Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 21, 1896, Image 1

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Ink Slings.
—To make matters more ludicrous |
they say QUAY is in earnest. i
—The spring election being over
look-out for a precipitation of candi-
dates for next fall.
— French cabinet crises come about as
frequently as do the street cars in a small
town on a stormy day.
— Bellefonte coupeils are not ready
to be reformed yet. Instead, they seem :
to be very well satisfied with Republican
—By the aid of the CrooKES’ tube it
might be possible to recover the body of
the long drowned McGINTY and giteit
Christian burial. = |
—Judging from the kind of weather
we had on Sunday and Monday Dr. |
NaNsex must have forgotten to close
the gate when he left the North pole.
—There is a skeleton in the closet of
the wall-paper trust that threatens to
rattle out and bust the concern. When
the trust was formed everyone said it
was a put up job on prices.
—The Bellefonte cow kicked Bus
such a mighty kick that she didn’t have
quite enough strength left to knock the
other curtailer of her liberty, GER-
BERICH, out in the West ward. 3
—There will need ba no identifica-
tion when BILL NYE pokes his head in
at ST. PETER’S door. BILL has paraly-
sis and was reported to be dying yester-
day, and it “aint no joke, either.”
—The President of the Transvaal re-
public receives within $10,000 per an-
num of as much salary as the President
of the United States. It is no wonder
Dr. Jim wanted to get such a job.
—~General Weyler, the new captain-
general of the Spanish forces in Cuba,
had better be careful lest the drastic
measures he is resorting to to purge the
island of its insurgents might bring
down recognition cf Cuban balliger-
ency. |
—Tke two Bellefonte fellows who
called at a minister's house, on Tuesday
evening, to get a “pull” at a half pint
were, of course, mistaken as to the house,
but nevertheless were nct too full at the
time to appreciate the joke on them-
ought to fight. If they do the former
intends to punch the red head off the
latter and the latter intends to fix the
former's eyes so that he will never be
able to see whether there are snakes in
Ireland or not.
—BEeN TILLMAN would more than
likely dispense something a little harsh-
er than ‘foul language or more deadly
than South Carolina whiskey if he could
get hold of the English newspaper men
who are saying that he is a representa-
tive of the “low white trash’ in the
balled by the CLEVELAND chamber of
comamerce, when his name was propos-
ed for honorary membership, on Mon.
day evening. It was done because he
is ‘a protectionist and an oppressor of
the poor.” This scunds very much ae |
if Tom JorNsoN wes back of it. !
—%he combine seems to have been
given new life by the unloading of the
Governor, whom the New York Sun
MARTIN swept Philadelphia clean as a
whistle and MAGEE did the -same in
Pittsburg. Now since QUAY has al-
ways been sure of the country precincts
we’d like to know where the Governor’s
dung hilliis.
Frank WiLLiNG LEACH, the man
who resigned 2 $5,000 job in Philadel-
phis, to support QUAY in his late fight
with the combine, has just announced
that the junior Senator intends to fight
it to a finish for presidential honors.
We would suggest that MATTHEW em-
ploy DAN STUART to pull his battle off
for him. DAN is a monumental fiasco
maker and that is about what would re-
sult in such a fight.
—The vote against the admission of
Arizona and New Mexico to state-hood
is to be reconsidered in the House. The
Congressmen must imagine that there
are not enough vest-pocket States now to
effectually block legislation in the Sen-
ate. Itisall very well asa means of
gaining electoral votes for poiitical
parties, bat to give such territories the
same weight in the U. S. Senate as is
given populous States, is all wrong.
—If Dr. NANSEN has actually dis-
covered the location of the North pole
-what, after all; has he accomplished ?
It is said that a& hundred boats have
been lost in a vain endeavor to find the
spot on ground or water where this
imaginary pole is located and the Lord
only knows how many men of perfect
physique have laid down their lives
about it. If NANSEN bas found it the
business of the Arctic explorer is ended
and it is hardly likely that many peo-
ple will flock up to verify his state-
ments. >
VOL. 41 _
NO. 8.
Helping Democratic Prospects.
