, 9, 10, : a loana IL ea Gh Calvin A= Veoov est fitting, at 7. 7.50, 8, 50, 9, 10, } _. _.. | “14. The account of Charles Beirley., adminisera- p 3 4 2 0 { - J A. B = . 3 i re a eT TT TTT = to LC. pt . ir rirlev. Inte "Nile: N= er, of Haines township, « candidate for nominu- 11, 12, 13 and $14. We can give them F ’ ! lh Boirioy: tis of Miles ion tion for county Treasurer, subject to the decision > : ! auble’s 15. First ondiinud aceon: of Clenent ide, ud: of the Demeerctic county eenvention, to you in black diagonals, black clays, | rene el a 8 are sun avid to Snape James Kimport, | {1ateiof Bollofonte borough, deceased : of Harris township, a candidate for nomination it als : lav aa : Haine ; for treasurer, subject to the decision of the Demo- | blue diagonals and blue ¢ lay By dark | 16. First and final account of Jacob Bottoit, ad- cratic county convention. . x . . i i inistrator of &e., of Luey Fogleman, Lute of Col- REGISTER grey, medium grey and mixtures. i lege township, deceased. GISTER. : : | 17. Account of W. G. Ewing, exceutor of &e. Bellefonte, Pa., March 31, 1896. Children’s suits from 98¢ up to the best. i ; of A. oi: Ewing, late of Ferguson township, de- . ceased. Ep. Watcumax :—Please announce my name as a candidate for the nomination for the office of | Register und C. O. C. of Centre county, subject to | Democratic rules. (i. W. RUMBERGER. . 18. First and final account of Thomas W. Fish- er and C. M. Resides, administrators of &e,, of i William Resides, late of Union township, de- Boy’s and young men’s suits, 13 to 19 | - | vrs., from 2.50 up to the best. About | ohagai { 19. The account of Mary €. Shook (now Mary C. Stoner), exeeutrix of &c., of W. I.. Shook, late COMPARE! of Millheim borough, deceased. select from. We shall © 20. First partial account of W. uJ. Carlin, ad- New Advertisements. 400 different styles men’s dress pants to I= FOR SALE.—The undersigned heréh¥ gives notice that the sale of the farm of W. E. Meek, known as the Robert Meek farm, situate in Ferguson township, Centre Co., Pa., has been placed in the hands of W. C. Pat ‘ | ministrator of &e., of ¥. P. Vonada. late of Miles CONTINUE TO LEAD township, deceased. © 21. The account of John McGee, administrator i of &e., of John A. Bechdel, late of Liberty town- ship, deceased. terson, of State College, who has full and com- plete authority to make sale of the same. 41-10-tf NELLIE H. MEEK, Committee. JJARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned administrator of the estate of Samuel 3 . Walkey, Dec’d. offers the Samuel Walkey farm stock ir the country. ! in the matter of extreme low prices for ! COMPARE PRICES, 22. First and tinal account of Simon Harper. | executor of &e., of David E. Sparr. late of Harris | township, deceased. r y COMPARE GOODS ! I 23. First and final account of Charles Lupton, ! executor of &c., of John Lupton, late of Rush { township, deceased. good goods. We have the largest for sale. It is located near Hublershurg, Centre i 3 , i Co., Pa., contains 78 acres, has good ae fine LYON & CO. Our price Others Ask 24. First and final account of James W. Runk- orchard and good buildings. i le, administrator of &c., of Daniel Runkle, late of Address or call on, HENRY WALKEY | Allegheny st. Bellofonts. Pa. ! $9.80. $12 and $15.00. | Gregg township, deceased. a Logan Street, Bellefonte, Pa. - ? x i ins First Sid 25s) i a Si To Gray, : rustee in partition to sell the real estate of NT TOT : ro - A ast 0 YT & i George Behrer, late of Patton township, deceased. JALESMEN WANTED. — On Salary, Lae GOODS EXACTLY ALIKE. lap > First and final a > — io to sell Pennsylvania grown Nursery Stock, Schomacker Piano. } ard. trastce of Clement Beckwith, dere: Lh which is the best in the world. All the new spec- 5 Rie lO er Ee T iditias as well as the stondard varietiesof Pruitsj ——— ———u — vo er ee eee : Blanchard and John Blanchard » . . ~ : ie ¢ & Ornamentals. A fine outfit furnished and all — ” I~ =F Ol Ria fa ania axes 0 traveling expenses paid. Salary dates from day rm Ana SE a work is commenced. Write for terms, stating | 27. First and final account of Gzcorge W. Spang- oy . ler, administrator of &e., of Polly Mullharger, late HOOPES, BRO. & THOMAS, | S CHOMACKE I= FOR MAKE AND FIT, { of Potter township, deceased. Maple Avenue Nurseries, West Chester, Pa. | «28. First and final necount of Thomas B. Turn- 41-15-1t. ! er, guardian of John H. and James F. Turner ; minor children of Amanda Turner, late of Huston "FERS 8 township, deceased. JHAEPPERS YNO. ; Gow. RUMBERGER, you will be sure to give ours : : 5 | Bellefonte, March 31, 1896. Register. { THE RECOGNIZED——-} the preference. rm ————————— — . SDR oe x | Apri). PRICES STANDARD PIANO OF THE WORLD, | Wall Paper Store, f= Te rT is 2 For 4 short season of high grade work until ma { J INQ QF 0g May 16th, 1896. ESTABLISHED 1838. AF INMINS: Saok eal make Will it interest you to save from i $——0F—} / ——12 1 CABINET { PHOTOS— | QoLD 10 EVERY PART OF THE GLOBE. $3.00 to $5.00? © I o—t=WALYL, | PAPER -—— All. ! PAPER, from any negative made at ‘ io 1 > > PREFERRED BY ALI. THE LEADING ARTISTS. our studio in the last 6 : 1 A handred styles of Men's vears, for WINDOW SHADES, Suits at Nine Dollars and : | . — —99——CENTS———99— : THE GOLD Emit a purer sympathetic tone, proof against atmospheric action Lf \ , Eighty cents that merit by . If you must have a setting and new negative, for extraordinary power and durability with great beauty and even- / the t I ee TT 99 cent you can get STRINGS ness of touch. Pre-eminently the best and most highly improved > e term | PICTU RE AND ROOM _Mou LDINC . - +~-instrument now manufactured in this or any other country in the world. | 2 o ? 9 0 0 o 0 6 CABINET PHOTOS ! ——WORLD BEATERS.— ete of superior workmanship. Call and get a sample and ———HIGHEST HONOR EVER ACCORDED ANY MAKER.—— : wo > aw match em if you can for ; SHORT TIME 9 | UNANIMOUS VERDICT. the price. Our studio is being prepar- ed for a special run of this SE ro oh 1851—Jury “Group, International Exposition—1876, for Grand, Square, and Upright we will be able to give you + 2]! —— 3 gre of Fork that clue: Pianos. FAUBLES', whelo woud cost (Tom [llustrated catalogue mailed on application. Bellefonte, Pa. | a er will be 40-10 antes A Corps of Expert Painters and Paper \ ————) MAY 16th, 1896. ( ; Hangers. l ~ | SCHOMACKER PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURING CO. endl, WARERGOMS : 1109 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. 12 East Sixteenth Street, New York. 145 and 147 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 1013 Olive Sfreet, St. Louis. S. H. WILLIAMS’, 117 west High Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. SHAEFFER'S STUDIO, Allegheny St. BELLEFONTE, PA. 41-15-6t 41-14 | 4110-3m ig