Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 03, 1896, Image 6
New Advertisements. : New Advertisements. be, so far as the affair can be contro]led, Marking Your Bicycle. Jonah as a Shut-In. without opposition for nomination or elec- | porective Carroll Tells How the Cycle Thief May Be A young woman of Hartford, Conn., was Beworralit ator Director of Public Safety of Pittsburg. Mr. Flinn is a State Senator, and Mr. Magee an active politician, the three being the Republican leaders of the anti-Quay forces of that city. ; Two other forms of agreement, the ac- curacy of which is certified by Mr. Richard R. Quay, the son of the Senator, are part of these interesting and instructive disclosures. The first is in handwriting of Senator Flinn. The ‘“‘consideration’’ of it is stated which their most precious and sacred rights of citizenship are bargained and sold by the most corrupt and venal politicians, should arouse the honest resentment of every good citizen throughout the State. When we consider the vicious lives, the unenviable characters, the smirched reputations of the practical politicians, great and small, who at present dominate the Government of State, there can be no other feeling than that of infinite shame that the Government tion of Recent Issues of Bonds. WASHINGTON, March 30.—After agree- ing to resolutions appointing Bernard R. Green as successor to the late General Casey in the construction of the new congres- sional 1¥ rary authorizing ex-president Har- rison tu accept medals given him by Brazil and Spain, the house took up the sundry civil appropriation bill and after explana- tions of its provisions, by Mr. Cannon Re- that would relieve. At last he was re- warded. One dav he read of Doan’s kidney Pills. Nothing was claimed for them bpt that they were a Kidney cure. All the ills the flesh is heir to were not set down as being subject to their wondrous influence, and this in- spired confidence in them. The symp- toms described by kidney sufferers were his symptoms. He began taking them. Three or four doses hrought a change, and day by day he grew bei ter, and now he says: “[ am entirely over my trouble. Home remedies | have used, hut found little relief of a temporary nature. My greatest trou- HOWARD TWP. Graysburg Joseph... Harris James D.. Jostlin H. AL. Lingle J. J.. Sterrett James. Taylor Joseph. HOUSTON TWP, Baxter Jamex.......... Price John....... Rollington John. Shoemaker Jesse Wheiland John LIBERTY TWP. j 368 71 L2of216 Parker Jerem 433 Norton Joseph. | tion. == : | 3 . : Trapped, { i : 8 IVR Jue 3TH . i “‘All Senators and members shall sustain J ay as ” bi | Ricks Sham... Loo 43 163 Ehler Daniel 36 5s + 3 . av 1 > nds i ; | VS t PP » av abo ne t- 1418 Avy Aaron... 3 ” Sherm: a a Bellefonte, Pa., April 3, 1896. | Senator Quay in the organization of the | john D. Carroll, chief detective of a Soni tv, Whote DHL or nM To Bs 3 3 Phepman Jolin in | Legislature and in the electi f a United | « Sa . Soclety, whose members are persons con- | = a Rp hil ‘rench Edward. HT | Legislature and 1 the election of a Um wheelman’s insurance company, said re- g . : : {404 115 Moore James t 3 Fitzgerald Daniel 76 3 | S Si z : Sant : Yr § | fined with sickness to their beds or rooms. | j-- P : 5 Si ENZ8err He) 36 58 States Senator during the term of this | cently : “Every owner should have a | “Whom 23h: we think oi’ said she. “that | Fuzeon Joh, 6 x Fink John. 25 19 Political Absolutism. | agreement, except as hereinbefore provid- | jrivate oh hi ; i : ; Saul she, ens] Ww ghanhonloan, h 53 Grant Thon 58 1 | ed? ’ ph. 2 I a ened oy ee h | would “have had great sympathy for those 2 FLombon Mier 2 5 Sennterih J 20 35 ; zs alwav po sf | > : | : S & as 2 DON 1€ | at are s 1 NY Si) 2YY eat) un Yi , | turner Hannah. 3 ; Groe izabeth 4 40 It has always been a popular belief-—one | he theory of our Government is that the | saddle post or on thie saddle itself. as those | that are shut-in 2” “I know" said a little joy A 3 2 Groe and McKeon. 10 65 Tv. clearly : saddle j r self, as those | hov : “some : in? ’ strongly, clearly and eloquently formula- eonle shall choose the delegates to th et | boy ; “some one in the Bible, ain’t it, IREGG TWP Grant Thon 22 ted it Prosid Lincoln's Getto j Deope 3 e the Celogates to the | are the very places wherea thief will look] teaclier?l’ “Ves. 2 ; 1 9r) GREAC TM ante oe ed In President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Ad- National Conventions which nominate th teacher? es, and who, Johnnie?” | ,,, Bishop Cornelius | Gray Wm... IN IX 1 B A gn x | 3 10ns ce te the | for such a mark, and should they be there | « Jonah. -w: iHited anc iS Siaap fore Tas. 2 Gray Mathias 8 dress—that ours is a Gov ernment of, for P id f the Uni 1 ‘States : that they ) . ® LL rrJonan, twas the spirited answer. 