The last two annual elections had the
effect of putting the Republican party
in a cock-sure frame of mind that
would not allow it to doubt the cer-
tainty of its electing the next President.
That was regarded as a decree of fate,
and the only question was whether it
should be MoKiNiLey, Tom Rep,
Harrison, MorToN or some other Re-
{ publican who would be put into the
White House on the 4th of next
These oversanguine people did not
take nto account the proverbial fickle-
ness of political fortune. They even
overlooked so recent an example of the
vicissitudes of politics as was furnished
by the change from a sweeping Demo-
cratic victory in 1892 to an equally
sweeping Republican victory two years
after. The change that occurred in
that brief time was due to a deception
of the popular understanding, which,
however, has been nearly dispelled by a
better conception of the facte, and
the work of enlightenment will go on
for nine months until the presidential
There are many things that are aid.
ing this enlightenment. Nothing is
doing so much io help it along as the
Congress that is now in session at
Washington. 1 must be a very dull
man who cannot see that its only pur-
pose is to derange the finances and de-
press business in order that the troub-
le arising from such conditions may be
blamed on the Democratic administra:
This is intended for political ef-
fect in the coming campaign. It may
be classed as congressional manufac:
ture of calamity. The people see
what it is intended for.
Congress bas been in session nearly
three months and there has not been a
single measure passed. It is not the
intention to do any legislating, al
though the President and secretary of
the . treasury bave almost implored
the passage of weasures that would
save the public credit from the ruin
caused by previous Republican legisla-
tion. But the managers in Congress
want ruin. That is what they intend
to run the next campaign ou, and they
will endeavor to make a8 much ruin
as they possibly can, for a political
But they are making a woeful mis-
take in thus trifling with the public
intelligence. The people understand
the game that is being played in Con-
gress, and the longer it is continued
the more it will increase the chance of
electing a Democratic President.
It Ought to Adjourn.
Senator Smit, of New Jersey, spoke :
exactly the truth in regard to the pop- |
ular opinion of the naticnal Legislature
when in a speech before that body on
the Venezuela resolution, he said :
‘The great majority of the people through-
out the country are disgusted with Congress
in general and the Senate in particular. The
most popular thing we could do to day, and
probably, in the present condition of affairs,
the most beneficial thing we could do, would
be to pass the necessary appropriation bills
and go home. The mere fact that we are in
session is a menace to the revival of business
and the return of prosperity!”
The Senator could not have more
general that it js more of a hindrance
than an aid in carrying oo the govern-
But what a commentary it is on the
character of a legislative body, when
it can be truthfully said that the best
thing it can do for the country is to ad-
journ. The public interests wonld be
promoted, as Senator SMITH says, by
Congress passing the appropriation
bills and then going home, but there
is a probability that the President will
have to veto some of their appropria-
tions on account of their culpable neg
lect, or rather partisan refusal, to pass
measures of legislation affecting the
currency and revenue, without which
tbe treasury will uot be able to re-
gpoud to their appropriations.
Senator SHERMAN, censuring
Senate's treatment of the bond bill,
and its general disocsition to impede
legislation, saye that the President
would be justified in stopping public |
works for which Congress refuses to
furnish adequate means. When the
leading Republican Senator is forced !
to make such. an admission it furnish. |
‘tion for secretary of the Senate has
es a& poor certificate of character to
this Republican Congress.
Quay's Boom.
The presidential candidacy of M. S.
Quay cannot be regarded as anything
more than a sham. The Boss hag cun-
ningly arranged to have his henchmen
in Pennsylvania start a boom in his
bebalf as an actual candidate, but
those who have the least political dis-
cernment know, that its only object is
to give Quay the control of the Penn:
sylvania delegation for trading pur-
There are come foolish members of
the party who really believe that this
movement is intended to present a
Pennsylvania candidate in good: faith
to the nominating convention, and
they are whooping it up in the interest
of the Boss whoeg election to the Presi-
dency would put his henchmen knee:
deep in clover ; but the trading politi-
cian whom they are booming for the
Presidency has vo other purpoee in
putting himself forward as Pennsylva.
