—— . A Joyful Wedding at Wallace Run. A Great Offer. Katz & Co. Limited. : New Advertisements. The happy and impcrtant event of last week, on Wallace Run, at the home-of the bride’s parents, was the marriage of Clara E. Witheriie, to Harvey H. Bottorf of Beaver, on Thursday March 19th, 1896. As the hands of the clock pointed to three o'clock Miss Mattie Harnish gave notice that the happy hour had come by bringing forth from the organ the he beautiful echoes of the “fairy” wedding march. Miss Myrtle Friel acting as bride’s- maid and Mr. Allen Zelgler us grooms- man were followed by the happy pair who were united in wedlock by Rev. J. F Kelly, pastor of U. B. church, in the presence of about fitty invited guests, the ring cere- mony having been used. After the congratulations were tendered the assembly were invited to partake of a bounti- fal provided supper, Messrs Edward Hancock, Edward Poorman, Mrs. Quinna Witherite, Ellen Witherite and Mrs. Friel acting as waiters, while Daniel Poorman saw that the carving of several turkeys and chickens was done in proper style. The evening was gassed very agreeably together. The guests were about to depart when the calithumpian band made known its presence by making Rome howl. The door was opened and about 75 persons both young and old, rushed in to pay their respects, and share in the feast. he bride and groom were the receivers of a fine lot of handsome presents which were thank. fully received. TIA AAT SS RE Tribute of Respect. WHEREAS.—It has pleased an all-wise Provi- dence to remove, by death, Miss Elizabeth L. Fisher, one of our members therefore be it. Resolved : that while we recognize in this dispensation the hand of Him who doeth all things well, we sincerely mouin the loss of a useful member of our society. Resolved : that we deeply sympathize with the bereaved family, especially with the ones who are members of our scciety, and pray that our Heavenly Father may give them strength to endure their loss. Resolved : that a copy of these resolutions be sent the bereaved family, and that they be published in the DemocrATICc WATCHMAN and in the Keystone Gazette. By order of committee of the Y. P.S. C. E, of Boalsburg, Pa. : MARY HOSTERMAN, ALEXANDER MiLLEr, »Com. MATTHEW GOHEEN, Books, Magazines, Etc. Louisa M. Alcott is said to reveal herself in a most interesting way in a number of letters (written to five little girls) which are to ap- pear in the April Ladies Home Journal. These letters were written during the busiest per. iod of Mrs. Alcott’s life, and present a pen pic- ture of the author drawn by her own master hand. Inthese she talks with singular frank- ness of herself, her work, her aims, her home, her spiritual belief, and of the in- fluence that directed her to literature. She never saw any of her five correspondents, but their youthful frankness, intense interest in all her writings, and their love for the author and for the characters of her creations, impell- ed her to turn aside from her work and cares to find diversion in chats with such eagerly enthusiastic, admiring and sympathetic friends. Miss Alcott’s first letter is dated 1872, and the others were written at intervals up to within a short time of her death. Announcements. The following are the prices charged for an- nouncementls in this column : Congress $10.00; Assembly $8.00; Sheriff $8.00; Treasurer $8.00; Register $6.00 ; Recorder $5.00; Com- missioners $5.00. All candidates are required to pledge themselves to abide the decision of the Democratic county convention. LEGISLATURE. We are authorized to announce James Scho- field, of Bellefonte, a candidate for the nomi- | nation for assembly, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention. We are suthorized to announce Robert M. Foster, of College township, a candidate for the nomination for assembly, subject to the Jeeision of the Democratic county conven- tion. We are authorized to cnnounce A. C. ~ Thompson, of Half Moon township, a candi- date for the nomination for Assemblyman, subject to the decision of the Demoeratic county convention. SHERIFF. We are authorizéd to announce R. C. Gilli- land, of Snow Shoe township, a candidate for the nomination for sheriff, subject to the decis- ion of the Democratic county convention. We are atithorized to announce’ Geo. E. Parker, of Philipsburg, a candidate for the nomination for sheriff, subject to the decis- ion of the Democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce W. M. Cronister, of Worth township, a candidate for the nomination of sheriff, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce G. H. Ley- man, of Boggs township, a candidate for the nomination of sheriff, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of Jacob L. Runkle, of Bellefonte, a candidate for the nomination for sheriff, subject to the d30i8ion of the Democratic county conven=- on. 5 z We are authorized to announce Burdine Butler, of Howard township, a candidate for the nomination for sheriff, subject to the de- cision of the Democratic county committee We are authorized to announce John Noll of Bellefonte, a candidate for the nomination for sherifl, subject to the decision of the’Dem- ocratic county convention. ne COMMISSIONER. : We are authorized to announce Daniel Heckman, of Benner township, a candidate for the nomination for county commissioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention.* We are authorized to announce Geo. R. Williams, of Worth township, a candidate tor the nomination for county commissioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic county committee. s Henry Heaton, a farmer of Boggs township, presents his name as a candidate for county commissioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention. ® We are authorized to announce W. H. Wil- liams, of Worth township, a candidate for the nomination for commissioner, subject to the Jeoision of the Democratic county conven- on. We are authorized to announce P. fl. Meyer, of Harris tewnship, a candidate for the nori- nation for county commissioner, subject to the decisicn of the Democratic county conven- tion.* We are authorized to announce William H. Fry, of Ferguson township, a candidate for the nomination for county commissioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention. 7 RECORDER. We are authorized to announce A. R. Alex- ander, of Penn township Centre Co., Penna., a8 a candidate for the nomination for Recorder, subject .to the decision of the Democratic county convention. TREASURER. We are avthorized to announce that Frank Bowersox, of Ferguson township, will be a candidate for county treasurer, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention.*” We are authorized to announce Fred Kurtz, of Centre Hall, a candidate for the nomina- tion of treasurer, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce Calvin A. Weaver, of Haines township, a candidate for nomination for county Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Democratic county con- vention. * We are authorized to announce James Kim- port, of Harris township, a candidate for nomi- nation for treasurer, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention.® TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT! ° From April 1st, 1896, until Jan. 1st, 1897, - The DEMOCRATIC WATCHMAN will be sent to any address for the remarkably low price of ONE DOLLAR. A GREAT CAMPAIGN! We are on the eve of a campaign that will prove the greatest ever fought in the political arena of the country. We want a reliable, thor- oughly up-to-date newspaper in the hands of every reader possible and have made this great concession to accomplish such an end. RADICAL CHANGES. Within the next two weeks many changes will be made in the WATCHMAN, every-one of which are calculated to make it better than ever. It will be larger, brighter and generally a greater newspaper than it has ever been. FOR ONE DOLLAR, Any one can have the paper for nine months. Think of it. Never was such an opportunity af- forded before. The paper will be fair in its politics, compre - hensive in its local and general news depart- ments, all the while keeping up its standard of reliability. A BENEFIT TO PRESENT SUBSCRIBERS. This offer is not only extended to new sub- scribers, but all the present readers of the WATCH- MAN who have paid in advance will be credited with an amount in proportion to the reduction to re ‘others. : Those who are in arrears can receive the benefit of it by paying up at once. HELP US WITH THE WORK. We solicit every one of our many readers to tell their friends of the great offer, and prevail on ‘them to become readers also. The WATCHMAN should be in every home in Centre county, won't you help a little in putting it there. | l4o-1 5 | 1 { | THE GLOBE. pe DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY THE GLOBE'S SPRING OPENING APRIL 1st. 2nd. and 3rd. GRAND DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY DISPLAY ! : ; | of everything that is beautiful for Spring ’96. | KATZ & CO., Ltd. Faubles. SPRING OPENING Sap NEW CLOTHES. We know that clothes were never so handsome, never so cheap, and never in the history of Centre county has any concern attempted to show such a large and attractive assortment of styles and patterns as you will see with us. We have everything that a tasty, stylish dresser could desire. The newest styles and the lowest prices always with us. We want your custom. We want it now, and we want it always. Our prices, our method of doing business, (insuring you satisfaction or your money refunded) is the way we expect to obtain and re- tain your patronage. Come one, come all and see The Handsomest, ¢¢ Largest, «¢ DBesi, “Cheapest assortment of clothing ever shown in Centre county. FAUBLES, Brockerhoff Hotel Building. 