1200 Carson John.. a To ! and by the people. Undoubtedly that was | shell oles the dele ates that they | hoth saddle and post will be removed. Hf | [| Lo Duncan David. 1 Chana, Ra ‘hat the wi roti 3 shall choose the delegates to Congressional you want to make the private mark on any | Ty} deol =: iw Gray Roberts. 3 +3 163 Hopkins Joseph. 17 69 what the wise, patriotic founders intended 3,4 Legislative Conventions which a * SL Al 1e marigold goes to sleep with the sun | -, Grope Smith \ 163 Hopkins John... 36 38 it to be. but wi : a segislative Conve f homi- | part of your frame, say on the underside of | 3d remains qui nai fr HO Rz in. : 153 Haines Reuben Jr. 38 11 it to be, but with new lords come new gov- | ate members of Congress and State Sena- b ’ 1 and remains quiescent until sunrise. | 5380 Hubby Bernard 7 45 4 5 } erning methods and forces, and if President ye -Ongress and State Sena- | the top tube, turn your wheel upside down | { 106 126 Hahn Wm.. ! ix Homme Poms 23 Lincoin were living to-day, and were to | Jom and Representatives, and that these | and remove a portion of the enamel, say | = | 144 Logan Wi. 3 13 a ie wy oad the several agreements made res] | latter Cony ohn shall hame- the legisla- | one inch by one inch, and clean well till ‘Tourists. | ws Moller avo 2 164 Hair Christian. 21 92 tively by certain Pittsburg politicians and | tors who elect Federal Senators. This | the metal is freed from any part of the en- | . . 8§ Painter Jolfn.. 1: 1% Lab Davide Fite Senator, > ould hs _ | type-written agreement, however, proposed | amel. Then cover the space so cleaned with | re : : 125 Richardson Isic 2 92 Hunilion Hugh. 12 1) Senator Quay, he would unquestionably | t take from the people of the State their : : . | —For St. Paul and Minneapolix. The “North- | 135 Reed Daniel 295 | ; Haines Reuben i fifty the 1 {f his & J peop . ® yb a greasy material—candle grease, for in- le _ ih : el : te = 032 0f 433 153 Irwin Robert. ux 61 modily the language of his famous memo- | right to do any of these things, and place Saher ther talk ointed nat ’ 8 gl Western Limited,” sumptuonsly equipped with | 118 281 1 567 108° Trwin James P. 2 41 . . 3 v ES » F £1 stance : le a ‘ § . i ; 5 | 12 ; d BE % P. 26 ial speech by excluding from its applica- | them all in the hands of Mr. Quay abso- | some 2 ul he Di i ~ | butfet, smoking and library cars, regular and com- ba 2 , Jordan Benj.. 9 09 tion the people of the State of Pennsyl- | jutely : a > web the WIE CArDONC |, nent sleeping cars, and luxurions dining | 116 Zeigler Michae 3 King Robert. 68 00 _ vania oll y. . rack. Proceed to: write your initials. or] = 1. cee Chicago vi he North Avectiu inns AOARIor 0 aul ds 106 Lowden John 18 16 ™ intelli fs te & | Remarkable as these documents are in| private mark on the tubing, being sure | oo coor (ese via the Sorth-Western Line | HAINES TW 153 Lenhore Christian, 25 13 The intelligent citizens of this State can- | their purpose to take from the people and : Ta a UE | (Chicago & North-Western Ry) at 6,30 p. m. daily | 196 3 153 Lewis David. 12 13 % have failed ve i Tint | : ake peop that you have sufficient acid on the point- | aL ii = EG > 10 Iatimore Fociee Ed not have atled to perceive long ago that | to Jodge wholly in the hands of Mr Quay on : and arrives at destination early the following | 88 : I iw Lattimore George 25.12 they were politically 1 b ii SX 0 2, aha x, ay | ed ‘pen’ before you begin. After allowing i tae a [ 494 139 Brown R. F 8 163 Lattimore W. wa es Wem Loutienliy cormlled, hut, wntil | 1); pelitieal power of the people, ThapRents the nei to Tenvs 1s trace on the bing you ong A prety ticket stents sell steltaty Brown John 6 Lawrence Caspe 197 the exceedingly frank Pittsburg agree- | vo 3 i = 5 T ed : : ng y via this popular route. | tare Thon > 7 Low ichar a6 ments were made public, they pe Td did Yet pe a ARI > Ren y POI | can rub off the grease, and one application 2 : Ls i 1 um. AE not similarly see that they have heen for | w t 3 Th ih iv 23 ety ng par- | of enamel will cover all trace of the mark | Cheap Excursions to the West and North- [100 Gratz Michael. 