via’'s “favorite son” than to have the
delegation at his disposal so that he
will be able to handle it to his own
advantage in the dicker which he will
besure to make with the candidate
who will succeed in getting the nomi-
-Quay bas been a bold politician, no
gambler having ever dared to make
more desperate ventures than he has
in the game of politics ; but he would
not be bold enough to seriously seek a
presidential nomination. In the even!
that his party should overlook his
vulnerable character and put him at
the head of its presidential ticket to
what a_terrible scoring it would ex-
pose him.. His public record would
be subjected to a merciless but just ex-
posure which even so tough-hided and
morally insensible a politician as he
is would be afraid to encounter.
Will the American People Allow It?
It is scarcely possible that the Amer-
ican people will allow Gen. WEYLER
to carry out his barbarous method of
suppression in Cuba. It will be prob-
ably more than they will be able to
stacd, to see him employing military
practices which belong to the dark
ages, when cruelty and utter disregard
for human rights and feelings were the
rule of warfare.
WEYLER proposes to declare every |
Cuban a rebel who will not give active |
assistance to the Spaniards in enslav-
ing the island, and will treat him as
such. Private property is to be seized
and converted to the use of the Spanish
cause. Commercial establishments
i are to be vacated and turned over to
"the military authorities,
The people
of the isiand are to be concentrated as
much as possible in a few separate
localities so that they may be kept
| more completely under military guards;
Land the centre of the island is to be
i desolated and rendered fruitless with
the object of starving out the insurrec-
tion. In other respects his plan of
military operations is patterned after
the barbarism of the dark ages.
We repeat that it ie scarcely possible
that the American people will permit
the practice of such barbarities upon
their neighbors who are struggling tor
) i the heaven-boro right of freedom.
correctly gauged the sentiments of the |
people, particularly in regard to the
The conviction is becoming
Pharisaical Senators.
The person recently nominated for
secretary of the United States Senate
wag post master at Spokane, in the
State of Washington, and discoveries
have been made that implicate him in
official irregularities in that position.
His election was accordingly susoended
until investigation ebould discover
whether he was a fit person to act as
an officer of 20 pure and unblemished
a body asthe coe that is vow sus
pending the public business, fearing
that wba: it may do will injure the in-
terests of the Republican party.
Some of the honorable Senators de-
clare, with well-feigued indignation,
that a mau guilty of crookedness as a
post master is not a proper person to
| associate with gentlemen of their high
the | politics] calling, and the Senator who
raises the strongest objection to having
a shady character in the employ of the
Senate is the junior Senator from Pen::-
sylvania whose political reputation is
abont the shadiest thing that can be
found in American politics.
Of course if the man who has re.
ceived the Republican caucus. nomina-
been a defaulter, ae a post master,
BELLEFONTE, PA., FEB. 21, 1896.
he should be rejected, but the phar-
isaical display made in this instance
by Senators who are notoriously derelic
in their public duty is eimply disgust.
The Power of the Bosses.
A disposition to rebel against the
rule of boss Pratt is developing in the
Republican party of New York, and
that tricky politician, who has gained
a predominant influence over the party
in his State, may find it more difficult
to manage it than Quay does in his
State. Prartr has succeeded in be
coming boes by securing control of the
rural Republicans, and be uses his
couniry influence to enforce measures
that are oppressive to the great city
otf New York, against which the city
Republicans are beginning to kick.
The party in Pennsylvania is more
submissive to boss rule, and furnishes
an example of‘slavish obedience which
must be the envy of the Republican
bosses of other States. There was
some kicking last summer, but it was
a futile effort to make a change of
bosses, and the rebels were easily
whipped back into the traces and are
now tumbling over each other in their
haste to tender their service in helping
the Quay presidential boom. These
whipped political spaniels are headed
by the Governor, who crawls back to
the feet of the maeter who uomercifully
larruped him less than six months
ago, and craves the privilege of doing
his dirty political work. The Repub-
licans of New York city rebel againet
boss Pratt's interfering inthe affairs
of their city, but in Philadelphia
scarcely a councilman or alderman can
be nominated without consultation
re State boss.
his oue man power has become
a factor in the Republican party that
permeates and controls its entire polit-
ical system. It has reduced mackine
politics to an exact science, and its
baleful influence is seriously affecting
the character of our government. Less
than halt a dozen Republican bosses
will nominate the Republican candi:
date for President this year, and if he
should be elected the head of the gov-
ernment would owe his elevation to a
handtal of tricky and corrupt political
managers. This is not a pleasant
thing for free and intelligent American '
' citizens to contemplate. :
The Control of the Senate.