40 10 OR RENT.—Good seven room house on Allegheny street, Bellefonte 2. BROW Apply to N, Jr. 1s 2 ARM FOR SALE.—The under- signed hereby give notice that the sale of the farm of W. E. Meek, known as the Robert Meek farm, situate in Ferguson town- ship, has been placed in the hands of W. C. Patterson, of State College, who has. tull and | complete authority to make sale of the same. 41-10-tf NELLIE H.MEEK, Committee ARM FOR SALE —The un: dersigned administrator of the estate of Samuel Walkey, Dec'd. offers the Samuel Walkey farm for sale. It js located near Hub- lersburg., Centre Co., Pa., contains 78 acres, has ood water, fine orchard and £33 buildings. ddress or call on HENRY WALKEY. PL Logan Street, Bellefonte, Pa. -12¢ A FTER ALL OTHERS FAIL Consult the Old Reliable DR.LOBB 320 N. FIFTEENTH ST., PHILA., PA. Thirty years continuous practice in the cure of all diseases of men and women. No matter from what cause or how long standing. I will guarantee a cure. 192-Page Cloth-Bound Book (sealed) and mailed FREE. 41 13 lyr. NNOUNCEMENT !—1 am with great sorrow compelled to make this public annouscement, that by the advice of the best oculists in this country it becomes necessary for me, ‘owing to increasing dif- ficulty with my eyesight to give up teaching music entirely. After carefully reviewing the situation I have decided to devote all my time to the sale of musical instruments of every de- scription particularly pianos and organs of the best make procurable. avy one wishing to purchase an instrument will save money by calling on me at my room, 28 Crider block, and learning particulars. 1-8-2m MISS 8. OHNMACHT. E ARE GIVING AWAY PREMIUMS! —ARE YOU GETTING ANY OF THEM "— If not, why not ? —— EVERYTHING FAIR. — Call on Miss Lillian Barrett, at the Tele- hone Exchange, and gt a Periodical Ticket ook FREE, have it explained to you, and then use the tickets atthe following stores in Bellefonte. Racket Store Co., F. B. Stover, Jas. Schofield, B. C. Achenbach, Miss M. Graham, C. M. Parrish, Miss B. Straub, Montgomery & Co., R.J.Schad. Jas. Harris & Co., 0. M. Sheetz. - 41-1-3mn - F. P, ‘Blair, Geo. T. Bush, E. L. Powers, UMPS.—Chain Pumpe, for rais- ing water from cisternsand wells, the est and lowest priced in the market. The Perfection Water Elevator and purifier known as the St. Joseph Bucket Pump for pur- Jing Cistern Water and elevating the same, This is the best pump to keep water pure ir cisterns ever invented. | A full line of force and lift pumps for use in | wells, deep or shallow, made of iron or wood, The wood pumps porcelain lined and galvan. ed iron pumps with brass fittings. SPRAY PUMPS,—for use in spraying sphle and other fruit trees. The ravages of the Cod- ling moth or apple worm has been so des- tructive that every farmer should make it an object"during the coming winter to study how to destroy this insect pest, and be ready to operate on it in the coming spring by the use fodsbm T" MGCALMONT & CO: Qupsiep SALES, By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias, is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas and to me directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale, atthe Court House, in the borough of Bellefonte, on SATURDAY, APRIL, 25ru, 1896. al 10 o'clock p. m. the following described real estate. All that certain messuage tenement and tract of land situate in Snow Shoe townshi gonnty of Centre and state of Pennsyl¥ahia, bounded and described as follows to wit: Beginning at a stone : Thence along lands of of John Hoy Jr., south 60° west 56 perches to a post: Thence along other lands of John H. Holt south 24° east 53 perches to a chestnut, oak : Thence along lands of Bellefonte Snow Shoe R. R. company south 89° east 204 perches to white oak, thence along other lands of John Hoy Jr., north 3° east 77 perches to a post: Thence along of John Hoy Jr., and Williata Holt, north 89° west 178 perches to the place of beginning containing 100 acres. Net meas- ure. No improvements. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of J. H. Holt. TerMs—No deed will be acknowledged unti purchase money is paid in fall. Sherift’s Office, JOHN P. CONDO, Bellefonte, Pa. Sheriff Wall Paper Store. A N IMMENSE STOCK OF 0 WALL PAPER ° WINDOW SHADES 0 0 0 0 0 .0-.0"" 0 0 0 ROOM and PICTURE. MOULDINGS 0 o [+] o o o 0 0 o 0 CURTAIN POLES and FIXTURES J oo | AT 0 0 | WONDERFULLY LOW PRICES. A Corps of Expert Fainters and Paper 4 Hangers. em AT mm S. H. WILLIAMS, 116 west High Street, " 41-10-8m BELLEFONTE, PA. 3 ro