2 147 Lathrope Wm 21 3 years in the political shambles, hung up | DU dy amin you lave made. Asan ext precaution 1 Wesh | io pA i id. 2 34 he rien 1 : 7" o R : . oy a) re Was i startli inthe , - 3 CTV -3 . iv i 400 i arrison Wm... T7311 = vw Maysto dwar 3 and sold outright to Senator Quay. That | Thx was nothing tartling in the agree- | would advise every one having & private | , aareh 10 and April 7, 1896, the North-West | 288 Henry Joseph. 10 36 | 200 McPherson Wn. 11 00 the Ledger is justified in saying that that is | ment su hmitted by Mr. Brown and myself, | mark on his or her wheel to keep it to him- ert Line (Chinnze & North: Westors 15). will sel | 12 Henry Joseph. 4 02 | 433 153 Malone Richard. 33 48 thes litical ition todav 3 od | 3S 1t was a practical reproduction of the | self. I have had cases where wheels were a Seft 40 13 Irvin Robert... 776 433 153 Myers Jacob. 110 34 €Ir political condition to-day 18 proved | Tein A £ 18 pi Home Seekers excursion tickets at very low rates | 400 126 Irvin's Margire 7 20 | 433 163 Miller Jacob 25 12 ‘Jusivel ‘e think. by the following | 28reement made in August o 90, and | stolen from owners by their most intimate 2 \nPes oT of noite in Northen Wis | 435 Ki he x4 | 433 153 Miller Jol 12 conclusively, we think, by e following | t a : > i A y v to a large number of points in Northern Wiscon- | 435 Kid John..... 784 | 433 153 Miller John. 25 12 d hich we 1 vith b | signed Senator Quay and N. P. Reed on | friends.”’—Chicago Zimes-Herald. 3 l : : so le Linn John B 2 49 | 433 163 McConnel Matthew 25 12 correspondence, which we herewith repub- | one part, and Mr. J. O.Brown and myself sin, Michigan, Northwestern Iowa, Western Min- | "of os un yo 37 of 433 153 Morgan B. R 21 lish at lenth without fear that its produc- on the oudier he > Ti : Yi f ; : i nesota, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dako- | 110 Parker Willigm.. 2 00 | 100 McCord J. R. & A. Campbell... “8 8) tion will be found tedious. E Pare his agreement. min op The Olympic Games. ta, including the famous Black Hills district. For | 436 Simpson John.. 7 86 | 24 of 433 163 Musser John. “ 25 10 Mr. Parker L, Walter, a Pittsburg 3 | a period of four years, and when it expired | = is : ; | 44 Scribner David 7 07 | 433 MetzgerJacoh. 62 36 I. Farker L. ‘alter, a rittsburg jour- | Si ) a Different Stories as to Their Origin Among the Greek | full information apply to ticket agents of connect- | AH so: ’ yo ian Mi . ld : ra N an “94 | Senator Quay called Mr. Brown and myself r ; ; ! i Scribner E. H 7 62 | 433 Miller Jane.... 6 05 nalist, wrote to Mr. Quay on December 24, | Pt Tribes ing lines or address, H. A. Gross, (i. E. P, A, 423 | 25. Tidd Wm 4 53 | 433 153 Miller Robert 12 13 1595 ae-follows | to a meeting at the Duquesne Hotel when 2 radians. Ro Vt ata Tintin dts "435 153 Pinkerton He 35 parE 48 OV i- > 3 5 . ; aaway, he 1:5 H-14-1t | HALF MOON TWF rm aie iy foliar Senter: doa ron the agreement was destroyed. He compli Each tribe wished for itself the credit of | re— a Sack. Dani ay Passmore Bryson anc 8 40 ear Senator : Joe Brown sent me at noon to- | mented us on our fairness and integrity in 2 : : Pct : i — — Beck Daniel... 3061333 153 Rudisill Jacob... 28 00 day and asked me if any terms could be made ; the hoot f th vs oh having established the festival which drew | 21 Curtin Roland 242403 47 Rush Jacob.. 135 (x with you. I said nothing but a complete lay-down. | the keeping of the agreement. to Olympia the strength, beauty and intel- New Advertisements. Elder Abraham... 10 09 | 433 153 Rush Benj...... 38 17 He kept me here until now. First he went over hy ; her d 20T, i Z : w & al i : Lambourn Josiah 14 89 | 38 Robison Wm. H 3 I Le MLNoy, nist I em ¥ hy one or another o the agreements ligence of all Greece. : Some claimed that | === = : ; . — | rie Jacobs... 790 on tt Wo NH 2 Magee and this is the resuit, and is their formal | Was Not consummated by the chaffering Zeus established the festival to commemo- | SHORT STORY Pyle David..... 