The decision of the committee on |
elections in the Senate that Dupont,
the Republican contestant from Dela- |
ware, is entitled to the contested seat |
in that body, was to be expected, judg-
ing from the usual manner in which
such contests are decided when the Re-
publicans have the power. This decis-
ion was aot reached without disregard-
ing the law of Delaware that confers
upon the speaker of the Senate the
right to vote in the election of a United
States Senator.
Some very scaly expedients have
heen resorted to by the Republicans to
secure a majority in the United States
Senate, of which this Delaware case is
an example, Another is the manner
in which “the grand old party” took
the mormon polygamists to its bosom
in order to gain two Senators from
Utah, after it had for years been rolling
up its hypocritical eves in holy horror
over the iniquity of polygamy.
In addition to these more recent
cages, the g. 0. p. has admitted half-
baked States into the Union, with
scarcely sufficient inhabitants for a
single member of Congress, the pur-
pose being to increase the Republican
strength in the Senate, and it is the
Senators from these sparsely inhab-
ited settlements
venting the passage of measures that
are of the greatest importance to the
balance of the Lountry.
Having gained a majority in the
Senate, the Republicans should be Leld
responsible for its action ; but it being
their purpose, for a political object, to
prevent legislation at this session, they
have surrendered the control of the
Senate to the free silver Populists,
who will be made to shoulder the re-
sponsibility of blocking the course of
legislation, which the Republicans
want, in order that the administration
may be embarrassed, and business put
in a condition that may enable them
to set up a calamity howl in the com-
ing presidential campaign.
that are now pre]
Is This Free Trade ?
From the New York Times.
can papers and by Republicans in Con-
tion of protective duties.” Were the
protective duties swept away on. Aug.
28, 1894 ? Let us see what the official
reports say about this.
For the first fiscal year of the new
tariff (the year 1895, during a little
more than ten months of which the pre-
sent duties were in force (the average
ad valorem rate of duty upon all dutia-
ble goods imported was 41.75 per cent,
During the four years of the McKinley
tariff the average rate for each year
ranged from 46.28 to 50.06 per cent.,
the annual average for the four years
having been 58 66 per cent. In the last
year of the McKinley tariff the duties
collected were $129,558,892 upon im-
ported goods valued at $257,645,703.
Inthe first fiscal year of the present
tariff the sum collected in duties was
$147,901 218 upon goods valued at
$354:271,990. Was the fall from 48.66
percent. to 41.75 per cent., so great
that it marked a substitution of free
trade for protection ? If a tariff aver-
aging 48.66 per cent., is protective, does
the protective quality disappear in a
tariff averaging 41.75 per cent ?
Because wool and lumber were trans-
ferred to the free list some of our Repub-
lican contemporaries would have their
readers believe that the entire tariff was
shifted from a protective to a free trade
basis, but when one goes through the
long list of dutiable articles he finds, as
wo have shown, that the average rate of
duty is still 41.75 per cent., as against
“the McKinley tariff’s 48.66 per cent.,
and tbat the value of the dutiable goods
imported during this first fiscal year of
the new tanff ($354 271.990) was less
than the annual average (369,978,534)
in the four years of the tanff of McKin-
ley. The ‘flood’ of dutiable imports
rose to $400,282,519 in that tariff’s third
Morever, in the present tariff there
are, as there were in the tariff which
preceded it, many duties so high that
they are prohibitory. It is merely an
exhibition of partisan dishonesty and
absurdity to assert that “protection” was
cut out of the tariff when the average
duty upon the long list of products ac-
! tually imported was reduced from 48.69
| to 41.75 per cent.