2 44 | 433 Reighart A...... 25 13 offer to you, known only to them, myself and | leaders of the contending factions is ex- | rate his success in the contest with Cronus | A : wR 2 [m7 Thompson John 10 06 | 433 Roker Christian 38 11 Fe Nagao will retive trom notiohal. State and eify | plained by the same authority ; the first | for the sovereignty of heaven, a myth | 4 pi Se Ti = Spends Sade " In polities ; Flinn will do the same after the Feb. above quoted would have been perfected, | which seems to point to a Pelasgic origin | | 112 9 24 | 433 S led a ’ 511% nary elections if you think best, and merely work = he states, but for Senator Flinn’s provision | of the games. | | Hl 201 | 433 Siddens Eleanor 51 14 : i : i 8 y > wi i i ; : te oTte ol — IN. Unlinewh ; 3 ie . ’ a5 0 Alpen hayisnng A prep out | that Mr. David Martin, of this city, should | The Achzans coveted the honor for their | | an sl - Sohamer Sit a cessor. You are to name all delegates from Alle- be similarly dealt with regarding the trans- hero Atreus, and Strabo for the Etolians. | ! mn Bell Jol Eakins i Scott Andrew....... oe mn gheny CMY $0 Sige Convention; ou re to fer of the anti-Quay voters of Philadelphia | More widely credited was the belief that i {sir a ) : Steek Jacob... 14 33 : p { I's Legislature Se 4 § - X . at + . 1 . 2 t res > EM rrani (House and Sen, | 4 the Senator. He says : the games were established by the Cretan | w[ kEs-BARRE LIFE—INTERESTING TO | 50 Conley Adam. 11 i 24 4 delegates. : : - “I took the train to Philadelphia and no- | Hercules, who in play challenged his broth- om Edibion iil 2 Smith Mary. 16 65 Shen or ier Clty nomihes dexue pli Ane, tified Mr. Martin of my conversation with | ers to run a race, and to crown the victor | PHF PUBLIC AT LARGE [122 Henry Stophel........ Br Sones ony i 12 54 s arded as 8 { Xr 8 p y s 1 ‘ a) rs Ar s oii “ 3.10. JARGE., \ ain - a . i] p 213 re A or awn ther ide | Senator Quay, and we both agreed that |v ith a branch of wild olive. To the inter- t L400 Harrison Wm. x Witnter Jnl 2 a ley to be defeated even if nominated. when peace was made it should be made | est of the Dorians was the myth of Apollo | Jo Jann 3 Weidman John. 52 An Dro ell downy Jortin ind dane with both municipalities at one time. outrunning Hermes and Ares. : Johtison Thoinne. 12 ejgman eipoh 173 02 give va Legislature and national defegates. It appears however that when subse- But such myths do not necessarily imply ‘ i a) McCandless Wm. : Welsh ann : 2 Hn “Any man you may name to be supported for quently Mr. Quay submitted his terms for | & remote antiquity for the events to which | iii or rk Flounn: Wilson Wm.. 33 01 SO ven suggested so far, except cers | the unconditional surrender of Mr. Martin | they give a poetic coloring. It is more to Many a reader of this in Wilkesharre 412 124 Parker Thomas i Joan 2 i $ = so far, except cers | . ¢ . ri v as soe » large watch si i - Ran Ln a son J oy 7 tain lines for investigation here. All hona fide | to that leader they were not subscribed to, the point that Homer describes ses eral of fas id oe i oh is, fe ji 152 Sankey Thomas Whois Btn v 5 o wrong-doing of Brown, Flinn, Magee or others to and the effort to sell and deliver the politi- | the contests. represented afterward in the I en Bri the iin ig 135 amb ie Jomintr. Wisen Wm......000 0 12 80 > : | . 1 . . . s S € e § 202 i Stee at. bo Shows UD. eet vou at my house in early morn. | ©81 Tights of citizens of Philadelphia and | great national games, and that some of that Robert W. Haight, watchmaker, | a Steel Jumes.. SPRING TWP. ing alone. After talk with him, Flinn to come and Pittsburg in a lump to Mr. Quay failed. then may even be found in Egyptian wall Id Joa a Shoe] Alien Forbes Samttel. wl 13 give such guarantees as you may ask for. ' There it no intelligent citizen of Penn- | paintings of the second and third mill- be oa vou ue ne | is ee Lo Sones Sol | " a say Hastings gyvlvania in whom there survives a single | enium before Christ.—The ‘‘Old Olympic Haight at this address, ready and | a0 Steel Robert. hie ot a “This must be arranged, they say, before the gleam of public spirit who can thoughtful- Games,” by Professor Allan Marquand, in ph pen by 5 Hy adm ton, | dN Sample Rober McClure Wm. 5 On 3 . . | . > y . i ¢ s called, is ) S . « committee meets here, and must be absolutely a | ly consider the above stated agreements Century. be a comparatively easy in on ou th Jon Puiu, bn i Wire me early, so I ean tell Brown , and negotiations without the profoundest the constitution of a man, hut this is [510 «Unknown : Robison Rebecca 4 50 “Write what vou desire done to 117 Linden Sense of humiliation, indignation and dis- A Billion Dollar Congress. Hot the ease,” Whe songhang stoopitis yd gw Wilson David. Rohison_ Richa 30% : eri. Dittshur i ses : position maintained while at work | Wilson Wm 101! uy 2 "iornbiitg Thom: on avenue, East Liberty, Pittsburg. | gust. That the citizens of this great old . rings with | nt i hr) V ils 1. { 92 102 iornburg Thoma 27 : Yours, ete, l ominonYoalih shold he Is 5 les That is What the Present Body Will be and More, Too arings Sy h 1 nny Ho Sg i, : { Williams Edwa 16 67 100 Unknown..... 307 “paper 1. Warrex. iY 2h shoe be openly, rech oss The Bill to Approve of a Committee Between the Soh Po JoRS IL Line Shea She ae i Wilson Peter 1 3700 Wilson Wm. * } 70 : lv, sh fully 1 h flick tion of the kidneys, and this is just | 27 Work David 9 02 y - - 1y, shamefully made the mere trathcking ; ya A ] ; | - 210 Wilson Win.................o...ovee: 170 The Joe Brown above mentioned is the co oditios Sif © ves % United States and the State of Arkansas Adopted what it did in the case of Mr. Haight, {a1 Work Joseph... : 110 a . i is commodities if the political market, in| "= Senate—Objections Made to An Ynvestiga- and he began to look fora remedy Ie ur Wah eee ‘12 82 SNOW SHOE TWP. ’ 133 Bayard Andrew 153 Canningham D. H 80 Carscadden D..... Dalton Hugh Dobson James, Dobson Samuel. 163 Fisher Samuel W. 163 Fisher James C.. Holt Edgar... Wharton Ale Wharton Alex. MeLanahan Sarah. Norris J 3 Nesbit John.. of 433 to be “‘the mutual political and business = of this grand old Commonwealth can be in | publican, of Illinois, and some criticisms of | Williams Dani Young Benj....... i 53 | 211 72 Hahn Peter. PATTON TWP. 65 40 Hahn Wm... > 219 39 James Margaret 28 86 | 15 155 James Edward.. 3 851 59 40 Johnson David.. yao Joh.. ingle J. J... 390 | 37 160 Mansell Win IS 12 1 365 300158 a ae, cordance with law, for distribution by the | locality, and people who have watched and 40 i ingle J es was as follows : secretary of agriculture. The seed must be | noted the conditions in a period of fifty 8 Lucas JM J. “Until January 1, 1900, the following shall be the delivered on or before thirty days. from | years says it holds good. It is to be hoped 7] Miles Evan. political conditions in Allegheny county : Mr. | 17th of March. so, for a good fruit crop, whatever else goes 50 Miles Evan... Quay is to have the absolute support (of the sign- wrong, usually mean a fair amount of pros- 146 Packer and Lue, ers hereof in State and National politics, and is to perity. : My Packer and Lue advantages which may result therefrom’’ to any manner or degree controlled by men | it hy Messrs. Sayers, Democrat, of Texas, Die wis lameness and stiffness in the 406 120 Benham Ebene: 183 67 216 Rainy Jokert i the parties to it. Among other things it whose very names are bye-words and cast [and Dockery, Democrat, of Missouri, iv ® jk. A oaring DI 2 Pune Gates. ey 15) nn pains Jowp). provides that Pe : scorn upon their bearers. But it is fair to | was read for amendment. Thirteen pages Doan’s Kidney Pills a good and safe [505 120 Dunwoody John. 1 03 2 Wharton Mary M.. : g The sald y Sy is 3) his . he Dene Senator Quay and his pliant, unscrupulous | were disposed of with but one amendment pnein, 2 : I promod fiom to { 6h fannie Sree, 1; West Francis........ 1e influence in all matters in State and nationa . . EL : y others, No better proof of merit can 1166 ayes ert and 22 TAYL EP, politics of the said parties agreeing that they will henchmen to say that not they, but the appropriating $100,000 toward the comple- dl er Dn OD [1 wi esta 2 TAYLOR TWI secure the election of delegates to the State and people themselves, are responsible for their | tion of the public building at Newark, N. ed by those who know hy experience. Fao Parson Thomas 1 Addidman Wm. 2 Nuon) onvertion. who wy be Foie) in all arbitrary, blighting political rule. The | J. Call on Mr. Haight if you doubt this, 100 Roberts Joseph 4 ho Ss = 2 mattersby the wishes of the said party o e first Fr avip ph : . od . . nr 5 } For sale by all dealers. Price {406 102 Stevenson Pete 16 6. or moa a got part (Quay,) and who will also secure the election people have giv en them the extraordinary During the debate Mr. Dockery Stated cents. Mailed hy Foster-Milburp( a 20S Scott Williamy......................... i oy 48 153 Copenhaver John 13 43 of members of the State Senate from the Forty- power they exercise, to the deep humilia- | that in his judgment the appropriations | Buftalo, N. Y., sole agents for thé U. 8. : MARION TWP i Donning Joseph. i third; Fost ininth And Forty Spentoriel i tion of Pennsylvania. They are but the | made by this congress would exceed $1,000,- Remember the name, Doan’s, and take McA D.. ; - [ATS Tote: To riets, SO Secu: po elec < . ois, ra v oe B v ) ap? 41- arcis A. DL. 3 6 ut o ¢ oe Be ater Tovah of the Mo. creatures of the criminal indifference of | 000,000. The house at 5.05 adjourned un- nooo; ne 1 MeKinney David 7 Lamb John... 15 5 _nongahala and Ohio rivers, in the county of Alle- voters to their duties of citizenship, the | til to-morrow. 