Is the Trend of Trade Southward ?
From the Pit{sburg Post.
The grain exchanges of some of the
_ vorthern seaport cities are much excited
i over the way the grain trade is being
. diverted to New Orleans. The official
| statement of the experts for the week
“ending the 8th of February is what has
startled them. The exports of corn
were as follows, there being very little
wheat going out at this time :
Port -— Baushels.
. New York...... Ficresensorns 260,000
Philadelphia. . 00,000
Baltimore... 578,000
eeeeates 56,000
1,000 000
wo 408,000
New Orleans, it will be observed, ex.
ported alone three times as much corn
1n the course of the one week as did all
| the three northern ports of New York,
i Philadelphia and Boston put together,
while Baltimore; Newport News and
Norfolk each of them exported more
than did the same three northern ports
The reason of New Orlean’s preemi-
nence as a grain-exporting port is that
it has a regulator of railway freights in
its mighty river. Its waler route never
freezes over and shuts off navigation, as
is the case with the northern water
route, by the lakes and the Erie canal,
Winter fall or spring is the ideal time
for river transportation in the south-
west. The New Yorkers complain that
in the winter season, when the canals
and lakes are closed, the railroads take
full “advantage of their opportunities
and put up the rates of transportation to
a figure very much in advance of what
they are able to charge when the canals
are in operation. This being so, the
grain exporters send their produce by
more southerly routes, where river navi-
gation can be relied on to check the ex-
cessive charges of the railroads. The
northern ports will have to take winter
drawbacks with summer benefits.
In 1794 New Orleans exported nearly
7,000,000 bushels of wheat, being ex-
ceeded on the Atlantic side only by
New York and Baltimore. Ten years
837 bushels of wheat, and was surpassed
by Boston and Philadelphia, as well as
by New York and Baltimore.
He Should Enter it at The Mott Haven
From the New York Sun.
As ihe Hon, Matthew Stanley Quay
contemplates the Hon. Christopher
Magee and the Hon. Dave Martin,
delving disconsolately in the ruins of
the hog combine, and the Hon. Dan.
iel Handsome Hastings, formerly of
the same institution, falling _raptur-
ously upon Mr. Quay's neck whenever
opportunity is offered, and flinging up
bis lustrous dicer for the Quay boom,
the customary humorous flicker of the
develops into almost a running high
Intensely Cold Weather in Michigan,
. Detroit, Mich.,, Feb. 19.—Dis.
patches irom northeastern lower Mich.
igan and the upper peninsula state
that a severe blizzard is prevailing in
those sectious of the State. Railroad
iraffic is badly interrupted. The
weather is intensely cold.
A great deal is said in the Republi. :
gress about a ‘‘demand for the restora-
before New Orleans exported only 648,-
lett eyelid of the Beaver philosopher :
Npawls from the Keystone.
electric light.
—There are three cases of smallpox at
Gilberton, Pa.
—Williamsport is still afflicted with
bogus money.
| —In one month 763 wanderers were
| lodged for a night in the Bristol station
; house.
! —Thirteen new cases were presented
on Tuesday at Harrisburg to the pardon
: board.
! ~—Luzerne county license court will act
' on 1239 applicants, or 205 more than last
—Wahile skating near Shamokin, Samuel
| Straw broke through the ice and was
—Miss Hattie Benedict, of Wilkesbarre,
who has been in a comatose state for four
! months, is reviving.
—More than 200 suits for State taxes
have been brought against Pennsylvania
corporations and individuals.
—The annual meeting of the State
school superintendents will be held at
Altoona on March 5 and 6.
—About one hundred post offices in
Allegheny county may be consolidated
into one central system about Pittsburg.
—An effort is being made to have the
mails between Lock Haven and the Flem-
ington and Mill Hall post offices carried
on the trolley cars.
—Last Friday an overheated furnace
caused the new Baptist church at Jersey
Shore to be damaged by fire to the extent
of $3500 ; insured.
—Harry Mitchell, a roller at the Colum.
bia company's bar mill, made 58,000
pounds of iron in eleven and one halt
hours Friday, breaking the record for
production at that works.