5 tite Leo McKinney J. M 3 Montgomery W. W.. 40 34 gheny, who will be guided by the wishes and re- first, greatest and most sacred of all their ! I TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED McKinney J. M 4 #4 Montgomery John. 40°36 hess of the said party of the first party (Quay) dutics It is upon this indifference that . LANDS. —for taxes for 1804 and 1805— 107 Miles James 91 09 43 153 Doris Marion, +. - 26 85 during the continuance of this agreement upon . y pon : > f > that Pa Was Cheated. Agreeable to the provisions of law relating to the | Rohrer Chris 7 56 | 433 163 Snyder Barbara... 26 35 all political matters.” these trading politicians exist and thrive. \ : l . | sale of unseated tracts of land for the non pay- Rohrer Christ 7 561 TAYLOR TWP. A eeing the parties of the we. ReDICC it with popular political interest | The widower had married again, and hiv ment of taxes Soci bs bervhciven tht there a SE Thom John Wo ts 2 7 egislation affectin 1¢ parties o e se- y ok y ) aq - r lady z 5 rears > exposed » sale or ‘ry the - | Shoemake Bj. 3 93 a cond part aftecting citi of the second class, and energy , and our s, their round- ioe Won esi Jods hos 30 Foan ing tracts of unseated lands in county of Centre, : Unknown ... 1 10 UNION-TWE. shall receive the hearty co-operation and assis- ers’ and ‘‘heelers’”” of all degrees, will | Of age. en the bride ana ridegroom | pa, for taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Unknown ... : 183] a1 Dunwoody John......... ; 8 22 tance of the party of the second part, and legisla- cease to he.— Phila. Ledger. returned home from the wedding the hus- Court House, in the Borough of Bellefonte, on i 2 MILES TWP. 30 Fisher Ira & Boyce Di 3 tion which may effect their business shall likewise - band introducing the wife to the children MONDAY, JUNE THE 8111, 1806 Lit» Rindy Wm. P. 4 oo | 130 Hall Robert. 20 46 receive the hearty co-operation and help of the wy. 2 v : i MEANS Ami 170 Hoover Geo 2} 12 first part (Quay). 100,000,000 Packets of Seeds, mt 1 nild Kish ths fud at 1 o'clock p. » NLD ! Ww Brady wa 2 1 [ 100 Long James.. 9 (0 : pn dear children, kiss this lady ; she SENNER TWP. ET : ® 100 Long James.. 9 00 Tt appears however, that this agreement, : : . y £ ’ } YS 20 Brady John. 400718 £ 0 y : 5 The secretary of ; in aecord- | is y S ; YE te . i Am ii NS ~ : 2 vi 150 Mendenhall John.. 16 95 which provided for handing over to the ab- os etary agriculture, in accord is the new mamma I promised to bring ' i pix pre. WARRANTEE NAMES, crs | 300 Boyd Thomas 6.002 Mites Joreph.. > solute domination of Senator Quay the elec- "°C with the mandate of congress, has pre! | you, Ha Hale J. M 54pm Potoghers Tames 0 Miles Samuel. 13 75 > Tht : Y sented a circular letter to be sent immed-| After taking a steady look at the “new 3 Hutchinson 245 | 200 Curthers Thoma: i 00 on Phipps Samuei.... iL torate and the political affairs of the peo- | . ny NEO Soll Plas =n | 123 Dorsey John..... 6 00 BH iately to all known reputable growers of ma,’ little Charlie said : fonnsent Pham in ines Josi 51 | FALKER © le of the Commonwealth, and which also | : Pp LE mata, Aittie Sharliie Sala; Johnson James 2 65 | 100 Haines Josiah. 151 WALRIR TE: pie 9) ) : and dealers in seeds throughout the United ‘Pa, you've heen cheated ! She isn’t Johnson Eleanor = an | 250 Housel Peter. 3811 92 94 Asker Robert. 2 42 provided that he should be the sole arbiter | gi, “asking them to furnish at reasonable | new at all I” nl 3 58 | 100 Hephinti dines 176212 10 Baker John. aT of all State legislation, including his own eos 0 the deoartineit ton nullion k > Lingle J. 458 | 290 Jackson Jeremiah. 450 162 Brooks Rush. 42 re-election to the Senate of the United | P iy pas Tr Purdue John. 3 61 | 320 Kitts George... 3 001247 65 Baker Robert 6 01 5 : ets of garden, field and flower seeds, begin- H It'll Prove T Smith John... Ns 42 | 400 Lake Richard 20 00 | 280 129 Currier Mar: 6 76 States, was not considered by him to be |." igh" Agparagus and ending with ope Tren Smith John Jr 122 | 9-16 of 492 134 Miles Wi. 10 38 | 60 Currier Mary. 165 wholly satisfactory, it being deemed less! op, "nuit nh Of Dackets will bey "If the old fashioned weather wr 1 ae a { 7-16 of 402 134 Miles Wn. 838 | 115 113 Daugherty Margaret. 2 85 stringent and too circumscribed to satisfy | vo, DSF Ol packets w) e old lashioned weather prophets | (BOGE PRY | 300 Parker Wm... 1400 | 179 110 Daugherty Elizabeth... 4 32 : h Tate 1 of the | Biven to each member and delegate in the | prove true, the coming summer will see a 201 120 Aston George 8 32 | 207 Seigfried Jacob. 407 41 Dunwoody John.. 5 48 his demands for the absolu _control 0 © Ronse of representatives and to cach United 5 1ific vield of trait. A li 150 Chancellor Wm. 12 57 | 277 Swinefried Pete 326, 69 39 Evans Jesse... 169 Pp ives al eac most prolific yield of fruit. According to . : i rovernment of Pennsylvania. Upon the Ter gis : > 300 Davis Nathaniel. 1948 | 74 Seigfried Jacob. 188 100 39 Evans Jesse 2 4) g y po : i | 8 authority of his son it is stated that hecon- States senator 15,000 packets for distribu- | popular theory, if the sun shines bright on | 150 Davis Sampson. 1297 | 275 Tripp John..... 246 | 92 26 Eckert Wm. 2 23 ade ated oy form of | tion among his constituents, after deduc- | St. Patrick’s day, as it did last week, there 14 Forbes Sumuel. 1781 12 Wharton Moore. SMD Fry George. iI ScAnecntly prepare ahd su 2 ting one third of the whole amount, in ac- | is invariably a large harvest of fruit in that ' 3% 163 Frazier Walbro. bs yy dod yeolt Andrew, 140205 55 Gilbert William. 35 2 2 . 431 6321 31 129 Gilbert William. i 20 Burton Robert... Burton Robert Diehl Adam 2 a8 | Diehl John.. 1724 20 Diehl Adam GRAPES FOR HEALTH.—The use of ripe TIL TUS = = 2 U1 sustain through his friends all Fogy lar Republican | Price John...... - Dich! Thon ine strai iza- . : . | ; cle ames 54! 0! 7 DOs and the straight Republican organiza grapes for dinner is of great benefit to the | 12 120 Bowland dames. 3 Sf Diehl Nicholas Sr 9 9 Nf Meroer Jonni Hoh, ‘ : Self Taught English. 1 83 Shaw Robert wis & o 327 100 Mercer David. “If M . Aldate for the Chis human system, and the Pure Grape Juice, 421 89 Scott John 18 81 | 120 Diehl Nicholas S 2340 | 384 36 Miller Wm... 0 F. Quay 13 a esndidate for properly preserved, is valuable for weakly ; + Toinlainn i 20 Scott Samue 10 31 | 108 Diehl Nicholas 96 | 145 Miles Samue 30 6 ted States Senate in 1899 he is to have the d inv Lids The Port G Wine I have before me a letter from a Parisian 180 90 Wister Wi.. g25( Diehl Nicholas Jr.. 48 5 Mckee Samael united support of the Senators and members | PETSONS a0C INVA ICS. e Port Grape Wine | friend, a gentleman of some literary note 130 Wister W.. ; 683] Diehl Nicholas Jr. wai, Hoke Saved : 3 and the Grape Juice preserved at his own |i, hi ; who inf ay | 63 Diehl Nicholas Jr. Tosh nD ) ad f the Legislature from Allegheny count; : in his own country, who informs me that BURNSIDE TWP. : ag 3 59 Usman Capt. 7 of the egheny Y- | vineyards by Alfred Speer of New Jersey : ; ” . 130 Ellis Wm....... WAI BD ph 2 In every other case his leadership is to be | 1 ne peer 0 J Ys | he is learning English by the aid of a small 433 163 Bell Alexander 160M 6 Gover Robert. aN aH ay followed by a united support in the Legis- is pronounced by the leading medical ex- | text-hook and a dictionary, without any #5 163 Beyer John. Hl W Kline John..... gaty Dicher Jana i Y : 2 perts the most reliable to he obtained. |; : is ; ime 140 22 Cox Paul. 462160 McKean Robert 29 201 gy tchard,... lature and in National and State Conven- iad ots instructor ; and he adds : “In small time 1 e076 Hall Charie Tom. a id aim Parker Richard. 1 tions, except where a bona fide candidate | “OC Y ¢TU8EIH. I can learn so many English as I think I $Zofs33 173 Hall Charles. 28 211 O'Brien John. 3018 Durites Riclinid oH appears in Allegheny county. | will come to America and go on the scaf- 435 163 Runies Mes) mae hielo, 3219 | Dre lit 2 3 PE the Nati 10 nvention of 1896 the ——Forest fires“cost this State last year | fold to lecture.’’ Li 163 ami ton ons. 143 121 4 West Thomas - o1 Piles Beni & €o. 1: nt Re al ong: T 0 He $1 But thic len sul] ton ihe Ru Haris jie) - 19: a5 Wilson Wilson 53T 6s Robison Richard 1: delegates from the Twenty-second Congres- ,000,000 » LLL = Bo : an Ong ob 42: 3 2 PENN TWP. 173 Robison Richard. 