—The Westmoreland county commis:
sioners offer a reward of $100 for the ar-
rest of Angelo Riegorie, the Italian who,
last Wednesday evening, stabbed to death
James Daugherty, near Donohue station.
—The Acme manufacturing company,
of og ooo bought a block of ground for
! —The town of Glen Campbell is to have
$28,006, upon which they will erect bicycle
works to cost $150,000. The new plant
will have a capacity of 500 bicycles a day.
Hazleton suffered with a temperature
of 23 below. Near that place Frank
Brainard was picked up with his arms
and feet so badly frozen that it was nec.
essary to amputate the arms when he
reached the hospital. -
—An artesian well sunk at Mount Car-
mel tapped the water at 1,120 feet and has
a flow of 150,000 gallons per day. This
method of securing water is being adopted
by a number of municipalities, and prom-
ises satisfactory results.
—The spiritualists of Philadelphia have
formed an organization to keep out of the
hands of the police. That’s a sensible
scheme. If ali men would see to it that
they kept out of the hands of the police
we wouldn't need any bobbies.
—Henry Alleman died suddenly about
8 o'clock Saturday evening of apoplexy,
in 04d Fellows’ lodge room, at Alleman
ville, Clearfield county. He was occupy-
ing his chair in the lodge when he sud-
denly fell forward and in about twenty
minutes he expired.
—William Frysinger, formerly editor of
the Lewistown 7rus Democrat, died in
Brownstown, Indiena, on Friday after a
short illness, in the 59th year of his age,
He was editor of the Brownstown Banner
and a brother of Edward and George Ge
Frysinger, of Lewistown.
—Negotiations are now pending where.
by there will be a continuous line of elec-
tric railway from Reading to Lebanon—
twenty-eight miles. At present one road
extends from Reading as far as Womels.
dorf, and another from Lebanon to Myers-
town, leaving only about six miles to
—There is said to be some prospects of
the Philadelphia and Reading railroad
operating the abandoned ore banks at
Boiling Springs. These banks were form
erly the best in the Cumberland valley,
and were worked for many years when
the Cumberland valley was a big iron ore
producing district.
—The Carnegie company has made
another good strike in the Greene county
gas belt. Their well on the Brice-Gordon
farm, ncar the great Hood well, came in
a great roarer, and the pressure is almost
equal to that of the Wood well, Later
their well at the Bayard No. 2 came in
and is a strong gasser.
—The Pennsylvania railroad company
has been constructing several locomo-
tives at Altoona recently. One of these
monster machines was sent for service to
the Philadelphia division, and it was so
large that it could not be run in to the
round house at that place. The engine
will be shortened four feet.
--Twenty-five of the leading business
men of Portage, Cambria county, organ.
ized a board of trade at that place Tues.
day afternoon. Mr. Robert T. Longwell
was elected president and John T. Mc
Donnell secretary and treasarer. The
board is already negotiating with a man-
ufacturing company for the purpose of
having it locate there.
—Xt the Witherow works, New Castle,
the company has orders enough to keep
180 men employed till May 1. The new
tube mill is turning out 200,000 feet of
tubing every month, and the plant will
soon be run to its capacity, 500,000 feet
monthly. The Red Jacket furnace has.
started and preparations are being made
to start the Rosina, Railney and Bergen
and the Etna, and all nnder Democratic
tariff times.
—A cow belonging to Landlord Mari.
etta of the Merchants’ hotel, Rockwood,
Somerset county, is the happy possessor
of a pair of twins. In conversation with
‘Mr. Marietta recently he had the follow.
ing to say in connection with the great
event : “My mother is a twin, I have a
pair of twin brothers, am a twin myself,
and now the old cow has gone and joined
in to help sustain this record of twinlets.”
—George Smith, or “Big George,” as he
is called on account of his size, a Colum-
bia colored hod carrier, fell thirty feet
Saturday and landed on his head, with.
out sustaining the least injury. He had
taken a load of mortar to the third floor
of a building and while distributing the
mortar the elevator descended. Not
noticing this, Smith stepped into the
shaft and dropped thirty feet, landing on
his head.