81 sional District shall sustain Senator Quay. pared with the $1,200,000 which the State | CONFIDENTIAL ADVICE. —To either sex #14 LE vi how Cook Wm 492/10 - Robinson R....... 50 Unless otherwise agreed hereafter, Mr. Ma- Forestry Commission says has been lost in | on diseases of a delicate nature. Enclose DBR ME 318 200 McCally Wn 628 | 88 Af Robinson Richard 3 gee shall not be a delegate to either the Na- | 40 years by the burning of young saplings | ten cents for large illustrated book, sent 216 163 Parker Je 715) aw Montgomery hn, i a8 a Finger Anaham ny yt i rani 0 vati i 3 Stewnr ws | 276 ontgomery Daniel.. 8 66 ht = "ben SE tionol or State Convention of 1896. | in Pennsylvania. There are other losses | sealed, secure from observation in plain en- 1 i ge ry bi os of 170 ia a1 150 Scott & Alexande 19 “In the Senatorial districts now repre- | connected with the wasteful destruction of | velope, World’s Dispensary Medical Asso- |p. Stewart Ann 172 ‘of 170 Swineford Peter... 207 16 Scott & Alexander 8 sented by Steel and Upperman, the sitting forests, but these are enough. to point the | ciation, Buffalo, N. Y. ax 1s Wallace Jos, 1: POTTER TWP. | 247 Oo Stier James. 23 Senators shall retire and Senator Quay and Moral. Li Wheatley Henry 4 " Bond Mary... 1060 | 50 Swanay Wn. : 3 in fri > y - : : OP : : an NERY s . 0 ! risbin John... 96 | 192 Varden Jeremiah g hin friends shall name the successor to Sen ; : : Austria's Emperor rakes in every #5 18 og Samuel, Derringer Christ. 10 08 | 422 Wickersham Amo ator Upperman. : ——A course of Hood’s Sarsaparilla this | day $12,500. The Czar of Russia scoops in“ hin Frick John Jr.. 5 RT | 130 Wickersham Amos. “For Legislative and State Conventions spring may be the means of keeping vou | the snug sum of $30,000 every twenty-four 147 . Johnson Ross... Gurrigus Edwa 78 12 Wilson Robert...... , ; 5 d hi A A = A A 1 4h Garrigus Wm... vas] 4 Zantzinger Paul 6 5 for the year 1896, Senator Quay an 13 well and hearty all summer. hours. 2 Johnson Thoma $00 Hoftman Wn 9 30 | 159 Zantzinger Paul re WA friends shall name the members and dele- : - SLRIR Th. Bo gd a gates from the First, Second, Sixth, a rook. Jesse . Hunter Alexander en use . Seventh and Eighth Legislative Districts. INMuminating Oil. 2 Brady Win. P. 400 Hosts Wan. 2 40 es Henry i After 1896 the personnel of the delegates in re : : — es 1 oh Br Patterson Benj.. ) 5 i 300 Hawthorn Thom RX 7 the Sixth and Eighth District shall be a i Brady Wn, Seat) Sonia). AE EE i ny i SI a ——— ‘ ‘uster Panl.. Sawyer Wm.. 6 08 s Joseph... 3 matter of conference between the parties SK FOR HL mms ere et ep 0 wy ! y 2 po ML Es la. i Gog | 103 83 Kuhns Abraham 29 hereto, and, if no agreement he arrived at, 4 \ : i tv todires Join 61 Telly Ferrell... 7 614 247 130 Kuhns George To shall be settled by arbitration. Senatorial Cl Godfrey John Vanderslice Henryg a0 Bohn Masia 11 32 i int itv i 3 120 Hall Charles... sit rwh rE 8 ds by appointments in the city of Pittsburg shall me ROOK ET ON ST FH dy . RUSH TWP Lawman George be first indorsed by the parties hereto resid- === THE, BOOKLET ON “LIGHT: i il 135 Mixon John Mavland Jasper ing there. 100 Kelso Joseph. Allison James. ] iles Samuel. : 3 Allison Andrew........ Ross John....... “No legislation is to be had at Harrisburg 5 AND Aa Allison A. and John Lilly. Shippen Thomas L.. or desired, the effect of which will be to in- : . 17 ” A stone Anibiw.. ¢ Swansik Jon. jure the character or’ business interests of 1 Shoo bch. 17 2 < Shger . ne the Pittsburg parties hereto. This, how- {rn or g \ | Latin Srl. 1G; Beverage David. 25 09 | 100 Unknown... ever, not to interfere with the general re- \ BURN CROWN ACME OIL, 2000 Palmer John. in Priviies i Lie thy ister Rapiel., . y . . . : tinal Yotny Hi rickley Dx 2]. 36 M ster oe form legislation outlined in the platform of J Gi pete - Bory Jobin. a 2a NOT the Republican State Couvention of 1895. ! an rn ss on Yomenliaues John. 560 i In Jucstamen with Hip act of June Uh, INT, in ‘ a Wwe te a MN Ql Be TH SL Ce - . cor JUNO . Chestnut Samuel. 2 | terest wi ie added to the amount of «a AXES as. * In the 1 wenty second Congressional Oeel(ILY 8 THE BUSY LIGHT IN THE WORLD. ) NN $9 Crewit Alfred.......... 16:3 Die Doni on n sessed against unseated lands above advertised District the candidate for ongress shall he : i aap 36s Ferguson Thoms Dentler Wm... 4418 JOHN Q. MILES. named by the Pittsburg parties, and shall :0-37-1y AND IS ABSOLUTELY SAFE. 12 Glasgow Silas... Eberman Philips NT 4-14 we, alepunty Treasurer, &, » 2 .